42.14% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 51: The Beauty of Resonance

บท 51: The Beauty of Resonance

"Who would have thought that Vali was the key to this puzzle?" Marcus commented with an amused voice. He was surrounded by floating windows showing all the data he gathered through the spars.

He allowed Vali to fight as much as he wanted. Oh, boy did the White Dragon Emperor fight. He showed his Juggernaut Drive several times.

Allowing to record the resonance several times.

It was a gold mine for the inventor.

"Sometimes you find treasure in the most unexpected places, Master." His kitten softly commented as she was gazing at what he was looking at.

"You are right. But this is more than that.

Until now, I have missed one of the most fundamental forces in the universe."

Marcus lifted his hand and showed her purple energy flowing in waves.

"Gravity and waves which come with it."

"It's intricately connected to space and time. One could say I have focused too much on space to grasp time. But gravity is a key ingredient.

Once one adds that to the viewing lenses, the field vision becomes more clear."

"So he inspired you?"

"More like showing something obvious." The inventor chuckled, with some amusement.

"I suppose it makes sense. Your gaze goes very far. So you can't see what is in front."

"...You are right. I need to spend more time with common people. I might see something fascinating and inspiring."

Atalanta deadpanned at him.

"Like learning time travel in maths class? Or drawing weapons of war in some other random classes?" She casually mentioned what he does in his 'classes'. It's hard to call them classes when he does such crazy stuff!

"You know me well enough. My Lioness." He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

There was a thin blush on her cheek when she heard that.

"Yes, well. Apart from the fact that you re-discovered gravity and that resonance thing. I can guess that you have decided to weaponize this fundamental force?"

"...Not yet. No, what Vali showed me was crucial in cross-species creation."

With a hand wave, he showed her something.

Atalanta's eyes widened as she saw…

[Biological Combat Model: Enterprise]

[Development Possibility: 90.7%]

"Aurora already has run 3 million simulations. Synchronising the frequency of the carrier ship with the biological body. It's not the easiest thing.

However, we came up with a medium. Another resonance…"

With another hand wave, he showed another project.

"...W-What is this!?"

"My version of the Heaven system."

Her eyes bulged out, and for a moment her mind went blank!

"Quinella proposed something a few days after realising that there is a 'roof' for how well we can prepare our S.P.B.A. Synthetic memories can only carry so far.

So why not create 'reincarnation' for my soldiers?

In other words, once they fall in battle, their experiences and souls enter this heaven they get recycled in a specific manner and then sent into a new body.

This way they keep their memories and adjust to new enemies."

Atalanta paled as she realised not only he is going to have endless soldiers but they will have a cycle of reincarnation!

"...But won't that impact conditions and their programming?"

"No, in truth it will improve it. People on many occasions rely on a 'higher' being, purpose, or directive.

This is what the system is. It gives a certain superiority to other beings. Even when they die, they don't truly die. Just follow me, you can't die and live forever."

The Lioness gulped down for a bit. Before wondering how this is related to ships and these biological models!?

"...and how does this come to play with your ship and the girl?"

She asked after realising that they had derailed from the original purpose.

"It's the middle ground. For one to access Ship at any time anywhere you have to have some sort of space power. The ships will be stored in a special dimension, they will have special privileges to access these vessels.

In a sense, it's an alternative version of Sacred Gears circle. The base principle is the same. They circulate in the system and specific souls can access specific 'gears'." Marcus explained to her that in front of them, a computer window showed the schematic of how this would work.

"These ship girls will have direct links with their ships all the time. As the system will be able to reach them anywhere where 'space' itself exists."

"... That's one crazy thing you are building… Are you sure you don't have anything else to do?"

Atalanta asked him with wide eyes… She knows well enough how dangerous those massive ships will be with all the technomancy pumped into them! The worst part is that these girls could access them anywhere…anytime!

"You sound like it's a bad thing. I am building because I want to. Just like how you go to hunt, I build." He explained with an assumed tone.

His Lioness looked quite spooked, Marcus saw it, that's where his amusement was coming from.

It's quite obvious why he is making these girls, apart from personal reasons, he is giving his faction a specific 'taste'. Just like any faction has its unique monsters, tales and so and so on. He will have something uniquely to his.

Easy as that.

And besides he remembered these girls from his previous life when he was playing those gacha games.

He doubts they will appear on this Earth. The splashes he is making would make it hard to do, no doubt his virtual reality technology will overpower phone games before they can truly settle in.

Or…they will make something unique. One can only watch how this will develop.

"...Whatever you say…Master." Atalanta had no idea how to answer that.

"That reminds me. Tomorrow is the day when your shop is opening." His lioness reminded him.

"True. Tomorrow is Monday. What an interesting weekend it was."

Marcus reflected on what he did in these couple of days. He helped Ares with his manor. Then he spent the whole day collecting data from Vali.

He made a breakthrough, without even working on it. Days like that are the best ones.

"...Interesting. That's a strange word you use."

"What would you use?"

"Monumental. You spent Saturday with Greek Gods, and Sunday you struck a deal which will reshape the political landscape of the supernatural world." The lion girl reminded him what he had done just several hours ago.

Honestly, Marcus almost forgot that he arranged something with Serafall.

Well, whatever.

"I guess. I am not big with politics." He shrugged without care before snuggling some more.

"Anyway, tomorrow I will be going to school so let's go."

As he said that he picked up his kitten and proceeded to walk towards the lift.

Atalanta just rolled her eyes and wrapped herself around him properly.




Serafall blasted into Sirzechs' office. Her forehead was sweaty as she was running the whole time and not using her teleportation spell. Whatever the reason was…it was urgent, it's as if she forgot she could do that!

Most likely she got used to not using such spells because of her boyfriend.

"What is it? You don't just barge in like that." The Crimson Lucifer said with a sigh.

"That's not important! Listen! Azazel went to see Marcus! Whatever happened he threatened me that he would join Fallen's side if Devil Kind didn't agree with the terms of peace."

Sirzechs dropped his pen as he looked at her with wide eyes.

"I see… well, this is concerning." The current Lucifer started to think.

Behind him, Grayfia had a curious and somewhat perplexed look.

"You don't say! We need to call a meeting as soon as possible! Knowing Marcus he could already start working on something big!" Serafall exclaimed with a seriously nervous look.

~~~~~~Meantime, With Marcus~~~~~~

In his room, the teen was hugging his lion girl, he was stroking her chin and marvelling at how beautiful she was…

"What's with this abundance of attention?" Atalanta asked with a curious look. Not that she minded the attention. More like she was basking in it!

"Nothing, I feel like extra cuddling with you, think of it as compensation for almost dropping you on the ground before."

"Ohh… I see… in that case, I want to be hugged some more, and my back stroked~" The lioness started to 'demand' more attention.

~~~~~~Back With Devils~~~~~~

"Call the council. We WILL reach that peace!" Sirzechs stood up from his seat while saying that. The aura in the room turned extremely heavy.

There is no way in hell he will allow another war!

"Already did it!"

"Good! Then let's go to the council room!"

The Crimson Satan proceeded to walk, followed by Serafall and Grayfia.

'Damn it! Damn you Azazel! I knew it! I need to stop any sort of meeting between science geeks like him and Marcus! They just bring chaos among normal people!'

The current Leviathan was brooding over this development!

She has no doubt Azazel offered some sweet toys to her boyfriend and he caved in like a little boy. He might be one of the strongest beings in the world but deep inside he is just a teen who likes his expensive toys!

'Damn it all!'

While Serafall was brooding, Sirzechs was nervous, Marcus and Azazel joining forces. That's something he never thought about!

A few minutes later, representatives from political factions proceeded to gather.

Ajuka appeared as well.

"I expect a proper explanation for this meeting. The hour is unholy." Some nobles from the Great King faction complained as they looked sleepy.

"Marcus Goldman just threatened to join the Fallen Angel faction and supply them with limitless resources. This means Airship, Transformers and his S.P.B.A troopers. Maybe even an array of Neo Gears."


Some of the nobles choked in their saliva when they heard that!

"What!? Where did this come from!?"

One of them exclaimed with pure shock and horror.

They thought they were safe from his clutches!

"Azazel! Who else!" Serafall slammed her hand into the throne chair, shattering it in the process. This was the second or third armrest she blew up from her turbulent emotions.

'Why do we have to suffer for her failed romance!?' Some of the Devils started to believe that Serafall was unwinding by screaming at them and destroying public property!

"That Crow most likely collected an array of Sacred Gears and offered it to Marcus! Getting in his good graces! Now he is using my Marcus to push a peace deal!

This is what we are going to do! Draw a peace treaty as quickly as possible! Or Marcus will build an outpost in the Underworld! If he does that then we will be living with the consequences of having his armies here!"

Murmurs erupted throughout the council.

Sirzechs and Ajuka just looked at this with indifferent expressions. They are waiting for a response.

This lasted for several minutes before the council stopped.

The one who stood up was Zekram Bael.

"In this case, the course of action is clear. Azazel played us and forced our hand.

We will draw the treaty as quickly as possible. We should establish a dialogue with the Fallen Faction as quickly as we can."

Sirzechs sighed in relief when he heard that. Finally! They can start thinking about proper growth as a faction instead of thinking about their borders with Fallens.


While this was happening the forces in the shadows got annoyed. The word swiftly spread out that Devils and Fallen are forced to sign a peace treaty.

The word swiftly reached other realms of the Underworld.

"It appears we have a short window to act." Skeletal Being said to a teenager-looking girl dressed in a gothic dress. She was a beautiful lady, with elfish ears.

"Fufufu… I guess we do~ then again this is fine. Erebus and I are more than enough to secure our target." She softly replied, her voice tainted with some arrogance.

"...Then I leave this to you." Skeletal God said with a nod.

"...Yes. Time for us to move out, the world has forgotten that we Primordials exist." She said with a glee.

"You should instruct Tartarus to open his gates as well. We need all that manpower."

"Hehehe. Hades you are a naughty boy. But this is fine, I will use this chance to finally leave this dreadful place."

"As you wish. Just don't forget lady Nyx, we don't reveal who we are until we are ready. It will take a while for those bats to realise what happened. By then the trail would turn cold."

"...I know, I know…"

With a burst of darkness, the Primordial was gone.

Leaving Hades alone who sighed. It's a pain to ask for Primordials like Nyx and Erebus to join him.

But he is not done. He already called other 'bored' Gods to come. Like Angra Mainyu, the Persian Evil God.

This one is crucial for the creation of more beings to fight Marcus Goldman and his horde.

'Marcus Goldman…we shall see how you deal with the Netherworld invasion.'

Hades' blue flames glowed even more potent. He can't wait to put that brat in his place for mocking his Pantheon!

Beating his niece is one thing, but taking another one as a future wife? Now that's crossing the line!

But for now. He will turn Devil Kind into rubble. Before these factions can unite. He will take them out one by one.

All the Evil Gods will help him with these upstarts.

'Once Typhon is out it will be a matter of time.'

Hades cackled as he returned to his preparation. He has millions of souls to choose from for his army.

It was time for war, he got tired of his sibling's idiocy.

~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

Marcus groggily opened his eyes. He looked around for a bit. His vision was misty. It took him a couple of seconds to realise that he was in his parent's house.

"Oh…right…" He mumbled to himself before putting his head back on this warm pillow. This pillow smelled nice, like apples and wilderness.

"...Master…you need to wake up." He could feel his pillow breathing and moving and it was talking.

"...No…sleeping is nice…"

"You can do that later. You still need to attend your school, or are you going to skip it?" She said the skipping part with something like an accusing voice. It sounded like she would be very disappointed in him if he were to miss it.

'Damn it all… why is my cat this mean!?' Marcus realised what Atalanta was doing. She was guilt-tripping him. It's like he is a lazy ass which makes her annoyed with him.

"Fine…but you will be helping me."

"...As you wish."

Sure enough, the pair got up from the bed. Atalanta stretched out like a cat. Marcus was already moving over to his wardrobe. It was old school. He needed to open it manually.

For a second he almost 'pressed' on it. As if it had a touchscreen, but then he remembered it did not.

So he was going through his clothes manually. Thankfully all of them are placed in an orderly fashion.

"Let's go, we will be taking a shower."


The Lioness didn't comment on that. According to Hypolita, he has a switch. If he is naughty then he will do it, if not then he won't. So Atalanta didn't bother about that.

A short shower later, the lion-girl helped him dress up. In a sense, it was amusing for her. She had never done anything like this before.

Sure she helped young girls with their hunting gear and clothing. But this was different. It was as if she was a housewife or something along those lines.

Still after doing all that they went to the kitchen and proceeded to make some breakfast.

Thankfully both his parents are off to work. This is why the pair are relaxed like that.

After a simple breakfast, Marcus kissed his kitten before walking off to school.

Once he walked away Atalanta sighed before looking around. Seeing no one was looking, she swiftly walked over to the back of the garage, the stairs opened up as she went over to Maglev train station and took the train to the main base.

With a smirk, she went over to the Entertainment Dome. Time to have some fun.

Since she is his 'house cat', the cat can do whatever she wants when the owner is not at home! Unlike others her job is different. Sure, she is a 'maid' but a maid with very specific duties.

So, the moment she was in the Entertainment Dome the surroundings turned into a wilderness, primal wilderness. Once again it was a Cretaceous era!

"Let's have some fun~"

Atalanta summoned her computer screen with a brush of her finger. She started to choose her gear.

She adjusted some of the weather patterns to make her hunt more bearable. Hot weather is nice and all, but she doesn't want excess realism at this moment.

Once everything was set up she proceeded to have some fun!


Lucifer's family house was quite a distance away from the rest of the population.

So no one even noticed when the Dome of darkness surrounded it.

Erebus and Nyx are two of the most powerful beings of Greek Mythology. These two Primordial Gods created an array of Greek Gods.

This means when they work together there is rarely any sort of opponent who could oppose them.

In this case, Rizevim Lucifer, son of the original Lucifer, was in a bad spot.

"...What a pleasant surprise. What can I do for two Primordials such as you two?" A white-haired middle-aged man greeted the pair of arrivals in front of his house.

"We are here for Lilith." Erebus went straight to the point.


"...Where do you get this idea that my mother is still around?" Rizevim said with a straight face.

"You think we don't know? you devilkind are truly stupid if you think we are ignorant. Your Hell is directly linked to ours. Hades is tracking everything from his domain."

"...I see…"

Before Lucifer can do something, darkness surges from his shadow and stabs his legs. Forcing him to knee, more shadows manifested, quickly surrounding him.

"...W-Wait! L-Let me join you!"

"You are a wild card. We don't need you. Besides…all devils are going to die. One way or another." Nyx spoke with sadistic glee as her divine power surged swallowing Lucifer whole.

"...My oh my. He didn't even resist." The Primordial Goddess was disappointed. She expected at least some opposition.

"I don't think he had enough power to resist, our combined energy crushed him." Erebus snorted as he proceeded to walk into the manor.

"...I guess… so much for the so-called 'Super Devil'."

As the pair of Primordials walked into the house they proceeded to check from top to bottom.

Until they found a basement. In this basement, they found ritual sites and other things. Among them was a book and a ball of flesh.

"...This is Lilith?" Nyx was not impressed with what she saw.

"...Yes. It's her energy signature, but it appears she is severely weakened." Erebus scanned the thing in front of him.

"...Do you think we will be able to use her to create devils of our own? We need numbers to face someone who most likely has means of endless energy." The Primordial of Night commented on what she knew about Marcus Goldman.

While Athena didn't comment on the fact that he has means of infinite energy, as Gods who created beings before they instinctively knew that he had more power than he had shown. Producing numbers and technology like that requires a lot of power and he is doing that effortlessly in a short amount of time.

"We could restore her to some degree. For now, we should return to Hades." Erebus said that as he collected the book.


Darkness consumed Lilith as the pair disappeared with it.

~~~~~~With Marcus~~~~~~

Classes start at 8. His shop opens at 9. His main break is around 10:35. Marcus was wondering what kind of reaction there will be to his shop.

How quickly will the public realise how advanced the phones he is selling are?

How quickly will his face appear on the evening news? Honestly, he was nervous to a small degree. More specifically he is on edge and is waiting for the moment for anything to happen.

[Sir, the submarine is ready, and Enterprise refurbishment is almost complete.]

Aurora said to him via the earpiece he had.

"Hnn… cool." Marcus casually responded as he was lazing around on the rooftop of his school.

His gaze stayed on the lazy clouds.

"...I should have brought something to eat. This is getting boring." He commented on the fact that he had nothing to eat.

"Then it's a good thing I am prepared," Serafall said from the side.

"Oh, Sera."

"Oh? Oh!? OH!? You nearly put the whole Devil kind on the highest order of preparation! And 'Oh' is the only thing you can say!?" She hissed at him, it was the angriest she could be at him.

"Good enough I suppose. Having some sort of pressure is always good. Otherwise, your Devil Kind will become lazy bums." He still sounded as lazy as one could get.



She realised that it was pointless. He doesn't care that much about Devil Kind in the first place so getting angry at him like this is pointless.

As she walked over to his side she pulled out sandwiches she had prepared the pair proceeded to eat.

After eating several of them Serafall decided to ask.

"So what did he give you?"

"Who? Azazel?"


"Vritra Sacred Gears. I can now revive the dragon. And I was able to scan Divine Dividing."

"...I see… I knew it. I knew he would give you something impressive for you to pressure us." The Leviathan was quite happy with herself for being able to see through what was happening.

"Please. I only called you once and you did everything yourself." He rolled his eyes at her. He got three gears for a simple call. That's what he calls a bargain.

"... That is what is called to be an influential figure. Even if we don't want to agree. Your phone call forced us to start working on this peace in earnest."

After saying that she got somewhat serious.

"...In truth. Something more is happening."


"...Yes. Lucifer Manor was attacked. Rizevim Lucifer is gone. There is some residue of very powerful energy around the area. It's dark, and Ajuka can't quite make out what it is. As it's a mix of two energies.

It appears someone doesn't want Devil Kind to sign a peace treaty."

"Hmm, it's only a matter of time when he figures it out." Marcus was certain that the genius of Devil Kind would figure it out.

"...That's the point. It takes time. Who knows what will happen in that time." Serafall is more worried that this is not a one-time thing.

"I see… they may not want to hide forever but are just stalling for time."


"...Good. I hope Sirzechs can deal with this." Marcus got over it very quickly, as he grabbed another sandwich.

"...If this becomes a big thing we might be going to ask for your help." The Satan Leviathan said with a worried tone. Rizevim may be an ass. But he is still one of the three Super Devils of the Underworld.

"That depends on certain conditions. My assistance is not cheap, and having my armies march in the underworld is something your kin won't accept lightly."

"Yes, I know but… just in case?"

"Heh… we shall see. Depending on who the opponent is. If it is an interesting specimen I might do it for free.

Same time if it's boring and you need help, I might as well pull my pillars from Underworld altogether once I crush this opponent.

Everything depends on who your kin is dealing with." He explained to her as he was wondering which enemy it was.

'Attacking Rizevim directly… why? What would they want?

Oh… I see… Book of Lucifer and Lilith…'

He pondered before having a knowing look.

'Hades? Oh, I see… I can sense a desire for war from him and it's growing.'

Having Blessing of War allows Marcus to see war on the horizon, and this one is a big one. It appears the plot has shifted.

Who needs Kokabiel when you have all the Evil Gods gather and form an Alliance against him?

The young inventor was flattered that several evil Gods were gathering forces just to face him.

But, he knows that there is more to this.

They might attack Devil Kind with full force. Once they have established themselves in the Underworld they could begin the proper siege of Earth.

'Oh I see… they could use the entirety of European plains as their gathering grounds before moving towards me. There is barely any sort of supernatural there.'


Serafall's voice got him out of his thoughts.


"You have a look of realisation."

"Indeed. Your kin should be prepared. This attack could be from several pantheons. Your people have quite a bit of enemies." Marcus mentioned that casually.

"...you know?"

"I have been blessed by Ares. I can sense when war is coming, and it's close for your people."

Her eyes widened as she swiftly got up on her feet.

"...may I request permission to leave?"

"Do so. I will be waiting for your call and choice of your people."

Serafall even paled for a bit before she left with a summoning circle.

Once she was gone, Marcus started to ponder.

"Now I know how Romans feel. They would always go to war to help their friends. But as they say - when two are fighting the third one profits." He remembered how the Romans created their massive empire by proxy going to help their allies.

This was a similar situation. At this moment he has two people who are in high positions in devil society. Since he knows they will ask for help. Maybe even ignore the council if it's bad. He would descend to the Underworld.

But what he could ask from them in turn? Some lands? Possibly, who wouldn't want to own a piece of the Underworld?

Maybe get direct access to Greek Hell? They have some interesting beings stashed there.

Well, for now, he will wait curiously and watch how things escalate in Devil Underworld.


Truthfully after this Marcus has forgotten about the shop when Serafall starts to talk about possible war in the Underworld.

So around the time classes were over his phone started to ring.


"Marcus, why are you on TV?"


The teen choked on his saliva, but he quickly got over it.

"Oh, and did you fall out with Serafall? This new girl is beautiful as well." His father is casually commenting about Latia who was most likely on TV at this moment.

"Ugh…let me return home first."

"Sure. But I want one of those new phones YOUR girlfriend is selling."

Marcus rolled his eyes. Knowing his dad he just wants cutting-edge stuff, just shit and giggles.


After hanging the call the inventor proceeded to walk home. He was wondering what to say.

How much to reveal?

Maybe just tell everything?

Hell, there is no need for him to beat around the bush. Well, as long as they were in his area of influence no one could do anything.

As he walked into his street he could see vans in the distance. Those were the news vans.


"Bugs. Aurora deploys Realitus, and sends them on a wild goose chase." He said that while pressing a button on his earpiece.

[As you wish]

Sure enough, the vans drove away, they were most likely seeing something interesting.

Marcus can't wait to see the news tomorrow.

As he saw them drive away the Inventor entered his house and took his shoes off. He then walked over to the living room. He saw his Father already watching something else.

"That's it? I thought my face would be on TV for longer." He was quite 'disappointed' with the lack of exposure.

"It was on some morning news. I suppose you will be mentioned on evening one again, once they have more to speak about." His father replied with a knowing look. That's the usual Modus Operandi of the news agencies in their country.

This is not the UK or USA where news channels run 24/7, 365 days…

"I guess."


"Who is this girl? And when you started selling cutting-edge technology. It looks far too advanced. Current phones hold no candle against what you are selling."

Yeah, he can't get around his father that easily. He might be a car geek but he knows his technology.

"... well… you see…"

For a moment he didn't say anything but then he lifted his hand and a purple aura surrounded him.

One could say his looks slightly changed as he brushed his hair back for a bit.

"Several years ago. I was chosen to inherit the power of Solomon. In history, he is known as the second King of Israel, and the King of Magic."




"That's not what I expected…"

"What did you expect?" Marcus asked his father who got over surprisingly fast!

"You got visited by aliens or your future self, so simply time travel." His father plainly said with crossed arms.

"...That is an interesting theory. But incorrect, simply put mythologies are real, and I inherited magic from Solomon."

"...Solomon… huh…I guess that is something you inherited from your mother. Her grandmother was Jewish."

"True. Now that you mentioned. I did see that in my DNA…"

Marcus casually mentioned his DNA, he did research it extensively.

"So who is that blonde girl?"

"She is a devil. As Solomon, I can form contracts with 72 pillars of devil kind. She is my Astaroth pillar and Serafall is my Sitri Pillar." He explained to his father.



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