
บท 31: Chapter 31: Duel

During dinner, Severus again received mail.

Queen had delivered several letters to him among which was again one from Hermione.

He decided to open Hermione's letter first.

—---------------------- letter—----------------

Dear Severus,

Thank you for your reply to my letter.

I must admit I am a bit envious of you, it is awesome and exciting to read about your experiences at SWI, I can't wait to go and see the institute.

Regarding the potions, you were right, I still can't sleep well without taking one, so I will take your advice and every night I will take one from now on until I think I can sleep without the need for the potion.

As for my days, they are nothing interesting, just preparing a bit what I plan to do from now on with my life, so I'll spare you the boredom of a recount.

On the other hand, as you probably haven't already heard or seen on the news since they are downplaying it, I should tell you that things have been pretty chaotic around here.

Even though I'm at Manor Prince, quite well and away from all the conflicts, the change is noticeable, the death eaters have more and more presence and the ministry is more alert than ever.

And people don't seem to have much real interest in addressing the problem, it's very worrying.

The dark lord seems to be gaining more influence and followers every day, and I've heard people whisper that apparently, the Giants have already joined their side.

Severus, I believe them, it may seem like false information or hearsay, but something is going on and the ministry is hiding it.

I have no idea if you have any influence with your fellow Slytherin, but for what it's worth, if you can get some information regarding what's going on and tell me it would be a great help to me.

You know, it's dangerous for a young witch to be uninformed right now.

Lastly, I appreciate you sending me what I asked you about SWI and your concern for me.

Let me know if you are still on for Friday the 29th and if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to hear some more about your classes in the program as well.

Hope to see you again on Friday.

With Affection, Hermione

—-------------------------Fin letter—-----------------------------

After reading the letter Severus decided to reply to Hermione and continue reading the rest of the mail he had.

He was not very surprised by the current situation in Britain.

Ever since Voldemort started making his move in Britain in 1970, people played it down but little by little Voldemort was becoming unstoppable, every day more and more families were joining his followers or starting to support him.

Not only wizards and witches joined his army, but also many magical creatures allied themselves with the Dark Lord and giants were no exception.

'Now it was only a short time before things got worse and worse, the British magical world is about to go through the worst time in its history' thought Severus.

After replying to Hermione and looking at the rest of his mail, Severus finished dinner and retired to his dormitory to sleep.

The next day, Severus as he did every day got up early to exercise, then spent his day looking at information about the Muggle market and the magical market.

The classes "Poisons and Antidotes" and "Potions Preparation" were interesting but nothing Severus didn't already know.

When it became 19:15 Severus headed to his Dueling class hoping that this time Professor Hale would actually let them practice among the students and not just against a dummy.

"Alright students, let's get started with today's class," said Professor Hale when all the students arrived.

All the students spent a few minutes practicing against the dummy again much to Severus' disappointment.

"Right, that's all for now, gather around everyone," said Professor Hale "Now, I know most of you want to start with a game of actual Dueling, but before that, I'm going to clarify a few slogans, First I want you to tell me how the Duelists are ranked."

"Simple teacher, each Duelist who competes is evaluated by different professionals of the international confederation of magicians who are in charge of judging the level of the wizard or witch as a Duelist according to his or her performance in each Duel. Then each one passes in writing their evaluation of the Duelist and these results are summed up and summarized in the Duelist template" said one of the witches.

"Correct, complete, and concise answer Miss Hardman" complimented the teacher.

"The Duelist template is a very important thing, as it measures the level of the wizard or witch, but what exactly does this template measure, could someone tell me how this template is divided?" asked the teacher again.

No one rushed to answer, as it was not a simple answer, most only know the summary of the template they give to each Duelist which is the level as a Duelist they have.

But they don't know exactly the steps to follow to get to that final result.

Severus didn't know about this either, he as well as most of the students knew that the duelist is classified by level.

The levels given to the duelist were much like the danger rating given to magical creatures and plants.

A duelist could be classified as:

X: Null or harmless skill. (Untrained).

XX: Beginner skill (with some training).

XXX: Medium skill (trained).

XXXX: High skill (much training) - can be achieved with some talent but a lot of effort.

XXXXX: Exceptional ability. (experts in this area)-only those with great talent and a lot of effort achieve it.

S: Outstanding ability. (excels above others in this area)-have a unique talent and lots of effort. Cannot reach this level by conventional means.

SS: One of a kind, no comparison.

"Tch, the duelist's template measures in summary the same thing that an auror's template measures. It measures the level of basic magic, medium magic along with high and expert level magic" said Ethan Hale surprising several students, as they were all suspicious as to whether he had any relation to Professor Hale.

When he said that, for many students, it confirmed the fact that they have some relation as he was the only one who apparently knew the answer in the class.

"Correct Sir. Hale, as you said, the Duelist template is a summary of the Auror template as the Auror template is much more comprehensive and private" nodded the teacher.

'Auror template, I remember hearing something about that, but I never saw one, it must be because they are private as the professor said, maybe Gwen can explain to me later' Severus wondered.

"According to your level of magic demonstrated in each duel, the duelist will gain a certain level in the use of each of the four magics that are evaluated, the better your mastery in a magic the higher the level they give you, but it also adds up the use they put the magic to if one is creative one can gain points as well" explained the teacher.

"Anyway, since the competition in Ilvemorny is for those under 18, you will only be allowed to use a list of the basic, medium, and high-level magic spells."

"And this list of spells when will it be given to us?" asked another of the young witches present.

"Don't you even know the basics, all the spell lists are posted next to the competition announcement, just look" Ethan mocked the witch making her cringe.

And Severus had to admit that he was right about that one, what are you doing in a class preparing for a competition that you haven't even looked up basic information about.

'Most likely many of the SCoP witches present are just fans of the professor and that's why they decided to take her classes, I wouldn't be surprised' Severus thought.

"Ethan Hale!!!, that's no way to address a classmate!" said the professor drawing the attention of more than one seeing her calling him by his name so familiarly.

Now everyone could be sure that they were familiar.

Ethan just covered his face in embarrassment as he denied it and seemed to sigh, while the teacher seemed to have belatedly realized her little mistake and just smiled in embarrassment but continued the class as normal.

To Severus' happiness, the teacher allowed them to spar with each other, so Severus quickly looked for a dueling partner.

Unfortunately, it seemed that everyone already had a pre-set partner and there was only one person left in the class without a dueling partner.

That's right, Ethan Hale.

"We are the only ones left, apparently you can't ignore me this time Prince, although if you want you can run away from the duel like a coward and surrender, but if you decide to duel me I promise to have compassion on you and not make such a fool of you in front of the whole class" Ethan sneered as he approached Severus.

But despite his teasing, the truth was that he didn't want Severus to back down, Ethan wanted a dueling partner and if Severus left things were going to get quite complicated and boring for him.

'Well, I stand corrected, it's not like Potter, Ethan at least has the decency to want to take me on one on one' Severus chuckled mentally not giving Ethan's teasing any importance, he was looking forward to dueling and if it could be with someone who matched him even better.

"How about a bet, since you're so confident," said Severus amused.

"Oh, are you sure Prince, I wouldn't want to take advantage of you, you have to know that in Ilvemorny I'm considered a genius in DADA, you still wish to make that bet?" asked Ethan amused as if he knew Severus would regret it.

"Sure, if there's nothing to lose it wouldn't be interesting, how about 300 gallons?" confirmed Severus calmly as he gave him a piercing look.

Despite Severus being confident, he couldn't be sure if he would beat Ethan, after all, he seemed to have some relationship with the professor, and not just anyone would go around claiming to be a genius at Ilvemorny's institute of magic like it was nothing.

Severus had also been able to read Ethan Hale pretty quickly.

Severus knew that he was very cocky, bad-tempered, and confident, much like Potter.

And if Severus wasn't mistaken, he wasn't just a chatterbox, he had the ability to be confident and cocky, so it wouldn't be an easy duel, still, he wished to test himself.

He only used to duel Potter and Sirius in less than advantageous situations and even he would admit that they were skilled, so being able to handle them both gave him some confidence to handle a single person now.

Ethan's eyes were wide, he was dumbfounded, 300 gallons was no small money, it was almost the average salary for a wizard and witch.

"I accept, and I hope you don't regret it later, there will be no turning back Prince," Ethan said with a smile, despite it being a lot of money, he had total confidence in winning.

They both settled at the ends of the dueling stage.

Then they both nodded their heads and walked to the center to discuss the final details.

"Very well Prince, whoever drops his wand first or surrenders will lose!" commented Ethan.

Severus just nodded.

"We will be able to use any kind of spell that is not lethal, area effect, or expert level, all right?" asked Ethan.

"As you wish," said Severus.

"Very well, on the count of three, we begin" finished Ethan.

Then before dueling, they both bowed with respect showing that this was an honorable duel between the two.

Ethan was surprised when he saw Severus' expression and look at that moment, he seemed to be a completely different person than the quiet, unassuming, and sociable young man he had shown himself to be so far with others.

Severus had a look, dark, cold, eerie, and piercing that seemed to be looking deep inside him with contempt.

His facial features change as well as his eyes, now seeming to be so dry, cold, and devoid of light. All this combined with the black attire he wore made for a very demoniacal image.

Ethan almost thought it was some spell that modified his facial features but dismissed that idea and focused on the duel.

After the greeting, they both half-turned at their ends counting aloud.



"3... "

They were both heard reciting instantly.

"Incendio" Ethan began to create flames at Severus' position.

"Aguamanti" conjured Severus skull a large puddle of water over the flames, easily extinguished.

"Lacarnum Inflamarae" Ethan changed tactics and directly unleashed flames from his wand at Severus.

"Flame Freezing-Extinguishing Spell " recited Severus two spells in sequence, one to eliminate the effects of the fire on his body and the other to extinguish the flames thrown by Ethan.

"Flipendo..." incanted Ethan changing his strategy when he saw that his fire produced no effects.

"Impedimenta" Severus quickly nullified Ethan's spell preventing him from casting it.

"TCH, Avis, Draconifors, Oppungo" Ethan quickly conjured three spells in sequence, one conjured a flock of birds from the tip of the wand the other transformed them into small dragons, and the last sent them to attack Severus.

"Orbis, redoubt" Severus said calmly causing one by one the small dragons to disappear in a mini whirlwind or be destroyed.

"Envertestatil" Ethan.

"Protego" Severus created a simple shield around him that withstood Ethan's spell.

"Bombard" recited Severus on the offensive for the first time detonating the space Ethan was in with a small explosion.

"Fire Enchantment" Ethan created a small ring of fire that protected him.

"Flipendo" Severus conjured again while Ethan was in his ring of fire. This didn't hurt Ethan but knocked him backward leaving the victim a bit disoriented.

Taking advantage Severus quickly conjured more offensive spells, causing Ethan to only be able to stay on the defensive for the moment.

Unbeknownst to the two of them who were immersed in their duel, all the other students were gathered around them watching the spectacle of lights, noises, and spells they were putting on.

Most were in their own duels at first, but none were as interesting and intense as Ethan and Severus.

Everyone could see that the level of both was very high for their ages and evenly matched as they went from offensive to defensive due to small details, each was gaining ground and losing at the same time, and no one had a clear advantage.

The fight accelerated between Severus and Ethan.

Both began to resort to their best moves and even began to cast silent spells along with spoken ones to hide them and create more problems for the opponent.

The students watching were impressed given that both were making expert use of spells, even Professor Ava Hale began to watch the duel more closely.

She knew Ethan Hale's level, after all, he was her little brother, she knew he was a genius at DADA and had a great command of fire spells.

He was an XXX-level duelist and among the best at his level, which was already impressive for his age.

She had full faith that her brother could win against any duelist his age or younger, but here was this young wizard a year younger than her beloved brother competing in an even equalize duel against him.

But if anything surprised Ava Hale, it was not that Severus was at his brother's level, but that he was using the spells in such a way that they countered Ethan's, he did not use pure mastery of spells as his brother did but calculated perfectly what spell to use in a given situation and how to use it.

Undoubtedly Severus' control and level over the spells he used were incredible, but Ethan was undoubtedly better.

The problem was the way Severus seemed to know everything Ethan would do next, it didn't matter what advantage Ethan had if Severus didn't give him room to use it.

What Severus excelled at was his level of understanding of the duel, he had experience dealing with worse situations than this one, so he was always looking for the slightest advantage he could to get out of such a situation.

'To think that there is a young wizard so capable in this school, I would never have imagined it, that look he has, is that of someone who has a lot of experience in magical duels without rules, he is attentive to everything that happens, he analyzes like a professional who can lose his life for a mistake, but with 16 years old it is impossible to have gone through so many situations that make him reach that level, his observation capacity is almost at my level by Merlin' the teacher who was impressed told herself as she watched.

The spells between Ethan and Severus continued to be flung through the air of the stage, going from offensive to defensive, but always managing from both sides to counter the other side leaving the duel in a stalemate between the two.

"Wow, I don't stand a chance in the contest if those two participate" commented one of the witches.

"Same here, I don't want to imagine if there are better duelists than them in the contest."

"Yeah. And Ethan's fire magic is so impressive and beautiful."

"Yesss, you saw that ring of fire, it was great."

"His mastery of fire magic is amazing, but Prince controls it I would almost say with ease."

"I don't know, I admire Ethan because anyone else facing that guy I'm sure they would run for his lives first, well, I would" commented another witch pointing at Severus.

"Yeah and think that he seemed so calm and good."

"Calm and good? sure, sure, he looks like he has bloodlust all over his face and if you see his eyes in detail it's like he wants your soul as well."

"Yeah, it's creepy just to see him for Merlin, never mind dueling."

"Still it's we have to admit he's impressive, so strong and intimidating at his age."

"True, and he's the youngest among us all, which makes him even more awesome."

"That, who cares if he's scary, he has his charm."

"I agree, someone kind and calm who if you mess with gives you the scare of your life is more than charming."

These were some of the many comments from the witches and wizards watching the duel between the two.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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