Moat Cailin, The Northern Realms
"By the Seven!" Were the words that slipped out of Margaery's mouth as the awe imposing structure of Moat Cailin came into view. She felt the structure commanding respect. They had arrived at Starkhaven in the night and she was sleeping and had not came out of the deck till now. She had seen the lighthouse at the western side of the Winter Canal as they entered and she was sure it easily dwarfed the Hightower.
"Impressive isn't it?" Garlan said as he came behind her. "This is the thing that stopped the Andals. And now that the Northerners had repaired and upgraded it from its former glory, no army can enter the North."
Margaery shivered in the cold breeze. She saw the occasional snow here and there. It was still early morning and docks were still empty. She saw a party arriving.
"It seems that the they have come to receive us." Willas, who had joined them, said and went down to the docks. The others followed him. She saw a Lady and a young boy who looked almost seven to eight name days old. She saw another boy who was fat with them. She recognized him as Samwell Tarly.
"What is Lord Tarly's son doing here?" She wondered aloud.
"Didn't Grandmother tell you? Lord Randyll Tarly sent him here for fostering." Willas told her quietly.
"Ohh." Was her reply. She did not like that she had never heard of this. Soon they reached the Northern party.
"On the behalf of Lord Aryan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, we welcome you to the Northern Realms." He said hesitatingly looking at his mother in between for reassurance. "I am Bran Stark. Welcome to Moat Cailin."
"Thank you my Lord. We are grateful." Willas replied and then proceeded to introduce them.
The red haired Lady now took the rein of the conversation. "I am Catelyn Stark. Welcome to Moat Cailin. Your rooms had been arranged in the castle. Please follow us."
They started to go towards the great Fort. Willas was with Samwell, talking to him. The path they took passed through Starkhaven. The Tyrells looked around. Lady Alerie trotted besides Catelyn Stark. The city looked clean and paths were cobbled. There was no stinking smell like in King's Landing or dust and mud like in Oldtown. Everything was ordered and meticulous. She remembered Archmaester Gormon telling them about the planned construction of the Northern cities.
"My husband has already left for Winterfell. That if why he is not hear to receive you. " She heard Catelyn talking to Willas.
"I heard that it is the time for the Spring Festival. And all the Northern Lords are going to be there." Alerie said.
"You heard right indeed. It is one of the very few celebrations in here. It is going to be a big event. I must say you had come at the most fortunate time. This year the celebrations are going to be very big. Aryan had constructed a big arena. They are going to conduct Northern games for the first time." She explained.
"The Northern games?" Margaery asked.
"I am afraid even I am not much familiar with all the details. Suffice to say there are going to be different competitions for five days. Ned has gone to help Aryan with everything. As you may know that Lord Aryan had been away in Essos till now. And now that he has come to age Ned is now no more the Regent of the Northern Realms." Catelyn tried to explain.
"Lord Aryan had invited me here that to see to whether my damaged leg can be healed." Willas said trying to get to the point as to why they were here.
"And we decided to accompany my son to see the Northern Realms." Alerie said.
"I am sure you will be healed soon my Lord. The prowess of Healer Qyburn is well known. And you all are most welcome to visit here." Catelyn said proving to be a gracious host.
"Pardon me my Lady but isn't Robb Stark Lord Eddard's heir? Is he too not here?" Wilas asked.
"Robb is being fostered at Barrowtown or Karhold by Lord William Dustin and Rickard Karstark. But he will be there at Wintertown." Catelyn said.
"How long will it take to reach Winterfell through the Kingsroad Lady Stark?" Willas asked.
"It will take more than two weeks." Catelyn said. "But we will not be taking the Kingsroad. My nephew had extended the White Knife. So we will be sailing. It is faster, safer and more comfortable." She finished with a smile.
Soon they reached within the walls of the Moat and Margaery was already looking forward to her time in the Northern Realms.
Wintertown, The Northern Realms
The preparations for the Spring Festival of the North were in full swing. Aryan stood and watched as people hurried along to do their work. All the Lords had already arrived. From this year the Spring Festival was going to be a grand event. Aryan enjoyed the gobsmacked look on people's faces when they witnessed the grandeur of the Colosseum. It had already been a year since he returned back and he had wasted no time. His first decision was to organize the first Northern games during the Spring Festival. Aryan had modelled the events on the basis of the Olympics but wanted it to be a yearly event. Sprinting, jumping, throwing, chariot racing and horse riding events were going to be held in Colosseum. Swimming and boat race to be held in the White Knife. One of his own ingenious idea was to introduce war games like capture the flag or tug of war. Most of the competitions were open to small folks also. Initially it was met with skepticism. But Aryan was also offering incredible prizes (which he planned to use the interest from the Iron Bank). Now other Lords also liked the idea and started to train their own teams enthusiastically.
As for the Kingdom itself everything was going on fine and was looking well and good. All his major projects were completed except the University which would take almost another year. One thing that had always bugged him was that the clothing of the small folk. While the nobles always had good clothes and apparels the small folk had only dirty clothes which they used again and again. Now that he had steady access to cotton from Essos, he had set up cloth mills in Lord Cerwyn's lands. Since each of the Northern Lords had some definite source of income Lord Cerwyn was left out. Aryan decided to solve that by setting up cloth mills for which the said Lord was very grateful.
He had a council meeting later with his Lords to discuss future plans for the Kingdom. Another headache was his marriage. Since he was the most eligible bachelor in Westeros he was bombarded by marriage proposals. His Lords also had used the festivals to bring their daughters to entice him. Alys Karstark, Jonelle Cerwyn, Rhonda Umber, Eddara Tallhart, Wynafryd Manderly etc to name a few. Few of them had even tried to talk to him but he gently rebuffed them. He had a plan to solve this.
It was times like these that he missed Ros. His bed-warmer was not available these days. He had sent her to King's Landing. The last incident at King's Landing had made him cautious and paranoid. So he had decided on building a safe house and possible escape route in times of crisis.
For this Aryan himself visited King's Landing and was overwhelmed by its massiveness.
King's Landing was roughly square-shaped, sprawling across several miles and defended by tall walls and with manses, arbors, granaries, brick storehouses, timbered inns, merchant stalls, taverns, graveyards and brothels. There is a fish market outside the Rivergate. Hundreds of quays which were small fishing boats could be found in the harbor. Between buildings the roads are broad, lined with trees and branching alleys and streets.
The city covered the north shore of the Blackwater Rush and covers three tall hills, named after Aegon and his two sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys. Aegon's High Hill, surmounted by the Red Keep, the royal castle located in the south-eastern corner of the city, overlooks the bay directly, whilst Visenya's Hill to the west is crowned by the marble-walled Great Sept of Baelor and its seven crystal towers. The Hill of Rhaenys in the north is capped by the collapsed ruins of the Dragonpit dome, its bronze doors shut for a century and a half since the last dragon died.
Behind the quays outside of the walls, there were ramshackle buildings which extended to the walls. These included bait shacks, pot shops, warehouses, merchant's stalls, alehouses, and prostitution rooms. Poor smallfolk reside in the slums of Flea Bottom, a maze of narrow streets and alleys.
He had determined that the only exit points in King's Landing were the Rivergate, the Dragongate, the Irongate, the Kingsgate, the Oldgate and the Gate of Gods. Also there were tunnels made by Maegor Targaryen but Aryan did not how to find one. So he had settled on a location which was near to both the Irongate and the Dragongate. This location had many advantages. It was where the nobility lived so there would be no unwanted questions from the Goldcloaks. Also it was near to the sea. So he had discretely brought a small mansion near Dragon Gate just a couple of miles away from flea bottom. With the help of Jaqen he was able to procure a Braavosi merchant who would stay there and cater to the nobles. He had sent Ros there to help procure shops in Flea Bottom discreetly which would soon be owned by him. He had warded the mansion. The work for a tunnel towards a small cove outside the walls had begun. At the same time he was trying to buy many small business in King's Landing. He had already established The Leaky Cauldron an inn near the Tobho Mott smithy. While the Braavosi merchant would deal with the business, Ros's mission was to slowly place his men into their businesses.
Aryan knew this would take time. King's Landing was full of snakes and spies. He needed to do this without alerting the others, particularly Varys, Littlefinger and Cersei. What he planned was to have the presence of his own army next time they had to go to King's Landing to avoid surprises. He was patient. Missions like these required time and patience.
"I must say My Lord this place puts the Throne Room in King's Landing to shame." William Dustin said which was echoed by many others.
All the Northern Lords were assembled at the great hall of Winterfell. Aryan was sitting on his newly crafted chair though it looked like more of a throne. It was crafted completely using magic using Weirwood. Even though it was disgusting to watch, his throne was inspired from Bloodraven entangled between the Weirwood roots. The Throne of the North was a chair made from roots with branches extending in many directions. Two snarling dire wolves made of silver with ruby red eyes stood on either side.. With ceiling and parts of wall covered in mirror and beautiful candelabra the Great Hall of Winterfell looked truly marvelous. He had already sent men to find the Throne and Crown of Winter but they were still searching.
"Thank you Lord Dustin." Aryan said.
"I agree with William, my Lord. You have good taste in. Perhaps I will do something similar back home too." Lord Ryswell said raising his glass of mead.
After many other Lords said the similar things Aryan rose from his seat. The others calmed and sat down giving him attention. "Thank you all for coming here. Seventeen name days ago when I was born I did not know anything. I had never met my Father Brandon Stark. My mother used to tell me stories about how he would soon come and take us back to the North."
Few of the Lords raised their glass. Aryan saw both his Uncles who had a sad smile.
"But he never came. What came was that he and my grandfather had died." Aryan continued. "Then fate took my mother away from me. Even my maternal grandfather Lord Ulric Dayne did not want me. If it had been anyone else they would have just declared me a bastard and would have taken the North for themselves. But not my Uncle."
He stopped for his words to sink in. "Imagine if it was someone like Tyrwin Lannister, then I would have perhaps never lived past four name days. But my Uncle Eddard did not do that. When the world and gods had forsaken me, he brought me here, gave me my birthright, helped bringing us glory and guided me to what I am today. For that I would like to thank you uncle Ned."
All the Lords started to cheer loudly and some like Greatjon who was sitting near Eddard patted him on his back. Eddard smiled.
A servant brought a long box. Aryan took it from her and presented it to his Uncle and said, "I know it is not much for what you did for me. But please accept this as an humble gift from me."
"You did not have to do all this nephew. You are family. What I did was the right thing. Still thank you." Eddard said as he accepted the gift and asked, "What is it?"
"Open it and see for yourself." Aryan said.
Ned opened the box and pulled out a Longsword. Made of Valyrian Steel and hilt of Dragonbone, the blade had a green sheen to it.
"It is beautiful nephew." Aryan said.
"You have seen Ice didn't you? I decided to add some colour to your sword too." Aryan said.
Many of the Lords had attention on the sword as Ned examined the blade. Ned swung the sword experimentally but no sound came. The usual whoosh sound that comes when the blade tears though the air was absent.
"Silent as the wind itself." Benjen Stark commented.
"Then I will call it Silencer." Ned said.
Once all talk about Ned's talk died down Aryan stood up again. "Next, I want to thank you all my Lords. For supporting me till now and which I expect you will continue in future."
"You are being too humble Lord Stark. You have earned our respect rightfully. The Northern Realms is changed for good. We are rich. We are powerful. All because of you. Even the smallfolk speak highly of you. You care for them and they love you." Lord Robin Flint said.
"Exactly Lord Stark. We pray for your health and hope they you continue to guide us like this." It was from one of the leader of Mountain Clans.
"Still I would like to reward all of you for the continued support that you showed me and help in development of the North." Aryan said as he clapped his hands. Immediately servants came in carrying more weapons with them, all of them made of Valyrian Steel. Many of the Lord's eyes bulged out of their heads seeing that. Even his Uncle's looked surprised.
"Are those made of Valyrian Steel?" Lord Flint asked.
"Yes, Lord Flint." Aryan said enjoying surprised look on their faces.
There were, greatswords longswords, bastard swords, maces, hammer, spears all made of Valyrian Steel. He distributed them accordingly to every Lords. The Lords eagerly took their gifts and started to examine them.
"Thank you Lord Stark." One of them said which was echoed by many others.
"How did you acquire all these Aryan? Valyrian Steel is very rare and I can count number of such weapons in Westeros in my fingers." Ned said.
"You are right Uncle. But it is not the case in Essos. As you know the Valyrian Dragonlords had ruled most of Essos, there are plenty of Valyrian Steel there. It is just that they are hidden in the secret stashes of magisters or merchants. It is just the matter of finding them." Aryan said. "I don't know whether you know this but there are many merchants in Essos in front of whom even the Lannisters would seem like peasants."
"I can't even imagine someone richer than the Lannisters." Somebody said. "Granted that you Starks are going to be richer than them."
"Exactly. We Westerosi nobles have a bad and retarded mindset. We never innovate. All we do is make the peasants work for us to gain money. We do not use our minds to find resources to increase our income. But I did. We Northerners sat over vast but underutilized resources. I had read about the strategies of merchants in Essos. And that is how I planned on increasing our wealth. I sent men to explore our lands. With the help of Maesters Marwyn and Luwin I made detailed plans on how to use our lands and resources not only for us the Starks but also for all my Lords. How to sell our products across the world. And none of you can disagree that you are richer than before. Why should only the Southerners have all the pleasures of life while we fight with the nature for living?"
"Aye." "You are right." Many such resonating answers came in support of Aryan.
"Now that we have dealt with this we need to talk about settling the free folk." Aryan said as started to lay out his plans. Even though they had many time talked about this still many of the Lords were apprehensive of admitting the Free Folk into their lands. Aryan couldn't fault them because simply the Wildlings were savages. Their way of living certainly didn't help the matter. He knew that he was taking a risk. But better have them here than leaving them as fodder for the Others which would in the future threaten the North.
Aryan had analyzed the visions showed by Bloodraven to him. He had realized that while the Others could be destroyed with the help of Valyrian Steel their horde of undead was a different problem altogether. Even if you cut their limbs of they still continue the attack. The only solution was to burn them. But when they come in large number then even with his magic to aid him Aryan knew that their chances would decrease. That is why he was so intent on bringing the Free Folk inside the Wall.
After a lot of assurances they finally agreed on Lord Dustin's idea that most of the Free Folk would be settled in the West Coast. Aryan had to give credit to William. The Free Folk were martial people who were battle hardened. Like him, William also was wary of future attacks by the Ironborn. By housing the Free Folk in the Western Coast of the North, the Ironborn will face stiff resistance and will give the Northeners more time to retaliate.
"Well, is there anything else any of you want to discuss before we disperse?" Aryan asked looking around fully aware of what was going to happen.
Few lords looked at each others faces and finally it was Lord Cerwyn who spoke, "My Lord now, it is also now time to think about marriage. We would like to know if somebody caught your eyes. There are many ladies here who would make a good wife for you and give you heirs."
He wanted to marry Gabrielle. Besides there was also the matter of Arianne to consider. They now had a son. She had written to him how Doran was against her. She thanked him for bringing her mother back who was keeping Doran busy and her safe from his schemes. While polygamy was not forbidden by the Old gods he was not sure whether a Northern bride may accept a co-wife. Perhaps her father may also take offense to that. Gabi could deal with this easily. Veela's were more accepting of these things. So in order to bring Gabi here first he had to ensure that there would be no eligible ladies for him. Since both his father Brandon and Uncle Eddard had Southern wives they would want him to marry from North. So he had decided to use magic to aid him.
"As a matter of fact I had spent a lot of time thinking on it." Aryan said as he took out a bunch of parchments and passed on to the Lords. "You will find that I had made a potential marriage alliances among all the heirs and daughters here in North."
What the other's didn't know was that the parchments were enchanted with compulsion and confundus charms. The Lords would be forced to accept the alliances without questioning.
They were busy examining the parchment nodding at list.
Lord Manderly was sitting with Lord Eddard talking. Aryan had decided to betroth Robb to Wynnafryd Manderly after discussing with Eddard. It would be very beneficial alliance. Since the Manderlys controlled a large part of his navy he wanted them close. The rest he had made on his own but he had made sure that the girls and boys in the list were nearly of same age. Similarly Benjen's son was betrothed to Alys Karstark. For the time being Aryan had decided against pulling his younger cousins into his schemes. Arya was definitely a no no. Eddard had said that Catelyn wanted a Southern marriage for Sansa, but he didn't want to have ties to bind them in the South because he was sure that war was coming, so knowing that Sansa will foster with Lady Barbrey, he hoped that she will become close to Theon Dustin.
"This is good, my Lord. I can see how everyone could benefit from these." Rickard Karstark said seemingly happy for his house. He was just happy to be tied to the Stark line.
"Now if none of you have any objections with the alliance we could make it official soon." Aryan said.
"Agreed My Lord." Came many voices.
"Now all that have finished that still leaves you out nephew." Benjen said.
It was Eddard who answered this time. "How many of you remember the Rogares?" He asked.
"Who?" Greatjon asked. The question was present in many of the Lord's eyes.
"I remember them having married to the Targaryens. If my memory is correct she was a Queen too." Wyman said still thinking.
"To those who don't know the Rogares are a rich family in Essos based on Lys. Once they were so rich that they even rivaled the Iron bank but due to certain unfortunate circumstances they lost much of their glory and were forgotten in time." Eddard said. "But in recent times the Rogares have re-established themselves again. They are rich and now Lysandro Rogare practically rules Lys. During his journey to Essos Aryan had a meeting with them for trade expansion. And now the Rogares want a marriage alliance with us. We believe that it would be beneficial for us in long run and help in establishing a foothold in Essos."
"Why do we need a foothold in Essos?" asked Robyn Flint.
"There are two reasons. The first is food. We cannot grow enough food in Winters. While we have sufficiently stored for many years we cannot be sure of how long the Winter is going to be. So with this alliance I would be able to get access to some space to grow food. As you know the climate at Lys is warm we can grow food through out the year. As for the second reason..."
Aryan nodded at William who was the military expert and commanded the Northern Army. When he had come back, Aryan had received complaint from Walder Frey that the Northern Army had attacked the Frey men. Aryan had discussed that with William and came to know that Walder had tried to attack the bridge they constructed across the Green Fork. So he just wrote to Walder Frey, telling him to fuck off in the most polite way possible.
"When Lord Stark went to Lys there, he met a certain person. To be more precise the Captain of Company of the Rose. As you know, the Company of the Rose was formed by those who did not like Torrhen Stark bending the knee to Aegon the Conqueror, they are now a reputed Mercenary Company in Essos. He had talked to the others too. You would be delighted to know that many of our kins still live across the Narrow Sea." William explained.
This elicited responses from those present who wanted to know more about them. Aryan told them in detail about the meetings and after sometime they calmed down.
William continued, "Since they also share the Northern blood Lord Stark wanted to do something for them. Bringing them here is not feasible. It may cause problems regarding inheritances. So Lord Stark arranged with the Rogares for establishing a base for the Company of the Rose to protect Lys as well as to protect our acquired lands too. In return the Company of the Rose had agreed to aid us in times of War."
"We could use them for surprise attacks against our enemies who would never expect such a thing." Aryan explained. But he did not reveal the aid he sent to the Company of the Rose.
"So do any of you object to this alliance?" Eddard asked.
Nobody said anything. Aryan sighed in relief. He had succeeded. Now even if later when the Lords think with clear minds, they may not be able to raise objections as they had already signed the agreements.
"Now that we are finished I would wish all of you luck for the games. May the best team win." He said as the council dispersed.
"My Lord." Rodrick Cassel came to him. "Lord Eddard's family is here. And they are accompanied by the Tyrells."
"Thank you." Aryan said. Then something registered to him, "Did you say Tyrells?"
"Yes, my Lord." Replied Rodrick.
"Hmm. I had asked only Willas to come here to see Qyburn for his leg." Aryan recalled back.
"It would seem that he has been accompanied by his mother, sisters and brother." Rodrick replied.
"Then we will welcome them." Aryan said as they neared the gates of Winterfell and he saw Eddard Stark already there along with Robb who had arrived just a couple of days ago from Karhold. His ward or in Aryan's words his liability Theon Greyjoy was also standing behind him. Aryan always had an eyes on the young squid. After the last encounter Theon had started to behave well enough under Stark's eyes. But when he was away from them it was a different story. While Eddard was willing to give Theon a second chance, Aryan was not. It seemed his aunt also agreed with him which was why Theon instead of staying back at the Moat was here. Standing behind Eddard, Theon met Aryan's eyes and immediately looked down avoiding contact with his eyes. Aryan smirked at that. 'Fear can be so effective.' He thought.
Aryan then cautioned Rodrick, "Ser Rodrick, keep an eye on all who accompanies them. Knowing Olenna Tyrell she will try to use this opportunity well. I don't want to take any chances."
"You don't need to remind me that my Lord. I have learned enough in my time with you to expect these things." Ser Rodrick replied as they neared Eddard Stark.
"Uncle, Robb." Aryan nodded to them. "You must be excited to see the others."
"Of course my Lord." Ned nodded.
"How many times I have to tell you uncle not to call me by any title. We are family." Aryan asked.
"Until you get used to that nephew." Ned replied with a small smile.
Knowing it will be a futile attempt to argue further Aryan turned to Robb, "And what about you Robb? You had not seen them for almost a year?"
"Yes cousin. I missed them. I am looking forward to meet them." Robb nodded.
"How is your time at Barrowtown and Karhold?" Aryan asked.
"I must say it has been very exciting. Unlike at Moat Cailin where everything is peaceful Lord Dustin some times send me to deal with the bandits along with his men. And Lord Karstark taught me a lot about our gods, our lands and our people." Robb replied.
"William and Rickard have been exceptional in fostering him. A couple more years, Robb will be ready to bear the burden of administration." Ned told Aryan. He then addressed Robb, "Just don't tell you mother about the more dangerous parts of your fostering. You know how she is. She will worry unnecessarily and will start asking me to call you back."
"Yes. And that will defeat the purpose. Especially since your father still hasn't told your mother about my decisions for your siblings." Aryan agreed.
"Of course father." Robb nodded.
"Come with me for a moment nephew." Eddard said as he led Aryan to some distance from the others. After making sure that nobody could overhear them Eddard said, "Robert had written a letter to me."
"His Grace really wrote a letter to you?" Aryan asked.
"I was also surprised when I read it. Never expected him of such a task. Regardless, he did." Ned said. "He was congratulating me that you had sired a bastard with the Princess of Dorne."
"Oh," said Aryan. 'If the King knows then it then the whole Kingdom knows.'
"Do you have to say anything about this?" Eddard asked again.
"I have a reason for this Uncle." Aryan said. "I am trying to prevent Dorne from going against us."
"What reason would Dorne have to go against us? The seven Kingdoms are in peace. Even though what happened with the Martells was unfortunate, Jon Arryn had resolved it peacefully." Ned said.
"Don't be so naïve, uncle. Doran is a long term schemer which makes him even more dangerous than Tywin. Along with the others he also holds us responsible for the death of his sister and her children." Aryan said.
"While I can agree to your reasons I still do not understand how that will affect us. We can easily defeat Dorne." Eddard said puzzled.
"The Martells had signed a contract with Ser William Darry on the behalf of the Targaryens at Braavos to marry Arianne to Viserys. In exchange to Arianne becoming a Queen, Dorne would provide military support. For this Doran is bringing the whole of Dorne under his hold. Dissenters are dying. Just like Uncle Ulric." Aryan said.
"Ulric was killed?" Ned asked surprised.
"He had been poisoned over the years. It seems they wanted to mold Edric and through him get the support of Starfall. Uncle Ulric realised it and hence sent Edric here. I am sure Gerold is under Doran." Aryan informed him. "That is why I had to do this. Arianne is more interested in ruling Dorne than becoming a Targaryen Queen. So we talked and did this. Now Doran's plans have derailed to some extent."
"I had known. But still the child would be called a bastard." Ned lamented.
"No, uncle. No child of mine will be a bastard. I have plans and if they succeed the future Prince of Dorne will have Stark blood running through his veins." Aryan promised.
"They are here." Rodrick announced as they saw a small procession nearing them. The White Knife had been widened enough that the Marauder could easily sail through it and dock. Also the small river dock of Wintertown was a very busy one. The use of boats for travel as well as transportation of goods had been very successful. The Tyrells had came all the way in Houseboats. It had been Aryan's idea which he had seen in Southern India during his travels. He had built one for him at Winterfell. Soon every Lord in the Northern Realms had ordered one for themselves. It was such a great success that the builders had also got orders from Essos too.
The group approached them. Aryan led his group as he went towards them.
"I welcome all of you to the Heart of the Northern Realms. Welcome to Winterfell. The hospitality and pleasures of Winterfell are yours."
After the usual pleasantries the group were led inside.
As Aryan led them inside, Margaery latched on to his arm.
Aryan turned his attention to her and asked, "I had hoped after our last meeting that you would stop your attempts at seducing me."
Margaery suddenly blushed. Garlan Tyrell who was besides his sister started to laugh.
Composing herself she replied, "A lady can try. Perhaps you would have changed your mind."
"It has been only a year. I don't see much change in you that could change my mind." He replied back.
Perhaps to save his sister from further embarrassment Garlan changed the subject and asked, "The whole place looks rather new for one of the oldest castles in Westeros."
"We had renovated and expanded Winterfell. Our Stark ancestors had designed Winterfell with minimum low vanity. I mean there had been nothing here other than essential things. But times have changed so must we. That is why with help of Uncle Ned I redesigned Winterfell." Aryan replied.
"I love these blue roses." Margaery said as they passed a small garden. The gardens in Winterfell were specially designed with plants that could withstand the cold. In times of snow they were covered with detachable glass walls.
"Ah the Blue winter roses. It is a true Northern beauty. Sadly it cannot grow in warm climate. You can enjoy them only here." Ned answered from back. Eddard very much loved these flowers. It was a reminder of Lyanna.
Near the guest wing of the castle, the Castellan and his assistant were waiting for them. They led the Tyrells inside. While the other Starks walked towards the Great Keep.
Jaqen stayed behind just enough to say, "It has been done. The men are on the way," and promptly went away without waiting for a reply.
He saw Edric standing with Arya. He approached him, "How are you Edric?"
"I am good cousin. Lord Eddard has started to teach me how to be Lord." He said.
"That is good to hear. Did you gain any new friends?" Aryan asked.
Edric pointed to Arya. "She is?"
"So are you and Edric good friends, Arya?" He asked her.
"Yes. We like playing together. Unlike Sansa and her friends Beth Cassel and Jeyne Poole, Edric sometimes plays sword fighting with me." Arya said. "But you have not kept your promise."
"What promise?" Aryan asked though he knew she was asking about teaching her swordfighting.
"You promised to find me a sword fighting instructor." She said.
"Who said I didn't?" He asked her back.
Suddenly her eyes changed glittered with happiness."You did. Why didn't you tell me?"
"It was funny to see you pout." He told her with a laugh while she scowled. "Go with your Father. He will take you to Syrio Forel your new instructor."
Arya jumped and hugged him. Then she started to drag Edric with her towards Eddard. "Come on Father. I want to start right away."
"A Lady should not use weapons. A lady's armor is courtesy. Lord Stark I urge you to not give that girl these lessons. She would not find a proper husband." Septa Mordane said.
"Your opinion is duly noted and totally discarded. There is nothing wrong about learning defensive skills. If tomorrow she is attacked by someone she is not going to be save by the courtesy." He told her.
"But how will she find a husband?" Sansa pipped.
'Clearly her beauty is inversely proportional to her brains. She will go to Barrowtown immediately after the Spring Festival.' Aryan thought. He told her, "Not everyone's aim in life is to get married, have children and spend rest of their life in a castle as a dimwitted Lady looking after her family, you will learn that with Lady Dustin. About Arya, I am sure she will find a husband who will accept her for who she is."
Eddard decided to take them inside not to deteriorate the stayed behind. "Aunt Catelyn, I would like to have a word with you."
Eddard nodded to him while the others looked on with puzzled faces. Aryan sent them forward and asked Ser Rodrick to accompany told them, "Uncle Benjen, Aunt Dacey and your cousins had already arrived. Why don't you go meet them?"
When he was sure they were alone he asked, "How is our new guest settling?"
After arriving back at Starkhaven from King's Landing Aryan had not stopped there. After dropping his Uncle along with Rhaella he had hurried back to Winterfell. Rhaella had her old signet ring in her hand. Aryan without her knowledge had enchanted that ring with a mild notice-me-not charm along with a compulsion charm so that she never removed her ring. He had also sent one of Faceless men who used to work as a jeweler at Wintertown to the Moat to take care of any surprises. Even though he had magic to aid him he was not foolish enough to attract unwanted attention, especially Robert Baratheon's wrath. The Stag King had a soft spot for Starks. That is why Aryan was not willing to derail that relation.
"She is settling well nephew." Catelyn replied. "Though I must say it is causing me sleepless nights. What you, I mean we are doing is essentially treason."
"I know that. But consider it an act of kindness towards a woman who has lost everything in her life. At least you can provide her that. I could have brought her here with me. But I thought it would be more better if she had company of a women to help her. Especially since that idiot Mordane will leave and your children will go fostering. An ex-queen can even teach you a few things, aunt. Don't forget that the only reason why the Mad King reign after Duskendale was this long was because of her." Aryan thought.
"You had done the right thing nephew. Actually I feel sorry for her. I had seen her as a Queen in her regal stature. Now seeing her as a broken woman is something I cannot bear to see. But don't worry I will take care of her. Please, nephew, do you have to send my children away?" She asked him.
"Did she attract any attention?" Aryan asked while ignoring her pleading.
"You had done well in disguising her. The dark hair instead of the usual silver hair of Targaryens itself is a very good disguise. I had told everyone that she is Septa. But that itself is a problem now." Catelyn said.
"How?" Aryan asked.
"She seems to hate the gods. She never visits the Sept or never speaks of the Seven." Catelyn said. "And with what happened in King's Landing, everyone related to the Faith of the Seven is seen as an enemy."
'The Gods did not do anything for her. A failed marriage and an abusive husband. Her children dead or lost. She must hate the Gods.' Aryan thought. "I hope you can deal with that."
"Don't worry, my Lord. If I cannot handle at this, then I am a failure as a Lady of a Great House." Catelyn said. "Besides both Ned and I are sure that you are also keeping an eye. So it is not like we are having much problems. And I must tell you this from the day Ned told her that Prince Viserys and Princess Daenarys are alive at Pentos there has been a visible change in her. Her eyes have hope."
"Good to hear that." Aryan said.
"I hope you are not planning to give shelter to them too?" Catelyn asked.
Aryan hummed in thought then said. "No. Truthfully I had not given any thought to that. From what I heard Viserys seems like a lost cause. He is already showing the Targaryen madness. I don't know anything about Daenarys. But suffice to say they I feel that they are continuously watched and are pawns of a bigger scheme." He told her.
"Then what are you going to do?" She asked.
"I don't know. Though sometimes I wonder why I am doing this. The Targaryens brought only misery and grief to us. Grandfather, Father and Aunt Lyanna recently and don't forget all those underhanded things they did to us for three centuries." He said.
"Because it is the right thing to do." She said to him.
"I hope so. How do you feel about the fostering of your children now?" He asked her.
"I don't like it, I am not an idiot, I know you want to remove any southern influence from them. But, I wanted them all to marry in the South, maybe the Prince, or children of Lords Paramounts but after what happened in King's Landing to Ned, I want them close in the North, even my Sansa. I know you love them like they were your own siblings and would never hurt them."
"Thank you, aunt. From what I sensed in King's Landing, being tied with the South is a liability more than anything." Aryan replied and they finished their conversation while continuing to plan for the future.
Margaery was walking through Wintertown towards the Colosseum. She could see large number of people going the same way. The sun was setting. Even though she wore warm clothing she still occasionally shivered. She really liked the new clothes. They were not the usual fur. Instead it was just like clothes with threads made using fur which the sellers were calling sweaters.
While she enjoyed the time here she was also frustrated. She had tried to gather information. She had many ladies in waiting. On the instructions of her grandmother many of them had tried to use their feminine charms on the people here. Their prime target had been the Castellan Jaqen to get the information about the wealth of the Starks and secrets of the castle. But it failed. In fact they failed to get even a reaction from him. Next like many others they tried to get the secret of glass. But they were not even allowed inside.
"Still disappointed that you could not find anything here little sister?" Garlan teased.
"Stop it." Margaery said with pout. She herself had tried to get close with Robb Stark and get something out of him. But like all the Starks she had met even Robb proved to be very guarded.
"Give your scheming mind a rest sister. I know what Grandmother wants best. You know that methods have not succeeded here. So why don't you stop trying and enjoy the night. I heard that there is going to be a surprise today." Garlan said.
"I don't like surprises anymore. I may not know much about wars and strategy. But after coming here and seeing the castles suddenly I fear how inferior the castles of the Reach are." Margaery said.
"That does not surprise me sister. I remember Lord Tarly visiting Cider Hall when I was being fostered by the Fossoways. My Goodfather has a great respect for Lord Randyll Tarly. Even though Father has never given him enough credit to him Lord Tarly is still loyal to our house. Lord Tarly had said no outsider has ever held the North. At that time I was young and more like Loras. I had asked him why. With enough men we can take even the most well defended castle perhaps if we have enough men, say the rest of the six kingdoms together against the North, we could easily defeat them."
"And what did he say?" Margaery asked.
"He told me that the unlike the other Kingdoms the North is secured from all sides. The Naval forces of Starks and Manderly's at the East and the Western coasts. The wall will protect them from the North. Then there is Moat Cailin. You must know it was the Moat that repeatedly broke the Andals. Perhaps the North could have been defeated a couple of years ago. But the first thing the Starks did was to secure the North from all sides and they succeeded. Perhaps we never told you this but Willas and I from the day we arrived, are trying to find out what the military strength of the North is." Garlan said.
"Why do you want to know that? I thought the North could field at the most Forty thousand men." Margaery said.
"But that was till King Robert's rebellion. It was after that the North started to grow and more people started to come here. That means surely the North could muster a larger host." Garlan reasoned.
"Oh. I didn't think of that." Margaery said.
"Exactly. Good thing Lord Randyll had thought of this and told me. Along with Willas, I had been trying to get to know the military strength of the Lords of North. Normally the Lords I have seen, seem too happy to tell their military strength, to show how powerful they are. But here, everyone seems to be guarded, not all interested in boasting unlike the Reach Lords. It is like something big is going to happen in the coming years and they are getting ready for it." Garlan said.
They siblings walked silently towards the stadium where Willas was waiting. The sky was darkening as they neared their seats which was quite near to the Starks themselves. Willas was sitting near Aryan talking. When he noticed them coming he called out, "Brother. Sister come sit near us." He indicated two seats near him.
Both of them first bowed to Aryan before taking their seats. Willas said, "I was just congratulating Aryan about his betrothal."
"Lord Stark is getting married?" Margaery asked unable to hide the surprise in her tone. She almost slapped herself when she saw Aryan looking at her with a raised eyebrow evidently noticing her tone.
"Do you have any objection my Lady?" He asked with a smile.
She shook her head and said quickly, "No, My Lord I was just surprised."
Further conversation was halted when Benjen Stark came to get Aryan. "Everything is ready nephew."
"I will be back in a moment." Aryan said and followed his Uncle.
"Who is he going to marry?" Margaery asked in a whisper to Willas.
"You would be surprised." Willas said.
"Come on tell me. The most eligible bachelor at present in the seven Kingdoms is going to be married. I want to know who it is." Margaery asked again.
"Gabriella Rogare." Wilas said.
"Don't play your silly games with me brother. There is no such house as Rogare in Westeros." Margaery said rolling his eyes. But seeing the seriousness in his eyes she began to think. 'Where have I heard of Rogares?'
Suddenly it struck her. "You mean as in the Rogares of Lys who were once wedded with the Targaryens."
"The very same." Wilas agreed.
"I thought they were dead. After what happened to Larra Rogare soon the Rogares were ruined." Margaery said trying to remember the history.
"We were wrong. But they are now the most powerful in Lys." Willas said.
"But why are the Starks marrying outside Westeros." Margaery wondered.
"I don't know. You tell me. Or better yet when you go back ask Grandmother." Willas said. Then he whispered, "Aryan is coming back."
Both the siblings recomposed themselves.
Taking back his seat Aryan announced. "We are about to begin."
"What?" She heard Arya Stark shouting from her seat. Margaery also wondered. In fact she could see all people confused as a horn blew. Suddenly out of nowhere she saw a shooting star. But something was not right. Instead of falling from the sky here it was rising from ground into the sky. 'What?' She asked again in her mind. And then the star exploded with a small boom.
"By the seven." She said aloud clutching her chest as she saw the colorful scattering of light. The whole crowd was silent and soon they exploded shouting.
"Is this the surprise you were talking about nephew?" She heard Dacey Stark asked Aryan.
"It is. Do you like it?" Aryan asked as more stars rose from the ground and exploding in the sky in different colors.
"It is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life." Said Dacey.
"I agree." Said Catelyn.
"What is this thing?" Willas asked Aryan.
"Fireworks." Aryan answered.
Aryan was very surprised when a few pyromancers and acolytes presented him with gunpowder, he immediately squashed any ideas of using it for weaponing from their minds and have the secrets locked and decided to only use it for fireworks.
"I can see." Willas said with a laugh as more followed. The fireworks continued well for the Night.
Lannisport, The Westerlands
It was just a usual night inside the Dwarf Lion Inn. An establishment owned by Tyrion Lannister catering to the smallfolk. It was run by one of the Lannister bastards, Titus Hill, who impressed Tyrion with his intelligence. And Titus was made patron of the Dwarf Lion Inn. While the people drank and gossiped, there was a small underlying tension among them. They would glance here and again at one of the corners. What was attracting them and making them uneasy was a group of loud men. But it was the portly man of average height, having a pale piggy face with small pig-like eyes, and a high, thin voice who was making them uneasy. The man with a manticore in a red field as his banner, Ser Amory Lorch.
The man had a reputation. Amory had thrown the last Lord Tarbeck, a three-year-old boy, down a well during the Reyne-Tarbeck revolt, he was most ill-known across Westeros for his horrible murder of the four year old Princess Rhaenys Targaryen during the sack of King's Landing, stabbing her half a hundred times. It was his deeds, not his appearance that made people fear him.
Right now, he was telling his men about one of his recent exploits.
"The farmer had a small house. But it was his daughter which made me stay there. After they gave me food for the night I just killed them and then took the daughter, I enjoyed her in front of her family's corpses. She was a pretty one with a tight pussy." He regaled over his drink.
"When did this happen Ser?" Asked one of his men.
"Last week. I kept her for a week. The screams she made was music to my ears. But finally I got tired of her and left her." Amory said.
"And the girl?" Asked the same man.
"Ask Polliver." Amory said.
Now, Polliver served the Mountain Gregor Clegane. But since Tywin kept the Mountain confined to his own keep, Polliver now travelled with Amory to satisfy his urges. Hearing his name being mentioned, Polliver turned his attention to them.
"What?" He asked.
"Where is the girl that Ser Amory left with you last week?" The lackey asked. "Can I have a go with her?"
"Oh, her. I tore up her cunt with my sword after I finished with her. I left her somewhere around the docks. You can find her there." Polliver said.
"What use is she to me without her cunt?" The lackey lamented.
"She still has an ass." Amory said drunkly.
It was then, a wench came and served them drinks again. She was pretty with blond hair and green eyes and as expected captured the men's attention.
Amory did not waste his time and immediately caught the girl and pulled her into his lap.
"You are a pretty one. Are ya new here?" He asked.
She giggled and answered. "Yes, my Lord." She then started to rub herself on his lap.
"Hah the wench clearly needs one boys." Amory barked and started to kneed her breasts.
"Perhaps you can give it to me in the rooms upstairs." She whispered to him.
"I like you wench." Amory said his. "Lead the way."
The girl got up giggling and started to pull Amory.
"Find someone for yourselves boys. I have found mine." Amory told the others as he went. His men cheered for him.
The girl lead him to one of the rooms in the far end of the upper floor. They entered the room. It was dark. If he had not been drunk and a bit more alert he would have noticed two figures standing in the darkness. But alas he couldn't. The girl poured one more drink for him and gave it to him.
"One more glass, my Lord. Its on the house." She said.
Bridled with lust Amory grabbed the glass and drank from it and threw it away. He then pushed the girl in to the bed and lifted her skirt. Then he dropped his breeches. He then climbed over her poised to enter her. He saw her looking intently at him but dismissed it. It was then he felt his cock deflating.
"What now." He grumbled looking at his deflated cock. And suddenly he felt his hands and legs getting tired.
"What did yo..." He tried to speak to but his words stated to slur. He then felt on to the bed unable to move but wide awake.
It was then the girl got over him and started to look at his face. Then she stated to peel her face. Amory felt a terrible feeling in his stomach and he released his bladder. Gone was the blonde and green eyed wench and now he was looking at a pale and black haired face.
"Secure him. The master wants him unharmed." He said. "I will create the distraction."
The two men started to secure their target.
Later a huge fire broke out in the Dwarf Lion Inn. In the chaos and panic it caused nobody to notice three people carrying a big load with them towards the docks.
Shivering Sea, The True North
The icy wind blew on their faces as their faces as the Northern ships sailed through the frozen waters of the Shivering Sea, beyond the Wall with one destination - Hardhome.
Few months ago the Lord Commander had written to him that almost all the Free Folk had assembled in Hardhome ready to come South. Aryan was ashamed to say that he could not give much time to the transportation of the Free Folk as he was busy ruling his Kingdom as well as organising the Northern Games which had proved to be a great success. But just a month ago, Bloodraven had alerted him that the Others were on the move and the Night King had finally made an appearance. No doubt, attracted by the huge concentration of the living at Hardhome it was anybody's guess were their destination was. And Aryan had immediately hurried and ordered all the available ships in the North to Hardhome.
"I never thought I would ever go to Beyond the Wall." Willas said with a small shiver. Being a Southerner he was more susceptible to the cold than others. Willas had more fur wrapped around him than the others. Qyburn had operated on his damaged leg and had restructured his ankle back (With some discrete magical assistance from Aryan of course). Willas had to stay back for some time while the rest of the Tyrells returned back after the Spring Festival. And now that his leg was fully healed, Willas showed an interest in accompanying them. Aryan also felt it was a good idea. 'Let the south know that the Others are not just a myth.' He thought.
Aryan nodded absentmindedly. Seeing a lack of response Willas looked closely at Aryan's face and asked, "You look worried."
"Yes, I am worried. We might be late." Aryan answered.
"Late for what?" Wilas asked.
"You will see." Aryan answered holding back the suspense. Aryan then walked towards the front where Benjen Stark was standing along with Greatjon Umber. They stopped their conversation as he approached.
"Everything is fine I hope?" Aryan asked.
"Of course it is." Benjen said. "Though I must ask nephew how are we going to deal with the giants and mammoths which you are interested in? They may be too big for the ships."
"Fear not, uncle. Why did you think I sent Uncle Ned and Lord Rickard Karstark to Castle Black?" Aryan told him.
"Still is it not dangerous for them to travel alone?" Benjen asked.
"From what Bloodraven told me the Others are more interested in men than Giants. And the Giants can destroy their armies of wights more easily. Besides, most of their journey will be through the Haunted Forest and the Children are helping them." Aryan said. "Though I hope you brought the Valyrian steel weapons with you."
"I have come prepared nephew." Benjen said gripping the hilt of his sword. "You think we will be attacked?"
"Such a large gathering of the living will definitely attract them. Bloodraven has confirmed that the Others are on the move. I just hope we have enough time to evacuate them. No need to give the Others more fodder." He replied
"Even if we they come we will just smash them apart Lord Stark." Greatjon roared as he hefted his new Valyrian Steel greatsword.
"Let us hope so." Aryan said as they waited. He shifted his cloak a bit which resulted in giving the others a display of his armor.
"Is that Valyrian Steel armor, nephew?" Benjen asked fascinated.
"Oh this.." Aryan said as he removed the cloak. "Yes it is. I found it at the same source where I found the swords. Had to make small adjustment to fit to me."
The pale gray armour with the Wolves insignia. With Boris' help ,Aryan had recast the original suite to him. With Valyrian steel plates to protect all vital parts and valyrian steel chain mail for non vital parts and joints for easy movement and a spartan helmet. It had taken Boris almost a year for this but the result was worth it.
Soon it was noon. It was difficult to tell the time but Aryan had magic. And soon, Hardhome came to their view. Aryan could already see several of his ships. He was greeted by the sight of thousands of tents and fires here and there. People were moving between them.
Aryan scanned the area.
'This place is perfect to build a port followed by a city. Maybe later when I have dealt with the Others, I can expand our lands.' He thought.
Soon his ship docked and he stepped down. He walked forward followed by Willas, Benjen, William Dustin, Jorah and Greatjon. Lord Ryswell and Lord Flint. Few of the Mountain clans chiefs had also came with him. He walked forward.
"I think we should go there." Jorah said pointing in a direction.
Aryan looked there and he saw Jeor Mormont walking towards them. He was accompanied by few black brothers and few others who he assumed were the Free Folk. Soon both the parties neared each other and finished the usual formalities. Aryan already knew Mance Rayder while Jeor introduced him to Cotter Pyke.
"These are the Chieftains of the Free Folk we have gathered." Jeor told him. "I have gathered few here. The rest are elderly and are ready to follow you to South of the Wall. These are Tormund, Dalla, Val, Karsi, Harma, Gerrick, Soren Shieldbreaker, Morna White Mask, Ygon Oldfather, Devyl Sealskinner, The Great Walrus and Varamyr Sixskins. And that..."
"I am Styr, Magnar of the Thenns." Said the man introducing himself.
Aryan nodded back looking at him. Unlike the others, Styr was dressed more finely with a copper armour beneath his fur. "I am Aryan Stark. Magnar of the Northern Realms." He replied back in Old Tongue. Magnar meant leader in Old Tongue and this was a simple way to earn their respect.
He then analysed each of them. Tormund was huge with red hair. Val looked striking with her blonde hair and baby blue eyes. But it was Varamyr who gained his attention. The man was diminutive. But he had an eagle sitting on his shoulder. Aryan asked, "Are you a skinchanger?"
"Yes." Varamyr replied proudly.
"The Lord Commander called you Varamyr Sixskins. I assume you could warg into six animals." Aryan asked.
"You are right." Varamyr said. He then pointed to some distance away. "Those are the others."
Aryan saw three wolves, a snowbear and a shadowcat sitting near each other comfortably. "Interesting." Aryan said.
"I thought you Southerners.." Val began haughtily but a sharp gaze from Aryan made her change her tone. "...You people would be against wargs and wood witches. The Crows hate them."
"Most of the Crows are fucking criminals from the South who do not understand the North. We are the blood of the First Men, the last bastion of the Old Gods." Aryan told them. Then looking at Varamyr he said, "You can freely practice your abilities in the Northern Realms though you must comply with the laws. Heck, I even urge you to find others like you there and teach them warging. This is a special gift and I would loath to waste it.". He then whispered to him "We already have wargs who decided to join our spy network and protect the Northern Realms. You and others can also join it if you wish."
Varamyr looked at him strangely and looked back to the to others who shrugged. "I will think about it." He said. "I have an offering for you."
"Offering?" Aryan asked looking at Jeor who shrugged. Varamyr's eyes rolled back to his head. The others looked alarmed but Aryan said, "He is warging."
Aryan saw one of the wolves coming forward with something in its mouth. He saw William about to draw his sword but Aryan shook his head.
"Be careful nephew." Benjen warned, ready to attack.
The wolf came near and dropped what appeared to be a furball near Aryan and went back. It was a wolf pup with pitch black fur.
"You should take it." Varamyr said startling them all.
"A wolf. What could I do with it?" Aryan asked.
"It is a direwolf. I heard it was your sigil." Varamyr said.
"A direwolf." Benjen said excitedly. "They had not been seen south of the wall for years." Benjen started to touch the pup who snarled back at him. Benjen moved away.
"It does not like you Benjen." Greatjon laughed.
Aryan knelt before the pup and brought his hand forward. The pup snarled again but Aryan did not move. The pup slowly came near him wobbling and started to smell his hands. Then started to lick him. Knowing it was safe Aryan lifted the pup to his hands. This time the pup did not show any resistance.
"Is it truly a direwolf?" Jorah asked. "I see no difference between this and a regular pup."
"They are small when they are born. But they will reach the size of a horse when they grow up." Varamyr said. "This one I found few days back wandering around. The lone survivor. His pack must have left him."
"I will call you Remus." Aryan said.
"Do you not feel cold?" It was Val who asked that question.
"Of course we do." Benjen said.
"Then how do you stand in those clothes. We wear fur to warm ourselves. Your clothes do not look that thick." She asked.
"These clothes are made of threads made from fur. Not only does it protect us from cold it is also more managable and presentable and allow us more freedom in our movements." Aryan told them. He saw the Free Folk looking at the Northern dresses with interest. "You can buy these when you come with us."
"Now let us get to the matter at hand. How many Free Folk do we have here?" Aryan asked.
"About a hundred and fifty thousand." Mance answered.
"Just a hundred and fifty thousand ? I thought there would be a few hundred thousand." William Dustin asked.
"Most of them are already gone. When I went to gather the Free Folk I saw deserted villages with signs of slaughter but no bodies. The Others had taken them. And as for the rest, many had refused to come south of the wall led by the Weeper, Alfyn Crowkiller and the Lord of Bones. And we lost a great deal of people on the way during clan fights." Mance told him.
"Don't they realise they do not have any chance to stand against the Others?" The Old Bear asked.
"If I may Magnar Stark." Styr began. Aryan was surprised. From what he heard the Thenns were very proud. To easily accept him as their leader they must be really desperate. "You should not worry too much. Those who have not come here are cannibals and true savages. You will suffer more problems if you take them with you. Today they will get killed by the Cold Ones. If they came south they will get killed by you."
"While I appreciate your statement Styr, the more people we leave for the Others means we are giving them more power to their army of undead." Aryan said.
"We cannot do anything for them Magnar Stark." Karsi said agreeing with Styr.
"The Thenn is right. Those who are not here are true savages who kill each other and eat themselves. I say we leave them and go south." Tormund said.
'Well, I cannot force those who do not want to come down. Besides if what they say is true then it is better I leave them to die here rather than having to deal with them later.' He thought. "All right. Let us make haste. I don't feel very comfortable in staying here with danger not far from us."
The Free Folk went away leaving only Styr left with them. "Know this, Magnar Stark, we are submitting to you because of desperation not for cowardice. I have seen what the Cold Ones do and the horrors they leave behind. Against the advice of many of my confidants I am seeking the asylum."
"Fear not Styr. From what I have heard the Thenns are the most advanced in the Free Folk. You can live peacefully among us." Aryan assured him. They both shook hands and Styr left.
"I hope they do not steal women anymore." Greatjon grumbled.
"I have explained everything to them and the consequences of what will happen if they break the rules. It will take some time. But I am sure the Free Folk would adjust to life in the South. And the ones who attack our lands are for the great majority with the Weeper, the Crowkiller and Rattleshit." Jeor said.
"How are things at Castle Black? I hope it is going well with the Giants and the Mammoths?" Aryan asked.
"Bowen Marsh is there to handle them. I have met a Giants on the way while coming here. They are near to the wall and safer. They can travel longer distances compared to men." It was Mance Rayder who replied.
"Can we put all these Free Folk in our ships Lord Stark?" Jeor asked.
"I believe so. It would be cramped but yes. We will drop most of them at Eastwatch from where they will be led to the Gift where uncle Ned is waiting.
They then started to walk around. Aryan decided to mingle with the Free Folk as per Mance Rayder's advice. After all the Free Folk should know who their leader is. So Aryan walked around with Mance and Tormund accompanying him while the rest of the Lords went towards the ships. The ships that were full started to sail away. Now only about a thousand were left behind.
"Well, we are almost finished." William said as he saw the people slowly moving towards the last few ships.
"I would be more comfortable when I am on the ship in the waters." Aryan said. "Willas, how is the True North?"
Poor Wilas was shivering not accustomed to long hours in the cold. It was colder than it was at Winterfell. "I think I had enough cold and snow for a lifetime."
Before Aryan could mock him he felt a familiar presence in his mind. 'They are coming.' came the voice of Bloodraven.
Aryan stood stunned for sometime then quickly gathered his wits. "Lord Umber go and push them quickly into the ship. They are coming. Willas go with him. And those who have Valyrian steel stay with me. We need to buy time. Lord Dustin prepare our men. I want them each to have fire with them. Aim for the limbs rather than the head. A headless wight is more dangerous than a limbless one. Light the corpses."
The Lords looked at him blankly. Then Greatjon nodded quickly and started run pulling a stunned Willas with him.
"How do you know they are coming?" Benjen asked as he drew his sword and started to gaze in the direction Aryan was looking.
"Bloodraven." Aryan told him. And to prove his words the temperature started to decrease rapidly as it became colder. A sudden unnatural fog started to form. A distant thumping sound could be heard and it was slowly coming near. Aryan took a small mud pot from his pocket and opened it and poured it over Ice.
"Is that Wildfire? You carried wildfire in you pockets? Are you mad?" Benjen asked.
"Don't worry Uncle. I know what I am doing." Aryan said as he finished coating Ice with the glowing green liquid.
And then indistinct shapes started to appear out of the fog. Aryan beckoned a soldier who lighted his sword. As Ice glowed green in Wildfire it gave him an eerie look.
"I hope Ice will not melt away nephew." Benjen asked looking fascinated at the glowing sword.
"It won't, uncle." Aryan assured him as they waited for the army of dead to come. And soon the dead were upon them. Men, women and children some looked freshly dead, some were long decayed, others were only skeleton and there were also headless or limbless ones. And the Northerners sprung to action. They hacked and slashed. The soldiers worked as a team as it was drilled into them. Some of them slashed while the others burned the corpses.
Aryan was busy himself. At the frontline of the battle he looked like Azor Ahai himself with a glowing green sword attacking the dead. Each corpse that Ice touched burst into flames. His enhanced physique also helped him. After some time, though it felt like a few hours, everything was silent again. The fog was gone. All the corpses were down burning. Few of the Free Folk had the presence of mind to light fires with whatever was available and formed a barricade were they were boarding the ship. They seemed to look at them in a new light.
"Is that all?" Jorah asked looking around.
"You shouldn't have said that." Aryan shouted back.
Jorah looked at him puzzled. And as if to prove Aryan's words it started to become cold again. And they came again. But this time they were led by the Others, three of them to be exact. Tall and gaunt, with flesh pale as milk and cold blue eyes that were burning like ice. Unlike the dead the Others were riding on horses which were obviously dead with flesh missing here and there with cold air coming out of their nostrils.
"By the Gods, I cannot believe my eyes." William Dustin gasped.
Jorah looked stunned to see them and seemed to be stuck on the spot.
The Others looked at them with their expressionless faces. They then started to advance forward with the army of dead surrounding them.
"Ok. Everyone retreat slowly to the fires. Do not engage the Others unless it is unavoidable." Aryan shouted at them as the fog started to surround them. He heard the panicking Free Folk shouting as they saw the Others. Some of them assisted in burning more fires as the Northern army retreated back. But again the White Walkers were upon them. But unlike last time now the dead were in greater numbers. And they realised it soon. They came in endless numbers as the Northerners destroyed them. More and more came and it was starting to tire them out.
"This is too much. We must retreat." William Dustin shouted behind Aryan. It was then Aryan saw one of the Other advancing towards Benjen. Alarmed he started to hurry towards Benjen but he was slow due to the dead engaging him. He looked on as Other started to attack Benjen. Benjen tried to retreat but he was too far. So he started to fight back but Aryan could see it was a lost cause. The Other was too quick and too strong and better fighter. And soon Aryan saw the Other stabbing Benjen. Benjen kneeled down clutching his stomach.
As the Other raised its sword to deal the killing blow, Aryan closed his eyes and apparated behind the Other sure that the fog would mask him. The Other realized his sudden presence behind it and quickly turned behind but it was too late as Aryan slashed the burning Ice into its face. And it exploded into ice crystals. He then hurried towards Benjen.
"Uncle, are you all right?" He asked holding Benjen.
Benjen groaned and started to mumble about Dacey and their children. Aryan cast a wandless stasis charm on the wound. By then Tormund had reached him.
"You killed it? It is the first time I had seen one." Tormund said. "You are not just a green boy."
"Yes, Valyrian Steel can destroy them." Aryan answered.
"What is Valyrian Steel?" Tormund asked. But then his gaze went to Aryan's back and his widened. "There are two cold ones coming here."
Aryan turned back and saw the remaining two Others coming towards him on their horses. "Quick. Take my Uncle towards the ships. I will buy you time."
"I could help." Tormund offered lifting his axe.
"You could help by taking him to the ship. I can deal with them." Aryan told him.
Tormund patted Aryan's shoulders and said, "Don't die, Magnar." He then lifted Benjen and ran towards the ships.
Aryan stood up and watched as the two Others came near him. He was far enough from the other northerners and there was fog too. "Let us play."
He then took his wand and pointed at the Other who was in front and cast, "Reducto."
The blasting curse stuck the Other who looked surprised as he was flung from top of his horse. Aryan repeated the same with the next one too who also due to their speed could not avoid the curse. As the two riderless horses approached him he slashed them hard and they were set on fire and started to run wildly. Having dealt with that he walked towards the Others who were getting up. One had a sword while the Other had a spear made of Ice. The one with the sword came towards him and attacked which Aryan blocked and the contact started to produce a small wailing sound. The Other looked surprised at that and looked at him. By then the other one too joined the fight. Both of them started to attack. The Others were stronger and faster than a normal human. It was only his enhanced body that allowed him to parry or block their attacks. After some time Aryan realized that he was tiring. The Others did not give any such indication as they attacked him continuously with precision.
'I must use my magic or I am done for. But first I must separate them.' He thought as he dodged another attack. As he fought he looked around until he found a suitable spot some distance away. So he jumped backwards when they attacked, next cast a banishing charm on one of the Other who was pushed back a few feet. Seeing his chance he quickly grabbed the nearby Other. Even through his gloves Aryan felt the a chill reaching his body so he quickly disapparated taking the Other with him.
On reaching the destination he released the Other who looked a bit stunned at what happened but it quickly regained its bearing and started to attack Aryan. Aryan saw the other one coming towards them. So when the Other attacked him next time he immediately bent down and slashed it legs and it exploded. Seeing its kin falling the remaining Other let out a shrill unholy sound and ran towards him. Aryan disapparated and reappeared just a few feet in front of the running other with Ice pointed towards it and plunged it into its chest as it was unable to avoid it due to its momentum. And it too joined the rest in ice crystals. As soon as the last Other was destroyed the weather all the dead went down like a switch and the weather went back to normal.
As soon as visibility returned Aryan looked around. He heard someone calling his name and walked in that direction. He had not realized he was quite far from the others. He realized the voice nearing him and soon he found out that it was Greatjon whose loud booming voice he now identified. When Greatjon saw him he hurried towards Aryan. He was followed by Willas.
"Lord Stark." He said gasping. "Are you all right?"
Aryan looked at them. Both looked thoroughly banged. Greatjon looked wounded here and there while there was a noticeable scar on Willas's cheek. "I am fine. The fight was more difficult than I imagined. What about you Greatjon? You are wounded."
"These…," Greatjon said pointing at the wound "… are just small flesh wounds Lord Stark."
"And Willas how about you? I sent you towards the ships." Aryan asked.
"I may not be a knight or warrior like you all. But I was born in a Noble house in the Reach which is the heart of chivalry. I cannot just run away from a battle like that." Willas said.
"I appreciate your help Willas. But I did not want you dead or injured while you are my guest. Especially against enemies about whom southeners think is just a northern tale to scare children." Aryan told him.
"Lord Stark is right Lord Willas Tyrell. Who knows, your father may declare war on the Northern Realms." Greatjon added though anyone could detect the mocking tone towards the end of his dialogue.
Willas ignored that and replied, "Truthfully I forgot all about that when I saw everyone else fighting."
Aryan nodded and started to walk towards the ships. There were many corpses lying around. He even noticed many of his soldiers lying dead along with many of the free folk.
"How many of our men died?" Aryan asked.
"Almost half My Lord." Greatjon said. "It was the Others that did the most damage. Our men did not have a chance against them."
'That is almost five hundred men.' Aryan thought as they reached the other Lords.
"We lost Lord Wull. Jeor Mormont is heavily wounded. I don't think he has much long to live. And we are yet to find Benjen Stark." Greatjon told him.
"Uncle had been stabbed by an Other. I had to send him back towards the ship." Aryan told him.
They reached where he saw the others gathered around a wounded Jeor with his head on Jorah's lap. When the Old Bear saw him he rasped, "Lord Stark, my watch has ended."
"You performed your watch perfectly Lord Mormont." Aryan told him kneeling in front of him.
Jeor then gave his sword to Jorah. "Take this. It rightfully belongs to you now." He said as he passed on Longclaw, the ancestral sword of House Mormont to his son. Jorah tearfully grasped his sword. Soon the Old Bear breathed his last. Jorah started to cry while the others started to comfort him. Aryan left them and walked away from them William Dustin following him. By now all the ships had been loaded with only a handful of Free Folk left comprising of mostly the ones whom he had met.
"We need to burn the bodies." Aryan said told William.
"I will tell the men." William said but stopped as he saw a few Free Folk approaching led by Mance and Tormund with Val following them. He also saw Karsi with two children whom he assumed were her daughters.
"Lord Stark." Mance said as he reached them. "I am sorry for your losses."
"I appreciate your concern Mance." Aryan told him. "What are you here for?"
"I wanted to say that the you have gained the respect of the Free Folk after seeing you all fighting the Others." Mance said speaking in common tongue.
"As they should be." William grumbled.
"And they feel that we must not stay here anymore. We barely survived this wave." Mance said.
"For once I agree with them, My Lord." William said.
"We must get away from here, Magnar." Karsi spoke.
"See they are already calling you Magnar. You have proved your strength to them. So they will easily submit to you." Mance said.
"Why did you not go in the rest of the ships?" Aryan asked Karsi.
She was about to answer when Aryan raised his hand and silenced her. 'He is coming.' Bloodraven's voice echoed in his ears.
'And we cannot deal with him now.' Aryan thought. He shouted loud, "Get back to ships. Now. He is coming."
They started to hurry towards the ship. William asked, "Another wave of attack?"
"Yes. Led by the Night King himself." Aryan told him. "We have done what we could do. Let us leave the rest to the Children."
As they neared the water they felt the weather changing. It became colder and fog started to surround them. They boarded the boats and started to row. Within a few moments even the coast was covered in fog. After some time they were a few hundred meters away from the coast.
"Finally, now I can take a respite. For almost a year beyond the Wall dealing with the Free Folks and watching out for the White Walkers has taken a toll on me." Mance Ryder said standing up. He was on the same boat as Aryan. "I am going to drink myself to death when I return back to the Wall."
Aryan was about to reply when he heard it before he saw it. He heard a gurgling sound coming from Mance. He looked at him and saw a long and thick spear made of ice stuck in his chest piercing it to the other side. Mance looked at the coast and pointed a finger there before he fell into the waters.
Aryan followed Mance's fingers and saw a lone solitary figure looking at him. A bald head with cold and cruel eyes was looking at him.
"Another Other." Tormund said joining Aryan.
"It is not just any Other. It is their leader, the Night King himself." Aryan told him as he looked back defiantly.
"How do you know that? We had never heard of him." Karsi said where she was sitting with her daughters.
And it was then the Night King raised his hands. And all the corpses came to life with icy eyes. This time they were joined by the fallen Northern soldiers and the Free Folk. The sea water started to freeze around the Night King.
"We have known about him for a few years now." Aryan answered Karsi. He looked on as the fog completely covered the coasts and their boats reached the Marauder.
'We will meet again later. That day will be you and your kind's last.' Aryan promised.
A cloaked figure was walking towards a yellow brick mansion at end of the street. Few wisps of blue hair was visible through his cloak. He hated coming here. But such was the cause. For beggars can't be choosers. Reaching at the entrance he saw two guards. Lowering his cloak he told them in Valyrian, "Tell the Magister that Gryff is here."
"You are expected." One of the guards who looked to be the leader said. "Follow me."
Gryff, formerly known as Jon Connington, followed the guard. He did not look afraid of being recognized. Gone was the youthful face which had been replaced with a weary one with a couple of scars. His blue hair and beard completed the look. Soon he was brought into a hall with a balcony overlooking a garden. The cheesemonger was waiting for him.
"Ah Gryff. My friend. How are you?" He spoke loudly with his multiple chins shaking.
Bile rose in his throat seeing the sight. With heavy perfume to mask his hideous smell, Illyrio never impressed Gryff. But since he was the one who financed the Targaryen cause, Gryff was forced to bear with him. "We are not friends Illyrio. Just two individuals who aligned to accomplish the same goal. But still I can't understand, what will you gain from all this?"
Illyrio smiled but did not answer. "Come with me." He said walking to the balcony.
With a sigh Gryff followed him. He did not trust Varys. He had learnt that from Rhaegar and Rhaella who never dealt with the eunuch. And he hated Illyrio too. 'Perhaps, after Aegon gains his throne I will take care of them. So that Aegon has a peaceful reign.' He thought.
The balcony overlooked a garden. Illyrio pointed him towards a place. Gryff saw two people sitting there with Valyrian features. The younger girl was reading a book while the older looking boy seemed to be speaking to her but with a haughty expression.
"The other two heads of the dragon. Prince Viserys and Princess Daenarys." Illyrio said.
Gryff looked at them more closely. Viserys did not impress him at all. He looked lanky but did not have a regal appearance unlike Rhaegar or Young Gryff. But Daenarys was a real beauty. The beauty most of the Valyrians inherited. Even more beautiful than most.
"She is a beauty isn't she?" Illyrio asked.
"I agree." For once Gryff agreed with the cheesemonger.
"I was smitten at first by her beauty and thought of eliminating Viserys and claiming her as a wife, but dismissed the idea soon. The girl is too timid and frightened. A coupling with her would give me no pleasure." Illyrio said laughing.
Gryff felt his blood boil. He had a sudden urge to rip Illyrio apart but refrained, knowing that he will not be able to escape the mansion alive after that and thus will never be able to help Young Gryff reclaim his birthright. He calmed himself and asked, "She is to be Aegon's Queen when he sits on the Iron Throne. What do you mean by she is timid and afraid?"
"Yes I know. As to why she is timid and afraid, the answer is Viserys. The Prince has some anger issues and unfortunately it is her who has to suffer the brunt." Illyrio told him.
'Huh. The Targaryen madness has found another victim.' He thought and told him, "That won't do. When she becomes a Queen I want her regal and confident. The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms cannot be a frightened girl."
"You are right. Varys had told me the same too. I had delayed it too long." Illyrio said.
"First of all keep the siblings apart. Use any means to restrain Viserys. She is more important than him." Gryff said. "And how are you going to do what you said. It is not something that can be taught. It has to be observed and learnt."
"You need not worry how I am going to do that. I know someone who has all these qualities. Daenarys will be safe in her hands." Illyrio said.
Gryff did not ask for any further details. He took one last look at them and went back inside with Illyrio following him.
"Now tell me something. I heard a rumor on the way. People were speaking about it. What happened to the Golden Company? Did they really lose?" Gryff asked.
Illyrio fidgeted in his seat. "Yes. They lost." He confirmed.
Gryff looked stunned. He was at lose to find words. "But how? The Golden Company is the best. How did they lose. And to the Company of Rose. Granted the Company is good. But we have better manpower and resources."
"They too have. Which we learnt rather late." Illyrio said.
Gryff gaped at him. He had campaigned with the Golden company for almost five years. He was a part of many of their successful campaigns. The discipline and skill of Golden Company was what set them apart. Even when they came close to defeat they never lost their discipline which had given them victory in dire situations.
"How?" He asked.
"As you know Lys hired the Company of Rose, the Golden Company was hired by Tyrosh. We attacked them but they were repelled. The Lyseni had purchased two thousand Unsullied. Using them the Company held up a good defense. We had even blocked the disputed lands by our ships. But then we brought our elephants into the fray." Illyrio said.
"And then?" He asked dreadfully. The elephants were the trump card of the Golden Company since they could easily break any defence.
"Then came their navy with even more men. Our fleet was sunk. Thankfully it was only half our fleet. Then they blew loud horns which sent our elephants in a frenzy. Attacked from both sides the Golden Company had to flee into the inlands making their way to Selhoris." Illyrio explained. "And now Lys has got complete hold of the Disputed Lands finally."
Gryff sat down trying to wrap his head on what he head. "Unthinkable." He said. "Where did the ships and men come from?"
"The ships are from Braavos." Illyrio said. "I don't know about the men."
"Bravos is involved?" He asked.
"I don't know." Illyrio shrugged. "As we speak they are fortifying the Disputed Lands. I believe it is a lost cause now. For centuries the Disputed Lands had been the main source of income for all the mercenary companies. Even to us. Lys has allowed the Company of Rose to set up a permanent base there."
"What about Volantis? I thought they would interfere." Gryff asked.
"They would have if not for the civil war going on." Illyrio said.
"I refuse to believe this is a coincidence. Civil war in Volantis to stop them from aiding Tyrosh and this resource and manpower to the Company of Rose. Somebody is playing the game." Gryff concluded. "What about the Rogares? Isn't Lysandro who now rules Lys in all but name?"
"His people are happy with him. He had achieved what many tried and failed before him." Illyrio said. "You would be interested in knowing that he is going to marry his eldest daughter to the Stark of Winterfell."
"What? Why would they want an alliance with those savages?" He said venomously.
"Those savages are one of the most powerful if not the most in Westeros." Illyrio said. "And Varys has a suspicion that Aryan Stark's hand is in all this."
"No way. Those tree worshiping fools cannot have a hand in this. For centuries they had been content in their frigid lands. I don't see any reason for them to suddenly take an interest in the happenings of the Seven Kingdoms." Gryff said dismissing what Illyrio said.
"Maybe. Time changes people. From what Varys told me the North or the Northern Realms as they are calling themselves has changed. He is already wary of Aryan Stark the new Warden of the North. They are now very powerful. Even the so called Tywin Lannister is wary. We need to be very careful. I had already sent enough gold to make up for the loses of the Golden Company. It is time for you and Gryff to join the Golden Company and train to lead an army. Even though Varys is trying his best to destabilise Westeros, your campaign there would be an uphill task." Illyrio warned.
"Then I must get back to my son." Gryff said getting up. "Do whatever to win." Illyrio nodded.
Gryff walked out. He had a lot to think. 'Whatever happens the Lion, the Stag, the Falcon, the Trout and the Wolves all will fall at feet of the Dragon. I had failed the father but I will not fail the son.'
King's Landing, the Crownlands
It was just another small council meeting. And like always it was full of insulting each other and unnecessary arguments instead of decision making, Varys wondered just how long he had to endure them. Robert Baratheon was drunk as usual. Cersei invited herself and was interested in insulting the others and proposing Lannister men for any King's Guard and Small Council position. Stannis Baratheon did not want to be here if the grinding of his teeth was any indication. The same could be said about the Lord Commander Barristan Selmy. Jon Arryn was actually trying to do something but the old man was too soft. He did not have Tywin Lannister's iron grip to make everyone listen to him. The Master of Laws Renly Baratheon had fallen back to his own ways and had gone to the Reach to attend yet another tourney. The only people who were actually interested in sitting there were him and Littlefinger.
'Who knows what kinds of schemes the Master of Coin is cooking up?' Varys thought. Varys was able to find that it was Baelish who was responsible for the revolt of the Faith. It was a good plan too. To use the Faith against Eddard Stark and possibly kill him. But sadly it did not go the way Baelish hoped for. If it had been any other Lord perhaps they would have bent to the Faith. But against Aryan 'The Bloody Wolf' Stark, the Warden of the North where the Faith did not have any power anymore, his scheme failed. His scheme failed even more because it united the North even more after House Manderly and House Wells official conversion to the Old Gods, even House Whitehill, the last northern family who follows the Seven has started to become closer to the Old Gods after the death of the Boltons and would soon follow the other two Houses in abandoning the Faith. The Bloody Wolf lived up to his name and massacred the Faith militants and the High Septon and went back to Winterfell and started to purge the septons and septas of his kingdom and even left some septas, who insulted the northeners and the Old Gods, naked in whorehouses leaving the rest of the seven Kingdoms to deal with the huge protests of the Faith while the North was more united than ever. But slowly everything was settling down.
Somebody could ask him why did he not reveal this to the King? After all, Littlefinger was a threat to him. But Varys would answer that anything to fracture the Kingdom regardless of who did it would aid the Black Dragons's cause. Like the fact that the small council argued too much instead of making solid decisions, and was thus slowly destabilizing the Kingdom, was an advantage. Varys knew Robert Baratheon was a bad King. But his 'son' Prince Joffrey Baratheon or Joffrey Waters would be worse if his current behavior was any indication.
"Lord Varys, is there anything we need to know?" Jon Arryn asked.
He smiled at the Old Falcon. "Lord Hand, I don't know. But my birds had brought me some songs."
"Then sing it quickly Varys. I am out of patience." Robert grumbled.
"You must be interested in learning that there had been a fire in an inn in Lannisport which had been owned by Lord Tyrion." Varys said.
"Why does a fire in an Inn by the dwarf require our attention?" Stannis asked.
"The fire might be nothing special. But what is interesting is that Amory Lorch was present in the Inn that night." Varys said.
"The childkiller. What of him?" Stannis asked interested. Varys saw Barristan Selmy also looking interested while Cersei scowled.
"He had not been seen ever since. It is presumed that he must have died in the fire." Varys told.
Stannis smiled which surprised many including Varys because it was a sight none of them had witnessed. "Very good. I hope he cried as he burned."
Robert Baratheon did not say anything.
"It must be those sneering Martells." Cersei said sneering.
"We don't know that, Your Grace." Jon Arryn told him.
Varys agreed with Jon Arryn silently. He knew it was not Doran who was sitting idle these days. And Oberyn was in Essos which he had confirmed from his birds in Pentos.
Before Cersei could say anything else Robert spoke, "Well he died and I am not going to waste my time dealing with that shit. Anything else Varys?"
Cersei seemed to protest again but Varys saw Jaime shaking his head. So she scowled and remained silent.
'Pity they could have argued more.' He thought and spoke again, "Well the next news I have to share is about the Northern Realms, Your Grace."
"What about them?" Jon Arryn asked.
"My birds have found out who the next Lady Stark will be." Varys began.
Robert looked interested, "Well, who will the Bloody Wolf be saddled with?"
"The bride is Gabriella Rogare from Lys." He said. What he did not tell them was how long it took to find the news. It was Illyrio who gave him the news. He himself was surprised by the choice. But later when he thought about it he understood the significance. There were no Houses in Westeros that could offer the Starks anything. But Essos, it was a different story. He even wondered if there was any involvement of the Starks in the Golden Company's defeat. But he had no evidence or reports or even the slightest information to support that theory.
"Rogare, as in Larra Rogare the wife of Prince Viserys II Targaryen?" Grandmaester Pycelle asked.
"You are correct Grandmaester." Varys said. 'At least he's not completely incompetent.'
"But last we heard House Rogare went down due to their conflicts in Lys." Pycelle rasped.
"And they rose again." Varys said. And he cursed himself for that. He had heard about the Rogares slowly gaining in reach for a few years but had overlooked the issue never having thought that the Rogares would affect his plans here. And it was dangerous and he had to break this alliance but he did not know how yet. But he had to try. "And now the Rogares rule Lys and the Disputed Lands in all but name."
"Ned did not tell me about this." Robert grumbled. "But who cares? I will go to Winterfell for the wedding."
"He did not inform me too." Jon Arryn agreed.
"The King does not go to weddings of his subjects." Cersei quipped while drinking her wine.
"Silence woman. No one can stop me." Robert shouted.
"Please Robert. There is time. We will discuss about it later." Jon said.
"Why Rogares and Lys? Why not any alliance within Westeros?" Baelish asked.
Varys did not tell them about Golden Company and its defeat. 'Better no one knows about that until someone asks.' He thought. Before he could speak anything it was surprisingly the Kingslayer who answered them.
"Because nobody in Westeros can offer the Starks anything." Jaime stated.
"I agree." Stannis said surprising everyone. "Unless it was a royal marriage."
"Which I will not agree to, ever." Cersei finished.
"And perhaps the Rogares must have seen this as an opportunity." Jon Arryn said.
"Only the Starks must be desperate for a marriage alliance across the sea." Cersei said.
"Your Grace, you are forgetting that Prince Doran's wife is also married to Mellario of Norvos." Jon Arryn spoke.
"And what good did it bring him? She left for him for almost a decade. Dorne still isolates themselves. And her slut daughter have given birth to a bastard." Cersei said with a vindictive smile.
'And you have three incestborn bastards.' Varys thought smiling. "If I may Your Grace, Lord Tywin himself had sent a proposal to Lysandro Rogare for your cousin Devan Lannister only to be rebuffed." Varys added.
Everyone remained silent for a few seconds and then Robert started to laugh hard while the others were smiling. Even Stannis seemed to be smirking. Cersei's cheeks flushed in anger.
Seeing Cersei about to explode Jon Arryn asked intervened, "Anything else Lord Varys?"
"The Starks and the Lords of Northern Realms have gone beyond the Wall to bring the wildlings south of the Wall." Varys said.
"The savages are going to bring even more savages?" Cersei asked.
"Are you saying that they are going to allow the wildlings into their lands?" Stannis asked.
"Yes Prince Stannis." Varys said.
"Why would they do that?" Jon asked. "Ned never told me of this. Did he tell you anything about this, Your Grace?"
"Now that you said it I remember him mentioning that when he came to King's Landing." Robert said remembering.
"And you did not think a matter of such importance needed our opinions?" Stannis asked.
"How can they make such decisions without informing the King?" Cersei asked.
"It is an internal matter of the Northern Realms, which I don't think needs a Royal interference." Robert said. "And as to why I did not tell you it slipped away from my mind after the fiasco here."
"There had been always a hatred for the wildlings by the Northerners. Why would they suddenly bring them south?" Jon wondered.
"My birds told me that they are going to permanently seal the Wall after they bring them south. And there are also mention of the Others."
"Others? They are just children's tales from the past." Pycelle said.
"Perhaps Grandmaester, I am just telling you what my birds tell me." Varys said.
"You must call the Warden of the North for an explanation." Cersei said.
"I agree." Jon Arryn concurred much to the surprise of many. "We need a much detailed explanation."
"I will think about it." Robert said.
"And when would that be Robert?" Cersei asked.
"When I think it is time." Robert said getting up and walking out.
Clearly understanding that the Small Council meeting had been dismissed Varys got up and hurried. He needed to send a message.
Old Castle, The Northern Realms
A longship slowly docked into the small port. Unlike Wolfbay or White Harbour this one was very small just enough to cater to only a couple of ships. As soon as the ship docked the usual formalities with the Harbor Master was finished and they started to refill themselves for their further journey. The merchant abroad set off to the local market place to sell his wares. One of the fact about the occupants of the ship was that all of the sailors were very tanned. Though it must not concern anyone as the people were used to deal with foreigners as far as Asshai these days.
But this ship was actually here to receive a special consignment. And the person who was to receive the consignment was pacing restlessly above the deck. Oberyn Martell had never been a patient man. Especially now when he was about to get a part of his revenge. He had never expect the Warden of the Northern Realms to so quickly act on his word. In fact he had been very sceptical. But when he received word to come to this location without anyone's knowledge he had set on. He did not bother to inform Doran not knowing what his reaction would be. He told Ellaria and then took Obara and Nymeria with him. He had shaved his head for achieving his anonymity. He hired a ship and filled it with his trusted men and set off stopping at Oldtown and Lannisport to complete the facade. Nym even managed to seduce and bring two Lannister men-at-arms and Oberyn took great pleasure in slowly killing them. And now they were here.
"You need to calm down father." Obara said. "You are just tiring yourself out."
Oberyn looked at her and remembered.
(Flashback begins)
Obara's mother was a prostitute in Oldtown whom he had fucked once during his youth. Later when he visited Oldtown again he came across Obara and her mother. He immediately recognized her as his.
When he confronted the prostitute to claim Obara she did not wish her to go and told him, "She is a girl and I do not think that she is yours. I had been with a thousand other men."
Oberyn backhanded the prostitute while throwing his spear at Obara's feet. He then told her, "Girl or boy, we fight our battles but the gods let us choose our weapons."
He then pointed at the spear and then her mother's tears. Obara immediately took the spear without hesitation.
"I told you she was mine." Oberyn told the prostitute and took Obara with him.
(Flashback ends)
He later came to know that her mother drank herself to death. He had made Obara a fierce warrior. What she lacked in beauty she made up with her fighting skills.
"I had been waiting for this moment for many years Obara. I have every right to be impatient knowing that the chance at a part of my revenge is very close." Oberyn answered.
The shadows were lengthening indicating that the sun was setting down. He felt alien in the cold away from the warmth of Dorne. But he was willing to endure it.
"Do you see anyone coming?" He called out to Nym who leaning over the deck looking at the docks.
"No one father." Nym called back.
Oberyn walked towards her and asked again. "Are you sure?" He then joined her looking at the docks.
Annoyed at him Nym said spreading her hands towards the docks. "Its not like there are many people here that something like this will escape my eyes."
Oberyn took a look and had to agree with her. The docks were certainly desolated with only a few people here and there. Oberyn continued waiting till the sun finally went down. Soon the moon rose and the wind started to get colder. His daughters dutifully stood by him for quite sometime but even them were finally fed up with the wait.
Finally Nym said, "Let us go down father."
"I thought I will get him today. That was what the letter said. The gift would be waiting for us." Oberyn said subdued.
"They must have been delayed father. There is always a tomorrow." Nym said comforting him.
"You are right." Oberyn said as they went below.
As soon as they opened Oberyn's considerably large cabin they noticed a presence. A woman with dark hair was sitting on his bed.
"Prince Oberyn Martell. I presume." She said.
"Who are you?" Oberyn asked on guard.
She smiled. "No one."
"No one. You must be some one bitch. Speak before I tear your guts apart." Obara said drawing a large knife.
The woman smiled and pointed to a rather large box which he had not noticed before. "The Bloody Wolf sends his regards."
Obara and Nym opened the box. Inside bound and gagged was Amory Lorch whose eyes widened on seeing Oberyn's face.
"Tell him I appreciate his gift and I am indebted to..." Oberyn spoke then stopped when he saw the woman was gone. "Where did she go?"
The surprise was still visible on his daughters' face. "Where did she go?" Obara asked as she looked around.
"Leave it." Oberyn said.
"How long have I been waiting for you?" Oberyn said. "My brother and the gods did not listen to me. But somebody did."
Obara then removed the gag from Amory's face who started to babble."Please leave me. Let me live. Lord Tywin will give you enough gold."
"I am not going to kill you Amory. At least not yet. But you will wish I killed you. And as for Tywin's gold, they say he shits gold. Tywin can eat his gold so that he can shit it again."
"I told the captain that we are ready to depart." Nym said coming back.
"Good girl." He said. Then spoke to the babbling Amory, "We are going to sail away from Westeros for sometime. I promise you that we will enjoy our time. I sure will."
As the ship took off to the sea away from land Oberyn's laugh could still be heard through the ship.
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