This drowsiness won't stop me, if anything, it will help me let all the feels out.
'Alright girl~ let's do this~'
"...mmk...hkmm Hm~"
The rough hum didn't get to make much noise. It only dedicated itself to hurting my throat as more of the song was hummed. Nevertheless, I still continued to force it out.
'~ How you feeling? How we~ feel right now??'
'We've been so down and under pressure~~~ But girl~... We're way too fine to be this stressed, Hell yeah!!'
'You're not the girl we were or used to beeeee~~... Biatch, honey ~.....'
Giving her a naughty smirk as I sang in my head a bit of an improvised lyrics, I winked at my confused, but excited girl, who listened with interest to the cool song and said the next phrase making the most badass queen pose our body could manage.