23.8% I'm a Kaiju? / Chapter 9: ACT 9

บท 9: ACT 9

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Bold - Right Head.

Natural - the Middle head.

Italics - Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Left head

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful flower. It was unique to its kind. It can see, think, and feel. At that, the flower saw many wondrous things.

However, it wanted one thing to walk amongst the glorious gods that walked upon the earth. It craved for the day it became like them.

One day, something granted its desire when one of those gods spilled its blood upon it. Day by day, it grew until it was as tall as the gods it saw.

Then it understood something such as the rule of the strong, the desire to mate. It recognized itself as a

'she' releasing pheromones of a female.

Yet, something was wrong. The gods did not desire her. Perhaps it's because of the remnants of her former self. So she shed her remnants, becoming something similar to the one that turned her into a mighty titan.

Once more, she got rejected. She kept changing herself until she hardly recognized herself, yet nothing hurt her more than the moment they started attacking her.

She pleaded, yet none listened to her gods. She is an abomination. So she ran and hid in a land where none could find her.

If her gods can't accept her, perhaps those puny creatures can. Fate was a cruel mistress. Not only was she rejected, the little beasties almost cut down.

Hate seeped into her heart. The desire became an obsession. If none can accept, then she'll make them. Thus, she waited, but all escaped her grasp. Yet, she learned through each encounter.

Eons she waited, but none came until now. A male had come upon her land, unaware of her web.

Gestroyah POV

The chimera landed with a thud. Its three heads scanned for any signs of life. Strange, for a vivacious island, they can see no animals. Even the birds seem to avoid this place despite its homely aura.

Cody voiced his concerns about something watching them. Ning stretched his senses and felt thousands of life forms, yet it's like he was sensing a small piece. Something was wrong here. Odin saw something move and called his two brothers.

They slowly approached before hearing something slither behind them.

They saw a vine in the shape of a... "IS THAT VINE DICK!?" Odin yelled in terror. "Ning, get us off this island before we end up in a hentai!" Cody pleaded. The chief head said nothing and flapped their wings.

Soon, hundreds of those vines sprouted out of the ground. And they screamed in high-pitched tones and fired their energy attacks.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" Odin yelled. "How the fuck should I know!?" Ning yelled back. "Your the smart one figure out!" Odin growled. "My name is Ning, not a miracle worker!"

"Guys... something is coming out." Cody said.

The three heads watched as the hill moved to reveal a familiar kaiju; Biollante.

The plant kaiju lets out a sound that resembles an excited giggle. "A male! A male is finally here! I've been waiting for so long... I MUST HAVE YOU!" Biollante said, sending her vines to ensnare the chimera. When it didn't work, she vomited out an acid.

"Shit!" Ning yelled while diving away from the acid. Odin fires a lightning beam, hitting the plant monster. Instead of roaring in pain, they heard a moan.

"yes, yes~ hurt me more, love me more~" Biollante yelled in pleasure, excreting nectar.

"That's just wrong." Ning said, completely freaked out by the reaction.

"I can't tell even tell if that thing is crazy or stupid." Odin said.

"I'm scared..." Cody said in fear.

"NOW LET ME HAVE A TASTE OF YOUR BODY!" Biollante roared as she fired strange seeds.

The chimera dodged it all but realized that she had tricked them. The seeds erupted and connected with the rest, forming a large cage.

"Nowhere to run now," Biollante said. "Now be a wonderful male and fuck my pussy as long as you want!" She then launches her vines.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Odin yelled while releasing their bone protrusions and cutting down the vines.

"Ning, get us out of here now!" Cody yelled in terror.

"You think I haven't tried!" Ning growls as he fires a nuclear ray at the cage, but it only absorbed it. "What the hell are those things?"

The plant monster laughed. "Yes, struggle, struggle more. It will be easier to mate with you when you submit to me." She said.

"Bitch, you're crazy!" Odin growled.

Was this kaiju always this crazy? What caused this insanity, then?

"Hiya~ darling, what a sweet thing to say. I'll give special treatment later."

"I WILL NOT HAVE MY ASS PROBED BY A PLANT!" Odin yelled, unleashing a powerful bolt attack, but she blocked it.

Cody absorbs all oxygen, something the plant monster noticed. "Your a cute one." She said. "Sorry, my love, but I don't need air to live."

Cody smirked. "But what about the island?" He asked. "Oh, my, you intend to drown me while having your way with me? Kinky~"

The chimera shivers. This had to be the worst day of their life. Not even Monster X can top this moment.

Biollante didn't waste time and charged, but Ning released his nuclear flash, blinding the monster.

They didn't waste time and tore a chunk of her body, but it grew back.

"So rough, I love it." She shivered from Ning's icy glare.

"Shut up, already." He growled.

"Make me."

The two resumed their battle. Some of humanity remained ignorant. The Kaiju race recognized where the fight was happening. None dared to step foot on that island.

Even Godzilla dared not to step on that island unless that 'thing' was dead.

Monarch and Apex had spotted the spikes of energy and sent hundreds of drones to observe the area. Once they saw Biollante and Gestroyah fighting, they felt sorry for it.

To their shock, Gestroyah seems in distress as if it wanted to be anywhere else but near the monster. "Biollante, the ancients called her Gaea's scorn. However, some call her Gaea's blooming rose. " Ilene said. "A child between mother earth and Kaiju."

"You mean to tell me, a kaiju literally mated with planet earth and had a baby?" One soldier asked.

Everyone glanced at him for the dumb question. "Well, whatever the case, it's giving Gestroyah the creeps," Mark said.

"I'm standing here, and even I'm getting the goosebumps. The vines look like a penis!" Rick said.

"According to the writings, Biollante's appearance isn't supposed to look like this. It wanted to mate, so it changed its form to attract the titans, but kept getting rejected because of her bizarre appearance.

"Ouch..." Rick can only say.

Back on the island, Biollante tempted Gestroyah to mate through the use of pheromones. However, the chimera resisted the invading smell.

"Damn it, at this rate, we'll be stuck here forever." Ning muttered.

"Pull yourself together, man! She can't keep this up forever!" Odin said.

"Why do you want us so bad? We don't even know you!" Cody yelled.

Biollante stopped for a moment. "You will once you become mine."

"But why? Look, we get it, but why!?"

The hybrid watches her standstill. "I... I just want to have a mate. I've been so alone, everything hated me for something I don't understand." She said. "But that will change once I have you."

"Look, it might be our kaiju biology or something, but we find you attractive. It's the dick vines are just a turnoff." Cody said while the two heads looked at him like he was insane.

Then again, they also felt attracted, but because of their human past, the idea of fucking a mutant plant was weird for them.

"What?" Biollante tilted her head. "The vine things have got to go. No one likes that. If you didn't have that hell, I'd rekt you all week." Cody said.

Biollante glanced at her vines before changing them. Ning and Odin remained quiet, not planning on stopping Cody from whatever he was doing.

"Also, did you always look like that?" Cody asked. "It feels fake."

Biollante seems hesitant but showed her first form. Something she loathed, as it was what started her constant rejection.

The three heads dropped their jaws. This Biollante was like a hybrid version of Rosemon from Digimon, Nyx Alpha from God eater, and Biollante from Godzilla vs Biollante.

She looks like a humanoid plant with boobs! Her appearance was akin to a bride. Vines act as a veil on her face, large leaves that seem to form into a Victorian dress, and vines that grouped to form its legs. But more importantly, BOOBAS! The only problem was that this form didn't have eyes, only a nose, and mouth, but it made her beauty more unique.

Gestroyah can't tell if this was even Biollante anymore, but they thank mother nature for giving birth to such beauty. They can't even describe the beauty she has. No words can describe it enough.

It wasn't only Gestroyah who got attracted to her. Her beauty also entranced the humans.

"A blooming rose indeed." Ilene said.

"Whoa, it's like I'm watching a goddess," Rick said.

"To think this is its true form. Such beauty..." Ling muttered.

Mark can only watch, Biollante reminded him during his marriage with his deceased wife.

A blushing bride.

"It's like we're watching a marriage ceremony." One soldier said.

On the island, Biollante was tense. She was in her true form. She waited for her mate's reaction but saw that they were staring at her like a predator.

Wait, she smelt the pheromones released by them. Were they responding to her? Something inside her felt light like a heavy burden left her being.

"I'm tapping that booty." Cody said.

"CODY!" Ning said, mortified by what his 'brother' was planning.

"Hey, Cody is right, with a body like that. I'm tapping that booty, too." Odin said. "Besides, don't tell me you're not attracted to her."

Ning cursed their kaiju body, damn it. He wanted human booty, damn it! Glancing back at Biollante, who looks like a bride waiting for her groom to kiss her. Ning wouldn't dare admit it, but he was indeed attracted to her.

He's already a hybrid monster, so there's nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to a monster plant, right? RIGHT!?


Biollante let out a happy shrill when the chimera accepted her as a mate. She didn't stop the beast from approaching her.

Monarch had to shut off the screen on what happened next. They had more problems now that Gestroyah had mated with Biollante.

Will they produce offspring? How many will they have?

"Damn, that thing just violated mother nature's kid in more ways than one." One scientist said.

Mark rubbed his head. Problems just kept piling up as long as Gestroyah breathed. More than that, Godzilla was avoiding the island itself.

They need to figure out a way to drag Gestroyah out of that island if they want Godzilla to kill it.


Biollante let out a satisfied shrill, while Gestroyah looked at the stars with a dull look. They didn't expect the plant to have that much libido. The terrifying part was that neither of them wanted to stop. It's because Gestroyah remembered why they were here that they stopped rutting like rabbits.

When they told her about the reason for coming to her island, she didn't react, merely asked them if they had more females in their 'pack'.

Gestroyah said she was their first mate, and they had an adopted daughter. Biollante seems curious about the concept of adoption.

Something the chimera noted. Did that mean they first do this?

When they asked about the island, she told them something connected it to a realm beneath them. They understood the island was a bridge for hollow earth.

With why animals avoided the land, Biollante had been responsible. She had been releasing so many pheromones that normal animals can't handle the smell.

Maybe now she got laid. The animals can start coming here?

Gestroyah asked if she wanted to meet Kong, to which the plant agreed. Watching her mode of transportation was unique.

She was leaving a trail of glittering dust. Making her appear to be a gigantic fairy.

When she met Kong, she was confused about why her mate and this alpha hadn't tried to kill each other, let alone live together.

Gestroyah introduced the concept of an alliance, something the monsters didn't understand. It was a strange concept. There can't be two kings on one throne.

The chimera then introduced their adopted daughter. At first, Biollante and Slenra were glaring at each other before entering a silent agreement.

And so the day came when they moved to their new island. Gestroyah took advantage of the bridge and began appearing all across the globe. They were absorbing all the radioactive waste to empowering themselves. It triggered another evolution in them.

Now they're a combination of kaiju from Ultraman. King of Mons, Magamaga-Arch Belial, and Beast the one. All three monsters fused to make their body.

It scared the humans to death. They were in the adolescent stage, they're twice the size of their previous form.

Biollante spent most of her time tending the island to ensure there wasn't any deviant kaijus coming out. She taught them the history of the Kaiju. With Biollante being the eldest Kaiju alive, even older than the Godzilla of this world, she was a treasure trove of knowledge for them. They got Manda to look for more Kaijus they could add under their ranks.

Godzilla was still trying to kill him with the humans, helping him every moment.

Right now, Gestroyah was resting with Biollante beside him. Slenra was taking residence on his back. Biollante was the first to wake up, nudging her mate a few times, earning a groan from the three heads.

Slenra jumped off his back and went for her daily walk. Sparks followed her while apologizing to the titans.

Gestroyah yawns before staring at Biollante.

"Why'd you wake us up so early?" Ning asked.

"Mothra's brother Battra. He can be a great help to you." Biollante said.

"Not to sound rude, but that guy has anger issues. " Odin said through their link.

"Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to recruit a kaiju that wants the humans dead just because they're an infestation." Cody said.

"Yeah, but we need him against X." Ning said.

They then sensed coming towards earth and saw a colossal meteorite. What the hell!? They remember nothing like this in the movies! Was X doing this? Did it send another goon after them?

They tried to pick up any signs of life from the rock but found no trace inside.

"I'll be right back!" Gestroyah flies into the air and figures out where the meteor will land. "Of all places, it had to be the center of japan." Cody muttered.

"It better not be a space Godzilla or some kaiju." Odin growled.

Ning remained quiet and sped up their flight. Meanwhile, humanity panicked. Evacuations were in the works, the military doing their best to keep the civilians calm. However, no one can deny that only the Kaiju race can survive the aftermath.

It only became full-blown chaos when Gestroyah appeared. Monarch wondered what the Kaiju was doing before realizing he was heading to Japan, where the Meteorite was landing.

Was it going to try stopping it? But that would require an immense amount of power. Not even nuclear Godzilla can't stop it, only slow it down.

As Gestroyah lands on the ground, they glared at the falling rock. Energy building up inside their body, looking for a way out.

They fired it at the epic center, yet it didn't work. They poured more and more. Their energy beam becomes bigger and hotter each second.

Building melted, the earth was changing climates to an apocalyptic level. Humanity can do nothing but scream. The Kaiju race can only watch as the rock continues to fall.

"MORE POWER!" Ning ordered, releasing more nuclear energy.

"WE ARE FOOL!" Odin yelled.

"It's not working! We need to destroy its core on the inside." Cody yelled.

"That's going to make things worse!" Odin yelled.

"Cody's right. Earth can handle hundreds of small meteorites. We need to drill our way into the center." Ning said.

The chimera flew up to the sky and drilled into the center. Once in the center, they released their combined energy. Their plan worked. Meteor shattered into pieces that fell into the earth.

Gestroyah can only let out a relieved sigh before changing the climate back to normal. Hopefully, this act will tell humanity they are on their side. Who are they kidding? It would scare them since they destroyed a meteor the size of Texas.

They headed back to the island, unaware that their act of heroism unleashed something that Mothra had spent years of work to imprison.

Within a vibrant forest, buried deep below the mountain, one meteorite crashed and created a large opening. Out of that opening came a monstrous demonic moth. It had a slight resemblance to the queen of monsters.

It flapped its wings a few times, creating hurricanes with each flap. Its horn glowed as lightning struck it. The demonic moth then let out a terrifying roar to the sky.

Battra has finally escaped his prison.

"FREEDOM!!!" He roared. "ARGH, MY EYES!" He turned left and right before looking up. "Oh, you want to go, Głowy bastard! Fine, this time you're going down. UNLIMITED POWER!"

The moth fires a bolt of electricity to the sun, but its ray of light blinded him once more.

"Argh! Damn you a one-trick pony!" He yelled before glaring at the sun. "Stop taunting me!"

An: Here we go, another chapter done.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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