87.23% Bleach : Human Immortal / Chapter 38: 12 Perfect Arrancar

บท 38: 12 Perfect Arrancar

[AN: Happy New Year readers!]

Previously . . .

Taking advantage of the current enlightenment, Yon tried to understand the Hogyoku's ability and a hollow's evolution process to become an Arrancar. Kuryujin being the embodiment of his soul and power, felt his intention and delivered the knowledge from his memories.

Now why would Yon try to comprehend and understand this phenomenon?

That was because of him and his newly developed intelligence and comprehension. Him because of two words, 'butterfly effect'. And after gaining new knowledge and comprehension, he was now certain.

He was unsure if Aizen will still save Harribel and bring her to his side. Call him naive for caring but technically that's what allies do. Help each other.

So with that mindset, he wants to know if he can help his new allies become an Arrancar without Aizen in the picture. Hence why he's taking advantage of his sudden enlightenment.




Now . .

Understanding the process of a hollows evolution and how Hogyoku function was easy enough for Yon who was under enlightenment. Having access to his memories from his first life and comprehending the theories stated in anime and manga he watched and read.

If it wasn't for the enlightenment, understanding the theory itself wouldn't have been possible, much less comprehending it.

In just a few moments, he already knows what he needs to do to help Harribel and the rest. In the end, it all comes down to spirit energy or one's reiryoku and that individual's capability of handling more of it in both quantity and quality.

With his goal reached, Yon remained cultivating inside the cave even when his enlightenment ended.

It has been 6 months since he came to Hueco Mundo up to now. And his plans changed.

Originally, it was to infiltrate Soul Society after a year in Hueco Mundo. Then learn their 4 main fighting styles to add into his ever expanding arsenal. Namely Zanjutsu, Hoho, Hakuda and Kido which are all taught in the Shino Academy with less focus in Zanjutsu since he was already proficient in it, all he lacks was more experience.

And since he doesn't want Aizen on his ass early on, he will of course be in disguise like he did in the Academy, only this time it includes his appearance.

However, things changed.

All this time he thought cultivators have degraded with their common sense which is why conflicts always arise in almost if not all wuxia novels which is about cultivation.

And also why the weak are preys to the strong in their world and the saying 'might is right' is very much true.

Its not that they no longer have common sense. Its that when one was no longer a mortal, their pride becomes much more important and the code of mortals called 'morality' no longer shackles them. If it can be put into words in the modern era, it would be that 'Chivalry is dead'.

When one walks the path of cultivation, killing to the top is not an option. It goes hand in hand. The path to immortality is to reach one's desire without regrets even if it leaves corpses after corpses in one's trail.

This is also why having a Harem is a normal things for cultivators. A cultivator must not have any regrets in their hearts, so when one desires something, he must fulfill it to erase any heart demons.

Heart demons are also the reason why some cultivators are unable to reach higher realms. Most are due to failed romance, failed dreams, failed loved ones and many other regrets.

Yon currently has none in 'this' world. He found his parents. His Jisan 'willingly' wanted to rest even though Yon could have helped him. He didn't regret it but respected the old man's wishes. And, Masaki's destiny of dying.

If he let Masaki die that day, which he obviously didn't want to happen, just so everything stay the same as Canon. Then that would have been a heart demon for him which he unknowingly conquered.

If there's any regret Yon has, that would be in his last life.

His failed relationship, he might have not been affected much due to being immature and more focused on his anime. But there's a reason why he engage in such a relationship. In the end, he ultimately desired that relationship despite his nonchalant reaction about its end.

Failed employment! Who on earth would forget his failed interviews, especially if it was a consecutive failures in interviews to get a job when he just freshly graduated?

Therefore, his new and improvised plan comes to light. Screw the timeline and focus on his cultivation. Once he reaches a realm stronger than anybody in all three worlds, then the timeline can go screw itself with both Aizen and Yhwach's threats.

What's important is to focus on his cultivation and so new plans;

First is to use the remaining time to help Harribel and the others evolve. If there's still time before a year passes, use it to raise his strength as much as he can. That would leave him 1 last year for his second goal until Canon starts.

Second is to enroll in Shino academy and graduate early within a year so he can immediately be employed officially as a Soul Reaper, that should take care of his regret from his last life. And also would give him leverage once Ichigo and the others invades Soul society. That's if Canon still follows follows the original timeline.

Third is to find the 'one' (Definitely not Neo or Nemo). Yon's face couldn't help but make a very cringed expression upon thinking about it and a laughing Ryu, inside his mind, is not helping at all.



Cementing his cultivation at early 2nd order Saint Realm after breaking through, Yon opened his eyes. Using his spirit sense he scanned his physical and internal condition. His spirit sense has upgraded. If before it was a quarter mile which was about 400 m. Right now it can go for as far as a tenth of a single Li. :"D

[AN: LMAO XD , got yah,,,,, There was a mistake on the early chapter. I've put 400 km in there instead of 400m which is equal to a quarter miles. By the way 1 Li which is Chinese length is about 300 miles. so a tenth of it is about 30 miles which is the real number above. ^_^.v Peace!]


The distance was not the only improvement to his spirit sense, the quality also improved making him able to inspect his body, internally.

His internal organs and bones improved a lot down to every part of his body, both internal and external. Although he wasn't sure if his body was cleansed upon reaching Saint realm since he doesn't see or smell any waste substance around him. Nor can he detect any impurities, not that he knows what they look or felt like.

His new look however speaks something. So, until then he will put that thought aside.

His black hair has extended until his back, his muscles were developed despite his young age and his skin was smoother than the opposite sex.

Putting on his robe and gloves, Yon unsealed the cave and went out to greet Harribel and the others.


What he felt after getting our of the cave however, was not something he expected. Harribel and the others were engaged in a fight with multiple hollows. On the ground around them were the remains of the hollows they have slaughtered.

Seeing their worn out state Yon felt a bit guilty.

'Why didn't they just left? They should be able to break the contract if they wanted to since they requested it to be an option.' He remembered the familiar contract he had them agreed to.

Stopping his thoughts, Yon exuded his riatsu on the hollows that were attacking them. This freed Harribel and the others with their burden. They of course felt Yon emerge from the cave but they could not greet him since they were occupied.

But that was no longer the case and Yon's riatsu was not affecting them. That only meant that Yon was able to control his riatsu in such a manner that he's able to choose whom he wants to be affected with it.

With the tables turned. Harribel and the rest took care of the remaining hollows. Once that was done they gathered around Yon.

"Are you girls okay?" Yon asked upon seeing them in front of him. Harribel nodded while Apacci, Mila rose and Sung sun complained.

"Why didn't you say you were going to be cooped up in there for months?!"

"Yeah, and because we stayed here for too long, other hollows were able to sense us and attacked."

"Leading to more hollows being attracted and coming here!"

"You better thank Harribel-sama for not abandoning you! if not, we would have already been gone away from here!"

"....." Yon was unable to react now or say anything. He looked at Harribel who was looking away, he was unable to see her face.

"Uh, thanks?"

"""Not us you fool.!""" shouts the trio.

"Okay, okay. Geez." Yon calmed them down and approached Harribel.

"Uh, thanks Harribel-san." Yon bowed a bit politely.

"Hmn." Was Harribel's reply making Yon breath out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, now that that's over. I want you guys to follow me inside the cave. We have a change in our plans." Yon smirked to which they gave him a confused look and expression.

A few moments later

Yon once again sealed the cave. But this time the seal was stronger so that no hollow will be attracted or be able to sense them inside. And more importantly no hollow can disturb them inside or enter.

Instead of devouring the reishi residuals which was normally only seen by him, he stored it inside one of his gloves.

The same with the remains of hollows which he also safely stored pretty much for later use.

"Wait wait wait!!!" Mila Rose started, normally it was Apacci who spoke first but this time was a bit different.

"You're saying that we no longer need to wait and follow Aizen since you will be able to help us turn into an Arrancar even without the Hogyoku?" Yon nodded.

""""..."""" It was Harribel and the rest's turn to be speechless since they don't know how to reply to this sudden revelation.

It was like only just a few hours ago that they were struggling to become stronger so they can defend themselves. And now the the person in front of them is telling them that he can help them reach what they want.

Waiting for it to sink in, Yon waited for them to snap out of it.

Harribel was the first to react and arrived in front of Yon. She kneeled in front of him on one knee, her head looking at his feet, her body was trembling. Whether it was excitement or joy, Yon can only guess.

Seeing their leader unspoken leader bow down, Apacci and Mila rose's first reaction was to stop her, but before they could Sung sun wrapped viper body into them, stopping them from moving further.

"Sung-sun let go. I'm gonna kill the bastard." Apacci struggled clearly angry that Harribel whom they idolize was now kneeling in front of a man. With his strength it was not an exaggeration to treat him as one.

"Why are you stopping us?" Mila rose however was calm and asked. Although she was calm, deep inside she felt the same as Apacci.

"Don't you want to become stronger so we can serve Harribel-sama better?" Sung-sun asked the obvious, she was the only one currently thinking straight. Understanding what Yon said earlier, Apacci and Mila rose calmed down.

Sung-sun followed Harribel's action and also kneeled just behind her. Not a moment later Apacci and Mila rose did the same.

Once they did, Harribel spoke.

"Lord, if you could help us become an Arrancar. Then it would be our honor to serve you." The trio behind her were pretty much in agreement based on their expression despite saying earlier that it was to serve Harribel better that they are agreeing.

Yon has already explained to them what an Arrancar is. That's why they are pretty much aware what it means to be an Arrancar. Yon accepted their pledge to him but he didn't change their current connection through the inscriptions he created earlier.

Not bothering to correct how they address him, Yon wore it with pride. "Let's start with Harribel since she's already pretty much a Vasto Lorde."

A few moments later

Yon used his spirit sense to scan her body. He also had her display her riatsu to the highest she can, so Yon will have a measurement of her current strength. She had her devour some of the hollow remains he saved from the outside earlier. He basically had her done things that would make any changes to her reiryoku.

Once done with all the inspection, Yon found few things upon inspecting Harribel.

One, her body doesn't have any meridians. It's like her body itself is made up of a very dense reishi. The same as the environment around Hueco Mundo but much more denser on a very higher level. It's like comparing jellyfish to metal in comparison!

Two, her body has the property to devour or absorbed the same way Yon cultivates but she focuses more on her body. Once her body evolve however little, it automatically absorbs reishi in the surroundings. Making her strength stronger.

Meaning her body needs to be able to handle more spirit energy first before she can become stronger which was something she's not in control since her body automatically absorbs reishi from the surrounding without her knowing.

Three, her body internally is forming into a humanoid form. Externally, she's totally made up of hollow-like exoskeleton while internally. Albeit slowly, she is evolving into an Arrancar herself.

This humanoid structure forming internally inside her is not normal. It's definitely strong almost closely the same as his internal body despite lacking meridians.

Utilizing his inscriptions, Yon drew weird marking all over Harribel's body. The purpose is of course ultimately for her to evolve into an Arrancar which Yon pretty much understood the process in theory and practically.

"Alright, So here's what's going to happen. Your body as an Arrancar has already started to developed after reaching Vasto Lorde, albeit still in its early stages. Since your body is unable to absorb reishi and needs to feed on other hollows first. What I did was make it so your body will be able to do so."

"This will then trigger the evolution of your Arrancar body. Once your your evolution is at it's final stage normally your external skin or what I like to call Hollow Exoskeleton will be removed leaving a few mask and a hollow hole in your body. That's where my inscription will once again do it's job."

"Instead of falling off of you, they will simply fill the hollow hole in your body. And instead of leaving a few hollow mask remnant, all and I mean all of your hollow exoskeleton will be used to fill that hole. This way no one will be able to tell if you are human or an Arrancar." Yon explained in great detail.

"But won't the Soul reapers still be able to feel our riatsu?" Yon smirked on her question.

"I have a way to help you regarding that. Even if you don't have meridians once you turn into an Arrancar, I will be able to mark you with a sealing inscription for your riatsu. Which of course you'll be able to turn on/off and adjust its output on your own." At this point Harribel is no longer surprised.

"Thank you." She said.

"Save it once you have become an Arranc- no, a perfect Arrancar." Yon declared. Harribel nodded to this while the trio who were listening to them were having mixed feelings. On one hand they are very much excited and pumped up to be able to evolve into an Arrancar, while on the other hand, this human immortal which he likes to call himself is getting closer to their Harribel-sama!

Once the preparations were done which involves Yon and the others observing from a distance which was definitely sealed. The whole cave itself was sealed but there was an inscription Yon designed for it to automatically gather reishi from the outside all around the cave which Harribel will use.

"Are you ready?" Yon asked her. She simply nods her head with a serious expression.

Yon activated his inscriptions all around Harribel's body which lighted up. As soon as it did, Yon retreated towards where the trio were watching.

Almost immediately Harribel screamed in pain!

Nothing is free in this world. You can't become strong overnight just because you want to. You have to work for it. When Yon was just observing Harribel earlier after she ate those hollow remains, she was not reacting like this since her evolution at that time was slow.

Unlike now where Yon was making it faster and more precise evolution.


"Why is Harribel-sama screaming in pain!?"

"You haven't told us it will hurt this much!" the trio immediately complained and wanted to rush over but was restrained easily by Yon.

"Shut up." He said while exuding his riatsu and killing intent. The trio trembled and dropped to the ground.

"If I wanted to kill all of you, I could've done it the moment we met. I had a lot ways to do so but I didn't. Now shut up and watch since each of you will also experience that." He gestures to Harribel who was still screaming in the background.

The inscriptions markings in her body were still glowing and the reishi inside the cave and outside were greedily being devoured. Since Hueco Mundo was made up of reishi the same way as soul society is, running out of reishi was the least of Yon's problem.

"Of course, if you don't want to scream like her right now, you always have the choice to back out and remain as you are now. A lowly Adjuchas!" Yon said with contempt still exuding his riatsu and killing intent so they can't talk back. Luckily the area they were currently in was sealed so they can't disturb Harribel who was also currently occupied with her evolution.




After how many hours of screaming, Harribel finally stopped. The hollow skin that covered her body were slow peeling off. From the mask covering her face and hair to her body down to her toes. However, instead of it falling off her body it was more like receding towards her center.

But before it completely did, a short sword similar to her sword in Canon formed in front of her. It then receded just like the rest of her hollow skin into her center where a hollow hole was supposed to be.

Once that was over, standing before Yon was an olive skinned blonde woman with a perfect body and aqua green eyes. Her long eyelashes added to her charms along with her voluptuous breast and hips. She was of course naked at the moment.

On her left breast, instead of a number 3 marking was a shark tattoo in the same style as the tattoos of the 7 deadly sins anime but black in color.

[Reader tribute image here of Harribel]


Yon was observing her down to the very last detail with the only intention of inspecting if there is anything wrong with her evolution which there was not. It wasn't until Harribel rushed towards him and her boobs jiggled that his focus failed.

Once Harribel was near him who definitely looked like she wants to pounce at him, he extended his arms which was holding a white robe pretty much the same as his. This confused Harribel a bit since hollows normally doesn't wear one.

"Wear it for now. Once you follow me back to the human world, I'll ask mom to get you proper clothes. For now, make do of this." Before complying however, Harribel hugs Yon which surprised the teen.

Harribel wrapped her long arms around him while her boobs were pressed on his chest. Luckily because of his current breakthrough, he was not a midget in front of Harribel despite her being slightly taller than Yon.

Once he felt wetness around her shoulders where Harribel's head was pressed, he understood and gently rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Thank you, Yon-sama." Harribel broke the hug and kissed him . . . . on the cheeks.

Harribel immediately took the robes from Yon and dressed herself. Luckily the robe was able to fit her despite all the bulging assets in her front and back. And luckily once again, Yon's robes weren't just a single clothing.




Soon it was the trio's turn. Yon asked them first if they want to back off since it will be painful. When they didn't back off, Yon told them that what they'll experience is double of what Harribel felt since they were still an Adjuchas.

Naturally Yon will help them evolve to Vasto Lorde first before they can become an Arrancar. They faltered for a moment only to become even more resolute. They don't care if they'll experience pain as long as they will be able to follow and protect Harribel.

Since Yon already did it once. Doing it 3 more times at the same time is possible.

A lot of hours later

3 more naked women were in front of Yon whom he also gave his spare robes to. Apacci and Sung-sun found it easy to wear Yon's white robes except for Mila rose who had to struggle. Their familiar inscription markings also remained.

[Reader tribute image here]

Their hollows holes were also filled the same way Harribel's was and also their swords/Zanpakuto formed the same way too.

The trio also wanted to kiss Yon on the cheeks but he prohibited them from doing so making the 3 gloomy. With the mood dampened and Yon being ignored by the trio no matter what he says, he let them do it just so they can move on.

In their opinion, 'since Harribel-sama did it, it is only right that we follow her footsteps.'

In which Yon thought. 'You didn't become cultivators so your common sense should still be intact, wait, does hollows even have common sense???'

'According to your memories, some does while mostly don't.' Ryu chimed in.

'Then they must be part of those mostly.' Yon grumbled.

'Probably?' For once Ryu was unsure.

''Women''2x The human immortal and Zanpakuto/martial spirit thought at the same time.




3 months later

Yon and the rest decided to venture into the Menos forest and catch more Adjuchas as servants. Well it was mostly the trio working while Yon was cultivating with Harribel guarding him. When he takes a break, they would spar for Yon to consolidate his strength.

Which was also a form of training for both of them and at the same time the only moment they were alone.

Yon would be lying if he didn't admit he was attracted to Harribel from the very first time they met. Even after knowing her personality when they were searching for a Vasto Lorde, Yon was definitely attracted to her silent demeanor.

After her evolution to a perfect Arrancar and having a front seat view of her jiggling front assets, it only intensified through lust and physical attraction.

What sealed the deal however was the kiss which Ryu received from her. Afterwards, her showing weakness while hugging him further sealed her place in Yon's heart. A feeling to protect Harribel rose inside him.

Since then, Yon treated Harribel a little more than an ally. Harribel herself didn't decline Yon's advances but never gave acceptance either. She was a silent kind of person and doesn't talk much unless necessary. Something Yon liked more about her.

The trio would sometimes join their spar but not much since they were busy recruiting servants. His relationship to them were like that of siblings where he was big brother that needs to protect them, more like spoil them.

By now Yon should have had10 Adjuchas which he doesn't want to increase anymore.

But Harribel doesn't have one, her excuse is that she wants to serve Yon directly which then prompted to Yon assigning the 10 Adjuchas he has to her which is why Yon had no more servants.

The trio however were different. Yon could've sworn they were catching them all like some kind of Pokemons. Each of them having 50 or more Adjuchas servants.!




And just like that 3 more months passed by in a blink of an eye.

Yon decided to go back home to his parents since his master could only think of so many excuse why they haven't returned yet.

His cultivation has reached the early 3rd order of Saint Realm. Harribel and the rest were a genuine Arrancar with strengths surpassing most captain level Soul reapers. Harribel was the strongest followed by Sung-sun, Mila rose and Apacci.

Before returning, Yon explained his situation in the human world and also gave them seals to their riatsu so they don't make any mortal around them pass out.

Yon also recorded coordinates of the caves they've made throughout the Menos forest and some in the dessert. That way Yon and the others will be able to easily create a portal if they want to return.

When Yon arrived at the Exorcist base under the Menos forest, his classmates were surprised by the 4 women following him. But none were able to ask him a question. All of them know he was now the unofficial Clan head.

"Disciple! You finally came back! You sure took your time. Looking at the women following you, I can certainly imagine why." his master greeted them and teased a bit.

She was partly successful since Harribel and the rest blushed a bit after hearing her with the exception of Yon who was looking at her weirdly.

"Sigh, Can't you act like any normal teenager, kid?" Elder Himiko complained.

"But I am a normal teenager."

"Yeah right. Why don't you introduce them?" gesturing to Harribel and the rest.

"Sure. This is Tier Harribel." Yon introduced her who was the one nearest to them.

"The other three are Apacci, Mila rose and Sung-sun. They are allies I found while venturing the demon world."

After a few words of conversation, Himiko led them towards the assigned portal to go back to the human world. The other students has long since left and Himiko was only waiting for Yon.

It has been a year since Yon went to Hueco Mundo. He still have 1 more year before Canon starts and his goals are clear to him.

Next stop Soul Society aka Seireitei!

End of Chapter 12

Volume 3 Academy Arc

Human_Sinner Human_Sinner

Volume 3 is now close to its end.

Originally there's one more volume I planned before Canon starts.

Volume 4 will cover Yon's adventure in Soul Society.

I need your opinion which is better.

Canon starts on Volume 4 or Volume 5?

I will not base my decision on your opinions but I simply wants to ask. Hope someone reads this.

4K words btw

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