40% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 26: Chapter 26 Awaken from it's slumber..

บท 26: Chapter 26 Awaken from it's slumber..

In the dragon mountains somewhere in the territory there stood a mansion.

In the mansion in the office, a couple of girls worked on some paperwork.

"Ughhhh! Paperwork is so annoying!" Said Murayama.

"Stop slacking off, we are almost done anyways" Said Tiamat.

"She's right Mura, we're almost done" Said Momo.

The girls were working on paperwork related to the Dragon faction.

Right now the leader is absent and cannot do any of that and Tannin asked for a small vacation with his son.

A door suddenly opened and Valerica, Katase, And Valerie walked in.

"Sup!" Greeted Valerica.

"How are you doing?" Asked Valerie.

"We're fin-" Said Tiamat but she got interrupted.

"I hate paperwork! Next time you're doing it Katase! Shouted Murayama.

The girls giggled but it pissed Tiamat off a bit because of her interruption.

"We're almost done. How was the training?" Asked Momo?

"It was good! the hatchlings are getting stronger!" Replied Valerica proudly.

"That's good" Said Momo.

"Need help?" Asked Katase.

"No, we finished it" Said Tiamat with a tired sigh.

"I wonder how is Issei" Said Momo.

"Yeah, we haven't seen him the whole month after he killed Trihexa" Said Valerie.

"It annoys me that we can't even see him" Pouted Murayama.

"Well, I told you that he is still asleep and his aura is too dangerous for you. If you come in contact with him you'll die" Said a handsome man standing in the doorway.

He looked in his twenties with shoulder-length red hair and emerald green eyes.

"Ddraig, why are you here? is Issei finally awake?" Asked Tiamat.

"No he's not yet but I believe that he'll wake up soon. But even if he wakes up you won't be able to see him" Said Ddraig.

"What? Why?" Asked Momo.

"Because when he wakes up he will be able to control his aura but not enough to meet you.

I and Vritra will train him to control his dragon powers and teach him how to access his human form.

At the moment the ones that can meet up with Issei are only me, Vritra, Ophis, and Great red" Explained Ddraig.

The girls hung their heads down. They missed Issei so much.

They were worried because when he killed Trihexa he disappeared. Ddraig explained that Ophis teleported Issei to Ddraig's old cave in Wales.

Ddraig's body was there too but when he woke up back in it he spent half of the month getting adjusted to it. Ddraig and Vritra have been taking care of Issei for the past month.

"I just came here to inform you that I and Vritra will train him and you won't see him for a while" Explained Ddraig.

"Alright.....but hurry up we miss him so much already!!" Shouted Valerica.

"Yeah yeah I know that already" Said Ddraig as he left the office.

He walked outside and in a bright red flash, he slowly transformed into a large red Western Dragon, with a long neck and green eyes.

He also had red and golden spikes throughout his body.

He stretched his wings for a minute and took off into the sky.

He flew straight to his cave. When he returned to his body he was finally able to enjoy flying in freedom again.

He let out a powerful roar as he continued to fly.

After an hour he reached his destination. He landed in front of the entrance to his cave.

As he walked in he saw a large black Eastern Dragon with violet eyes and a third eye on his forehead. And another large dragon very similar to Ddraig was a western white dragon with a long neck with red spikes throughout its body, he had two big slightly darker red horns and on the tips small red flames. He had large majestic wings.

But he was smaller than Ddraig just by a tiny bit.

"I see you came back Ddraig" Said Vritra.

"That I did. How is he?" Asked Ddraig?

"I think he'll wake up any moment now" Said Vritra and speak of the devil well in this case dragon.

Vritra and Ddraig backed off to the entrance of the cave.

"He's waking up" Said Vritra.

The dragon started to move slightly and his powerful aura of Domination leaked violently.

Suddenly his emerald green and frost blue eyes shot open.

He slowly stood up a bit wobbly luckily the cave was big enough for him to stand up, and then he stretched his limbs as he yawned.

He then looked at Vritra and Ddraig, his instincts kicked in, and his slits sharpened as he glared at them and released his aura at them to intimidate them. That's how dragons start their battles.

Because he felt two strong presences in front of him his instincts said, no screamed to attack them and commence his glorious battle.

He spread his wings and let out a powerful roar and the whole cave started to shake.

Ddraig and Vritra were impressed by the power he was displaying but it was uncontrolled, he needed to train, to learn how to properly control his aura and powers.

Before he could attack Vritra and Ddraig he regained his senses.

"Ddraig, Vritra? Where am I?" Asked the dragon?

"Welcome back to the living world brother!" Roared Ddraig.

"Welcome back!" Roared Vritra.

"Right now you are in my old cave in Wales" Answred Ddraig.

"I see" Said Issei as he looked around.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Ddraig.

"A bit weak and dizzy but fine nonetheless" Said Issei.

"Did....did I kill it?" Asked Issei.

"Trihexa? but of course!" Roared Ddraig proudly.

" 'Sigh' that's a relief" Said Issei with a sigh.

"Have any idea what has changed to me besides that I'm a full dragon now?" Asked Issei.

"Well now that I'm not in the boosted gear anymore I can't tell exactly but from feeling your aura and raw strength that you showed off earlier I can tell that you still have the skills we thought you and our powers merged within you, I felt strong holy energy within you too, I think that's because when the spear broke you absorbed all of the holy energy.

You have reached the heavenly dragon ranks" Explained Ddraig.

"Wow....that's kinda cool" Said Issei.

"But what now?" Asked Issei.

"I and Ddraig shall train you to control your dragon powers and we will teach you how to enter your human form" Said Vritra.

"To relearn the skills you'll need about a month but to access your human form you'll need at least three years" Explained Ddraig.

"Oh alright.....WAIT! THREE YEARS?!?" Shouted Issei.

"That's right three years" Said Vritra.

"What about boosted gear?" Asked Issei.

"What about it?" Asked confused Ddraig.

"Well do I still have it? and did the past hosts leave too?" Asked Issei.

"You still have it your just unable to summon it because I'm not in there anymore and the hosts should've left but for some reason, they didn't" Explained Ddraig.

"Why didn't they? that's odd" Said Issei.

"I don't know either" Said Ddraig.

"When will we start training?" Asked Issei.

"Tomorrow morning, today just rest for a bit and we will bring you some food you must be really hungry" Said Vritra.

"Alright thank you" Thanked Issei as they both left while Issei laid down on the ground.

"Three years... I won't be able to see any of my girls nor Kounu" Said Issei with a sad voice.

"Well maybe if I train hard enough I'll be able to achieve human form way faster" Said Issei.

"Yea I'll give it my all!" Roared Issei with determination.

That night they feasted on tons of food that Vritra and Ddraig hunted. Issei was so hungry that he ate the most.

Dragons have large appetites but even Ddraig and Vritra were impressed by Issei's appetite.

In the morning Issei woke up first but Ddraig and Vritra woke up right after.

"Did I wake you up somehow?" Asked Issei.

"Yes but that's because when we sleep we sharpen our senses to detect any danger while we sleep" Explained Vritra.

"That's cool will I learn that too?" Asked Issei excited.

"Of course, we will teach you everything we know!" Roared Ddraig proudly.

"Now that you have your dragon form that doesn't mean that you'll always fight using that form, Sometimes you will have to use your human form so we will teach you martial arts as you never really knew how to properly fight as you were just frowning your fists all over the place using no style" Said Ddraig.

"Haha That's true" Said Issei with a nervous laugh.

They left the cave and took off into the air.

It was somewhat hard for Issei to fly at first but he quickly managed to adapt.

They flew for an hour until they reached some mountains far away from civilization.

They landed together and faced each other.

"So where will we start?" Asked Issei.

"First you need to take control of your aura" Said Vritra.

"You don't have to rush it we know that you won't do it on the first try" Said Vritra but his eyes widened as he saw Issei taking most control over his aura.

"W-well that was faster than I thought" Said impressed Vritra.

"I guess it will be way faster" Said Ddraig happily.

"You truly amaze me by how fast you learn" Said Vritra.

"Okay next try using one of our abilities" Said Ddraig.

With a nod, Issei filled his lungs with air in just a matter of seconds and released Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames onto the mountain.

It was so hot and powerful that it consumed the whole mountain.

Ddraig's and Vritra's jaws dropped at the performance of power.

"That was incredible" Said Ddraig proudly.

"Ddraig do we really need to train him?" Asked Vritra.

They all shared a laugh.

"Well that was impressive Issei now that we know that you can still use our powers with full power we can teach you new skills" Said Ddraig.

Issei felt happy and proud that he was able to hasten the training process.

"We will start by aura bullets" Said Ddraig.

"Aura bullets?" Asked Issei curiously.

"That's right aura bullets. It's similar to dragon shot so I believe it won't be that hard for you to learn" Said Ddraig.

"Consecrate your aura in your jaws and when it is ready just let it out" Said Ddraig.

"Of course when you'll use your human from you'll be able to shoot it from your fingers" Informed Ddraig.

"Alright, but where do I let it out exactly? I already destroyed one mountain" Said Issei.

"Ahh... that's right...well just shoot it at me" Said Ddraig confidently.

"You sure?" Asked Issei not sure about this method.

"Of course!" Roared Ddraig.

Issei opened his mouth his gaze fixed on Ddraig and released his red green and slightly blue aura but it all went straight to his mouth and formed into a ball of compressed aura.

As did that he released an extremely powerful beam straight at Ddraig. As it shot towards Ddraig it started to expand and get even stronger.

Ddraig didn't have enough time to react and the beam hit him dead on.

As a cloud of smoke and dust disappeared, Issei and Vritra couldn't believe what they saw.

Ddraig bleeding on the ground and barely conscious.

"DDRAIG!"Shouted Issei as he flew up to him.

Issei opened his pocket dimension and took out five vials of phenex tears but not with his claws because the vials were too small he used shadow chains.

He crushed two vials over the injuries and poured the remaining one into Ddraig's mouth.

The injuries healed but Ddraig fell asleep.

"W-w-what terrifying power" Whispered Vritra to himself.

"I think you easily surpass the heavenly dragons....maybe then you'll be the heavenly dragon king!" Roared Vritra.

"Normally I would be extremely happy but I'm worried about Ddraig" Said Issei.

"HA! don't worry about him he's fully healed already and he'll be hella proud!" Roared Vritra.

"Alright if you say so" Said Issei still not sure.

"Alright I have to go right now, I have some business to take care of" Said Vritra as he flew away.

Issei then looked at Ddraig's sleeping body and thought of a way to bring him back.

An Idea came as he used shadow chains to wrap Ddraig and he created a magic circle large enough for both of them.

He teleported both of them back to the cave.

" 'Sigh' what a day..... didn't expect any of this to happen" Said Issei with a tired sigh.

Issei laid down in the other corner of the cave and fell asleep.

The next morning Issei opened his eyes slowly to adjust to the light. He stood up and let out a yawn as he stretched his limbs.

He looked around and spotted Ddraig slowly waking up.

"Ugh, everything hurts" Grumbled Ddraig silently but loud enough for Issei to hear.

"Are you ok bud?" Asked concerned Issei.

Ddraig looked at issei as he stood up as he stretched his limbs too.

"What happened yesterday?" Asked Ddraig.

"Well.. ugh...I ...I injured you yesterday and after healing you passed out" Explained Issei.

Ddraig looked at issei not moving a single muscle nor blinking.

"Y-you did that just with a single aura bullet?" Asked bewildered Ddraig.

"Y-yes" Answered Issei somewhat nervous.

"Issei.....I'M SO PROUD!!" Roared Ddraig.

Issei thought that Ddraig will be angry or depressed but instead, he was extremely happy.

"Tho that means I'll have to train more as I became weak..." Whispered Ddraig to himself.

Suddenly Vritra landed in front of the cave entrance and saw Ddraig laughing.

"I told you that he will be proud" Said Vritra with a slight chuckle.

"It's time for a celebration!" Said Ddraig.

"We'll go hunt for some food" Said Vritra.

"So now that you surpassed Heavenly dragon that means now you'll be some Heavenly dragon king?" Asked Ddraig.

"I guess so?" Answered Issei not sure.

"Eh, later we will decide" Said Ddraig as he and Vritra left.

After they came back with tons of food they ate it in half an hour. Issei decided to ask about training.

"Ddraig, how do I train to obtain human form?" Asked Issei.

"I'll tell you later when we will start" Said Ddraig.

"Maybe I'll be able to reach that form in just a couple of months" Said Issei excited.

"No, that definitely will take a couple of years" Said Vritra.

"But why?" Asked Issei saddened.

"Because it's difficult to learn why do you think there aren't many dragons that can use a human form?" Asked Vritra.

"Oh" Said Issei in realization.

Suddenly a magic circle appeared in the cave and out of it came Ophis.

"Oh, Ophis hello" Greeted her Issei.

"Hi" Greeted him back Ophis.

"Hugs?" Asked Ophis.

"I can't I need my human form back but it'll take me years to obtain unless you get bigger somehow" Said Issei.

"I can help" Said Ophis.

"Really? how?" Asked Issei.

"I will create a time barrier in which you'll spend three years while here will only a day go by" Explained Ophis.

"I think we should take the offer Issei" Said Ddraig.

Issei did not see a reason to decline such an offer.

"Alright, I'll do it" Said Issei confidently.

Ophis, Ddraig, Vritra, and Issei left the cave and found an open space in the woods. There Ophis created a time barrier for them to train.

"What will we train?" Asked Issei.

"Martial arts, Boost, penetrate, transfer, curse, and different techniques" Answered both Ddraig and Vritra.

With a nod from Issei, they approached the barrier.

"Thank you Ophis" Said Issei as the three of them went inside.

A day has passed in the outside world while inside the barrier three years have passed.

Suddenly three men came out of the barrier.

One had red hair emerald green eyes and red beard another had black hair and purple eyes and the third one had white hair with red highlights and emerald green and frost blue eyes, he wore a leather jacket black cargo pants and a red shirt.

"Finally we're back" Said Issei but then he noticed Ophis there.

"You haven't left?" Asked Issei. Ophis just shook her head.

Issei came to her and hugged her in a strong warm and comfortable hug.

Ophis hugged him back and a small smile appeared on her face.

'Did she really just smile?' Thought Vritra.

"Well, I'll be going then" Said Vritra.

"Alright thank you for all the help" Said Issei as Vritra transformed into a dragon and flew off.

"I prepared you a vacation" Said Ophis.

"Really? Where?" Asked Issei.

"In another world" Replied Ophis.

"Huh?" Issei just let out a confused sound.

"I'll send you to a different world for a month to relax together with Ddraig" Said Ophis.

"You can do that?" Asked a stunned Issei.

Ophis just nodded. Issei looked at Ddraig who showed him a thumbs up.

"Alright, then I'll accept it thank you Ophis" Said Issei as he patted her head.

"What did you do to my head just now?" Asked Ophis.

"I uhh patted your head, sorry if you didn't like it" Said Issei.

"No, I like it" Said Ophis so Issei did again.

They went back to the cave to get ready for vacation.

Ophis then tore a rift in the middle of the cave.

Issei gave a last hug before leaving.

"Cya Ophis" Said Issei as he and Ddraig stepped into the rift.

As they stepped in something strange happened something or someone interfered with the teleportation and Issei got teleported to a completely different world.

Issei hit the ground with a thud.

He looked around and saw some strange people in coats in front of him and three other people next to him on the ground too wearing school uniforms or daily clothes.

But the strangest thing is that he had a shield stuck on his arm while the others had a spear, sword, and bow.

"Greetings the four Cardinal heroes please save our world!" Said a man with priest robes in front of them...

[To be continued]

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