Summary: Aftermath for Kumo forces.
AN: Disclaimer in Chapter 1
...ooO Aftermath: Kumo 1 Ooo...
"Raikage-sama! Objective Beta achieved!"
"Namikaze-taichou! Objective Eta completed!"
"Naruto-sama! Delta closed!"
"Rokudaime-sama! Alpha objective, accomplished!"
"Raikage-sama! Gamma achieved!"
Naruto assimilated the shouts of his trusted shinobis and allies. He smirked as the reports poured in via kage bunshins that dispelled themselves upon receiving the progress reports from the various team.
He opened slit red eyes and smiled broadly. He himself had completed Psi, destruction of the Hyuuga Compound. He might have not been able to reform the Hyuuga Clan as Hokage but he could cause enough destruction that would force them to rethink their ways.
"Raikage-sama, your orders?"
Naruto smiled at Nobusho Ito, a very skilled Iwa jounin who Dakuen had sent as taichou of the Iwa-nins. He was stolid looking but quick-witted; not an easily offended high-strung shinobi despite being the scion of a prestigious shinobi clan.
"Retreat. Primary objectives have been achieved. So have ninety-percent of the secondary objectives." He grinned savagely. "Konoha is going to find it very difficult to pay their bills for the next few years."
Ito smirked. It pleased him, to see the so-called Strongest of the Major Hidden Villages brought low by one of their own, by the son of their Yondaime Hokage, one of their strongest shinobis and most beloved hero, the one responsible for bringing Iwa down so low. At first he had protested the plan, the orders to spare the civilians and ignore the nins unless directly attacked. Until the Rokudaime Raikage had explained his justification. The humiliation he planned on inflicting on Konoha was more than good enough reason.
Naruto was practically bouncing on his toes. The adrenaline rush of a successful mission completed well within the acceptable parameters was invigorating.
The Kumo-nins smirked and jabbed elbows at their fellow shinobis. Those who had worked with the Raikage in the field were well familiar with his post-mission habits.
Naruto inhaled sharply as he fought the urge to rush back into Konoha for a good fight. He had done what he planned to do. What he needed now was Hibara.
"Where is-?"
"Hibara-sama is inventorying the injured. There were a few casualties. Their bodies are being Katoned and the ashes retained for their families."
"And we are done. Fifty lightly injured, but still mobile. Fourteen with more serious injuries. Stabilized but need to be carried. Five verified dead." Namikaze Hibara announced calmly as she stepped in to join the circle around her husband. She was clad in black leather pants with metal wire lacing up the sides of her legs and black combat boots. Her torso was covered in fish-net mesh over a burgundy tee-shirt. Over that she wore a weapon harness used to hold her naginata and various pouches and weapons.
Naruto shifted forward so he was balanced on the balls of his feet. "Good. We've done what we came to do. Now we withdraw!"
Two days of non-stop running at a controlled steady pace. Naruto was determined to be clear of Konohas Area of Influence before allowing the pace to slow or stop. When the wounded or exhausted were pushed beyond their limits the Rokudaime Raikage created kage bunshins to carry those who could not run any more.
Finally he felt it was safe to take a longer break and set up camp.
"What are your plans Naruto?" Kankuro asked briskly. His brother had put him in charge of the Suna nins for this particular joint mission. Kankuro knew strategy for warfare wasn't his best strength so he listened and followed the suggestions, especially when the Iwa jounin-in-charge had agreed with Naruto.
Naruto took a sip of water to wash down the chewed jerky before answering.
"Now we split up and head home." He looked at Nobusha Ito, the Iwa jounin and continued. "We have accomplished the primary objective – weaken Konoha. You can make your reports to your respective Kages and prepare a more detailed record of your observations and commentary from your subordinates. When it is complete copies shall be exchanged between our villages." He glanced up at a silver haired blue eyed Kumo shinobi. "Tsukino Akito will prepare the report from Kumo. My observations will be part of the commentary, perhaps as an appendix." He growled. "But Akito will not be getting any information from me for a few days. You know the routine, get back safe. Don't worry about me or Hibara. I will contact Gaa'ra and Dakuen by the usual means after I get back to Kumo. No more than two weeks. Give them my thanks and compliments on their support and the quality of Iwa and Sunas nins and leadership."
Kankuro blinked upon hearing the knowing chuckles and leering looks from the Kumo nins standing and sitting around the leaders of the small joint taskforce. He watched as Namikaze Hibara rose from her crouch and strolled over to stand beside her husband and drape herself over his back, her arms over his shoulders and down his front, wrists loosely clasped in front of his sternum. Her head was bent, lips close to one ear, to whisper something so low only he heard.
Naruto chuckled in response to whatever she said and turned to brush a kiss against her lips before he rose turning within her embrace. Her lithe form slide sensuously over his as he straightened and then cupped the nape of her neck, adjusting the tilt of her head for a more intimate kiss.
Without another word the couple stepped away from the core group and walked to the outskirts of the clearing to accept two packs being held by two smirking Kumo nins. Without another word the couple jumped into the tree branches and vanished.
"What the fuck was that about?" Kankuro wanted to know. "Isn't he supposed to be the Raikage? Shouldn't he be sticking around to make sure things don't get dicey?"
Tsukino Akito chuckled. "Why should he? We are clear of Konoha. If the Godaime has any brains she will be more focused on controlling the fires and rebuilding. We can easily handle any stray lunatics seeking vengeance."
A Kumo kunoichi with bright green hair and hazel eyes smirked. "Besides, nothing can keep the Taichou away from Hibara after a battle. I'm surprised he controlled himself for two days. Usually they end up in bed just hours after a mission is done."
Ito blinked. "You mean, hours after they return to base."
Kamiya Kaede smirked. "No I mean hours after the mission objective is completed. Assassination, kidnapping, retrieval. Once the job is done and they are clear of retaliation they end up going at each other like bunnies." She laughed throatily. "Make it like foxes in heat."
An Iwa jounin frowned. "Isn't that unprofessional? And unsafe? What if they get unexpected company?"
Kaede laughed out loud. Several Kumo nins winced and a few cupped their groins in protective reflex.
Kankuno could sense a story behind their actions. "What happened?"
Kaede smiled wickedly. "No one accepted the Taichous post-mission routine at first so a few tried to… dissuade him. Hibara-san was not appreciative of their efforts. Two poor bastards lost a ball each. Five others still have difficulties getting it up after the Taichou was done with them. Some sort of medic jutsu. After that they started using a wide-area fuuin jutsu that keeps intruders out and contains most of the damage."
Itos eyes were wide. "Damage?"
Kaede blinked. "You don't know?"
Ito was confused. "Know what?"
Kaede tilted her head to one side. "Does the Tsukikage and Yugito-sama ever go on private trips into the wilderness?"
Ito nodded slowly. "Hai. They usually take the minimum number of GEM guards." GEM were the elite of Iwa, like ANBU in Konoha and BOLT in Kumo.
Kaede nodded. "When jinchuurikis mate without restraint they pour power into their mate and the land around. When the Taichou lets go it can cause forest fires or a miniature paradise of nature. Haven't you noticed the number of new public gardens in Kumo?"
Ito blinked. It was odd, having such flourishing greenery in a stunted landscape. Then it dawned on him. "You mean…"
"The Taichou made an arrangement with the fox. When in Kumo or allies lands the spill over will result in flora. In enemy territory a forest fire."
"You mean Naruto can do something similar to the Shodaime Hokages Mokuton jutsus." Kankuro surmised.
Kaede grinned wickedly. "Only when he's getting lucky with Hibara." Then she became more serious. "Haven't you noticed something similar in Iwa?"
A younger Iwa chuunin stirred. "Ito-taichou, Tsukikage-sama has been auctioning the mineral rights in areas that were thought to be barren of ore suitable for mining. Like Blue Craig and Shadow Peak."
"Tsukikage-sama and Yugito-sama were in Blue Craig a few months ago." Someone else added.
Kaede spread her hands. "There you have it. Yugito-sama has Nibi whose primary domains are lightening and death. The energy spill over into earth probably fused the minerals forming suitable ore for mining."
Kankuro shook his head in disbelief. "I've never seen Gaa'ra do anything like that."
"Kazekage-sama does not have a true mate." Kaede countered. Then she smirked. "If you do not believe me watch the Taichou." She was gleeful. "Of course it is your balls at risk if he catches you."
Kankuro rose from his crouch. "I'll believe it when I see it."
Several Kumo nins stared at him in disbelief. A few muttered prayers for misguided headstrong fools.
Akito was bemused. "It is your future progeny and sex life at risk."
Kankuro pretended not to hear as he walked off to see for himself if what they said was true. If it was, what could Gaa'ra do with a mate who accepted him with no reservations, as the Tsukikage did Yugito, or Hibara did Naruto? Did Gaa'ra know what he could do? What was the potential? Shukakus elements were earth and wind.
His mind wandered as his senses and feet took him on a barely visible trail to a particular clearing.
Shinobi instincts kept him from going any further. His eyes found the reason why. Charred lines burned into the grass and dirt forming intricate kanji and designs. A huge seal centered around the clearing he had nearly blundered into. Kankuro was no sealing expert but he could easily imagine the potential effects upon a trespasser. The Kumo kunoichi had said Naruto used a seal but Kankuro had not imagined it was possible to set up such a massive area fuuin jutsu in just minutes without outside assistance. Then he realized Naruto used his chakra and intent to literally burn the design instead of using ink and paper. A semi-permanent fuuin jutsu; one that would last until the next rainfall rinsed away the carbon and blurred the lines.
A soft feminine moan drew his attention. Eyes strained as Kankuro tried to find a spot with an unobstructed view past the trees towards the source of the sound.
And then he found it.
Standing bare foot in just her tight burgundy top and dark green bikini panties under an ancient oak, her back towards him was Namikaze Hibara. Her weapon harness, fishnet mesh, boots and leather pants were discarded in a heap a few feet away.
Her hands were clenched in the thick golden tresses of her husband kneeling before her still fully dressed. One of his hands slipped under her top and rested on the small of her back to keep her from moving while the other wrapped around the top of one leg. He nuzzled her belly and did something that made her cry out and buckle knees giving way. But she did not fall, only sag forward and wrap her arms around his head, holding him close to her waist.
He chuckled as he shifted her limbs, altering her balance and center of gravity so her back rested against the trunk of the ancient oak tree. She shifted restlessly against the rough surface, reaching up to grab a low branch. The action thrust the full curves of her chest out and up.
A faint red haze surrounded Naruto as he caressed the lean bare thighs, urging them to part, an urge with which Hibara complied without resistance. What happened next stomped on Kankuros doubts and ground them into non-existence.
The small creepers growing around the base of the oak began to grow before his eyes. Grow and coil like snakes encircling Hibaras limbs, pinning them apart and against the oak trunk.
She whined softly. "Nooo! I want to hold you!"
The blonde chuckled. "Your legs or your arms. Which will be bound?"
She considered the choices. "My arms." She decided after some thought.
"As you command saiai." The vines unwound from around her legs and twisted around the trunk to reach the lower branches. There they wrapped around her wrists, binding her grip on the branch.
Naruto rose from his crouch and bent his face to kiss his wife thoroughly. His hands were on her hips testing the edges of her panties, cupping her ass through and under the material.
At this point Kankuro decided discretion was the better part of valour. He did not want to be beaten by an enraged kunoichi and loose his balls if she found him peeking. And he would if he stayed and watched because he would not be able to Stop being an appreciative audience for the Raikage and his wife.
Without making too much noise he stepped back and retraced his steps to the campsite. He had to get back to Suna and talk to Gaa'ra about jinchuuriki matings.
AN: Lemon in next chapter. Skip if under age.