88.33% An Archer's Promise / Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Archer and Celestine Part 3

บท 53: Chapter 53: Archer and Celestine Part 3

Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer

Happy late New Year! This chapter was supposed to be released on the 1st but holidays and my own health kinda ruined my schedule...






Their eyes met, one reflecting a turbulent mix of emotions encompassing hatred and confusion. While the other regarded the fiery redhead before him with a sense of detachment, their eyes retaining an unflinching stoicism — untroubled by the encounter. 

"..." She gnashed her teeth when he called her name, his tone incongruously casual, as if he hadn't betrayed her and killed the Kuroinu, who she considered her family. "Enlighten me… was it funny to see me being such a naive lovesick bitch? Did you get off on the idea of seeing me crumble by killing my friends after fucking me!?" She wanted to cry, no, it was too late… Maia already had tears streaming down her face by now if that wet sensation on her cheeks were any indication. 

"They weren't your friends," he answered without missing a beat. "Or specifically, those who you trusted with your life did not see you as a friend." 

"Kin and Hicks were always the bl—"

"I'm not talking about them," he cut her off. "No need to act ignorant. You know full well who I'm talking about." 

"Vault!?" Her fists balled up, nails digging into her palms, deep enough to leave a mark. "Do you take me for some sort of dumb gullible fuck!? Vault fought valiantly for this kingdom as well as all six others for decades! He's shed his blood countless times, saving the lives of thousands in the war against the bitch behind you!" She pointed hatefully at Olga, the latter unaffected by her words. 

"Don't you dare point that dirty finger at Olga-sama!" Chloe shouted as she moved to confront Maia, halted only by Archer's raised hand and a cautionary glare. 

"Don't. You'll just lead us into more trouble." 

"Tch!" The blonde elf cast a final glare at both Princess Knights before resuming her position by her Queen's side, to ensure that none of the knights around them would attack her by surprise. "Do whatever you want then." 

Redirecting his attention back to Maia, Archer was having a conundrum on how he should explain the situation that they've now found themselves in. Did he owe her any explanations at all? His duty as a Counter Guardian never required reliance on others, as Alaya provided them with an infinite well of energy. Then again, his case now was different than anything in the past, and he will be forced to make concessions on some level — but that didn't mean he was willing to be pushed around. 

"Who is that?" Maia's gaze honed in on the child cradled in Archer's arms. Her mind swiftly rehashed the convoluted events revolving around him and his veiled enigmas. So she couldn't help but fear the worst when looking at the sleeping Radomira. "Don't tell me… she's like your secret love child between you and Olg—oi!" 

Her question was cut short by Archer striding forwards and unceremoniously dropping the girl onto Maia's arms — Caught off guard, the latter instinctively juggled the Tiefling with a flabbergasted expression while dropping her swords in the process. 

"Hold her for me. Unfortunately, you're the only one I trust here, " he teased, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Besides, it's too much of a hassle to tell you the whole story right now." 

Why did he have to say something like that…? It just made it harder for her to hate him while her thirst for answers remained unquenched. "Wha—!" 

With a swift move, he seized her shoulders and deftly nudged the red-haired woman aside, expertly parrying a thrust from Alicia herself. The blade grazed perilously close to his cheeks thanks to his quick dodge at the last second. Meeting the gaze of the fuming Princess Knight, he taunted. "Quite the display of chivalry there. A Sneak attack? Even I can't help but be stunned by your dishonorable demeanor." 

"Shut up!" Her voice reverberated with fury, "A criminal like you does not deserve to be treated any differently from an animal! Did you think that a single peasant's interference can deter me from confronting your audacious mockery, especially with both the Dark Queen and her lackey standing safely behind? Think again, scoundrel!"

With a single order, the Knights around all got into position with their blades gleaming under the sunlight. Both Chloe and Maia tensed up as a result, with the latter conflicted about what to do next. Her gaze shifted repeatedly between Archer and Radomira, torn by uncertainty. "Damn it," indecisiveness here would cause more damage than anything else. "Alicia, are you really considering execution without giving them a proper trial before Celestine-sama!?" 

As much as Maia wanted to beat him up, and demand some answers, she was still firmly against the idea of killing Archer yet — though she didn't give a rat's ass about the other two Dark Elves. 

"Trial? What do you think this is!? He not only brought the Olga to our precious lands, but he also killed our most trusted ally and dared to touch Prim! What trial should there be in the first place? He should be hanged if not executed by my sword!"

Hanged? That made Archer's mind conjure up a distant memory of the past. He wondered if people would throw stones at him once again before giving him the noose… Given his luck, it seemed like a plausible outcome. 

"Hah, I guess there is no point in attempting to reason with you. I should have realized that from the start." After facing a grueling battle against those Lycans and a whole town's worth of soldiers, while also managing the effects of the magical aphrodisiac from his new ward and deflecting the amorous advances of two horny elves— now this came up… Was it really too much to ask for a moment of peace?

"Do you require assistance?" Olga spoke, showing her intentions to aid him with her magic if required. 

"No need. They shouldn't pose as much trouble as those pesky Lycans. Besides, you should be more worried about yourself. I won't be able to protect you for a bit." 

"Understandable," Olga smirked, her hands resting on Chloe's shoulders which made the blonde blush. "But you forget that I have a competent protector by my side."

Chuckling, Archer shook his head at her words before standing at the epicenter of the standoff with Alicia's murderous intent focused on him and growing by the second. He cast a quick glance towards the castle in the distance, noticing that Celestine was no longer present. Which meant that she was on her way here. And if he were to trust even a fraction of what Olga revealed about the Goddess Reborn — then perhaps that person could put an end to all of this drama. 

He just needed to buy some time. 

"You know, I always questioned myself how someone as polite and soft-spoken as Prim Fiorire turned out to be related to you." He addressed Alicia directly, feeling the fire in her eyes intensifying. "Though she has her weird quirks, for the most part, the girl and I spoke on amicable terms for the whole night." 

"Shut your mouth… Don't. You. Mention. Her. Name." Alicia spat out, as if Archer had committed a great taboo by uttering her name.

"Why? Does the idea of a man spending the entire night around a campfire with your precious little flower annoy you that much? Then again, she was holding me a bit too tightly back then, quite the touchy girl. Given you're related, I wonder if you're also the same…" Oho, now he was certain that she wanted to kill him right here and now. Her rapier practically screamed for his blood, along with all of the Knights around fully focused on him. "I can't wait to meet her again. I'm sure we'll get along nicely." 

Having figured out his intentions, Olga couldn't help but roll her eyes and whisper silently. "Suicidal fool, I told him that Chloe is more than capable." 

That was the final straw for Alicia, who by now had already started seeing red.

"KILL HIM!" She ordered, and every Knight descended upon the Counter Guardian as he firmly held a longsword that caught the attention of those who knew him. 

'He's not using the black and white twin blades?' Having seen how those weapons were apparently his favorites, as he used them constantly as his main weapons, Olga especially recalled how easily the swords cut through enhanced Lycans hides, stones, and trees with enough ease that it somewhat scared her. They probably could even cut through dragon scales and bones… which included her own armor. 

His eyes gleamed as he surveyed the approaching army of women knights. Tightening his grip on the nameless sword, he Traced with his magecraft and took a deep breath, preparing for the onslaught.

With a resounding battle cry, the knights charged at him, their weapons gripped firmly in their hands. Emiya remained focused. With a swift movement, he raised his sword and met the first wave of attacks head-on.

The sounds of metal clashing filled the air as his weapon deflected the swords and spears of the women knights with enough accuracy to narrowly move them away fast enough to focus on others. 'At least their strength doesn't reach the absurd levels of those monsters.' 

Empowered by their blessings, they possessed the prowess to engage in combat at the pinnacle of human capability, although it fell short of the might showcased by Orcs and Lycans. As the battle raged on, Emiya's thoughts raced, calculating every move. 'Step back, parry from the left, counter with a thrust from my chest, and watch for her strike at my Achilles's tendons…' In a split second, those in closest proximity had their impending moves predicted, drawing from Emiya's extensive lifetime of accumulated experience. 

"Ah!" Swiftly, he swept his foot against one of the girl's neck and forced her to the ground. Capitalizing on this, he leveraged her form as a platform, propelling himself to a more open area, where he unleashed a surprise attack on several of his opponents. "Don't give any time to rest!" 

Alicia's directives reached his ears, and he let out a resigned sigh at the unyielding determination of that woman. Perhaps he would need to take her out first and then focus on the surrounding Knights afterwards in case Celestine took her sweet time to show up. 

The pommel of his swords struck the head of one of the girls attempting to stealthily approach from behind. He followed this by forcefully kicking her body, propelling it like a projectile into the midst of those surrounding him. The more he continued to hold his ground against this onslaught, the more familiar he started becoming with their ways of fighting and swordsmanship. Strangely, their style bore an uncanny resemblance to the one Brynn used to employ. 

'Despite their strength and speed, they lack the skill to properly use their techniques.' While the swordsmanship used was by no means bad, in the hands of a true master, it could easily lead to devastating results. Unfortunately for them, their encounters seemed to be mostly confined to Orcs and the occasional local bandits — these girls just had no experience of how to handle an opponent like Archer. 

A twist of his sword disarms his opponent, while a subsequent slashing motion shattered their blades into fragments that dispersed across the battlefield. Emiya expertly maneuvered, ensuring he doesn't get cornered by mistake. Regardless of how the gap between their skills was, he preferred avoiding any unnecessary risks or potentially tiring himself out if more came. 

"By the gods…" Chloe remained frozen, her mouth agape, deeply unsettled by the astonishing spectacle unfolding before her eyes. "How can a human even be capable of that!?" Her bewilderment deepened as she comprehended that all of these Knights bore blessings, yet they were still losing one after the other. She had initially attributed his strength to those weird artifacts stashed within his storage magic.

"Don't be surprised by such a display, Chloe." The Dark Queen watched the scene without a trace of surprise on her face. Having witnessed Archer's prowess against the Lycans, even with her spells reinforcing him, these bunch of humans posed no danger to him. Her gaze shifted, finding an equally unworried Maia who struggled to stifle her laughter as she watched the growing frustration etched on Alicia's face. All the while, still clutching the little tiefling. 

One by one, the women knights fell, some suffering broken bones and lacerations across their exposed bodies. His movements were fluid and efficient, always aiming for incapacitating blows rather than fatal ones. Despite facing overwhelming numbers, he never lost his composure, always one step ahead of his opponents. 

"Enough!" The blonde finally had enough of her Knights' repeated failures in subduing Archer and rushed forward to engage him herself. To the eyes of many, her figure blurred before she reappeared right next to Archer with her rapier once again aimed at his face. 

"Emiya!" Maia shouted, for the first time showing signs of worry. She was reminded of the girl in her arms and couldn't rush over to help him. "Careful!" Her previous anger towards him vanished for a moment, the image of him getting impaled by Alicia's rapier being too unbearable for her to imagine. 


Fortunately, the attack got deflected once again, much to the dismay of Alicia and to the relief of Maia.

"Impressive. But you'll have to do better than that." Archer said, smirking.

"Die!" Gritting her teeth, the blonde unleashed another flurry of slashes and thrusts, the vicinity resonating with the high-pitched melody of her blade as it darted with a speed even beyond Chloe or Maia's ability to track. 

'She's definitely fast. Maia was not lying about her speed blessing.' He recalled the conversation he had with the redhead regarding the unique gifts endowed upon each Princess Knight by Celestine. Though some were a mystery given how rarely they were used — those like Alicia's were widely known by even the general population, owing to her conspicuous usage. He'd even seen Prim heal and recover faster than anything humanly possible, so it was fair to assume that not all of them were combat related. "Tch, you have speed, but you somehow still manage to stay so predictable." 

"Why can't I hit you!?" From the outside, onlookers could easily discern that she was executing her movements at a swifter pace than Archer. However, as if struck with premonition, he could predict her strikes before she even initiated them, effortlessly evading or deflecting her rapier with his sword. "I'm not done!" 

The ground beneath her feet broke, disappearing from the front and reappearing at the back. She had a large smirk on her face as this move always confused her enemies, no matter how powerful they were. That split second of confusion always proved to be their demise. "—!?" 

Though her joy didn't last long as she watched the tranquil Gray eyes glance at her, looking at her as if he anticipated she was going to appear here. But how!? 

"Once more, your speed is undeniable, yet your moves remain foreseeable." Spit flew out of her mouth as Archer twirled around to deliver a powerful kick to her stomach. The impact generated a miniature shockwave, propelling Alicia's body away from the ground. "You're not going anywhere." 

"Eurgh!" He grabbed her arm, making sure she wouldn't get sent flying away, and lazily dropped her on the ground. The girl wobbled in place, temporarily stunned, before managing to get herself under control. 

"Consider this a gesture of me paying respects to your cousin, Prim. Though our acquaintance was fleeting, she's one of the few in Eostia who treated me with genuine respect and hospitality. I possessed the capacity to employ more ruthless tactics, but I exercised restraint against your group.. I know you hate me for killing Vault and the Kuroinu, but there are more pressing matters at hand." He spoke softly, not having much hope in these people but willing to offer an olive branch just to show that he at least tried. 

"Y-You! More pressing matters!?" As expected, his phrasing didn't sit well with her. Negotiating with someone as resolute in their pride as her was bound to be a challenge — he should have known. "You're just trying to talk your way out of your transgressions! Do you assume that by merely weaving falsehoods and bringing us the Dark Queen that we'll lend credence to your words? Hah! Don't be delusional!" 

She rose from the ground, wincing in pain from the earlier blow to her stomach. Thankfully, no serious damage had been inflicted. She was convinced of it. A mere human like him could never injure a Princess Knight of all beings. His prowess was undoubtedly an exaggeration, and fatigue must have begun to take its toll.

Archer sighed.

"Hah, if it brings you satisfaction, you're free to apprehend and enact my execution once the imminent danger has been quelled." he offered, acknowledging the potential outcome should he fail to succumb to his injuries or get obliterated by the Beast. Of course, if by some miracle he did fulfill his goals and duties, then Archer would have no more reason to stay here anymore. A vacation? He didn't believe that notion one bit. Alaya was not an entity known for its emotional side… merely a cold program more than anything. "Does that sound reasonable to you?" 

This was humiliating for Alicia. She never experienced such a feeling before. Her pride refused to allow this bastard to look down upon her to this extent. The fact that both the Dark Queen and Maia were witnesses to her abysmal defeat… It only fueled her desire to kill this man ever more. "Like I'd ever listen to a criminal! You deserved to be killed this instant!" 

Regaining her breath, she channeled every bit of her power into her legs. She exerted herself against the ground, moving at a speed greater than anything she had shown in the past. This… this would be enough to kill, there was no way for a human to react this quickly, and even Claudia struggled to deal with such a move. The smirk on Alicia's face grew more twisted as she saw Archer stay still, not moving a muscle or rather just unable to react to her in time. 

Yet the sharp hawk-like eyes followed her movement with an exasperation evident within them. Alicia's heart skipped a beat when she heard him mutter a few words. "You stubborn fool, I gave you multiple chances, and you still can't see past your narrow-minded decisions." She felt something, motes of blue light gathering next to her head. Taking shape right before her eyes at speeds greater than hers. A spear? A dagger? A sword? She couldn't distinguish it yet. 

The blue light coalesced with the tip of a blade forming, exuding enough killing intent to plunge her world into darkness for a mome—




"Alicia… why are you trying to hurt Shirou?" 


It happened in an instant, catching everyone, including Archer, off guard. As he heard that name, a bone-chilling wave of power spread across the area. Every single Knight fell to their knees, some even having the lights in their eyes diminish as they lost consciousness. 


The blonde Princess Knight, in particular, bore the brunt of an intensified sensation, akin to the crushing force of a colossal hand mercilessly descending upon her body. Strength left her body, replaced by a chilling void of weakness… a far cry from the very blessing that granted her so many victories. "A-Argh!" Her body remained utterly immobile, refusing to heed her commands to rise, while an unrelenting terror took root within her heart. 

She wanted to vomit, her already throbbing headache intensifying with each passing moment of this relentless ordeal. 

The girl strained to lift her head, utilizing the available fragments of her surroundings. Managing to spot Maia in a similar spot as her. The redhead was panting heavily,sweat dripping down her forehead as she struggled to hold up Radomira, who felt like a ton of bricks. "W-What's going on!?" Maia screamed, her words mirroring everyone's thoughts. "Did we walk into a trap!?" 

"A trap? Of course not, even I am not capable of performing such a spell at this moment." Olga answered calmly, gently taking the Tiefling away from the weakened Maia and going over to Chloe, the latter also appearing untouched by the phenomena afflicting the rest. 

"H-How?" Maia asked, why weren't these two affected? 

The Queen of Dark Elves smirked, giving Maia a side-eye glance. "It's because my soul isn't enslaved to a higher power like the rest of you." 

A higher power? 

Olga continued to speak, "And from the looks of it, that little friend of yours somehow managed to anger her to the point that even I was incapable of in the past… congratulations." Even after slaughtering thousands of humans and having her monsters rape and pillage many villages under the protection of the Goddess Reborn, never did Celestine show anything else but pity, concern, and disappointment whenever they faced each other. "This is going to be fun." 


Why was fate persistently seeking to hurt him? Celestine grappled with this question, despite her best efforts to find a solution. It remained an enigma, defying comprehension. Even when examining his past memories, one thing was clear… he never found rest. 

People, she came to believe, failed to understand him. They could not grasp how someone could yearn solely for their happiness, demanding nothing in return. His willingness to risk his life for strangers was an unfathomable concept to them.They assumed it was but a facade to conceal some ulterior malevolence. This doubt changed into scrutiny, then finally hate until virtually everyone turned against him. He went from being hailed as the light that saved them time and time again, to being vilified as the source of all their suffering… How inhumane. 

'That's right, those people are not human. They do not hold the love and light I had seen in them for centuries.' Yes, that was the only explanation Celestine could conjure up in her dilemma. However, another concern weighed heavily on her mind as of late, that vision of the future. Where had she been during his execution? 


Her attention shifted back to the field beyond the kingdom. With dozens of her own personal guards, she had rushed to the scene, her breath ragged and her feet throbbing from overexerting herself. At this moment, the blonde elf fervently wished she hadn't lost the ability to use her flying and teleportation spells. But alas, her current self could no longer use them without consuming vast quantities of resources and time. 


Her mind froze as she beheld the scene of Alicia's blade drawing perilously close to Archer's defenseless neck. She had formed the Princess Knights with the primary goal of protecting the seven kingdoms and fighting back against Olga's ever-growing armies. Yet they had a secondary duty as well… One involving the protection of innocent lives and the maintenance of order across the sprawling realm, which she alone could not accomplish. 

She had bestowed upon them her powers, a sliver of her very existence to merge with them. This gift had elevated them, endowing them with magic that no human should ever possess, essentially turning them into what some might consider as demigods. She trusted them with all her heart and cherished them as if they were her own children and closest confidants. She never doubted their actions and held absolute faith in their judgment. Even Maia, the most recent addition to the ranks of the Princess Knights, had showcased her valor on numerous occasions, alongside her leadership skills. People adored her, and the kids wanted to follow in her footsteps — that point alone made Maia a noteworthy candidate for the role of a Princess Knight. 

Alicia, on the other hand, demonstrated to the Goddess Reborn the lengths she would go for Prim and her home kingdom. Holding unshakable honor and pride towards the home built by her ancestors. Despite her somewhat extreme behavior, Alicia always looked out for others, placing their safety ahead of her own. Those traits fostered Celestine's admiration of the young girl, thus granting her a part of herself. 

"Alicia…" now this very same person pointed a sword straight at an innocent boy who had done no wrong. Using the powers she granted Alicia, with a grin that Celestine could only describe as demonic. It reminded her of those who threw rocks at the man, insulting his very existence and blaming him for all the suffering they experienced. It made her question whether Alicia had become part of those beings masquerading as humans. At this moment, a grim realization washed over her: Archer was not destined to meet his end at Alicia's hands,… rather by the very powers she herself had granted. 

Something inside her snapped.

"Why are you hurting Shirou?" 


In that critical moment, she summoned all of her powers back under her command, rendering everyone immobile. Her singular concern was now Archer's well-being, with everything else fading into insignificance..


'She sure did take her time.' Archer thought as he observed the Princess Knights and their subordinates dropping to their knees or passing out completely. At first, he had no idea what was happening until Celestine came into the picture, then he recalled that each of them possessed a fragment of Celestine's power. 'It doesn't look like she can manipulate them willingly. She probably did it due to her heightened emotional state.'



She walked towards him, paying no heed to the individuals still kneeling and gasping for air around her. Archer's eye twitched once more as he got a closer look at the Goddess Reborn, a sensation he hadn't experienced since catching fleeting glimpses of her in statuette he'd seen in the past, the paintings scattered around Luu-Luu's castle, and that brief encounter within his own soul. Yet now, despite her proximity, her figure appeared blurred and distorted, leaving him uncertain. Nevertheless, he was certain that this woman somehow found a way to infiltrate his soul when it shouldn't even be possible. 

Returning to the matter at hand, he resisted the urge to sigh at her choice of clothing. She wore one of the most revealing togas, seemingly designed to teeter on the brink of immodesty, with a loosely buckled belt concealing her lower region. Strangely, it somehow ended up being far more appropriate than what Luu-Luu had worn and even the Knights' armor. But then again, some Heroic Spirits in his own world sported equally scandalous types of clothing. 

Her appearance struck him as… ordinary, for lack of a better word. He had anticipated a more extravagant appearance, given her description as the Goddess Reborn. Now as she stood before him, the woman evoked in the Counter Guardian a sense of familiarity, resembling Anna in some aspects, while also bearing traits reminiscent of Grace, all framed by a face that radiated innocence. 



Ah, she was, for some reason, starting to cry. Tears welling up before streaming down her face. "S-Shirou…" The way she called out his name made him flinch once more. It wasn't merely the name in itself but rather the emphasis and emotions she imbued into that tone. He should have known. This Goddess had ventured into places she had no business exploring. Parts he never intended to share with anyone in this world… he despised it. 

'Calm down,' he muttered to himself inhaling deeply to clear his thoughts and approach the situation with a rational mindset. Alicia had proven to be a lost cause as she wasn't someone he could negotiate with in the first place. But from the looks of it, Celestine turned out to possibly be a different case. 

"S-Shirou, it's r-really you… I found you… I finally found you!" her voice quivered, holding back a torrent of emotions that even made Archer uncomfortable. Her trembling hands reached his cheeks, caressing them gently while he showed no reaction — a persistent frown etched on his face. "I-I-I… I tried to search for you before… and finally…" 

Getting closer to him, Archer knew he had to stop this before it escalated any further. He gently pushed her hand away, causing a shadow of sadness to creep upon the Goddess, even though she continued to smile. 

"You're confusing me with someone else." He answered with a displeased tone, leaving Celestine momentarily stunned as the Goddess took a few seconds to process his words. 


"I'm Archer." He witnessed panic flicker across her face for a split second before it vanished, replaced by confusion. "And please, keep some distance from me. We've just met, and I have no prior connection with you whatsoever." 

He tried to create more distance between them, but Celestine promptly closed the gap, her hands now cradling each side of his face and her body firmly pressed against him. "No, you're lying! You are Shirou Emiya. I know it. Why are you lying to me?" She inquired emotionally, unwavering in her stance and unwilling to release her grasp on him. 

"Again," Emiya muttered through his gritted teeth, this time exerting more force to push her away. "I am not Shirou Emiya, and don't you force that name upon me." His voice was laced with an icy tone, enough to make the woman flinch, yet even then, she refused to believe him and sought to approach him once again.

Only for Olga to position herself between the two of them, her face adorned with a barely perceivable smirk. 


"Hoh, did you seriously forget about my existence after laying your eyes on Archer here? That's certainly unexpected." Not just that, she even called him Shirou Emiya and acted like she knew the man. That piqued the Dark Queen's curiosity, as she basically knew next to nothing about the man. Celestine possessed the power of divination, so there was likely information she could siphon. "I came here in peace. Would you be willing to listen to my offer?" 

She immediately went to the main topic at hand, noticing the Princess Knights recovering from what happened earlier. 

"..." Celestine hesitated. Prior to these events, she suspected that Olga would seek her out at one point. Much like how she had insight into the Dark Queen's personality and character, the same could be applied against her by the other party involved. 

"You are well aware that I retain my utility, even in the wake of Castle Discordia's destruction. In this very moment, I offer you more value than even a hundred of your finest mages could ever hope to deliver… and that's just the tip of the iceberg." Despite speaking to her face to face, the blonde elf's attention remained fixated on Archer. Her disregard for the conversation seemed to be increasingly vexing to the prideful Olga. 

"Why is Shi—

"My name is Archer."

"—rou with you?"

She was somewhat caught off guard by the sharp gaze of her former friend. Olga grew even more curious about the relationship between these two as it appeared to be far more intricate than she had initially surmised. Not just a simple deal between a client and mercenary — rather, a more intimate connection. 

'It hasn't been an hour since I've arrived, and I'm already finding pleasure in this whole debacle.' She mused, all the while maintaining a composed demeanor. 

"Oh, you mean Archer?" She reached out to touch the man's shoulders, subtly leaning against his arm as she did so, all the while keeping a keen eye on any change in Celestine's face. Trying to uncover any additional information if possible. "Why, he's my loyal savior who saved Chloe and me from getting violated by the repugnant humans you call allies." 

Celestine's piercing glare transitioned into an even more pronounced scow. But the one who reacted first to Olga's action was not Celestine or even the shaken Alicia. Instead, it was none other than Maia, forcefully yanking Olga away from Archer. 

"Hey bitch, keep your hands off of him! I don't care what there is between you two but don't start causing trouble! Vault would never do such a disgusting act!" She shouted and then pointed at the red bowman. "And you! Don't think you can run away now, 'cause this time, I'll put my life on the line to keep you here asshole!" 

Her response elicited a smirk from Archer, finding amusement in how she was the first to recover from whatever had happened before, especially in comparison to the still shaken Alicia, who remained on her knees. It was yet another reminder of this woman's inexperience and stubbornness. "As much as I would like to hasten this conversation along, let's relocate to a more private setting than an open area." 

He gestured at the area around them, with hundreds of Knights having regained their consciousness and even some of the guards approaching from a distance. 

"You're right," Celestine was the first one to agree with him. "Alicia, Maia, lead them inside the main throne room." 

"B-But Celestine-sama, she is our enem—"

"Now!" Once again, the Princess Knights and soldiers felt a shock course through their bodies, something so foreign and utterly terrifying that they couldn't find themselves to disobey. Alicia in particular, had her face turn crimson with the amount of animosity she was holding back towards Archer. Glaring at him and Olga before silently walking back to Feoh, with Maia hesitantly trailing behind her, her gaze still fixed on Archer. 

"My Queen," Chloe, now holding Radomira, looked at Olga for further orders. A large part of her harbored apprehensions about walking inside the lion's den and setting off a potential trap where they could find themselves surrounded by the Princess Knights and the Goddess Reborn. However, witnessing Archer's capabilities had temporarily assuaged some of her concerns. Then again, there remained no guarantee that he would assist them beyond fulfilling his agreement. "Maybe we can…" 

"Let's go. Nothing will happen to us." Olga assured her trusted bodyguard. Following the Princess Knights while giving Celestine one last glance. "Archer, I hope you don't mind if I extend our little deal a bit? Given I never expected Celestine to come all the way out here." 

"Does not matter to me," he answered with a shake of his head. "I also have matters to attend to here in Feoh, and I don't feel safe leaving the girl with anyone for that matter — you included."

"Fair." At least she appreciated his honesty, given having a Tiefling in Feoh would attract the attention of many mages and, of course, the ire of the Church. 

Archer followed her, passing by Celestine, who appeared eager to continue their conversation. "Later, not now." He whispered, knowing that this person had the potential to complicate his life substantially if he tried to play ignorant for long. Better to rip the band-aid off at the beginning and present the truth as it was. 


-Feoh, Throne room- 

The atmosphere inside the room was suffocating, to say the least, as the Princess Knights, baring Claudia and Kaguya, gathered inside the room with all their attention focused directly on Olga. 

"Archer-san?" Prim's eyes lit up when she noticed the man standing at the back, his arms crossed and his back relaxed against the wall. Her eyes widened as a large smile formed on her face as she tried to run up to him but was stopped by Alicia herself. "Ah!" 

Her cousin's hand got hold over her shoulders as she stopped Prim from going over to him. "Alicia onee-sama?" 

Something was wrong with her. She instantly noticed upon seeing her darkened face. Her hands were shaking, subtle enough for most to miss it, and the same was evident with Maia though the latter more or less had an angered face glaring at Olga. "What happened to you?" She asked, getting no response from the Princess Knight. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

"It's… it's nothing. Just don't go near that man." 

Prim frowned over those words, disappointed that Alicia still believed that Archer was a bad person who would harm her or anyone here for that matter. Despite having tried her best to convince her of the opposite this entire time, it still seemed like her words still did not reach through. There must have been a reason why he brought Olga over here of all places when he could have easily gone anywhere else to hide from their forces. 

While she continued to muse with her inner thoughts, Celestine was the first to break the silence in the midst of the tense atmosphere. "You haven't changed." She remarked, recalling their last encounter a century ago. The person before her still bore the same emotionless face as they had back then.

"You, on the other hand, have changed significantly," the other party answered, reflecting on a similar event from the past. But in her memories, the Celestine she pictured held a more bright, optimistic, and strong-willed faith that blinded her. But now, she didn't know how to explain it, but that particular radiance had dimmed. Almost as if she was facing someone completely different yet familiar. She even looked tired to some extent. "I take it that the recent years have not been kind to you — just like me." 


"I can see that your mind is plagued by another matter entirely. No matter, I'll make this quick then." Olga took a deep breath, her pride once again trying to dissuade her from uttering her next words. Nevertheless, she knew it was necessary. There was no alternative. "Celestine, I came here to request asylum and protection." 

Instantly, her request triggered a huge outburst within the room, so intense that not even Luu-Luu could hide her anger. 

"Are you crazy!?" She exclaimed, "In case you've forgotten, we are enemies at war, and you can't simply waltz in here and make such a request because you lost your precious castle! Do you have any freaking idea how much resources and manpower we sacrificed to retake Ken all those years ago? Double that number just to keep you from fully invading Eostia, for I don't know…THE LAST FEW CENTURIES!" 

Prim chimed in with an equal amount of disapproval. "I must agree with Luu-Luu-san, Celestine-sama. The Dark Queen and her forces have not only pillaged the villages and towns of the innocents but have committed countless atrocities." 

"... You've taken the lives of countless innocent people, and you expect us to keep you safe here?" Celestine had to agree with them, try as she might to be forgiving to her former friend — there was a limit to how much she could forgive. 

"So did your kind and the humans you so dearly protect." Olga countered, maintaining her composure while everyone looked ready to cut off her head. "Every single thing you are accusing me of, I do not deny, but let us not pretend that I am the only villain here. Before I came to power, you humans committed the exact same atrocities to my people, and the Light Elves either always turned a blind eye or assissted in these transgressions." 

She wasn't done, continuing to speak loudly. 

"And you need me here, alive, for who else will control the now unbound armies or demons? Without my control, their numbers will grow at an alarming rate. They will pillage and rape far more women and eat everything on their paths. Castle Discordia served as a lid that suppressed their kind for all these years. I used them as a weapon, but I also kept them under control. In my absence, that vacuum will inevitably be occupied by an entity far more perilous than me. I know you realize that as well, Celestine." 

"You lie again!" Alicia interjected, unable to endure listening to this nonsense. "Your first claim about Vault, aimed at tarnishing his name and that of the Kuroinu, already crumbled, and now you're trying to make us pity you? And what demon army? Our forces are perfectly capable of killing all their remaining numbers without your intervention."

"He wasn't just trying to violate me. That man planned to plunge all of Eostia into pure anarchy where men ruled as kings and women were nothing more than objects to satiate their lust. Both he and his mage planned to use my castle to control the demons under my command and take over the world." 

"You have no proof," Maia pointed out, struggling to suppress her fury. "For all we know, you're just trying to turn us against each other and strike when we're most vulnerable. Vault he… he would never do such a thing." 

The Dark Queen hummed, "I must admit, I don't blame you for thinking that I have hidden motives. Otherwise you'd be the most gullible fools in existence. I have no proof to show you all, my hands are empty, and any material I could have used was burned down and destroyed along with the castle. Not to mention I have no one to vouch on my behalf." 

"See, Celestine-sama? This woman has come here with nefarious reasons along with that mass murderer over there!" Alicia proclaimed, pointing at Archer. "He is just as responsible as the Dark Queen for the deaths of thousands of our bravest allies!" 

"That's not true," intervened Prim. "Archer-san must have had a reason behind his actions. No, he must have been manipulated by Olga and her magic! We should punish her instead." 

"I second that notion." 

"Same as Maia, we shouldn't trust her, and Archer over there is not our enemy. Though, if you do plan on killing him, then let me have a talk with him so I can acquire his weapons."

"Luu-Luu! What the hell!?" 

"What!? I'm just saying, Maia." 

"Enough!" Celestine intervened, feeling a pang in her heart whenever her Princess Knights brought up the subject of execution with Archer. "No such punishment or execution shall take place." She gazed pleadingly at the man, who had remained silent throughout, hoping he would shine some light on the truth and show her allies the true hero that he was. 

"Hah," the man sighed upon noticing their gazes on him. "She's not lying, Vault and the Kuroinu posed a greater threat to humanity compared to Olga, and I killed them to prevent that. No, I wasn't being controlled, and yes, I made that choice willingly." 

"Humph! Finally overwhelmed by guilt, are you, now that you've confessed to your crimes!" Alicia was ecstatic. She honestly wasn't expecting him to just admit it so easily. "You and the Dark Queen are allies, both working to seize Eostia by destroying the peace and prosperous nations we worked so hard to build." 

"We seem to have differing definitions of prosperity." On their way here, Archer noticed something strange about the kingdom. The road leading from the castle to the outside was spotless and cleaned to perfection, devoid of even the tiniest trace of dirt or litter, contrary to what Anna and Grace had told him. He then noticed how strange the whole place was. The streets were practically empty, with guards all lining up to block any and all roads leading to the other parts of the kingdom. They were concealing something, not from him or Olga, but rather from Celestine and her Princess Knights. 

Even from the balcony, large towers were erected all around the premise that hid a large part of the kingdom and only showed the upper area where the wealthiest lived. 

"From the many stories I've heard of this place, you'd expect this place to crumble or descend into chaos soon."

"Stories made up by jealous peasants who covet what they lack and aim to sully my family's name and reputation. Be honored that we even let you inside the kingdom alive rather than a corpse." The blonde Princess Knight declared, giving Archer an idea of the extent of her delusional beliefs. 

"You have quite a big mouth for someone who had to kneel before me." He retorted with a smirk, provoking a furious reaction from the Princess Knight.

"Why you insolent—!!" 

"Alicia, I ordered you to stand down, right?" Celestine's voice, now cold and commanding, sent another shiver through the room. Their bodies momentarily freeze up in shock, including Prim and Luu-Luu. Again, no one ever imagined such a tone could ever come from the gentle Goddess — even Olga had trouble believing her eyes. "You still haven't answered my question, Olga. Why is he helping you?" Celestine asked, this question being the main one she wanted the answer to first and foremost.

"Humph, he probably trusted someone like me more than you." 


Tension filled the room as Celestine and Olga locked eyes, their expressions filled with determination. Chloe couldn't help but tremble at the thought of her Queen having to potentially fight off all of these people. However, to the surprise of everyone, a beautiful smile bloomed on Celestine's face as she cast a quick glance at Archer. "You're wrong. He just saved you because that's the kind of person he is. Your words now show me that you don't understand him after all." 

That made one of Archer's eyebrows twitch. This woman had some heavy misunderstandings. 

"Celestine-sama, I believe we have seen and heard enough from these two to conclude that they should be detained and sent to the dungeon until ex—"

"—No, you shall do no such thing, Alicia." 

"What? B-B-But…"

"I shall give the final judgment on another date. Whether Olga is truly telling the truth or not, I shall see it for myself." It soon dawned on the Princess Knights that their Goddess intended to use her divination magic to peer into the future before passing any kind of judgement. But one thing they did notice was how this only applied to Olga and Chloe. She mentioned nothing about Archer.

This worried Alicia, who could not let the matter rest so easily. "But what about that man who killed the Kuroinu?" Surely he didn't need her to perform any divination, as they had all seen him killing off Vault and his men. 

"This meeting is over. All of you, leave." Not even answering her question, she ordered everyone to leave at once. Wanting to protest once again, Alicia found both Prim and Maia holding her back before pulling her out of the throne room with haste. 

One by one, everyone left except for Archer, who stayed behind. Despite the Knights' initial attempts to force him out, they felt an invisible force looming over them when they got closer. Whatever unseen force was at play, it seemed to be pressuring the girls to walk out of the room without causing more trouble, as such they had no other choice but to obey and leave. 



Right as the door closed, Celestine rushed straight to Archer and enveloped him in a tight embrace, with no intention of letting go any time soon. With the concern of her Princess Knights harming him gone, she could finally take in his presence and the sensation of his body. "You really are Shirou," despite his previous protests about her misunderstanding, Celestine knew he was lying. 

"You haven't changed, your scent, your touch, and aura are all just as I remembered, Shirou. Why did you lie to me?" She nuzzled her face near his neck, soaking in the warmth that brought her more joy and pleasure than she ever believed to be possible. He was taller compared to his childhood self, more muscular, and warmer. "I dreamed of this moment. Every night I hoped that I'd one day find you and save you. Now, I promise I'll keep you safe. I will help you fulfill your goals of becoming a hero where everyone loves yo—ah!" 

That warm feeling disappeared as Archer managed to escape her hold and appear a distance away from the Goddess. 

Now that there was no one to hear their conversation, he repeated himself. "I'm telling you again, I'm Archer. And I would rather not be hugged by a stalker who encroached upon my soul, forcefully delved into my memories and violated my privacy." He didn't know how much she'd seen of his past, nor could he say for certain how long this had lasted. But having someone examine his life so casually, as if flipping through the pages of a book, deeply unsettled the Counter Guardian and kept him on edge.

"N-No, I'm really trying to help you!" She said desperately. "I-I won't betray or hurt you like the others did, Shirou. You are my hero. I just want to keep you safe from those disgusting people who hurt you!"

"Help me? A hero?" To Celestine's confusion, Archer chuckled lightly with his hand covering his face. "Just how much of my past did you see, woman?" 

"Everything," she answered instantly. "I saw your past and future. I know you're not an evil person or a ruthless killer like what Alicia is painting you to be. I understand how deeply you care for humanity, just like I do. We both want to save the world and free the people from all their suffering. Yet some still betray you and will attempt to kill you in the future. Shirou, please believe me, all I want is to keep you safe!" 

Initially, he found himself questioning her words, wondering what she was talking about. Given his connection to Alaya and status as a Counter Guardian, it was inconceivable that she could foresee his 'future'. He had no future, having perished long ago, with this body being a temporary shell at best. 

She walked towards him slowly, her intense gaze completely focused on his own. "I won't let them kill you, Shirou. You won't suffer their hate, nor will you feel betrayed by the world. As long as I draw breath, they will never hang you."




'Oh… so that's what she meant by the future.' 

All the puzzle pieces fell into place, and he began to grasp the source of this misunderstanding. Not only did she glimpsed his past, likely beginning with the fire, but had witnessed every step of his life, all the way up to his eventual death. What she had perceived as his "future" was, in reality, a chronological account of his life.

How was this possible? They didn't have a Master/Servant connection! Wait, did Alaya pull something in the background unbeknownst to him? He couldn't deny that possibility… 

Still, she believed that his death had not yet occurred… This situation had taken such an absurd and ridiculous turn that tArcher couldn't help but erupt into full-blown laughter. 

"Why, why are you laughing!? Do you not believe me?" At this point, she was willing to do anything to prove her worth to him and earn his trust. 

"Hahaha… I'm not laughing because I don't believe you. Quite the opposite, in fact — I know you're telling the truth." He took a moment to regain his composure, wondering what could have led to this colossal misunderstanding. Well, his luck was never the best. "Unfortunately, you can't save me anymore, as you're already far too late for that." 

"What? W-What are you talking about, Shirou?" An ominous feeling settled in her heart. The same one she felt when that mysterious entity made some sort of contract with Shirou and when she met the girl during his execution. "E-Everything will b-be alright. I'll save you. I-I'll protect you with my life!" 

Archer shook his head, unable to understand why this woman was so desperate and invested in the first place. 

He sighed, "You can't save me. No one can." 

Her heart began to pound loudly, her instincts urging her to stop him from uttering whatever painful truth lay ahead. "N-No, don't say a-anything. I can still…" 

"Shirou Emiya already died a long time ago," he spoke firmly, his voice loud and clear inside the room. "And he was not betrayed by the people he saved. No, that fool got betrayed by his very own ideals. Lied to and betrayed by a borrowed dream that held no real ending." 

"Stop it, I-I beg of you, stop speaking…" She held his hands, her body quaking as an unpleasant… almost nauseating sensation washed over her. Her powers became erratic, slowly slipping from her control and radiating outwards — Flowing through her hands and coating Archer's. "I-I-I can still…" 

"For you see, that last dream you saw was actually my past… not my future."

As if something within her had snapped, the world around her turned blinding white. Her divination abilities surged to life, now fully enveloping both her and Archer, eliciting a surprised reaction from him at this sudden change. 

But for Celestine, in that split second, her consciousness delved deep into the recesses of his memories. There, she discovered a whole new side of his life, something she'd never seen or realized. She beheld the blurry figure of a man trudging up a mountain of corpses. His appearance was the same as the Shirou she knew but devoid of that light he once previously held. 

His back was impaled by swords and spears, mortal wounds that could have killed anyone, but he kept walking. This wasn't hell. It was something worse. 

At the top, he pierced his sword into the ground, staring at the barren wasteland around him — this same field she witnessed in the past. The picturesque twilight is now gone and replaced with a hazy smog and countless swords. 

Grief, regret, and hatred washed over his face as he now realized the truth. And with that, he screamed, followed by the visions of countless lifetimes of death, suffering, killing, killing, and more killing. A never-ending cycle where he could no longer escape, trapped for eternity as nothing more than a killing machine. 

She finally witnessed the true death of Shirou Emiya.


Celestine's heart broke, and so did her faith.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 1 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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