21.25% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 15: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 2

บท 15: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"In this world, evil can arise from the best intentions. And there is good which can come from evil intentions."

-C.C, Code Geass


Hector P.O.V.

The situation is exactly as I expected. They didn't even move, they didn't push away the people nearby and they didn't even plan a trap.

Seriously? I literally said I was coming and they did nothing. Hard to believe they are training to be heroes.

They are just a year younger than me. And they've had formal training.

Batman > Bhna Universe

I attacked IIda first to stop him from running carrying Deku. Not that he would go very far, but I want them where I want them.

Kirishima was a bonus. He was close and I punched him too. Sorry.

"So future All Might who has no future anymore... will you hand me One for All willing?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Dis, why are you doing this?" the brocolli head asks me.

Seriously? At this point in the championship?

But it's a good opportunity. He's probably stalling for time and planning in that meticulous little head of his.

Let's take that calm away from him a little.

"Um... Todoroki-kun asked the same question..." I say making his eyes widen. "Along with that busty girl… What's the name? Yaotreasure or something?" I say.

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH TODOROKI-KUN AND YAOYOROZU-SAN??" the One for All wielder yells nervously.

"What do you think?" I say as I make ice and fire come out of my hands. I watch his eyes widen in horror.

"Why are you so shocked? Have you not considered the risks of coming here tonight? Are you treating all this here like a game? Wake up to reality idiot. You sacrificed two people for your precious childhood bully, damn it." His fists start to clench.

"Is it worth it? They must be full of regret now for following your selfish desire. Your try to act like a hero, but you don't take responsibility for the people around you. "He's shaking all over now.

"If you can't protect your friends… How can you call yourself a hero in the future? " I keep pressing.

"All might must have regretted choosing you as his successor. But he's too embarrassed to ask for One for All back. I bet he cries in the shower every day. I think I will get him out of his misery by killing him soon." I make the snapping motion of my fingers. The bluff from before.

And as expected he snaps.

He lunges towards me with the intention of punching me.

Pft. You're making this too easy, Deku.

He's a lot faster than I expected, I think he damaged his leg bones in that jump.

But I've already gotten used to All Might's speed by watching the previous fight with All For One. He won't take me by surprise.

I wave my hand in his direction and use two of my powers.

The Force and a mochi attack.

Normally someone would use Knockback Force. But I do the opposite. I pull him to me, causing him to accelerate out of control. He loses momentum coming face to face with my enlarged mochi punch.

My Mochi clings to him enveloping him.

Check Mate.

Now I retract the Mochi for myself and while Deku is wrapped in a ball of Mochi, I touch his head and steal One for All.

Very anticlimatic I should say.

In the manga it is difficult to steal the One for All because of some bullshit of power of union.

But my mutation is Strong. Can overwhelm his plot armor.

I assimilated Batman. I am the God of Plot Armor, biatch!

In the meantime, I use a syringe that I kept in my utility belt to collect his blood. I've collected from All Might before too. I want to do some tests.

Spider sense again. Bakugou, huh?

Using the mochi cocoon that still surrounds deku. I hit the incoming bakugou.


He is sent along with Midoriya flying into a wall.

The mochi cocoon falls apart. But now the two are stuck there.

"OH~ Look how cute you two are together." Good thing I'm using my visual change to make the black mochi. The sight of the two of them covered in white stuff would haunt me for years to come.

"Now I'll take your quirk, Bakugou." I say approaching. He widens his eyes and tries to fight. But my mochi has already hardened, so it's pretty hard to escape.

Especially if I don't give him time to do this, by kicking his solar plexus.

"I have to say I'm a little disappointed, I expected more from you two" I grab him by the hair and start stealing his quirk.

In fact, this is just normal. I am stronger than them, I know everything about them, I set the trap. There's no plot armor that can save them.

It's almost unfair.

After removing his quirk I resolve to annoy Bakugou a bit. He always got on my nerves and I never understood how anyone could like him. Ugh. Mineta is better than him.

"How do you feel now being quikless? Karma is a bitch, huh?" I say watching his eyes widen. I can almost feel him reaching for his quirk, using it anyway and failing.

The desperation in his eyes is something I want to burn into my mind. Not because I'm a sadist. But I want to see the result of my actions up close.

What I'm doing here tonight is for my benefit only. And when you do something for your own benefit, you usually hurt someone else.

I will live with it. I will not shirk blame or responsibility. But I won't stop what I'm doing, I have to keep moving forward.


"Well…there's a way you can get your quirk back" I say seriously and notice him paying attention to me.

I get closer to his face, I say in his ear.

"You can always take a swan dive from the roof of some building in hope of reincarnate with some quirk next life." I return the words he says to Deku at the beginning of the story.

Watching his eyes widen in horror and as the entire fight escaped his body, I start to get up to face my next opponent.

"It would be better if you were passed out, Kirishima." I tell the young man who tries to tackle my body. But I didn't even budge a centimeter.

"Not that I'm belittling your effort...but you need to be aware of your own level"


"I like you. I will take you quirk to let you valorous spirit live in me." I respond by aiming my hand at his head. But something collides with my hand.

A feather.

And then several feathers collide with Kirishima taking him out of my reach. I hear Midoriya and Bakugou being saved as well by these flying feathers.

But I do not interfere, as they are of no further use to me. My eyes are focused on a bigger prize.

Finally a Top pro Hero arrives.

"I was expecting someone like you, Hawks. Huge fan, by the way." I say to the winged hero as he floats around holding the four young men I just defeated with the feathers he removes from his own body.

"Oh~ Is that so? I'm always happy to meet a fan... But I can't say that right now, you know?" he speaks relaxedly as he carry the youths out of my sight. Many blocks away.

"This hurt my heart." I say exaggeratedly "But I completely understand. Do you want to fight now? Or are you waiting for reinforcements?" I ask.

"Actually, I'd like you to surrender peacefully… And my reinforcements have already arrived," he says relaxedly.

"I know." I say jumping to dodge the kick that was aimed at my lower back.

"I WAS NEARBY SO I CAME HOPPING THE FASTEST I CAN" The chocolate bunny Woman screams after repositioning herself from her missed kick.

Well that will be fine. I need practice in real fights anyway.


Mirko P.O.V.

Tch. More than 10 minutes have passed since I arrived and I started fighting this Dis-guy. Hawks-guy are interfering with my fight and more heroes have arrived over time.

I don't need to form a group with these weaklings. But...

This guy is strong. Incredibly strong. He doesn't seem to be using any quirks. Maybe a strength enhancer or something... But technique wise, this guy is a fucking masterpiece. At least he's better than me, even if I hate to admit it.

And he seems to be getting better!

The feathers of the Haws-guys couldn't even touch him and he defends against all my attacks perfectly. But he doesn't fight back. That doesn't sit well with me. Since I arrived I haven't felt an ounce of bloodlust coming from this guy.

I can't get a direct hit, even with dozens of heroes interfering with support, nothing seems to reach this guy.

"WHY DON'T YOU FIGHT BACK, HUH?!? YOU CAN SURRENDER ALREADY IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA FIGHT!" I scream in frustration after he deflects another kick from me with an arm motion.

"...I'm trying to see the future" Huh?! What type of bullshit are this guy spouting?


"Well... you guys are my training dummies. I'm using Hawks feathers to try to see the future. And you to get hard... I mean. Not in sexual way..." he says quickly correcting himself.

This guys is pissing me off. Is like he is not a villain. Despite that's exactly waht he is. My head hurts.


"Um…okay. It's already dawn too... Let's end this." He talks and that's when his whole behavior changes. My instincts are warning me like crazy that this guy is dangerous. That I should run. Fighting those traitorous instincts I grit my teeth and crouch, preparing to pounce. I will defeat this guy even if it kills me.

"Let's test the new power I just acquired... One For All"


Hector P.O.V.

Interesting. Fighting outnumbered is harder than I thought.

Not that I'm seriously fighting back, this is too good an opportunity to train Haki. I feel myself improving dramatically. And the percentage of assimilation increase too.

But fighting a coordinated group is really tricky. It reminds me of Ainz from the anime Overlord... When he fights that group that invaded his tomb. He just goes physically. But he can't finish them because of their coordination. Even being many times superior in status.

I remember seeing somewhere that a 1v2 fight is not as simple as just double the difficulty. In fact, each more enemy you're up against increases the difficulty many times over.

And I'm fighting at least 20 pro heroes.

The irritants are the ones who support from afar.

But the real problem is him... Hawks.

He is good. Every time I make a big gesture with my hands, 3 or 4 feathers are trying to dig into my limbs. He attacks and covers for allies. Nice job, Hawks. I have a new respect for you.

This is a hero who has trained for years to perfect himself. In this regard, the ones from Marvel are lacking in some way. There they don't plan on becoming heroes. They just become.

Do their best and hope for the best.

I wonder how many innocent people died for heroes who made trivial mistakes... It doesn't show in comics, cartoons and movies. Well, except Gwen Stacy...

But things go too well for Marvel heroes who don't have any formal training... I don't know if in my world they will have this plot armor. I will improve myself so I don't make mistakes.

Well. I've seen enough. I'm satisfied. Time to end this.

I start to feel One For All coursing through my whole body.

100% already. Naturally, I'm leagues above Deku.

Hmm? Looks who is back... hehe


Midoriya Izuku P.O.V

This can't be happening. One For All was stolen. It's my fault. I failed All Might. I'm sorry.

I watch from the top of a building the heroes fight against the villain Dis. More than 20 heroes have already gathered, but no one can even scratch him. It's like he's been playing with them.

Kacchan and the others are on my side watching too. The desperation of the situation sinking in for them. In the air a news helicopter is watching the fight. My friends' despair is probably shared by everyone in Japan.

It was then that I saw in the distance, a glowing point approaching at high speed. Endeavor! He's back in the fight. Heroes can still win.

"Endeavor... You came back just in time for the Grand Finale" The villain Dis says ominously.

"You villain carrer will be of only one night, Dis" Endeavor replies from above. Using fire to stay in the air.

"Nah. My villain career has an estimated duration of one month" he replies "but we're not going to talk about that. I was leaving. Will you let me go?"

"The only place you're going is to Tartarus prison." Endeavor says throwing a pillar of flame at the villain. Several heroes follow your lead and launch their own attacks.

"So be it" he says before being engulfed in the attacks.


Waiting for the smoke and dust to clear I can see the villain's silhouette floating to the ground.

He is unharmed. Apparently he jumped high enough before the blow landed on him.

"My turn... I'll only attack once ..." he says raising his arm. No this pose...can't be...

"Detroit..." no-no-no-no-no

"...SMASH!" He then punches the ground making a huge explosion in all directions.

It's all over. Nothing can stop him now.


Hector P.O.V.

After the shock waves ripple through the battlefield. I use [Smokescreen], a quirk from one of the previous One For All users. Damn Deku, you are really useless, huh? Well. I have Batman body... I'm Cheating.

Using the smoke cover I go around collecting the quirks of nearby heroes. I take Mirko's. I don't care much for her [Bunny] quirk, but it will lessen the number of my enemies. And I can always give it to some subordinate in the future.

I have taken from everyone but Endeavor. I already have todoroki, and I'll go after Dabi later. I'll let people think they have a chance of defeating me as long as Endeavor exists.

That's why I'm backing off. I still have a month to go.

Having stolen All Might's quirk will likely alert some nations across the globe. He's too important.

But the chaos is good for my actions.

And there's no need to search for them, when they are coming for me. My time is limted.

There's no need to me to be sneaky, I am already the strongest.

Oh! Feathers... you're so good, Hawks...


Hawks P.O.V

Even with the smoke obstructed view I can still feel the villain's location.

I trained enough to be able to feel the slightest vibrations and changes of air with my feathers. I send the feathers to obstruct his path. But he disappears out of nowhere. I lost him. Where did he go?


He is-

"Detrás de ti, imbecile!" I hear his voice between my wings, before he grabs my face and I fall unconscious. (A.N.: Let's see who can get the reference)

Today the heroes lost.


Three days later after Kamino Ward Incident

"At the press conference All Might talks about the Kamino incident from days ago. But Japan is still waiting for a statement from the U.A. about the harm done to they students..."

I listen to the TV in the Hospital waiting room before shifting my attention to the tablet in my hand. I'm learning robotics and about Virtual Intelligence. Advantages of the year being 2183, it had at least some progress.

Even though the advent of quirks has changed the focus of science, there are many people with quirk intelligences, so many fields have progressed, especially those concerning to heroes.

Nanotechnology is something I'll study later, but it's basically focused on support items for heroes. Everything here revolves around the dichotomy between heroes and villains.

But I didn't stop watching just because my study is more interesting... And seeing All Might doing his 90º bow apologizing. TCH The guy sacrificed his whole life for these people. Now he's humiliating himself this way... Irks me a little.

Maybe because I'm the one responsible. Well, in canon he would apologize just the same. Japanese culture I think.

Even with the end of the Symbol of Peace and the threat that the villain Dis brings to Japan, things are pretty normal. No chaos, no protests... I don't think it's sunk in yet. But the number of crimes is slowly increasing. And disapproval towards heroes rising.

Well, I'm secretly taking care of villains. They are quirks that no one will miss anyway. And keeps things balanced a little.

And I'm here in public. hehe. Advantages of covering the face. The guy who starts all this chaos is here in plain sight.

I'm after my next target. Dr.Shiga Maruta (to the public) or Kyudai Garaki/Daruma Ujiko, the scientist of All For One. I've been calling the hospital to make an appointment with the good doctor, but he was apparently unwell.

Probably shocked by the death of his Boss.

But old habits die hard.

He maintained this public identity for years. He will come back to work eventually, and today is the day.

"Wayne-san. The doctor is waiting for you. Room 4, please." A nurse with a clipboard comes to announce. She has tree leaves for hair and brown skin.

"Thank you, nurse-san" I reply smiling and heading towards room 4.

The shapes and colors of the people of this world still amaze me. So cool. I have yet to meet anyone like that in the Marvel universe, although I know they exist. And they are ostracized because of it.

Well I'm a mutant now. Maybe I should do something about it. Fast forward the events of House of X. In which mutants build their nation and carry political weight.

I've always found it bullshit when heroes like Fantastic Four and others are cheered and the mutants just get hit in the chin.

I'll think about it later, I've already arrived at the medical room.

"Oh, good morning, Young one. You may enter, and feel comfortable." The Doctor Daruma speaks after I knock on the door.

Entering his room I look around. And I use D4C to look more closely for hidden cameras. It looks like it doesn't have any. Patient privacy, huh?

"Hello doctor. I'm Bruce Wayne. Bruce the first name." I say reach out for a handshake.

The good doctor extends his hand without a second thought. And I squeeze. Very strong. Breaking his hand.

As I cover his mouth quickly

"Shh, Shh. Sorry, sorry. I have to make sure it's you and not a quirk-made clone of Twice, you know." I see his eyes widen.

But I'm not a guy who gives my enemies time to think and makes them pass out with a blow to the back of the head.

I need to act fast.

You know, Power Copying wasn't the only power I bought from Super Power Store Cyoa. Before I came here I bought a pretty nerfed version of telepathy for 400Cp. Tch. At 400cp I could have bought adamantium armor and webshooters. But I can do them in the future.

The now takes precedence.

TELEPATHY – You can delve into the cognitions of another person, learning their deepest secrets and thoughts. Comes with a free purchase of MULTITASKING.

When I return to the Marvel universe I intend to copy the telepathy of some characters. Preferably Jean grey. It bothers me having to spend 400CP now. But it will make my time here in the world of BNHA easier. And my time here is short.

No losing time.

I sink into the unconscious old man's mind.

Interesting fact about telepathy that I only discovered when I used it. Telepathy is not as smooth as I thought. You don't read a person like a book, or watch a movie of their life. A mind is much, much more complicated than that. As a kaleidoscope of images, sensations, smells, emotions, feelings, words. It's hard to filter what you want.

Lucky I'm a genius now, and my processing power is very high.

After an unknown time I finally have what I came looking for. His lab and information about the League of Villains. The main lab is here under this same hospital. I know where to enter now, how to enter and the password to use.

Using a curtain in the medical room I cover the two of us and we appear against a wall in a deserted area of ​​this hospital.

Dr. Daruma leaves it desert like that on purpose. He talks about plans to expand the hospital into another section here. But he never goes ahead with the plan, because he wants this area really deserted so he doesn't have the danger of being discovered.

Approaching the wall I press a specific point and a screen appears to enter a password. It has no letter or number. You need to know in advance where the keys would be for you to hit.

It's no problem for me. After entering the password. A bigger door slides in and I walk in carrying the Doctor.

Now it's a hallway and at the end of it there's another door that needs the Doctor's retina, fingerprints and genetic identification. I know if I get it wrong, guns come out of the wall to finish off whoever is trapped here.

After using the unconscious doctor to get through that last door I finally get on the elevator that leads to his lab.

Lucky for me Dr. Daruma is paranoid and works alone. Nobody will stop me. And looking at his memories, he doesn't have any active Nomu in the lab.

I'm pretty early on in the plot of this anime.

The first thing I do is go to the Lab Central Computer and start changing passwords to mine. Making the lab my possession.

Now I don't need you anymore, Doctor.

And I saw the things you did in your memories. Ugh. I feel dirty just looking at them. Human experiments, euthanasia in patients who didn't need it, kidnapping and switching babies.

I'm acting like a asshole, but this guy surpass me by far...

This guy is really sick.

Well, to make his death more credible... I put the doctor back in room 4 and use D4C to go into an alley near the hospital.

There I find a small villain that I had left here before. I didn't stay sill in these three days. This guy has an armadillo quirk. Killed some people. Shell very hard. All I need.

First I crush the villain's head with one punch.

Then I grab him by the tail and start levitating, after turning invisible with Miles' power, which I finally unlocked after the fights on Kamino.

I use the [Infrared] power to precisely locate the Doctor's form.

And I throw the Armadillo Villain towards the hospital. In Room 4. Crushing the Doctor.


Poor, doctor. Another casualty of the villains' violence.

Panic spreads quickly in the hospital. But I don't stay to see the mess. Using D4C, I head back to the lab.

I have many things to do.


U.A. Conference Room.

"Well... Things Could Be Worse" Present Mic a hero and professor at U.A. talks to try to lighten the mood.

The room is in a heavy atmosphere, as none of those present have spoken for the last few minutes. The group consists of former 1st Hero All Might, Principal Nezu, and the teachers and pro heros: Present Mic, EraserHead, Cementoss, Hound Dog, Midnight, Vlad, Snipe, and Ectoplasm.

"Hizashi... shut up." Aizawa, Eraserhead, speaks grumpy.

"Although the situation is not optimistic. Is not as bad as I initially anticipated" The rat-bear-dog Principal begins. "Nothing seems to have changed. And this new villain, Dis, took no further action other than those in Kamino." He completes.

"But his actions were more than enough to destroy hero society as we know it." Midnight, the woman in a scandalous outfit speaks seriously.

"And there is no guarantee that he will not act in the future. Maybe he's buying time for something even bigger." Vlad, the blood hero teacher of Class 1-B adds his thoughts

"Getting used to the powers of All Might and All for One" Ectoplasm adds.

"That's true," the principal concedes, "But in order to prevents any incident like three days ago, we need to do something simple… but it proves to be complicated even for me." The Principal pauses dramatically.

"Knowing the Villain Dis' intentions and goals" he finishes.

"Isn't he going for the domination cliché?" Present Mic asks.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, we know close to zero about this new villain. He came out of nowhere. And in a movement let us and the League of Villains behind."

"Are we sure he's not part of the League?" Vlad asks.

"He doesn't appear to have acted with the League's interest in mind, we can't discount that he might be a former member given his knowledge of All For One, but he's not on their side at the moment. This is possible to deduce because..." the principal explains before being interrupted

"...All Might is alive. In fact, no one on our side died." Aizawa complete.

"Exactly. Despite him taking the quirks of some heroes and students. None of them died. In fact, none of them were seriously injured..." Nezu says.

"It may sound strange, but I didn't really feel any bad intentions from Dis. Despite his actions. I think even the threat on my life was a bluff." All Might speaks his thoughts.

"This matches the reports from Hawks and Mirko. He didn't fight back for most of the fight. And when he did, he aim to the ground. Only with the shock waves. And he backed off even though he had the upper hand." The director speaks.

"And why does it even matter?" vlad asks.

"Because we can predict his next steps. Autopsy on the villain All for One showed that Dis did not kill him, but removing the life-sustaining quirks from him is what ended his life. He didn't kill Heroes. He seems to be using heroes as training dummies." The Principal speaks while showing images and videos of the villain.

"It seems like his goal is to get stronger. For the sake of getting stronger."

"Get stronger?" Present mid asks a little incredulously.

"Yea. It seems his actions were born out of a pure desire to grow his personal strength. He doesn't appreciate much the lives of villains by the way." The images shift to the corpses of several people throughout the region near Musutafu, Kamino and Jakku. All dead.

"These are villains. They died in the last three days. Dis is the one who probably killed them."

"How do we know that?" All Might asks very uncomfortable, he doesn't like the fact that One For All is in the hands of someone capable of getting their hands bloody like that.

"Some of these villains no longer have their mutations. And the M.O. it's almost the same for everyone. Two bullets of the same caliber to the heart and brains. Fast and merciful killing" the Principal replies.

"He looks like he's on some self-improving journey. I look at the map. The range of his activities is increasing. Now if we study his pattern..."

"We can predict its next steps. Especially if he's after people with powerful quirks" Aizawa adds again.

"It would be good to warn all pro heros and schools of heroes. They are like treasure chests to him." Midnight says "He may have only aimed for villains, but we don't know when he'll turn his eyes to our side of society"

"True. Now for a concrete plan to defeat Dis. Aizawa-san you will be our main piece." The Principal begins by addressing Eraserhead.

Eraserhead only nods. His students have suffered in the hands of this villain, he will do the right thing when he takes action.



I really wants to end this arc.

I already know how it's ends.

Some people are confused about MC actions right? Well, I predicted this.

I can only say to read till the end of the arc. But if you guys don't want. I can't force you guys.

Tiil next time. Stay well y'all.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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