87.23% Legacy:A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 41: Chapter 41:

บท 41: Chapter 41:

Rodrick was on his way to the Slytherin Dormitory, he contemplated the best way to explain the attack, but so far his mind hadn't managed to come up with a good enough reason. He knew it was stupid, but his solution came up in the form of practically hiding. He couldn't think of anything else; his mind was pre-occupied with the strange dream he'd had while he was unconscious. Looking ahead he saw the familiar corner; he knew the dungeon's door was around it. He was aware that his housemates would badger him on with questions the moment he walked in and his mind really wasn't in any state to deal with them, best sleep it off and deal with it in the morning, preferably after breakfast, it would be somewhat easier then.

"Here goes nothing..." Rodrick muttered to himself before he took out his wand and cast a Disillusionment charm on himself.

Rodrick turned around the corner and almost snorted, it was the same perfect as the previous year. He took out his wand, and Confunded said prefect once again and urged him to open the password-locked door. There was no need to set him off on an order like last time; no one was expecting him to show up after all.

"Salazar," The tall long faced boy spoke.

Rodrick followed the prefect inside to the dungeon and flinched slightly; it was brighter than usual. He turned around and inspected it; there were lights flashing around everywhere, the common room was packed with students celebrating. 'Guess they must've won their game...' His eyes quickly landed on one of his closest friends, Blaise, he was tempted to greet him before remembering his situation, and of course, the fact that the boys birthday had recently passed and Rodrick had failed to get him a gift. He whistled as he walked through the dungeon, no doubt freaking out some of the nearby students, he made his way up to the staircase and went to his dorm.

Flopping to his bed, Rodrick let off more magic onto his Disillusionment charm and hoped it would last until morning. He cast a silencing charm to get rid of the noise in the dungeon before he relaxed his head into the pillow. 'Just got up from a coma and already back to sleep...' He thought, chuckling to himself. Sleep quickly took over surprising the boy somewhat before he felt himself drift off.


Rodrick's eyes opened up, he saw the familiar mirrors and felt a smile latch itself onto his face. He'd missed this place. He hadn't actually considered his grandfather's reaction though...

"You stupid boy!" Gellert Grindelwald's voice ripped through the silence, causing the boy in front of him to drop to the floor in shock. "Why on earth did you think you could take on a fully grown basilisk!?" A storm of emotions lined the former dark lord's face.

Rodrick's eyes widened, he could feel his breathing steadily growing faster, he blinked several times before he caught his senses once again. He hadn't expected this.

"I didn't have a choice!" He yelled off, eyes frantically looking everywhere but towards his grandfather, "The Basilisk paralyzed me... Anyway, I killed it..." He added on hoping to mollify him.

Gellert's eyes narrowed at Rodrick however before he could bring up another point, he watched as his grandson stood on his own two feet, his eyes glared towards him.

"Stop reading my mind!" He snarled.

Gellert raised an eyebrow at that; he was surprised to feel Rodrick push him out quite quickly. It was strange... "You pushed me out?" he questioned.

Rodrick had blinked at that before he felt his brows furrow closer, "I.. I didn't do anything."

Gellert's eyes narrowed slightly before he noticed something emanating from Rodrick's arms, he pointed towards it and demanded the boy raise his sleeve.

Rodrick hitched a breath; he contemplated whether to listen or not before he saw the grave look on his grandfather's face, he quickly released any tension he had felt before he listened.

Gellert's eyes widened at what he saw.

"Looks pretty bad doesn't it..." Rodrick remarked unhelpfully.

Gellert however simply went closer and grabbed the surprised boy's arm, he traced his finger over the cursed arm until it landed on the boy's shoulder. "This is... This is remarkable... I've never seen anything like it..."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "It's cursed... The healer said her magic couldn't affect me because of it, I don't see what's so remarkable..." he remarked put out.

Gellert locked eyes with his grandson at that, "Don't be such a fool, Rodrick, don't judge something before you understand it."

"Really? Remember the war you started on a race you didn't understand?" Rodrick deadpanned

"I'll not have any sass out of you boy,"

"What's so remarkable about it?"

"It's a catalyst, the curse absorbs the magic in... My attack on your mind... It soaked it up and removed it... This is incredible."

Rodrick's eyes widened before he eagerly spoke out, "Is it an immunity? Against spells?" There was a sparkle in his eye as he spoke that.

Gellert frowned at him, causing Rodrick's eyes to drop slightly, his smile to falter.

"No... If that was the case the Legillemency attack would've been stopped altogether, if anything it seemed to increase its effect on you considering you felt it"

Rodrick frowned, "If it makes spells more effective against me, I don't see what's so special..."

Gellert shook his head at that, "You're not paying attention, Rodrick!" There was a disappointed tone in his voice.

"Sorry..." Rodrick muttered quietly.

When he saw the upset look on his grandson's face, however, Gellert softened a little. 'He's only 13...'

Sighing Gellert had raised the boy's face before he started to speak, "It soaks up magic meaning it'll draw in any spells cast at you. However, that's not the point here; it's not just spells it can soak up here... It might even be able to soak up curses, cursed magic, taking it in before destroying it."

Rodrick's eyes lit up with understanding, staring down at his arm he came to his grandfather's point, "It can work as a cure to cursed magic..." It was then he figured something else out, "If I were to try to recreate the effect... In a potion then..."

Gellert nodded enthusiastically at that, "Just imagine how much of a breakthrough it would be..." His eyes held a strong fondness as he stared down towards his heir.

A smile took on his face before it fell slightly, "It won't be easy... I have to work with Basilisk Venom... and Fiendfyre!" Rodrick eye's panicked slightly before he remembered the final possible ingredient, "Phoenix tears... How do I even get that..."

Gellert raised an eyebrow before chuckling, "That feather you got... It should be a decent enough replacement, it wasn't the tears themselves that kept you alive, it was the Phoenix magic inside, the feather should have some of that magic stored inside."

Rodrick frowned, "Where would I even start?"

Gellert had a thoughtful look on his face at that before a twinkle appeared on them, "There's a book in the vault related to potions, it won't have the answer but I recommend reading it first, it should show you how to extract magical elements out of objects or in this case show you how to extract it from that feather"

Rodrick had a frown on his face, "I can't access until I am 17..."

Gellert laughed causing the boy to raise an eyebrow, "The contract your mother wrote up gives you access to that vault or did you forget?"

Rodrick stared dumbfounded at his grandfather, "But the goblin said..."

"He said what he did to try and stop you. If you actually weren't allowed you wouldn't have been shown the vault in the first place."

Rodrick closed his eyes, 'I am a moron...'

"Dumbledore knows," Gellert spoke before he sat on the ground, Rodrick followed suit, he nodded his head towards the elder.

"Kinda didn't have much of a choice there..."

Gellert shrugged, "I doubt anything will come of it,"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that.

"To be honest I didn't expect you to last this long,"

"How long did you expect me to last?"

"Until the second day, of your first year."

Rodrick frowned, "Very funny... I see you have such high hopes for me."

Gellert chuckled before nodding along to irritate the boy.

"There was something strange though... I think he thought I was someone else, he didn't link me to you immediately..."

Gellert's stomach tensed slightly at that.

"You don't think..." Rodrick started, hopeful. Gellert, however, stopped him.

"Let me tell you one thing, Rodrick... I mean this the best possible way... You don't want to know... not yet anyway."

Rodrick was a little startled at the tone he was hearing, "He knows doesn't he..."

Gellert nodded slightly at that, "He didn't know enough about it."

Rodrick eyes were downcast as he asked: "How bad was it?"

Gellert closed his eyes, memories filling in, "I can't tell you about it right now."

Rodrick's face took a frown before he could say anything, however, Gellert spoke first.

"It would crush you if you knew... Believe me... It's not a good story."

The two sat in silence at that, Rodrick trusted his grandfather, whatever may be said about him, the man cared for his well being. He sighed before nodding his head, he would tell him when he was ready.

"There's a book in the vault," gaining the boy's attention. "I don't recommend going near it."

Rodrick frowned at that, "Why?"

"You won't like it."

Rodrick snorted, "How would you know?"

"Because I hated it."

"How would I know which one?"

Gellert chuckled slightly, "Go near the bookcase... You'll know, and the necklace, the goblin was right about it, I don't recommend going anywhere near it until your 17... actually don't go near it until you're angry enough to do something extremely stupid."

Rodrick had a deadpan expression on his face, "What on earth are you talking about? Occulemency keeps me from staying angry for long... I'd be hard pressed to find myself in a situation where I am that mad..."

Gellert laughed, "Trust me... There'll come a day when that happens."

Rodrick frowned, "I hate Divination and visions and seers and all that crap you know... I'd be grateful if you didn't speak in so many riddles."

Gellert's laughter only increased at that, "It runs in the family I can assure you of that"

Rodrick rolled his eyes before he asked whether his mother had visions.

"You have no idea,"

"That's not at all ominous..."

"Have you considered what your extra subjects will be for your third year?"

Rodrick blinked at that, "We have to pick extra subjects?"

Gellert nodded.

"How do you know that?"

"Not important, answer the question."

"I don't know what the subjects are"

Gellert gave him a list of the possible choices.

"Ok seriously how do you know that!?"

Gellert shrugged.

"Come on tell me,"


"Don't be like that."

"Stop acting like a child."

"I am a child."

"Stop acting like one I didn't tell you to stop being one."

Rodrick harrumphed at that.

"Well, which three do you want?"

"Three!? I have to take three!?"

"Technically you only need to take two... but you're a Grindelwald."

"Why not make me take all 5 then?" Rodrick asked sarcastically, lowering his gaze.

"It clashes with your timetable."

"Seriously How do you know that!?"

Gellert had an amused look on his face.

Rodrick grumbled, "I swear if you weren't my only family member..."

Gellert started laughing, "I am not your only family member."

"What?" Rodrick asked dumbfounded.

"You did have a father... There is that family to consider" Gellert spoke smiling.

"I never even considered that... I figured they were all dead..." Rodrick took in his grandfathers expression.

Gellert had a mischievous smile, "Do you want to know who they are?"

Rodrick's stomach turned to dread at that... 'Don't ask... just don't...' Every time he ignored that feeling something bad happened.

"No... It's fine..."

"You're dying to know, are you sure?"

Rodrick nodded his head, untrusting his mouth. "Out of curiosity how bad would it be?"

Gellert chuckled deviously at that, "I've seen you throw killing curses for less,"

"I don't want to know then, and I haven't for one. I barely use the spell," Rodrick defended himself. His thoughts went to Greengrass family and felt a smile latch onto his face. 'They're plenty enough already,'

"Though if you're happy where you are... I wouldn't recommend looking into it,"

That wasn't at all cryptic.

"So what subjects?"

Rodrick lowered his head in thought "Not Divination for one." Earning another amused look from his grandfather, "I suppose Arithmancy, Runes and Babysitting animals."

Gellert shook his head, "I hope you take more care when you're studying the last one."

His mind then went elsewhere. Focused on what he'd seen in the coma. "Grandfather, what was that vision about? the one I had while in a coma, it didn't make any sense."

Gellert raised an eyebrow at that before he asked him what he was referring to, having seen nothing of the sort in the short Legilimency attack.

Rodrick's face took on surprise at that.

"Why don't you show me?" Gellert questioned.

"Show you?" Rodrick replied unsurely.

Gellert nodded, "This is technically your dream Rodrick,"

A light of understanding filled his eyes before he settled on something. "I never actually asked how you showed up in here did I?"

Gellert snorted at that, "Blood magic," he pointed to his forehead and added on, "The Occulumency shield on your mind was placed by your mother, it gives access to anyone related by blood to your mind no matter how far."

"That's useful... Did you do it to my mother as well?"

Gellert nodded.

"Why don't others know about it, why don't they use it? It sounds beneficial." He questioned.

"Because of its cost, it takes a large amount of magic to cast... That magic that doesn't return."

Rodrick felt something prick down his spine at that, "Permanent loss?"

Gellert nodded at that.

"Then..." Rodrick started. Gellert, however, cut him off.

"Don't. Don't blame yourself. Your mother did it for you, the same way I did it for her"

"You were going to prison..." Rodrick muttered sadly.

"And she was being hunted down," Gellert accidentally let out.

Rodrick's eyes flared to his grandfather before he stood up. "Y-You Know! you know who it was!" He shouted pointed towards the elder.

Gellert raised an eyebrow before forcing the boy back to the ground with magic. "Calm yourself down."

"Who was it?" Rodrick demanded.

Gellert rolled his eyes, "What will you do if I told you?"

Rodrick's eyes widened at that, "I'd... I'd kill them." No other option really came to mind.

"Really... You'll kill them... A 13-year-old boy..."

Rodrick's face pouted, "I know the killing curse."

"How well has that spell worked out for you?"

Rodrick muttered some indecency at that.

"I'll tell you when you're ready."

"Again with the when I am ready crap..."

Gellert's eyes flashed dangerously at that, "I won't hear any nonsense from you now boy."

Rodrick gulped slightly at that, "Alright... Alright... But you'll tell me right?"

Gellert nodded to that before he mentioned something of interest to the boy, "Even if I told you now it wouldn't matter anyway."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "Why?"

"Because one of them is dead, the others are in Azkaban."

Rodrick's eyes widened at that, "Voldemort..."

Gellert nodded, "It was most likely his orders, and before you jump to conclusions, Malfoy was not involved"

Eyes narrowing Rodrick spoke, calmly. "You're sure?"

"He wouldn't have approached you otherwise, besides did you detect any hints of him lying when you spoke to him?"

Rodrick pouted slightly, "No... But-"

"No, you will not go around murdering former Death-Eaters under an assumption."

"You sound like Dumbledore," Rodrick Muttered.

"You take that back right now!" Gellert Thundered mockingly.

Rodrick stared in shock, "Gellert Grindelwald has a sense of humour..."

Gellert rolled his eyes before he stood up, urging the boy to do the same. "Show me what you saw."

Rodrick and his Grandfather were currently seeing the small vision Rodrick had gone through, they were both there watching as Harry Potter spoke off towards Tom Riddle.

"I tried to cast the killing curse at him here..."

"Of course you did," Gellert replied somewhat worried and amused.

"What's wrong with the book?" Rodrick asked pointing towards it.

Gellert stared towards it before remarking, "This is only a copy of what you saw Rodrick, they are only images, the magic you witnessed cannot be reproduced."

It was then Rodrick ended the dream, Gellert looked towards his grandson in a questioning glance, "Why did you end it?"

Rodrick looked down embarrassed, "Basilisk showed up then... Kinda kicked me out..."

"The number of times you've stared into that beasts eyes is worrying."

"I am still alive..."


"So what was with the book? How could it possess someone? And then release Voldemort."

Gellert eyed the boy, wondering how much he could tell him.

"The book was a Horcrux."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before asking what that was.

After explaining said magic to Rodrick, Gellert watched as he processed the information.

"You'll tell me about that and yet still believe I am not ready for other things?" Rodrick accused.

"Stop pouting, you're not a girl."

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "So Voldemort's is dead then? His Horcrux is gone," He had a sinking feeling he was wrong, which was only confirmed when his grandfather mentioned Voldemort potentially having more than one considering how careless he was with the book.

"Besides it's that world's diary that's gone... I am not so sure about your one."

Rodrick stared in open shock at the words his grandfather had used.

Gellert was slightly wary of the way his grandson was staring at him before he realized why.

"What do you mean that world... The way you said it..."


"I saw something else! I saw mysel-"

Everything went black.


Rodrick blinked and found himself back in his dorm, Disillusionment still in place.

'He kicked me out... He kicked me out of my own dream...' He felt himself slowly drifting back into bed.

Waking up the following day, memories of his grandfather's last words before leaving said dream were gone.


Rodrick slowly made his way over towards the great hall, he'd overslept, he knew breakfast was close to ending and so hurried. He had finally managed to put on the more comfortable student robes. As he neared the Great Hall's door he removed the Disillusionment charm and pushed open the large door's entering the hall. Most of the people failed to even notice the doors being opened, a few gasps were heard here and there. Rodrick noted warily as the Gryffindor's seemed both annoyed and relieved to his revival, no doubt still sore from their current position in house points. Hufflepuff looked somewhat disgruntled with him although he did notice a few awed looks, 'Ah Slytherin beat them yesterday...' Ravenclaw stared at him curiously, Rodrick smiled slightly when he saw Luna Lovegood cheerfully wave at him before going back to her food.

As he made his way over to the Slytherin table, he noticed uncomfortably; every eye was on him. Rodrick found a seat next to Tracey and took it. As soon as he sat down the girl grabbed him into a hug.

Oddly enough, he didn't feel the need to reach for his wand. Having a Basilisk try to rip your arm off really gave a person a new perspective on danger.

He returned the hug, probably surprising her as well.

"When did you wake up?" She questioned as she let go.

Rodrick didn't answer, he noticed some of the Slytherins look away sneering at the sight of affection, he couldn't help the chuckle. Tracey didn't even notice the looks.

"Had a long nap?" Malfoy asked, an amused look on his face.

"It was quite nice I have to say,"

There was a small silence before his friends start badgering him with questions on, well, everything.

After several explanations regarding his injury, which Tracey had managed to flinch at every time it was mentioned, he'd told them several times how it was cursed and the healer no longer being able to heal him. Explanations regarding how he'd killed the Basilisk? He'd simply told them he couldn't remember. The older years quickly lost interest after that. His friends did not believe him but didn't push him either.

"How could you kill our houses symbol?"

Rodrick turned to see some unknown 5th year ask him.

Rodrick with as calm and serious face as he could pull off turned to the older student and answered.

"It bit me"

Halfway through the food he turned to Tracey and asked her where Daphne was.

The girl's face lit up slightly at that, "She's visiting you!" she spoke amused.

"Interesting, I wonder if I am ok?" Rodrick replied.

Turning to a sudden sound from the door, Rodrick's eye's landed on said girl, he gulped slightly as he saw her walk over towards him an impassive face. When she reached him, Rodrick could see she was struggling with something.

"I forgive you," Rodrick whispered to the girl, earning a surprised look and a huff.

Daphne quickly told him the headmaster wanted to see him. Rodrick slightly surprised nodded along before he followed her out, When they were out of view from the others Daphne quickly grabbed him into a hug.

Rodrick blinked slightly before reciprocating it, "You know Tracey wasn't embarrassed about doing it in front of everyone else... Even Blaise looked like he was about to... I had to glare at him to stop."

"Surprised you didn't just freeze up," Daphne ignored the words. "I am sorry... About, well everything?" She quickly added on.

"Not what I was going for Daph..."

Daphne moved away slightly, tears in her eyes, "I am so sorry..."

Rodrick looked away uncomfortable, "Yea... I am not very good at this..."

"Accepting apologies?" Daphne asked... somewhat amused even though she looked like a waterfall.

"Having friends," Rodrick replied. "Look I don't blame you for anything ok... I mean I don't exactly respond well under pressure or anything for that matter... Sorry about your gift I don't really have a replacement..." there was a small smile tugging at his lips.

Before he could finish the girl pulled him into another hug, laughing slightly.

Ok. That was just going to keep happening today, wasn't it?

"Merlin! You can't take anything seriously can you?" He heard her add-on.

Pulling away Rodrick could still see something wrong with the girl before he decided to ask, "Are you afraid of me?"

Daphne looked at the boy surprised before she shook her head, "It just... I kind... I told Tracey the truth..."

Rodrick blinked at that... "You told her you have a crush on me?" He joked.

"Yes I to-" Daphne closed her eyes for a second when she heard it properly, "Rodrick! stop joking around,"

"You're not denying it,"


"Fine. What did you tell her?"

Daphne's eyes looked down at that, "That you're a Grindelwald..."

Rodrick's eyes widened slightly before he replied, "I see... I told Dumbledore."

The surprise on Daphne's face made Rodrick chuckle, "How did he respond?"

Rodrick smirked slightly, "He apologized."

"I said stop joking..." She spoke uncertainly when she saw the serious look on his face she sighed. "You're not mad?"

Rodrick shook his head, "I was planning to tell Blaise later today anyway, Tracey as well but well you did that part."

Daphne felt a large amount of tension fall of her shoulder at that.

"Maybe Luna as well... And Nott... No, maybe I'll tell him next year..." Rodrick mused to himself.

Daphne shook her head at his antics, "What about Malfoy?" she questioned

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before telling her he already knew.

"Ah... That makes more sense" She waited a few moments before asking him about her parents.

"I am going to tell them... first chance I get"

"About that..."

Rodrick eyed her warily before it clicked, "You were serious about Dumbledore wanting me?" Daphne nodded, "Your parents are there waiting for me?" The girl nodded again. "Perfect," He grumbled.

Daphne was staring at the boy in front of her, disbelief was written over her face, "I can hardly believe this you know... it almost seems unreal... You just forgiving me like that..."

Rodrick smiled at the girl, "It's real enough... A lot of things start mattering less after a Basilisk bites."

A frown marred the girls face at that, "I am so-" Before she could finish Rodrick interrupted.

"You don't need to apologize, it was my fault for hiding things in the first place."

"But you weren't exactly wro-"

"Daphne I've been out for two months I've had plenty of time to think things through" Rodrick lied, she was his first friend... he was hard-pressed to be angry at her. Considering his grandfather's habit of hiding things from him Rodrick found himself understanding her side.

"Are you sure..."

"Probably, besides I can't afford to feed Astoria sweets by myself," Rodrick joked.

Daphne shook her head smiling before telling him the headmaster was probably getting impatient. She turned away and made to get back to the hall before she really took in the boy's words.

"I do not have a crush on you!"

"Yea? Then I didn't kill a basilisk!" Rodrick shouted back before disappearing from sight.


Entering the Headmasters office, Rodrick found three adults waiting for him, Dumbledore, Cyrus, and Roxanne. The second thing he saw was the destroyed Horcrux on the headmaster's table, 'Whe-' Before his thoughts could continue however he was brought into a bone-crushing hug by Roxanne.

He sighed before reciprocating it. It was surprisingly easier to enjoy them when you weren't worried about accidentally harming them for it.

"Nice to see you too Roxy," Rodrick barely managed to say, earning laughter from the woman as she let go of him.

"I am so glad you're okay," she spoke with a fond look on her face before she turned towards the headmaster with a glare.

"Yes well... I'll leave you to have your moment..." The headmaster spoke before making his way out of his own office.

Roxanne turned her attention back to the boy, examining him up and down, she eyed the cursed arm with a frown but sighed when Rodrick gave her a bright smile, he told her he didn't feel anything.

She joked about that being a problem in itself.

Rodrick could tell she wasn't fine with it... she gave him the same look the healer did only... She looked more murderous... How Dumbledore had survived for so long was beyond him... 'Imagine if it was my real mom...' He surveyed the room before a frown took over his own face, "Wheres Astoria?" he questioned.

He saw a flash of worry go through Roxanne's face which quickly disappeared, "She wasn't feeling well... You'll see her later though..Don't worry."

Rodrick could only nod, he knew something was wrong...

It was then that Cyrus decided to come over before grabbing the boy into a quick hug.

'Traitor! I thought he was on my side!'

"There's some good news," Cyrus started, "I found you a place in Devon."

'Bad timing...' Rodrick thought, as his eyes landed on Roxanne. She was practically death staring her husband, Cyrus could feel it.

'Screw it.'

"I am a Grindelwald," Rodrick blurted out.

Two wide pairs of eyes turned towards him at that. Rodrick could see Cyrus mind slowly putting together memories and surprisingly to Rodrick's relief, there was no distate in the man's eyes if anything he looked more grateful for the sudden save.

Roxanne broke the silence first.

"You're not moving out."

Rodrick blinked at that slightly before remembering his magic, he took out his wand and undid the Transfiguration.

The two adults stared at him in astonishment as his face changed.

Another small silence took over.

"That's remarkable," Cyrus' spoke, an intrigued look on his face, "You look quite similar to your relative... I am guessing Malfoy already knows this?"

Rodrick nodded slightly uncertain at that.

Seeing the look on the boy's face, Cyrus quickly spoke up, "Don't worry too much about it, I take it Daphne knows as well then?"

Rodrick nodded again, only to receive a small smile in return.

"You're still not moving out," He heard Roxanne remark.

Rodrick turned towards the woman and found a fond smile on her face. He shook his head.

"Thank you," he muttered out quietly.

Rodrick looked towards the clock on the wall before remembering his lesson, "I have to go..." He spoke towards the two adults who returned a nod towards him.

"I'll start the paperwork on the house for you if that's fine," Cyrus spoke out to which Rodrick nodded his head somewhat eagerly.

"Don't encourage him!" Roxanne frowned at her husband. Turning towards the retreating boy she added on, "You're still not moving out!"


Leaving the office with a small smile on his face Rodrick chuckled when he saw the headmaster still waiting outside. He quickly put on his Transfiguration.

"So is everything alright?" Albus asked with the same twinkle in his eye, every time he saw the boy use that magic he was shocked to see how easy he made it look.

Rodrick rolled his eye, smiling amiably, "Find out, professor," before he walked off leaving a frowning Dumbledore.

The old man sighed, 'I wonder if I'll ever get my office back...'

He quickly made his way to the office and to his relief found the two Greengrass's about to leave, Cyrus gave him an amiable nod before he went through the fireplace, Roxanne gave him several death threats before following her husband.


Rodrick entered the Defence Classroom, he was contemplating why he'd bothered to show up... He could've probably gotten away with skipping it and stayed with Greengrass's... As he entered, however, Gilderoy Lockhart brought him straight to the front of the class.

"Here young Wizards and Witches, is your very own hero, the one responsible for ending the Basilisk menace that threatened your very school!" Gilderoy spoke out, his voice easily flowing through the classroom grabbing everyone's attention. There was a tone of envy in it.

Rodrick inwardly cursed, he saw most of the girls eyeing him strangely, he could see Daphne slowly getting more and more irritated. 'They say denial is the first step...'

Turning to his friends he cursed again, they were all smirking at his predicament.

"Now, why don't you tell us how you managed such an achievement?"

Rodrick blinked in surprise, 'Is this guy serious? He wants me to talk about murdering something to a second year class...'

He sighed slightly before he began to speak, he could tell everyone's attention was on him, all for different reasons.

"I used the killing curse" Rodrick answered with a smile.

There was a noticeable gasp that swept through the classroom, even the professor looked unsettled.

Gilderoy felt a small amount of panic twist in his stomach until he saw the smile on the boy's face and relaxed. "Very funny Rodrick," He spoke amused.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before he played along, "Indeed, it didn't work," earning amused chuckles through out the class, they'd all assumed he was joking as Lockhart had pointed out. Locking eyes with Malfoy, however, showed the boy to be listening with keen interest. "So I used Fiendfyre to burn it to death."

Earning a wide look from the defense professor, Rodrick was surprised to see the man knew the curse. The students didn't seem to have any idea about it.

"Did you really?" Lockhart asked eagerly.

"A fully grown wizard would need to be extremely careful not to burn himself to death," Rodrick pointed out, the classrooms silence was palpable, everyone's ears almost seemed to expand to listen to the story.

Lockhart eyed the boy with a slight frown wondering where he was going with this.

Rodrick locked eyes with him and spoke in a serious tone, "I am 13 professor."

'Ah another joke...' Lockhart thought disapprovingly.

"That was what Dumbledore told me to say."

Rodrick could hear the disappointment coming out of everyone, even Lockhart seemed to release it.

"What did you really do then?" He asked once again.

Rodrick smiled slightly before replying, "I used a mirror to reflect back its death gaze."

Lockhart stared at the boy somewhat disbelieving before he saw him trying to hold his laughter. Sighing, Gilderoy spoke, "You don't remember do you?"

Rodrick looked up and nodded, "Not a clue professor," He lied.

Lockhart bade the boy to sit to start the lesson.

Rodrick moved over and took a seat beside Blaise. The boy looked towards him and started off with a selfish question.

"Where's my gift?"

Rodrick's eyes widened slightly before a small smirk appeared on his face, taking out a piece of parchment he wrote his full name and handed it over to the boy.

Blaise looked down to see the name, "Rodrick Grindelwald," His eyes widened at that, he turned back towards the boy frantically and saw him nod towards him confirming it. 'Sweet Salazar... He's related to that dark lord...'

Rodrick quickly burnt the paper in Blaise's hand earning a small yelp out of the boy, trying to hold his laughter, he opened the book.

Nott had been sitting ahead of them next to Malfoy, he turned around towards Rodrick. "Are you ever going to tell us how you killed the beast?"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before smirking, "I already did."

Nott frowned slightly, Malfoy turned around next having heard him.

"But you said..."

Rodrick smiled at that and whispered, "I was very careful."

Blaise having heard that understood quickly. The other two followed.

"You lied then? when you said Dumbledore told you to say that?" Nott asked.

Rodrick shook his head, "Dumbledore told me to say I was 13."

"Why?" Malfoy asked.

"He asked me how old I was," Rodrick deadpanned earning an amused chuckle out of Blaise.

Malfoy slowly took in the information before he felt a small dread taken over, "You weren't kidding... about the killing curse part..."

Rodrick showed no reaction.

"He used the Imperius curse last year to take out that Troll," Blaise spoke.

Malfoy's eyes widened at that, he turned towards the boy looking for confirmation and felt his stomach drop when it was confirmed. 'Father didn't mention this part...'

"What if that Fiendfyre spell went out of control!" Malfoy asked warily. The boy had considered Rodrick's use of the killing curse to be a joke.

Rodrick shrugged, "I set it off inside the beast's mouth, figured the scales would've held it inside."

"And if they didn't?" Malfoy enquired?

Rodrick looked towards him sheepishly, "Probably would've caused a lot of damage... Worst case would've killed someone... Probably me actually,"

Malfoy blinked at that, he saw the other two around staring at him and the boy looking amused, they're all insane... they're all insane... He repeated that in his head, looking at Rodrick however, he's mad... I am friends with this maniac...

"Whats wrong with you?" Rodrick asked somewhat amused at his face, he knew the spell wouldn't have actually managed to rip through the scales. His magic simply wasn't strong enough yet for that. It was fun to mess around with Malfoy, from the looks of it, Nott and Blaise understood he was playing around as well.

Malfoy stared incredulously at the boy, "You're insane..." he muttered.

Rodrick smiled at that, "With great power comes great instability," He remarked causing the two other boys to laugh.

"Not helping Rodrick," Malfoy drawled.

Rodrick started to laugh at that.

Lockhart turned towards the sound coming from the back of the class, his eyes landed on Rodrick. "What's so funny?" He questioned somewhat bemused.

Rodrick turned back to the teacher, "I was reading your book," earning more laughter from his friends as well glares from the man's fans.

Gilderoy Lockhart frowned, he didn't remember including comedy in his books.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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