59.09% Desert Prince

ตอน 13: Chapter 12

Sunagakure no sato

Next Morning

Our favourite blonde couple was sleeping in a deep sleep with small smiles on their faces as our hero had his arms wrapped around his hime's waist and she had her back against his firm chest and both were spooned to each other as our whiskered faced hero's eyes were hidden in the silky blonde hair of his hime. The nurse came in along with Chiyo to see the cute scene and both smiled as the nurse went to the window and opened up the curtains as sunshine hit the faces of our favourite couple and Temari's eyes fluttered open a bit groggily. Naruto buried his face in the back of her neck and hid his face in her hair sighing happily as he kissed it softly and Temari blushed as she felt his lips on her neck and his breath feeling a bit ticklish. She saw the nurse with a blush on her face and her hands on her mouth and Lady Chiyo had an amused smile on her face as her blush deepened when she realized her position. Instead of feeling embarrassed she turned around in his arms and placed her lips over his softly and her arms around his neck as Naruto's eyes opened when he felt something soft on his lips and brought her closer pressing his own lips over hers and broke off with a smile as she pecked his nose softly and giggled.

"Morning Naru-kun." She whispered softly and he smiled.

"Morning Mari-chan." He whispered back equally softly making her smile. Chiyo faked a cough to get their attention which they promptly ignored and Temari placed her forehead against his gazing intently into those cerulean pools she loved so much. Naruto gazed into those teal green eyes that mesmerized him so much and his heart warmed up at holding his hime in his arms and tightened his hold on her waist and she snuggled closer pressing herself against him and kept staring into those eyes as she put a hand on his cheek and rubbed those whiskers she loved so much softly making him close his eyes and lean into her touch and she smiled.

"How are you feeling Naru-kun?" she whispered and he kept his cheek on her hand as she kept rubbing those whiskers with her thumb a bit making him purr and she giggled.

"Much better now that you are here." He whispered and she smiled and pressed her lips on his softly and broke off with a smile.

"Alright now I'll go and get freshened up and you take care of the two ladies behind me." She said softly and he frowned a bit.

"Is it necessary?" he asked annoyed to have to let her go and she giggled and pecked him.

"Yes it is baka now let me go so you could get checked up." She said and he shook his head and hugged her tightly making her smile as she brought her lips on his ear.

"If you let me go and be a good boy then I might give you a little… gift." She whispered trailing her finger on his cheek and licked and kissed his neck softly and pecked him softly and he blushed a scarlet and let her go making her giggle as she kissed his forehead and stood up, walking to the bathroom with a sway of her hips as he followed his gaze to her and just as she was closing the door she winked and gave him a flying kiss and his blush deepened but he kept staring and she closed the door with a giggle.

"Umm Naruto-san can you sit up so I can check you up?" asked the nurse who was blushing a deep red herself seeing the interaction and saw that he didn't hear her and was still staring at the door. Chiyo saw this and her smile widened at seeing his tranced face.

"Naruto!" she asked shaking him a bit and he turned to her as she saw his glazed eyes and faint pink blush.

"Huh?" he whispered intelligently and she sighed shaking her head and the nurse giggled.

"This idiot doesn't think twice about battling two S-class ninja or fighting an army and look what effect Temari-hime has on him with just a touch. I swear she could kill him and he wouldn't even know it." She said tiredly as she slapped his head on the back harshly and he snapped out of it and glared at her.

"Hey what did you do that for?" he asked indignantly rubbing his head and she sighed.

"You really are hopeless when it comes to her aren't you?" she asked and he blushed and stuttered out a 'No' making her sigh and the nurse to laugh. They got onto him and he took off his shirt as Chiyo went about and worked on his torso slowly extracting the bit of poison that the demonic chakra had pushed towards the wounds and checked his other wounds and the nurse jotted everything down on the medical chart as Temari came out having brushed and washed her face as she had combed her hair into a single high ponytail coming to the middle of her waist and saw his naked torso and blushed a bit. Naruto caught her blush and grinned.

"Like what you see hime?" he said teasingly and she blushed harder and glared at the grinning blonde.

"Shut up you baka! Why would I be embarrassed that chest belongs to me…" she trailed off at his grinning face and the amused expressions of the two ladies and blushed harder as she glared at the snickering blonde making him laugh harder at her cute expression and she jumped him on the bed making him yelp.

"Now look what you made me say, now I'll show you!" she said and started tickling him as he giggled and was glad that Chiyo had closed up all his wounds and she was taking full advantage of it.

"Stop hime I'm sorry, I was just kidding it hurts…" he said laughing and she smiled and stopped as she laid on him and put a strand away from his face gazing into his eyes with a smile and a blush. He put his face in her neck and kissed it softly.

"I belong to you hime, why would you be embarrassed about that?" he whispered making her blush and she held his head tightly close to her and closed her eyes.

"I wasn't embarrassed I was just…" she trailed off as he grinned at her.

"Being teased?" he asked and she nodded. "Hai being teased…" she said innocently and trailed off as she realized what she had said and glared at him puffing her cheeks. Chiyo and the nurse saw that they were too caught up in their moment and left leaving their breakfast on the side table and closed the door behind them.

"You-you are so-so…" she trailed off wondering what to say as Naruto finished it off. "Cute?" he asked and she nodded sagely. "Hai Cute…" she trailed off as he laughed at catching her again and she growled and bit his neck softly making him gasp and giggle.

"I didn't know my kitten had fangs." He said chuckling as she blushed and buried her face in his neck and he laughed a bit as he brushed her ponytail and laughed at her obviously embarrassed hiding. She knew she couldn't beat him at teasing and sighed as she kissed his lips softly and gave him a heart-warming smile. She saw the breakfast beside the bed and smiled as she sat up and he pulled her on his lap and she put the tray over hers and started peeling an orange as she put a slice in his mouth and he bit her finger a bit making her glare and him giggle. She started peeling an apple and kept feeding him as he held her in his arms and his chin over her shoulder. Then she remembered the special day that was a couple of weeks from now and smiled.

"Naru-kun do you remember what it is two weeks from now?" she asked softly and he smiled and kissed her neck softly making her smile and rubbed her stomach softly making her feel fuzzy and warm there.

"Of course I do hime how could I forget, it is the day that I proposed my angel to be my girlfriend right?" he whispered softly and she smiled and rubbed his cheek and nodded.

"So what will you get me?" she asked timidly and he raised an eyebrow at her timid voice and knew that she wanted something and was too embarrassed to say it. He turned her around as she looked down playing with her kimono and he put his finger on her chin and brought her gaze to his eyes and smiled at her warmly.

"What do you want hime?" he asked softly and she blushed and averted her gaze as he cupped her cheek and brought her face to him and pecked her softly.

"Tell me what do you want and I promise I'll make it happen." He said softly and she looked up with a blush.

"You promise to get me anything I ask for?" she whispered timidly looking at him nervously and he smiled and nodded.

"Really?" she asked timidly biting her lip as her blush turned a rosy pink and he kissed her forehead softly cupping her cheeks and smiled and nodded as she squeaked out something that he didn't hear.

"What was that hime?" he asked curiously and she again squeaked out something playing with her shirt and he smiled. It must be something truly embarrassing to her if she was acting this way. He brought her chin up with his finger and gave her a smile.

"Hime I can't get you what you want if you don't tell me properly." He said softly and she bit her lip and nodded.

"I want you." She whispered softly and looked down playing with her kimono and he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"You already have me hime remember?" he asked and was confused as she shook her head.

"No I want you." She whispered softly again and he was confused at her demand not understanding a word. She looked up and he saw her eyes watering and her bottom lip quivering and now he grew worried. Whatever she wanted must be truly important to her he thought and cupped her cheeks with his hands and kissed her tears away softly.

"What do you want hime, tell me?" he asked softly and a tear rolled down her eye as she answered him.

"Marry me." She whispered softly with a sniff and his eyes widened in shock at her words and she saw his shock and tears rolled down her eyes as she buried her face in her hands and cried.

"I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have said that to him. A girl never asks a boy for marriage. He must be thinking I'm so stupid, I ruined everything. Please don't let him be angry…" her thoughts were cut off as he grabbed her hands and pulled her close in a passionate kiss and wrapped her up in his arms sitting her up in his lap and their lips moved in perfect sync. He ran his fingers on her waist feeling her every curve of her curvaceous figure and both opened their mouths at the same time and massaged each other's tongues connecting their mouths completely as he pulled off her hair band letting her flow and buried his hand in it and pulled her closer as she did the same pulling him closer by his neck and deepened the kiss. Both were lost in their own worlds as they broke off the most passionate kiss they had ever had and Temari saw that his eyes were glazed and she was still crying as he hadn't answered her.

"Naruto I…" she was cut off as he dove in again and captured her lips again pushing his tongue completely in her mouth and dominated her completely as she moaned when he pulled her closer by the waist and ran her fingers through his hair. He broke off both breathing heavily as she saw him gazing at her with a flush face and a swollen lower lip that she had bitten slightly and she kissed it softly and he grunted a bit in pain and pleasure and she licked it a bit cleaning the blood and was surprised as he captured her tongue in his lips and massaged it with his own making her moan and he broke off and she saw as a tear rolled down his eye and she was worried that she had hurt him when he again captured her lips and surprised her but she kissed him back equally lovingly trying to make up for her stupidity and thought that he must be putting out the pain he must be feeling at not fulfilling her request. He broke off the kiss and saw as she sniffed and pressed his lips this time so softly that she melted in the chaste kiss and almost had her orgasm from the pure and loving lip lock that he gave her and broke off as she saw his eyes that held all the love and warmth in the world for her and was transfixed with his gaze as she saw his lips move and words come out that took her breath away.

"When?" he whispered and her eyes widened as tears rolled down her eyes and he chuckled as she threw herself in his arms and wrapped his hime up in his arms safe from the world and into his warmth with a chuckle as he held the hysterically crying girl in his arms rubbing her back softly as she cried in his neck and cooed the girl softly and held her close to him. She cried in his arms for half an hour and broke off a bit as he still held her close and saw her sniffing and wiping her eyes as he saw her look so adorable with those red puffy cheeks and eyes and those small soft and supple lips that were a bit swollen from their intense kisses. He watched her wipe her eyes with the sleeve of her kimono and smiled as he cupped her face and wiped her nose with his hanky and she giggled a bit in that sweet melodic voice and he smiled and he pulled her close. He put her face in his neck and his chin on her head as she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his neck pressing up against him and he held her by her waist rubbing it softly calming down her sniffing a bit. After ten minutes he saw her relax completely in his arms and pulled her off the hug a bit and she looked at him curiously.

"My hime is so adorable with those puffy cheeks and eyes." He cooed and she blushed in embarrassment at his voice as he treated her like a child and he giggled and kissed her forehead softly.

"And don't you feel embarrassed because no matter how dangerous you get you'll be my cute little hime forever." He said in a cooing voice and she giggled at his stupid words and started hitting his chest in giggles muttering baka.

"You idiot why couldn't you have just said yes. I was so scared that I had lost you. You complete baka baka baka …" she said hitting his chest with tears and he chuckled as he hugged her stopping her hits.

"And who's the baka really…" he asked and she looked at him curiously and looking so cute with that adorable face that he kissed her puffy cheek making her giggle. "… to think you thought that I would even have to think of that, we are engaged and I was the one who really rushed it not you my baka hime." He said chuckling as he saw her adorable face turn all the more red and she hugged him tightly to hide her embarrassment as he held her tightly with a laugh. They sat silently cuddling as Naruto asked a question that had been bugging him.

"Why did you ask for marriage so suddenly hime?" he asked and she sighed and buried her face further in his chest and he held her tightly.

"I-I'm scared Naru-kun." She whispered and he frowned at her answer but let her speak her heart out. "Why?" he asked gently and she stayed silent for a few moments then spoke up.

"Because of what happened during my time in Konoha." She whispered and his frown deepened and he tightened his hold on her.

"What happened in Konoha?" he asked softly though on the inside anger was bubbling up and he wanted to hear her answer.

"They tried to get me to marry the Uchiha for an alliance…" she whispered and the temperature of the room dropped a few degrees and his eyes turned cold.

"They what?" he asked in a low voice trying to reign in his temper and she hugged him tightly calming him down.

"They tried to force me into a political marriage with him and that bastard tried to flirt with me and eyed me like a piece of meat…" she whispered as killing intent flooded the room and Naruto was getting furious by the minute and she decided to calm him down. "… but Gaara refused completely and when they tried to trick us into an alliance that benefitted only them he told them off completely but Tsunade will come during the finals of the Chunin Exams for the final talks. Naruto I don't want to be forced with marriage to anyone besides you. I-I would k-kill myself if…" she was cut off as he gave her a gentle chaste kiss and rubbed her cheek softly.

"Hime I would tear that village along with that bastard if they even tried to lay a finger on you…" he said and she nodded as a tear rolled down her eye showing her fright and he hugged her close to him.

"Hime that Uchiha he didn't do anything to you did he?" he asked and she giggled and pecked him.

"As if that bastard could even touch me, I would castrate him with my blunt fan first before he made a move on me…" she said and he chuckled softly at her fiery temper knowing she was very much capable of carrying out the threat if needed.

"Hime you aren't doing this only because you are scared…" he was cut off as she looked at him with a hurt expression and he felt ashamed for asking such a question.

"Do you think so low of that I would…" she was cut off as he hugged her tightly stopping her.

"No, I don't want you to be forced into anything hime. I didn't mean it like that…" he said softly and she nodded in his chest and hugged him tightly.

"You didn't tell me when hime?" he asked playfully and she giggled and put her arms around his neck and her forehead against his and gazed at him lovingly.

"The same day you proposed me to be your girlfriend…" she whispered and he nodded and kissed her softly.

"Alright." He whispered back and she giggled like a schoolgirl making him confused as she spoke up softly hugging him.

"I'll loosen up that wallet of yours with a whole lot of shopping now. Let's see how much you've saved all these years' mister." She said and he smiled and kissed her neck.

"Shop all you want hime, but there is one thing that I will buy for you…" he said and she looked at him curiously and he smiled. "Your wedding dress, I have an idea for it in which my hime will most likely make my heart stop, so leave that to me alright?" he asked and she nodded with a smile.

"Alright then I'll choose your clothes and the rest we'll shop together. I'll do everything I have dreamed about and make it perfect." She said dreamily and he smiled and kissed her forehead softly.

"We'll make it perfect hime." He said and she nodded with a smile liking the way we sounded.

"So now you will have to change your name and reveal your heritage Naru-kun. I am going to be Temari Namikaze right?" she whispered softly and he nodded with a smile at the sound of her name.

"I was already going to reveal it as soon as I was up and about but I guess we'll do it at our wedding alright." he said and she nodded happily that he was going to take up his father's name and then she would get to be his wife.

An hour later the door slid open as he saw Gaara come in and gave him a smile as Gaara too smiled seeing the two cuddling and was followed by Kankuro who took a seat beside him.

"Uzumaki the council has been pretty happy with your work and has decided to give you a new position…" he said handing him the scroll and Naruto took it and unrolled it and his eyes widened as he read each line again and Temari too was stunned at the contents of the letter.

"Are you serious?" he asked and Gaara nodded as he stood up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Naruto Uzumaki I Gaara no Sabaku, the Godaime Kazekage of Sunagakure no sato appoint you as the military commander of the village. Do you accept?" he asked and Naruto nodded with a smile.

"Hai Kazekage-sama!" he said formally and Gaara nodded and turned to Temari with a sad smile.

"Temari you will have to leave for the leaf village next week…" he was cut off as Naruto spoke up.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible Gaara…" he said confusing Gaara and he continued. "We put in a leave application for a month."" He said and Gaara glared at him.

"Uzumaki you know her mission, the council will need a very solid reason…" he was cut off as Naruto pulled her closer by her waist and kept his head on hers with a smile.

"We are getting married in two weeks Gaara." He said and Gaara stood there stunned with wide eyes but was broken out of his thoughts as they heard a thump behind them and turned around to see Kankuro on the floor unconscious and he sighed face palming and the blonde couple chuckled.

"I swear he won't live long if you keep doing this." He said with a sigh and turned back to them with a smile.

"Alright that is a good enough reason but she will still be in charge of the preparations as well as the liaison for the dignitaries in the finals, that I cannot help her with but your leave I will get approved." He said and Naruto nodded with a smile.

"Congratulations are in order then." He said and they shook hands as Gaara hugged him shocking the two of them and looked at Naruto with a smile.

"The family just got bigger." He said and Naruto and Temari nodded with a smile as he picked Kankuro up with his sand and went out giving them the privacy but Naruto stopped him.

"Gaara I will reveal my heritage at the marriage ceremony and take up my father's name." he said and Gaara nodded.

"The council already knows since most of them were veterans and recognized your fighting style from the last battle, it's about time too." He said and Naruto chuckled as he walked out with an unconscious Kankuro in tow.

One Week Later…

Naruto was released from the hospital having been fully healed and up and running as he walked with his hime wrapped up against his arm through the village streets as they entered another shop for some marriage decorations. He watched as Temari went through every little detail she wanted and he just stood back answering her questions every once in a while and paying for everything. The council had happily approved of the marriage leave and Gaara had sent a message to Konoha letting them know of the absence of Temari and had apologized for the inconvenience and Tsunade had made Shikamaru the complete in charge for the first two parts of the exams.

The whole village was in buzz as they heard their favourite couple announcing their marriage and were eagerly waiting for the ceremony to happen though there were many broken hearts among both the male and female population. Naruto watched as the men looked on in jealousy at him while the women were giving the same glances to his hime and were blushing at him and he sighed as he watched Temari going on happily about the various plans of the marriage, half of which went through his head but he tried to listen and understand everything she said and gave her a small kiss every now and them making her beam and more enthusiastic. He himself couldn't wait to finally have his hime as his wife and a chance to start a loving and happy family in a village that respected and accepted him completely.

Meanwhile in Konohagakure no sato…

Tsunade sat in her office as she read the scroll from Suna and grinned as she called Shizune and she came in and saw the smile on her face and knew she was up to something.

"Get me Shikamaru Nara Shizune." She said and Shizune nodded as she called for him and fifteen minutes later the lazy ass Nara entered the office lazily with a yawn.

"You called Hokage-sama?" he asked with a yawn and she twitched at his laziness but then smiled.

"Yes Shikamaru I did. You see I just got a message from the Sand village saying that Temari has been granted a leave due to some personal important things in her life and their council has approved it." She said with a smile and he looked at her curiously.

"Then how will she help me with the first two parts of the Exams?" he asked and he smile widened.

"She won't." she said and his eyes widened in disbelief. "You don't mean…" he saw cut off as Tsunade spoke up.

"Chunin Shikamaru Nara you been hereby given the complete authority for the first two phases of the Chunin Exams while the third part shall be taken care of by Temari completely. So I suggest you get to work." She said grinning at his stunned face and after a moment Shikamaru sighed.

"Troublesome blondes." He said and Tsunade's eye twitched.

"You want some extra duties too I presume then…" she asked sweetly and he sighed again.

"Troublesome." He said and Tsunade developed a tick mark on her head as she threw the bottle of sake at him and he dodged and ran off as he heard a shout.

"NOW GET TO WORK BEFORE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU LAZY ASS!" he heard and walked out with a sigh as he bumped into the person he least expected to and gazed at the curious eyes of the last precious Uchiha.

"Hey Shikamaru I was just looking for you." Said Sasuke and Shikamaru sighed as he yawned and wondered how he would get all the work done on his own.

"What do you want Uchiha?" he asked in a dismissive tone as Sasuke twitched but shrugged it off as he looked behind him.

"So where's Temari, I thought she was with you to help in the preparations of the first two phases of the Exams." He asked curiously and Shikamaru sighed.

"She isn't coming to the leaf for the first two phases and has been granted a leave by her village for some reason and will complete the preparations of the last phase all on her own." He said and Sasuke frowned.

"Damn it, there goes my chance to win her with my charm and make her mine. But oh well I'll swipe her off her feet in the finals then." He thought in glee as he imagined the Suna princess falling in his arms and her beautiful body in his arms and saw Shikamaru staring at him blankly and coughed as he shook off his thoughts and realized he had spaced out.

"Oh well then I suppose that you have a lot of work to do then…" he said and Shikamaru suddenly had an idea.

"No you are lucky I found you here Uchiha, Tsunade-sama just ordered me that you will be helping me for the final phase of the exams and now it saves me time to find you. I volunteered you myself." He said and Sasuke frowned.

"And why the hell would I waste my time with that stupid stuff…" he was cut off as Shikamaru spoke up.

"Oh I just thought how much you wanted to win Temari over and how she would be so grateful that you took her place and organized the exams so well in her stead." He said as he saw the smile and look of dreaminess on his face and smirked.

"Hook, line and sinker… and that's checkmate Uchiha." he thought laughing in his mind as he saw Sasuke break out of his thoughts and nodded.

"Alright Nara we will organize this as best as possible and with the perfection of an Uchiha, then Temari will realize how much I want her to be mine." He said and Shikamaru nodded as he saw Sasuke go in to ask Tsunade to make it official.

"He is so easy to manipulate. No wonder he went to be Orochimaru's bitch so easily." He thought shaking his head as he followed him inside and had removed the burden from him completely courtesy of an easily manipulated and stupid Uchiha.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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