83.33% An Archer's Promise / Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Power

บท 50: Chapter 50: Power

-Dark Lands, near Grenzstadt-

"We've got company." Archer announced, interrupting Olga's thoughts as she and the red bowman shifted their gaze towards the dark forest in the distance — locked onto a pair of chilling, glowing yellow orbs seething with unmistakable hostility and bloodlust. 

"Old acquaintances, I presume?" he asked calmly, as both the Heroic Spirit and Dark Elf silently took note of the growing multitude of eyes emerging from the darkness, their expressions unwavering and resolute. Neither showed any hint of anger or fear in response to the ambush. "If they are, they have certainly mastered the art of concealing their presence, especially in the dead of night. The incessant howling especially, was a necessary touch to accentuate their exceptional stealth." His sarcastic undertone caused Olga to release an exasperated sigh. 

"So they finally came to finish me off after all." Olga whispered, her heart burdened with a complex mix of emotions. Howler was the oldest subordinate under her command, though his kind did not join willingly to her cause, as Olgahad subjugated them through the imposition of a slave mark. Among her forces, his kind stood as the indisputable might of her army, possessing an unmatched combination of ruthlessness, effectiveness, and efficiency on any battlefield. Next in line were the orcs, imps and goblins, who formed the bulk of her army due to their astonishing reproductive speed. An infant Orc for example, required a mere two weeks or a month at the furthest to reach full maturity. 

Unlike their rapid maturation, Lycans had a growth process more akin to humans, as their offspring required several years to reach adulthood. Given the frequency of battles waged between her and the seven kingdoms, she found it increasingly challenging to depend on their breeding habits within such time constraints. Especially considering that their offspring were primarily demi-humans rather than purebred Lycans. Recognizing the impracticality of this in sustaining her forces, she was forced to enslave an ever-growing number of their tribes, thereby exacerbating the animosity between Dark Elves and Lycans. 

"I was wondering where these creatures were when I raided your castle, I couldn't find a single one until it was only later that I realized how the Orcs were not the sole beings that betrayed you. Now, they came all this way to either kill you or rape you. Given what I've seen so far, I'd argue on the second option if not both to add insult to injury." 

Unoffended by his words, she acknowledged the truth of his statement. "I always foresaw their kind breaking free from their bonds, either through their own capabilities or with the aid of Celestine. However, by that time, my army of Orcs and Elves would have grown substantial enough to confront them, even if they were to align with the Goddess Reborn."

"And now here you stand, bereft of everything save for a former slave with anger issues, two degenerate elves whose desires know no bounds, and myself, tasked with the responsibility of babysitting you all. must admit, the prospects of your survival appear rather bleak, oh Great Queen Olga." 

The killing intent in the air was dense beyond anything she had seen from them before. Their seething hatred was directed solely on her, fueled by years of torment, the loss of their family and the fate of their brethren. They were out for blood, and were itching to tear her from limb to limb. Yet regardless of the danger standing right in front of them, Olga's heart remained serene, her lips twitched upwards for a split second before she glanced at Archer, who leaned against a tree with his arms crossed. 

"I would argue that my odds of survival are considerably higher now, even without my castle and demons." 

"That's incredibly debatable, I could easily just leave with my group and have you fend for yourself. I have acquired the information I needed about the Insect God Cult and their leader. At this point, your value to me is minimal, not to mention the possibility of you or your kiss-ass of a bodyguard backstabbing me when I least expect it. Granted, I can handle you two easily, but I'm getting tired of smacking the blonde idiot every time she attacks. In a way, this is a good scenario for me, I can get rid of you right here and move forward without any future disturbances or inconveniences. Currently, I hold the world's attention as the one responsible for the death of Vault and the eradication of the Kuroinu. These acts will be celebrated in the eyes of mankind and I'm sure adding the title Dark Queen slayer will mitigate some of the charges against me, probably even make me a free man. That certainly beats getting hanged or executed by a bunch of bikini Knights." He displayed a distinct lack of interest or motivation to address the imminent threat, opting to remain in place while glancing at Olga from time to time.

Contrary to his expectations, the woman did not burst into a fit of anger and demanded that he fulfill his end of their agreement. Rather, she simply maintained eye contact with him for about a minute while ignoring the approaching shadows from the other side. 

"Then so be it." She whispered, resigned to her fate. With her head held high, she confronted the approaching lycans, striding forward with regal grace. Embodying the aura of an unwavering monarch untouched by trepidation or uncertainty — possessing nothing but the unwavering determination to face this challenge, regardless of whether it would lead to her demise or not. "Take care of Chloe, she is but a child with a dark past. She will be difficult to handle in the beginning, but with genuine care and affection she will come to hold you in high regard. Just… just please don't let her fall in the hands of that monster who calls himself her father. In this world, she is the closest individual I have left, both as a loyal servant and as a cherished daughter." 


Her mana reserves had dwindled to a mere fraction of their former strength, bereft of the support supplemented by the throne. Olga could only rely on the limited amount of mana contained within her own body. Furthermore, she had suffered the loss of her Obsidian staff, most likely destroyed in the castle after that wretched mage took it from her. 'I hold a deep disdain for people like Vault, the Kuroinu and humanity as a whole. The powers I have hone and cultivated for centuries stand as a testament to my unwavering dedication and innate talent as a Dark Elf. I refuse to sully them with the blood of those whom I view as nothing more than vile insects. And that fundamental belief has not changed.' 

Pride over her achievements.

Fulfillment of her worth as a mage. 

Honor as a Dark Elf. 

These circumstances were the underlying factors that restrained her from exacting vengeance upon Vault, for she couldn't overcome the notion of bestowing upon him a death so dignified and honorable. It was a disgraceful act that no form of punishment, not even death itself, could adequately address. 

But now?

Olga no longer held such a sentiment for these Lycans. They were the epitome of a warrior race, near perfect killing machines. They commanded her respect, ranking among the few races she held in high regard, alongside the dwarves. If the Lycans had ever united to forge an empire, then not even the humans could have withstood their overwhelming might. Even she, formidable as she was, would hesitate to face an army composed of tens of thousands of Lycans. 

"Howler, I know you can hear me." She started speaking, continuing to advance as Archer observed her from behind. "Either Kin or someone else has succeeded in breaking the seal I placed on you and your kind. Explains why you were absent during the battle against the Kuroinu, and it is the sole reason why you are here now, to bring an end to my life once and for all. Truth be told, I don't blame you for this," 

The howls in the distance got louder. 

As the wind gently rustled around her, a faint purple aura enveloped her palm, gradually coalescing into a magic circle adorned with dozens of ancient symbols, belonging to a language known solely by the ancient elves. 

"With this act, I make my final stand, and this land shall become our eternal resting place." Closing her palm, she shattered the magic circle into countless shimmering shards that encircled her, forming a protective barrier against all elemental forces. "Agni: Purple storm."


At last, they finally made their move. Bloodthirsty Lycans started emerging from the shadows, with claws and fangs bared, they lunged towards her with insatiable rage. Each of these beasts were twice her size, possessing supernatural speed that surpassed the limits of human vision. Yet, despite the imminent danger, Olga maintained an expression of cold indifference, calmly observing their approach as they inched closer to her. 

Until one of them touched the shards…


In an instant, the surrounding space ignited into an intense brazier of purple flames, engulfing all three charging Lycans within mere seconds. Their furious howls morphed into pitiful whimpers and agonizing screams as the intense heat devoured their bodies, leaving behind nothing but charred, lifeless corpses. 

"You can do better than that, Howler, I know you can." 




"Splitter, Tearer and Carver have died."

At the distant edge of the forest, two imposing Lycans stood tall, clad in sturdy bronze armor that bore the marks of countless battles. They observed the spectacle unfolding before them, awe evident on their scarred faces. "This is the first time I've seen the Queen use a spell. And a high ranking one no less. Though I must admit, this variation of a fire spell is unfamiliar to me." 

Next to the beast, Howler watched the scene of his fallen brethrens' death with a worried expression etched upon his face. "It seems she is determined to fight back. Though without her staff, her ability to repel a group of Orcs, let alone us, would be severely limited."

Olga was revered as a prodigy within her own race, a fact that had been repeated to Howler countless times by Kin, the late elders of his tribe and even the Mortadella brothers. She possessed mastery over all elements, much like Celestine and had the ability to reshape the very fabric of the land. 

However, the Olga Howler witnessed now was a far cry from her prime state, which had relied heavily on many artifacts, including but not limited to the Golden Throne. Stripped of these elements she should have been no different than a crippled mage.

"Crippled or not, a monster remains a monster." 

In a blinding burst of light, Olga repelled a fresh wave of Lycans, materializing a massive spike of purple crystal that shot out of the ground, impaling the abdomen of a red Lycan that had come dangerously close. Olga then placed her palm against the crystal's surface, triggering the formation of hundreds of smaller spikes that sprouted around her, forming a protective barrier that thwarted her attackers' attempts to corner her. Raising both hands toward the sky, Olga summoned forth more of the purple fire, which cascaded down upon his brethren, engulfing them in a destructive conflagration. 

The number of deaths climbed up to over twenty in a matter of minutes. 

"She is dangerous all right, if Crusher were here then at least he'd be able to kill her before she had a chance to cast a single spell," he remarked, his tone tinged with regret. It was unfortunate that one of his most competent brethren had met his demise during the calamity near Geofu's borders, precipitated by Celestine's intervention. 

"What about Chloe and the human she left behind?" 

"Leave them be, Chloe is nothing without her Queen — a blade without an owner destined to decay with time. As for the human, he might be Celestine's envoy for all we know, so steer clear of him. Cleaver, get ready. The longer we delay, the more lives are lost. Her shield has weakened and there are barely any shards left." 

Nodding in agreement, both Lycans let out a resounding howl towards the moon, a primal declaration of their presence on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Olga swiftly conjured another crystal wall, fortifying her defenses against the impending onslaught. Unleashing a barrage of fireballs upon her enemies, she remained focused. "He's here," she whispered, her senses heightened as she braced herself for the arrival of the newcomers. 

With astonishing speed surpassing even that of the previous Lycans, the looming shadow of a ferocious wolf engulfed her vision. A deafening screech reverberated throughout the area as razor-sharp claws managed to breach her first layer of defense, clashing directly with the crystal. "Hn!" Unable to withstand the force, the Dark Queen was sent flying, her weakened shield crumbling upon impact against a boulder. 

The foreign sensation of pain coursed through Olga's body, a feeling she had not felt for a century. Her bones rattled, and the force of the throw had taken a toll far greater than she had anticipated. Coughing several times, she mustered the strength to glare at her newfound enemy— her former general. "Howler…" 

"Dark Queen Olga Discordia," the Lycan spoke, his tone carrying a familiar air of respect as before when he was still under her command. He maintained a semblance of loyalty, going so far as to bow to his former master. "I have returned to fulfill my promise."

Years ago, when he was first captured by Olga, Howler swore that one day, he would bring the Dark Elf to her knees. She was keenly aware of his goals, as he had spat those very words to her face on countless occasions. 

"Were you the one responsible for enabling the Kuroinu to infiltrate my castle?" Olga inquired, her voice carrying a mixture of accusation and amusement. "Never mind, the answer won't alter the outcome of this battle." 

"That it will not. Regardless of the presence of your artifacts and your power as a mage, your fate is sealed. It astounds me how you managed to survive Vault's assault given your arrogance and distaste towards the humans. But seeing you here now, it is evident that even the Dark Queen can be shaken by the looming presence of death."

Olga bristled at his comment, for it was true that even without Vault's pursuit, escape would have been impossible for her. The thought of fleeing from a wretched human was a fate more dreadful than death itself, her pride would not allow it. "Do not insult me, Lycan. I would prefer death or the desecration of my body over succumbing to cowardice, my dignity lies beyond your comprehension." 

"Humph," the beast snorted, his bafflement evident as he failed to comprehend the thought process of this fallen Queen. While their own race was renowned for its pride and honor, they understood that in the absence of a viable escape route, retreat would be the wisest choice. Howler and the other Lycans brandished their claws, their sharpness glinting under the moon's gaze. "Arrogant till the end, how typical of you, my Queen." he snarled, spitting out the title as if it left a repugnant aftertaste.

He howled again, signaling his comrades to launch their assault. "—!" Before she could fully react, she unleashed a flurry of blazing purple rods of flames, summoning additional crystal structures to protect her. While she had managed to handle the previous onslaught, Howler surpassed them all in strength and swiftness by a significant margin. 

"Raargh!" With but two slashes, he effortlessly cleaved through half of the purple structures, causing shards and debris to scatter in all directions. Olga swiftly retaliated by launching a couple of fireballs and lightning bolts towards the Lycans, but he evaded them with ease, showcasing a level of agility that some of his fellow beasts lacked. 

'She can cast one elemental attack spell every second, even without a staff or conduit to channel her mana. What's more, the majority of these spells are high ranked… Truly fearsome.' 

For a fleeting moment, Howler couldn't help but feel a modicum of respect for the Dark Elf, recognizing the unwavering display of her power, though that quickly dissipated.

While her attention was on him, Striker stealthily closed in on the Queen from behind. With the force of a battering ram, he crashed into her crystal defenses, using his entire weight to push her into a corner. Repeatedly slashing at the layers with his razor-sharp claws, it was clear he was aiming for her face. "Foul mongrel!" Trapped in her current position and devoid of time to cast a high rank spell, Olga swiftly seized the remaining shards swirling around her body and directed them to pierce through the crystal, aiming to strike the Lycan. As flames consumed Striker's chest, Olga witnessed his jaws opening, revealing a void of darkness, with blood and white teeth emerging. Despite the agonizing pain, he tenaciously clung to the surface, adamantly refusing to release his grip until it was shattered.


"You fool!" In a last ditch move, Olga summoned all her remaining strength and unleashed the most potent spell within her grasp., Sparks of purple lightning crackled and amassed around her hands, expanding outward to strike anyone within proximity. 

"Kurgh!" The beast persisted relentlessly, chipping away at the shield with each passing moment. As it weakened further, even Olga's once unyielding spirit began to waver, engulfed by a growing sense of hopelessness. 

As frustration built up within him as he realized the difficulty of closing in on Olga without being struck by her spell, Howler resorted to a desperate act. Digging his claws into the earth, he grunted with exertion, muscles bulging as he pulled with all his might. His objective was to use the crystal pillars she summoned as cover, barely evading a lightning strike that burned the ends of his fur. "Kuh!" Yet, despite his efforts, some of the lightning arcs managed to hit him, nearly causing him to falter in his actions.

"What?" Olga was caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. The ground shook violently as cracks spiderwebbed in every direction, causing her to feel the unsettling movement beneath her. 

The Lycan bellowed with a surge of strength, lifting the chunk of land on which Olga stood, encased in her crystalline barriers, high above the ground. Summoning every ounce of power within him, the beast brought it crashing back down with relentless force and momentum. The impact shattered everything into a thousand pieces, including the defenses Olga put in place. 

The Dark Elf tumbled to the ground, bruises and cuts littering her once smooth and flawless skin, coughing as the swirling dust infested the air. Desperate to retaliate, she attempted to cast another high ranking spell, only to have her hand stomped on by a wolf paw. Olga yelped, the sound resonating with both pain and a profound sense of humiliation stemming from her defeat. 

The remaining Lycans gathered around her, even after she tried her best to kill them all, their numbers still ranging in the hundreds despite her valiant efforts to eliminate them. The amount of dead beasts accounted for less than a tenth of their total number, fueling her frustration as Olga knew that she could have achieved so much more with the aid of the right artifact or her staff.

Howler locked eyes with the defiant Dark Elf, "Look at you… defeated and broken by those you once held captive. You presented a certain challenge with your arsenal of lethal spells, but in the end, you succumbed to overwhelming odds. I can't help but wonder how the mighty Vault, with his formidable army, lost to you. Or perhaps you exhausted all your trump cards, leaving you no different than a common mage." He raised his paw, and gripped both of her wrist as he dangled the near naked woman. Olga winced from his grip but made sure not to reveal even a hint of weakness. 

"Howler, how are you holding up?" Striker inquired, taking a swig from a golden bottle containing a potion, visibly mending some of his wounds. Though patches of burnt fur and flesh still adorned his body, the wounds were no longer bleeding contentiously. 

"That bottle…" Olga's eyes widened as she recognised the symbol on the bottle, having bought a few of these potions in the past, albeit of lower quality, for her Dark Elf soldiers. "So, it was indeed the work of the Mortadella brothers that helped you break away from the seal. Those money-grubbing swines." 

"They may be slavers, but the Mortadella brothers sympathized with our desire for freedom. At least they aren't responsible for the dwindling numbers of our race in every war." 

"You have broken free from one master, only to be leashed to another. Hn, how ironic." 

He turned around, showcasing Olga to the surrounding Lycans. "Behold, my brothers, the Dark Queen! She has fallen from our might, not the humans or even Celestine. The very same nemesis that the Princess Knights' and the Kuroinu, could not vanquish, even with the armies of mages and mercs at their disposal. So let us feast on her flesh till our hearts are cleansed of decades worth of rage and suffering!" 

Olga did not struggle as she observed the Lycans' bloodlust transform into hunger, droplets of saliva falling from their mouth. A few of them, driven by primal instincts, even seem to get aroused, anticipating ravishing her before indulging in their feast. Regardless, this was the end for her and unlike the time she had been captured by the Kuroinu — she barely felt any anger. The nightmare she had came true in the end, albeit with the Lycans being the perpetrators. Amidst the darkness, a flicker of relief ignited in her heart's deepest recesses. She realized that, once this ordeal ended, she would finally escape from this world Free from the burdensome mountain of responsibilities, the countless lives lost, the Dark Elves she had failed and the ever-growing list of her own personal shortcomings. 

All of it would be gone. 

So, she closed her eyes and awaited u—

"Color me surprised, you actually were planning to die. How laughable!" 


A blinding surge of light erupted in the air above as seven colossal greatswords materialized out of thin air, their size dwarfing anything the creatures had ever witnessed. Like clockwork, they struck the ground with an overwhelming force, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. 

"Ah!" Olga yelped , as she tumbled backward onto the unforgiving ground, landing unceremoniously on her rear. A surge of disbelief coursed through her as her trembling fingers instinctively sought out her neck, only to discover the lifeless remnant of Howler's severed limb still clutching her throat for a few seconds before relinquishing its grip, spilling blood on her body. Her vacant gaze shifted ahead, her eyes falling upon the figure of Archer, motionless, his arms firmly crossed as he gave her a disapproving stare. "You finally came…" she whispered.

Archer's eyes twitched at that remark.

"Cut the bullshit. Don't act like this was your plan all along, woman. Mere moments ago, you were ready to die and embrace your fate. Admit it, you were planning on taking the easy way out, weren't you?" 

Her eyes widened, a flicker of desperation dancing within their depths, as Archer's words struck her with the force of a revelation. "I-I wasn't…" she stammered, her voice faltering in a feeble attempt to defend herself but Archer saw through her fragile facade.

"Do you think you can escape everything you've done so easily? I have no inclination to delve into the depths of your reasoning nor will I feign compassion for someone like you. As I do not care for the reasons behind your deeds or the intricacies of your identity, but to condemn you as a vile, monstrous being for the countless lives you've killed would make me a hypocrite… For you, at least, possessed a purpose, however misguided it may be." Even if he had little knowledge of her true prowess, Archer could discern with unwavering clarity that Olga deliberately restrained herself, perhaps even unconsciously. Not out of fear of hurting her opponent, but rather a longing for a swift and final end, an outcome she yearned for in her core. 

He recognised that immediately. 

"As you have stated, I am nothing more than a burden to you now. After divulging everything I know, why should I remain here, confined as a pitiful prisoner? It is preferable to meet my end in the heat of battle, where I can at least dictate the terms of my own demise… I have already lost the war against Celestine and the respect of my people."

That only stirred an unfathomable surge of anger within the red bowman, as he grit his teeth at the sight of the pitiful wreck in front of him. 

"Your lies flow as freely as your every breath, and with each word that spills forth, the mantle of the Dark Queen adorns you more fittingly. Your inability to bear the weight of your own actions has led you to seek an escape through death. It is nothing but a cowardly act, a feeble attempt to evade the consequences that rightfully belong to you!" 

The woman snorted with a light smirk.

"Cowardly? Tell me this, how long do you think I would have lasted at Celestine's side? Sooner or later, she will succumb once again to the machinations of the humans' deceit. And they'll do everything in their power to burn away everything I represent and tarnish my name. It is just a death sentence waiting to happen and Chloe will be dragged in as well. Do not delude yourself into thinking you truly comprehend my predicament, human!"

Why was this conversation causing him more headaches than he would have preferred? "Your words serve only to prove my point, not only are you a coward but also a weakling. Despite your ostentatious pride, you crumble under the slightest pressure. Humph, makes me wonder if your prolonged war against the Goddess Reborn and her Shields was merely a result of dumb luck on your end. Deprived of your castle and artifacts you're no different to a child who lost her favorite toy… guess I had truly overestimated you after all. Alaya was right, you never represented any sort of threat to Humanity from the beginning." With each mocking and scathing remark that fell from his lips, Olga's anger surged like an unrelenting tide, fueling her resolve. "There is one crucial point I must make abundantly clear, and I implore you to listen closely because I will not repeat myself for your deaf ears and feeble mind. I am not your Servant, nor am I in any obligation to take care of that brat in your stead. I would sooner hand Chloe over to the Princess Knights than to have Chloe accompany me on a long journey where she'll undoubtedly become nothing more than a burden and a pain in the ass. You take responsibility for her, and don't dare toss that particular duty onto the shoulders of a stranger simply because you lack the willingness to accept it yourself, you pitiful excuse of a queen."

Over the centuries, she had grown accustomed, even desensitized to the insults and derogatory remarks likening her to such labels as coward, weakling, traitor, demon and so much more. Yet for some unfathomable reason, the depths of Archer's scorn, his pitiful gaze and mocking tone, struck a raw nerve within her, igniting a flame of rage that she had never felt before. She hated how he looked down upon her, loathed how weak she had become and absolutely abhorred the depths to which she had fallen. 

'I won't let this… this… ASSHOLE get away with this insult!'

"Unfortunately for you, I won't let you die yet. Once I fulfill my obligations in Eostia and you still desire to end it all like the blind fool you are, I'll be more than happy to assist you in achieving a swift and painless death. But for now, I need to take care of these Lycans." 


"Ouch!" Before she could get up and confront this hateful man, something hard struck her head and clattered onto the ground beside her. "Eh!?" She exclaimed, surprised to discover it was none other than her obsidian staff, adorned with a golden circle around the base of the upper end and a large radiant red orb. "This is my… but how?" She asked, only to see Archer vanished, now standing before the group with both Kanshou and Bakuya materializing in his hands. He squarely faced the army of Lycans, who were warily glaring at him. 

Howler bared his fangs, emitting a thunderous growl, all while tightly clutching the bleeding stump where his right arm used to be. 

"Why?" He asked, finding the idea that a human would risk their life for Olga inconceivable. He grew increasingly frustrated, realizing he had missed his opportunity for revenge. "She is our mutual enemy!" 



In response, Archer answered the beast by unleashing a barrage of Traced longswords, of which Howler narrowly avoided, but not without sustaining a few cuts. One of the swords impaled the half burned Striker through the head, putting an abrupt end to the creature's life. Moments later, dozens of swords rained down upon every Lycan in sight. "Disperse!" Howler shouted, cursing himself for not having killed Olga earlier. 

'About 180 Lycans… Olga managed to kill quite a considerable number, but there's still a sizable force remaining. Rushing recklessly would only repeat the same mistake as last time with the Orcs, and my previous approach on the Kuroinu might not be as effective here, given that these creatures are faster, more durable and as smart as humans.' He analyzed, leaping back to evade a slash attack from a charging Lycan. With a reverse grip, he swiftly raised Kanshou and sliced through his opponent's armpit — nearly cutting off half of the arm with how smoothly the blade cut through the flesh. "Roo—khg!" Stunned for a few seconds, this gave Archer the perfect opening to thrust Bakuya right though its throat. 

The entire time, his eyes darted from left and right, surveying his surroundings and tracking the movements of every pack member. He meticulously strategized his attacks, a stark contrast to last time when his actions were driven by unchecked emotions. 


Infused withMagical Energy, he unleashed a powerful kick, sending the dead corpse hurtling towards the horde of charging Lycans, all the while keenly observing their reactions. "Hoh, they actually caught it instead of discarding it away? Interesting, it appears they respect their fallen comrades sufficiently enough to perform such a gesture." 

"Corner him! Don't give him any time to summon any more of his magi— look out!" Howler commanded, trying desperately to coordinate the entire pack to attack simultaneously. However their efforts were thwarted once again as Archer created more distance between them, now with a large black bow in hand. With remarkable frequency, he released a volley of arrows, half of the projectiles having hit their mark, claiming the lives of dozens of Lycans caught off guard while the rest dodged with their superior speed. As Howler watched and analyzed the attack, frustration and anger seeped into his tone. 

"He's deliberately missing the shots to break our formation and pick us off one by one! Spread out even further, ignore Olga and focus on him! If we attack him simultaneously, he won't be able to shoot all of us at once!" Pushing aside the pain, Howler rallied himself and joined the battle, coming in from the other side to lunge at Archer's back with a few of his brethren. 

"Tch," the white haired man clicked his tongue, dismissing his bow just before tilting his head sideways to dodge Howler's claws, narrowly avoiding the loss of half his face and suffering only a mild cut to his cheek. "You're fast, but not as fast you were before losing your arm." He turned around swiftly, using the outsole of his steel plate boot to deliver a powerful strike to the Lycan's jaw — breaking off a few fangs. Meanwhile, his vigilant eyes shifted their focus to the left, where two more beats lunged at him, aiming for his stomach. Thankfully, his honed senses and Eye of Mind kept up with the fight, calculating the most effective defensive measures to take. Brandishing his trusty dao swords, he skillfully positioned the flat side of the blades to take the brunt of the damage. "K-Kugh!" But the sheer force of the attack sent him hurtling through the air. 

"Hah!" The Heroic Spirit threw both of his blades at his attackers, the blades flying through the air with unerring accuracy, easily decapitating the heads of two of the beasts. Archer landed perfectly after twisting his body mid-air, quickly Tracing another pair of swords around him, causing any approaching Lycans to hesitate in attacking. 

'Not good, I only managed to kill a few so far. At this rate it's unlikely that everyone will survive, unless the lycans choose to retreat.' He debated about using Gae Bolg once again or carpet bombing the surrounding terrain. However both approaches required time which he didn't have, considering how fast these beasts could move. Furthermore gathering the Magical Energy he needed without leaving himself vulnerable was an additional challenge. 'Not to mention, some of the Lycans have dispersed and hidden themselves, spreading out beyond my range. I can't kill everyone in such a large area.'

Archer took a deep breath, watching the beasts rush for him again, meeting their assault with near equal speed and superior skills. Their claws were sharp and infused with deadly magic, but his swords proved to be particularly effective against such adversaries. The air was filled with a macabre symphony of blood and gore as Archer slashed through with ruthless efficiency, all the while keeping his distance and not get too caught up. The numbers were steadily going down but that only left the most dangerous Lycans around who exhibited a calculative approach, unlike their more impulsive brethrens who had fallen at this point. 

As the Lycans adjusted their tactics and collective strength to level out the playing field, Archer found himself leaning towards the idea of using his more destructive Noble Phantasms. As time passed, he could feel a slight sluggishness in his limbs. Some of the stronger ones even managed to keep pace with him, despite his Reinforcement, including Howler, who demonstrated remarkable adaptability. Adjusting to fighting with a single arm in such a short time was a feat in itself. 


As Archer attempted to evade one group, another cunningly anticipated his movements, launching coordinated attacks just as he leaped away. Despite his heightened awareness of the imminent danger ahead, he had limited options — Archer gritted his teeth and Traced a shield to absorb the majority of the damage. The combined attacks of six Lycans, each possessing a formidable power slightly below that of an Orc, but significantly surpassing that of a human, threatened to shatter the shield. Thankfully, it held firm but the force sent Archer crashing through the forest. His back crashed through several tree trunks before he finally came to a halt, stopping on the fifth. 

"Die Human!" One of the beasts bellowed, lunging at Archer. 

'Another attack. This one is pretty straightforward.' Despite his worsening condition, Archer remained calm and waited for the Lycan to close in before parrying its claws with his blade, causing them to slice through his arms. Without hesitation, the Counter Guardian left the weapons embedded in its flesh, swiftly Tracing a regular longsword to decapitate the lycan. 

With a hand against his chest, the man cautiously assessed his battered body and the multitude of injuries he had sustained, 'A single cracked rib, fortunately no fractures on my femur and no internal bleeding so far. Lungs are untouched thankfully, but my stamina will soon wane by the time I kill another ten. I can't endure this fight any longer… Nevertheless, their diminishing numbers have forced them to congregate into a singular group, giving me the perfect opportunity to use that.' Gae Bolg would require an extraordinary amount of Magical Energy, but at least it would take care of all of them in an instant. Should more show up unannounced with demons in tow, then Archer will have to prepare to go all out and rain down a never ending rain of weapons if he had to.

The body thudded to the ground with a loud bang, followed by more howls coming from the distance. Archer estimated around a hundred Lycans still left standing. Throughout this, Howler's vision started to turn red with fury as he watched Archer killing more and more of his brethren. 

"You'll pay for this!" The remaining Lycans grew frenzied. Despite the man being a mere human, he proved to be an unparalleled expert in evading their attacks and executing swift lethal strikes. It wasn't merely his speed that baffled them; no, it was as if he possessed a sixth sense, anticipating their every move, the trajectory of their strikes, and the sheer number of assailants converging upon him — allowing him to respond just in time. "We can already tell that you're reaching your limit human. Blessed or not, facing us all alone will be your undoing. Your strength wanes with every passing moment, and eventually, you'll falter. Your fate is sealed, and our claws will tear their way into your flesh!" 

Archer couldn't even say anything back as he agreed with the beast. A mistake was out of the question now, even a slight hesitation would offer the Lycans an opportunity to claw into his flesh with every strike. The black armor might hold them off, but not for long. 

"You know, this scene feels quite nostalgic." He said, a sardonic smile creeping up his face, "The very same day I met a certain white Lycan just like you, but a bit taller and more bloodthirsty. Too bad he died so easily with a simple trap." 

"Enough of your nonsense, you will die by my hands for everyone you've killed today!" And with that burst of rage, Howler and every Lycan around him crouched low, preparing for another round of attacks. Archer resisted the urge to sigh, His mind scouring through the depths of his Reality Marble. The image of a blood red spear presented itself to him, yearning for more carnage and battle. He had already won, they just failed to realize that.

His energy gathered around his palm as it started taking the shape of— 

"His life is not yours to take, Howler." 


A glowing purple magic circle spread across the ground, and towering pillars of flames erupted. engulfing many of the Lycans in mere moments. Within seconds, a significant number of them succumbed to the ferocious inferno. 

Olga stepped forward, holding her staff gleaming with mana that fueled the devastating spell. The Beatsman, taken aback by the unforeseen turn of events, was shocked to witness the cataclysmic outcome that had befallen his brethren.

"H-How!? You didn't have it earlier!" The crippled beast exclaimed in a shaky tone, unable to believe what was happening. With that staff, Olga had become ten times more dangerous than before, and coupled with this human… made their chances of winning quite abysmal. 

"Silence! I did not give you permission to talk back to me." She exclaimed with authority, causing some of the Lycans to flinch at the familiar tone. Undeterred, Olga continued to walk towards them, the clanking sound of her staff's butt echoing through the once-quiet clearing. Stopping next to Archer, she exchanged a stern glare with the man, who responded with a small smirk that only fueled her desire to smack his face even more. 

"Hoh, 'Yours to take'? Quite bold of you to say such a thing in front of me."

She lightly smacked his chest with her staff, "Calling me a coward, a fool for willing to lay my life in this battle and then coming out here and doing the exact same thing. Who is the real imbecile here? Do you have a death wish as well? Then I'll be more than happy to kill you myself for destroying my castle and disrespecting me." 

"Disrespecting you? Humph, is that what you people now call someone who's being honest? You didn't even bother showcasing that level of power when Vault raided your castle and caught you. If you had put this much effort back then, you would have been able to kill him the moment he stepped through your doors, but instead, I had to save your sorry self." He never was in a losing position this entire battle, guess she must have misunderstood his scenario by seeing get hit once.

Olga did not back away, instead, she moved closer to him, causing Archer to instinctively step back, as he was both wary of some sneak attack and distracted due to her attire — or rather the lack of it — making it uncomfortable to be so close to her. 

With his height, and keen eyesight, Archer was able to see a lot more than he felt comfortable with. Catching several glimpses of her dusky pink nipples, as well as the sheen of sweat coating her dark mocha skin.

The Counter Guardian mentally kicked himself for getting distracted by this once again. These women were starting to get to him with their damn fashion sense. 

"I will not stain my hands with the blood of a being lesser than a pig." She tapped her staff on his chest again. Archer had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at that idiotic and asine logic. "Though I will make an exception for you, so be prepared, human. Don't die before that time comes." 

"What an honor." Archer's voice dripped with sarcasm, "you should get in line, I know the majority of the Shields most likely want a piece of me." 

He saw her lips twitch upwards with the faintest smirk. "They can try, but right now... you're mine." 


The red orb emanated an intense purple glow, with tendrils of magic making their way to him. Archer was about to jump away, thinking she was trying to poison him but stopped when a familiar sensation returned to his body.


A ridiculous amount of it, though not as overwhelming as that time in the battle against the demons. 

"You…" he was speechless, this was the last thing he expected Olga to do. 

"Accel. Accel. Accel. Heal. Strengthen. Endurance boost. Queen's blessing." Her words carried power that made the staff grow even brighter, pulsating with the raw magic she channeled into Archer. The blood of his enemies vanished as well, leaving his full white hair and dark armor on full display.

The sensation of his human body became denser, each fiber flowing with far more Magical Energy than ever before. His sense of hearing sharpened, allowing him to perceive not only his heartbeat but also the woman's standing before him. Moreover, an overwhelming myriad of scents from the surrounding area assailed his nose, reaching a point that bordered on the unbearable. 

This… this incredible transformation was steadily bringing him closer towards the strength of his Archer class self. A level he had never fathomed attaining in this world considering the limitations of his human body. How it was even possible baffled the man. Though he hadn't fully bridged the gap between his current state and that of a Servant, yet it was no longer an insurmountable distance thanks to Olga's magic.

Olga's face grew pale, her breathing ragged with sweat pouring down her face. She hesitated for a moment, clenching her hands tightly before proceeding to let out a tired sigh. "I… I am a magnanimous Queen, though I don't forgive you for your insults and the hu-humiliation. Con… Consider this as a temporary reward for saving me. I would rather not owe a favor to a hu-human. The very idea disgusts me to no end. Rest assured, you will stay alive till I can kill you myself. So, let us consider this settled, for now…"


Seeing his reaction brought a sense of joy to Olga, for this was what she expected to see from a human who finally witnessed what she was truly capable of. The look of fear, terror and reverence would have been more preferable, but this would do nonetheless for now.

"I must warn you, I have only used these spells once on another fellow Dark Elf whose body failed to handle and control such an immense level of power. It was merely an experiment to replicate Celestine's blessing, but it never lasted for more than a day, and they could potentially damage your muscles and bones — worst case scenario you die. You need to be vigilant and use them carefu—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Archer vanished from his spot in the blink of an eye, leaving both the Queen and the Lycans in a state of shock. Their instincts immediately screamed at them to flee, sensing the formidable presence that had just vanished from their midst. 


The Dark Queen turned in shock to see the man now standing next to Howler, the latter blankly staring at himself. His upper body lay on the ground, torn apart from his legs that still remained rooted in place. "Wha-What?" Those were the leader's last words, unable to comprehend the devastating fate that had just befallen him. 


In the midst of this scene, one of the Lycans erupted in a desperate cry, as they all lunged at Archer at the same time. Yet their efforts proved to be in vain. As Olga watched in awe, the man navigated the battlefield like a ghost, wielding the powers she had granted him with uncanny mastery. He moved effortlessly, rendering the Beats' once formidable speed advantage and tactical prowess utterly impotent. With each passing second, the Lycans fell, succumbing to their swift demise at the hands of Archer. 

His movements were too elusive for their keen senses to track. Even Olga, despite her magical abilities, struggled to sense his exact location amid the turmoil.



"I can't track him!" 

No matter how much they tried, Archer would appear next to them like a ghost with his blades already halfway impaled through their chests. 

It was a slaughter. 

'Is this what the Kuroinu pigs witnessed before their demise?' wondered Olga in awe. She had expected him to struggle with the enhanced speed and strength she had bestowed upon him. After all, even the Princess Knights, from what she understood, needed several months of training to prevent any accidental misuse of their enhanced abilities in their daily lives, ensuring they wouldn't be sent flying just because they put a bit more force by walking. 

Yet that was not the case with Archer, it was as if he was familiar with this power, wielding it with such mastery to eliminate the monsters before her. Olga couldn't help but wonder if her blessings even worked or if this was just him going all out. 

She even expected some kind of rejection from his body, yet this did not seem to be the case!


A few attempted to block his overhead kick, but the force shattered the earth beneath them. Their bones snapped, and got crushed with little effort. 

She noticed how he didn't even bother to summon his rain of swords, instead, sticking with what he had on hand.

Yet in the end, it was inconsequential. Within a matter of minutes, the horde of a hundred dwindled to merely a handful. 

He stood there amidst a pile of lifeless bodies, clean without the slightest trace of blood on him, further accentuating how much of a monster he was after receiving her blessing. Could Chloe even reach such a level if she tried to bless her? That girl wasn't nearly as strong the second time she tried this on someone else!

Archer's hands clenched as he noticed the once vibrant purple aura surrounding his skin fading until it eventually vanished. His body grew weak and tired, yet he remained unfazed, knowing that Olga had forewarned him of the temporary nature of the blessing.

He chuckled, "I was wrong, you are not as useless as I thought you'd be, oh great Dark Queen." Olga's value in his mind instantly skyrocketed surpassing any plans he had made up so far.

Despite being in a state of shock, Olga refused to reveal such a reaction, especially to him of all people. So she turned away and began walking back to the camp. "Save your praises and pleas for forgiveness for another time. Right now, we need to hurry to Celestine." 

"Not going to mention that going over there is nothing but an execution waiting to happen? You were quite adamant about it before." He said teasingly, finding amusement in her surging anger as her eyes flashed with fury in his direction. 

"I will warn you that underestimating me would be your undoing. For I am Olga Discordia. Humans don't fear me. Instead I will make them both fear me and shatter any notions of such acts from their pathetic minds." 

At least she regained her confidence. 

"That's nice, oh, and who said you could keep that?" With a quick mental command, the staff vanished before her eyes, causing Olga to fall face-first to the ground from the lack of support. "I would be an idiot to let you keep it after seeing what you're capable of with it. If you want the staff back, just ask me politely with a smile. We should arrive at the town nearby, which is an hour away. If you're a good enough girl then I'll even let you play with it for a bit." 


Fury surged through Olga as she entertained the idea of killing this human right here with her bare hands and then traveling to Celestine's kingdom on her own. 

Before she could figure out how to kill the irritating man, she felt herself be lifted up from the ground.

"Come on, we should get back before that lacky of yours gets into a hissy fit for being out for so long."




(Next morning)

The village of Grenzstadt has been bustling with a lot of people lately. Dozens of caravans, filled with both merchants and people seeking shelter arrived en masse each passing day, turning the once relaxed and bored guards' job into a nightmarish endeavor. 

"Entrance fees are twenty copper coins." The middle aged guard said for what felt like the thousandth time today, as he collected the payment from another caravan laden with goods and glassware. 

"That much!? I was here last year and it was only five! This is highway robbery!" The merchant screamed with anger. And once again, for what felt like the thousandth time, another merchant complained about the price. A reaction the guard grew used to hearing and stopped caring at this point. 

So he repeated the same lines that his captain said. 

"Due to a recent influx of refugees and the increased cost of keeping them fed and providing housing, our fees have been temporarily increased to recuperate our losses. Unless you're a citizen of Grenzstadt then such fees are mandatory." 

"I don't care about that! Throw them out or something! Don't you know who I am!? I am someone who even the Princess Knights show respect to, so watch what you say if you don't want to lose your job!" 

Not like the Princess Knights would come so far in the middle of nowhere just to defend this random merchant who was most likely lying to scare him. And not like they can throw him out of the job with how little manpower they had recently. 

"I'm sorry, these are orders from the baron himself. Twenty copper or no entry, unless you are a member of the Mortadella chambers of commerce… which I doubt you are." He added in a hushed tone, not meant for the merchant's ears. "If you refuse to pay then I'll have to call more guards to escort you out and ban you from ever entering." 

"You!!!" The fat merchant's face flushed red from anger. But given the recent developments in Feoh and the arrival of the Mortadella brothers here, he couldn't afford to be blacklisted. He furiously dug inside his pocket and threw a bag filled with the sound of coins at the guard. "Take this you mongrel, just you wait, I'll have you fired and executed after talking with the baron!" 

The guard rolled his eyes, having grown accustomed to hearing such colorful words for the hundredth time in a single day. Some people have even resorted to cursing his entire family tree and threatening to use black magic to make him impotent amongst other things. Unfortunately, not a single beautiful girl offered to sleep with him in exchange for letting them in, a prospect that he would have gladly entertained using his own money… The man wanted to cry. 

It had been days since he last slept with a prostitute as a result of his busy schedule and ironically, he had saved up more money than ever before.

"Eh?" A group of five people stopped in front of the entrance, clad in large robes that obscured most of their faces, except for one girl. Two of them carried impossibly large backpacks that looked comical on their smaller figures and caused many passersby to turn their heads in curiosity at the group.

His heart skipped a beat as a woman with luscious blonde hair and blue eyes as clear as the ocean stepped in front. Easily the most beautiful woman he met in his life, far surpassing both his favorite prostitute and his wife! Even the robes couldn't conceal the sight of her massive breasts, which jiggled and swayed with each movement, accentuating the curves of her stunning figure. 

'She's an elf too! Hot damn!' he screamed inside his mind when seeing her pointed ears. 

"Excuse me, how much is the entrance fee?" She asked with a monotonous tone which to him sounded like the voice of an angel.

Was this his chance? Had his prayers finally come true!?

He could not lose this opportunity!

"It's about fifty copper coins per person. I can see you're in a group of five, so that would be two and a half silver coins." He stated firmly, watching as the girl rummaged through her bag. From his angle, the guard saw only a handful of copper coins and smirked. She looked behind, obviously distressed at the price, so he came forward with an offer. "How about this, it would be unbecoming of me to let such a fine lady be unable to enter the village. So how about I let you in for free while giving a discount to your friends over here? In exchange, how about we rent a room at an Inn and discuss our terms…" he said with a lewd smile. 

"No need." To his surprise, a second person — a man — came up to him and dropped three silver coins on the table. 

"Hey, who do you think you're talking to!?" Pissed that someone was butting in and ruining his chance. "Get back in… line… or…" 

His voice died when he felt a chilling wave of killing intent emanating from one of the other individuals in the group. It was strong enough to make the man squeal when one of them attempted to approach him, only to be halted by the man who swiftly wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her in place. It seemed to have calmed down the person for the moment. 

"As you can see, my friend here is in a bad mood. Keep the change, a compensation for your trouble." The white haired man said with a smile that sent a chill down the guard's spine, feeling like there was a blade pressed against his neck. So he shakily nodded his head and let the group pass. 

"W-Weclome to Grenzstadt…" he said, watching the back of the blonde woman longingly before sighing. "Hah, I need a break."



The knight felt a sudden shift in his seat, completely unprepared for the back legs of the chair to snap, causing him to fall backward and slam against the wall. If the man had been wearing his helmet, then it would've been just a small bruise. But unfortunately, he felt the full brunt of the hit, almost cracking his skull and knocking him out.

As the surrounding people checked on the fallen knight, no one noticed the pouch that he had received from the elf and her group suddenly disappeared.


"You didn't need to get this angry, Grace." Surprisingly, the one who fired off the killing intent ended up being none other than the mostly passive Dark Elf. Even Archer was caught off guard and thought that it was Chloe or Olga behind it. 

"I was rather impressed, it shows that you are capable of taking action when your ally needs help." Olga said, catching the group off guard as she was the last person they expected a compliment from. Grace did not know whether to feel elated or disgusted. 

Anna just shrugged while Chloe stayed weirdly quiet the entire journey. 

Archer wondered if Olga told her about the attack last night, as both Anna and Grace did not notice anything unusual. Knowing the blonde Dark Elf, if her master were to be in any kind of danger then she would have come running. 

'To think she intentionally kept a silencing bounded field around the camp when going out to stargaze. What was her reason for doing so, she did not tell him because the attack came out of nowhere — so the woman couldn't have known about it. Perhaps she didn't want anyone to accidentally overhear their conversation about the Insect God Cult? Or was she planning on discussing another sensitive topic concerning Chloe?' Archer put these thoughts aside and decided to focus on the present.

 "How long will your illusion keep up for?" 

Given how infamous the Dark Queen and her general was, Archer had to find a way to keep their faces hidden. At first he planned to have Anna enter the small town first and buy the supplies and horses they needed to travel to Feoh while he and the rest waited outside. Though Olga approached them and offered to use her magic to change their appearances. Having no reason to decline, the man accepted her offer on the condition that she would help Grace as well.

He didn't know how a Dark Elf would be treated in this village and preferred to not take any risks.

Right now, both Olga and Cloe looked like they could be related to him. Their skin becoming a bit fairer than before, their elven ears gone and were replaced with human ears. For some reason Grace requested if she could get white hair. 

He did not want to know what was going inside her head, she was probably a bigger deviant than Anna but just hid it very well. 

"It should last for half a day without any magic resistant fields or a person randomly punching our faces for no reason." Olga said, opening her robes slightly to reveal her large cleavage, which had accumulated a bit of sweat from the weather and long journey. Unbothered by the occasional stares from the passing humans, she continued confidently, aware that dogs would always drool for things they couldn't obtain. 

Not to mention she was proud of her figure, Olga held no shame in showing off a body befitting a Queen like herself. 

"Only half a day?" Archer said, disappointed with how unimpressive that sounded compared to what she showed yesterday. 

She glared at him, "Why don't you try to cast a tangible illusion magic that not only changes the visual aspect but also physically alters three people without a staff to channel my already large reserves of mana with precision?" 


Would it be a bad idea to tell her that he sucked with any magecraft aside from Tracing?

"That's what I thought."

Meanwhile, Anna looked between these two with great suspicion. Olga out of nowhere was more talkative since this morning and didn't show nearly as much hostility as before. Even Grace was watching them intently from behind, the blonde could hear her friend mutter something under her breath which ended with, "...bitch."

"Don't you ever talk that way to Olg— my queen. She's not your slave." Chloe nearly had her tongue slip there. Though it relieved Archer to see her back to her old self. It was starting to feel a little weird not hearing her constant nagging

"I can talk however I want to my prisoner. What are you going to do? Kill me? Try it, I'll have your face on the ground. I won't hesitate to smack you a couple of times if the message didn't go through." 

"S-S-Slap me? Y-You wouldn't… I-I mean, I can handle such p-petty punishments! I dare you to try it, you bastard!" 

Eh? That was not the reaction Archer expected, previously when he said such things, she would shut up for a good while. But now, not only did she challenge him, but she was blushing furiously. 

Maybe the stress had finally gotten to her.

"The brothers are here." Olga said, with a tone filled with vitriol as she watched the boxes of merchandise being unloaded in front of many potion shops and even blacksmiths, all bearing the same symbol. 

"The pig brothers, I heard of them in the past. Successful and rich enough to single-handley influence the economy of all seven kingdoms. Beastmen originating from a kingdom outside of Eostia and close business partners with Princess Prim. Am I missing something?" The first time he saw mention of these two were in the records of Blueborn, including accounts of their involvement in the slave trade.

"Aside from being conniving pigs who will do anything for a quick profit. These two are as terrible as the human race." 

"Weren't you known to be one of their biggest customers?" Anna asked, confused why this woman would hate one of her allies. 

Olga let out a weary sigh, "It's not that simple. The Pig Brothers were my only dependable means of ensuring the return of my people from the human side. Despite the hefty cost involved in obtaining their assistance, I had no other viable option. Trying to approach the kingdoms directly would have meant sacrificing a significant portion of my army and even when I managed to breach Ken in the past, the slaves were swiftly taken away through an elaborate network of underground tunnels, making it impossible for me to reach them." 

Amidst the silence, not a single word was said to the Queen, not even Grace, who for the first time, showed a look of pity to Olga. That did not mean she forgave her, but rather, for this small moment she managed to sympathize with the former Dark Queen. 

"Then it will be wise that we don't spend too much time here." He stopped in front of a large wooden building, the inside space filled with hundreds of people and merchants buying and selling their wares. As they entered the area, the group noticed how everyone's attention was at the back where they heard people shouting prices, each new one higher than the rest. 

"This spear, made by a master dwarf going for twenty silver! Do I hear a higher bid?" A man on top of a stage standing in front of a display where Archer saw a beautiful spear with the blade engraved with a wave-like pattern. "It was made to hunt down a mighty flood dragon many centuries ago by a long forgotten hero. You'll never encounter such a magnificent weapon ever again after this, I guarantee you!"

"20 silver!" Shouted a man standing on the upper level of the building, surrounded by guards and sitting comfortably while drinking some tea. This person is known by every local as the Baron; Raul Azorius — the owner of these lands.

"Twenty silver from our dear baron. Is anyone willing to challenge this offer?" The room remained silent, as no one dared to speak up. . "Then I'll not keep you waiting, going once, going twice… SOLD!" .

The room erupted into applause, congratulating the man on his successful purchase. Aside from being a Baron, Raul was a famous fighter so it was no surprise that he had set his sights on this item. 

"An auction? Never been to one before, that weapon looked quite beautiful, would you have been interested in getting it?" Grace asked, since Archer used a sword from what she understood. 

"He doesn't need such a weapon." Olga answered, having seen the kind of weapons the man wielded. This spear was just a finely crafted piece of sharpened metal or a stick made to look beautiful. There was no magic used in its creation and would break after a few exchanges with an Orc.

"Let's not waste time here, there are too many people and a single accident might reveal your identities, which I rather not have to deal with." Archer had no desire to stay and participate in this auction, as nothing here interested him. 

"Oh, there is an interesting section there that I wish for us to check out." Anna tugged his sleeves and pointed at a store at the end of the building. Looking over, Archer gasped in disbelief when he realized she was pointing at a shop selling wooden carvings of male genitalia and whips… it was a sex shop! He couldn't help but feel both surprised and unsurprised at the same time. "They also make custom orders with any shape and sizes, and I'll need your help in choosing the perfect replica. I will make sure to get you in the mood." 

Her question earned her a flick to the head, which caused her face to pinch cutely. 

"I will seriously give you a stern flick, woman!" Archer didn't hesitate to decline whatever this debauched light elf wanted, making Anna and Grace feel disappointed at the lost opportunity. While Chloe gagged from disgust. 

Olga on the other hand decided to look elsewhere, unable to look at the three. 

After a few minutes of browsing around, Archer brought enough provisions for the journey and even managed to find a man who agreed to sell him four horses, which was all they had left. Given they could not bring much with them, Olga and Chloe merely went around to buy clothes and potions, while Grace just accompanied him the entire time. 

A few more items were auctioned off which he didn't pay much attention to. From weapons, shields and weird artifacts from forgotten lands, nearly all of them had gotten imprinted inside his Reality Marble with just a glance. 

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we have finally reached the end of our little event here and saved the best for last!" As soon as he announced that, everyone started cheering loudly.

Just when Archer's group was about to leave with the horses waiting for them outside, he turned back and saw Chloe gazing at the item being dragged onto the stage with a horror stricken face. Everyone looked over and all had different reactions, Grace gasped in shock, Anna had her eyes widened and both Archer and Olga frowned heavily. For what was dragged in front of everyone was a giant cage where inside sat a small girl with dull listless eyes. Without any clothes, covered in filth and bruises whilst having each of her limbs chained down with countless magic suppressing charms stuck to her body. 

But the biggest trait that caught everyone's attention were the horns on her head, which sent a wave of outrage across the crowd. 

"A demon!"

"A succubus!?" 

"Yes! Our friends at Feoh managed to trap and capture this heinous demon crossing into our kingdom to cause chaos and discord between our people. If the threat of the Dark Queen was not enough then this thing would have caused our downfall in the future. But rest assured, for she was captured when still young and can be used as the perfect slave for any person lucky enough to buy her. Rest assured, her powers have been sealed away by our expert mages, so she won't be able to use any of her spells or charms. You can have as much fun as you'd like! Starting price is 80 silver!" 

Instantly, everyone burst out shouting their offers one after the other. The price had gone up to ten golds in a matter of seconds.

Once again, Archer was reminded by how crooked this world was, despite seeing similar things on Earth, he still could never grow desensitized to it. 

Archer felt a long forgotten sensation stir inside him.


-Feoh, Royal Baths-

Since her arrival in Feoh, numerous events have unfolded. A mysterious stranger came to her rescue, the fall of the Kuroinu and the revelation that she was not the only one to have met him. 

Prim reached the end of the pool-sized bath and pulled herself out of the water with some effort, her wet hair almost heavy enough to pull her back into the water before it clung to her figure like a second layer of skin, an ocean of delicate pink that turned into rivers haphazardly running down her young, nubile form. Her small feet splashed softly as she stood by the large bath's edge, and she smiled while walking over to the nearest stone bench, arms slightly lifted while hands hovered a little off her hips with her fingers stretched upwards as she danced her merry way.

"Hah!" She happily sat down on the polished marble bench, and began to dry herself with a thick, puffy towel, taking care to be thorough with her feet and carefully drying between her toes before moving upwards. 'I wonder what Archer-sama is up to right now.'

As she watched her rescuer in action, he moved with a grace and precision that left her in awe. The once devastating and formidable Kuroinu mercenaries, fell before him like wheat before the gardener's scythe. Despite the intensity of the battle and the peril that surrounded him, she couldn't help but be captivated by his dashing figure as he weaved effortlessly throughout the chaos. He seemed to dance with danger, his every move calculated and fluid, evading each blow by the smallest of margins. Fear seemed foreign to him, as if it were a sensation meant for others to experience. His demeanor exuded a sense of unyielding confidence, and he treated his opponents' weapons with casual indifference, as though they were mere annoyances to be brushed aside like pesky flies.,.

She made it up to her thighs, and paused when she reached her nether regions. It itched. A heat she knew only from those times her dear cousin bathed with her, an itch she initially associated only with her, now came to her whenever she thought of him. The strong and serious, imposingly tall man with dark skin and snow-white hair.

She thought of his steel-gray eyes, strong and calm, and how cold they looked as their owner cut down through men, then imagined them looking at her as they did during their encounter in the woods, full of amusement and mirth.

It itched.

The memory of his arms, his chest, his shoulders. Her body bound as he carried her to a dark and secluded cavern, and how he could have done... anything? She wasn't experienced enough to know, yet she knew. He could have pushed her down and kept her for himself, and she... would have been fine with it. She'd submit, because he was so clearly a man she'd enjoy belonging to, to be cared for, held, lifted and teased whenever his whim fancied it.

She didn't know enough, but she knew. She imagined him looming over her bound and helpless body on a warm bear skin in the cavern floor. Picturing the man leaning against her and squishing her with his weight and warmth while he ran his hands over her body. That was the extent of Prim's imagination, yet she wanted there to be more.

She stood and repositioned over the bench, her groin pressed against its smooth hard corner as she pushed forth, the sensation sending a jolt up and down her spine, forcing a cry out of her that surprised her with how natural it felt. She blushed and froze at the sound she had just let out. It wasn't quite right, she felt it. She shouldn't be pushing, she should be pushed unto, though she didn't know quite why.

Her cousin on the other hand was a different case, Prim felt like pushing against her forcefully. To watch her beautiful, confident and strong cousin become meek, submissive and happy under her. That image sent another shiver through her, and she pressed herself against the bench again, even as she imagined Archer pressing down on her from behind, touching and rubbing her breasts.

'As I push unto Alicia Onee-sama, Archer-sama pushing unto me… Archer-sama holding us both close to him as we…' the girl blushed bright red, her delicate skin eclipsing the pink of her hair as blood rushed to her head and she could feel her chest grow flustered and bothered. The small peaks of her gentle mountains hardened, standing at attention for some reason, yet before she could explore this new sensation, she felt the bath's door creak open as the soft sound of feets hitting on marble awoke her from her dreams. 

"Kya!" She basically threw herself off the bench, suddenly ashamed of herself for her actions, falling on her butt with legs wide apart and slightly bent as she looked at the figure entering the room.

"Prim, are you in here?" Celestine called out gently, walking inside with no clothing, showcasing her perfectly, beautiful nude body to the pink haired girl. Prim was entranced by the sight, feeling the itch once again. But realizing who was in front of her, Prim felt her face heat up and moved back into the water, to avoid looking at Celestine, while hiding her embarrassment. The woman in question just smiled at the strange sight. "What are you doing, child? Did you trip and fall? Are you okay?"

Prim remained silent, overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions that had engulfed her in such a short time.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, Harry Potter and my 3 other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post monthly commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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