
ตอน 227: Chapter 188: Arriving At Kolosten

The entourage of herrschers saw the planet sized honkai beast in space and they were awestruck by the gigantic being that came from the crack in the void.

"What in the world is that?" Mei gulped as she pointed at it.

"That, we shouldn't talk about that I guess." Joachim frowned heavily at the sight. Thinking that the honkai beast must be the bringer of doom in their world.

"I just got confirmation from Dr. MEI, they'll handle that of course. She said that we should just focus on what's in front." Cheng gave them some information and everybody sighed in relief.

"Hah, that's intense. I really don't wanna deal with that thing. Let Elysia-san and the others take care of it." Shub waved her hands, happy that they won't be needed for whatever that mess is.

"Oh? It disappeared, wait. Let me see what's happening over there." Theresa connected to EINSTEIN and MEI. They then saw an eldtrich woman who looked like bad news.

"Uwaaah, she looks evil as hell with that smirk on her face." Patricia drank some beer.

They then saw Sushang slug her in the face, sending Cana flying like a meteor. Thankfully, Ein gave them some protection, or the earth will suffer catastrophic damages.

"Holy moly, Sushang-san is that strong? Well, she trains everyday like a meathead." Mei was surprised and Adelheid started to shiver. Remembering the day she almost died when she was a kid. While Ein and Sushang sparred.

"Okay, enough everyone. We're here at Kolosten, grandma is around here. I can feel it." Theresa looked at the seemingly abandoned town and she knew that with her manga that something fishy is happening down there.

"Umu, it feels eerie there. Let's go everyone! Let's kick the ex overseer's ass!" Kiana shouted out as she remembered what Tilie did to her.

Everybody nodded and they prepared for battle. "Wait a minute, let me finish this first." Bianka was eating a taco and Kiana fished one from her pouch as well. Deciding to fuel up with Bianka.

"Hah, they're basically the same. Bianka is just more mature." Adelheid sighed as she shook her head.

"Ara~ Bianka-san, you're being compared to your sister, isn't that wonderful?" Rita chuckled and the two Kaslanas both choked from the mighty taco. Making Rita pour tea for them.


At Kolosten, one Ottilie Apocalypse laments how far she has fallen. How she couldn't even remember what spurned her actions into such evil and degeneracy in the first place.

All she wanted was to be with Kallen, but now. She sold her soul to the honkai and will willingly destroy the world. Just to give Kallen Kaslana, the holy maiden of Schicksal, a chance.

"The world steeps in corruption and human degeneracy. It rewards the righteous with pain and suffering. While the ones on top savor the heroes' sacrifice." Tilie looked at void Archives and activated her Soulium avatars.

"Kallen... I never did tell you that you're the best thing that happened in my life. I hope you lead a beautiful life this time around." Tilie looked at the surveillance and saw the entourage that was coming for her. She smirked, as her gamble worked out and her old friend basically gave her permission to act out her plan.

"Ein, my old friend. Your permission is appreciated, I guess you understand." She unearthed records that pertained to MOTH in the database of the gundams and she learned a lot about their history.


The herrscher team along with the Russians and St. Freya staff landed at Kolosten and they felt something ominous about the place.

Theresa brandished Judah and squinted her eyes. "Prepare yourselves, grandma has something prepared for us, surely." Theresa was vigilant while the others nodded. Preparing their weapons and selves. Especially because they were quite spent, cutting through hordes of honkai beasts on the way.

They then heard claps behind them. Everybody turned and saw a woman with a mask of a clown on. "Impressive, you landed here quickly without much of a scratch." One of Tilie's avatars chuckled.

"Ottilie Apocalypse... What nefarious plan do you have under your sleeve now? Can't you see!? We are in total war! Aesir is the only one holding the line." Joachim hissed and Tilie just laughed at him.

"Foolish little boy. Aesir isn't the one you should be worried about right now. Unlike Anti-Entropy, they can do their job properly." Tilie roasted him and Joachim winced at her words.

"Hey! They're doing alright okay? But aren't you the one that should be worried right now? There are a lot of us, and only one of you." Kiana raised a flag and Rita gave a wry smile.

"Ohhh, you are correct. Forgive me, then let us even the playing field?" Tilie snapped her fingers and a lot of Soulium avatars appeared. Wielding weapons that were created from void Archives. A benefit of being the servant of the imaginary tree.

"Kiana! You and your big mouth." Theresa squinted her eyes at Kiana and she winced at her stare. "No matter, she must've prepared for this a long time ago anyways." Theresa sighed and Adelheid cracked her knuckles. But she was quite worried.

After all, even though Abyss Flower healed her and Bianka. Their battle earlier took a lot out of them, fatigue still wracked their bodies. Especially Rita, who needed to defend the planet from their fight earlier.

Not to mention that Kiana and Mei also went through an intense fight. Joachim and the staff were the ones who are 100%. Not knowing that the calm Himeko beside them was hiding something in her suitcase.

"Grandma, do things really need to end like this?" Theresa gave a solemn look as she prepared to unleash Judah. So they'll have an advantage against the Soulium avatars that are wielding void Archives.

"Theresa, my dear granddaughter. It seems in the long life that you've lived, you still do not understand me." Tilie snorted and the avatars started to move, needing no more words.

"Elysion Pedion!" Theresa immediately activated the 0th power of Judah as her allies escaped the radius of the weapon.

But what surprised her, was that the weapons of the avatars didn't vanish from thin air. Earning a frown from her youthful face.

"So she really did get a contract with the gestalt will of honkai. Tsk, this will be a pain." Adelheid whispered, holding Abyss Flower tightly. She then threw it at one of the avatars and pierced its chest. But it ignored the otherwise fatal wound and kept going.

"Everyone! Da Bronya just analyzed the enemies. They're made out of Soulium, they are basically overpowered cyborgs." Bronya announced with urgency.

"Hoh? You figured it out already? What a smart kid you are. Too bad, things won't go in your favor just because you knew." Tilie snickered and the heroes were in a pinch.

"Don't lose morale, you guys are making this more complicated. They're cyborgs and she can't control them all with finesse. You just crush them up like this and move on." Himeko popped the head of one of them like a grape.

"Y-yeah! Charge!" Kiana willed pistols on her hands that were related to her herrscher powers and started blasting. Conserving as much strength as possible against the mooks.

Bianka started stretching and hopped lightly on her feet. She then started beating the shit out of anything that got in her way. Showcasing her martial prowess, her whole body was a weapon against the avatars.

"I guess we were too worried, but time is of the essence!" Adelheid raised her hands and spewed lightning out of her fingers aplenty. Because she might be tired, but she basically had infinite amounts of honkai energy. And it was really effective against them.

A group of them started firing copies of Shamash at them, but Salome intercepted them with her floating blades. Though at the rate they were getting consumed, they won't last.

"Say hello to my new friends!" Patricia unleashed a hail of bullets at the group of enemies and the battlefield started getting hectic immediately.

"We can't keep this up. They're endless!" Sin cleaved an enemy with a scythe as she panted. Back to back with Seele.

"The brats are right, we need to open up a path." Shub was in the thick of things with Rita and Bianka. Taking them down mercilessly, but they keep piling up and things will get annoying quickly.

"The herrschers should go, I'll open up a path. You guys can fight longer. I am not a true herrscher, I'll slow you down." Joachim concentrated and willed a particle cannon, using up a lot of his strength as he got a nosebleed.

The cannon fired and cleaved a line through the enemies. While Himeko put her hands in the sky and an orbital strike came from space.

"Himeko-sensei, you can do that? Since when?" Mei was surprised by the sudden beam that came from the sky.

"The power of capitalism sugar, now go on and be a good girl. Make us proud, okay?" Himeko smiled and the Russians along with Mei, Adelheid, Bianka, and Kiana went through the path.

"Go on, girls. We'll hold the line here." Joachim sighed and thought that they'll have a bad time against the troublesome Soulium avatars.

"Are they far away enough? Rita?" Himeko asked the maid and Rita looked at the vanguard who spearheaded the operation. Dealing with more enemies on the way.

"They are making good progress, Himeko-san. Why? Afraid that they'll be caught in the crossfire?" Rita took out a black scythe as she equipped a dress. Her eyes glowing red as lightning crackled on her form.

"Umu, you know how I fight. It's quite destructive." Himeko chuckled, a chair and a table then appeared. As she started sipping some tea that Rita made on the spot.

"W-what are you doing?" Joachim was flabbergasted. Not expecting the red head to drink tea while they were in a pinch.

"Observe, Dr. Welt." Massive pillars of light then rained down at the avatars, while Rita's lightning crippled them for easy pickings.

"Himeko! That almost hit me!" Theresa grumbled. "Well it didn't, right? Stop complaining, principal." Himeko shrugged and Theresa glared at her. Activating Judah as javelins of honkai energy rained down at the enemies.

"It seems I miscalculated. Ryuusuke's daughter. You are not normal, are you?" Tilie squinted her eyes and thought she must be an outlier.

"Well, nobody beside Ein is normal Blonde. But you already know that." Himeko smirked at her and Rita chuckled. "Forgive her, Himeko-san. The matriarch of the Apocalypse family must be having some difficulty remembering due to her advanced age."

Tilie's brows twitched upon being called old. "Kyahahaha, she's what now? 500? No wonder she's such a villain, she must be dusty under her skirt." Shub added salt to the injury and Tilie frowned heavily.

"Enough insults, Shub. Focus on the mission." Cheng slashed with the 5th divine key and frost started to creep on the Soulium avatars. Tilie might have created them to be sturdy. But they are conduits for a source of honkai using quadrillions of codes. And she could not unlock its true potential.

"Good job, Cheng. Now how about we have some relaxation time? Then we'll go after the kids." Himeko opened up her briefcase and they saw the evil looking sword Laevatein.

"That sword doesn't look friendly." Kira commented from the side and Himeko chuckled. It then started glowing, making Cheng protect the others with the coldness of her divine key immediately as the ground started to melt.

"Hua used this once, but of course I can use it the best. This is tuned for me." Himeko raised Laevatein and just like Surtr, she was about to cause Ragnarok.

"Murata Himeko, so you are a part of their squad. Curses, he'll truly make me work for it huh?" Tilie clicked her tongue and thought that it was just like Ein.

"Of course, whatever you have planned shouldn't go smoothly. That's not his style, now burn to ashes." Himeko waved her sword and pure heat travelled to the enemies. The part of Kolosten that was at the other side of Kiana's group lighted up brightly. Like a star went supernova.

And when the light died down, there was absolutely nothing in front of Himeko for miles on end. The place just evaporated, leaving a smoldering crater as Joachim started sweating.

"Whew, goddamn... Himeko-san, you think Ein can make us things like that? That thing is awesome!" Shub's eyes sparkled and Patricia nodded excitedly.

"Hmm, I hope for one as well. Cheng and principal Theresa have weapons that are cool, we want one too. Isn't that right Salome?" Kira nudged the always serious Valkyrie and she gave a slight nod.

"Theresa, we have to help Kiana and the others. They have tired ones in their group." Joachim warned them and Theresa sighed.

"Come on girls, grandma has more tricks. I'm sure of it, and you also heard Adelheid, right? She must have an ace against us." Theresa heard Adelheid's words and thought she knew that information because of her herrscher cores.

"Hah, Rita's tea can wait I guess." Himeko shrugged and Rita smiled. As the red head appreciated her tea.

They then followed the team that was ahead of them. As Tilie prepared to receive the enemies that will complete her plan.


Thanks for reading everyone, my colleague got covid. So I was the only one on duty for days on end. But I'll upload regularly again, I think. If things don't get dicey. Anyways, ciao.

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