67.16% Bleach: Threads of Fate / Chapter 90: [Soul Society Arc] Part 90: The Power of a Name

บท 90: [Soul Society Arc] Part 90: The Power of a Name

# August 6th - Seireitei #

With the impending execution of Rukia just a few hours away, the atmosphere was tense. As members of the Kidō Corps escorted Rukia to Sōkyoku Hill, Yato, Ichigo, and Tatsuki persisted in their relentless training beneath the looming structure.

Renji, having completed his regimen, gathered his long hair into its usual tie and secured his zanpakutō at his waist. His gaze briefly flickered towards Ichigo, deeply engrossed in the ongoing skirmish with Zangetsu.

Renji: "Right... I'm going."

Ichigo: "See you around." - He replied without averting his eyes, maintaining an unwavering focus on the rhythmic clash between himself and his zanpakutō.

Renji's gaze shifted toward Yato, who maintained a meditative posture on one of the rocky outcrops. Despite Yato's seemingly tranquil demeanor, Renji could discern subtle fluctuations in the young man's reiatsu..

Choosing not to disturb the meditative focus, Renji quietly made his way towards the exit. As he glanced back, his gaze shifted between Yoruichi and Tatsuki, locked in a fierce sparring match. The intensity of their clash mirrored the palpable tension in the air, each participant fully aware of the weight of the impending events.

As Renji made his exit, Tatsuki and Yoruichi continued their blistering exchange of blows. Tatsuki grappled with the challenge of keeping pace with her mentor's incredible speed, but a noticeable improvement in her ability to dodge strikes marked a shift from previous training sessions.

Yoruichi: "Great. Now, not only your eyes but your body is starting to react better to my attacks." - A smirk adorned Yoruichi's face, her satisfaction evident in the precision of each strike.

Tatsuki: "By the way, sensei… what's with that reiatsu around you?" - During a brief pause, as they circled each other in their combat stances, Tatsuki seized the opportunity to inquire about the intriguing energy emanating from Yoruichi.

Yoruichi: "This technique is called Shunkō. It's a combination of Hakuda combat techniques and Kidō enchantments."

Tatsuki: "Can I learn it?" - Her curiosity sparked, but it was swiftly set aside as she instinctively moved her arm to parry a sudden punch from Yoruichi, who had seamlessly closed the distance.

Yoruichi: "If you were a shinigami, maybe. While you can pick up some Hakuda techniques, Kidō is beyond your reach." - Yoruichi's gaze briefly shifted to Yato, who remained deep in meditation. - "…But perhaps you can learn something similar. Why not ask Yato? Your powers seem to share a common origin. Make the most of the brief respite you have."

# Yato's Inner World #

Yato stood with his arm outstretched towards the horizon, a small wisp of light dissipating from the tips of his fingers. Rukia observed him with a stern expression, her arms crossed in contemplation.

Having sought Rukia's guidance in mastering Kidō, Yato drew upon a vague recollection of what Ganju intended to teach Ichigo before infiltrating Seireitei. The essential principle of Kidō was to visualize, to mold the mental image.

Rukia's knowledge of Kidō was extensive, and she intricately unfolded the mechanics, from the Hadō to the Bakudō and Yato managed to grasp the fundamental principle relatively easily, yet a specific issue persisted in his Kidō performance.

Rukia: "You didn't use the incantation… again." - She sighed, a flicker of frustration in her eyes that she managed to keep in check.

Yato: "Remembering all these incantations on the spot is not my strong suit. There are so many, and that 'dog of Rondanini' part always gets me confused." - He closed his eyes, a blend of frustration and humor playing across his features.

Rukia carefully observed Yato's attempts at Kidō, her expression shifting between moments of patience and mild frustration. As she explained the intricacies of the incantations, she noticed the genuine effort in Yato's expressions, even if he struggled to remember the specific phrases.

Rukia: "You've quickly grasped the principles of Kidō, and you can even perform some Hadōs and Bakudōs. However, the incantations significantly enhance their effectiveness. Until you learn them, your Kidōs will be, at best, on par with a 6th Seat." - She spoke, her tone a mix of encouragement and guidance, surprising herself with the patience she showed.

Yato: "I won't stress about the strenght of the Kidōs for now. The important part was learning, right?" - He said, settling on the grass as the music continued to soothe the atmosphere within the inner world.

For a fleeting moment, Yato furrowed his brow, expressing mild confusion.

Yato: "What's their deal?" - He asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice, as he pointed towards the unfolding scene involving Ōkagetsu and Sode no Shirayuki.

Rukia noticed Yato's intrigued expression, and shifted her gaze towards Ōkagetsu and Sode no Shirayuki. The petite shinigami couldn't help but be captivated by the unexpected display of harmony between Ōkagetsu and Sode no Shirayuki. The soft, melodic notes emanating from Ōkagetsu's song intertwined seamlessly with the graceful movements of Sode no Shirayuki, creating an ethereal dance within Yato's inner world.

The music within the inner world shifted to an oriental melody, accompanied by the delicate sounds of a shamisen, added another layer to the mesmerizing atmosphere within Yato's inner world.

Rukia observed with a serene expression as Ōkagetsu and Sode no Shirayuki continued their harmonious performance, weaving together melody and movement in a unique connection.

Yato, his head slightly tilted, absorbed the beauty of their collaboration. As the dance progressed, his eyes caught a subtle change. The thread, almost translucent, connecting the two zanpakutōs was gradually intensifying in color.

A strange pulsation in the thread connecting Ōkagetsu and Sode no Shirayuki caught Yato's attention. The atmosphere in the inner world shifted dramatically, and the zanpakutōs' performance intensified.

Ōkagetsu's voice carried a melodic warmth, creating a soothing breeze that enveloped Yato and Rukia. Meanwhile, Sode no Shirayuki's graceful movements generated a chilling breeze, a stark contrast to Ōkagetsu's warmth.

Rukia, intrigued and slightly perplexed, could feel the contrasting breezes and observed the thread connecting the zanpakutōs taking on a vibrant, pulsating glow.

Rukia: "This is... unusual. What's happening between them?" - She questioned, her expression a mix of curiosity and fascination.

Yato: "I confess I have no idea–" - He stopped abruptly, his attention shifting to Rukia. - "Eh...? Rukia, when did you change your clothes?"

She looked at Yato with a raised eyebrow.

Rukia: "What are you talking about? I didn't change–" - She halted as she glanced down at herself, realizing she was no longer clad in the white kimono from her imprisonment but now wore the familiar black Shihakushō of a shinigami.

Yato: ".....That's new..." - He commented, intrigued, his expression reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Rukia: "My powers... they weren't supposed to come back so quickly..." - She stared at her own hands, clenching her fists as if reacquainting herself with the sensation. A mixture of surprise and confusion played on her features.

Ōkagetsu: "Well, Rukia, we decided to take advantage of the unique connection you share with Yato. Since your souls are intricately intertwined, we thought, why not make the process a bit more personal?" - She spoke with a knowing smile.

Sode no Shirayuki: "Indeed. We harnessed the resonance between your spiritual energies, utilizing the profound bond you share with Yato to expedite the return of your shinigami powers." - Her voice carried a gentle resonance, reflecting the bond they spoke of.

Yato glanced at Ōkagetsu and Sode no Shirayuki, realizing both abruptly ceased their performance. The zanpakutōs fixed their gaze upon Rukia and Yato, a subtle smile playing on their lips.

Rukia fixed her gaze on the zanpakutō spirits, absorbing the weight of their words about the connection she shared with Yato. Her contemplation shifted to the young man, who appeared lost in thought.

Rukia: "So, what's our move now?" - She queried, seeking to pull Yato's focus.

Yato: "Well… It's probably almost time for the execution, so I should head back to check on the others." - He redirected his attention to Rukia.

Rukia: "Yato, I can help now that my powers are back." - She took a determined step forward, her eyes reflecting newfound strength.

Yato: "Relax. You're already helping. Like I said before, whoever is behind this conspiracy has you in their sights. Once the execution is disrupted, it's only a matter of time before the culprit shows their face." - His grin conveyed a mix of confidence and assurance.

Rukia: "But..."

Yato: "Not to mention, aside from our friends, a bunch of other shinigami are lending a hand too. Nemu, Renji, Zaraki and his squad..."

Rukia: "Zaraki?! You mean Captain Kenpachi Zaraki?!" - Her eyes widened in surprise and curiosity.

Yato: "Yep." - He chuckled lightly, but the mirth quickly faded from his expression, replaced by a solemnity that seemed to carry the weight of untold concerns. - "But there's another reason why I want you to stay hidden."

Rukia fell silent, sensing the gravity in Yato's demeanor, her eyes fixed on his, awaiting the depth of his explanation.

Yato: "While you're in hiding, you and your zanpakutō try to figure out what's concealed in your soul..."

Sode no Shirayuki mirrored Rukia's seriousness, her icy presence accentuating the significance of Yato's words.

Rukia: "You mentioned that before..."

Yato: "Yeah... what's concealed in your soul is probably what they're trying to seize during this execution... while you do that, I'll check if they need my help out there."

Rukia: "Alright." - She turned her gaze to her zanpakutō. - "Let's go, Sode no Shirayuki."

Sode no Shirayuki: "Yes, Rukia-sama."

The two walked away, returning to Rukia's inner world, while Yato closed his eyes and sighed as he felt the transition back to the physical world. The weight of the impending execution lingered in the air. As he glanced around, the rocky terrain seemed more desolate than before.

Yato: "Alright, back to reality..." - He mumbled to himself.

Tatsuki: "He finally decided to join the land of the living." - She smirked as Yato woke up from his meditative state.

Yato: "Yeah, yeah... did I miss anything exciting?" - He stretched, scanning the training ground.

Tatsuki: "Yoruichi-sensei told me to take a break so I came to talk to you and I was waiting since you were deep into... whatever you were doing." - She chuckled.

Yato: "Yeah, I guess I get carried away sometimes." - He rubbed his neck.

Tatsuki: "Yoruichi-sensei is watching Ichigo's training. You didn't miss much."

Yato: "And speaking of not missing much, where's the dead weight?" - He asked casually while looking at his surroundings.

Tatsuki: "The redhead shinigami? He wrapped up his training and took off." - She shrugged.

Yato: 'If Renji has already left, it means he must be facing Byakuya... poor thing.' - He thought. - 'I don't know what's worse... The face that Zabimaru gave Renji a fake name or... the fact that be really thinks that just because he got a..."Bankai"..., he can beat someone who's had a Bankai for years... Renji has the naivety of a child, and now he's about to have a performance shorter than a pig's kick...'

Tatsuki: "Anyway, I was hoping you could help me with something." - She spoke with a hint of eagerness.

Yato: "Help with what?"

Tatsuki: "Sensei used this really strong technique on me, a mix of Hakuda and Kidō, but she can't teach me since I'm not a shinigami."

Yato: "You mean that aura thing around her when she was giving you a beatdown?" - He chuckled.

Tatsuki: "I managed to block her attacks!" - She exclaimed frustrated. - "Okay, maybe she landed a few hits..." - She admitted, looking a bit embarrassed.

Yato: "Like...a thousand lucky hits?" - He burst into laughter.

Tatsuki: "Laugh all you want, but I want to learn that move...or something similar..." - She scowled at Yato's teasing, but a determined glint flashed in her eyes.

Yato: "Relax, I think I have an idea of how to help you. If you want to learn faster, I suggest activating your powers." - He spoke as he unsheathed his zanpakutō.

Tatsuki immediately activated her powers, and her eyes shifted to golden.

Yato: "I've mastered this technique to pull Reiryoku into my zanpakutō. Usually, it's for long-range attacks, but there's no reason it can't be effective up close. We both emit that green light in our abilities, so it should come naturally to you. Instead of channeling it through the soles of your feet for swift movement, like we typically do, focus it around your fists... just a suggestion. Oh, and there's another aspect that might aid you..."

Tatsuki: "And what's that?" - She inquired, her interest piqued.

Yato: "Giving a name to your power could make a significant difference."

Tatsuki: "Why would giving it a name make a difference?"

Yato: "Well, Tatsuki, names have a power of their own. They're like an expression of who you are and what you can do. By naming your power, you create a deeper connection with it. It's as if you're giving it an identity, and that identity transforms into strength. Zanpakutōs are a good example of this. Knowing the name of a zanpakutō makes the shinigami stronger. Knowing the name of a technique makes the technique stronger."

Tatsuki took a moment to absorb Yato's words, realizing the weight they carried. She closed her eyes, deep in thought, as she considered a name for her power. In her mind, images of her training, the battles she faced, and the energy she harnessed intertwined.

Tatsuki: "A name, huh? Something that reflects who I am and what I can become." - She muttered to herself.

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