40.42% Legacy:A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 19: Chapter 19:

บท 19: Chapter 19:

Cyrus stood still outside the Gringotts bank, waiting for the boy to return. He wasn't entirely sure what to think of the kid, he seemed good-natured if his actions were anything to go by but he also looked reserved. His personality appeared to switch easily... His attention shot up towards the child; he looked better than he did when he'd entered, he noted the small bag he was holding by his left side.

"Get what you need?" The adult asked, not unkindly.

"Yea, I found quite a bit there," the boy chirped.

Cyrus Raised an eyebrow but didn't push it.

"Shall we go then?" he asked.

Rodrick nodded his agreement, he asked if they could go to a few shops on the way. He wanted to buy a few gifts it seemed.

Cyrus blinked once, he was tempted and nearly made the effort to ask what he was getting his daughter but managed to stop himself and simply sighed.

The boy stared at him confused. His family might not be the only weird ones after all.

The two Wizards wound up making five stops before they decided to meet up with the rest of the group. Cyrus noted with amusement, when he saw what he'd bought for his youngest daughter; he would've objected had it not been for the fact she'd kill him if she found out he refused her a gift.

Rodrick had also decided to buy a shrinking trunk so as to keep him everything inside easily enough, a good investment, he had initially planned to pay for everything for him, but he was outright refused. When the two finally returned to the others they groaned when they saw the number of bags the girls were carrying, Rodrick had a look of amusement on his face before they were dumped with everything. Daphne eye's lit up when she saw him attempt to pick everything up before he gave up and levitated it all instead, this brought curious stares from her parents but no comment. She'd already mentioned it to them; they were simply seeing it for the first time.

When Rodrick asked where he would get new clothes, he was slightly dismayed when the adults insisted he went to a high-class tailor, Twillfitt, and Tattings, Daphne seemed to stiffen when she heard the name. When Rodrick asked her reply was that it was a 'surprise.'

Rodrick raised his eyebrows before Daphne added that he might not actually enjoy it. She told him that he'd find out later. Once there, he was fitted to get three different sets of robes, before he could say anything. However, Roxanne took him aside and told him that they'd be going to another shop after to get more. When the price came up Rodrick was slightly dismayed at it; it was about half of what he'd had in the bag. He got a frown on his face when he couldn't even pay for it. When he'd been fitted for the clothes, Roxanne paid for his set of robes calling it a gift. When he'd tried to argue, she gave him a glare that silenced him.

"Your moms a little scary," he whispered quietly to Daphne who only started to laugh.

"You've no idea."


They soon made their way to Madam Malkins and brought ten more sets of clothing for Rodrick to use over the years, it wound up costing more than usual when Rodrick asked for an expanding charm to be put on so as he could use it for longer; he didn't give Roxanne the chance to pay for it this time either.

The Greengrass matriarch pouted.

Rodrick quite frankly was confused, which only prompted more laughter out of them. Daphne told him that her mom simply liked to be the one to pay for everything, whether her own or not.

"Plus it's dads vault that's being used," Daphne added on.

Rodrick snorted.

Roxanne pretended not to hear anything, Cyrus had to hold back his laughter.

When the two were out of earshot of the adults, Daphne turned to Rodrick and spoke.

"So what did you find in your vault?"

"Far too much gold and treasure and not enough books" Rodrick replied with a small frown on his face.

"Bookworm," Daphne snorted.

Rodrick glared at her slightly, unamused.

"It's not that funny," he stated with a pointed look.

"Rodrick you're the only orphan I know who can suddenly find out he's rich and all you'd be worried about is the number of books in your vault," She remarked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Rodrick stared at her for a few seconds before stating he was the only orphan she knew in general; the two chuckled before they sped up and reached the parents.

The family made it back to the Greengrass Manor before evening, they had their family dinner, and the children were all sent off to bed. Rodrick didn't argue. When he reached his bed and changed. He got into bed, before he could snooze off however, he heard the door open. Daphne was staring inside his room with a curious look in her eyes. She made her way over to his bed and sat down; she squealed slightly at the cold causing Rodrick to laugh. She quickly got on the right side of his bed and stared at him.

"I don't think this is your room," Rodrick deadpanned.

"Couldn't sleep," she shrugged.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her.

"I am not qualified to deal with that," He joked.

Daphne tilted her head in confusion, "What?"

Rodrick waved his hand, "Nothing, nothing." There was a small pause before he continued. "What's on your mind?"

Daphne blinked before she turned to look down.

"Do you know what your family name is?"

Rodrick stiffened.

Daphne blinked before waving her arms, "You don't need to tell-"

Rodrick shook his head, then smiled.

"If I did know, I'll probably tell you soon,"

Daphne stared. What? So was he going to tell her or did he still not know? She sighed, shaking her head.

"Ok, then," She remarked tired.

She left not long after, they spent the rest of the time talking about some of the things he'd found in the vault though he avoided mentioning the curse.

This continues on occurring for the rest of the week. Each day ending with him failing to bring up the issues surrounding his family name. Though eventually the subject simply disappeared to the back of their minds.


The next day Rodrick woke up to two green eyes staring at him. He almost shot up from his bed at the unexpected sight. Daphne stared down at him curiously before she grabbed his arm and urged him to get up, it took a few moments before she threatened to douse him in water. That did the trick, he stared at the girl and noticed her not dressed for the day, Roxanne had made a point about that the previous day. He got out of bed and asked her how long she'd been staring at him; Daphne gave him an unsettling smirk for an answer, Rodrick felt something creep up his spine before Daphne laughed and told him it was only a few moments. She left the room and told him she'd go to get ready.

She didn't mention the fact that both his face and hair had been glowing that morning, she felt uncomfortable thinking about it, it really wasn't natural at all.

Rodrick made his way to the bathroom to freshen up before he made his way down. He failed to realize he was still in pyjamas.

Roxanne had been decorating the living room, she had a week or so before the Manor needed to be ready, her husband had initially told her to leave it to the house elves, but she'd insisted. She heard the door creak open before she took in two yellow eyes peering through the door, she smiled when she saw the boy and urged him in. He still seemed awkward around them. She chuckled slightly to herself when she noticed he was still not dressed for the day yet. The boy strode over to her to ask her what she was doing, when she'd explained, his eyes lit up slightly before he asked if he can help. She found the look in his eyes unbearable before she politely refused and told him to enjoy himself for the day. His eyes downcast slightly before he nodded his head in agreement.

Rodrick turned away towards the sofas that outlined the living room; the Greengrass Manor was made very homely, in a sense. His eyes spotted Astoria Greengrass engaged in a book of spells. He made his way over towards the younger girl and sat down next to her startling her slightly, he looked at the book and chuckled when he noticed the girl was reading about a tickling charm, she still didn't have her own wand yet. Rodrick took his wand out and copied the movement and spell in the book and aimed it at a wide-eyed Astoria, a moment later and the girl was clutching her sides in laughter.

Roxanne turned around quickly at the sound before she found Rodrick aiming the wand at a laughing Astoria, she really should reprimand him for using magic outside class but for what it was worth he looked to be teaching... Even if it was showing a girl laughing spell. She turned back to the wall and continued moving around portraits and painted the walls.

Daphne came down the stairs as soon as she was done and was dismayed to find Rodrick still not ready, she quickly went over to him before grabbing his wand so as to prevent any possible mischief from his side. He snapped his attention towards the wand in her hand before he smirked, slightly amused. Daphne raised an eyebrow at him before she told to get ready.

"Ready? for what?" he replied

Daphne rolled her eyes.

"We'll be spending the day out in the gardens, Mom needs the house empty to do her work." Again there was no reaction before Daphne narrowed her eyes slightly and threatened to drag him out to the cold in what he was wearing.

Rodrick stared at her before he slowly raised his head indicating her dress, he almost laughed when he saw her flush a little.

"I am used to it," she reprimanded. Rodrick rolled his eyes and got up from the sofa; he made his way up back to his room to change.

Astoria was currently staring at Daphne with a confused look on her face.

"What?" she asked the young girl.

"You almost never go to the gardens, backyard maybe but only with Tracey."

Daphne glared at the younger girl with a frown which only made the girl laugh.

"Don't be such a know it all," she said

Her mother huffed from the back with amusement at her two girls causing the elder to flush and the younger to laugh. Her situation was saved slightly when Rodrick came back down; he was wearing a shirt with the words 'Quidditch without a broom' in black, black trousers and jacket, his hair fell down neatly. She nodded in agreement before she led him out to the gardens, she didn't see him wink at her sister in amusement, although she did hear her laugh.

"Where'd he find that shirt?" Astoria suddenly questioned her mom.

Daphne went to the cherry tree and sat down against; she saw Rodrick still standing up.

"Take a seat," she said.

He stared at her for a few moments before he spoke.

"Boring garden." He sighed.

Daphne twitched.

"You're going to be difficult aren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Rodrick shrugged, barely suppressing his laughter.

He eventually told her he was joking. He refrained from sitting near her due to the glare he received. He turned his eyes up and noticed a high branch on the tree. He quickly jumped and grabbed onto the branch causing the girl to squeal. He pulled himself up on top of the branch and took a seat before staring down at the girl on the floor while smiling.

This wasn't what she'd expected him to do at all. She quickly got up and crossed her arms before telling him to get down.

"You get up," he replied, amused.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and told him she couldn't with a dress.

Rodrick nodded understandingly.

Daphne sighed in relief; she waited for him to come down before she realized she was starting to float. She turned and saw a grin on the boy's face; she screeched ordering him to put her down. He ignored her and levitated her to his side on the branch. The branch was nearly 8 feet off the ground; it occurred to her now he must've used some form of a weightless spell on himself to let him climb the tree.

She glared at him and tried to raise her hand off the branch but unbalanced herself and quickly grabbed on again fearful of falling. Rodrick smiled before waving his hand, a small light flickered off his fingers. Daphne found it a lot easier to balance herself after that.

She thanked him for helping and cursed him for putting her there in the first place. She watched him lean back against the tree without a care. She was currently side saddled on the tree.

"How long are we going to sit here for?" She suddenly asked.

"I don't know, until it's uncomfortable?"

She stared at him. He looked serious. "When do you get the time to practice so much when you're... This lazy..."

Rodrick snorted.

"I am not that lazy and this is the holidays, should have a bit of fun, don't you think?"

Daphne blinked, it was a fair point... But what exactly did he do for fun?

"What's your mother decorating the house for?" He suddenly asked her curious.

"There's going to be a party soon, one should be before Christmas," the girl replied with a sigh.

"Hmm...Ah, that's what the expensive Robes were for then,"

Daphne hummed her agreement.

"There's going to be a party after as well, only at Malfoy Manor."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, wondering where it was going.

"You'll have to attend as well as you're with us for the holidays," she added on when she heard no reply, Rodrick groaned slightly at the thought but was curious enough to see the Malfoy Manor.

Rodrick groaned slightly at the thought but was curious enough to see the Malfoy Manor.

She followed it with a question of her own. "I thought you were afraid of heights?"

Rodrick looked up and replied "I am afraid of falling to my death, I'm quite fine with a broken bone," she found herself laughing at this.

"Oh you can heal it can you?" She joked.

"Yes," Rodrick deadpanned.


The next couple of days seemed to pass in a blur, Rodrick spent most of his time with the Greengrass girls, either playing with them or showing them different spells. Cyrus had gotten leave from the ministry for the holidays and spent more time with his family. The more he observed the boy, the more curious and impressed he was, he knew a vast number of spells but what really caught his eye was his talent to cast them non-verbally and in some cases wandless.

On his fourth day at the Manor, Rodrick came out of bed to a surprise, Roxanne had set up a ballroom. It was to be used for the party, Rodrick had a sinking feeling when Roxanne had him dress in one of the three sets of robes he'd gotten from Twilfitts and Tannings shop. His thoughts were confirmed when he saw the others show up in their dresses. Roxanne eventually had them all practice dancing although mostly for his sake, Daphne had been taught the year before. He found himself dancing with all three girls, he'd surprisingly enjoyed the once with Astoria the most, both of them were inexperienced, and so it wasn't as strict.

He couldn't concentrate, although whether that would've helped or not is another matter, when dancing with Daphne but still enjoyed it. He stepped on Roxanne's foot far too many times. They practiced into the evening, then he decided the pyjamas were too comfortable to pass up. The adults looked at him in amusement; they were still wearing their robes. Daphne looked torn between copying his example or her parents; she quickly made her mind up when she saw her sister give no hesitation into changing. The adults luckily didn't seem to be too uptight about it. They all had dinner before they went up to bed, the next few days followed the same routine, with miles improvement. He still stepped on their feet every now and then, but still, it was better than before. After Daphne had left to her room, Rodrick relaxed into his pillow and prepared for the party the next day, Lucius Malfoy was likely to be there.

He hadn't seen his grandfather in his dream for a while. Rodrick paid it no mind, already busy preparing for the next day.


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Stone -- หินพลัง



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