Now it was Song Xueyun and Han Nanxian's turn to explain why the two of them were together. An Xiulan and Lu Xuan had their quota of bickering. Now the two of them were sitting there, waiting for answers.
"Why are you two together?" An Xiulan asked the question Han Nanxian.
"Were you together when you called me?" Lu Xuan asked Song Xueyun.
Han Nanxian heaved out a sigh and answered, "We met this morning. I invited her for a meal. She agreed to come with me here. This is why we are together right now."
It was Song Xueyun's turn to answer, "Yes, Lu Xuan. We were together when I called you. A few moments ago before calling you, Nanxian told me that he had invited Xiulan and Zixin for a meal. I called you because you are my best friend. I thought you should be here."