34.21% DxD: Beast Master / Chapter 10: Ch10: Vampires, rescuing and ritual

บท 10: Ch10: Vampires, rescuing and ritual

(MC pov)

Vampires, like the Devils, are residents of darkness that have existed since ancient times. They have similar rankings and weaknesses like those of High-Class Devils. However, Devils are residents of the Underworld, while Vampires are beings that live in the darkness of the human world with their center of the population being located in Romania. They may seem similar, but their views and culture differ greatly although, like Devils, they have a long life span. Vampires also have a strong fear and hatred towards Werewolves as they are natural enemies.

The Vampires are a race of supernatural creatures even more proud and aloof than the Devils. In fact, the discrimination between Vampires and other species is so strong that it has reached the point that Dhampirs, who were born from Vampire Lords and human mothers, were treated badly even by their own family members. Hunting humans is the true nature of a vampire for their source of food. Male vampires will use human women for their own pleasure and make them bear a child and female vampires will use human men for their own pleasure and bear their child.

Several hundred years ago, there was an incident that split the world of Vampires, where the Vampires argued between choosing a female true ancestor and a male true ancestor in order to retain the purity of pure-blooded Vampires. This incident eventually gave birth to the Tepes faction, a male-dominated Vampire faction and the Carmilla faction, a female-dominated Vampire faction.

Vampires do not get along well with other races and have a strict, pure-blooded aristocracy and are so arrogant that not even a single family has ever cared about their servants even a tenth of much as the Gremory family has cared for their servants. Also, any Vampire with a human in their parentage, whether humans-turned Vampire or are descended from one, are never allowed to become nobles and considered substandard members of the species, assuming that they're even considered Vampires in the first place.

In the original canon, when Valerie awakens her longinus, Sephiroth Graal, she was used by both King Tepes and his faction to strengthen their kind and get rid of their inherent weaknesses, regardless of how much damage it was doing to her. Later, King Tepes's son, Marius Tepes, will contact both Rivezim Livan Lucifer and Khaos Brigade to overthrow his father. Unbeknownst to all, Rivezim actually turned all people who were modified into evil dragons that he can unleash anytime, and using the grail he revived many troublesome individuals, evil dragons and was able to unleash Trihexia upon the world.

In conclusion, you can say most of Rivezim's plans are centered around the Vampire race.

So I decided to quickly deal with this problem. As I was covering myself in a very thin fog of NATRA-CINEREUS, which makes it impossible to perceive me even by the Top 10 except the dragon gods, I waited a little bit before a part of the barrier was opened and I quickly was able to enter. Seeing me enter the high-class vampire kneeled and said.

" My lord, all preparations are ready, the Carmilla faction has been contacted and said they will be on standby to see if we truly will keep our promises. I also have one of my familiars stationed and looking at the girl right now." I just nodded at his explanation before asking him.

" Then have you invited Marius and King Tepes as I told you?" to which he quickly nodded.

" Good, then let's go and see them before I continue on my way"

As I said that, I sunk into his shadow, and waited as I was able to see from his eyes thanks to my monster's ability that is controlling him.

We soon arrived at the meeting room of a Mansion and saw sitting there drinking some blood from a cup, were 2 people, just like him with pale skin and red eyes, they looked more like dolls than people.

" Ahhh, Marcellus, finally, I can't believe you have the audacity to leave me waiting here" said king Tepes as he continued to drink lazily.

" Forgive me my king, but this is an extremely important matter so I had to take all precautions" as he said that I pulled myself out of the shadows. Looking at me funnily, they asked Marcellus.

" And who's this supposed to be? Your new toy?" sneered Marcius, as he starred at me with open contempt.

" No my lord, this is the key for changing the situation of the war, I didn't dare do anything to him until you pass your verdict." Hearing this they perked up and looked at me with a renowned interest, as if I was upgraded from a common rock to an interesting monkey.

" Hmmmm, indeed I am able to sense something quite interesting within him, why don't you tell us what's that exactly" asked King Tepes as he put down his cup and stared at us.

" It would be best to directly show you my Lords, let's take this to the back yard" they both nodded at the suggestion and went to the backyard, where a couple of barriers were errected. Stopping there, Marcellus turned around and held me by the back of my neck before saying.

" Well then low-life, do your thing before I snap your neck" to which I pretended to be shaking, acting (Advanced) very much shining at this moment, before summoning the monster that will end this farce.

The beast in question was a huge monstrosity whose whole body is covered with silver crystal scales. It has the form of an Ichthyosaur with one crystal horn that resembles that of a goat's. Looking at it, it didn't take even a second before before both King Tepes and Marcius were just blankly staring at it. This is DABIH-CRYSTALLUS, another one of the 4th progenitor familiars, It's ability is mental and spiritual manipulation.

Looking at them, I used its ability to peer into their mind to see if they had any contact with either Rivezim, Euclid or Khaos Brigade, which proved to be futile as they didn't seem to had any contact with them. Cursing a little bit under my breath, I just ordered my beast to devour both of the Tepes menbers which it gladly did as they offered no resistance.

De-summoning it, I turned around and looked at Marcellus.

" Well, you know what to do, since you already killed the other kid of the Tepes bloodline, Valerie should be the last. Prepare to drop the barrier as soon as I tell you to." after which, I summoned one of my shadow soldiers and slipped him in his shadow, and then I began sneaking through the town assassinating the strongest of the vampires, which were the noble houses as I eradicated all the present ones, and devoured their bodies with my shadow since I plan to find out if i can create something worthwhile of it.

After that, I sneaked through the castle which was an easy thing since the security system was shit to begin with, and with the guards being fewer than usual and more lax, I safely arrived at the dungeons, where I found humans, male and female imprisoned, after which I quickly killed them all to both grant them mercy and to not draw any suspicion upon this.

As I arrived at the last cell, I saw laying down in a coffin looking blankly at the ceiling, was a beautiful girl around my age, having the beauty of both vampires and humans. This is Valerie Tepes, weilder of the Sephiroth Graal.

" Hello there, I suppose you are Valerie Tepes" Hearing this, she got up and looked at me with a dead expression, through I could see the little glimmer of curiosity within her eyes.

" Who are you supposed to be?" she asked plainly, as she got up from her coffin.

" My name is Samuel Willis, I was just cleaning this castle when I found you here imprisoned, and from the information I have, I was able to guess your identity" Hearing this, she became warry as I noticed her shadow started to move around her.

" How did you enter here? The Tepes leaders aren't something you should mess with." As she said, I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit before saying.

" Ohhh, don't worry about those, as of now, you're the only living member of the Tepes family" When she heard, she just stood still, looking blankly at me for what is close to a minute before saying.

" Then what do you want from me? Are you here to finish your work?" she said, her voice trembling a little. Broken as she maybe from being imprisoned since childhood, no one is immune of the fear of death.

" Oh no, not at all, quite the opposite in fact. After seeing you right now, I am actually planning on rescuing you if you want, since you seem to have something interesting in you. So what do you say? Do you have any goal worth fighting for? Any dream, revenge, family or friend you want to achieve or mert?" her body shook at the mention of friend, probably thinking about Gasper before her eyed seemed to gain a determined light as she said.

" Yes, I have a friend that I want to see, so I will be coming you, what are your conditions?" she asked, making my grin turned wider before i answered.

" Eager aren't we, but should you be trusting a stranger who just claimed to have killed your family?" to which she just blandly answered.

" I have no better options, you obviously can kill me anytime you want and I couldn't care about those so called family, in fact I'm quite glad you got rid of them, so I ask you again, what are your conditions?" listening to her answer, I just nodded.

" Nothing much, we will discuss it when we get out of here." Saying that, I tore down the gate of the cell before coming in and breaking her shackles, which made her look at me in shock before I said.

" Well then, are you ready for your freedom?" to which she nodded determinedly, after which I materialised a teleportation circle to take us back to the apartment in Madrid, Spain where I should be since I have taken a mission to eradicate some ghouls and vampires.

After we arrived I quickly reached to my shadow soldier, which is as strong as a low ultimate-class being, before materialising from Macellus shadow and telling him to do it. With a nod, he reached to middle of the formation he was standing upon and destroyed the crystal that seemed to have been being powered up by blood, then he looked at me as I nodded, lifting my hand and drawing ᛚᚷᛜᛊᛏ(Fuel Air Bomb) numerous times and planting them around the room and then making my shadow swelled and lung at Marcellus devouring him leaving no trace, and then detonating and dispelling my beast as the room was rocked by explosions.

With that done, I linked one of my partitions to another beast of mine, Yata, who was perched on a nearby tree overlooking the Tepes area to see that the denizen vampires are panicking as the barrier has fallen off and they were suddenly attacked by the Carmilla forces, and since a lot of the stronger echellon was dead with no traces, the whole city defense quickly collapsed, leaving the Carmilla faction to snoop around only to find nothing of note as all the noble houses and the castle seems to be empty, the same happening to their dungeons as all of them had their doors tore open and no trace of any prisoner, no blood, no fighting marks, nothing.

And while they quickly took the chance to establish their rule over the vampires of the Tepes family, they still seemed fairly uneasy and suspicious at this turn of event, but this isn't from my business anymore as I order Yata to fly to England to see another target of mine, before cutting off the connection.

As it will be soon announced, that the Vampire civil war has come to an end, with an overwhelming victory to the Camilla faction, with the fate and the status of the Tepes leadership unknown to the outside world, causing a sensation in the supernatural side, but not much as in the end, the Vampires have been isolating themselves for centuries, with the only faction that have any sort of meaningful relationship with them being the Church, who is considered their enemies, with the latter being both and disappointed. Happy because the Camilla faction is way more sensible and less cruel than the Tepes, and disappointed because the vampires didn't kill more of each other to make their overall numbers and power drop even more.

As I looked at Valerie who was looking around in wonder, I told her to sit down on the bed as I took a chair and started giving her a resume about who am I, the supernatural world in general, the 3 factions, the sacred gears, the evil pieces, what happened to Gasper, saying that I got it from my connections. After hearing this, she asked.

" So Gasper is now a devil? and he has one of these sacred gear things. And you're saying that I have one of them too?" to which I nodded. She stopped talking as she thought about all of this before saying.

" Alright please awaken mine, I want to see what it is" hearing this, I just put my hand under her breast, where her heart is, making her blush a little before I pulled the grail from inside me into her, making sure that I still have it covered in runes and seals so that it doesn't disentigrate her alive, after it finally entered her safely, I was able to feel something latching onto the grail and trying to absorb but I just used my connection to the grail and instead took hold of the attacker, which is the sub species sacred gear as I could feel 3 different sources, and sunk my consciousness into it.

After opening my eyes, I was able to see that I'm in a very very familiar place, standing on top of a water like mirror that is reflecting the surroundings, which is white, I was able to feel the grail in my being, with my connection to the Sephiroth, Qliphoth and God's system still intact.

As I thought about it a little, I felt several presences starting to emerge from around me as spirits of the dead started manifesting and talking all at the same time, and from behind them I was able to see a diagram of the 10 Sephiroth having materialised, feeling something trying to invade my mind but failing because of the System, I quickly began my work as I summoned the true holy grail in my hand, causing all the nearby spirits to shrink back because of its presence, and from it I materialised a pretty similar looking diagram of the 10 Sephiroth, with both trying to merge as they seeked to become complete once again, but I quickly stopped them by summoning the Qliphoth between them, as it contained both of their power and prevented it from merging.

Then I started preparing my very own ritual, using my position over Da'at as the personification of all 10 Sephirot, I materialised a grand magical circle, put the true holy grail in the middle and the other 3 Graals around it forming a triangle.

Generally speaking, for spells and ritual rankings we have: Lesser (1-2), Intermediate (3-5), High (6-7), Ultimate (7-8), Truth (9-10), Transcendent (11-14). Any spell that is above Ultimate(8) is considered Forbidden class, and with that being the maximum a human mage can reach. Truth are spells that dip their fingers into the realm of God's. And transcendental are full on miracles and world providence, like the Kankura formula. What I am about to perform can be considered a Truth-class ritual, with that said, I dispersed the Qliphoth and forcefully restrained the 2 Sephiroth diagram with 2 of my partitions, as the rest 5 focused on the ritual, one partition for each grail and one to overlook it all.

As I statred feeling the mental strain from using my thought acceleration and memory partition beyond their limits, I begin the ritual by linking all 3 grails to the true one, then making both start to channel energy, knowledge and concepts into each other without them merging, as the 2 Sephiroth tree started to gradually change forms, become more and more complete and identical until both of them finished their transformation, making me look at the 2 complete Sephiroth tree that stopped trying to merge since they didn't need to anymore. With that, I released my 2 partitions, making a flood of relief flow through me as I didn't have to feel like my brain is going to split anymore.

Then I focused once again on the grails, reaching to my connection with the physical Sephiroth and forging a new one and attaching it to the Sephiroth graal, this way, she won't ever be overwhelmed by neither knowledge or the dead spirits, and making her Sacred gear even more powerful as with this, since she will be able to access the concept of how God reveals himself through the 10 emanations, making her basically gain my very very absurd energy regeneration, which means she will have access to infinite energy, and with her link to the Sephiroth her soul will start to become stronger and stronger, until she will be capable of withstanding a continuous use of her sacred gear without blackash.

As for my gains, well it goes without saying that with this, I basically have a perfect copy of Valerie's sacred gear, being able to create life, revive people and modify bodies. With this breakthrough, I will be able to upgrade myself and my beasts even more, and I basically am garranteed to reach Super-class sooner or later.

After pulling the true holy grail in me again and returning my consciousness, I opened my eyes just as Valerie blinked, looking confused. Huh, it seems that all of this didn't even take a second. Welp, I just channeled a bit of energy into her sacred gear, retracted my hand and said

" Well, Valerie, please think of the your strongest desire, or the strongest thing you can think of." I explained, making her frown a little and concentrate. Soon, there was a light and from her back, the 3 Sephiroth Graal materialised, rotating behind her as she opened her eyes to look at them in wonder. She soon began to get information about her sacred gears, it's abilities and the modifications I did to it. Seeing that, she looked at me foe a while before shyly smiling and saying " Thank you", to which I just shrugged a little and said " No problem". After that I asked her.

" Now that you know your abilities, there is a question I have for you." after making sure she was giving me her attention I said.

" You know that I am a part of the church, and they will never ever accept a Vampire, even if only a half one like you. So I am asking you if you'd be willing to forsake your current identity, your vampire side to become a human, even if it will only be in name as you will still basically have all of your abilities though you will have to keep them secret." hearing my question she immediately said.

" I agree, I don't have any sort of attachment whatsoever to my old name or family, as for my Vampire bloodline, I couldn't care less as it only ever brought me pain and suffering, besides as you said, I will still maintain most of my abilities" I just smiled at her before saying.

" Well then, we will get this started 3 months later, when I will have to return since that was the time limit on my mission. In that time, we will spend that time training you in both combat and your sacred gear and forging you a new identity." to which she easily agreed. After that we just went sleep, not knowing that my competition of the Sephiroth diagram will have quite the shocking consequences

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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