58.82% CROOKSHANKS-A Harry Potter Fanfiction / Chapter 10: "See Ya Never Bitches!"

บท 10: "See Ya Never Bitches!"

Ron sat on a couch in the common room, staring at his friends. Hermione was talking and laughing with Harry while she let that damned cat sleep on her head again. His jealousy surged and he stood up, rushing past them as fast as he could, purposefully knocking into Harry's shoulder on the way.

But, for some reason, the second their shoulders bumped, he fell over. He didn't know why though. Why hadn't Harry's shoulder moved? It felt like he had just bumped into a brick wall. Weird. Then Ron immediately forgot about.

"What are you doing mate?" Potter asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Err, nothing, I was just going up to my bed." Ron mumbled as he got back up. He had been getting more and more nervous around Harry for some reason these past few months, especially whenever Ron thought he was going to get mad.

"Honestly Ronald, how are you tired already? You haven't done anything at all today. You do know that oversleeping can be bad for you right? Especially when you never exercise! Maybe you should follow Harry's example and exercise with him in the afternoon. He doesn't do that much so it won't take any of your free time. It's just 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run. If you just exercised a little, you would have an excuse to sleep as much as you want. Though, I suppose we'll also have to change your diet as well. After all, physical fitness needs an equal balance of exercise, healthy food, and sleep. Now that I think about it, maybe you shouldn't sleep so much even once you start exercising, it could be bad for you." Hermione's rant was ignored completely by the red head as he walked toward the stairs.

"Oh? Do you want to train with me mate? It's good fun, I think you'll like it!" 'At least that part of it.' Harry thought. He had only shown his basic callisthenic routine to the public, he did everything else in the RoR or out in the forbidden forest.

"Train?" Ron looked back, aghast. Him? A pureblood elite? This idiot thought that he would want to spend his days sweating on the ground? How dare he even suggest it!

"Of course! Don't worry, I'll come find you whenever I start it tomorrow. Try to stay free around 4 p.m. alright?" Harr said as he turned his attention back to Hermione.

"Wha-? No, I don't wa-" He stopped as that foreboding feeling returned again, screaming at him to shut the hell up. He listened.


"I can't believe her!" Ron yelled as he paced his room.

"Why does she keep hanging out with Potter? Is it because I'm not famous like him? Of course, the great Harry Potter just couldn't let others have any fun! Noooooooo, He had to come in and steal the girl that I had claimed! Can you believe him?" Ron asked his rat, who was squirming in his hands.

Scabbers was fed up. Why him? He just wanted to live a happy life after betraying his best friend. But nope! Can't have that now can we? No! Instead everything was going to shit! Sirius escaped prison (somehow), there were dementors everywhere on the grounds, that Potter boy seemed to be more and more different everyday (not in a good way), and now his "owner" had decided to rant to him about girls.

And of course let's not forget about that damned cat that likes to stare at him menacingly from a corner every night!

"It can't be that I'm not good looking enough right? No. Of course it isn't! Mum had told me herself that I was handsome! So it must be something else. Money maybe?" The red head continued, not hearing his rats groan of frustration.

Scabbers decided in that moment that he had had enough. He was escaping! And he knew just how to do it!


"HERMIONE! Where is that bloody beast?" Ron screamed as he stormed down into the common room.

Both Hermione and Harry jumped at the noise, whirling around in their seats. "What are you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"YOU KNOW DAMNED WELL WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! That little devil creature! Where the hell is he?" Ron continued to scream, not noticing Harry's eyes narrowing from the sidelines.

"Do you mean Crookshanks? Why do you seem so mad?" Hermione asked, not understanding why he was acting like this.

"WHY? Because that bloody beast of yours ate my RAT! He KILLED Scabbers!" Ron accused, somehow making his face literally glow red.

"What? What are you talking about Ron? Crookshanks would never do something like that!" Hermione refuted, aghast. How could anyone ever think that her perfect angel would do something like that? It was baffling!

"Then how do you explain THIS?" Ron yelled as he showed him his sheet, which had a bit of blood on it, along with a few ginger clumps of fur stuck to said blood.

"Well Ronald, I would say that that is a sheet. Maybe made of cloth? I'm not quite sure, you would have to ask the house elves, they change the sheets you know. Speaking of, they do a lot of house work for us, and then you go and bleed all over one of the sheets! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to clean blood out of cloth? I don't! But I'm sure that it's not easy! I'll read up on it for you later. Now, why do you have so much of Crookshanks fur? *Gasp* Are you trying to preform a dark ritual on my cat? Is that why there's blood there? Is it a blood ritual?" Hermione was now angry. How dare he? Trying to preform a ritual on HER cat!

"What are you on about now? I went into my room to find this! My rat's blood and tail (He held up a severed tail in his other hand) were all over my sheets and there was YOUR cats fur next to it! Now, where is it, I am going to avenge Scabbers!" He yelled, dropping the sheets and pulling out his wand.

'Where is who?' Came the mewling of a Kneazle as he walked in from... somewhere.

"Crookshanks! Ronald here keeps accusing you of killing his rat! I don't believe him of course, but he's being a real prat about it! I think he was trying to preform a dark blood ritual on you too!" Hermione cooed as she picked her cat up into her arms, giving him a hug and glaring at Ron.

Ron was stunned. Was she choosing that cat over him? But why? How is that even possible? He was handsome!

'Rat? Do you mean Peter? Did he escape early? Well, I don't kno-' Crookshanks mewled out, only to be interrupted from saying anything else by a violent coughing fit.

'*Cough**Cough**Cough* Damn it, *Cough*, motherfucking hairball!' Crookshanks complained as he coughed up a ball of grey, brown and red fur, the red seeming to be the color of blood.

The humans stared at it.

'As I was saying, I don't know what your talking about.' Crookshanks continued.

"AAAAAAAAHHH!" Ron yelled with fury as he charged at Crookshanks.

But he never reached the cat as he, and every other living thing in the room, suddenly froze, unable to move a muscle. Shakily, everyone in the common room looked over to the source of the sudden pressure.

Ron's eyes met Harry's as Harry stared him down, a blank expression on his face.

"I think maybe you should calm down Ronald." Harry began calmly, "Sense-*Cough* Crookshanks has been hanging out in our room since the start of the year now. I find it highly unlikely that he would just suddenly decide to kill your rat. And, if he did, I have no doubt that there was a good reason for it seeing as he's half Kneazle."

"B-B-But, you saw him! He just coughed up Scabbers fur! How could you possibly think that it's NOT him?" Ron managed to say, still desperately trying not to piss himself.

"I frankly don't care if he did or not Ronald. He is a cat, cats eat rats. That's just how nature works. You should have known that since you brought Scabbers here, Hermione isn't the only person here with a cat after all. Honestly, I'm surprised that it even lived this long to begin with." Harry finished, never taking his gaze off the redhead.

"W-Well! That's not-Argh!" Ron just got frustrated and stormed out of the common room.

"*Sigh* Dumbass." Harry thought in exasperation and sat back down, not noticing the dumbfounded looks on everyone's face.


"Did you kill Ron's rat Sensei?" Harry asked curiously when he returned to the RoR for training later that day. He didn't actually care, he was just curious since this didn't seem like something his Sensei would just do.

'No, of course not! I don't eat rats, they taste like shit.' Crookshanks said without even opening his eyes.

"Then do you know what happened?" He asked, knowing that it was a stupid question since his Sensei knew everything.

'Yeah, obviously. Have you ever sensed Scabbers for magic before?' When Harry shook his head, the cat continued, 'Well, it's quite simple really. Scabbers was an Animagus, and an illegal one at that. He had simply decided to leave for some reason and framed me for his murder. I guess he cut some of my fur off in my sleep and somehow got some of his own into my food.'

"An Animagus!" Harry thought, angry at himself. Of course! It was so obvious! (no it wasn't) And yet he had never noticed it!

'Yes, but I won't tell you anything else. You have all the pieces now to figure out this years big mystery by yourself, and I intend on letting you do so. Now, come along, we need to work some more on what you used earlier.' Crookshanks ordered, finally opening his eyes and standing up, leading Harry out into the forest for some more training.


"Professor Dumbledore!" Ron yelled as he entered the mans office.

"R-Ronald!" The old man yelled in surprise, a blush on his face as he hurriedly shoving whatever he was reading under his desk. "How did you get in here? I told the gargoyle to not let anyone pass!"

"What do you mean? I just walked in." Ron stated as if it was obvious. Dumbledore wasn't satisfied with that answer, and was about to ask him to elaborate, but was stopped,

"Anyway sir, I have some important information for you!" His spy continued.

"Oh?" Dumbledore asked, doubting that it was actually important. He didn't know why he had allowed Ron to become his spy, he had been doing a terrible job at it so far. He really needs to stop letting Molly make these demands of him.

"Yes! I believe that Crookshanks is plotting something! You need to banish him from the castle before it's to late!" Ron stated dramatically.

"Who?" Dumbledore blinked, confused at never having heard that name before. Wasn't he supposed to know everyone in the castle?

"Hermione's cat of course! Earlier today he ate Scabbers! Who knows what he'll do next! I am certain that if you don't banish him now, he may very well become your greatest enemy!" The red head continued.

Dumbledore just stared at him, wide eyes as he (finally) realized just how low the I.Q of his spy was.

"You want me to ban a students familiar because you think it ate your rat? I'm sorry my boy, but I can't do that. Students would lose their trust in me if I started separating them from their familiar's for such arbitrary reasons." Dumbledore tried to explain.

"Oh yes you can! You have to! Like I said, he will become your greatest enemy!" Ron said nonchalantly, fully expecting Dumbledore to comply without question.

"I highly doubt that. And the answer is still no, I'm not going to banish a students familiar from the castle just because you don't like it." Dumbledore said slowly, rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Yes you will! Because if you don't, I'll tell my Mum!" Ron said, voice full of confidence, as if the argument was already over.

Dumbledore just looked at the kid with a baffled expression. "My boy, do as you like, you are welcomed to tell your mother whatever you wish, she is already aware of my plans."

"No, I'm going to tell her because if you don't listen she'll come down here and kick your ass!" Ron said, a little annoyed that he had to argue for this long.

Dumbledore's confusion only grew. Did this boy not know who he was talking to? "My boy, I can assure you that I am not afraid of your mother."

Ron looked like he had just been slapped. "What are you talking about? Of course you are! Everyone's afraid of Mum!"

"Well I'm afraid to tell you that I'm not. Now, if there is nothing else, I will ask you to leave my office. I was busy with some very important... research." Dumbledore said, dismissing the baffled teenager.

"Y-You will regret this! I'm telling you now that that cat will be the end of you old man! One way or another!" Ron spat out his ass as he turned and hurried out the room.

"I'm sure he will my boy, I'm sure he will." Dumbledore said sarcastically to no one in particular. As if a cat could be the downfall of him! Impossible! He was the great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!


As Ron was returning to the common room, he spotted Harry leaving, and he had the damned cat on his head! Smiling at his opportunity (though not planning ahead at all), Ron began to follow them.


'Now then Harry, your Haki training has been progressing well, but you still don't have a good enough grasp on your Conquerors Haki. Earlier when you released it, you effected the entire room. Instead of that, I want you to learn to focus it on a single target, not letting it touch anything else. Understand?' Crookshanks instructed as he sat on a rock, watching his disciple stare into the forest with a look of concentration.

"Yes Sensei!" Harry replied, his concentration never wavering.

'Good. Now then, release your conquerors Haki. All of it. And try to focus it toward that ant hill.' The Sensei ordered, to which his disciple immediately complied.

The Haki was terrifying, enough to easily knock out weaker willed creatures, in fact, a few birds even fell out of the sky. Crookshanks though was able to easily resist the effects, not noticing that he himself had let out a small, barely noticeable pressure to help him fight Harry's off.

'There you go, now focus it! Good! Your doing great!' The cat complimented as he watched his student terrify the shit out of an ant colony.

Neither noticed the red haired boy, passed out behind a nearby bush, frothing at the mouth.


(If you are wondering, yes, Crookshanks will eventually get Haki, as will a LOT of other people. See, when Harry creates a new power system with his magic, he doesn't just make it for himself. He also adds it to the very laws of the universe! So, when he "created" Haki, every living being on Earth ALSO gained the ability to use it if they had a strong enough will, but since most people in the modern era are pansies, these new powers will go (mostly) unnoticed for quite some time. Only people with strong wills like martial artists, body builders, thrill seekers, and others of the sort will gain access to it immediately.

And yes, other people also have Tatsumaki's telekinesis. But, since Harry believes that it is an extremely rare ability that only people with a heroic spirit and a strong will can poses, that's exactly what it was made into. So, every Psychic that's mentioned from now on will be a good person, and there will VERY few of them. No need to worry about Dumbledore or Voldemort gaining it.

Why did I make it this way? Simply because I think it's funny. Crookshanks and Harry are literally changing REALITY itself and turning a large portion of the population into superhumans, simply because Harry believes in Crookshanks far more than is probably healthy. I don't know why but I find that thought highly amusing.

Anyway, thanks for reading.)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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