70.4% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 69: Escalation

บท 69: Escalation

As the world is reeling in on Marcus' faction, his faction reveal caused the media machine to do what it does best, which is discussing its existence.

This development means all sorts of professionals come to discuss Marcus, who he is, what he does, and so on.

The one issue none of these people understands is what Marcus is capable of and how petty he can sometimes be.

After all, they talk about him on live international television. At this moment, he is the most talked about person on the planet.

Even if he is to say, 'I don't care', he will watch it, and if some blabbering baboon starts talking some bullshit, he might as well flip it over and invade the channel.

If not, then the simple solution is to nuke the city. So he would rather keep that card away for a while.


"Today, to join us at this early hour is Professor John Smartoff from California University. How are you today?" A blonde TV Host started the early broadcast from California.

It's around seven in the morning in California, while it's way past midday in the Atlantic and Britain, where the action has happened.

Ever since then, the world has been on literal fire, with riots and strikes spreading through the nations. Especially in Europe, where the space gun is closest too.

Like the Sword of Damocles, the weapon is just floating there and is ready to bring arbitrary judgement to whoever is opposing its creator.

"Thank you for having me." The professor looked like he was in his late forties with a smile; the man was trying to pass as a 'smart' individual.

"Quite an early hour, but even so, do you have anything for us? You have been following the latest development."

"Yes, well, it's quite a surprise. I never expected a genius such as Marcus Goldman even to exist. This situation looks more like the plot of a comic book."

"And yet it's real. Do we know more about him?" The Host asked with a curious tone.

That was what was happening on every single channel. They are fighting for the views. Each and everyone is inviting guests like military officers, generals, politicians, and psychologists.

Trying to 'understand' who is this Marcus Goldman, well, not 'truly' understand. More like, who could tell a more viral story about this inventor? Not realising that they are walking on eggshells as the very same person was watching them on the very same television!

"Sadly, not much. However, I can tell that he has some sort of predetermined notion that people won't go to raise against his bullying.

Hoarding his technology instead of sharing it with the world. He could easily make a multibillion-dollar company and help society with issues of diseases and disabilities, maybe even create a new source of energy that could help phase out fossil fuels."

"That is true—" The blonde Host easily agreed with the professor after seeing a space station, the advanced airships, and now the submarine. They are confident that Marcus Goldman could quickly solve many of humanity's issues.

"I disagree."

The TV on the side changed display; now it was Marcus Goldman! In the flesh!

The host and the professor nearly had a heart attack as the TV was hacked!

"And you are?"

"You are talking about me, yet you don't know how I look? Then why are you even here?" Marcus, with a disgusted frown, replied.

The people looked dumbfounded; the producer of the show's mouth opened wide as he started to see ratings going up crazy! The word is rapidly spreading, and everyone is turning to their channel!

10 million, 20 million, 50 million and more, it just keeps on going! Their TV channel is getting millions of viewers just from this!

He got the host's attention and told her to keep on asking questions! Make Marcus speak!


"Call me Marcus; using my surname makes me feel old."

"...Right! Marcus then." The Host adjusted and proceeded to ask some basics. The thing was, she had no idea what to ask; she didn't have a script for this!

"May we ask what you mean by your disagreement?"

"Yes, I would like to ask the same thing." The Professor added this as well.

"Basic human nature. We don't share our Food and Wealth with just everyone."

"That's absurd. It's not food or wealth. It's technology, extremely advanced technology." The Professor swiftly replied to what he heard.

"Your perception differs from mine. It's my wealth, and I don't share my wealth."

"Even if it's different, as you say, it makes you rich beyond anything this world has seen. Doesn't it mean you should donate some of it? It's not like you will be feeling some sort of loss."

"Indeed, that is correct. That is why I have a public company. You can think of this as charity. I am selling some slightly advanced phones. Soon more of the shops will open as well as private hospitals which deal with every known disease in the world."

"Fascinating. Will it be available worldwide?" The host asked him.

"Of course not. I only do charity in my local place." Marcus scoffed while saying that.

"You should make it worldwide. It would help millions of people."

"Your fake concern doesn't mean anything to me. As someone who has 4.5 million dollars in the bank account, you are the last one who needs to tell me that."

The professor's mouth opened wide.

"By the way. I find it cringe that you are buying Pornhub services." The screen split in half; on the left side, it was Marcus' face, and on the right side, the professor's bank account statements.

"T-That's private information! You are committing a crime on live television."

"Oh my. It was? I am sorry. It's just that my Quantum AI can access anything with minimum difficulty. Do be careful what you speak. I can leak more than just that."

Just like that, the guest just rushed off his chair as the statements of the expenditures were just rolling on the screen.

The host was feeling conflicted about what to do.

But then the producer rushed over and gave her a piece of paper.

"M-Marcus, may I ask some questions?" The woman was feeling quite self-conscious now. He most likely already knows things about her. There is no confidence in her voice to ask serious questions.

"Of course, this is why I am here."

"I-I just want to remind you that these are not my personal questions."

"I know."

"O-Okay. Then, the US government wonders about your intentions with such advanced weaponry and the armies you are building."

"Simple, as a man of science, I continue improving my creations. The goal is to move to outer space and colonise worlds like Venus, Mars and Saturn's moons."


"And the weapons?"

"To keep greedy people away from my stuff, my planets and so on." He casually motioned with his hand.

People watching the broadcast could see him standing up from his seat and walking somewhere. Some of the background they could see:

A bunch of girls worked with consoles; apart from that, there was water. Marcus was, after all, underwater, and he was doing a livestream!

"And, are you willing to have some sort of diplomatic solution with your space gun?" The Host asked as she saw this question was highlighted on the paper.

"Possible, it's not that I'm not reasonable. My APSOS-class station Ars Almadel Salomonis is meant to deal with the nuisance in my life.

Apart from that, it's a multi-purpose station; I will be using it for terraforming and assisting in colonial constructions."

"By nuisance, what does it stand for? We need some sort of clarification," she asked him as the producer brought another sheet of paper.

"Hmm? I am pretty clear with what I said. My mind is mentally linked with the station. Like that Professor, he was talking stupidity; if he spoke more delusions, I would have taken more drastic actions."

The TV host paled when she heard that. The other did the same. Was this guy thinking of nuking them!?

"A-Are you saying you would have shot it at us?"


"B-But we would retaliate!"

"With what?"

"The Nukes!"

"You don't even grasp what I am saying. Let me explain so that you can understand."

He lifted his finger and proceeded to explain.

"One, Ars Almadel Salomonis has several thousand combinations for ammunition. From Devolution beam to EMP strike.

Since he was talking like a monkey, I could have turned everyone in California into a monkey since you allow such a moron to speak on television in the first place."


"Two, all of the electronics on this planet are hacked, and I have backdoors to all of them. That includes the nukes you are so proud of."


"And three, I have an Army; you have an— a primitive— bunch of people with sticks?" Marcus himself didn't know how to call them.

Regardless, his words have terrified the shit of everyone. The producer was told to cut the feed to end the morning program, as shit has hit the fans! It will be chaos like no other!

Sure enough, everyone watching this has been greeted by a blue screen with a text saying 'Technical Break.'

But people knew what was going on. The broadcast was being cancelled!

While other channels are still showing something, it is nothing like before! People are spooked, and they are going to the streets!


"Was it necessary to terrify people like this?" Athena asked Marcus. The Inventor was looking at Bismarck lying on the ocean bed.

"Where do you get this idea that I was terrifying them? Since when does speaking the truth mean I want to scare people?"

"Not everyone is like you. People will want securities. Just because you exist, they will want some sort of security blanket." She reasoned with him.

"And that is their fault. One shouldn't promise things they can't keep. Living in Dreamlands means that one day, you will need to wake up.

And I did just that. If they survive, good for them. If they don't, then it's just 'sad'. If they challenge me, then I hope they have the technology to back it up."

As the crew were working to recover the sunken Battleship, the communication officer got Marcus' attention.

"Umm, sir, Aurora just diverted an email from— UN; they sent it via your public company's email address."


"Yes, they 'kindly ask you to speak with them'." The comms officer quoted what was in the email.

"Did they now? At least they know the etiquette."

"Well, having a weapon which can kill Primordials helps." Nyx chipped in with amusement. It's cute watching all of these people squirm from fear.

"It does. Do they have a set time when I should talk?" Marcus agreed with his pet Primordial.

"Yes. It's in 30 minutes."

"Good enough by then, we should have secured Bismarck."

The Inventor said with a small smile as he looked at the crumbling ship. He was already imagining the blonde who would be controlling this monstrosity.

'Ah yes, I should make those metal sea dragons they control. I can't just make every ship into a Gundam.'

He stroked his chin while thinking about the diversity in weaponry.

'Well, I suppose I can transform them into massive guns for artillery strikes while those metal dragons for regular close-range fights.'

As he pondered on that, he returned to his throne and proceeded to create some things. He still needs to design his light cruiser maid and the blonde battleship.

Without even realising, those thirty minutes have passed.

"Supreme Commander. Should we connect you to the UN?"

"Hmm? Oh, right. Sure, I guess."

Realitus projectors turned on as Aurora hacked the main screen in UN Headquarters, where the session was about to begin.

The opening speech was already in session.

People stopped talking and looked at the screen. They saw Marcus sitting on a throne surrounded by several holograms.

"Well, I am here." He said that while leaning his head on his fist.

"Marcus Goldman, our thanks for wasting your time to hear us out."

"Hmm, very well; since you have manners, I will hear what you have to say." He motioned to speak.

"My thanks. Then I would like to ask if there is a way to establish proper means to communicate so that people rest at ease knowing that you won't destroy them?" The leading woman asked with a serious voice—this conversation is broadcast live. People who are not rioting and striking are watching this with bated breath.

"Strange thing to ask. If I wanted to do something terrible, I would have already done it. I prefer to stay in my garage and tinker my days away. But the moment I leave, I get pestered with weirdos." He said with a sigh.

"I do apologise, but not everyone is like you. We need clear guidelines; otherwise, something bad can happen, and I don't mean to you."

"Hmm, since you insist." He looked away for a bit.

"Compile guidelines for the people, Aurora."

[Certainly, sir.]

"My AI will send it to all of you; anything else?" He looked at the gathered people, looking at him silently; the only thing one could hear was breathing.

They are politicians, not 'warriors' who have the guts to say something to a guy who doesn't recognise national borders and the sovereignty of nations.

"Any possible future cooperations? Your technologies could change the world as we know it."

"Hmm, it depends on my mood. I could potentially arrange something through my regular company with friendly nations. Until then, no." Marcus said after pondering.

Hearing that it depends on his mood is absurd! Are they genuinely ending up oppressed by someone who acts depending on his mood!? That's—

"At least it's not a flat-out 'no'. It's good to know you are considering others."

"Hmm, true, that professor annoyed me, but I just recovered Bismarck, so I am fine."


Seeing that he was in the ocean and by the name, it's a ship?

Where kids are collecting ship models, this guy is collecting legit ships with his hyper-advanced tech. Their world is becoming crazy, that is for sure.

"...Might I ask if it's the sunken Battleship Bismarck?" One of the men asked; it was a representative from Germany.

"Indeed—" Marcus nodded and then looked away and spoke with someone.

"Set course for Titanic's location. I promised Mother she would get it." the Inventor said.

"Understood, setting course for North Atlantic." a Girl's voice replied.

"Warships are considered property of their nations. That is international law." The representative said with a serious tone. The teen is breaking the law and committing crimes on live television!

"Hmm, is it? Well, good for you, I didn't sign these laws you speak of.

Since we are making up laws like this, should I make my own? Something like: 'Anyone who has Operational Battle Station owns the space? Or the orbit?' I don't know; maybe I should make it more pompous, too. It Gives that 'oof'." For a moment, the Inventor considered that.

"...Forget that I mentioned it."

Some people turned off their microphones and proceeded to speak among themselves. They discuss how this is turning into one big shit show. This kid doesn't respect any of their authority and is doing whatever he wants. Destroying the order they have been working hard to create.

"Fine. If you have nothing else to say, I have ships to collect and plan their reconstruction."

"Yes. That would be all; thank you for giving a moment of your time."


After saying that, the TV turned off, and the whole UN erupted into an all-out debate.

Especially when they got 'guidelines', which are not so much guidelines; it's more like a 'depending on Marcus' mood' thing.

"So if he is unhappy, he can end life on the planet!? Are we seriously discussing this!?"

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Pressure his country!"

Everyone looked at the representative from Marcus County.

"According to the constitution, he has not broken any county laws. The only thing one could do is arrest him under international laws for stealing sunken ships."

"...Right. And risk getting nuked? Or turn into a monkey?" One of the representatives scoffed after seeing how nonchalant this teen was! To build what he builds, a certain amount of madness is necessary. Ove the history. Many intelligent people were slightly 'out of touch' with reality.

However, none of them were at this level. This kid is on a plateau of his own.

Regardless, not everyone saw Marcus' interactions, or even if they saw, not many truly believed what he was capable of. It's one thing to point a gun and another to shoot it.


"Supreme Commander, we just received a message from Astaroth clan people working for your shop. Some rowdy people want to force themselves into the store. According to them, there are quite a few of these people.

They are requesting orders from you."

Marcus, who was cuddling with Atalanta, stopped and looked at the communications officer.

"Anything from Latia?"

"She sends a word saying that this altercation is beyond her current capacities. The whole town is on the rise."


"So soon, huh, fine. Since they want to spit in Latia's charity, deploy the garrison." Marcus commanded before returning to pampering his lioness.


The thing was, Marcus' birth town became the centrepiece of everything. The thing was that this town was full of reporters as it is.

So they swiftly started reporting about the strikes around Marcus' shop.

"We are reporting live from Goldman Industries flagship shop. This store is where advanced hardware is being sold. As of this moment, the shop is closed temporarily."

The reporter said as the camera showed over a hundred people gathered. Many of them are people with too much time on their hands.

"Sir! A moment of your time!" The reporter got the attention of one of the people who was striking.


"What is the reason for the strike?"

"The reason? The boy should surrender all of his creation to adults who could use his inventions to—"


*Gunship Engine*



Something heavy has landed not far from them; the sounds of mechanic joints slowly moving made the thing reveal itself. It was a towering robot, slowly standing up.

It was at least three meters tall with raptor-like legs and a rifle for a hand.

[Remove yourselves from the store premises] The robot said via loudspeaker.

Seconds later, armoured men with T-shaped helmets dropped from the gunships and pointed their guns at the crowd.

"This territory belongs to Marcus Goldman! Remove immediately, or we shall use force to defend ourselves against an unruly mob."

"Unruly!? How dare you! We are peacefully protesting!"

"Against what? Advanced Technology is being sold at absurdly low prices? This place is a charity shop. You are spitting in the face of kindness our leader graciously provides."


"Doesn't matter what he sells! One should have weapons like these! There are no enemies to face in the first place!"


Others agreed with what the guy said.

"No Enemies? You are the ones who want to take other people's property. Now, it's my last warning."


Seeing weapons like these, people took several steps back.

"If you want to enjoy Leader's creations, then at least make him the Mayor or something of similar station. This way, he would have a real reason to share his creations and technology."

The suggestion made the protestors mumble to each other.

All of the exchange was caught on live television as well.

"As you can all see, Marcus Goldman has some incredibly advanced soldiers we have never seen before.

He even has robots which look like they are piloted by people as well!

Truly, what a shocking discovery! Just how much there is more hidden from the public!"

The woman spoke to the camera while the cameraman took shots of the six armoured men and one robot protecting the shop's perimeter.


"Mayor, huh, honestly, that is interesting. It would not be a bad idea to fix the roads, create a metro system and build an Olympic stadium." Marcus was legitimately considering that.

"You can do all that without being elected Mayor," Athena sighed.

"People just want to milk you out of technomancy."

"Oh, I do know that, and honestly, I don't care about their intentions. But this gives me vibes similar to Simcity and the other city management games.

Hmm, Aurora, how does the election work?"


[In town and city governing positions, one is elected every seven years; there are no limits to how many times you can be elected.]

"..Hmm, that's quite lax."

[It is; there is no age requirement either; the only requirement is a certain amount of signatures and a majority.]

"...Wait! Is that for real? Even an 18-year-old can be a mayor!?"

[Technically, as long as you are recognised as an adult, it's fine.]

"Ah, yes, that."

"You can't be seriously considering running for Mayor." Athena deadpanned.

"It is interesting. It depends on the people. If they elect me, it's okay. I want to see the faces of the people when I rebuild this town into my image." Marcus smiled slightly. This whole ordeal can be a fantastic experiment. He does have his ongoing experiment with vampires.

But that's the thing. There are barely any people in those villages. By this point, Carmilla got a freebie from him. 'Ruling' for him and getting all of the support of his faction.

This time, it would be different; he would 'rule' for everyone to see and satisfy his sadism simultaneously.


Seeing his fiance just sighting like this made him smile.

"Come now, it will be an interesting side gig. Most of my faction, by this point, is fully automated. I barely need to do anything."

"Now you sound like my father. In his early years, he thought about his job as a side gig while he was philandering his way through Greece." Athena said with crossed arms.

"Oh, is my Goddess complaining? Should I take it more seriously?"

For a second, she shivered.

"N-No, I am just drawing a similar line. Nothing as serious as you are thinking!"

"True. Our commitments are reversed. My priorities are still research and development that will never change." As he said that, he walked over to her and flicked her forehead.

The Goddess didn't complain. Instead, she just rubbed her forehead.

"Besides, this would end before we even knew it. Or it's what you want? Steamrolling the entire world. Hmm, maybe that's how it is. I didn't realise my Fiance was so ambitious! Is Athena dreaming of becoming the Empress of the World!?" He asked curiously.

"...No, I am just triggered by your casual actions of wanting to be the Mayor. It reminded me of my family. You could say it's PTSD." Athena replied with a strained smile.

"Oh, you poor thing." Marcus swiftly picked her up and proceeded to take her to his throne.

These actions made the Goddess slightly uncomfortable doing all this on the bridge.

"Umm, why don't we retreat to your suite on this vessel? We haven't explored it yet properly. Besides, it will take close to 8 hours to reach where the Titanic has sunk." The Goddess of Wisdom suggested.

"You're right; let's explore."

As the pair left, it only left the lioness maid, the dragoness and the Primordial.

"Hmm, she is right. I should go around and look for the food printer." Gu Yuena said with a shrug. It's not like she will be needed here. They are underwater, and she prefers fighting on land and in the air.

"Food printer? Isn't that thing which makes anything I want?" Nyx's curiosity was piqued.

"Yes, any food you want. It's a regular thing in the army." The Silver Dragoness clarified.

"Yes! Let's go!"

As the pair left to get some snacks, the only one left was the lioness, who stared at the depths of the water for a second.

"Hmm, I suppose apple pie would do."


While everyone is taking it easy on the Scavenger, the world above the water is not so calm.

Slowly, two camps are forming—the ones who are planning to do something and the ones who don't.

The ones who are not planning to do anything to Marcus are the countries that have some connection to Supernatural. While Pantheons left humans to manage themselves, they did ask for some help against Marcus. The sheer and blunt 'NO' made them reel in back and reconsider trying anything.

If their Gods are not doing anything, what can they do?

But what about countries that don't have a pantheon? Well, they are preparing for war.

Or precisely, people voted for actions, and since it's a democracy, if the majority wins, they will do something.

As Marcus observed a shrunken form of Titanic, two pieces of the broken ship, a hologram notification popped up next to him.

"Hmm, are they serious? A strike carrier force?" The Inventor is baffled to see that Americans are sending a Strike force.

"Shouldn't be a surprise. The world's police are thinking of policing us." He mumbled to himself.

"Aurora, what is the strike group's current location?"

[Tracking. They just left the port from the East Coast and headed towards the Baltic Sea.]

'My backyard. Hmm, in that case, let's show overwhelming force. I still need to collect my ships.' Marcus pondered what to do. He can't stick around the Atlantic.

"I haven't sent the 10 to 18 Airships to the Underworld; send those to intercept; let's show the little people just a little bit of our power."

"Wait, Wait! Are you planning to send all 9 of the newly built airships!? Even one is enough to terrify a Pantheon!" Athena exclaimed with worry. This is an overkill!

If regular people see those things, they will piss from fright!

"That's the point. People need to realise that I am not just a guy with a space gun. I have an army, and unlike other people's armies, mine is private and very obedient, ready to follow all of my whims."

"But even so, they are not genuinely attacking your homeland. It's a show of force."

"I am doing the same thing. And unlike them. My force is not constricted by water or borders." He explained to his Fiance, who tried everything to keep Marcus from escalating the situation.

'Ugh, shouldn't I bring his assistant from the underworld? Maybe she could speak some reason into him? They shouldn't take these regular humans this seriously.'

"Aurora, send 10 to 18 to intercept this strike force."

[Sending commands.]


Alarms blared through the Space Centre, where nine starships proceeded to rise. There was no thrust, yet these ships simply rose from the ground.

If one could pay attention, one could see projectors are all over the ship's hull. It gives a unique futuristic look to the airship, like those UFOs with lights spreading through the hull. These ships were similar to that.

Since Marcus revealed himself, there was no need to use Realitus to hide.

And so the nine ships just flew away through the lands and cities.

The sheer presence of massive ships just flying over made people panic!

All hell got loose once more as the airships just flew over cities, roads, and other buildings. They were flying towards the Atlantic.

With such speed, they swiftly crossed to Poland, Germany, and Belgium. Once the airships crossed the land, the airships entered the North Sea.

Funny enough that their airships ignored all the hails from control towers, the nations deployed military, but none of them attacked in truth; it was just to play along.

No one has the gall to attack someone who has a main cannon longer than their longest ships!


Less than three hours later, nine airships lined up at the interception point just south of Iceland.

The massive vessels were already waiting for the Carrier Strike Force, which was supposed to arrive here in some time.

"Ma'am, I don't think it was wise to rush; now we will need to wait." Second in command said to the captain of the airship 11.

"It doesn't matter; this is our first mission! We can't disappoint our Supreme Commander!" The captain was ready to impress her creator. As someone who is soon to be stationed in the Underworld in the future, she doesn't have hope for many assignments like these!

"Very well. Then, I will ensure the Strike Force arrives here instead of at a different location."

"Do so. Instruct Aurora to assist in information control."

"It will be done."


"What—the—hell!!!" The captain of the Carrier Strike Force looked at the massive ships floating above the waters.

What terrified them was not just the airships but Jet fighters flying around. There are hundreds of them!

"Those are…"

"The rumoured airships the agencies talked about. But these are wingless. Improved design?" With a sweaty forehead, the captain mumbled to himself.

"Sir. An incoming communication from one of the airships!"

"Put it through."

"Carrier group. This is Daedalus-class airship number 10. The leader of this mission. Return from where you came from, or we shall act with extreme prejudice." A woman's voice spoke on the other side of the microphone.


"...Extreme prejudice…huh, well, this is not good. Contact the Pentagon; we need a new directive."

"On it."

'This is a demonstration of force. Not only does he have a massive space gun, but he also has an actual army of floating ships with hundreds of advanced fighter jets.'

Such demonstration of force is beyond what they have thought about.

The agencies only recorded one giant construction site. Does he have more? Or it's the techniques he uses to build so rapidly?

"...sir, we have orders to record the airships and then retreat."

"...Thank God."


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