100% Can the Heroines hear my thoughts? / Chapter 3: Chapter 2. F*ck you that's why!

บท 3: Chapter 2. F*ck you that's why!

Honestly I really just made this Fic to fill in my urge for writing so there will probably be quite a lot of plot holes so just a heads up.

Oh! and prepare for grammar mistakes as well, or jumbled-out sentences that don't fit. I'm too damn lazy to fix it, and even if I did Webnovel won't show the edited version either way.


(2 hour before the Bar incident)

"Should be right around the corner by now." a young man mumbled to himself as he drove his car.

With dark red eyes like polished rubies and hair as white as snow, the young man had an unnatural appearance that normally wouldn't be seen in this part of the world.

Even so, anyone who saw his appearance would definitely think of him as handsome, even a bit feminine if they stare long enough.

His name was Siegfried, Sieg for short and he, like many others who were killed by truck-kun was originally not from this world.

In his last life, he was a bartender, although the job is not really what you would call a steady income, he really didn't mind too much as he enjoyed it.

He met a lot of... well, let's just say they were 'Interesting Individuals' and often times there were many interesting scenes involving these 'Interesting individuals'.

Like that one time, a regular at the bar who often came to vent out his frustrations was just about to hit it off with a girl but was ultimately cuckolded by his wife after she suddenly barged in with a very ferocious face.

Anyways moving on.

In this world, he was born as the heir of the aristocratic family in Germany known as the Einzberns.

And if you think that name sounded familiar then you're not the only one as the very first-time Sieg heard his full name he experienced the 5 stages of grief.




"Fuck! of all worlds you could have sent me you choose this place!?"


"Hey ROB are you there? if you can hear maybe we could work something out? please? ROB? ROB!?"


"Ah what the hell I'm going to be hunted down by Alaya and her counter guardians soon or some other perverted shit in this shitty world anyway so what's the point?"

And finally...Acceptance.

"You know what. f*ck it, whether it's being hunted down by the counterforce, experimented on by other magus, f*ck even becoming zelretch entertainment let's do it! but I sure as hell ain't going down without a fight! so come on World! Come at me!"

But fortunately, it seems that he wasn't as screwed as he thought, after a few years of observations and not experiencing any types of gruesome experiments, he found out that this world was...

Different...from what he expected.

I mean sure he still saw the occasional emotionless homunculus running around the castle doing specific things like laundry, cooking, and cleaning.

But... for some reason, he felt like something was amiss... for example his grandfather, Jubstacheit von Einzbern.

He expected an emotionless man that would sometimes stare at him silently for reasons Sieg did not even want to imagine.

But no...

"Ah~, as expected of my grandson, only a few months old and I can already see traces of Intelligence in his eyes! though... why do I feel like he's looking at me a bit strangely?"

What Sieg got instead was an overly doting grandfather that would praise you excessively for doing the most basic things.

Sieg didn't really know much about the man other than reading a few things about him on wiki so he wasn't really sure if he did act this way originally.

He did know- If the source from the Wiki were to be trusted, was that the old man was actually a golem.

But after observing the somewhat normal-looking old man and his antics to try and make him say grandfather when he was only 3 months old.

Sieg thought that the old man was simply too.... humane...

And at the time of his 5th birthday, he finally found out why all these things were happening.

---FlashBack to his 5th b-day!---


"m- my apologies." a 5-year-old Sieg tried hard to calm himself down after hearing the revelation he has just heard.

In front of him stood his grandfather, who had his hands behind his back with a calm gaze. not minding the shattered glass than fell from his grandson's hand as he had already expected this type of reaction.

"I apologize for having to ask this but... could you please repeat what you said...?"

Jubstacheit of course did not mind since this was a lot to take in after all, honestly he expected his grandson to be more excited by this but he supposed that it had something to do with how mature he was at that age.

So without further ado, he spoke once more.

"*Ahem* as I have said before, this world... is not as mundane as it may seem-" Jubstacheit suddenly halted his words as he thought that instead of trying to explain it he decided it was better to show it instead.

He lightly stretched his hand in front of his grandson, and suddenly, a blue-colored aura wrapped around his hand while slowly taking the form of an eastern dragon.

Perhaps it was because he was simply overwhelmed by the information or maybe it was the 5 years of accumulated stress after he was thrown into this world.

Either way.

Before Jubstacheit could speak about the World of Cultivation.


Sieg directly fell down and fainted on the spot.

---FlashBack ENDO!!---

So he found out that this world was actually one where you can cultivate to ascend to immortality, what else?


And after a few minutes of questioning, he also found out that yes, his grandfather was really not an Artificial Intelligence in the body of a golem but was a full-blown human being who was born and raised on this planet.

And his mother, Irisiviel von Einzbern also was not a Homunculus whose sole purpose was to be the vessel of the Holy grail. and was, in fact, the legitimate daughter of Jubstacheit and his wife.

Although somewhat relieved, he couldn't help but suddenly wonder about something.

'Wait, if the two of them are both humans then... am I not a homunculus? if so, then who was my father?'

After trying and failing to hold in his curiosity, he couldn't help but ask his grandfather who his father was and wondered if he has also passed away like his grandmother.

Hearing this, Sieg saw the strange scene of his grandfather actually acting like he thought he would in his Imagination, Emotionless and cold.

While from the corners of his eyes he saw something more unimaginable as he witnessed his mother smiling creepily with her eyes close.

He didn't know if he imagining it but he saw a dark aura around her which made it more creepy.

And before the old man could even open his mouth. he was beaten to the punch by his mother.

"He was an unfaithful, perverted, piece of sh*t that deserved whatever happened to him," Irisiviel spoke coldly until she suddenly put her hand in her mouth and realized that she just cussed in front of her child.

Sieg hearing that was not a bit bothered by it and instead was more interested in the Information about his father.

Seeing his grandson's curiosity, Jubstacheit sent a glance to his dear daughter who looked as if she was having an Existential crisis after having said a 'bad' word in front of his only child.

Jubstacheit, seeing as his daughter was of no help could only shake his head and stare at his grandson with a meaningful expression.

A few moments passed until finally, Jubstacheit released a *sigh* and told the story of Sieg's father.

And after hearing about his father's fate a day just after the night of his and his mother's wedding.

Sieg could only shake his head and thought that this world truly was an Urban Cultivation world, and his perspective on harems also changed significantly.

Although the prospect of harems was still very much appealing to a male like Sieg. he couldn't help but think about what his father has experienced and concluded that, although very tempting, having a harem was without a doubt, a lot of work and emotional stress...

And has a high chance of stabbing.

"Ah! m-my Purse!"

Sieg who was at a red light turned to where the sound of distress came from and saw that a pink-haired girl wearing student clothes was robbed by a punk-looking dude with highlights on his hair.

And from the other side of the street, he noticed 3 people, who also appeared to be students just with a different set of clothes who quickly ran after the robber with haste.


Really there were only 2 of them, as the one who looked like a typical pretty boy stopped just right next to the victim and gently grabbed her hands as if trying to give her a sense of comfort.

And from reading his lips alone, Sieg knew that he was throwing all sorts of flowery words as he silently averted his eyes while slightly cringing.

The other 2, a male with a big body and a silver-haired girl with-...

[Are... are those wolf ears?] Sieg raised his brow's as he could only compliment the girl for being brave enough to wear something like that in public.

[And I have to admit whoever made those definitely knew what they were doing.] Sieg nodded as he gave silent respect to whoever designed them as the color and the shape of the wolf ears were simply too perfect on her.

Although he knew that beast-man existed in this world, if it wasn't for his enhanced vision that helped him notice the barely visible strap holding it in her head together.

He would have seriously thought that the girl was a r*tarted beast-man who was flaunting her animal features for the world to see.

[Anyways, seeing as I'm already here I might as well give them a hand.]

As the robber continued to run towards an alley he heard a sudden *Whoosh* behind him and instead of looking back to see what it was it, only made him run faster with fear.

Only, he suddenly noticed a problem.

"w-what the H*ll!?" The robber tried to move but found out that he couldn't move any part of his body.

Hearing the rushing footsteps getting closer and closer the man turned desperate as he tried to regain control of his body, constantly trying to get a response he even tried flapping his arms but to no avail.

"F*ck! f*ck! f*ck!"

And just as the footsteps were getting near him, before the two pursuing him could enter the alleyway.

Whatever was causing the man to be unable to move suddenly disappeared, but because of his desperate movements after he was able to regain control of his body, he lost his balance and fell face-first on the ground.

"Ah! sh*tballs!"

*Man falling to the ground Noise!*

And before he could stand up he felt something heavy landing on his back causing him to crash once again to the ground.

"Argh!? d*mn it what the hell just jumped on me!?"


Seeing the green light, Sieg started to drive away, not giving the scene any more care.

Though if he looked back even just a bit he would have noticed that both the pink haired-girl and the one with Wolf ears had weirded-out expressions as they constantly turn their heads around as if searching for something.


Sieg was currently rooted in his place in shock as he stared at the scene in front of him with a look of recognition.

After arriving at his destination, he lightly modified his appearance before doing anything else.

His white hair was gone in place of dark brown as he thought it would be too eye-catching, although his looks also went down a notch he was still quite good-looking just not as exaggerated as his original.


Sieg continued to stare at the girl with purple hair hesitantly standing at the entrance of the bar with a strange gaze as he found her looking more and more familiar by the second.

The girl looked like she was debating if she should go in or not as the guard at the entrance finally couldn't take it and approached the girl and ask what she was doing.

"uh...u-um well." The girl fumbled with her words nervously. and as if she remembered something important, her nervous look quickly changed to one of determination.

"Excuse me mister, but is the spot for a singer still open?" The girl asked as she took out a small pamphlet.

"Hmm? oh that? well yes, it's still open, why? did you come here to apply?"

The girl nodded vigorously in response.

"oh, then your name?" The guard took out a pen and paper as he asked the girl some questions that were prepared by the manager beforehand.

And sure enough, just like what Sieg had guessed.

"Lilly... Lily Yue."

The girl was indeed the main heroine of the Manhua he has read in the past titled [My Amazing Wechat].

Realizing this, Sieg looked dumbfounded as the only response he had in his mind was...

[what the f*ck?]

While Lily was answering the guard's question, she almost jumped in surprise when she suddenly heard a curse.

She looked around her surroundings in puzzlement wondering where that came from as she took a glance at the guard who looked as if he didn't hear a thing.

(Authors Note: I'm gonna keep the English names used in the manhua. I know it sounds stupid but this way I won't forget who she is since there will kinda be a lot of girls introduced in this so the ones with English names I'm gonna keep)

---18 Years Ago in an Empty space---

"So, you want <Imperial Privilege EX> and <Arc of Embodiment> for your wishes?" asked a little floating potato as the humanoid-shaped white thing in front of him gave an affirmative nod.

"hmm... although the first one's new the other's kinda overused don't you think?"

"Well I'm not really sure what else to wish for." the white thing shrugged.

He has read a lot of Fanfics and the <Arc of Emodiment> really was overused but so what?

I mean who wouldn't want the power to create whatever you Imagine to appear in front of you? It was simply a broken power in his opinion.

As for the <Impirial Privilege>, he really only remembered its use and how broken it was because he searched up Nero's wiki.

Reason? well I mean who hasn't gone to the Internet and searched up on one of their waifus for sh*ts and giggles?

The <Imperial Privilege> is basically an incredibly unfair and ostentatious ability where the user could gain any skill they want, even something like <Divinity> could be acquired if they Insist hard enough with the appropriate rank of the skill.

Why can it do this you ask? because f*ck you that's why.

Anyway let's move on with the scene, shall we?

"Well alrighty then." the little potato accepted the wishes without much thought as two lights, one golden, and one dark entered the Humanoid white things body.

"And for your 3rd wish?"

"Uh...well..." The white humanoid thing didn't know what else to wish for, he could already learn any skill he want and make anything with his imagination so what else does he need.

"Hmm..." After thinking about it for more than 5 minutes the white thing still had nothing.

"well... can you make my wishes more powerful? like... give them some kind of upgrade or something."

Hearing this the little potato could only look at him like an idiot.

"really? you could have anything you wa- oh wait you can already do that with <AoE>...hmm... well whatever."


The humanoid white things body suddenly glowed with both gold and black.

(Arthurrrrrr!!: If you're wondering why I did this it's so I can make whatever I need the 2 skills need to do without worry, why? cause fu- no I'm just kidding..... please don't leave.)

"Well, that's it! good luck with your Adventure random dude who I definitely did not deliberately ask truck-kun to kill!"

"but what the worl- wait what did you just say."


After seeing him disappear, the little happy potato's face suddenly turned to a grinning mischievous one.

"Hehe, and another one bites the dust~!" The little potato muttered darkly.

"If things go on normally he'll definitely become another one of those so-called chads or alpha males who have the mindsets of 'gotta catch em' all again."

The little potato chuckled darkly.

"Well...that's 'normally' what would have happened which would be quite boring~."

3 Wheels of fortune each having more than dozens of slots containing different sets of words appeared behind the little potato.

"So... let's add a few bits of spices in shall we~."

And so, accompanied by the little potatoes' constant chuckling, the Wheels spun at a rapid pace until finally slowing down each pointing at different words.

"Oh~ well this is interesting~."

"hmm.... since the first one is quite overused by the other ROBS already I might as well change it up a bit~"

"OH~! this one's also overused but that was in the past, though some are still appearing occasionally this should do nicely to change things up~!"

"And finally the third one is-."


"Pft- Ahahahaha!!" The little potato laughed like a mad man. "this! This one is really good! ah~ the reactions! the scenes! all of it will be priceless!"

"HAHAHHAHAAHA- *cough* *cough* ah cra- *cough*"

The little potato's laugh abruptly stopped as he choked on his own spit.

"AHEM! ah~ that's much better." The little potato turned his little potato Body as another Gacha wheel appeared.

"Now time to decide the world!" The little potato was pumped.

"Hmm~ I wonder what world would be the best~? with these three, I guess the best one would be a Harem type, that way all 3 of the 'gifts' I have in store will be used to their full potential."

At the same time as he was talking, the Gacha wheel slowed down and ultimately landed on a slot and the contents of it made the little potato raise his little potato brows in response.

"This.... wait why is there a <Broken> tag in there?"

[WORLD TYPE:Urban Manhua??? <Broken>]


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ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ เขียนรีวิว


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C3
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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