16.66% Overlord: Reborn as an NPC / Chapter 4: The Floor Guardians

บท 4: The Floor Guardians

(A/N: This is a future note by me as of chapter 25. This story was inspired by "Yellowness" on fanfiction.net by MidasMan. At the time of writing, I used his fic as a baseline for mine. This is why the first 6 chapters are pretty much copy/paste and not something I'm not proud of as I didn't put my own spin on things. If you can bear those chapters and push through, I really do thank you from the bottom of my heart. It does get better and the plot begins to change once you get past it. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy the fanfic!)

[Citrinitas's POV]

To say I hated reading would have been an understatement. It's boring, it's repetitive and to top it off, it's unimaginative. I'm more of a visual learner. Now, some books I can get behind as long as they're interesting and captivating enough. Luckily for me, alchemy is an interesting topic I can get behind. As alchemy was only theoretical and non-existent in my old world, it was good to find a new topic to engross myself in.

The problem is the sheer amount of books I have to read. Piles upon piles, shelves upon shelves. If I'm going to survive this place and not be seen as a fraud, I need to amass as much knowledge about the topic in as little time as possible.

Now, although I 'studied' alchemy when I was a puppet, I still need to know the theories behind it. For example, you could learn how to play a song on a piano or guitar. However, if you didn't know the theory on how to play the instrument, the song you'd play wouldn't sound as good as it could be.

I just picked the most interesting titles that caught my mind. My current favourite book was "Alchemy: A guide For Dummies." A really helpful book with theories behind the topic and everything in between. Though to my maids and assistants, It looked like I was bored and reading a silly beginner's book to amuse myself.

Time passed as Sebas came back to the alchemy room and took the list, my assistant, Elaina provided. I was going to continue to absorb knowledge about alchemy theory when the iron butler dropped the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on me.

"Lord Citrinitas, The Supreme One has requested you, along with the other floor guardians, to arrive at the Amphitheatre on the 6th floor within one hour." He said calmly. I waved a hand of affirmation to him before he closed the door and left.

'I guess it's the part in the show where the floor guardians submit absolute loyalty to Momonga.' I thought, putting down the book I was reading and leaning back in my oddly comfortable chair. 'This means that in three days, Momnga, later Ainz, will appear in Carne Village.'

Though I acted calm and collected, I was freaking the fuck out! Not in the exciting way where you'd get to see your favourite characters. Quite the opposite. Some of the floor guardians are easy to deal with such as Aura and Mare. The issue lies with the other floor guardians.

Call me a coward or fearful but, this is Nazarick. A tomb filled with eldritch horrors crawling at every corner. This is no longer the anime you watch while lying on the sofa in your living room. This is real life where torture is a possibility and death is a mercy. The most dangerous beings among the floor guardians are Albedo, Demiurge and Shalltear. Each one is equally as dangerous as the last.

Albedo, my older 'sister' is A being that can inspire pure lust in any being by just smiling. Because Momonga edited her flavour text at the end of the game from being a slut, to a crazy and obsessed yandere. I swear in the nine circles of hell that if I say anything less than a mini paragraph's worth of flattery to the salaryman, I'd have my head on a pike!

Then, there's Demiurge the arch-devil. The smartest being in Nazarick, except when talking to Lord Momonga, later Ainz. Demiurge is the type of person who'd try to inflict the most pain possible while achieving great results. For example, instead of giving a test subject bread, why not make them eat their arm and heal it later?

Finally, there's Shalltear Bloodfallen, the vampire. Probably the most dangerous of them all considering my predicament. Because her creator Peroronchino was a hentai enthusiast, he filled her bio to have all sorts of fetishes. Don't let her cute appearance fool you. Shalltear is the type of person to force-feed you a buffet's worth of food filled with the strongest laxatives just to see you suffer.

Normally, I would have just tried to ignore or stay away from those monsters. However, I vividly remember Peroronchino adding in her lore that she wants to be my wife. This would have been fine considering she's pretty. But things never go your way in Nazarick. She's a total monster and is quite possibly obsessed with me! Never stick your dick in crazy no matter how pretty the lady looks!

My body shivered at the thought of those three creatures. 'Just keep your cool, Aj- Citrinitas. Maybe there's something in my bio that can help me fool those lunatics just like the salaryman! Gosh, I wish I had his luck!' I tried to focus on the bright side. 'At least you can lock yourself here and hopefully learn something new about your build when this is all over.'

I picked up another book to pass the time before I have to leave. This time, I picked up a book called "Magnum Opus." A book about the process of creating the philosopher's stone. 'Three days until Momonga goes to Carne Village. Should I go with him? How can I convince him to let me tag along? Maybe I will be a part of his adventure group? So many possibilities.' I thought to myself.

Thinking about the future brought another question to my head. 'Why was I ordered to go to the Amphitheatre?' I know from being a puppet that I am not a floor guardian. Rather, I'm an area guardian. The difference is that a floor guardian guards the entire floor while an area guardian guards certain areas appointed to them.

What's unique to me is that there are no floor guardians controlling the ninth floor. There is only Sebas along with the Pleiades maids that guard the floor. The main reason was to stall for time if a raid ever broke through the 8th floor.

'Maybe it's because of my unique position as Nazarick's sole alchemist?' I thought of a possibility. 'If I was summoned, that must mean I have an authority that rivals floor guardians such as Sebas or Pandora's Actor. I guess that's some good info to know about.' I continued to ponder.

I pushed those ideas and thought to the back of my head as I continued to read. Time flowed by quickly as the hour neared. I put my book down and glanced at the clock that hung on the wall. '20 minutes left, huh.' I thought.

'I should get going. I've always been curious what casting the [Gate] spell is like. I should be able to do it considering most floor guardians can.' I thought, getting off from my comfy chair.

Of course, me getting off my chair didn't go unnoticed by a few of the maids passing by. "Erm, is there an issue, Lord Citrinitas?" Asked a maid, who had long blue hair and golden eyes. 'Is that … Rimuru? Jesus fucking christ. First Elaina, now him? Her? I'm guessing she's her considering the breasts, albeit small.' I sighed.

I guess my sigh was vocalized as Rimuru seemed to gasp. "D-did I do something to displease you, master?!" She frantically asked. 'I hate this 'master' bullshit. I'm from the fucking military! Call me boss or something! I'm not a deplorable dipshit that has a master complex!'

"You misunderstand." I clarified. "It's nothing. I'm going to meet with Lord Momonga soon. Go back to your routines, Rimuru." I said in what I believed Citrinitas would act like. I guessed it worked as the girl bowed, blushed, and went back to whatever task she was doing.

'Blushing? I guess this is Japanese anime after all so, It's not surprising. That was pretty cute though. Meh, let's figure out this [Gate] spell.' I thought. I walked towards the entrance of the alchemy room. It was a good spot to try and cast [Gate] as the middle of the alchemy room was currently occupied by the assistants.

'I think I should do the same thing as I did with [Fireball]. Just say the name and roll from there. Everything should come naturally like I know how to use it after casting.' I concluded. "[Gate]!" I shouted the name of the spell.

Immediately after, a small purple swirl appeared before me before it quickly grew in size comparable to the typical wooden door. 'This portal should lead to the 6th floor as I thought of where I wanted to go beforehand.' I thought. Wasting no time, I stepped through the portal before disappearing from the alchemy lab.

Walking through the portal felt like normal, to my surprise. It was like walking through a doorway from one room to another. Except, instead of seeing the other side right away, there was the purple swirl that provided visual effects.

When I appeared on the other side, I was met with a giant colosseum. One that was almost identical to the one made in the Roman Empire. There was a notable difference and that was the huge pillars that stretched outwards of the colosseum. Seemingly defying any laws of physics. I'm no engineer but, I'd assume something like that shouldn't be possible. It does look cool, I'll give it that.

No matter how magnificent the amphitheatre, it could not compete with the starry sky. It was like comparing a McDonald's sandwich to one of Gordon Ramsay's famous dishes. There was no competing between the two.

The closest thing I could compare the sky to would be when you go stargazing in the north where there's little pollution. The sky was a combination of blues, purples and blacks. You could make out every single star from the dim ones to the brighter ones. It was truly a sight to see even though it was an illusion created by a player called Blue Planet.

Looking around and taking in the breathtaking sight, I noticed two small figures fighting what could only be described as a very large fire monster with no lower half. One of the small figures was throwing around an abnormally long whip while the other meekly stood behind casting what looked to be magic.

Yes, the fighters were Aura and Mare. The twin guardians of the 6th floor were currently fighting a Primal Fire Elemental. 'If I recall, the twins kill off the monster before any other floor guardians arrive. That means I'm early. I should try out some spells on the thing while I have the chance.' I thought.

'They are still quite far away from me. I wonder what teleporting feels like?' I pondered. 'Let's see here. Just think about teleporting and this should …' "[Greater Teleportation]!" I said, casting the 7th tier spell.

I was very curious as to what teleporting felt like as a human. Sadly, there was nothing special to it. I just disappeared in one moment, and then appeared where I wanted to in the next. It was as quick as blinking.

I appeared quite close enough to the fight where my spells were in the range of the enemy. As I was in front of the Supreme One and the other 6th floor guardians, I kept acting as the mysterious alchemy NPC. 'Let's try out some spells. I've been reading quite a few books while in the lab.'

[Narrators POV]

"[Twin Maximize Magic: Hydro Maelstrom]!" Citrinitas shouted as two spiralling balls of violent water formed in the air. As quickly as they formed, the spheres of water shot directly at the Primal Fire Elemental's face, dimming its flames and stunning it.

Aura and Mare turned to where the voice and magic came from when they noticed quite the ominous figure. A man in pure black with a long white plague doctor mask. Just staring in his glowing eyes from the mask made them internally shiver.

Momonga too turned to where the voice came from. 'Citrinitas? I thought he'd come later than sooner. I wonder why that is? Well, Tabula did say 'most will never know what goes on in his head. That is why he's so scary. You'll never know what's next!' I miss the old times.' The undead mage thought.

"Woah!" Aura exclaimed. "S-sis, whose t-that?" Mare timidly asked her more confident sister, pulling on her sleeve. Before Aura could reply, the alchemist continued with more spells. "[Boost Magic: Geyser]!" Said Citrinitas, in his usual echo-ish, hypnotic yet unsettling voice.

As he shouted the name of the spell, a hole opened below the Primal Fire Elemental that had a two-metre diameter. As fast as it formed, a huge eruption of pressurised water emerged from the hole, soaking the fire monster entirely.

The monster didn't sit idle, as it used whatever flames it had and directed them to its fist. The monster then used all its force and threw a punch directly at the alchemist. The speed at which the fist travelled fed the flames, making the fire grow in intensity.

"[Fly]!" The alchemist flew out of the way at lightning speeds, dodging the attack perfectly. The fire monster's fist smashed on the ground, making dust fly everywhere. "I'm bored. [Triplet Maximize Magic: Whirlpool]!" Three tornadoes of water formed all around the Primal Fire Elemental as they quickly honed in on the monster. It had no time to react as the whirlpools of water all clashed against the monster, reducing whatever flames it previously had to nothing.

The three whirlpools of water dissipated, forming a semi-large pool of water on the ground. What remained was the wet corpse of the Primal Fire Elemental. The alchemist descended from the air gracefully like an angel after he was done with the fight.

"Hey! That was min-" Aura cleared her voice. "OUR training dummy!" She said boldly. Citrinitas turned his head slightly, meeting the small dark elf's gaze. His eyes glowed an ominous and unsettling white that even put the overlord slightly off edge.

Before things escalated beyond control, Momonga intervened. "Aura, relax." The skeleton mage commanded. "But Lord Momonga! He stole our kill!" Aura argued. 'Ahh, they're still children. How do I calm them down?' The salaryman thought. "It's fine." He started, raising his boney hand. "The Primal Fire Elemental was going to die soon anyway. As a reward, do you want some water for your valiant efforts?" Momonga asked. His voice was royal and elegant like a king.

"Ohhh! Yes! Yes please!" Aura replied cheerfully, hopping around and forgetting what the plague doctor did, temporarily. "I w-would like some too." Mare meekly replied after his sister. "Lord Momonga. It's an honour to meet you." Citrinitas said.

'Holy shit! He sounds so menacing! Keep your cool, Suzuki!' Momonga internally freaked out but calmed himself down. "Umu. It's nice to see you too, Citrinitas." Momonga stated. Aura and Mare finished their glasses of water, wanting to 'talk' to the person that interrupted their fun.

"HEY! You've still yet to answer me!" Aura shouted, trying to sound menacing and angry. However, that failed quite a bit, sounding and looking cuter than anything. "Hmm?" Citrinitas seemed slightly confused. Though, to the others, it seemed that he had just noticed the dark elf.

Yet again, Momonga stepped in to calm the feisty dark elf girl's temper. "Calm down, Aura." Momonga said while using a hand to give Aura head pats. For a moment, Aura stopped and smiled at her master's affection.

'Huh, it's almost like she's a purring cat.' Momonga thought. "Yes, you can join too, Mare." Momonga said to the shy elf boy. Mare smiled giddily as he skipped next to Aura and received head pats. Momonga gave a glance to Citrinitas. 'Oh gosh, he's just standing there, MENACINGLY!'

[Citrinitas's POV]

I honestly didn't know what to do. I believed I did a pretty good job with how I fought the Primal Fire Elemental. I had to research how the damage system worked. It was annoying, but I did find a book somewhere in my mini Ashurabipal about it.

It was quite simple that even a baby could figure it out. Fire types are weak to water. Thus, I learned water-based spells. Quite tough as I never saw or read about any offensive spells that were water-based in my previous life. If there were any, I'm a dumbass. If I used fire-based spells, it would have only strengthened the monster further.

I guess I was too excited to try the spells out, I forgot that Aura and Mare were fighting the thing in the first place. If It weren't for the salaryman, I'd be having to deal with a child. Speaking of, he's just giving head pats to the kids. 'Heh, they're acting like cats.' I thought with amusement.

The skeleton overlord stopped giving head pats, to the twin's dismay. It was also to mine as Aura began to shout at me. "Anyways, WHY YOU'D KILL THE MONSTER?!" Aura asked with fury. But, due to her small stature, voice and appearance, it was funnier than anything else.

"Ahh, I just wanted to use some spells. It's been a while since I've fought anything and I felt like I've gotten rusty. I humbly apologize, Aura." I said, giving a slight head bow to the dark elf. "I- uhm … it's ok really! You must have been working hard in the alchemy lab! I forgive you!" Aura stumbled on her words, waving her hands around.

'Hmmm, how interesting. I don't believe that Citrinitas has had a chance to use his magic back in the game. Maybe that's the reason he took down that Primal Fire Elemental.' Momonga thought. 'Ahh, he's been stuck in the alchemy room. I feel bad. I'll deal with the issue when the time comes.'

"Sis," Aura's brother started to talk meekly. "W-whose … that? I don't remember him." Mare asked. "W-well, it has been a while. We've only seen him once and that was years ago!" Aura exclaimed. "B-back when the o-other Supreme Beings were here?" Mare asked. Aura's smile seemed to falter, being at a loss for words.

"Indeed. I'm Citrinitas. The alchemist that's located on the 9th floor. A pleasure to meet you, Mare." I said, raising my hand for a handshake. The dark elf boy seemed to hesitate, a mixture of how my voice sounded and my title. It was the most logical explanation I could come up with at the moment.

"N-nice to m-meet you, Citrinitas. I've h-heard plenty of stories about you!" Mare exclaimed, slowly gaining clarity in his voice. 'God fucking dammit. He sounds like a girl. The outfit isn't helping his case either. That Bukubuku-bitch and her crossdressing fetish!' I angrily thought but kept myself composed.

"Oh, I didn't know I'm famous. Tell me, what have you heard?" I asked. Knowing what the other NPCs thought about me was quite important. "Well, I heard that under that mask, you're very handsome!" Mare exclaimed. "Who … said that?" I questioned. "Shalltear!" Mare replied with excitement.

'Aww, fuck! That crazy bitch?!' "Oh … uhm-" I was cut off from saying anything when I heard my name called out by a familiar voice. "Is that who I think it is?" The feminine voice called out from behind me. It was a mixture of cute, posh and alluring. 'That voice … oh shit! Mare jinxed me!' I turned behind me, only to confirm my worst fears.

Shalltear looked just like I remembered her to be back when I was a puppet. A vampire of short stature with the appearance of a fourteen-year-old girl. Her description to be a true beauty was no exaggeration. Shiny pale skin, seductive crimson eyes, and fine facial features. She wore a bowtie that was attached to her long silver hair. This along with her big heavy skirt, styled to be victorian-like would inspire lust in any normal being.

But, this didn't fool me one bit. Shalltear may look like the perfect woman on the outside. However, she's rotten to the core. A monster that has no issue doing the absolute worst. I have no issue killing people. I did it in my past life and will eventually in this life. But, I was never a fan of letting others suffer for my amusement.

Shalltear quickly ran up to me, taking me by surprise. However, I quickly reacted. "[Greater Teleportation]!" I shouted, disappearing out of thin air last minute just as the vampire pounced to where I previously was. 'Phew. that was a close call.' I thought to myself.

'Oh, why did Citrinitas do that? Ah, it was probably something Tabula added in his lore if I remember correctly.' Momonga continued to observe the floor guardian's actions, not interfering unless a fight broke out. Collecting information, especially after transporting and becoming his game avatar was important.

"Mou," Shalltear pouted, realizing that she wasn't hugging her beloved. "Why won't you let me hug you, Citrinitas? It has been years since we've last met." Shalltear said, trying to guilt-trip me. "Hmph," Aura huffed, crossing her arms together. "Probably because you're as flat as a bored!" She exclaimed. 'Ohhhh! What a burn!' I thought, holding in a giggle.

Shalltear's previous joy of meeting me quickly turned sour, angrily glaring at the dark elf. "WHY YOU!" Shalltear raised her voice but calmed herself when she looked at her lover, me. "Hmph. It's not worth arguing with you Aura. As Peroronchino once said, 'Big chests may fill a man's hands. But, small chests fill a man's heart!'" Shalltear exclaimed with passion.

The argument between Aura and Shalltear continued for a while as more of the guardians joined. There was Demiurge, guardian of the 7th floor. There was Cocytus, guardian of the 5th floor as well as Sebas and Albedo. The head butler and Overseer of Nazarick, respectively.

What also intrigued me was that there was a new face among the floor guardians that appeared. Someone that didn't appear in both the overlord anime and light novels. Rather, another anime entirely. 'God fucking dammit. Things have changed again because of my existence.' I thought.

A tall, beautiful and slender woman with long, light blue hair and eyes. If looks could kill, she would have killed people thousands of times over. The woman wore what could only be described as a general's outfit from the military. White as snow with trims of black. Yes, she was Esdeath.

'What the ACTUAL FUCK is Esdeath doing here?! I WAS ONLY JOKING EARLIER!' I was stunned, but my mask hid that. 'Fucking dammit. That woman is just as crazy as Shalltear and Albedo! If only Esdeath wasn't a sadist and social Darwinist, I'd smash. Don't stick your dick in crazy! I would very much date a more calm and less human-hating and sadistic girl. Someone like Yuri Alpha or maybe my assistants.' I thought, before clearing my mind and focusing on the task at hand.

Seeing that the argument hasn't stopped between the dark elf and vampire, Momonga stepped in. "That's enough!" He shouted with authority. The argument, along with the small catching up between the floor guardians halted. Momonga subconsciously activated [Despair Aura Ⅰ], making us all freeze in fear. Normally [Despair Aura Ⅰ] would not affect a level 100 being. However, Momonga was holding the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, bolstering all magical effects.

Seeing that everyone was here, Albedo started to speak. "My lord, we the guardians, pledge our fidelity." She said calmly as we all collectively kneeled. 'Pledge our fidelity?! I'm not pledging anything for nobody! I'm my own man! Though I'll have to comply with the rules, I won't be fawning over the gamer that had no life in the real world.' I thought.

"I am very pleased that all of you have come." Momonga started. "Your thanks are wasted on us, my lord. We have pledged ourselves to live and obey, lord. I fear our abilities may not meet your expectations. Despite this, we will strive to meet them in honour of the lost Supreme Beings, our blessed creators. This we vow." My sister finished.

"This we vow." We all collectively said. "Most excellent my guardians!" Momonga exclaimed, raising his hands in the air. "I do not doubt that all of you will fulfil your duties without fail!" He said. The guardians all gasped with awe whilst I remained silent.

"Now then, the situation outside the Great Tomb of Nazarick is at present entirely unknown to us." Momonga stated. "With this in mind, I've had Sebas examine the surrounding area." Momonga said, glancing at the butler. "It's all grasslands." Sebas stated. "Grasslands?" Momonga questioned in confusion.

"Indeed, lord. I'm afraid the swamps that once surrounded the Great Tomb of Nazarick are nowhere to be seen. Furthermore, I could not confirm a single building or monster within one kilometre of here. It would seem we are completely isolated." Sebas said, finishing off his report.

"Hmmm, it would seem I expected so. Nazarick has been transported by unknown means. Albedo, Demiurge. I have a task for you. Fortify our defences and find a way to strengthen our information gathering." Understood, both floor guardians replied. 'So far, everything seems to be going like canon.' I thought.

"Mare, is there any way to conceal Nazarick?" Momonga asked. "Yes, though … it would be difficult if all we used is magic. But if we covered the walls with dirt and vegetation, I think it would help camouflage us from the outside world." Mare gave his thoughts on the matter.

"You plan on covering the sacred grounds of Naarick with DIRT!?" Albedo snarled. "Albedo, there is no need for your needless remarks." "Yes, forgive me, lord. I was careless." My sister corrected her mistakes. "Excellent Idea, create multiple dummy hills to make things less suspicious." Momonga said to Mare, making the boy blush from the praise.

"Lastly, there is a question I want you all to answer. First, Shalltear. Tell me in your own words what kind of person you think I am." Momonga asked with demand in his voice. "There is nothing living or dead that can compare to your glory. Only second to my beloved when it comes to looks." Shalltear stated.

"Cocytus?" "A man whose strength is unrivalled by any guardian. You are truly worthy of being the leader of Nazarick." Cocytus said. "Aura?" "Compassionate. And, you're always three steps ahead of the game!" "Mare?" "A kind and compassionate ruler." said the dark elves.

"Demiurge?" Momonga asked, curious as to what the smartest being of Nazarick would say. "A person who makes wise decisions and acts upon them efficiently and without any form of hesitation! Your enigmatic nature makes it nigh impossible to predict you." Demiurge said instantly.

"Sebas?" "You are the head of all Supreme Beings. And even though the other creators had left us behind, you mercifully stayed behind in Nazarick until the very end." "Citrinitas?" 'Oh shit! My turn to say something?! Think fast!' I said to myself as my mind raced for ideas.

"A being whose talents are unfathomable beyond compare." Yes, it was short. But, it got the job done. "Esdeath?" 'Let's see what this chick says.' I thought to myself. "A being whose merciful yet authoritative when needed." Esdeath said.

"Finally, Albedo." Albedo blushed before speaking. "You are the highest-ranking member of the Supreme Beings. Our ultimate master and the ruler of Nazarick. As well as the man whom heart belongs!" Albedo exclaimed. Momonga stepped back, shocked, but regained composer.

"Y-yes, I see. I have heard your thoughts and given you your orders. Go work faithfully in my name!" Momonga said, slamming his staff on the ground. "Lord!" We all exclaimed. Seconds later, the overlord teleported away, relieving us from his pressure.

'Ah, why do they have such high regards of me? I'm so … pathetic!'

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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