19.04% Ashura Path / Chapter 6: Change of Scenery

บท 6: Change of Scenery

-Ryozanpaku Dojo training room

"Sakaki, as a martial artist, give him some advice," Akisame said while to Kenichi in his karate uniform.

"I don't give advice," Sakaki shouted while he rested against the wall near them. Ohma rested beside him.

'Then why are you always here.' Ohma thought and by the looks of it, Akisame and Kenichi were also thinking the exact same thing.

"So, it's me alone." Akisame then looked to Ohma. "I have observed your training with Apachai, the way you were deflecting his blows it was clearly a jiu-jitsu technique so your training would be planned according to it."

"No, I am not a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner." Ohma started, then the other looked at him.

"Then what style is it?" Akisame asked. "The deflection technique you used is from jiu-jitsu. I am pretty sure about it."

"You aren't completely wrong," Ohma said, "my Niko Style is born from rearranging classical Jiu-Jitsu with some parts of a particular Karate Style into a modern martial art."

Sakaki immediately looked to Akisame. "You heard of this style before?"

"No, have you?" Akisame had the same question.

"Of course, you haven't heard of it. Niko Style is relatively young, it's not even a hundred years old." Ohma said getting up.

"Fascinating, what are its applications?" Akisame asked.

"Niko Style has four branches; one focuses on body conditioning and hard strikes, one on footwork and swift strikes, one of deflecting and redirecting opponent's attacks and the last one focuses on grappling," Ohma explained leaving quite a lot out of the conversation. Never show all the cards you hold, that's what his master taught him.

Akisame nodded. "Then we have to plan your training according to it, but for now what I have prepared will do."

"What is it?" Kenichi asked.

Akisame didn't reply and just said, "Look over there."

There were two stone Jizo statues with open palms facing outwards dressed in Judogis. Akisame approached the statues followed by Kenichi and Ohma.

"This is my training device, 'Thrower.' " Akisame said.

Kenichi approached the statue and tried to throw it by its collar. It's didn't even budge.

"It's heavy," Kenichi commented.

"How am I supposed to throw this thing?" Kenichi complained through his struggle. "It's heavy!"

"Sure it's heavy, it's a statue." Akisame reminded him. "We've been at this for a few days now, you should know this."

"Yeah, but it hasn't gotten any easier!" Kenichi retorted.

"Try to focus on its centre of gravity," Akisame advised him.

"It's what?" Kenichi stopped.

Akisame went over to the statue to demonstrate. "The point in which the weight of an object is balanced." He clarified. "On a human body, it's a little bit below the navel. If you simultaneously attack an opponent's centre of gravity and throw off their balance." Akisame did just that to the statue and throw it in the air. "You'll easily overcome their size." He then caught the statue and landed it on its feet.

Kenichi gasped, impressed. "Amazing."

Akisame waved it off. "It's just basic physics."

Kenichi sweated a bit. "Or sure, it's common sense to you."

Ohma approached and grabbed the statue and performed Akisame's move. The statue spun four times in the air before landing. "Just like this."

"That's it," Akisame said. "You have more control in this compared to your striking techniques."

"You can do it too!" Kenichi shouted.

Ohma shrugged. "Redirection is the first branch of Niko Style I learned and it's what practised the longest."

"Why did you skip on others?" Kenichi asked.

"Do you think I was born with the muscles and agility I currently have?" Ohma replied.

Kenichi's face flushed realising it.


Next was Kensei's training.

"I'll teach you the fundamental of attacking and defending," Kensei said.

Ohma noticed Sakaki now laid against the tree watching their training. 'Why is he watching us?'

"So it goes like this," Kensei said while demonstrating. "Take a long stride wide with your right leg, body in an inclined position with both arms to the side as if you are holding a large pot. Repeat the process for hundred times."

Kenichi surprisingly didn't complain and started practising the technique as told. Ohma did the same, it never hurt to practise the basics again and learn new techniques.

"You can't always evade attacks by stepping back, so attack at places where the opponent can't retaliate," Kensei said.

"Sensei, how do I actually use this technique in a fight?" Kenichi asked

"Hmmm, Miu come here for a moment," Kensei called Miu who still was doing cleaning work nearby.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I just need to perform a kick, I am teaching them how to defend against them."

'I know how to defend against kicks, old man.' Ohma scoffed.

Miu's expression told that didn't like this idea for some reason but she complied.

Kensei handed over his hat to Kenichi exposing the bald shiny part of his head and said, "Ok, now attack."

"Here I go," Miu said going in for a swift kick. It was too fast to evade by backstepping for normal fighters.


Kensei caught Miu's leg and took a stride; rushing into her abdomen with a headbutt. His hands placed in the leg in a lock, one hand gripped the thigh the near the knee while the other hand kept an upward or pressure, threatening to break the knee."

"Whoa! So as you go back you break their knees." Kenichi remarked.

"That's right! At the same time, you bury your head into their chest." Kensei said. "For us men, it can be a lucky thing."

Miu looked uncomfortable, trying to push away Kensei's head, then unexpectedly Kensei started spinning his head in a circular motion pressing right onto Miu's breasts.

'Sometimes I forget this old man is fucking pervert of the worst kind.' Ohma thought. 'And I am not doing the headbutt unless I train my skull crazy like Saw Paing, a sweep would do instead.'.

Ohma looked to Kenichi who was practising the move including the breathing pushing part.

"Kenichi, skip that part of the move."


Then came Apachai's training, Kenichi was unable to evade even once, he just took hits; losing consciousness every time. Days passed, practising the same two techniques every day.

Back inside Kenichi was still struggling to throw the statue even though they'd been at it for a while. He was currently struggling to throw it over his shoulder. Unfortunately, he could only barely lift it off the floor. It then tipped over and fell on top of him.

"Ugh! My back!" Kenichi whaled in pain.

"Is something wrong?" Akisame rhetorically asked, standing over him. "Are you giving up?"

Kenichi looked surprised by that suggestion but then steeled his determination and stood. "No, never!"

"I have to admit, you're doing alright kid."

Before Kenichi tried again he looked to see Sakaki standing by the door.

"A lot better than I thought you would, to tell you the truth I thought you'd run home crying after three days," Sakaki admitted giving him props.

"Thanks!" Kenichi graciously accepted. "Wow, that was kinda nice."

"In all fairness, Kenichi almost did." Ohma inwardly noted.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Kenichi asked.

"You don't notice?" Ohma raised a brow. "The allotted training has passed, it's time for us to switch."

"Yeah, meaning it's time you train with me," Sakaki informed him.

"Already?" Akisame asked before letting out a sigh. "That's a shame, we couldn't accomplish much today."

"Yeah, I haven't been making much progress." Kenichi sheepishly confessed. "I'm still pretty weak so I'm having trouble with this statue."

"Haha, not so bright are ya kid?" Sakaki commented amusedly.


"Haven't you noticed that statue seems a little weird?" Sakaki pointed out.

Both Kenichi and Ohma took another look at the statue.

"Sakaki, mind your own business!" Akisame reprimanded him.

"Now that you mention it…" Kenichi began to take notice. "Akisame-sensei, I don't remember the statue being quite this big."

Kenichi was right. When had first begun this training exercise the stone statue was at the same height as him, but as of right now it was a whole head and shoulders taller.

Akisame looked away and coughed. "Ahem, it must have magically grown to challenge you."

"You're just joking right?" Kenichi narrowed his eyes. He then noticed a door on the side of the room that was slightly open and curiously went over to it.

"No! No! Don't look in there! That room's off-limits!" Akisame desperately tried to stop him.


However, Kenichi did open the door and what he saw inside the room made his jaw drop as the inside of that room was filled with a countless number of stone statues that looked exactly the same as the one he was training with. Except some were the same size as Kenichi, some were a few inches bigger and more still were much bigger, their sizes vary.

As Kenichi stood there dumbfounded, Akisame stood behind him and closed the door. "It's not how it looks."

"Really?" Ohma stood behind them, looking unconvinced. "It looks like you were swapping the statue every day for a bigger one."

"…Okay it is how it looks. But it's not what you're thinking." Akisame attempted another excuse.

Kenichi angrily grabbed Akisame by the collar. "You made it bigger and bigger every day, didn't you?!"

"Yes, but think how easily you could throw that first statue now?" Akisame defended his actions. "Listen, Kenichi, your opponents will vary in size so it's best that your practice reflects this inevitability."

Kenichi crossed his arms. "Alright, but it sounds to me like you're dodging the point."

"That's because he is." Ohma pointed out. "That whole reason was just something he came up with on the spot."

Akisame coughed again. "I have no idea what you mean."

"Guess what kid?" Sakaki addressed Kenichi with a smirk. "Today's your lucky day, I'm gonna teach you a special technique. A little something to use in case you run into another idiot who wants to mop the asphalt with your face."

Kenichi's expression brightened up. While Akisame smiled and stroked his moustache. "I'm shocked, you're teaching them a new technique, you must be feeling generous."

"This is a one-time-only thing." Sakaki defended as he started to sweat. "'Cause today happens to be a special occasion… It's uh… Well, it's the…" He desperately tried to think of something. "That's it! It is the anniversary of the day Judo was first created!"

He attempted as he grabbed Kenichi by the shoulders. "So in its honour, I decided to teach you a special technique on this day, now come on."

"Uh, sure!" Kenichi obeyed. Sakaki began to walk away as Kenichi followed. "I wasn't expecting this, maybe I was wrong about Sakaki? He might not be such a scary guy after all."

As they were leaving, Akisame cringed. "That was by far the worst lie I've ever heard."

Ohma glared at him with annoyance. "Like you're one to talk mister 'The statue must have magically grown'."

Ohma then walked away as well as Akisame processed his retort and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, he's got me there."


The two of them moved outside and stood a few steps apart as Sakaki prepared to begin his lesson. Since Kenichi typically trained with either Kensei, Akisame, or Apachai, this was actually his first time doing technique training with Sakaki.

"Listen up kid." Sakaki began. "You may have been able to get by until now but you still only have the bare minimum, you'll need more than that if you're gonna win some real fights. So those are the thing I'm gonna teach you."

"Do you, uh…" Kenichi nervously muttered.

"What kid?" Sakaki questioned. "Spit it out."

"…It's not; kid." Kenichi nervously corrected. "My name is Kenichi, kay?"

"Haha, really?" Sakaki rubbed his hair. "You want me to call you by your name huh? Kinda forgot you were human, but even dogs have names so sure." He agreed to it. Then Sakaki pointed to himself. "Well, in that case, you can call me; Sakaki-sensei. Okay, Kenichi?"

"Sure, Sakaki-sensei!" Kenichi answered with enthusiasm.

"Dah, it's nothing," Sakaki grumbled as he looked away and closed his eyes with a smile. "

"Well, I… What I was gonna ask you…" Kenichi looked at him seriously. "Do you really believe that I can become stronger? I'm so worried that if I lose after this training… That I…"

"That what?" Sakaki questioned before he guessed the answer. "That you'll never become strong enough?"

Kenichi looked down, confirming his suspicion.

"Tell me, just how strong do you want to be?" Sakaki asked curiously.

"Well, um I uh…" Kenichi nervously fiddled with his fingers. "I actually have two ideas in mind."

"Well, what are they?" Sakaki became more curious. "If you already have something in mind, it'll be easier to work towards it."

Kenichi took a deep breath and confessed. "Truth is, I wanna be strong enough to protect the people I care about."

"Hmm?" Sakaki merely processed his answer. "And what's the other one?"

Kenichi seemed unsure about this one. "Promise you won't laugh."

"Of course, what kinda man laughs at another man's goals?" Sakaki sounded as though it was obvious.

Kenichi then had a determined smile. "I just want to be strong because I like to be strong! Stronger than Ohma."

"You like to be stronger than that punk?" Sakaki's eyes widened a little before he started to chuckle a bit until it became full-on laughter. "Hahahaha! HAHAHA!"

Kenichi narrowed his eyes at him. "Hey, I thought you said you wouldn't laugh at another man's goal?"

"I'm not!" Sakaki stopped and looked at him. "A man would've said that he wants to be the Strongest in the World."

Kenichi remembered those words as he heard from Ohma just the other day. "But that's Ohma's goal."

"It is huh?" Sakaki crossed his arms. "All the more reason, if you wanna surpass him then it's your goal too."

After hearing that, Kenichi gasped as his eyes widened. Sakaki continued.

"Listen, Kenichi. Life isn't about what can and cannot be done, it's about, doing it or not doing it!" He raised his fist.

"Right!" Kenichi nodded.

"So, are you finally ready to do something!" Sakaki question questioned loudly.

"Yes!" Kenichi answered with energy.

"Alright then, let's teach you something worth knowing!" Sakaki prepared himself.

"Alright!" Kenichi prepared himself.


Outside, Ohma was training with the Jizo statue again and again. Throwing the statue over his shoulder was slowly strengthening his legs and core balance, it looked like Akisame wasn't all talking about his training.

Ohma caught the statue by its hand and collar and threw it over his shoulder with a loud thud on the drop.


Ohma gasped for a moment, feeling light-headed. Then without thinking, he went for the last throw without thinking, his body moved on its own. This time he didn't perform the same action. He couldn't see or control it but by the end the statue was spinning up air and came down over his head, embedding itself into the ground. The whole part of the courtyard shook with it, then the control back Ohma along with a long lost memory.

'Redirection Kata: Change of Scenery.'

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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