83.33% Fallout: The crimson Federation (slow updates) / Chapter 3: this isn't the commonwealth gentlemen!

บท 3: this isn't the commonwealth gentlemen!

[Day 2, Month October, Year 2270]

[You are well-rested. You have received a 5% XP buff.]

After waking up I received a notification, so resting helps as well.

I opened my pip-boy and saw the time, it's currently 8:30 in the morning and I should decide what to do today.

First things first, I'm going to speak to the droids. I got to see what their progress is at right now and ask what other jobs they can perform.

Next on the list is the Prefab from Star Wars, although it's a bit early to actually use it, I feel like I should use it so I can store the resources I had gotten yesterday. With that, I don't need to keep it in my inventory considering it takes a bit of space.

The large storage bunker was going to be a must for all the perishables that I have on me. I could also use it to store all the building resources for further planning.

Let's go speak to the droids and then we can plan further ahead from there,

As I walked out of the house, I noticed the new walls already surrounding the compound, they looked more militaristic looking than I hoped but at least now people would most likely think twice before attacking us.

I started walking towards the gate where the 'main' droid was standing, yesterday I didn't really look at him that well but now I can notice the subtle difference between him and the other droids.

The 'normal' droids are painted a darker green than him, whilst he has a lighter green and a black stripe on his head.

The 2 arms they have are also different, whilst the main droid has a saw? I don't know what that is, but it looks like a saw. Anyway, whilst he has that one of his arms and a weapon on the other the normal droids have 2 weapons? Or claws I don't know, I should ask them later on.

When I arrived at the gate the droid spoke to me, "Good morning, sir. Currently, we are at 73% construction completion. We had a few hiccups with some rather nasty roach hybrid. We killed it and even more came after it, we lost about an hour of build time because of it." He pointed to a dead Rad-roach or what the hell that is.

"That's not a rad-roach.... system can you scan this corpse?"


[Scan complete:

Name: Scorp-roach

Rank: Regular

Description: ?????? made this roach in an attempt to ??????? and ??????

Whilst it was an initial success the ?????? destroyed the lab and research. Including the pesticide that works against Rad-Roaches and its other hybrid forms.]

Whilst reading it I was shocked, doesn't this basically mean someone tried to forcefully evolve a hybrid animal to fight something? This realization gave me goosebumps that quickly turned into a cold sweat.

Jesus Christ where am I if this isn't new England (Fallout 4 Boston) In what region am I!? Doesn't that just mean that I'm somewhere completely different instead of the Boston commonwealth?

I slapped myself in the face and snapped out of the rant I was going thru, I have the SHD drones and an SHD server, if I fix those Fusion generators and connect them, I can start scouting the immediate area and see where I'm situated.

I received a quest from this situation, guess the system will give them only during certain situations.

[Quest received: Oh no, where am I?!

Objective 1: Find the nearest town

Objective 2: Find out what commonwealth you're situated in.

Objective 3: Search for settlements.

Time limit: 5 hours

Reward: Hologram Table (Fallout), system map function, ???????.

Failure to complete: Possible death by hostile faction or enslavement.]

might as well complete this quest as soon as possible.

The first thing I did was talk to the droid again, "Alright, here's what we're going to do, I'm going to set up the military prefab and the storage bunker, I'm going to send out scout drones and see where we are at. Whilst I'm doing this you should start dismantling the house and build up watchtowers every 30 yards. After this see if you can repair those trucks and modify the wheels to tracks if possible. Can you do this?" I asked lastly to the droid

"Yes sir we can accomplish this task, can we dismantle one to learn from this technology?" he asked me, "Go ahead and dismantle only one for this task, use the others if you need spare parts. How long would it take to accomplish this?" I asked with urgency

"2 Days or less depending on how advanced this technology is compared to ours. The watchtowers will be complete in 15 hours." That's a better estimate than I thought, I can work with this.

"very well, go ahead and continue with your task, if anything happens contact me."

The droids can contact me thru the system since I noticed notifications about the progress on building the wall after I went thru the inventory during my rant.

Walking back to the warehouses I saw that there was enough space to place down the prefab, it's not that big, to be honest. When placing the prefab down, the whole world froze, the prefab gained a blue outlined color, and I can move it with some arrows in front of me.

I went ahead and rotated it a little bit and decided to place it down in front of the first warehouse and next to the soon-to-be-demolished house.

It just dropped onto the ground, talk about anti-climactic. I was quite happy about that, since it isn't super flashy now, I don't need to worry about some bullshit happening when placing stuff down.

the prefab is basically a modular base from the clone wars, it's big enough for a few squads but not enough to host an entire military platoon. It's an 80mx50m rectangle that has a landing pad to the north-east, a garage to the south-east, a barracks to the north-west, a small warehouse to the south-west, 4 Watchtowers in each corner, an underground mess hall, and a command center in the middle.

I walked to the left of it again and picked the storage bunker, it showed me the view of where I can place and I can place it to the left of the prefab, it will go about 30 meters under the warehouse and the entrance will be to the left of the prefab gate.

now that that was done I went ahead and walked over to the command center and looked around, I noticed that there are drone stands that basically match the scout drone I got from the division, I guess the prefabs accommodate a universal approach for technology?

I went ahead and propped the drones onto the stands and they lit up, with a console that's underneath, lights up as well. I was getting excited about this!

The console read out a few technical things I didn't really get yet, but for the rest, it looked okay.

there was a 'Start' button, a 'Send command' and 'Camera view' button, I clicked on 'send command' and typed in the command for scouting out the immediate area. The max range was set to 10 kilometers any further and the drones would just return to base.

If they get shot, they return to base and dock on any of the available stands. For now, I can't repair them so if any get too damaged, I can't do much about it and dismantle them for spare parts I can use on other scout drones that may get damaged or just for plain maintenance.

after my commands were inputted I hit the start button and they started floating, beeped twice, and started flying off, I clicked on 'camera view' and the screen switched from the status of the drones to the view it streams to the command center.

== Time skip 30 minutes later ==

I'm currently watching SD-1, I gave the 5 scout drones I took from the shipment names, so from 1 to 5, they are streaming their views onto the extra screens.

SD-1 is currently flying over a city, I have absolutely no clue on what it is called. Nor are there any indicators on where it is located.

So far, the drone has spotted a raider camp, with a symbol I haven't seen yet, one that I don't even know of. It's a triangle with a sun in it and the text "Boys of summer". Most likely it's a version of the 'forge raiders' but in this area.

the drone has also found a few mutant holdouts, I think I also saw a Brotherhood of steel sigil on the raider camp, I really don't want to get into a fight with them considering on how much manpower they can muster on a whim if it is about 'technology' that shouldn't be in the hands of 'someone' who doesn't know what they're doing. I scoff at that thought.

I only know of 2 Brotherhood of steel locations, that is Capital B.O.S and the Midwestern B.O.S.

Who knows what they have done in this area before my reincarnation?

But apart from those, I haven't seen much. There are no settlements near my outpost.

SD-3 and SD-2 have streamed remnants of old settlements that have been destroyed, most likely by raiders or slavers.

Whilst thinking about all that SD-4 found a caravan that was coming from the south, I noticed a small building a bit further south, but I don't know what it was. I commanded the drone to head further in that direction and see what it was.

SD-2 also found an old military base, and I found out where I am. The Military base has a sign out front that said, 'The United States, Marine corps air station Beaufort, South Carolina.'

I'm in the green, for now, considering this airfield has most likely been looted from anything already that works, I'd wager that the vertibirds and planes have been either destroyed or scrapped by scavs or B.O.S members.

Now lucky me, I'm in the Southeastern Commonwealth, 730 miles from Boston. That's far enough from the influences called 'the institute' but too close from the Brotherhood of Steel's influence. I will have to play this right to gain the upper hand on them.

SD-4 has arrived at the location where I commanded it to go, and it was a settlement, the drones have a built-in scanner and scanned the settlement for me, currently, there resided about 250 people inside the settlement, well I think it most likely a little over 120 or so and the rest are caravans or other waste landers.

I send the command to recall SD-4 since I don't need to go further than this, he has already flown about 9 kilometers, so he was basically at the end of the line.

SD-1 has found a building that had some wording on it, this one said, 'Hardeeville City Hall', I opened one of the maps I had gotten earlier and now I know I'm in Jasper County. This is a good location for me right now, if I can get the LAAT up and running, I should get the Beaufort airfield up and running to use as a B.O.O (Base of operations).

The city of Beaufort could be used as the 'residential' area and an area next to it can be used to set up factories or mining operations.

= time skip 3 hours =

[Quest Complete: Oh no, where am I!

Objective 1: Find the nearest town (complete)

Objective 2: Find out what region you're situated in. (Complete)

Objective 3: Search for a settlement. (Complete)

Time limit: 5 hours

Time remaining: 2 hours

Reward: Hologram Table (Fallout), system map function, Drone Fabrication station (Watchdogs 2).

Additional reward:

Failure to complete: Possible death by a hostile faction or enslavement.]

Now with the quest complete, I know where I am, I got some new additions to build with and I can use some other variations for my drones.

it's currently 10 am and I'm going to see if I can use the vertidrones and cargo bots blueprints with the drone fabrication station.

the fabricator isn't that big, it's basically a 3D printer on the bigger side but still small enough I can place it in the Command center.

I placed it down. I noticed a 'blueprint' scanner.

I connected the fabricator to the command center and powered it up. Once booted, a screen with menu options appeared on the screen it showed me 'prints', 'Queue', and 'variants'.

I unlocked the scanner and popped the cargo bot drone into it, I pressed 'start' and it estimated to take 5 hours to completely scan, and then I will be able to fabricate the cargo bot.

For now, I'm going to check out the 'variants' option, I went and pressed it. The screen switched over to show the 'scout drone' from the division and its variants that are known to me, the 'striker' drone, the 'Defender' drone, the 'Bombardier' drone, the 'Fixer' drone, and the 'Tactician' drone.

I pressed the Fixer drone and it showed me what I needed to make it,

[Drone variant 'Fixer':

Resources required:

Components (regular): 0/5

Fusion fuel cell: 0/1

Fabrication time: 20 minutes]

I still had 20 Components so I can make 4 drones and get them to maybe repair the LAAT, the only thing I need right now is fuel cells, I can connect the fusion generators to the command center and use that to charge up the fuel cells.

So I did just that, I dropped one of the fusion generators and forgot one of the more important facts about the generators, they were broken *facepalm*.

I went back to the fabricator and checked it out again, I did not see that option…and it's also because it looks so small. There is an option on the screen that's called 'Fuel' it's on the bottom left corner and I pressed on it,

[Menu option 'Fuel':

resource fabrication options:

Standard Fusion cell, Fusion battery.

Resources required to charge:

Fusion core 0/1

Resources required to fabricate Fusion cells:

Copper: 0/4

Lead: 0/8

Plastic: 0/4]

The resources required are not much, nothing too expensive and I can basically find it everywhere I walk. Well kind of.

for now, I'm going to get my drones to patrol an area of 100 meters around the compound so i can be informed of any hostiles coming over to scout the compound out.

Also, I should probably get those other drone shipments and maybe update them to become fixers?

yes that should work, I thought with a small smile

I went ahead and walked over to the Drone station console and input the command for patrolling the perimeter, they will also send a notification to the 'head' droid so he will know when there are enemies or unknowns coming over.

After doing that I walked back to the fabricator and grabbed 2 of the drone shipments and changed their variations to 'fixer', now with that I can see if they can fix the LAAT or the BARC speeders,

I thought a little while about it and I should go with the BARC speeders for now so I can head to that town and check it out. I'm hoping to get more info on the surrounding areas.

the drones flew over to their stands and I walked over again to put in new commands to these drones, I set them up to go to the garage and fix the BARC speeder, I at least hope they can fix it.

Whilst thinking about fixing it I mentally called out my status


Name: Lorin Bell

Age: 21

Race: Human

Level: 3

XP: 415/476

HP (Health Points): 110/110

MP (Magic points): 200/200

END (Endurance): 10

STR (Strength): 7

DEX (Dexterity): 6

INT (Intelligence): 8

LCK (Luck): 15

Points to spend (5 per lvl): 10

/Inventory (END*100) 00025/1000:

Pip-boy 3000 M.IV (Equipped), military fatigues (fallout) (Equipped), Tactical m1911(TD) (Equipped), 5.11 tac vest (Fallout mod) (Equipped).... \

I have 10 points to spend after my 2 level ups, I'm going to put 5 into INT and 5 into LCK. Might as well get 'lucky' if you know what I mean. I smiled like a loon

After this I exited the command center and walked towards the garage, I can hear the drones working but I have no clue how they entered the garage, it's closed… And there is the vent they went through alright I spoke to soon.

I opened the garage gate and saw them fixing the BARC speeders, 7 on each speeder and they were making progress. I guess the drones from the division use some cool tech to work like this.

There was 1 that has connected itself to the terminal in the corner of the garage and I guess he is downloading all the manuals for the speeders since it's the only one where they will most likely use an SHD variant of a hive mind to work together.

I heard a beeping noise and turned back to one of the speeders and noticed the drones from that speeder moving over to the second speeder, would you look at that. They actually fixed it!

"Imagine what they could do for vertibirds" I mumbled to myself.

I really need some company, I'm most likely going to go crazy sooner or later.

I hopped onto the BARC speeder and used the key to power it up, this thing is one nice baby, its purring like a kitten and feels like it's ready to go on an endless race against the clock!

I grabbed the handlebars and pushed forward gentl----"AAHHH!" FUCKING HELL!! I screamed in my mind. I nearly drove into the command center with this puppy, THAT WAS AWESOME! Let's go to a more open terrain to practice a bit more.

I pulled the handlebars back super gently and drove to the front gate of the lockup, I send a message to the head droid that I will be back in a few hours.

Nice and gently will do. I hope.

== Time skip 5 hours later ==

It's currently 7 pm which means I should get to that settlement SD-4 found earlier today, I'll stay far enough and hop off the bike to not be to be bothered by anyone thinking they can nick it or follow me home.

I brought one of the drones with me to make sure I still have some type of surveillance in case anything happens.

Whilst heading over to the settlement that's about 10 minutes away, I noticed how many buildings are still standing, although that settlement is the only one really in the area the rest are ghouls, raiders, mutants, and caravans. Maybe South Carolina wasn't as populated as the other commonwealths?

== Time skip 8 minutes ==

(Just in general thought of time from what the MC is doing don't take the time skips as the actual time stips)

Currently, it's 12:24 and I'm about 2 kilometers out from the settlement, there is an empty gas station on the road next to it and it's not the typical red rocket gas station but it is the Poseidon energy gas station instead, a nice switch I guess.

I parked the speeder next to the building and shut it off and then hopped off the bike, before entering the building I activated my drone and made it fly around and look for hostiles.

when I opened the door crunching glass under my foot, I looked around the shop and heard a soft growling, I turned on my helmet's flashlight and noticed a dog with some pups around it, it's not even a mongrel it's actually a black Labrador! Holy shit I thought there were only rottweilers, mongrels, and German shepherds alive.

It started growling more and one of the puppies ran over to me smelling the food I had on me most likely, now the parent? Is pissed off considering the pup ran over to a complete stranger.

The dog barked at the puppy and the puppy started getting defensive? What the fuck? Did I just get a puppy? I'm super confused.

I went ahead and just brought out the squirrels and gave one to the puppy which started growling against its parent, it became super docile after I give it the food, this thing looks freaking cute!

I might as well give some food to the other pups, I felt like that would be the wisest choice with how they were looking at me, I went ahead and dropped some squirrels in a tray in front of me and shoved it to the other dogs, the parent still looking wary of me decided to eat first just in case there was something in it.

And would you look at that that thing can devour food, might as well drop some water so it doesn't choke on the food.

The dog did look a lot friendlier now instead of the insane wariness it had before I gave the food.

Now that I had done that I went ahead and explored the area a bit more, this store is basically looted to the ground apart from the dogs nothing else lives here.

I went ahead and came back out front and saw the dog lying down and her pups laying next to her. I suppose they're tired as hell.

I commanded 2 more drones to come over to the Poseidon gas station and keep an eye out on the dogs, so they don't get killed by some random asshole that's too trigger-happy. I also send the command to the fixers to get the LAAT up and running so I might as well get them back to the outpost with the droids.

As I was going to close the door the puppy that i 'imprinted' on, I need to check the system for the notifications and see if anything new has been added.

But the puppy instead of staying and sleeping with its parent, ran up to me and stuck out big googly puppy eyes. Ughhhh, can't resist.

"Wanna follow me bud?" it barked, well barked like a pup, I laughed in my mind

I noticed the mom dog looking wary again, so I went over and petted her, she definitely liked that.

"Can I take your baby with me? I'll be back in an hour so I can take you guys with me to my outpost, would that work out for you mama?" I decided to call her mama, it's easy and I don't need to think about anything else.

she barked, and I got the ok, I guess? I petted her again and moved over to leave when the puppy started whining, "guess I'll pick you up, eyh?" I said to him

I picked him up and held him up to my chest piece. I locked the door behind me and moved the speeder into the attached garage that the gas station has, now with the 3 drones I'll leave them to protect the family of dogs.

Heading over to the settlement I was stopped once, like seriously I was right outside of it why the fuck do you stop me from entering, I was mentally screaming at this man

he started speaking before showing himself, "Stop right there bud! I'll take that dog off of you for some nice caps" he said smiling and licking his lips like an absolute pedo

I responded with "Yeh, fuck no turnaround and walk away before you get shot, mate." Before pulling out the M1911.

He started raising his gun so I shot him in the head, might as well loot the guy.

[Killed raider 1x lv. 2

Rewards received: 8xp, 20 caps, long johns, hunting rifle, .308 ammo x18 (faulty rounds), .308 ammo x32, Map of the dread flats (Southeast commonwealth), Raider journal, Raider hangout map.]

So the raider had some items on him I can take with me and incorporate into my budding empire. I snorted with mirth

I walked over to the gate and saw a guard, he was sleeping no wonder I didn't get any help. I mentally facepalmed.

"Hey dude" I tapped him on the shoulder, "huh… What…. Oh, a new face" he responded very sleepily

"I killed some jackass over there who tried stealing my shit, you might wanna clean it up in case any rodents come over."

He got a bit defensive on that part, ah corruption, right why did I forget that one.

"Right, right. The town has an entry fee of 15 caps, you can keep your weaponry and the dog on you." He told me, "Sure sure, just get rid of the body." I responded cheekily, seeing him get a bit annoyed I laughed at his face

"Anywhere I can get some more info?" I asked and gave an extra 5 caps

"Yes, when you enter the city walk past 5 stands and you'll see the bar to the left, the barman Quinton Sherwood. He'll help you out." He responded in a blank tone, definitely has done it often enough I guess.

I said, "thanks for the info."

Entering the town, I saw a few market stands and a few houses being used to trade, some had some pretty cool items I haven't seen and one even had a mini power armor figure, how they found that after 200 years who knows.

Walking a bit further down the street I saw the building, and it was actually called 'the bar'. Heh someone with humor, I thought with a smile.

walking over and entering the building, there were a few people talking and mingling around, there was a corner table with people gambling and some guy arm wrestling another dude. Heh, typical America.

I went ahead and got on a stool at the bar counter and Quinton looked at me once over and said "ye're definitely a new one in town, what can I get ya?" he responded with a deep voice and accent.

I looked at him and responded, "The 'guard' told me to talk to you about any information." I said with some sarcasm at the word guard. "Joe isn't the best of guards, can't really blame you." He said

I went ahead and asked about the major factions on this side of the commonwealth. "Well, you got the summer boys, an off-shoot of the khans and vipers from north Cali. The mutants that butted heads with those from the black mountain and got cast out by its leader, before the crazy mutants got in it. And lastly, you got the brotherhood of steel, just a small remnant of what they had here since they left about a year ago to help out their midwestern chapter."

"Any other major settlements around the area?" I had to ask it before I forgot to.

"Yes, you got ours Portville, then you have Parris city bunch of crazies in there avoid it. Habersham, the oak farm, plowman fishertown and the military outpost from the B.O.S which is at the old naval hospital in Beaufort."

So they're still here great. After asking a few more questions I decided to head out.

My drone had already spotted some raiders heading to the settlement and I send a message to the fixer drones to see if the LAAT has been repaired, and they said it has. That's nice, veeeeery nice, I chuckled evilly in my head.

I send a message to the head droid to take the LAAT and 2 droids with him to the gas station and extract the dogs back to base. I know it's a pretty stupid thing to do but whatever if I can scare the bastards why not. Either way, I need to grab the BARC speeder and leave the area as soon as they're gone.

Whilst walking over I already heard some shots, most likely the drones taking potshots at them, I started running to the gas station and saw 2 bodies on the ground already, there were about 10 more raiders and they noticed me.

they started shooting me and I heard one yell "Hey pretty boy come out and I'll give you some mercy after one night you won't forget me!". I shuddered and closed my legs, that definitely wasn't a female.

I contacted my droid to hurry up, he responded saying that he'll be there in a minute. Guess I'll have to wait a little longer.

-Pov raider leader-

We spotted some flying robots near a gas station and guessed there was some high-value man there, who knows maybe it's some Brotherhood of steel dude or one of those assholes from that new group called the remnant enclave that's been heading into north Carolina.

"Hey boss you wanna attack it?" the clown of the group asked. I hit him on his head getting laughs and jeers from the other members "Of course you fucking numbskull, what do you expect me to do? Not attack them, heh you'd be dead already if it was like that."

Looking at the gas station I saw 2 of the flying robots turn towards us and they shot at us, the fuck since when can something so small shoot so fast?!! We all went behind cover, we lost 2 of our people and of fucking course it had to be the clown and his little friend.

One of our other members spotted a guy running into the gas station and we fired at him but had to take cover behind the cars from the robots.

"Hey pretty boy come out and I'll give you some mercy! after one night you won't forget me!" holy shit I didn't know we had a weirdo in the group, the rest of the boys looked at him with a terrified expression, I think I might kill him if we can get back to base.

What's that noise? You only hear that type of humming on a… I started sweating bullets and shouted, "VERTIBIRD, SHOOT AT IT! TAKE IT DOWN!" We don't have the weapons to take one down let's hope we can at least shoot the pilot.

"BOSS, THAT'S NOT A VERTIBIRD!!" one of the members shouted, what does he mean?

I looked over and saw something I... that thing, it doesn't even resemble a vertibird! 2 bubbles on each side with robots in it and the cockpit is higher up with 2 guns or something on the front. The 2 bubbles aimed toward us, and I started shaking, whatever that is, is going to be a nightmare.

Before I could even shout anything, something green came from the craft and nothing else...

-Pov Lorin-

Heh, that's what happens when you mess with a LAAT. Wankers! I shouted in my mind.

The head droid came over to me and said we can get out of here, so I popped the speeder on it and got the dogs inside as well, a bit scared and shaken from the battle but otherwise, I got them to calm down with some food.


When we got back to base I told them to continue working on the projects I asked them to, the wall was complete and I can now start with scouting out more areas, maybe start scouting out the immediate area of the air station in Beaufort.

I got the dogs to follow me and was still holding the puppy which was still shaking, should've shot the raiders myself. Poor pup shook. I went ahead and gave it another squirrel to munch on.

I got the dogs into the barracks and took an extra mattress, 4 dog bowls, 2 for water, and 2 for food, and set them up near the first bunk bed so they can still eat something in case they get hungry or get thirsty.

The raiders didn't give me any loot since they were killed by the droids, but I did get some XP, about 200 XP, so I did level up again and put my point into Cap collector, now I can get better vendor pricing if I end up selling some stuff.

for now, I went to the bunk bed and took off my extra clothing, I send a command to all drones to patrol with more scrutiny around the compound.

I grabbed the puppy which I named Diablo.

Wrapped the blanket around me and headed off for the night.

[End of Day 2, Month October, Year 2270]

(Thanks for the name suggestions, the next chapter will name the other dogs ;)

Celynnec Celynnec

5465 words, been working on it and school alternatively.

Sorry for the major plot twist but I think this will make my story more unique than the other ones out there!


I just started up a new project on my 3D printer as well so couldn't really release anything earlier than expected x)

Like it ? Add to library!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C3
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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