97.87% Legacy:A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 46: Chapter 46

บท 46: Chapter 46

The Greengrass family was in Diagon Alley aiming to get all the school supplies needed; they were walking around with two family friends. One Tracey Davis and Blaise Zabini. The children had wanted to shop for the supplies with their classmates, their parents, however, had been busy on the day. After exchanging a couple of letters, the other parents had given the children the necessary gold and let the Greengrass parents look out for them for the day.

It wasn't that unexpected. The two students had spent most of the summer at the manor with Rodrick and Daphne.

Cyrus looked back to see Tracey in a conversation with his daughter, Roxanne tried and failed to distract Astoria from running into every sweet shop they passed. The last two, Blaise and Rodrick were in their own conversation.

Well, Blaise was trying to talk to Rodrick.

Cyrus shook his head at the sight, Rodrick had a book floating in front of him, the same one he had taken out from his Vault. He had a wand aimed at it, a floating feather in between, every now and then he would see sparks come flying out. He had been like that all summer, as it went on, the more obsessed he became.

"Rodrick, give it up..." Blaise spoke, "You've been at it for months already. "

"I've made some improvements... It wasn't sparkling before," Rodrick replied with a frown. Even the killing curse was easier than this... He hadn't successfully killed someone with it yet, but he hasn't exactly had a good test subject for it either.

Not that he had any intentions of finding one.

That was another point that intrigued Cyrus; the boy was still capable of replying frequently enough, his focus didn't deviate that much. At one point he'd seen the boy levitate food into his mouth while attempting the spell on that book.

"Well... You'll have to stop when we're at Hogwarts anyway," Blaise conceded, he couldn't exactly be mad, it wasn't like he was been ignored. If anything he still managed to talk as if he was free. It freaked him out.

Rodrick smiled, 'We'll see about that...'

"You do realize you can't do that in lessons..." Blaise added on seeing the smile on the boy's face.

"Mhmm," Rodrick hummed back.

Blaise turned towards the girls, "Tell him he can't do that in a lesson."

"Humming?" Tracey replied amused.

Blaise rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean."

"I am sure he'll find out when lessons start," Daphne pointed out.

"Indeed," Rodrick remarked, once again casting 'Auferto.' The extraction spell. Small sparks emanated out of the phoenix feather, which quickly dissipated. He sighed, disappointed. It had taken a few moments before he tried again and again and again.

Blaise grumbled.

"What is it?" Rodrick asked.

"It's so weird to see you multitask you know that..."

Rodrick chuckled, "Wait until you see me in Hogwarts..."

"Rodrick, your studies are important," Roxanne spoke out, hearing what he'd said.

"I'll keep up with them as well."

"Don't tire yourself out either," Cyrus spoke out.

"I won't," Rodrick promised. "I have that pitfall to worry about anyway," he added on looking towards Astoria, who smiled sheepishly.

Cyrus eyed his wife at that; he saw a grateful look on her face. He quickly sighed, "Don't push yourself too much ok."

"Tell Blaise that, I hear third-year history is a menace."

Tracey and Daphne failed to hold in their laughter.

"You're horrid you know that..." Blaise remarked looking at Rodrick, whose attention was still turned towards the floating book.

"Don't lie to yourself, Blaise," Rodrick remarked.

Blaise rolled his eye; he quickly peered over the boy's shoulder causing Rodrick to frown, faking an attempt to read the floating book.

Blaise was taller than him. Almost everyone in their year was taller than him. It was a sore point for Rodrick, he had been waiting and waiting to grow a few inches... It didn't happen, he was barely taller than Daphne, putting him just shorter than Tracey.

"You ok?" Blaise asked amused.

"What did you get for History last year?"

Blaise twitched.


The group arrived in Flourish and Blotts, the final stop for the day. Rodrick still had his attention focused on the book, he could respond to his friends, but awareness of his surroundings was another matter...

He'd walked right into the door much to everyone else's amusement.

He put his book away temporarily before joining everyone else in ordering their books. Everything had been going fine until they reached the Care for Magical creatures part.

They all watched as terror filled the shopkeeper as he was asked for three copies of the monstrous book.

He watched as the book attempted to bite Daphne, he tried to hold his laughter. Her father had quickly grabbed it and forced it into an empty bag. They could still see the book's attempts at trying to escape. The bag luckily was charmed to be unbreakable. Rodrick had been tempted to throw his own in the same bag before the shopkeeper warned them that one of the books would rip the other one apart. Blaise luckily had brought his own, after Cyrus had charmed it to the same effect as the other, a grateful Blaise threw his book in.

Rodrick didn't have a bag. The rest turned to him; he was levitating the book to keep it from biting him. Shrugging, he took his wand out.

"Incarcerous," Rodrick cast, several times.

The others watched with amusement as the book was surrounded entirely by conjured ropes.

Rodrick shrunk it and put it into his pocket, returning his wand to its holster.

"You could've done that for mine..." Daphne added on, pouting. The book had bitten her.

"Can't hold more than one conjuration." Rodrick lied, he couldn't hold any at all. "Is there a bathroom?" he turned to the shop owner.

"Ah yes, down at the back" The man replied, pointing away.

Rodrick nodded before taking out his pouch of Galleons. When he saw Roxanne glare at him. With a sheepish smile on his face, he put the pouch away, deciding it wasn't worth fighting. He moved towards the bathroom. Surprisingly there were three cubicles.

Entering an empty one, Rodrick took the roped book out and left it floating; he watched as the conjuration slowly disappeared and the book resumed its antics.

"Now you better behave... Or else," Rodrick threatened the book.

The bloody thing had the audacity to snort at him.

"Do you have any idea who I am-"

'Snap.' 'Snap.' 'Snap.'

The book then attempted to bite him, the levitation holding it just far enough to stop.

"Fine... You asked for it..."

Rodrick took his wand out, aiming it at the book.


Rodrick left the cubicle with a small smile on his face.

"Feel better?" Blaise asked amused.

"Much better," Rodrick remarked, earning curious looks from the people around him. Turning around he watched as someone else left the bathroom after him, the man's face was ashen, he was shuddering as he walked.

'Ah crap...' He tensed slightly, he watched as the man slowly left the shop.

"What do you think happened to him?" Daphne asked, worried at the look on the pale man's face.

"No idea..." Rodrick remarked, looking away.

They heard someone pass through the front door; the group turned before they felt the tension fill the room.

Harry Potter had shown up. He was currently staring at the group of wizards and witches in front of him.

"Hello, Potter," Rodrick spoke up.


"..." There was a small silence, Rodrick turned to see The Greengrass parents reaction and was surprised to see somewhat happy looks on their faces. They'd been neutral in the war, although it looks like they weren't in favour of Voldemort.

Blaise was indifferent, although there was the hint of a smirk on his face.

"I think we got everything we need," Cyrus pointed out, he started moving towards the door, his wife behind him.

Rodrick watched as everyone else followed the Greengrass patriarch out. Astoria had stopped for a few moments to stare at Harry Potter before she laughed at something, confusing the boy.

It was just Rodrick left staring at him.

"So..." Harry Potter started.

Rodrick raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"This isn't Hogwarts," Harry pointed out.

Rodrick shook his head, holding in a snort "Indeed, is there a reason you're seeking me out so much?"

Harry Potter blinked at that before he realized the boy was being sarcastic.

"Did you see someone... looking slightly pale walk out?" Rodrick suddenly asked.

Harry Potter surprised at the sudden change of subject before remembering he had in fact seen someone like that; he looked like he'd seen a ghost. "He was muttering incoherently about something, said to call something called an Auror?" He had a confused look on his face as he spoke.

"Did he now?"

"What's an Auror?" Harry asked.

Rodrick blinked at that before answering, "It's the word for a magical bus," He quickly left following that, leaving a confused Potter.

"Bus? I thought it was just called the Knight bus..."


"You'll never believe who I just met," Rodrick started, as he reached the rest of them.

Blaise turned to him at the words.

"Harry Potter! Nice bloke I gotta say," Rodrick deadpanned.

The Slytherins turned to each other at that wondering what was wrong with him.

"You're joking... Right?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick huffed at that.

"Of course I am joking... Guys a bloody dark wizard, definitely not a nice bloke," Rodrick spoke shaking his head, this time eliciting laughter. He took the Potions book out much to the student's annoyance.

"I knew it!" Astoria exclaimed, even her parents couldn't hold back their laughter at the serious look on her face.


Weeks later and the summer was officially over, Rodrick was proud to have managed to get a reaction out of the phoenix feather, he was finally able to move onto the next part of the spell. He would need to avoid opening the book until he was on the train. He was brought out of his reverie as soon as Roxanne brought him into a hug.

Quickly collecting his thoughts, Rodrick spoke out. "I'll keep an eye on Astoria, in case anything happens."

"Thank you."

Rodrick nodded as he went to join the other two.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at him before she indicated their trunks.

Rodrick chuckled before he levitated all three trunks. The three moved inside the train before waving their goodbyes to the parents. They made quite a sight walking through the train, three trunks flying behind them, looking for a compartment. Ahead of them, they saw Ginny Weasley moving towards them in a huff.

"Move!" She demanded when she reached them.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "Ask nicely."

She levelled him with a stare until remembering who he was.

"Ah right.. Move please?"

Rodrick looked surprised at that, expecting a Weasley to put up more of a fight, he moved to one of the sides, the girls behind him doing the same. He levitated the trunks to the air.

The girl started moving slowly before once again stopping just in front of the boy. "Thanks by the way..."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "For?"

"Last year... The Basilisk."

Rodrick turned to Daphne, a curious look on his face.

Seeing the confused looks Ginny quickly clarified, they didn't know she was possessed, "You helped find the chamber.. You know?"

Rodrick nodded at that; the girl quickly moved through the hall.

"What was that about?" Daphne questioned.

"She was kidnapped right?" Rodrick spoke. "I accidentally found the chamber I suppose." He could've mentioned the possession but there was no real point to.

Daphne shrugged, "You sort of did I guess, it was near the first floor right? Where you killed the Basilisk?"

Rodrick nodded as he continued onwards, they wound up finding a compartment with Luna and surprisingly Blaise in it.

"I see you've made a new friend," Rodrick spoke towards Luna; there was an amused look on his face.

"Tracey's idea..." Blaise remarked.

"Where is she?" Daphne asked.

"Looking for you three," Blaise replied.

Rodrick put away all the trunks before he entered the compartment after Astoria. He took a seat near the window; Daphne was sitting to his left. Astoria at the other corner.

Rodrick looked at the uncomfortable Blaise, amused; Luna had moved over towards his side of the compartment, although there was a space available in the middle.

Turning towards the door they saw a haggard looking Tracey, she entered and took the spot between Blaise and Luna much to the boy's relief.

"You could've waited for us here," Rodrick spoke.

"These two made that... unpleasant?" Tracey replied.

"I am sorry..." Luna spoke first.

"Not you, mostly him," Tracey added on quickly pointing towards the boy.

"Traitor..." Blaise muttered.

"She, unlike you, is adorable," Tracey remarked.

Rodrick took the potions book out of his pocket before returning it to its actual size, much to everyone's displeasure.

"Seriously?" Daphne remarked.

Rodrick turned to her with a frown before whispering something into her ear.

Her eyes widened at that.


"Probably... it's difficult though." Rodrick replied looking down at the open book.

Daphne nodded at that, "Sorry I didn't know that was wh-" She started before Rodrick shook his head.

"It's fine."

The others were staring at this somewhat confused before Luna broke the sudden silence.

"I think there's a large Nargle infestation in your book, Rodrick."

Everyone stared at the peculiar blonde before Astoria spoke up.

"Are you ok?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Luna replied, staring at the girl.

"I am fine."

"Me too."

"Are you sure?"

"I am fairly certain I am... The Nargle's won't affect me because of this necklace." Luna spoke, raising the butterbeer cap necklace in one hand.

"Can I get one?"

"I am sure I'll be able to have one made for you," Luna replied to the younger girl cheerfully.

"What just happened?" Tracey broke the spell.

"I think Astoria's ran out of sweets..." Daphne replied.

The two started chuckling at that. Luna and Astoria were currently lost in their own little world.

Blaise turned to Rodrick, "I think you should get rid of that book... just in case."

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "I'll get rid of it if you can convince the sorting hat to put you in Hufflepuff."

Blaise frowned, "So never?"

Rodrick nodded amiably.

"Let him do what he wants," Daphne came to his defense.

Rodrick turned towards the girl, "Thank you!"

"Only until he's learned the spell..." she added on causing him to frown.


"Slytherin," she remarked proudly.

Whatever anyone else had been planning to say after that disappeared.

Rodrick was the first to react; he felt ice creep over him, his body stiffened quickly at the sudden harsh drop in temperature. He dropped his book to the floor at the unexpected turn. The lights were the next to get affected; he could hear some of the girl's yelp at the sudden flickering of the lights. It had taken a few minutes before they started feeling a chill.

Daphne turned towards Rodrick, expecting him to get a wand out and sort the mess... Instead, she found him shivering, his feet on the seat, his hands clutching on to his knees from the cold. The magic surrounding his face was crumbling, it looked like his face was slowly breaking apart.

"Rodrick..." She spoke, panic slowly setting in.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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