42.5% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 32: Girls

บท 32: Girls

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"When a woman wants to dig up a man's secrets, she normally ends up sinking into an abyss before she can even notice."

-Chi Wuyao, ATG


Xavier Insitute, Day after Eidolon meeting the X-men

Sub-title: Rogue woes

Early in the morning, Rogue gets out of bed. In fact, she has been awake for a while, she feels full of energy. 'The absorption of that Eidolon guy.' She concludes. One of the things that Eidolon is definitely not lacking is stamina and vitality.

Rogue removes the covers and sits, lights the lamp at the head of the bed, and starts looking for some workout clothes.

"Uuh… Rogue? Did something happen?" A sleepy Kitty asks as she rubs her sleepy eyes. She at first thought she was late because Rogue never wakes up early. But a quick look at the window confirmed that it was still dark.

So something must have happened. "Is the mansion under attack again?" Kitty asks already starting to get up.

"No, no... You can sleep, Kitty. I just feel like jogging..." Rogue responds quickly and in a low voice so as not to wake up Jean and Jubilee who is still sleeping.

Kitty's bed is next to her, so she was the only one who noticed Rogue's movements.

"..." Kitty stares at Rogue for a while. And she takes the smartphone... 5:03 am. "Are you Mystique?" Kitty asks in disbelief and already starting to become intangible to escape.

"..." Rogue sighs "How do I prove myself to you? Do you want me to talk about that 6 number codes on your PC?" She asks.

"... Okay. You are Rogue." Kitty responds, blushing Rogue notes. Rogue seems to have no problem seeing in the dark. It seems that turning on the light was unnecessary.

"I…I'm just full of energy Kitty. Feel like spending a little..." Rogue says.

"Oh…Eidolon?" Kitty asks, realizing the reason for the change in Rogue. She should have realized it sooner, but her brain isn't fully awake yet.

"Yep. I think so too... I'm leaving. Wanna come?" Rogue asks after she already changed out of her clothes and put on running shoes.

"No way. No one deserves to wake up so early." Kitty says with finality as she covers herself fully with her sheets.

"There are minimum wage workers and farmers waking earlier, do you know? " Rogue says and pauses a bit... 'Where did that answer come from? I never thought or cared about these things'.

Rogue resolves to put the thought aside as she leaves the mansion to do something she's never done in her life. Exercise while still dark...



After more than an hour of exercise, Rogue is finally back at the mansion. Seeing that the garage is open, she decides to go through it to enter, to avoid having to keep putting the password in the main entrance.

"Hey, Logan." Rogue greets the older mutant who is working on his motorcycle.

"Sup, kid. You're early... fell out of bed?" Logan responds from his position on the floor as he fiddles with the underside of the motorbike.

"Just feels like jogging..." Rogue replies simply.

Logan only grunts in acknowledgment.

"Can you help me a little? Get the Star key in the box. Is the one-" Before Logan finished Rogue raised her hand and pulled the right tool to her hand and expertly used it on the motorcycle's brakes.



"Since when do you know how to handle motorcycles?" Logan asks curiously.

"Since this morning, I think... And I don't know. Eidolon knows." Rogue speaks as she looks at the tool in her hand.

Not only did she identify the tool right off the bat, but she also used it correctly before Logan gave the instructions. With one look she saw what the problem was with the motorcycle and knew what Logan wanted.

Logan looks serious for a moment before climbing out from under the bike and standing up.

"Alright... Did you absorb his memories?" Logan asks worriedly.

"No…I couldn't. This was the first time this had happened. I don't have his memories, but... Sometimes thoughts float to the front of my mind. Thoughts that aren't mine... Like... Like what Eidolon would think if he were in my shoes." Rogue responds by trying to put her thoughts into words.

Due to the great mental defenses and the careful preparations Hector took when it came to increasing his own resistance against Rogue's power. Rogue did not absorb a clear memory.

But that didn't stop Rogue's power from passing through Hector's mind. Even if she couldn't absorb memories... She can absorb other things... Tastes, ideals, habits, talents, lines of thoughts. It's like Rogue absorbing Hector Template.

In terms of powers, she didn't get anything Overpowered like Power Manipulation, New Order, Decay, Overhaul, or the Force. But she managed to absorb several minor powers, many powers. Some are even reasonably strong...

"I see. You should go see Chuck." Logan advises. These metals things are beyond his understanding.

"...It's okay. It's not hurting me or anything. And we know it will pass with time. It's just a little confusing to have a person's habits without memories." Rogue speaks before saying goodbye to go get ready for School.

Logan watches Rogue retreating back with a critical eye. The way she is carrying herself, the way she moves. She looks like a trained fighter... Way superior to her norm really is.

Logan is the X-Men's main trainer in the physical aspects. Exercises, combat... He has an excellent understanding of the abilities of all students. And he can tell for sure that Rogue is moving instinctively and subconsciously much better than her normal abilities.

She is dangerous now... That means that Eidolon guy or whatever is dangerous too... he's not just a guy with a lot of powers. He is a trained fighter. That wasn't in the kids' report.

Logan isn't sure before testing... But he can say he ranks this Eidolon guy pretty high on the list of Fighters of his long life. Rogue just now had the same feeling as many dangerous opponents... Like a certain redhead spy, a war hero with a shield, a woman who uses a purple psionic sword, Logan's own brother, and many others.


Rogue P.O.V.

This is strange.

When I caught myself and realized I had absorbed someone again, I was expecting the worst part of the absorption... The relentless stream of memories always floods my mind. But they didn't come.

I thought my powers had failed... Until I used a burst of air that came out of my palm by reflex. Well, I consoled myself by thinking that at least I wouldn't be influenced by memories.

But here I am...

These habits aren't mine, this rapid thinking is not mine, and all this analysis of my surroundings isn't either... I'm seeing the world in a very different way now. The flow of fair, infra-red, ultraviolet, hearing distant sounds, smells of things out of my sight.


I crouch down with my hand over my ears. Keeping my eyes very shut, I try to filter all this information. Argh...Too...Much.

After a while, which shouldn't have been more than a couple of minutes, I got used to it. Things are more normal now.

"Super-senses..." I mutter.

It seems that I managed to control it, I try to focus a little on the sounds outside the mansion and... A mistake. I hear too much again.

"Argh... So hard. How does one live like that?"

Deciding to go take a shower to cool down, I realize I'm not even sweaty. Even after running for miles.

I Let the cold water run through my body I relax.

Showers always make me relax...

No... That's not right... It's not me that always relaxes with showers... Is Eidolon.

Losing control a little I punch the wall... Making a hole. My punch went through the concrete like is cardboard.


Relax, Rogue. Deep breaths...

In the next second, I'm calm again. Having your own sense of "I" suddenly changed is not a good feeling.

It's even worse when you don't know when the "I" ends and the "other" begins. Just by looking at old experiences, I can judge if I am acting strange.

At least Eidolon isn't a maniac.

And these changes are not forever. All will fade with time.

Even though the time she absorbed Eidolon was her personal record. More than 2 minutes.

'2 minutes and 56 seconds...' Her own mind whispered to her.

"..." That guy is fucking meticulous.

The absorption area was also extremely large this time. My two hands... Most of the time I usually just play with my fingertips.

I can already see that it will take time to get rid of "Eidolon".


Before going to school, I head to the institute's cafeteria, where all the students eat together. Sometimes the teachers come too, as I notice teacher Ororo at the table where I intend to sit with the girls.

Carrying the trail with my food, I nod to everyone before sitting down. And I close my eyes to stop thinking about how to defeat everyone present with just the things on the table... I never thought I'd imagine a spoon as a weapon before... I take back what I said, that Eidolon guy must be a lunatic.

"Wow Rogue! That's a lot of food!" Jubilee exclaims beside me. Her eyes wide from the amount of food in front of me, it was at least five times more than normal.

"Yeah... I thinking I'm being influenced by Eidolon..." I say while eating a piece of melon. I never ate fruit in the morning.

"Oh... Is that why you got up early to run?" Jean asks, but already knowing the answer.

"Yeah..." I say simply.

Teacher Ororo raises an eyebrow and speaks. "If absorbing this guy got you into healthy habits, that's a good thing, Rogue."

"*Sigh* Maybe… And I haven't gained any memory either, it's just that I don't feel comfortable knowing I'm not completely 'me', you know?" I talk trying to explain myself. Why am I explaining myself? It's not like they would understand...

I see from the corner of my vision that Jean is staring at me. Now what? Ms. Perfect is pitying me? Ugh...

"Did you notice anything else different today?" Ororo asks.

Still chewing on the food I answer. "I'm thinking faster, and even though I don't have the usual 'flash of memories' I feel like I have some 'experience' or 'instinctive memory' or whatever..." I say eating everything quickly and efficiently.

"Do you want to go check with the Professor?" Ororo asks again.

I freeze. I try not to show how uncomfortable the idea makes me, but I can't seem to hide my wince from them...

"Okay, okay... Eventually, you'll get back to normal anyway." Ororo speaks kindly.

I don't want to seem ungrateful. I know the Professor wouldn't do anything wrong with me, but... But disgust flowed through all my body with the thought of someone entering my mind.

"I don't think that would be easy too..." I hear Jean's voice. I look at her and see her frowning. "I can't read your mind..." She says.

"Oh~ So you now have to ask me what I'm thinking like everyone else? Must be horrible…" I reply sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

A little bitchy but I can't avoid it... Something about her always bothered me.

To my surprise, she doesn't feel offended and actually laughs.

"Pfft. Hahaha. Eidolon said something similar to me." She says and takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm sorry Rogue. It's not that I want to read your mind or invade your privacy... Sometimes I can't control myself... And when I realized I wasn't passively receiving your thoughts, I couldn't help but instinctively check-in. Sorry..." She speaks. And the worst part... I know she means it.

All these... Powers, skills maybe. It makes me have a good idea that she's being real and doesn't feel above me.

Ugh... Looks like she's not the stuck-up bitch I thought... Why did I think that anyway?

"It's okay…" I speak lightly, a little embarrassed that I've been so aggressive towards her for so long and just now.

"So… This Eidolon guy is a telepath too?" I hear Bobby Drake ask. Everyone who wasn't in the battle is curious about the guy who beat us up.

"I don't think so... I mean, he can be... But I don't think his mental defenses come from telepathy. His mind is just absurdly robust." Jean replies to Bobby "But I also got these mental training notes from him, so maybe he's a telepath too." She shows some pictures on her smartphone.

Photos of the papers she received from Eidolon to train.

"Are you sure he didn't do anything subtle to you, Jean? You didn't notice that he's a telepath... And he has a lot of powers that we don't know about. You should let the Professor and Dr. McCoy examine you..." Scott joins the conversation.

Ahh. That's it... One of the reasons I'm so combative against Jean... Scott. The guy only has eyes for her. And she just sees him as a friend.

I always thought she had it easy. Strong power, looks, smart, boys falling on her feet... Haah~ I don't know why, but I'm starting to see that I was quite childish.

"Self-awareness is always a good thing…" I mutter to myself very quietly.

"It's okay, Scott... I trust Eidolon." Jean responds calmly.

"But he might have been putting some mental cue on you..." Scott tries to argue.

Ugh... Is this the guy I have a crush on? He sounds a little pathetic to me now.

The way he looks at Jean too... Heartbeat racing, perspiration, muscles tensing, dilated pupils... It's like he can't control himself.

His crush for Jean looks almost... almost... 'Unnatural'. My own mind whispers to me again.

I shake my head. STOP.Fucking.messing.with.my.mind...


Wha-.. I'm floating... And my arms changed... Fingers spread, and scales appeared on my forearm. Wings on my back. Whatafuck

Blue flames shot from my arms to my shoulders and destroyed the ceiling.

Calm down, Rogue. Muscle memory... Instinct... You receive these things from that guy. If he can control... You can too.

After a few breaths, I land lightly on the floor.

"Ugh... Sorry, everyone..." I say embarrassed.

"Rogue Are you okay?! You have burns! Quick to the medbay! Huh??" Kitty talks from my side in a panic until she stops with a surprised expression.

"What now?" Am I very disfigured?

"The burns are gone... Regenerated..." Jean speaks beside me too.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bobby putting out the flames.

Feelings of guilty wash over me.

"Is everyone okay?" The Professor speaks after entering the cafeteria, I heard him arriving before I saw him.

Kitty lends me her jacket to cover myself. The situation left my outfit in a precarious situation and if it happened again, I would probably flash everyone here.

"So Rogue has absorbed many unknown powers from Eidolon..." The Professor concludes after a quick conversation with Ororo "Do we have any idea how many powers he has?" The Professor asks no one in particular.

"Well, I casually asked how many powers he had when I saw him using several..." Jean says. "But his only response was: 'yes'." She finishes smiling wryly.

"Can you tell, Rogue?" The Professor turns to me and asks.

"I... I don't know..." I say as I stare at my hand. I fell something strange. "Professor..." I growl... The Professor just used telepathy on me.

"I'm sorry, Rogue... I just wanted to calm you down. In a calm state of mind, you could have an easier time." He responds apologetically.

Okay... I will forgive him. The Professor has good intentions... I think.

After nodding my head I return my attention to myself. But I don't have much progress, even after a minute...

Jean bends down to be at eye level with me as I'm sitting on the floor.

"Rogue... When I talked to Eidolon, he said powers are like 'stars that you can light up with your will like a switch', try to visualize that..." Jean says with a smile on her face to me. As I close my eyes to try it, I lightly hear her commenting to the others that it was advice for her to try to 'turn off her passive telepathy'.

With my eyes closed, I take a deep breath and focus.

And I feel... Something like an extra limb, which I can activate...

One, two... Five... Ten... Twenty... Fifty... One hundred...

I open my eyes.

"I'm not sure, but over a hundred powers I have at the moment…" I say to the focused gazes.

"More than a hundred powers… Can a mutation generate that much? He must be an anomaly..." Dr. McCoy comments.

I hear them talking in the background as I test all the powers with my hand.

I was shifting my hand every moment, making it made of metal, hardening, nails growing, fire, ice, wind, explosions...

"Damn…that's cool." Jubilee comments.

I stop testing and get up.

"I'm not going to school today." I announce. Everyone turns to me. Initially shocked, but after thinking about it for a second they realize it's the best choice.

"That's a sensible choice, Rogue. I will call the school and tell you that you are sick." The Professor says before moving his wheelchair out of the cafeteria.

"Are you okay, Rogue?" "Are you feeling tired because did you use a lot of powers?" Kitty and Jean ask me respectively. Ahh... Both genuinely worried. Jean is a nice girl... I was a jealous bitch for so long... Tch

"I'm okay. I just don't want to risk having another crisis at school. Just in case. I'm not tired or anything... Better to be careful with these things." I answer both.

The two nod their heads.

"Are you getting any more feedback from Eidolon? Feeling something strange? Anything you can tell us about him?" Kitty asks me curiously after a little.

I look around and spot the retreating back of the teachers.

"Well... Either I woke up bisexual... Or Eidolon likes mature women... And ass..." I reply while looking at the swaying booty of Ororo.

I notice Jean and Kitty blush. Making me want to tease the two.

"Uh.. Maybe eidolon is Brazilian or something…" Kitty says as she blushes.

I roll my eyes.

"Stop with your stereotypes, Kitty. Go to school." I say.

After a while, all the students at Bayville High School leave the institute. Younger children stay to receive education from teachers here.

The main reason we go to a normal school is to socialize and learn how to mix, to shorten the bridges between the two races... Or so the Professor said.

After changing clothes I head to the danger room.

Even if I'm only going to have the Eidolon powers for a day or two, I'd better learn to control them.


Jean P.O.V.

Rogue is more... mature? Calm? Receptive?

I don't know, but even without my telepathic powers, I still have empathic powers... and I can feel her "vibe", even without invading her mind.

She is nowhere near Eidolon in hiding her emotions. I can't feel anything from him. If it weren't for the pleasant, friendly tone of his voice, I would have thought I was talking to a robot.

Grabbing my Smartphone, I'm going to check the notes he left me.

I practiced a little before bed, and I feel like I've made some progress. Small.. But I had.

Eidolon's sense of self must be pretty strong, to influence Rogue that way, even though she doesn't get any memories.

People's personalities are often formed by memories. It's intriguing the influence Eidolon has on Rogue... Perhaps Rogue's powers absorb something much deeper... From the subconscious.

Anyway, it's not like I could find out. I won't invade her mind.

Coming to the School, I feel that she is a little more bearable to all the minds around me. I think I managed to at least turn the volume down.

After the first class, I'm in the hallway heading to the next class, and I run into my boyfriend Duncan. I can't help but think about the conversation I had with Eidolon yesterday...

"Stop doing the things people expect you to do, and do what you want to do, Jean…" Eidolon told me.

"Hey, baby. I miss you." Duncan speaks coming for a kiss.

I turn away. I... I'm confused. Do I even like Duncan? I accepted going out with him on a whim... Now I'm rethinking... But would it be fair to break up with him like this? Out of nowhere?... ah. So complicated.

"What happened?" he asks after seeing my dodge.

"I'm sorry, Duncan. I'm not feeling very well today. I have to go to class. We talk later." I say as I head quickly to my next class.

I need to sort my feelings and mind.


Kitty P.O.V.

This day has been weird.

I knew it was a signal when Rogue woke up at 5 AM. At least the world didn't end.

Returning to the mansion I wonder how Rogue is doing.

I'm worried, but also curious. I want to know more about Eidolon and Rogue is the only way at the moment.

The day was weird at school too.

Jean and Duncan had a fight. And Jean moved farther away from the popular girl cheerleaders and sat with us at lunch.

After arriving at the institute I see Rogue... Reading. Okay, Eidolon is really influencing her.

She just said that she's thinking a lot faster. And since she is learning things more easily it has become fun to read. Eidolon is a nerd, huh.

Rogue said that she even helped Dr. McCoy with some projects... Okay, Eidolon is a biiig nerd. Not just anyone can keep up with all that scientific munbo-jumbo of Dr. McCoy.

After some rest, it's time for X-men training!

Today will be a simulated group battle in the Danger Room.

All the girls are in the change room changing into the X-men suits when someone exclaims in surprise.

"Wow Rogue! You're shredded." Jubilee speaks as she admires Rogue's body.

And I have to agree. She has a six-pack and looks like a sexy amazon. All the X-men are very fit, but Rogue is a notch above at the moment, I have to admit.

"Another Eidolon Perk?" I ask as I walk around her. I can't resist and spank her butt. "I didn't see Eidolon under the mantle, but he must have a very good ass. If you 'inherited' it from him..."

Rogue doesn't react as expected to my slap. She just holds her chin between her fingers and speaks. "I think it was because I absorbed a lot… There are usually no changes in appearance. I didn't get hairy when I absorbed Logan that time, remember? Thank god..." She jokes a little making everyone laugh from the mental image.

I notice out of the corner of my eye that Ellie and Yukio are blatantly staring... Well, I can't blame the two. Even I'm starting to think I've absorbed Eidolon because I'm starting to have bisexual tendencies too.

Jokes aside, I also notice that Rogue doesn't have the moral high ground to be mad at us staring... Because she's staring too... Jean's breasts to be exact.

"My eyes are up here, Rogue." Jean teases making Rogue blush a little.

"Eh…sorry.! You... you know..." Rogue tries to explain himself.

"Haha, relax... and it looks like Eidolon is a breast man too." She speaks to another burst of laughter.

"A man of culture..." I sigh. Such a cool guy.


Third Person P.O.V.

The X-Men prepare for the mock battle. Logan decided on the groups.

Group A: Kitty, Kurt, Yukio, Ellie, Jubilee, Spyke and Warren(Angel)

Group B: Jean, Scott, Bobby, Colossus

And finally Group C: Rogue

The groups don't look balanced, but that's on purpose. One group has numbers and variety in attacks, while the other has a lot of raw power.

One group will have to be creative in overcoming the difference in power, while the other will have to deal with being outnumbered and with all sorts of attacks.

And finally, Rogue. The wildcard is in a special situation. She probably is the strongest X-men at the moment. Logan wants to see how well she will fare against everyone.

Today's training is to cover everyone's weaknesses.

Not all X-men are present. There are others a little younger like Sunspot and Banshee, who will train at another time. Because they are not as advanced as this group.

"Begin" Logan's voice reverberates from the speakers.

The Danger room changes and presents the location of a city block. Knowing how to use the environment is part of the training as well.

In a corner of the battlefield, Scott's team gathers to discuss the strategy.

"We are the strongest, but we have few people... Losing even one of us would put us at a tremendous disadvantage. We also have little mobility compared to Kurt, Kitty, Warren, and Rogue now...We will fight defensively and defeat enemies one by one." Scott speaks to his group

Scott plans to use his advantage to the fullest and calmly get the victory for his team.

"I can scout from above..." Jean suggests.

"Denied. Too risky." Scott shuts down the idea instantly.

"But if we don't locate the enemy, we'll be at a disadvantage if they take the initiative." Jean tries to argue.

Usually, the X-men follow Scott's lead. Scott is a good leader, but today Jean is questioning openly. In a pinch, one cannot hesitate to follow orders, but in a calm meeting like the one they are having now is the time to discuss.

But Scott doesn't change his mind.

"We have the best defense." Scott speaks and no one can argue. With Iceman, Colossus and Jean, hardly anyone can defeat them. "We will focus on counterattacking when the enemies reveal themselves." Scott finishes.

Everyone can just nod.


In another part of the battlefield...

"Okay, guys. I don't do this much... But listen to me." Kitty talks getting everyone's attention.

"We…are fucked. HAHA" She lights the mood, making everyone laugh. "Scott's group is very consistent and strong. And Rogue... Well, Only Spyke here also knows how scary Eidolon is... And if Rogue has 10% of that guy's skills... We're still fucked..." Kitty says with a smile, even when they are. at a disadvantage.

"He is really that strong?" Warren asks

"I don't know." Kitty responds instantly.


"The guy beat us so easily, it felt like we were 3-year-olds... We don't know the bastard's Upper Limit... So don't underestimate Rogue." Kitty concludes seriously before smiling again.

"That said, we have numbers… we'll try to use the element of surprise and our strengths to take out the fragile ones like Jean and Scott. I'll try to sink Colossus into the ground... Look for openings. Warren and Kurt, scout...GO!" Kitty finishes.

Making the two mentioned go looking for the enemies.


High in the air, Rogue watches it all silently and calmly, her eyes gleaming.

'The mantis stalks the cicada unaware of the oriole behind.' Her mind whispers.


Jean is concentrating, as expected they have been ambushed...

And being ambushed by someone that can blink is very frightening, she could tell.

Jean is trying to pinpoint Nightcrawler's mind and stop him to end the battle by herself. But...is not easy.





Nightcrawler appears and disappears several times trying to take her down. She has to keep the psionic shield close to her body as she tries to push him at the right moment, but it's proving too difficult.

Jean and Cyclops are the only targets Nightcrawler has. Nightcrawler doesn't have the physical strength to defeat Colossus and Iceman is too dangerous to get close.

And if he focuses on Jean...

"Jeaaan!" It leaves Scott flustered. Is common knowledge already.

"Ugh..." Scott receives Negasonic's charged attack and is sent flying. Bobby's fast thinking allowed him to deflect Cyclops' trajectory, preventing him from hitting a wall.

*Bamf* Nightcrawler appears again, but this time the target it's not Jean but Colossus. It's not an attack... he grabs colossus and... *Bamf* disappears with him, appearing above. And drops the Metal Russian at the floor.


Obviously, it's futile, a fall of that level wouldn't hurt Colossus, but..

Arms emerge from the ground and begin to sink the metal man.

Nightcrawler drops Colossus right where Shadowcat was, for she easily trap one of the combatants in Scott's group.

Now Scott's team is at a disadvantage.

Many things happen at the same time.

Negasonic and Kitty attempt to incapacitate Iceman and Nightcrawler continues to harass Jean but is sent away by an omnidirectional blast. Warren tries to take Scott out of combat indefinitely.

But... At this point, Rogue makes her appearance.

When Nightcrawler is thrown away... it was the moment Rogue had been waiting for, the most dangerous of the X-men is not Jean or Iceman in her opinion... Rogue judged Nightcrawler to be the most problematic.

Intercepting the trajectory into which Nightcrawler is launched, the air distorts and looks like a very elastic-plastic for Kurt.

Gentle Criminal power [Elasticity], Rogue made the air in that place have elastic properties and launched Kurt directly at Kitty at high speed.

"Kurt!" Kitty stops running and tries to grab Nightcrawler and when she was going to make contact with the blue mutant.

She realizes that a thread is connecting Kurt somewhere...


The two are electrocuted and fall to the ground.

At the end of the thread, Rogue becomes visible again and begins to stretch.

"Now I can begin."

Rogue starts running towards Jean. Her speed surprises everyone.

"Bobby! Stop her!" Scott shouts the order, even though he's outnumbered.

Iceman grits his teeth and breaks free from the battle he was in and slides towards Rogue.

Rogue doesn't even seem to care about Iceman and remains 100% focused on getting Jean out of the battle.

Iceman releases a large torrent of ice to immobilize Rogue, Rogue ducks and makes a move that she will lunge towards Jean to attack.



She completely changes direction and launches herself into Iceman's attack.



Before everyone can even process what happened, Rogue emerges from the large wall of ice created by Bobby completely unharmed.

She didn't force her way through the ice wall, she phased through it.

Kitty Power, intangibility. In truth Mirio's power after being upgraded by Eidolon.

Rogue spins in the air and kicks Bobby's shoulder with her leg surrounded by flames.


A crack appears in Bobby's ice body and he is sent flying away.

Rogue doesn't stop. She flies and appears above Angel and spits out a substance like glue in Warren's wings.

After this, she just blitzes through everyone.

Spyke, Negasonic, Yukio, Scott.. Everyone can't stand a good attack on the stomach.

In the end, she turns and flies towards Jean, with a wave of Rogue's hand Jean is forced to the ground like the gravity has been increased by many times.

When Rogue is going to finish off Jean, Colossus breaks free from where he is trapped and comes between the two.

Rogue smirks, she reaches out and [Air Cannon] is released from her palm. Throwing Colossus like a bullet toward Jean.

Jean manages to stop Colossus from colliding with her at the last moment, but then...

A punch comes through the body of Colossus and hits Jean in the solar plexus.

Rogue had made herself intangible to cross Colossus, but by the time she touched Jean, she had become tangible again.


To Rogue's surprise, Jean put both arms forward. And she wasn't immediately knocked up.

Rogue opens his mouth and... Scream.


The loud noise completely left Jean dizzy and knocked her to the floor unconscious.

Rogue straightens up and looks around.

Complete Victory.


"Can you guys say where you all make mistakes?" Logan's gruff voice echoes in the Danger Room.

He is facing the defeated. Nobody answers.

"Rogue is overpowered." Spyke comments still holding his stomach.

"Does not matter. Victory or defeat doesn't matter. I want you to identify your mistakes so you don't make them again." Logan replies.

"Well... Even though we knew Rogue was a wildcard, we totally ignored her in the end..." Kitty replies wryly.

She even said to be careful, but unconsciously no one cared about Rogue. First, because she was harder to locate, so no one looked for her. And second that no one thought she was actually going to clean up the battlefield that easy.

"Um.." Logan nods. "This is true... Is stupid to disregard an enemy. It doesn't matter if he's weak... Don't forget that. But that's not all... Does anyone have anything else to add?" Logan asks.

Everyone is silent.

But Rogue slowly raises her hand.

"Rogue." Logan nods and allows her to speak.

"Well… It may sound arrogant what I'm going to say, but I don't think I personally made too many mistakes. But in hindsight, I should have sniped from afar a little before going into close combat, due to the numerical disadvantage. It was lucky that Jean managed to knock Kurt out... I was passive for a long time." Rogue speaks and Logan nods.

"And if I can talk about the others…" Rogue tucks her chin between her fingers. "I think Kitty's team was going too early for an all-or-nothing... They could have used some guerrilla tactics. It's not like the training has a time limit." She speaks and Logan nods again.

"That's right... You guys have the bests scouts and mobility. And the environment helps. I'm disappointed that you guys don't use it." Logan adds.

Making Kitty's team look down.

Rogue continues, "And I think Team Scott, like me, was very passive. Lost the initiative... They probably wanted to use a counterattack, but... Everyone here knows each other..." Rogue speaks as she spreads her arms.

"Everyone knows each other's powers. So hoping to catch the other team unprepared... Unless they had a Trump card it would just be a pipe dream. In the end, they just received a beatdown without being able to react much." Rogue speaks.

"And Scott prioritized Jean above the rest... Everyone explored that particular 'weakness'..."

Scott clenches his fists. Rogue notices but doesn't care.

"Well, that's the gist of the things..." Logan says appreciatively.

"Wow…Eidolon?" Kitty asks.

"Eidolon." Rogue responds.

Everyone is getting an idea of ​​what kind of person Eidolon is now. Even if Rogue doesn't know the name, face, or anything. Rogue actions are allowing the X-men to profile Eidolon. This was beyond Hector's expectations... But it's not a big deal.

The most they know is that Hector is a very capable individual. And like butts...

"Hmm... That guy is more than just a conglomeration of powers, apparently..." Logan says as he scratches his chin. "Rogue!"


"This is a good opportunity. While you're with this guy's experiences, let's spar. No powers. Let's make these skills yours. Muscle memory and everything... The rest is dispensed."

Rogue groans in her mind. Spar with logan, only CQC... Ugh

Receiving sympathetic looks from his fellow X-men, Rogue puts a stance and prepares to train.

"Just for your information... I know Kung Fu." She says


Kitty P.O.V.

Today was really a strange day.

And a little fun, I confess... Seeing Rogue act like Eidolon is interesting. And it made me curious to meet the guy in the flesh even more. At least you can see that Eidolon is not an asshole, after all, Rogue is pretty chill now.

After finishing brushing my hair, I get ready for bed. Jubilee is listening to music in her bed and Jean is in some sort of meditation pose while reading Eidolon notes, frowning from time to time.

Just then Rogue enters the room as she rolls her shoulder.

"So… was it fun?" I ask cheekily.

She rolls her eyes.

"Actually, a little. Logan is a good punchbag because of his healing factor." Rogue smirks.


"Did you win?" I ask, Jubilee and Jean also paying attention to the conversation.

"Hmm? Obviously. The problem is that Logan just doesn't quit... So the whole fight grew boring with time." Rogue talks nonchalantly as she grabs her nightwear from a towel to go shower. "Even though I don't use powers, I'm very strong... And it seems like there are some passive things I can't 'turn off'... Like Logan super-senses." Rogue finishes before entering the bathroom.


"Wow... Wasn't Logan supposed to be like a guy with nearly a century of fighting experience?" I ask the two who are also a little shocked.

"Well… In order to get a grip on your powers, we've learned that it's good to have a good grip on our bodies. So we learned the basics of fighting... Eidolon has maaaaaany powers. So he must have to go beyoooond the basic." Jean shares her thoughts.

"If I had so many powers I would be spoiled and never train." Jubilee talks from her bed. "Someone comes at me 'BAM' is sent flying... Ah~ The world is so unfair. I just do fireworks." Jubilee does a little drama.

"Right? I can phase through things... And now Rogue can too. I feel like my character has been diminished. These Omega-level bastards." I support Jubilee and throw Jean a pillow. She stops with her telekinesis.

"We have our problems too, do you know?" jean speaks

"Yeah.. That's what the 1% billionaires say too. It must be so bad to be powerful~." Jubilee talks also throwing a pillow at Jean.

Obviously, we're kidding, there's no point in being jealous. And stronger powers really do have their problems.

Anyone with powers knows how difficult it is to control your own power. I myself sank to the ground almost every night in the past. And I have only really weak power... Imagine someone with strong power. I see how Jean suffers from migraines constantly. And Eidolon then... Who has more than a hundred, I can't even imagine the training he had to control everything.

"What's the matter?" I hear Rogue's voice asking as we continue our pillow fight. She just got out of the shower and still has a towel around her shoulders. "Can I participate?" She smirks and holds a pillow too.

Wait... That pillow got stiff all of a sudden. Can she harden objects too? hmmm

"Nonono! You're banned till you take Eidonlon from inside of you..." Jubilee speaks with all the sexual innuendo she can.

Rogue blushes and makes a motion that she will throw that pillow that looks more like a rock now.

"Waitwait! I'm kidding! Sorry, sorry!" Jubilee says as she throws herself under her bed for cover.

Everyone laughs at her antics.

After a while, everyone calmed down and we started talking about more normal things.

"So… You and Duncan have a fight, Jean?" I ask a little curiously.

"Uh... Something like that... I'm just trying to set my priorities straight, you know?" Jean speaks looking down.

"Eh... No. Haha. Explain..." I reply.

"Heh… I realized it's been a while since I did something for myself, you know? Train, study, date... I know these things are good for me, but I've realized that I've been doing more of what others expected me to do... As if I was just going with the flow... In the autopilot. I don't know how to explain it... Like... Let me ask you: What do you intend to do in the future?" Jean speaks a little flustered.


No one can answer.

"We are here…Training… Maybe to live in society normally, maybe to become X-men. We are the first of the Institute, we do not have a reference. After here are we going to abandon everything about powers and just live normally? Shall we embrace this crazy life? Become teachers here? Leave it all behind? I finish High School this year! And only now have I realized that I have nothing planned!" Jean speaks in frustration.

...Well, she has a point.

"... Sorry guys. I'm just a little frustrated." Jean speaks looking down.

"It's okay. You have all the right to be angry." And to my surprise, it was Rogue who said that.

"I…I…I think I have to apologize, Jean. I had the wrong impression of you and I think I was a little…bitchy…with you." Rogue stammered a little.

Wow. Character development.

"Oh, really?" Jean asks smiling gently.

"Yeah... I always thought you were..."

"... Ms. Perfect, stuck-up spoiled bitch brat?" Jean asks raising an eyebrow and smiling.

Rogue winces a little.

"Eh... something along these lines, yeah..."

"Pfft, haha. I can read minds Rogue. Even if it's by accident, I still knew what you thought of me. And I'm sure there were times when you talk in your mind to me to hear, right?" Jean speaks teasingly.

Rogue doesn't look in her direction, she seems very interested in the ceiling for some reason. It must be the baroque finishes.

"Well, Rogue... I'm glad that you don't think like that anymore. But why this change of heart?" Jean asks.

Rogue looks at her hands and speaks. "It's thanks to these new abilities... Or skills... I, at the moment, can see and feel even the smallest details of a person. Spasm of muscles, blood flow, perspiration, pupil movement. I think I feel too much... When I was drinking water earlier I tasted the detergent that was used to wash the cup... Eidolon has it rough." She speaks and closes her eyes as if concentrating before continuing.

"So I can see that now that Jean is genuinely nice... I thought you looking down on me or something like that..." Rogue says scratching her cheek and looking away. "I think I was also a little jealous of you, like… You have everything or something like that… Ugh. Now I see how childish I was...Sorry..."

Jean gives a small smile.

"Huh. It's okay, Rogue. I'm not mad. I'm used to this... You have to hear what other girls in the school think about me. Haha" Jean just shrugs it off.

Rogue smiles too. And silence prevails.

Uh... Okay, okay. Now it's starting to get awkward.

"Ohh~~ That's good! Better late than never!" I scream and hug Rogue and Jean. Taking care not to touch Rogue's skin. I want to disperse this strange mood. "So Rogue... What can you tell us about our mysterious friend?" I ask

After that, we spent over half an hour on girl talk. Rogue talking about the changes in Rogue and Jean opening up to us.

Damn... Jean has it rough.

"You know… I never thought about what I was going to do after graduating from the institute. I always thought that I would graduate not only from the institute but from this strange world of mutants... Maybe I was naive." I said while lying on the bed Jean upside down.

"Um…I imagined myself becoming a professor at the Institute." Jubilee says, "I like it here. My life before arriving at the mansion was not the best."

Yeah... I have parents who didn't disown me even when my mutant status was revealed. They even support me. Many are not so lucky...

Rogue scoffs a little and says. "You guys will always have options... What about me? Kurt? Dr. McCoy? and others? We don't have much chance to live 'normally'..."

I wince a little. Having destructive powers like Rogue's or a drastic change in appearance... I'm an optimistic person, but I can only imagine how difficult it must be.

Rogue continues. "People who have apparent mutations will only have a chance to live fully if some drastic change happens. Honestly, I don't see this change happening... I'm sorry Professor. But the dream of coexistence will probably stay a dream for a long time." Rogue finishes and I notice something different in her gaze, but before I can ask Jean speaks.

"Eidolon thoughts?" Rogue's eyes widen. "Hm He talked to me a bit about the mutant situation or, as he calls it, Meta-Human situation... He said that both Magneto and the Professor will not be able to accomplish their goals with their current methods. One is very aggressive and the other is very passive." Jean speaks while looking out the window in thought.

"Meta-Human? I like it." Jubilee says "But did he propose anything?"

"...He said he will act as a Middle ground in the future. But I have no idea what he intends. He doesn't share his plans with me." Jean speaks.

A middle ground between a Supremacist Terrorist and Pacificist Preacher... Hmm.

My thoughts are interrupted by Rogue again. "This guy's Ego is very strong." She says absently.

"Id..." Jean says as if correcting


Jean looks a little nervous. "It's not like I want to brag but... The correct term would be 'Eidolon Id' that's influencing you" Jean says getting our attention before continuing.

"In Freud structural model of the human psyche: Id, Ego and Super-ego. In short, Id would be our deepest personality... Governed by instinctual desires and what we would be like if we had nothing restricting us..."

"Super-ego is something more external... It's the morals, laws and social conventions that dictate our behavior, even the forming feelings of guilt if we misbehave is something we learn. And Ego would be the middle ground between Id and Super-ego, our deepest desires being constrained by the world and society. This forms the 'us', how we act in everyday life is our Ego." Jean explains

"I believe Rogue is being influenced by Eidolon Id. His Id and Rogue Id merged to form her current 'Ego'. You are acting differently from your normal 'Ego' because of Eidolon Id." She speaks and sighs.

"...That's my problem, by the way. My 'Ego' was dictated by my 'Super-ego'... I always acted as people wanted and expected me to act... I have no identity!" Jean confesses a little frustrated.

"And honestly Rogue..." Jean says smiling and turning to Rogue. "I think you unconsciously are allowing yourself to be influenced..."

Rogue's eyes widen.

"I have empathic powers, you know?... I have a little idea of ​​how you're feeling right now. Rogue, when you absorbed other people, even when you gained their memories... You didn't change that much."


"I think you're enjoying being this confident, strong Rogue, and you're letting Eidolon Id take the wheel a little, right?" Jean asks

"I... I hadn't thought of that... Maybe you're right." Rogue says looking down. "The truth is... I don't like myself very much... sometimes I even hate myself. The way I act, my power, my life... I really hate." Rogue talks through clenched teeth and I notice her eyes become moist.

"Rogue... It's okay..." Jean walks over and places a hand on Rogue's covered shoulder soothingly. "In hindsight, I hate the way I acted previously too. I didn't live for myself, it seems I never made a decision for myself... But I want to change. You can also change Rogue, and improve the parts you don't like about yourself too." Jean speaks.

I also approach to comfort my friend.

"You're too hard on yourself Rogue, you're great." I say

"No, I'm not... When my Eidolon absorption wears off... I'll go back to being boring... I can already feel it. I think will last for two days." Rogue speaks.

"You can take this opportunity and improve yourself." Jean speaks. "Logan advised you to train to gain muscle memory… Maybe you should learn from these two days' experiences. Change is not easy... Only I know the courage it took to act differently today." Jean advises.

"...You're truly a nice girl. No wonder everyone takes advantage of this." Rogue talks smiling and make us smile too.

"Yeah… And who knows about Freud? Nerd..." Jubilee says after approaching.

"Beautiful, smart, great legs, powerful... God likes you too much Jean. Now that you have this new direction in life, nobody can stop you." I speak teasingly.

Jean blushes.

"Stop you guys..."

"Group Hug!! Carefully for Rogue's sake…" Jubilee yells and we hug each other laughing.

"I can't believe we've never had a girl talk like that... It's great." I say.

"Thanks to Rogue for absorbing Eidolon." Jubilee speaks.

I raise my hand high.

"Cheers! To Eidolon! Banzai." I say.

"Maybe we should reward him with a fivesome, you know? Is he hot?" Jubilee speaks teasing us.

Rogue and jean blushes.

"Yes, he is." I answer without hesitation.

"How do you know? We didn't even see his face or body properly…" Rogue asks.

"He acts hot. And he has a hot guy voice too..." I reply.

"How is a 'hot guy voice'?" Jean asks with the corners of her mouth turned up.

"Exactly like Eidolon… I can't explain it."

I speak making everyone give a nod of understanding and laughing afterward.

"And a fivesome is out of the question with my powers..." Rogue says.

Instead of letting the mood get depressed again, I decide to tease her.

"Oh~ You take that seriously? Naughty, naughty..."

Rogue blushes and attacks me with a pillow.

Unlucky to her, I can phase.


Next Day, Still Kitty P.O.V.

It's almost the end of the afternoon, there was no X-men training today. Although it is recommended that everyone follow a routine of physical activities and hit the gym.

Jean and I are heading back to our shared room.

"So…did you really break up with Duncan today? I heard it was a scandal…" I ask what I was dying to know.

Jean sighs before answer.

"He cheating on me with Cindy"


"Yeah... I heard his stray thought." Jean speaks.

"Wow...Have you never noticed before?" Jean is a telepath, how can Duncan hide something from her?

"That was the first time he cheated... Apparently, if he doesn't get a little attention, he easily succumbs to temptation... When he came to talk to me today and I told him I was still sorting my feelings I heard him thinking: ' Whatever... I will just bend Cindy again, like yesterday after the training.'" Jean says.

My mouth is hanging open.

" 'That cold shoulder was a good thing, I found out I can get booty anytime...' " Jean continues to speak Duncan's thoughts.

"Damn girl…Are you alright?" I ask, although she doesn't seem too affected I have to be sure. She might be hurt inside.

"Nah." She shrugs her shoulders "It was good for me to know what kind of person he is. Or rather confirm... Couldn't wait a day. And Cindy had been eyeing Duncan for a while... To compete with me by the way. That's why she's that easy." Jean smirks

"HAHA. Tell me... Do you... With Duncan..." I try to ask unsure if I'm overstepping.

"Nope" She says popping the 'P'. "We went to second base a little bit. He seemed nice to wait for me.. But apparently, he just wanted the conquest. A trophy." Jean speaks.

"Thank god, you didn't go with him until the end. You would regret so much right now." I talk and Jean just nods. Before she starts frowning.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm getting negative emotional feedback with my empathic abilities. In our room... Rogue...! " Jean says before starting to walk faster.

Arriving at the door, Jean hesitates.

"You've known Rogue for a while, maybe she'll feel more comfortable venting to you." She speaks before walking away.

"Okay." I do not hesitate and barge in.

I'm greeted with the sight of Rogue sitting on her bed. With your hands on your face. Crying...

"Rogue! What's happening?" I say approaching and placing my hand on Rogue's back.

Rogue doesn't respond.

"You can tell me… Something to do with Eidolon?" I ask.

"...Yes...and no." she answers.


"...I'm a lowly person." Rogue speaks. Uh-oh. Depressive Rogue is coming back? Rogue has always been prone to these depressive outbursts. It usually happens at that time of the month...

"No, you are not." And I say kindly. "Do you want to talk about that?" I ask. If she wants to talk, I'll listen... If not, I'll just stay here with her until she calms down.

"…ate" I hear her mutter under her breath.


"I masturbate to Eidolon!!" She talks fast and hides her face with her hands.




"What? I mean... Rogue... That's not a big deal..." I say. I didn't expect to hear this, but... Is it such a big deal?

"You don't understand Kitty..." She says. "I touch myself for a guy that I exchange 5 sentences and a little of skin contact... I'm a perverted, a creepy..." Rogue says.

Okay... Now I see why it looks bad.

Ugh. Rogue never has contact with anyone... Things I take for granted are luxuries for other people. I understand this breakdown a little.

"Rogue… Relax, no one has the right to judge you for your actions. Not even you. You have special circumstances. Don't be too hard on yourself." I try to comfort.

"... Till yesterday I had a crush on Scott. He is cool, he was nice to me and he also has a problem with powers. Now I fantasized about a person I have never seen or known what he look like and talked to me for 2 minutes. I AM THIS EASY??" Rogue has an outburst.

I can only stay in silence.

"I'm fucked person. This power fucked up my mind too. I hate this. How can someone like me? Even if I don't have this problem of touching people... I'm already screwed up. No return." Rogue speaks.

"Calm down, Rogue. You are thinking too much. Please... Who never got horny and after the 'act' had clarity with heavy feelings of guilt??" I speak. And I can relate.

"And anyone would be lucky to have you. Even Eidolon... hehe. I bet he'd feel flattered knowing you used him…" I say.

Rogue goes on the defensive.

"I don't like him like that. It was a moment of weakness!" She speaks fast.

"If it was a moment of weakness why are you beating yourself up so much?" I ask

Rogue hard blushes.

"Okay, okay Rogue. You have a good impression of Eidolon, maybe a crush. Believe in me when I say that you can make heads turn too. Stop with the inferiority complex." I say cheering her up.

"Men want one thing, Rogue... A Big tiddy goth girlfriend." I say and I stand up with righteous energy flowing through my being.

Looking up I clench my fist and talk.

"I know that Eidolon is a man of culture too. He will not pass you, believe in me…" I close my eyes putting on a serious face.

"Pfft. Hahaha" Ah, I managed to cheer her up.

"Oh, are you doubting? I have some cosplays for you to try out, you'll use them for Eidolon next time" I say attacking her.

"Stop! And I said I don't like him like that."

Rogue got better after that conversation. It's good that she's facing her problems

Eidolon... I will thank you next time.


Oscorp, Thursday Night, Third Peso P.O.V.

Sub-title: Spy and Arrow V.S. Spy and Arrow

"Infiltration Successful, Huntress."

"Infiltration successful, Lady Jade. Already done my part."

'Heh, Lady Jade. I like it 'Shego thinks as she walks the halls of the deserted Oscorp.

Thirty minutes ago Hector used EMP and other electrical powers to remove energy from the entire block where Oscorp is located. Chaos facilitated infiltration and made the workers go home early.

Shego knows that this mission is just a test, it's not that difficult and it's not that important. Hector says he's busy with the Morlocks and doesn't have time, but Shego knows it's just an excuse.

This will be the first impression Shego will leave on Hector about her abilities. She can't make a mistake.

Helena has already broken into the security room and uploaded the virus to loop the footage. Shego can now move freely.

Walking sneakily Shego caught sight of herself. Her suit looks the same, despite being made with better materials. The only difference is the mascara that covers almost the entire face with the exception of the lips.

Hector wanted the mask to cover the entire face, but Shego has a preference for it. Hector didn't let her use the domino mask either. "Fucking stupid thing" He says. Then each gave up a little.

Shego's skin color will be her natural one when she is in her "Lady Jade" persona. ANnd she will only wear the ring with the illusion when she is "Shego".

Shego finally arrives at the secret lab. IF approaching the central computer she takes a small black box and approaches the USB input.

The little black box morphs and changes to attach the input. Invading the system. This box is made of nanotech, created by Hector specifically for this mission.

Due to reading the memory of Dr. Stromm, Hector has a pretty good idea of ​​what this mission will take.

Everything proceeds smoothly. Every lab has its information stolen. Shego even steals some samples and gadgets. And she leaves to specific places in the building.

Everything is already programmed for Isabella to open portals at the right time and in specific locations to retrieve these objects.

Shego remains unimpeded. Starting from the underground labs to the highest part which is the CEO's office.

When Shego finally sets up the Black Box to steal information from Norman Osborn's personal computer, she gets a warning.

"Lady Jade, we have company. Heading to your location…" Huntress says.

Shego gets serious and starts to leave the room to buy time.

"How many?" She asks.


"Only Two?"

"Don't underestimate these guys. They're one of the Boss talks about." Huntress speaks without mentioning the name "Hector" or "Eidolon"


"I will intercept the man, the spy woman will find you in less than 30 seconds." Huntress speaks before hanging up.

As long as they buy time the mission will be accomplished.

Shego turns invisible and waits patiently.

Black widow turns cautiously at the end of the hall, but even cautiously she couldn't defend herself from the kick she received in the stomach.


She rolls over and gets into a crouched position. Looking in the direction the kick came from.

A woman in a black and green suit and mask appears out of nowhere.

She groans.

"Ugh… Serious?? A red-head secret agent? Even here? Is this Karma?" Lady Jade speaks to herself, but Black Widow still hears her.

"What are you?" Black widow asks eyeing Shego carefully.

"Lady Jade... Is too much to ask to you just go away and come back tomorrow?"

'Black Widow is on the no-kill list. Such a bother.' Shego thinks.

"Sorry… No can do." The red-head spy replicates by putting a stance.

Shego smiles widely.

"Well... I can always vent my frustrations on you, Wannabe Possibe" Shego attacks.


"Hey, I'm Clint. Do you always come here?" Clint Barton, a.k.a Hawkeye jokes while using the bow to defend against a high kick.

"First time. And you?" Huntress responds while dodging a right Hook.

"Oh. Is that so? If you want I can take you to some nice places... Just accompany me to see my boss." Hawkeye talks moving away a little to get an arrow.

This proves to be a mistake because Huntress uses a crossbow. She doesn't need to do too much of a movement to shoot.

The shot that was going to Hawkeye's shoulder is deflected at the last second, but when the arrow hits the sea, it shows that it was a non-lental electric arrow.

Hawkeye to sideglance the arrow.

"You look nice. Are you sure you don't want to go with me to see my boss? He might offer you a job." He speaks.

"Not interested in S.H.I.E.L.D." Huntress speaks.

Hawkeye frowns. 'Does this woman know?'

Before he can say anything. Huntress takes out a smoke pellet and throws it on the ground.

From here on, the Hawkeye vs Huntress fight will be very boring for those watching from the outside. A sniper fight.

The two sides split up and whoever finds the other first wins.


Black widow tried everything but nothing works.

The Woman in black and green is simply her better.

"What's the problem? Too used to fight against goons? Haven't had a real opponent in a while?" Shego speaks as she sweeps her hand to Natasha's face.

Natasha uses acrobatics to throw herself backward and kick Shego. Shego lowers her head, and doesn't back down.

She continues her onslaught and pursues. She is not letting Black widow catch a breath.

Invading Black Widow Space Shego grabs her arm and spins. Hitting Natasha on the wall.

'Heeh~ I like this strength.' Shego thinks.

But when she goes to slam Natasha to the ground like a ragdoll, Natasha legs wrap around her head and Natasha uses all her weight to throw Shego to the ground.

Before Shego can recover, she uses her Widow Bites and electrocutes Shego.

"Ugh..." Shego groans and kicks Natasha away.


"Now you've done it, bitch. I'm taking it easy... But now I'm gonna take at least one limb of yours." Shego talks getting up and igniting her hands in green flames.

"Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't cripple you... The boss will repair you later if you beg." Shego speaks and advances with glowing hands.

Natasha became wary of Shego hands, but...

When Shego approaches she spins and kicks her.

Practicing with Hector, Shego is Fighting smarter. Hector had previously pointed out that she always activated her powers as a warning. It was better to activate at the last second to catch the enemy unprepared.

Now Shego used the powers as a distraction.

Natasha is sent away because of Shego's strength, which she received from Hector.

But when she hit the wall. The flames in Shego Hand disappear and are replaced by another green energy.

This green energy morphs into a Glock and Shego fires it.


Miss Militia power. Hector gave it to Shego.

But Shego has not lost all reason. The bullets are no better than rubber bullets. Will hurt, will bruise... But will not kill Natasha.






But Shego fires several times. She is petty like that.


With the Other duo.

Hawkeye is already unconscious.

Huntress did not "play with prey" like Shego.

Huntress is an experienced hero too. Even more than Hawkeye at the moment. And with the powers she received...

Speaking of the powers that Shego and Helena were given... Each one received few powers. Hector doesn't dare give too many powers before giving his serum to the girls. Because can damage their body.

The serum that Hector created in BNHA world allows one to receive more powers, their body becomes highly adaptable. But it's not perfect... Hector wants the Super Soldier Serum. To make a serum a better version.

Hence the invasion of Oscorp.

It's not essential. Hector can get the serum in other ways. But the research at Oscorp helps.

Shego and Helena at the moment have few powers because of this, just a few that increase strength. Shego received Miss Militia Power. Helena received several powers that help her to be a better sniper. And both were given invisibility.

But Hector can withdraw the powers. He gave invisibility just because it's an infiltration mission. Hector can change his subordinates' "builds" depending on the situation.

Helena won so easily from Hawkeye because she has multiple detection powers. Like Mei Hatsume power and infra-red.

"I'm done here, Lady Jade." Huntress speaks.

"*Bang**Bang* Almost..."

Huntressdecide to not ask.


Shego is feeling better.

The Black Box has finally ended its job.

Shego is heading back to the fallen Natasha on the floor to give a few more shots when...


Black liquid started to come out of her mouth.

"Wha-" 'I thought Isabela was going to open a portal on the rooftop.' Shego thinks.

Black liquid surrounds her and begins to teleport her.

"Lucky to you I have no gag reflex..." Shego says before disappearing.

Helena disappears too.


Later, S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier

"So you two are telling me that my two best agents were beaten like nine-year-old children by two unknown women?" NickFury speaks in disbelief to people in the office.

Besides him, Natasha and Clint are there groaning. Maria Hill is present too.

"Ugh… They're enhanced. And I said we should have reported that there were at least 50." Clint talks to Natasha.

Natasha pays no attention, putting ice on her face.

'That green bitch don't ever spare my face. But considering that she could have killed me... I accept some bruises. It will disappear tomorrow anyway.' Natasha thinks.

"They had it all figured out... They probably infiltrated Oscorp with the same goal as us." Natasha speaks.

"So the blackout must have been them." Maria Hill says, they took advantage of the situation to fast-forward their investigation. Who would have thought that another group would do the same? Who would think there is another group?

"Enhanced? And we don't know any of this? To this day these two unknown women were not in our database." Nick fury says "And can they be part of an organization too? This is a major flaw in our intelligence..."

Everyone is silent.

"We don't know anything about them... But we can consider that there is at least one other person. The 'Boss'..." Natasha says, "So they're at least a group. Better to consider that they are many." She advises.

This is a disaster for them.

"And now Norman will be even more alert. It will be difficult to infiltrate in the future." Fury speaks.

Before he can continue a ping arrives on Maria Hill's communicator.

"Sir... The installation of the Dodecahedron is having problems." She says right away.

"I'm going there. Clint, you come with me." Fury says Natasha is still pretty hurt. Looks like Clint's opponent took it easy with him.

"Yes, sir." Clint responds.

Nobody noticed now.

But this is a prelude to an unprecedented catastrophe for the world.


A.N.: Hello there. Sorry for the delay. I was sick.

This chapter is... Different. A test. You guys must have noticed. There is no Eidolon.

Why? Well, I realized that in a story with so many characters it might be nice to change the focus a bit to have character development and world-building. Many authors also do this to create suspense. Like Saitama who went more than 50 chapters without appearing in One Punch Man.

Chapters like this won't always appear. But what do you think? Give me your opinions. I worked hard to make it enjoyable even without the MC. Give me feedback.

Personally, I like moments of other characters reacting to the MC. So even though the chapter doesn't have the MC, it still has several mentions of him. So it's not a filler. After all, a fanfic is when we put an OC and see the changes it can cause.

But if you don't like it I'll make every chapter have at least a little bit of Hector. To update the situation.

Stay good you all.

Till next time.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the story better for everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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