54.34% Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped) / Chapter 25: Confrontation With Family

บท 25: Confrontation With Family


Two months have passed since the Civil War began.

In that time we of the Anti-Maou faction have been slowly and steadily crushing the Maou faction without rest.

Unlike in canon where Sirzechs and the others joined the Anti-Maou faction later in the game, this time around they were apart of it from the start, thanks to me. Not to mention yours truly as well as the Phenex clan courtesy of my best friend Ruval. Who by the way is reaching the level of Satan-class strength just like Serafall and Falbium.

Then there is us Golden trio of super devils, meanwhile Rizevim hasn't made an appearance on any battlefield or tried attacking the forces and members of the Anti-Maou faction once.

He really and truly is totally hands off in this war.

I mean I knew he would be from my previous life knowledge, but knowing and seeing are two very different things.

His not joining the wat just cements in my mind what I thought about him already.

He really and truly is, a bastard with no hope of redemption.

That's why when I kill him I will do so with a small on my face.

And I am going to kill him. I promise you. I will not allow that fucking monster Trihexia to appear, taking me away from my family and comrades. The same with Sirzechs and Serafall, and all the other future big names from the other factions. That will severely weaken Draconic Dues as a whole.

Meaning that even if Rivezim doesn't contact the ExE world but they still show up, this world would most likely be doomed. Even if Issei somehow reaches the same level of power that he had during canon. But since I am raping canon in the ass as we speak I highly doubt that will happen.

Besides, this ain't fiction any more, but real life. So there is not way I am entrusting the fate of this world to a sexual pervert beta male who can't even seal even when pussy is being presented right in front of him.

If I was Issei I would have banged all my girls the moment we admitted our feelings for each other.

But I guess remaining a virgin despite raging libido is another part of the plot armor for harem protagonist. That and being a beta male.

Just once in my old life I would have liked to read a harem manga or light novel series where the protagonist took charge and banged at least one of the girls drooling all over him. It infuriated me to no end when they got so close, yet something always interrupted them from doing so. That shit also gave me blue balls galore.

Anyway, sorry if my rant is annoying you but this war is stressing me out.

The Maou faction members have begun doing suicide bombing attacks. Their soldiers condense their demonic power within their bodies, fly into our ranks, and detonate Al-Qaeda style shouting "Glory To The Maou" as they do it.

This hasn't hindered our forces in any way mind you, but I loathe the bombings simply because the Maou faction are showing just how desperate they really are to win this war.

But sadly for them that's not going to happen.

They still don't realize they are in the palm of my hand.

What fools.


Standing in the command tent with the Horseman and my other generals I listened as they went over reports from the various battlefields, as well as discussed strategies for moving forward our advance.

Since currently the combined forces of the Belial and Phenex armies are stalled in the former territory of the Ipos clan. We've been chasing a contingent from the Asmodeus army for over a week now, but those bastards are using the mountainous terrain of this dead territory to their advantage.

It really is just like we're fighting Al-Qaeda at the moment.

Personally I want to call in the Iscariot and carpet bomb this whole fucking area, but I can't do that. Since this place is also a natural barrier to keep the Maou faction from flanking the Anti-Maou territories from the south-west.

Also since I am one of the overall commanders of the army I can't just go out there and clean up these bastards by myself. Because if by some chance this is a trap to lure me out and kill me, which the Maou faction has been trying to do since the war started mind you, and by some miracle I actually get killed then things would get even worse.

So what I am basically saying is at the moment things are at a stalemate.

Which I hate to no end.

Listening at the generals tossed around strategies I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping that something would change soon. Otherwise I would just ignore the warnings handed out by the other Anti-Maou faction leaders and turn this rugged terrain into a forest of death.

Pun completely intended by the way.

"What if we send out coordinated patrols? One to act as bait, and one to attack the enemy when they appear?" A general proposed.

"No." I said. "It would be too risky for the soldiers that are being used as bait. Especially now that self-suicide seems to be the Maou factions new favorite fetish." I said. "We would lose more soldiers than the enemies we manage to kill."

"Understood sir." The general said.

Another was just about to speak up and propose a plan, when a messenger suddenly rushed into the tent.

"Speak." I told him.

"Bit trouble commander!" He shouted. "A contingent of the Lucifuge army is making their way here to reinforce the Asmodeus contingent. And our scouts just reported that at the head of the army is the leader of the Lucifuge clan himself, Elias Lucifuge. Along with both his children, Grayfia and Euclid." The scout explained to us.

Once he finished the generals began murmuring amongst themselves. Even the horseman began chatting about this turn of events.

Not that I can blame them.

Even though I've only met Grayfia I know all about her father, and her demented sis-con brother.

Elias Lucifuge is one of the oldest devils still left alive, his age the same as Zekram and Mephistopheles. He served as a top commander during the Great War, and helped keep the underworld together after the original Maou died. The man is no joke.

As for Euclid, he might be a yandere sis-con but he is a top class ultimate devil. He is not as strong as his father and sister, but he has other talents. I've heard he is a master inventor, and magician.

Finally there is Grayfia herself which I know I don't need to tell you about.

So in concert, the Lucifuge clan is no joke.

Especially with their clan trait.

In canon it was never shown or mentioned and I have no idea why, since it is one of the most powerful clan traits around.

The Lucifuge clan's special ability is [Power Over Darkness].

Which makes perfect sense when you think about it since the name Lucifuge literally translates into: He who flees the light.

Their clan trait gives the Lucifuge the power to manipulate shadows and darkness in any way they please. They can even pull a Blackbeard Yami-technique and use gravity manipulation with some of their darkness manipulation at times.

I know because I've seen Grayfia do it.

Bottom line is, since those three are on the way it's going to be a serious all-out battle now. This is probably what the Asmodeus contingent was waiting for. It also explains why Grayfia hasn't contacted me since we've arrived in the Ipos territory. She couldn't risk it. If she had people would definitely know she was a traitor, and we can't have that yet.

Which is why I am about to put on a good show and fight her and her family.

But I have to take care.

I am not about to kill my future father-in-law after all. As for Euclid it's up in the air given his tendencies.

Moving on, I raised my left hand and everyone became silent. They then all looked at me.

"What are you orders commander?" Elletear asked me.

"You four horseman will command the troops and pincer attack from the east and west once the enemy makes themselves known. As for me I will lead a contingent to face off against the Lucifuge family myself. Recall Lord Ruval and also Lady Angelica, and Command Callum. I will be taking the three of them with me to hold back the Lucifuge head and his children." I told them.

I could bring along Diehauser and Albedo, but I need them where they are at the moment.

"Sir! Yes sir!" Everyone in the room yelled in unison, saluting me as they did so.

Feels good.

Anyway, once I gave my orders I left the command tent and started making preparations.

I am about to greet my lovers family after all and I don't want to be rude by showing up late.

Punctuality is the essence of life my parents from the other life used to tell me.


Angelica, Callum, and Ruval by my side, and our contingent of soldiers behind us we stood ready and waiting for the enemy to arrive.

Our battlefield, a rocky mountain pass.

Very Lord of the Rings.

I like it.

As we stood there we started hearing the sound of marching reverberating through the air. Then five minutes after we did I saw the army, and walking in the lead of it was the Lucifuge family.

In the middle was a man with silver hair and grey eyes, radiating power.

(Image Here)

The current head of the Lucifuge house, Elias Lucifuge himself.

On his left was Euclid. He is currently wearing a blank expression on his face.

Meanwhile on Elias's left is Grayfia, wearing silver-colored armor that fits her body like a glove. She is wearing a cold expression on her face, looking forward without hesitation at all.

Just looking at her right now makes me want to her back to my personal tent at camp and fuck her brains out for an entire day.

But since I am not going to let my dick dictate my actions at the moment I held back my lustful urges, keeping a blank expression on my face, staring straight ahead.

Eventually the Lucifuge army came to a stop when Elias raised his left arm.

He then called out to me.

"So, you are Asterius Belial?" He asked, using magic to amplify his voice.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I responded, using magic to amplify my voice as well.

"I heard you were easy-going and it seems the rumors are true." Elias said. "Even so, you are standing in our way and so we will have to moe you down and continue onward. For the glory of the Maou."

I snorted at Elias's words. "These glorious Maou you speak of and fight so hard for are the same ones forcing your soldiers to commit suicide attacks are they not?"

"Shut your mouth scum!" Euclid yelled at me.

"Quiet boy I am not speaking to you, but with the commander of your troops." I told him, excluding my power and bloodlust in his direction.

Little shit needs to learn to watch his mouth.

"Why yo-"

"Did I stutter?!" I shouted at Euclid.

He then clamped his mouth shut like a good little boy. Once he did I turned back to his father. "Your Maou clans have fallen into ruin, as such we of the Anti-Maou faction will bring about a new future to the underworld. So I say this to you. You shall not pass!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, raising Conquest into the air as I did so.

I've always wanted to say that.

Feels just as great as I thought it would.

"I commend you on your declaration Asterius Belial. But too bad I will have to see it turned into nothingness." Elias told me. His aura then flared, and shadows started flowing out from under his feet, directly towards my army, turning into veracious mouths as they did so.

Euclid and Grayfia also started powering up.

So I, Angelica, and Ruval did the same thing.

I then unleashed a powerful wave of demonic power from my hand infused with [Worthless]. It collided with the shadow mouths, causing them to disappear in an instant.

Even of the Lucifuge clan trait is powerful, against my [Worthless] its not challenge at all.

Seeing what he knew would happen Elias drew his blade and charged toward me. Meanwhile Grayfia and Euclid summoned numerous magical circles around them, the former sending out giant spears of ice, while the latter blasted out fire, wind, and electricity.

Taking Conquest I created a demonic power arrow and fired it, the shot becoming over 1,000 arrows in an instant. They collided with the magical attacks produced by the Lucifuge siblings take a good number of them out.

As for the Rest Ruval summoned forh a torrent of flames and sent them forward, while Angelica used [Flash Air] sending some of the attacks into the ranks of the enemy army, causing them to die.

Bringing a joyous smile to my face.

"Advance!" Elias ordered. He summoned several magical circles around him, and fired off several shots of demonic power toward me.

Raising my own hand I did the same thing, countering him blow for blow. I then sent out a wave of wood spikes towards the enemy ranks, killing quite a few of them before they took to the air.

The moment they did my uncle Callum and our army took the air as well.

"Charge!" Callum said, swinging his sword. He then led the charge, killing a devil right in front of him in an instant.

As for me I started shooting a constant stream of arrows at Elias, but he dodge every single one of them. Slowly closing the distance.

Reaching me he went for a punch, but I used Conquest to block it. After I did I went for a kick to his gut, but he used his forearm to block the attack.

Once he did he tried to cut me with his sword, but I used Conquest to block his every slash, thrust, and hack.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the battles of the others.

Facing off against Grayfia Angelica has numerous magical circles around her, launching a flurry of demonic power and element attacks. Meanwhile Grayfia was countering them with ice shards and shadows daggers, the two in a stalemate. Because Grayfia knew that if she got too close then Angelica would use [Flash Air] to turn any powerful attacks back on her.

However they aren't really going all out since they are sister-wives.

Still it's a pretty good show.

As for Ruval, he is actually having a hard time.

His flame wings out Ruval sent explosive blasts of wind and flames toward Euclid, but he summoned forth portals of shadows, that sucked in all the attacks leaving him completely unharmed.

A smirk on his face Euclid sent out shadow blades from his hand, intending to cut Ruval down.

But seeing this coming Ruval countered with his own flame blades, the two attacks colliding and canceling each other out.

While this happened Ruval coated his entire body in flames an they took the shape of an actual Phoneix.

I may or may not have suggested to him the idea of becoming a living Marco from One Piece.

Devil magic is all about imagination after all.

Anyway, after Ruval transformed he raced toward Euclid, dodging all his attacks and not taking any damage from the ones he managed to land. Reaching the young Lucifuge, Ruval took one of his talon feet and slammed it into his chest, turning his fire power and driving him into the ground.

"Agh!" Euclid shouted at the top of his lungs.

I smirked at this.

"You dare smirk at my son's pain!" Elias shouted in anger.

Ah, it's so sad. He really has no clue just how fucked up his son truly is. But do not worthy father-in-law I will show you the truth during this war.

Moving his sword faster than before Euclid aimed it at my neck.

Seeing this I jumped back, and then summoned numerous giant thorny vines and sent them straight at Elias.

He tried to dodge them all, but the pricks of the thorns cut him numerous times. As they did I sent several into the air to cut down his soldiers.

Seeing this Elias roared in frustration.

"You bastard!" He shouted at me.

"Yeah, yeah, like I haven't heard it all before." I told him. I then raised my right hand toward the air and summoned several magical circles into what was left of his army. I then activated the Explosion curse of Mard Greer and blew them all away, some of their bloody chunks flying into Elias and Euclid's hair.

That was not on purpose I swear. The universe just also seems to enjoy fucking with the father/son duo.

Looking behind him for a moment Elias saw his army was almost completely gone. Once he did he shouted. "Retreat!"

"Do you think we will just let you go?" I asked him. I summoned several thorns and sent them at him. "No, you are going to become a our prisoner. I can't wait to find out all the nice information you have about the Maou faction in your head."

"Father!" Euclid shouted, having managed to somehow get away from Ruval. But his body has numerous heavy burns, and his hair has been singed off all over the place.

Raising his hands into the air Euclid summoned forth a giant shadow portal, that began to suck in everything around it.

Seeing this I clicked my tongue. Aiming my hand at the portal I summoned forth a giant demonic circle, and fired off a bullet infused with [Worthless] right into its mouth.

The moment it entered the portal collapsed in on itself creating an explosion when it did so.

Which conveniently gave Elias enough time to escape, along with grabbing his son and daughter. The three of them being shielded by their remaining shoulders as they flew away.

Ruval changed back to normal, landing at my side. "Should we pursue them?" He asked.

I shook my head. "It would be better not to. We don't know if they have any reinforcement waiting in the wings. Not to mention we need to secure this territory while we have the chance. All the rats have come out of hiding, so now let's kill them all."

"Yes." Angelica said, landing next to me.

"Ok then." Ruval said. He then turned to the soldiers. "Men, move out into the surrounding area and finish off the enemies that are now out in the open!"

"Sir! Yes sir!" They chanted in unison. They then got to work.

Meanwhile I thought that first meeting between me and father-in-law Lucifuge went well.

I am certain we are going to be best buds in the future.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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