77.5% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 60: The Evil Within

บท 60: The Evil Within

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"The true nature of man left to himself without restraint is not nobility but savagery"

- Steven James


FAIR WARNING: This chapter contains heavy topics. If you're sensitive, just skip it and wait for the recap in the next chapter.

Whatever, I know that all of you guy will read anyway.

But be warned.


Recap: The guy started his Harem.


Hector P.O.V.

Hector's residence, living room

"...but the endeavor has caused divided opinions between the population." The reporter on the TV says and I pause what I'm investigating to watch "Even if the majority agrees that it's necessary. The construction of a prison for super-powered people so close to New York doesn't make its citizen totally comfortable..."

Well, well... Finally building the Raft, huh?

I watch the TV where the president and Tony Stark are on a stage talking about the project. Assuring everyone that the prison will be safe. Red Flag, by the way...

I sip at my cold drink while watching the show.

The Raft is a good idea overall. It's needed, really... But so close to civilians? Well, I wouldn't say anything if the security it's really airtight, but with the level of technology of the government today. Tsk Tsk

Well, whatever... Stark, Reed, Pym, and S.H.I.E.L.D should be capable of doing something passable.

I personally would create a prison on a meteor but works for me this way too.

I just need to put some of my people there.

Oh? Look at them using my name... Saying that the Raft will be built at a reasonable distance to allow the heroes to react in case of any mishap. Heroes like the Avengers and Eidolon...

Dude, if you want to use my name, call me to the club.

I would Project this prison better than any of you guys... You all can debate who is smarter between us, but I bet no one can beat me in making contingency plans and fail-safes in this world.

Hmm ~ Maybe this is an opportunity to humble them...


And I take a close look at Stark. Even through his sunglasses, I can see that he is not all right. Someone is stressed...

As expected... Oh, is he hungover? I see... I see.

*Haah~* I can only sigh.

Let's go back to what I was doing... I worry about other people later. Even if I want to help now, will be unwanted and unappreciated.

I press the hidden button on my chair, to open the holo-screens again.

Letting the TV with the speech of the president as ambient sound I continue to investigate Hydra.

A fast course on how to investigate people...

Observe them. Simple, huh?

In the case of an organization like that, where I want to know the whole and I only have some broken pieces of the edge of the puzzle, I need to put in a little more effort, but it's not impossible.

There's no perfect crime with normal means. So there's no way that you guys can cover the existence of something like Hydra perfectly. Every action has a risk, but you guys need to act, right?

Putting everyone in that secret facility under surveillance, I watch their every step, study their routines, and note down their relationships.

If that scientist is also a co-leader in a research Project in Hammer Industries, that means that there's a high chance more people on there be part of Hydra too.

And then you find it, and then another that connects with a research in Nasa and another that connects with an ambassador of a country and another that connects with a police force there... Observing the web unravel and a clear picture appears in my eyes.

And if I need to point a common denominator would be... This.

This supply company...

They deliver daily necessities into the facility during fake voyages. Not everyone can be completely self-sufficient like me, they still need to receive things from the outside.

And black cars and copters are a little too conspicuous.

And if this company delivers to this secret facility... It means that delivers to others too.

And that's how I found others of the same type.

It's a bit of herculean effort, like having to draw a tree with an infinite number of branches. You draw one and then there are another four to draw, in the same branch.

But I will get there.

Hum? Oh~ Well, well look what I have here...

Techonapthy is not one of my favorite powers for nothing. I can see what câmeras see, hear calls, read messages and hack through things easily. The thing is that Earth's level of technology is too low so is too easy for me to do what I want.

Like I'm in a Watch Dogs game. Obviously, there are exceptions. People with real defenses that even if I and Cortana can invade, would alert them. Like Doom, Reed(He is a little careless), Wakanda, and others.

The thing is, I just catch an interesting sight through a cellphone's camera of one of the people that I'm investigating. A certain someone was supervising the discharge of a cargo on a subterranean cave on a remote island in Japan.

Someone that I know from my meta-knowledge.

Ophelia Sarkissan, Madame Hydra, or Viper.

"Gotcha..." I say to myself while preparing to keep tabs on her. Another big shot caught on my "echolocation". Yes, it's a bat reference.

I think was too much to hope to catch Strucker or the Red Skull himself(if he is alive), but now is only a matter of waiting for her to contact other bigshots.

Hm, but why is she in Japan?

Let me think... That's the other thing about investigating. Beyond watching people, you need to have a base knowledge. Good enough to catch the clues when they present themselves to you.

Like Sherlock, the guy knows a lot of trivia that looks useless but allows him to see things that others don't.

Like knowing that someone plays golf because of the callous on their hands, and then deduces that he played on a determined field because the other is closed, and then that field is only open at a certain time(because he knows everything), and then the alibi of the guy is fake and he is not playing golf he is an assassin that uses swords or some shit like that.

Now let's apply this here... The cargo that she is secretly receiving looks like medical equipment, but there are some raw materials hidden there. I change the screen to show me the routes of the ship and then enclose the map to the places that this ship could travel in this time frame. They can't look suspicious by delaying the real deliveries, after all.

Let's see what has on this circle... !

Heh! Yashida Corporation...

If I remember well, they are a little obsessed with Wolverine, right? Yashida Ichiro wants to live forever or something like that. He is the guy that Logan saved from the nuke, shielding him with his body.

And they have Adamantium.

I see, everything falls in place.

They are supplying Hydra with Adamantium in exchange for High-level medical equipment to keep the guy alive. But it's really him that is doing this business? From what I investigated, after Saeko's fight with the prototypes of the Silver Samurais at that time, Ichiro is bedridden and his son Yashida Shigen that is in charge.

So maybe the son wants to keep the Father alive at any cost...

Japan and German are together in World War II, maybe some contacts are maintained after their defeat, and Hydra infiltrated.

I can't even blame them, America hired Nazi scientists simply because they were valuable assets.

As I say, there are no eternal enemies or allies... Only interests.

Maybe Hydra supplied Yashida with Chitauri technology... The silver samurai's prototype exo-structure remembered a little the chitauri.

And I remember that there's A Silver Samurai. A person wearing an Adamantium samurai armor, not a robot. So this is his origin?

I hum to myself while watching the screens... I tap my finger in the backseat while considering my next move.

Should I go destroy this partnership now?

But I don't want to alert Hydra before they try to take over S.H.I.E.L.D., I have a plan and if it goes well S.H.I.E.L.D. will be in my pocket.

I can continue to only observe, but I need to observe more carefully... To me, there's no problem if Hydra is getting Adamantium. What are they gonna do with it? A sword to kill me? Would need someone as strong as the Hulk...

A power armor? A robot?

Pfft... Good luck with it when I have Cortana and if everything goes well, in some moments I will have Omega-level Eletromagnokinesis.

Obviously, I will not let these things to chance. If the world is a chess board, you can only predict many moves ahead if you know how the pieces move.

And the pieces(people) move according to their motivations, interests, ideals, and others.

Yashida and Ophelia Sarkissan... They are the pieces on this part of the board. I can already guess what the Yashida's want.

But what about Ophelia? I don't know much about her...

Is she totally loyal to Hydra? Like a devout? Or she is using Hydra for her interests? How is her personality?

As a fun fact... When I used the Background Customization Card to bring Shego here, her already-written backstory said that Shego would be her daughter or something like that.

They would break out at some point, like Shego and Team Go, and Shego would be a mercenary for hire.

Sincerely, makes sense. The two are very similar...

"Hm~ Oyakodon..."

I shake my head to dispel the thought, I will probably kill Ophelia in the future, no need to have fantasies. Yes, the dark lipstick gets me going. But I already have Shego.

"Anyway, let's go investigate what those guys are doing... Maybe they're making a bomb or some dangerous shit after all." I say standing up.

It's not because I will only watch for now, that I can't watch very closely.

No chances will be given.

Be honored that I'm going personally, Viper. And I need to register her in the [Seach] power too...

At this moment, a ping attracts my attention. It's a notification on my special phone, but as I'm connected with it through technopathy I can receive it directly in my mind too.

Cortana normally filters those things, like warning me of disaster happening. But this is on my phone, going directly to me, so it's important.

Why it's important? It's a signal from help from one of my people.

"Cathulhu?" He pressed the Help Button on his collar...

I turn around, Observation Haki and En allow me to locate Cathulhu easily

"That's fucked up..." I say frowning while assessing the situation.

I need to go there personally.


Third Person P.O.V.

Hector gets off his car on a street some blocks away from his home.

Yes... "Hector" is the one arriving at the site. He judged that would be for the best.

Acting like is not his plan to stop at that place, he pulls over and left the car in a little hurry to check on his pet Cathulhu that is on a sidewalk.

Cathulhu is okay.

But the same can't be said for the other cats... Two are agonizing on the ground and the other is already dead.

"Did someone hurt your friends?" Hector asks while Cathulhu goes around him, meowing a little distressed.

Crouching down he easily identify the problem "Poison..." And he also can smell the same scent coming from Cathulhu's snout.

But Cathulhu is an alien cat that can eat anything, some earthly poison is not different from any food to him.

Making sure that no one is watching, Hector touches the two cats whose lives are hanging on a thread. The two cats didn't even have enough strength to run and struggle from this stranger.

Thankfully, Hector can talk with animals and be understood by them. Even Haki helps to pass your intentions to animals too. So the cats relax under his touch.

Utilizing Inuyashiki abilities Hector discreetly breaks down the molecules of the poison in their system and activates enzymes, rendering the substance inoffensive. After that he helps a little with the cell regeneration, making them recover faster.

Now, they're much better. Before, the stray cats are foaming by their mouths, wheezing and spasming slightly.

"You guys are a little weak now, but will recover..." He says taking some snacks from his pockets to help them. He preferred to not help them miraculously and will be a good lesson to not go eating anything.

A lesson that they don't seem to learn because they accept his food easily, but he will look away for now.

There's also another reason for letting a little of the poison on their bodies.

He stands up with Cathulhu balancing himself on his forearm, his other arm caressing the fur of his pet. He sniffs the air and locates where the poison came from.

"That house." He sideglances. His gaze passes some blocks and focuses on a rundown house two blocks away. Inside he can see the only resident. "Cortana..."

"Already on it, Master." His A.I. understands his intentions easily.

In his vision, like he is in some sort of game, a H.U.D. appears. The image of the resident together with everything that Cortana can find.

It's even more easy for people that put their lives on social media.

Unfortunately, the resident is an old White man that has no relatives, so he didn't facilitate Cortana's job of investigating his life. But it's not a problem... She shows Hector his medical history, criminal record, traffic record, jobs...

The man had some problems with the police in the past because of fights and even domestic violence with his late wife, worked on powerlines till an accident retired him. Hector can say that was negligence on his part.

Now he needs to use meds to alleviate the pain in his hip from that accident.

In five seconds Hector can guess the whole picture.

"A bitter old white trash that has his sleep disturbed by the cats doing god knows what at night... A male Karen..."

Hector calms Cathulhu, that wants to eat the responsible, while he enters the car.

In his mind, which is connected to his phone, he dials the numbers of the local animal protection agency and even the police to report the case anonymously.

Hector then hums to himself while he retracts some drugs from his Sky Poison Pearl. "Planting evidence... I'm really a law enforcer, huh?" He jokes to himself before going to work.

From his hero activities, he has a lot of fo drugs that he apprehended. He has a plan to recreate these drugs, with the same effect but none of the downsides. Must be good to take over the criminal underworld.

But this is a Project that is very low on the list of priorities. Very low...

But now these samples will be useful to give some trouble to the guy.



A traffic stop is being conducted by a police officer.

The officer is asking for the standard documents with his hand in his holster.

"It's better that I say it already... But I have a firearm on me, Officer." The driver says a little nervous.

"Don't reach out for it then..." The officer answers shifting his posture

"It's in the gloves compartment... With the documents" The driver tries to explain

"Don't pull it out." The officer says holding his gun now and speaking more harshly

"I'm not pulling out..." The driver says weakly

"Don't pull it out!" The officer says, with the gun already in his hands and not even a second passed and for some reason, the situation escalated to the point where the police officer is already firing his gun at the driver.

Luckily, faster than anyone could see, the cop's hand is held and moved to point to the sky.

It's awkward how the nervous cop almost emptied his gun in the air...

A half dozen of bullets that was directed at the driver.

"..." Eidolon's eyes narrow while boring into the police officer's one.

No one saw him coming, but suddenly he was there, holding the cop's hand in a vice grip.

"I was passing by when you caught my attention, so I decided to stick around for a little... Glad I did, huh?" Eidolon says in a flat tone, but showing that he is slightly angry.

"He was reaching for-" The police officer start saying to Eidolon

"Shut up for a second." Eidolon interrupts him. It does not even need one second for him to access the situation. The accelerated heartbeat of the cop, the fact that the passengers(the driver and his girlfriend) are black, the whole exchange...

"This..." Eidolon starts saying and moves the hand holding the gun of the officer to signal what he is talking about "... kills people."

"..." The officer gulps

"If you let your emotions get the better of you so fast... You shouldn't be carrying this. I will not accuse you of anything..." Eidolon says flatly "...for now."

At the same time, Eidolon is already getting the information of the police officer to get him out of his job.

Doesn't matter if was racial profiling, if he was nervous, or inexperience on his part. Eidolon judged that the guy shouldn't be carrying a badge and a gun around.

"Continue your job... I will be here." Eidolon releases his hand a little harshly and crosses his arms over his chest and simply waits.

"...documents, please." The officer continues awkwardly turning to the driver. Trying to ignore the presence of the hero.

This time, the driver can open his glove compartment to retrieve them. The gun was there, but he ignores it and gives the officer the documents.

The situation is more than awkward now.

After giving a warning because of the stop light, the officer goes on his way. Finishing his job.

"Are you guys okay?" Eidolon asks lowering himself to look through the window

The driver takes a huge breath with his hand on his heart. Still clearly nervous. "We are... We are, right now. Thank you, Eidolon. You saved me..." He says gratefully

"No need to thank me... That was something that you shouldn't be having to deal with in the first place." The hero comments. "Is the firearm really necessary, my friend?" He asks after some seconds. No being reproachful or anything.

"My neighborhood... It's not the safest place..." The driver confesses slowly.

Eidolon nods slowly in understanding and sighs.

"Be careful then. Again, you shouldn't have to pass by all of this. But be careful, my man. Be cautious... Put your hands out the window... I don't know. Sucks that you need to go through these extra steps, but you only have one life... We don't know who is on the other side." Eidolon advises.

The driver nods. There's really no need to say the real reason why the police officer so quickly went to violence.

"And don't worry. That guy's days using that uniform are over, I will make sure of that." He says

With a last goodbye, Eidolon sends the couple away.

In Eidolon's vision, his H.U.D. already shows everything about the officer from early and many other cases about happy triggers cops that are under "investigation" for similar cases.

"Another job to Anonymous..." He says before shooting out to the sky.



"I thought that Social Media is a two-edged sword...But I start to think that is more of a cancer." Eidolon comments casually.

Ignoring the youngster that has his hand tied in the corner of the room.

Eidolon just passed to help through a case of home invasion, just to arrive and discover that is a stupid boy doing some "prank" on the internet.

Now, he is waiting for the police to arrive, so he and the family give their testimony.

"C'mon, mate! It's just a prank!" The teenager tries to argue.

"In a prank, everyone... Including the victims, would laugh afterward." Eidolon gives the teen his glare "Do you see me laughing now?"

"..." The guy almost recoils from being stared down like that.

Eidolon is a little annoyed with this brat. The guy entered the home like he owned the place, scaring the family, including the small children... This already would make Eidolon look down on such an inconvenient fella, but what worsen his opinion of the boy was his other videos.

In Eidolon's line of sight, a dozen of vídeos showing his other "pranks" are being broadcasted to him.

Stealing a woman's dog and running away, harassing people in the streets, and even approaching people at night to say that he would kill them...

That was his idea of a funny prank. Eidolon also notices that he always goes for the elderly and women...

"Mike Tyson once said that 'Social media made people too comfortable in being disrespectful without getting a punch in their face' " Eidolon comments "You only do these things because the people here are very well mannered. If this is in America or any other country, you probably would get shot." Eidolon warns him.

And he is not kidding. So what if in your head you're doing some harmless prank? A guy sees you invading his home, with his wife and children in danger... The prankster would be happy if he gets out with some bruises... If he gets out.

"Blud, it's not that serious!" The teen tries to argue "Shouldn't you be doing some serious shit out there? Why focus on me? It's because I'm black?"

Now this made Eidolon pause to give the guy a look again. He was ready to say something about trying to put the kid on the right path, it's not about being a minor occurrence... It's about respect. The guy is too disconnected from reality and values meaningless things.

It's the future of a youngster that still has a chance to turn around.

But the soft approach was thrown out the wind at this moment...

Eidolon stands up and telekinetically brings the guy to float at his face

"Listen here, boy." Eidolon start, their face close "Don't play the victimization card with me..."


"People really die because of racism. They have very hard lives because of that. I will not allow you to banalize that. All of this is on you... As individual... You're a horrible person. That's the truth. It has nothing to do with your color."

"..." The boy is shivering and is shell-shocked right now.

Maybe this was the first time that someone didn't enable his bullshit. And it came from Eidolon of all people...

"Two minutes till the police arrive... Let's speed up Eidolon's version of Scared Straight..." The hero says before grabbing the teen by the shoulder and disappearing with him

Before the police arrived, they came back.

The teen is much more withdrawn when he went with the police. With a distant look.

It's unknown what Eidolon said or did with him. To where they go or what they see.

This case received repercussions in the media. Many criticize Eidolon and showed worry about what he did.

The teen on his side, even after giving an interview never revealed Eidolon's method, but he said that he is gonna try to do better and deleted all of his Social Media accounts.

It was not his usual pep talks but worked nonetheless.


In a certain Police Station

"I'm telling you, officer. This is all a misunderstanding..." A Middle-aged Woman says slowly to the cop across the table. Someone attentive would notice her condescending tone in the way she talks "My girl is passing through a problematic phase... She wants attention. You know how these teenagers are. They think they are the center of the world."

A teenage girl is at her side, she spots vacant and distant eyes, that look to nowhere in particular. She appears that she is not even listening to the conversation.

"Ms. Anderson, her accusations of sexual abuse for the part of you... boyfriend?" The officer talks seriously and tired

"Husband." The woman corrects "He is my husband now..."

"...okay. But he is not her father, right?" The cop asks

"Well, that's true... But he was her stepfather since she was a little girl."

"..." The police officer sighs and looks apologetically at the girl.

He doesn't know who is right or wrong in that story. He said that he will need to call the husband for interrogation and talk with the girl alone. It's hard to go forward with these cases when the legal guardian it's not cooperative.

He can only hope the girl has some concrete proof so that they can acquire a warrant to investigate the house.

"...you really don't believe me, huh?" The girl says suddenly, her voice despondent.

The mother turns to her "This is not the first time that you create trouble like that..." She says before turning to the officer "She has been having fights at school... She is hanging around with some influence." She says as if explaining something trivial, giving excuses. Taking all the blame off her shoulders.

"I'm not lying!" The girl says with more heat this time "But you like him more than me! You prefer to believe in him! A stranger! Over your own daughter!" She starts Half shouting, Half despairing.

"If you didn't have that history as a troublemaker, maybe your story would be more credible. But I know that you're jealous of him..." The mother tries to placate her daughter, in the same condescending tone.

"THE FUCK I'M JEALOUS OF HIM!" The girl shouts "HE RAPED ME! HE HAS BEEN DOING THAT SINCE I WAS 8 YEARS OLD!!" Tears are forming in her eyes at this point. Her voice growing hoarse

"That's a serious accusation, Joanna. He told me that you two discussed it because he asked you to do your homework, get out of your phone and other things... But you can't say those things just to create trouble for him." The mother tries to say but is interrupted.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE YOUR... YOUR STUPID WOMAN! You just want to live in your fantasy of a perfect family and don't want to admit that has horrible taste in men." The girl shouts bitterly

"Look here, I'm your mother. You owe me respect. And if he has been... doing that for so long. Why are you only saying this now, huh?" The woman crosses her arms and acts like she cornered her own daughter

"BECAUSE I WAS A KID!! I DIDN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT HE WAS DOING WITH ME! AND THEN... and then... I'm ashamed. This is not the first time I told you..." The girl covers her face with her hands to cry

"..." The mother looks shocked "Well, I will confront him then. Let's go home and I will make sure of the truth. No need to involve the police without reason.

Even amidst her sobs, the girl snorts in disbelief. She goes to dry her tears with her hands and looks like she gave up on arguing with her mom. Unwilling, accepting the situation.

"Excuse me for the interruption..." A voice says in a flat tone attracting the attention of the people in the office.

The three individuals turned to follow the voice and find Eidolon, standing there with his arms crossed under his mantle.

"...but I can solve this matter easily" Eidolon says calmly, he extends his hand from under his mantle. The Lasso of Truth around his forearm...

The other three people show different degrees of shock when realization down to them.

"The husband is that one with the blue shirt in the common room, right?" It's the last thing Eidolon says to them before walking out of the office.

He is not gonna use the Lasso on the girl.

"Wait-" The mother says, but Eidolon ignores her and continues to walk away. She stands up to follow the hero. The girl and police officer do the same.

They arrive and find a scene of Eidolon already confronting the husband

"...then you just need to answer my questions." Eidolon says calmly to the man that was waiting.

The rest of the people around stop what they're doing to pay attention.

"I find this very degrading, I can't cooperate with that." The man argues a little nervous. No, very nervous... But he is hiding reasonably well.

Eidolon tilts his head to the side a little "I didn't ask for your permission..." He says as a matter of fact before the Lasso of Truth envelops the man.

"Hey! You can't do that!! I have rights!" The husband shouts "Are you all not gonna do anything??" He tries to appeal to the cops nearby

"..." Eidolon takes his time to let him talk. He is only looking more guilty this way...

In truth, a cop steps up to try to talk Eidolon out of this, saying that was a little too forceful and could fuck up with his reputation.

But a side-glance from Eidolon makes him stop in his tracks quickly and shut up.

"What is my reputation close to her suffering?" Eidolon turns to stare at the husband again. His eyes change to the All-seeing Eyes of God and his stare grew even colder "And this is only a formality... To me, the truth is clear..." He comments "Now... Answer the questions..." The Lasso starts to shine

"..." The husband looks up fearfully

"Did you sexually abuse the daughter of your wife?" Eidolon asks directly at the point.

"Yes..." There's not even a little of a struggle. The answer is squeezed out of his mouth easily and fast.

Gasps are heard around them.

"When did this start? How young she was?" He continues

"Eight Years ago... She was eight..." The guy says wheezing.

The mood gets even heavier. The girl sits down on the ground, leaning on a wall, and starts crying.

The mother looks like her soul left the body.

After that Eidolon asked if he did the same with anyone else and even asked if there were some proofs and where...

Surprisingly, that was the first time he exteriorized this behavior, but there are pictures... and videos.

Of the girl when she was younger. And of other girls that he acquired in whatever way by the internet.

Eidolon retrieves the Lasso and disappears.

Some seconds later, he comes back holding a laptop and a hard drive.

"I hope that you can take from here..." He says to the officer of the highest level, giving him the proof. The other party nods seriously.

Eidolon then gives a look at the mother. She was still there, staring at the void. She didn't even go to console or ask for forgiveness for her daughter.

He simply can't let this woman get scot-free this way. He rightfully Guess that this one of these people that value their reputation and social image a lot...

"Not all people deserve to be parents..." Eidolon says looking at her with disgust. His words jolt her awake and she recoils from his, and the others, gaze.

She moves her hand to her face and starts crying.

"Don't start with your crocodile tears..." Eidolon says without pity "I know that deep down you knew the truth. But you want to keep with the appearances. You don't want to admit that you made a bad choice, so you blamed your daughter..." His eyes bore into her. The All-seeing Eyes patterns revolving around his pupils "I can see your ugly heart and soul from miles away..." He says looking at her like she is filthy

After that, he turns away and disappears. Already contacting Saul to go help the daughter...



Right now Eidolon is in a brothel completely still.

Under his mask his face is stone and his eyes are pure ice as he looks at the scene before him.

In his right hand, he keeps a man in a steel grip by the neck. The man screams and struggles, but he would have more luck fighting against a house.

Eidolon is using a lot of willpower to not squeeze tighter and end this scum here and there.

The other occupant of the room is screaming and moving frantically too.

Eidolon decides to throw the man out of the room by the door, to try to maybe pacify the other occupant. And he is not trusting himself to not kill him at this moment.

"Shh Shh Calm down, dear... I'm not gonna hurt you..." Eidolon says in the softest voice he could. He is using [Anivoice] because the other occupant is an animal.

The situation that made even someone like Eidolon disgusted is of a female orangutan that was kept captive here.

In this brothel...

It's a tremendously sorry sight...

She was tied to the wall, coiling herself as small as possible, trembling and whining between some screams.

Eidolon's blood freezes and boils when he gives a step forward and she instinctively shakes her hips like waiting for a client.

Yes, a client...

This female orangutan is kept here as a sexual slave. To be used by men that don't have enough money to pay for a woman... Forced to sell her body by some lousy sum that would buy some candy.

She was shaved constantly with a razor, and they put heavy makeup and dresses on her.

"It's all right, It's all right..." Eidolon tries to soothe her with many powers.

Trying to show he has no ill intent.

After some time, Eidolon succeeds in calming her down. He carries her away in his arms while doing a medical check-up. Already called the authorities to solve the rest.

When he was leaving he was stopped by the culprits and some other people. The clients and residents of the neighborhood...

They got in his way, shouting some things that he doesn't care to hear.

"..." He doesn't even need to say anything to make them shut up and fall on their butts in fear. His eyes start to glow red, steam coming from them because of the humidity of the air. "I don't want to stay not even one extra second in this pigsty..." He says and continues walking

All of them get out of his way, scurrying like rats, some with more presence of mind try to run away.

But Eidolon continues to walk calmly toward them and an invisible pressure envelops everyone, paralyzing them...

With each step the pressure increases, making the people lay down flat face on the ground.

Even people a little away felt that and fell to their knees.

This neighborhood is all accomplices... All of them knew...

Some windows and walls crack while Eidolon walks to the exit.

Finally, on the street, Eidolon stops and looks around. His gaze swept through everyone who was watching the spectacle

"It's because of people like you all that sometimes I think in letting the villains win..." He confesses before disappearing to meet the people of the Animal Protection group. The police already arrived.


"You are all sick of the head..." Eidolon says to the group of men kneeling in this auditorium

"You can't do that!" Someone shouts

"This is a free country!" Another one exclaims

Eidolon stares at them in almost disbelief "But using your freedom to proclaim that boys can consent to be in a relationship with you all is disgusting. I'm starting to understand those villains that want to dominate the world." Eidolon comments

He just arrived at a reunion of Nambla. The North American Man/Boy Love Association.

People really use their free speech right to say things like that.

Eidolon is ready to arrest everyone. He has enough dirt on them because many keep underage porn in their homes. And the ones that didn't go that far? Eidolon will plant evidence without losing any sleep.

"Just because you don't understand us, doesn't mean we are wrong." Another tries to argue

"Yes! Love is love." Another says

Eidolon look at them, seriously thinking in mindbreak everyone here. To make them live in a mental institution forever. But he holds himself back knowing the treatment that they will receive in prison will be more fitting.

He looks at them, treating them as dirt on the ground "And water is water. Why didn't you drink from the toilet?"


Being a hero is not all glamour. That is a conclusion that everyone that stops to think for a second can achieve.

Obviously, there are good sides, seeing the change that your actions bring to other people's lives and the world. Knowing that you made a difference to someone. And if you're into that... The fame and attention.

But if you go to be a real hero, wanting to use your abilities to solve the problems of humanity. It's inevitable that you would meet filth enough to reach the top of your head.

And Eidolon doesn't mind diving into this swamp of evil created by humanity. To him, a real hero will not only choose the convenient and easy problems to help and get involved.

He has a large range of abilities and he plans to solve everything he can.

Because of that, he rings the bell of a certain inconspicuous home in the suburbs of a city in Kentucky.

"Yes?" An old brown-skinned man opens the door to ask what he wants.

The eyes of the old man widen seeing Eidolon in his front door. But this is all he has time to do before Eidolon's hand shot and grips his neck.

"Samuel Little, right?" Eidolon asks already knowing the answer "Time to pay."

This old defenseless man is a serial killer with a kill count of at least 90 victims. All of them are women.

He was smart enough to make many of the victims' death look like accidents. Even when he brutally attacked them.

He was living unpunished... till now.

Eidolon connects the dots and found him, now with him to confess, he can easily solve the mystery and find all the unknown victims' bodies.

And this is not the only "retired serial killer" that Eidolon found this week.

He arrived in a small house, where Jonh Gacy lives normally and without problems.

This one targeted young boys in his youth. And he sexually abused all of his victims too.

He worked as a clown, making shows and selecting his targets. Then he would offer a private show and handcuffs them, saying that was part of the trick.

Then he would rape his victims and strangle them.

But now, justice arrived.

These cases obviously shocked and disgusted the world. The message that no criminals are safe was spread around the world. Crimes of the past will resurface no matter what.

The image of Eidolon excavating the remains of the children that are buried becomes engraved in everyone's minds. His solemn and disappointed look.

Everyone felt that, like is some sort of collective responsibility hitting them.

Eidolon don't give interviews, just did his job efficiently. Solving all sorts of horrible cases around the world.

Pedophile priests, small conflicts in Africa where people are mutilated, slavery with extra steps where employers hold the passports of despaired immigrants, drug cartels, militias in favelas, and grabbed a lot of dirt of White-collared important people.


Night of New York

"The world is constantly changing..." Wilson Fisk says while looking at the night sky of the city from his penthouse.

He is feeling restless these days.

His bad luck season stopped, but Eidolon has been even more active these days and so he was keeping his head low for now.

But apparently, Eidolon is focusing on other things now, so maybe he can restart some projects. The creation of super-villains is going well...

That was Wilson Fisk's plan before he hears a voice behind him.


He doesn't have the time to turn around before he falls on the floor unconscious.

Without his body to obstruct the view, now is possible to see Eidolon standing there behind him. Looking down on him without pity.

"You assume from here..." Eidolon says to anyone in particular before shadows in the ground swallow the Kingpin and he slowly starts sinking too.

Johan Liebert emerges from the dark corner of the room.

"I will not disappoint..." He says with a flourish bow and a smile.

"..." Eidolon then throws a ring at him before disappearing

Johan stays alone for some time, holding the ring. Then he puts it on and suddenly he is the Kingpin.

"Now, time to orchestrate the slow fall of the Kingpin and the others of his type. Then, the 'Monster' can control the criminal underworld..." He hums to himself before he walks away too.


"Are you going in like that?" Shego asks a little unsure, seeing Hector in his normal civilian identity walking through the corridors of the Infinity Castle.

"Eidolon is a hero... This is something that Hector needs to do." Hector says without even looking at her, his cold face turned to the door.

He removes his glasses and shirt and walks to the secret room where his prisoner is located.

'Hector is entering... But who will leave?' He asks himself while entering the room.


Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, wakes a little groggy but recovers fast.

He is not any two-bit criminal, even if has been a long time since he was the one on the receiving end, he knows when someone was captured and is in a bad spot.

But the fact that he woke up and is alive is a good sign at least... He thinks...

He stays still, feigning being unconscious while trying to assert the situation. He notices that his arms are chained to a wall. Separated, on each side, in this case, allow a surprising range of movements. His captors are lax in this aspect.

Moving his head slightly in this poorly lit room, he identifies another someone.

The room has no windows, only a door on one wall and on the other wall many cold weapons like clubs, axes, swords...

The other person in the room doesn't pass the vibe of a captor to Fisk so he slowly raises himself, checking his body with his hands.

"Who are you, boy? Where are we?" he asks in an authoritarian tone.

He wants any information that he can acquire. He deduced, that maybe, that was another captive. Maybe some son of a politician.

"..." But he receives no answer from the other person

"Are you deaf, boy??" He shouts angrier, standing up to full height, trying to intimidate the other party.

"..." The calm eyes that are looking down on him, look up now, but otherwise, there's no change on them. The other person just continues to stare at him, unblinkingly.

At this point, Fisk notices that things may not what it looks at first sight.

He stops to take a good look at the other person.

He is leaning back at the wall, his arms crossed over his bare chest. He is only using sweatpants, muscular to the age that he shows. Handsome too, with black curly hair and clear blue eyes.

He is not in chains or anything. Fisk remembers that the world is a little crazy and even an unsuspecting teenager can be something else, something more...

When he was ready to open his mouth again. The other person says something for the first time.

"You don't even recognize me..." He says softly, more to himself.

"...?" He was confused by the other party's words. Fisk racks his brains trying to remember the boy.

But he doesn't have luck, especially after the youngster put his right hand over his face, a strange motion of someone that wants to hide or control their emotions would do.

Then his shoulders start trembling slightly, and for an instant Fisk thought that he was crying...

Till he starts hearing the muffled chuckles coming from his face.

"Hu-hu-hu What I'm expecting really? That's a one-sided thing after all..." He says to himself between a laugh. A laugh that grows louder with each word

"!" Fisk sees the man's grip on his own face tighten till blood is starting to pour from where his nail is digging into his flesh.

"Heh-Heh... Haha..." A little horrified he watches the man claw his face from side to side, four huge gashes marring his previously pretty face from side to side, bloody paints the rest like a mask.

Then he stops... And lowers his hand.

Under the blood leaking out from the four diagonal wounds that go from one side of his face to the other, his eyes are clear. Looking directly at the Kingpin.

It's a little disturbing... The clear blue pupils under all that red, like a war painting of some warrior.

Maybe is a war painting. A war that is raging inside Hector right now.

"There is no satisfaction in vengeance unless the offender has time to realize who it is that strikes him, and why retribution has come upon him." Hector finally says calmly, his face impassive "It's a quote from Arthur Conan Doyle." He talks like this is a normal conversation

"So you're the one that brought me here..." The Kingpin realizes "What is your goal, boy? Revenge? That's it? That will not end well for you..." He threatens

"..." Hector continues to stare at Fisk impassively.

Then he allows his healing factor to kick in. The four big gashes on his face start to close and the blood starts to evaporate

"...!" This put another stone to weight in the Kingpin's mind. Things are not really as simple as it seems

"I dreamt of this encounter for months..." Hector starts slowly and calmly "I can't sleep without before imagining killing you and how I'm going to do it... Every night... E-VE-RY FUCKING... night..." His face starts morphing into one of anger before he controls himself and he ends the phrase more calmly

It's like watching a volcano trembling, ready to enter an eruption. Starting and stopping, pausing... Delaying the inevitable.

"I tried forgetting about it and moving on... I swear for everything that I love that I really tried. Maybe this is why I delayed so much to get you... So part of me hoped that I'm a better person, and with time I could let it go. Forgive and Forget..." Hector looks at his hand for a second before moving his eyes to the Kingpin again "But I can't..."


"And the funny thing is that you don't even know who I am..." He chuckles again. That's the reason for his hysterical laugh earlier "How funny was that?" A crooked smile appears on his face before he controls himself again

"Boy... You're right. You just one more." Wilson Fisk starts saying, for some reason he is afraid, but he can't allow himself to show that "Do you know how many people come to me for revenge? You will end up just like them. You're not the first and will not be the last." He says while cracking his knuckles, looking very intimidating

"..." And once more, there's no reaction from Hector. The way that he looked at Fisk, makes the Criminal Boss uncomfortable. "Maybe..." Hector finally says mysteriously

He continues "Sincerely, I don't care... And simply killing you in your sleep would be... meaningless" He narrows his eyes at the Kingpin "So let's play a game." The crooked smile appears once again for an instant before being suppressed.

Like Hector knows some joke that the Kingpin was unaware

"..." But the Kingpin is happy in his mind 'You idiot! Yes, play as many games as you want... I will make you regret not killing me when you have a chance' He thinks in his mind but did not say anything

"Ready for a game of life and death?" Hector asks

The Kingpin snorts "Death doesn't scare me, boy. In my line of business, she is always present." He says confidently, stretching his body slightly. Ready for a fight.

"... That's a good mindset to have. I would praise you if I didn't know that you're talking more about the death of others and not yours..." Hector says "But I think she would scare you very, very much." He snaps his fingers and the door opens.

Horror starts to appear on Wilson's face when he sees Vanessa Marianna enters the room in a wheelchair.

The wheelchair is moving without help and stops close to Hector. Some medical devices are attached to the body of the woman, showing her vitals.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!! LET HER OFF THIS!!!" The Kingpin rages and tries to advance but the chains make him stop just a foot away from Hector.

Their faces are very close now. The Kingpin with his open arms, forced by the chains, almost caught Hector in a bone-crushing hug. But he can't budge the chains further no matter what

Hector looks at him with contempt. So close, yet so far. "That's a good face to have. I'm starting to like it..." He comments while raising his chin to look down on the bigger man.

"YOu little piece of SHIT! When I got my hands on you..." The Kingpin trembles in anger.

"I thought that death was a recurrent event... That you're used to this... But it really only applies to others, huh? Disappointing, but not surprising... I never thought about you being a worthy foe or something like that. Just a tree on my path... Something that I need to cut so that I can move forward and see the bright sky more clearly..."

"You can act as philosophical as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna kill you." The Kingpin says between gnashed teeth.

"..." Hector ignores him for now. His gaze moves to the unconscious Woman at his side "Meh. 3/10." He comments, infuriating Fisk even more.


"Heh, It's funny how they are our weakness, huh?" Hector interrupts him "You're very level-headed before she appears. But now? Heh." His hands go to move to Vanessa.

Fisk breaths hitch, waiting for the worse. But Hector stops and doesn't even touch a single strand of her hair

"Even so, we still allow them to ingrain themselves in our Hearts. It's because they give us some sort of strength too, right? To push forward... To become better... For them..." Hector turns to look at Wilson Fisk.

And Fisk hates that he can relate to everything he is saying.

"I thought about raping her to hurt you, you know? I mean I wouldn't do it personally, obviously... I'm loyal in my own way. But that would be a more heavy punishment to her than for you..." Hector says calmly

Infuriating Fisk even more, but he stays his hand while Vanessa was in the other party's clutches.

"...so I will simply kill her." Hector says like is no big deal.

"You BASTARD! If you dare touch even a strand of hair on her head I will..."

"Will what? Will do nothing? Do you want me to cancel our little game and simply kill her now?" Hector interrupts

"..." This makes him pause

"Good dog~" Hector praises mockingly.

But Fisk swallows his anger for now.

"Let me explain the game... We are gonna fight. That's it. In the end, things in this world are solved by our fists. So let's maintain the tradition..." Hector says as a matter of fact. "And the stakes are... Our lives!" He says with a big grin and opens his arms.

"...are you crazy?" The Kingpin frowns looking at him. The crazy types are the most troublesome to deal with.

"I ask myself this every day..." Hector says lightly and then turns to the unconscious Vanessa "But this is not fair... There are two lives on your side and only mine on this side... So let's even things a little and present a new enemy to you..."

"This doesn't even make sense!" The Kingpin says indignant

Hector gives him a look with a mocking smirk. Like he is saying 'So what? I do the rules here'.

"The one that I will call to be at my side iiiiissss..." Hector drags dramatically and reaches for the armrest of Vanessa's medical chair. "...Time" He smirks wide while he raises his hand to show the syringe that he retrieved from a hidden compartment.

Fisk's eyes widen seeing him inserting the needle in the catheter on Vanessa's arm.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HER??" Fisk shouts. Once again fighting against his chains.

"Don't worry..." Hector pauses to give him a look "This poison will kill her painlessly." He says before pressing the syringe and inserting the liquid into her veins.


"Me. Can you stop with the tantrums already? You're losing important time." Hector points to a screen that changes above Vanessa's head.



"A digital watch... Hmmm, now I'm feeling that this lacks something..." Hector comments idly "This remembers me a speech of a certain villain about Old School Villainy... You wouldn't know him. Red Death is his name." Hector makes small talk with him.

He is only doing this to mentally torture the guy for wasting time. Making him despair more.

"He talked about the gentleman's way of being a villain. This was even confirmed by my sensei in villainy... Sensei always said that a villain need to be classy. 'Manners maketh man' after all."

"Always be polite even when you commit the most heinous of the acts. Dress well... These things that separate the classy cool villain of the heroes."

"To him, the heroes are not but clowns... With their colorful clothes, public pleasing acts, boisterous laughs, and catchphrases... Hehe, It's weird that I find myself agreeing with him a little. And you?" Hector asks the Kingpin

"You are always in well-tailored suits while your enemies use vibrant colors. You're the stereotype of this villain. Trying to be classy?" He laughs "Like you're written to be like that... Hehe."

"You bastard! Get to the point!" The Kingpin shouts, trying to reach for him again, but useless as expected.

"Oh yes... I have this habit f monologuing... I'm sorry." Hector gives a polite bow in apology. Acting exactly like he described how a classy villain would act "The thing is... Red Death said that this Old School Villain favorite act was to tie the hero in some dynamites with a clock or in the rails of a train. It's simple, expensive, personal, and deadly... BUT..." Hector raises his finger to make Kingpin focus on his speech


"It gives you a little hope... Maybe you will escape. A gentleman always gives chances to their opponents to play the game." Hector smiles


"Back to the topic... What is poetic is the clock. The old model clock always makes a Tic Tic sound... To keep the hero always conscious of his imminent death! This digital clock has no appeal..." Hector points to the clock disappointingly

Then he looks at the Kingpin again "I used this tactic when I orchestrated James Wesley's death, you know?" He smiles at him

"...! So it's-"

"Me. Yes, yes... Can you stop with the accusingly 'yous'? You are interrupting my flow here." He sighs and moves around Vanessa. Analyzing her.

"Hmm~ Heh." Suddenly it looks like he had a great idea and approaches the woman. This move of him only works to make the Kingpin more nervous.

But the big man holds himself back. To keep her safe he will endure for now. He will let the boy have his moment...

Hector's fingers trace the side of the Health Monitor of Vanessa. He presses some buttons... Increasing the sound volume.

*Beep* *Beep*

"Ah~ There it is!" He smiles wide "Her heart will be the 'tic tic', Kingpin!" He closes his eyes, a single finger moving to accompany the sound "Much better~"

Hector opens his eyes to mock the Kingpin with a smile.

The man grits his teeth and bawls his fist, but says nothing.

Hector takes his time to take another syringe. He connects with the catheter but doesn't press it.

"You just need to press there to insert the antidote. It acts fast..." He says and finally, he starts walking to the Kingpin.

The room is relatively big, 6x6x6.

"You just need to pass through me to do that..." Hector smiles "Easy, huh?"

Then he presses a button in a small device in his hand before throwing it away. The chains release the Kingpin.

"You don't even need to defeat m-" He was saying before being interrupted by the Kingpin charging at him. He releases a chuckle while dodging to the side and palming the man's ribs. Throwing him a little far away.

"Eager aren't we?" He laughs "You already should've guessed that I'm not exactly normal..." He comments

The Kingpin ignores him again and charges at him to deliver a punch with his hand bigger than Hector's head.

Hector advances to meet him earlier and taps the inside of the elbow of the Kingpin. The punch was rendered ineffective and Hector kicks the man's thigh, making him kneel.

Then he gives the guy an uppercut with a "tiger hand" from kung fu, making the criminal boss fall on his back.

"..." Hector is taking it easy. He wants the Kingping to feel hope...

Like Johan said, before his demise allow a last breath of hope to ignite a last and desperate struggle. Then you crush his everything.

The Kingpin doesn't know that the boy blocking his path is the greatest hero on the planet. If he knew, he wouldn't fight. He probably would try to bargain or appeal to the good of Hector's heroic heart.

And that would be boring

*Pah* Hector bitchslaps the Kingpin in his solar plexus to take his breath away.

"There are weapons there for you to use..." Hector points casually. Acting carefree.

Him acting conceited like that is a good way of giving the Kingpin hope in his victory.

Who knows? Maybe Hector will slip and be defeated...

The Kingpin raises himself up and glares at Hector, then his gaze moves to the clock. The thirty minutes that previously appeared to be a lot of time, now looks to be too little.

"Sucks, huh?" The now annoying voice of his captor grates his ears "Being at the mercy of someone more powerful sucks. First time? Heh. No, I know a lot about you..." Hector chuckles "But it has been so long that maybe you forgot how it feels...You lack any empathy after all..."

Hector then advances and kicks the criminal boss's stomach "Let me remind you how it is." He looks down at the Kingpin crouching in pain and without pity, he kicks his head like a ball.

The Kingpin sprawls on the floor.

"Oh~ I'm almost forgetting... I need to tell you the reason for all this..." Hector beats his fist on the palm of the other hand in realization.

Completely ignoring the Kingpin crawling closer to the weapons on the wall.

"As you already should have guessed... It was vengeance. You killed people important to me." Hector says more coldly and kicks the guy again, making him hit the wall.

He helped him reach the weapons faster...

"I will not say the details because you don't deserve that much... And I also don't need to hear anything from you. Like a justification or the reason... I know the reason..." Hector walks calmly from side to side. Waiting for the Kingpin to take an axe and swing at him.

Hector sidesteps easily and punches the Kingpin on his chin, then he karate chops his hands, making him drop the axe.

After a shoulder throw, Hector continues to talk "The main thing is... The reason is very petty. You just want a little more power." Hector says coldly

Approaching him, he kicks the Kingpin on his face again and continues "In the great scheme of things they're inconsequential... But you want to have a little more power, huh? So what weight do their lives have, huh?" He kicks his face again

"The great Kingpin wants to have the power to decide who should or shouldn't survive their hospitalization." He kicks his face again, some teeth fly away.

"I bet that you don't ever remember them." He kicks again

"Just two meaningless people." Another kick

"Guess what? They have meaning to someone..." Another

"And this someone is now ready to have his due." He steps on Kingpin's bloody face

"You're just a cockroach, Fisk. I could crush you anytime, but it would only dirt my shoe..." He says coldly "But you have to put your filthy legs on what is mine, huh? Anyone would step on a cockroach that got too close after all." He exerts more pressure on the Kingpin's skull with his foot.

When the Kinping was thinking that he would die, Hector raises his foot.

"Can you hear that?" Hector tilts his head and brings a finger close to his ear.

The Kingpin looks at him, but he can't hear anythin-

He can't hear anything!

He shoots to a sitting position and looks at Vannesa


In the Heart Monitor, a single line constantly crosses the screen in a mute beep.

"No-no-no-no-no-" The Kingpin starts to despair, his face contorts in anguish "VANESSSAAAA!" He shouts and crawls at her.

Eidolon lets him this time.

"Vanessa... Vanessa... Please..." He tries to hold her face in his big hands, he presses the liquid of the syringe into her veins.

But nothing changes.

He cries while hugging her, in negation. His heart is broken.

He failed. He is weak...

He hears a sigh behind him "Rest in peace... You know, I wouldn't have killed her. I have nothing against her. But she knows about your business. And is compliant with it. So she is not innocent... Tsk Tsk. A pity. If only you haven't told her..." His words stab the Kingpin's heart.

"She would be blissfully ignorant..."

"She would not be alerted by your death... But now? Tsk Tsk. Maybe she would try vengeance..." He continues

"Really a pity... Her blood is in your hands, Wilson Fisk. Everything you touched... Destroyed."

Wilson Fisk can't take it anymore.

He turns around like a beast and lunges at Hector.

"Haha." Hector laughs while redirecting the Kingping to hit a wall effortlessly "You're stronger now... Revenge is crazy, huh? It grows on you..." He laughs again when the Kingpin ignores him and goes for his head again.

But Hector doesn't plan to play this game for longer. With a direct punch in his guts, he makes the Kingpin go down again.

Looking down at the man in pain at his feet, Hector use his foot to roll him over. He walks a little, arriving at his legs side.

Raising his foot, Hector brings it down on Fisk's knee. Making it bend unnaturally and breaking it.


"You finally is in your natural place, Fisk. Under my feet." Hector moves his foot to make the man agonize in pain "That's what I want you to understand...All the money, and power that you have. They're illusions... Balloons of hot air that would not resist real power."

"That's what you are... Just a balloon of fat that can be exploded any time." Hector spats

"That's real power, Fisk. Take this lesson to hell..." Hector says

Wilson Fisk turns and turns on the ground in anguish. He cries and whines, Moving his limbs erratically.

"No, dad! Stop... Stop! Don't... hurt her! Stop! No!" The feared Kingpin is on the ground moving around like a kid having a nightmare. It's such a sorry sight...

He sobs and moans on the ground. Asking for his Father to stop, begging for forgiveness. Acting scared, like a small child afraid of a thunderstorm.

"..." Hector pauses seeing that. "Mental regression..." A common thing to occur in cases of heavy trauma.

Fisk goes into a fetal position, curling himself in a ball to protect himself from the big scary guy beating him. Suckling on his thumb and saying that he will not do "that" or "this" anymore... That he will obey... That he will do what he says...

What pathetic scene should this be from an outside perspective.

Eidolon... Earth's greatest hero... Bullying a guy to this point.

A guy that received so many gifts, beating a normal man in a ridiculous show of vengeance.

"Oho... No. No. No. You don't get to escape." Hector snarls and grabs the man-child's head.

Using telepathy Hector makes Wilson Fisk go back to his usual self. The process is painful because he did it without care.

Grabbing the top of Kingpin's head, Hector forces him to look at him. "The night is only starting..." He says with his eyes shining head and becoming vertical slits.


Some cracks and wet sounds can be heard between these walls.

And also the sound of muffled screams. Wilson Fisk can't even open his mouth, which has been turned into a zipper, to scream in pain.

Most of the ground has been painted red by blood. The lower half of the Kinpin's body has disappeared, becoming a pool of gore.

"Humans are Space Orcs..." Hector comments casually while a finger hooks the tendons of the big man "People say that we are fragile, but we can survive such ridiculous situations... Like having or brain perforated by a construction steel rod, as an example..."

Hector's face is an ice mask. He doesn't blink while his hands continue to work "So is easy to keep you alive while I literally dismantle your body like that..."

He is using a plethora of powers to keep the Kingpin conscious and sane to experience everything clearly.

He can't have the guy blackout all the time, or be regressing again

"MMMPFF! MMUFGFTER!" The Kingpin struggles

"What? What Did you say?" Hector raises a blood-drenched hand close to his ear in a mocking gesture of making an effort to hear "A Butcher? That's rude..."

His hands go down again to continue his work. He pinches the Kingpin coccyx, turning it in poder, making the man struggle in pain

"The difference between a butcher and a surgeon is the precision..." Hector quotes "I'm a surgeon." He says and gives a mirthless laugh at his own reference

The laugh dies quickly while he continues to slowly destroy the man.

In his momento f great rage, he swore to himself that he would tear the Kingpin to shreds. A promisse is a promisse...

He scraps skin, pulls tendons, smashes muscles, crushes bones, cauterizes veins...

He skips the rest of the Kingpin's torso and goes for his arms. Repeating the process... Taking his nails first and continuing with the rest of the arm.

"Heh. Now this is your natural state... A turd." He says after finishing crushing all of the Kingpin limbs, leaving on his torso and head. "You're so big, so troublesome..." he complains before getting back to work

He does it meticulously and takes his time.

It's a weird sensation to Hector... He wanted to do it because he wanted to know how it would feel. Because of this, he is being so personal.

He can feel the blood gush on his face and torso, and can feel the process clearly in his hands.

But beyond that... He doesn't feel anything.

No guilty...

And no satisfaction...

It looks like a out of the body experience... Like he is on auto-pilot doing that. It looks so distant... Not real...

He is doing this just for the sake of doing it...

Many times he thought on stopping... There's no meaning in this shit...

But he started and now he will see the end of it.

It took so long...

Maybe it didn't take long.

But to Hector, in his fast mind, it looked like an eternity of thinking while his hands worked...

He thought about a lot of things, remembered good and bad memories...

Sometimes his hands slowed down when his parents and grandparents crossed his mind. Sometimes he acted more brutal remembering the filth of humanity...

The Kingpin, to him, is the representation of all this filthy.

Finally, it's only the head that is intact.

Thanks to his powers, the Kingpin is still alive. Seeing, listening, and feeling everything.


Hector raises his hand and puts it over Kingpin's face. He starts exerting pressure... It's time for the final blow.

Hector is trembling... That's the moment.

What will happen to him when he takes this final step?

His unfocused gaze regain clarity. He can see his hand, which looks like he wearing a red glove, pressing on the big head of his Enemy.

He remembers Kaina for some reason...

Her trauma... The way she recoiled her hand afraid of touching Eri. Afraid of dirtying Eri with the blood on her hands.

It's like he is seeing this moment happening to him now and in the future.

Damn, some days ago he played with some young fans. They looked at him with such adoration... Their innocent gazes...

He ruffled their hair...

Will he be capable of doing that again?

There's no excuse for great good this time. He is doing all this. Him. Him and him alone.

He will forever lose the moral high ground after this.

No turning back.

Hesitation flashes through his eyes...

There's still time to stop... He can restore the Kingpin's body. Erase his memory. Give him to the police. Doing the right thing...

The right thing...

That hesitation last only one second...


...Before he smashes the Kingpin's head in a pulp.

He stands up again.

His gaze is distant, and the Kingpin's blood and brain matter coats his body, the blood drips from his hands.

"It's better to hug your loved ones with your hands tainted with blood, than watching them bleed..." he speak softly to himself.

A low beep attracts his gaze to Vanessa.

She is really dead.

Maybe she doesn't deserve it... But this is Marvel, she can create trouble for people close to him in many ways. Even Aunt May created trouble for Deadpool in revenge for Spider-man at some point, by hiring the Taskmaster.

In the end, he is not wrong in blaming the Kingpin for bringing her into this.

At least, it was painless.

Hector waves his hand and uses [Overhaul] on her.

She also explodes in a misto f blood and gore.

Hector lets it bathe him too. He wants to feel the dirtiness of his actions.

He watches the rain of blood fall on the ground, becoming indistinguishable from the Kingpin pool of gore.

"Heh." He smirks crookedly "What great wingman I am... They're finally one." But this small senseless joke ignites a laugh.

So ridiculous... This situation...

Everything is ridiculous...

His shoulders tremble a little "I know the answer now..." His laugh increases in intensity...

"Revenge... Haha..." He can't suppress it.

"Pfftt... HaHAhaah Revenge is..." He opens his arms and laughs at the ceiling maniacally.


"No matter what! Haha"

It's like he wasted a long time hearing a joke, but the punchline sucks so bad that you laugh at the ridiculousness of everything.

You laugh at the comedian telling the joke.

You laugh at the situation.

You laugh at yourself for waiting for something better.

"No matter what I do... The answer is... Hahaha, I was a fool for expecting more." He laughs again "All of this for nothing... What a joke..."


A.N.: Greetings,

How are you guys?

Are you guys feeling something weird? A bad taste in your mouth? Maybe you're feeling unsatisfied? If so...

Great! Because this is the objective of this chapter.

Let me explain from the beginning.

Of all my chapters, this one is the one that I put more thought into.

Everything was planned to evoke a certain bad feeling in you guys. That's what writing do, right? Evoke feelings in the reader... Most of the time are good feelings... But...

There are times that you feel bad reading some things. And it's okay when is the objective.

Like the Red Wedding or the Eclipse. Damn, that hit hard... Or Shou Tucker making alchemy with his daughter and dog. Ugh, I didn't eat when I watched that for the first time.

This chapter is my amateur tentative of replicating that in you guys. Obviously, no big tragedy happened in this chapter. So is hard to do that.

The chapter goes through a building up of evil deeds to evoke disgust and repulse. All that build-up to make you guys angry to the moment of vengeance...

So that your rage can be liberated on our rightful target.

You guys passed through that cathartic moment, I bet.

And then...

You guys receive my take on vengeance... I believe that doesn't matter how much you try. Vengeance will always be unsatisfactory. Always.

I really like Thorfinn and Afro Samurai(the manga) storyline where their targets of revenge died not to them.

There are some mangas like Nidome no Yuusha and others with the MC called Raoul, in which they make a whole elaborate show of revenge. To give us some orgasmic relief... But sincerely...

After some time, the feeling fades and leaves... Unsatisfaction.

My favorite scene is the Kingpin Mental Regression. That right illustrates exactly what is happening, some unnecessary bullying. Yes, the guy is guilty. But get over it.

Imagine you prepare yourself so much and not be what you expect. Imagine Hector's disappointment... It's not for nothing that he laughed. He is feeling like a clown.

A better vengeance would be to kill the kingpin and forget about him the next day. Now this experience will live rent-free in his mind.

Well, it's growth.

Our dear MC is in a bad place right now, my friends. But he will bounce back. Become better. Trying to become a more optimistic guy.

Trying to genuinely be happy. He deserves.

Btw, no. No Eidolon that laughs... H killing the Kinping, in the end, is just him rejecting the goody-two-shoes hero path. He will be a hero but in his own way. A hero can adopt a soldier mentality and kill his enemies to protect innocents.

And lastly... Not so a fun fact. Some must have noticed... But all the cases shown in this chapter are based on real life.

Yes, the orangutan and everything...

It's not exaggerated fiction. This is how evil humans can be. I bet would be hard to not laser everyone if I have powers... Let's appreciate our MC restraint.

Till next time.

Stay bad for some time, y'all. But get better.

Bye, bye.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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