42.85% A Hero by the Name of Silk / Chapter 12: Chapter 11

บท 12: Chapter 11



I was on like 5 medications, it sucked and my diet is super restricted to chicken, some vegetables and a few fruits. I learned to hate gatorade and powerade. I have drank so much of them that I think I wont drink them until next year or even longer.

Well with this my gut should be gone, but it only means that I will begin to excercise and get my abs back!

I feel like I shouldn't explain this... actually no, I won't explain... pay attention while you read. I don't have to spoon feed you all the information, I don't tell what goes on. I show it! So pay attention!

Actually do authors know how women are like or look like besides a set of holes? I read something here and holy shit, those paragraphs were extremely sexist.

Anyway I won't say the name of said story, for my sanity and the fact that their followers would come and bombard the story with hate comments because people in the FF community are extremely petty.


I was genuinely worried about where those were going to come. Like the story had 9.8 - 9.97 I was wondering where those reviews were. Phew!

Disclaimer: I'm answering through here because I don't want for any of the people who comment feel underappreciated or ignored, and I don't want for the Chapter Comments or Paragraph comments to look like a reddit thread

Reviews = R

Chapter Comments = CC

Paragraph Comments = PC (I wont answer unless needed)

My favorite reviewers (yes I'm extremely biased)

CanRead: Your ideas do help a lot in writing this! I'm ashamed to say that at this point you could predict where the story would go! But I'm happy to have you as a reader! And thank you so much for the get well message!

Pill_God: Thanks for the message!

ZoneTail: Thanks for the get well message!

Magnolia: Thanks for the comment! that put me at ease that you guys are willing to wait.

Waterworld771: Thanks I'm better now!

MrGoose: Thanks! I missed you!

AeonCDG: LMAO BUT I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR COMMENTS! DONT WORRY! And its good that you put me at ease I'm getting better every day!



Allofthekills: I'm glad you like the story and character I'm trying hard to keep the story moving forward along with the character.

Blood_stain: umm, thanks for the review...

Valu_Loufiimai: Glad you like the story!

Drop0: Thanks I tried my hardest!

nikos_konteles: Well the drama tag is there, also eventually going from man to women gets old fast more so when that is just something that goes to the back of the mind. Glad you like my way of writing, I'm not making the character pathetic, its realistic, more so when emotions, answers and behavior of children is based off of emotion. Not logic and the MC is in a body raging with hormones. Also the drama tag is still there. And I know your type of reviewers, nit pick everything and if you get called out you rage. So this will be my only answer to you.

Daoistt2aSnp: Thanks for the one star! Don't come back!

3nvoy: Thanks for acknowledging my hard work! I almost cried from your review! You're the type of readers I write this for! Thank you so much!

BABY_YODA: Thanks for the one star! Don't come back!

LokeErBest: WHOA! WHAT?! THIS IS GETTING RECCOMENDED? WTF! I can't answer that it would ruin the romance that will happen.

shaik_bhanu16: Thanks for the review!

8ightbit: Umm, she didn't get raped... that scene you're referring too is a scene of "self love" and since she's a teenager living by herself... well yeah, I would never write something so inhumane as r*pe. And eventually things get better! Its a story of self improvement after all.

ChanceXOfXRice: Well that seems a bit... shallow... in my opinion since orphans don't have much a chance to begin with. Trauma is extremely hard to overcome more so when it comes to this degree.

Miheelh: Thanks for the review! Glad you like the story! It wil eventually happen, its about a rewarding experience for the reader, the character and the writer! I like to keep them long cause I feel like the paragraph and message gets less "power" when I split it.

Chapter Reviews:

Z1op: No problem dude. Thanks for the message!

TheCreatorOfRice: Indeed.

Marcio_Rodrigues: No problem dude!

Avaritia_0010: No problem here's another!

02MehmetGullu27: No problem! Here's the next!

Danstin_2010: Here's the next!

Wasad: No problem! Here you go dude!

Alcides_Martinez; No problem! And PAY ATTENTION!

Lucifer_Dragneel: INDEED! And thanks for the get better wishes!

Charlie_Sowern: Its great that you enjoyed my story and gave you inspiration! I'm feel so happy!

Moses_ : hELL YEAH!

Disapointment THANKS FOR WAITING! IM SORRY ABOUT TAKING SO LONG! And thanks for the get better wishes!

DarkApolonir: Thanks for the advice and the get well wishes!

Zerameth: thanks I AM getting better!

Izaan_Zahid: THANKS I am feeling better!

Pat_Pickard: Thanks for the message. It helped me to remind myself that you guys can wait. And thanks for the wishes! I am feeling better.

HeyIyimisin: Thanks!

Knight_Wolf: Thanks I am!

Mr_H3nt1 Thanks

isperson: Thanks!

tomasiva: Gracias! Ya estoy mejor

FadedZen: Thanks due to my diet Im better!

404notfound: Thanks!

RackOfLife: Im already feeling better!

Carnom_0626: Thanks so much!

TheDangerousDino: Thanks for the get well wishes!

un106ble_official: I already went to one and he told me to have like 5 different medications!

I won't answer Paragraph comments cause they're a lot and I'm already behind in posting this!


Chapter 11

'I need to get closer!' Dodging left as another arrow comes my way, all too close to my face. My pace keeps going as he stops shooting and braces only for a rubber knife to come at my neck, dodging as he once taught me by moving my body to the side as my senses tell me the same just this training helped me make my movements fluid and efficient.

"You know you're powers are such bullshit." He said as his bow somehow was made into a staff with a flick of his wrist, aiming a kick at his head he blocked followed by him grunting in pain as his muscles tensed. He ducked low as the strike was too strong for him to stop and using one hand the butt of the staff got sent straight at my face. I fell back into a perfect arch followed by a flip to add flair.

"I know." I replied as he chased after me and getting back to me via him swiping at my ribs, blocking the strike with my right arm as a gasp of pain left me but its not as bad as I remember strikes to be. "They're fun." I said as I moved my body to shove him using my shoulder, he spun the staff as I leaned slightly back dodging a sneaky strike at my face and as it came around his back to strike from the left side. I shot web at his feet. The strike came but I just moved inside his guard took his left arm as it came my way and flipped him over my shoulder as he lost balance from being webbed up, he landed like a sack of potatoes as the web holding his feet to the mat got ripped.

"Oouph!" I can hear how he exhaled.

'Oh shit.' "Oh Shit." I said as he was laying on the ground, his staff/bow or is it a bowstaff? a few feet away. "Oh god, I'm so sorry Clint. I didn't mean to." I said as I looked over him as he groans, extending my hand towards him he took it and I don't know how I couldn't dodge as he placed both legs around my head and used his body to send me to the ground. I could just stay standing and lift him, but it would be mean to do that to him so I let him throw me to the ground and my body hits the mat and I feel a leg on my back that would hold me down and a sharp thing on my neck, I think its another knife.

"Never take pity on your enemies, but, that was pretty good." He said as he stood up. 'Yeah, not like I was going to have pity on some of the guys that are having a bad time.'

"Maybe some people deserve to be treated nicely." I replied, taking the extended hand and stood up.

"With that done, I have taught you first aid and a fighting style. I mean you're behind on some things, but those can be fixed when you train by yourself. I'll be checking out your footage from media as well as the reports you make" He said as we moved towards the water machine thingy. "So, now that the thing with triads and knees spies is done. You can finally go out there and do your superhero work, again. I'm completely against you doing that." His tone is serious.

"Why are you so against it? I'm helping families stay as families, women and girls not being traumatized due to things outside of their control." He sighed as he looked at me in the eye.

"Because you're sixteen and a half. You should be worrying about what you're getting for Christmas." My entire back tenses up at the mention of that holiday. "You should be out there talking about boys and movie stars, or going to concerts or being a broody edgy teenager." He said as he looked straight at my eyes.

"..." I can't give him a straight answer to that.

"It's not fair, that I'm angry, because you get home and cook your own dinner, that you're alone in this world that is just fucked up." He looks at me as he sighed again, he unfolded his arms. "I have a daughter. You know?"

"Really? You didn't strike me as a person with family." A small headache comes to my head as the imaged of a robot making a city fall to the earth as Clint covers a boy from bullets raining down on him. "Ah!" A groan leaves my lips as the headache increases but slowly recedes, turning to Clint who is looking at me closely.

"You good?" He shows concern.

"Yeah." I reply as he pats my head his hand runs through my hair followed by him rubbing circles on my back. "Thanks Da- Clint." My mouth catches up to what was about to leave my lips, it seems he caught onto that as his eyes seem to widen a bit.

"Those headaches, you should get checked up."

"HA, yeah I will! And after that I'll go to a psychiatrist and then I'll drive my lambo to MIT to get to class. Not happening." My voice drips with sarcasm... "So, how... no, that's not right, do you love your kids?"

"Yeah, I do, and my wife. I love all three of them." He smiles fondly as if it was a memory close, I feel like trust him enough to ask.

"How does that feel?"

"To love someone?" Nodding slowly he sits down on a couch nearby that I follow his lead and take a seat on the one in front of him. "Well, its like when I first saw them I felt the need to make sure nothing happens to them, I don't want them to cry. Or anything bad happening to them." That doesn't make sense.

"That doesn't make sense, when they misbehave do you at least punch them? When they ask for seconds do you slap them?" I'm genuinely confused, I mean Erica's mom doesn't do that but she's an exception.

"What?" He looks at me as I'm crazy. "No, I would never do that to my children, they're kids, that's a crime as well." What the fuck is he saying?

"Then when do you build The Box?"

"The Box? What do you mean?" His brows

"You know the thing all parents have. A box of about this high, with walls covered in nails, screws as razors?"

"Cindy, is that where your scars come from?" He asks as his gaze is serious, like a cold blooded killer, someone ready to murder someone.

"I, ah-" My reply is stuck in my tongue as he stands up. The urge to run overwhelms me as he steps closer, I feel my legs shake and without a second thought I jump high enough to clear the warehouse, using two lines and pulling I'm sent to the other side of the warehouse at higher speed, I'm out of there in seconds. The cold on my feet hits me hard as I'm running, the mask is tightish. Arriving home and accessing via the window I'm in my living room. I now notice I'm covered in snow and my feet are bare, my hair is wet. Just like my cheeks, I sniff loudly as snot runs down my nose.

Turning on the shower placing it as hot as it can be, and removing my suit, followed by me sitting down as my mind tries to find out why his kids are not punished, it doesn't make sense. A headache runs through me as I remember a boy holding the hand of a woman. "Ugh, those stupid images. They didn't happen! Why can't I forget you? I made you! You're not real!" I yell aloud as I keep crying, wishing, hoping those images in my head are real and losing all motivation as my body has no more energy to even think as I keep crying. My skin is scalding but healing at the same rate, the physical pain should be helping me feel something, yet it doesn't. The water runs down my entire body as my mind is not thinking, no thoughts. The white on the walls looks so, white. I don't feel my skin scalding, I don't feel a thing. Do I even exist? Why am I myself? Why not someone else? Why not someone happy? Curling into a ball takes the rest of my energy as I look into wall.

Slowly my mind drifts off prompting me to fall asleep, as the pain I can barely feel takes me to sleep.

For the first time in weeks, I'm not awoken by a nightmare. I slowly wake up in a groan as the warmth is so comforting. I'm covered in my blanket. On my bed... "What?" I ask aloud as I just wrap myself in blankets and let the warmth just let me lie down since even peaking a small part of me will make me feel cold. Immediately after that thought I notice that I'm not wearing underwear. But that doesn't bother me, maybe I don't remember waking up from the shower I was taking and walking back here.

The tiredness is not going away, sleep actually sounds nice. Maybe sleeping is a good idea. Curling up and adjusting myself as I was attempting to fall asleep a sound snapped me from my thoughts. "Let me check." The sound of the door opens. "She just grabbed more blankets and fell asleep again. Yeah. She had a small fever... I know. It's just, I kept feeling like I was looking at Lila. I've done things, yet carrying her away from boiling herself." He muttered as I just tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. "Its just her skin clung to my hands and clothes as I carried her." He paused as I felt even more useless than before. "Yeah, thanks to whatever deity is up there since she can heal. Yeah, she's fine now."

Deciding that I couldn't sleep and for my sanity I can't stop moving and doing nothing, then I decided to just put on a jacket for this cold. Locking the door, I then put on underwear and a hoodie as well as another set of pants as the cold winter of New York is the worst. Moving to the kitchen I notice Clint is waiting for me not making a single sound.

"...why are you here?"

"You left your belongings back there so I brought them here." His answer is plain.

"Thanks, I could've go to get them after a while." My tone is rid of any emotion.

"Then... listen Cindy, I know we have secrets, but you can trust me, I've fulfilled all my promises to you which is something I said to you at the beginning of our training."

"I know, it's just. That topic is too personal."

"If you we're abused, you can get them arrested."

"No, I can't do that to my mom."

"Cindy, those are from her? What is the box?" He said as he motioned at me. 'He looked at them.'

"How did you see them? But I don't want to talk about it."

"You scared the living shit out of me, I found you lying in the shower unconscious... I just need to know, you're just a kid. You should know better." That pissed me off.

"I don't need to tell you anything."

"Cindy Moon, if I do what I'm about to do then you need to-"

"You won't do anything!"

"It's for your own good!"

"You don't know that."

"I do know!" That feels like the coach all over again.


"You don't have to yell."


"Cindy, I'm just-"


"I want to help you."


"Cindy, I know you think-" I hit the wall beside me making my hand go through it.

"IF I NEEDED HELP I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO KNOW." I yelled as he walked out.

"Look kid." Walking past him and opening the door, he took the signal and just walked out.

"I'll contact you if anything happens. But its cold outside so, I won't go out, sides, I hate the cold and the holidays. Don't look for me." I said aloud as I closed the door. The anger in me immediately changed to regret, as a wave of self-loathing crashed over me.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I know you can hear me." Walking over to my phone as I can still hear him. "It's just hard to see a girl your age struggling like you are, you're carrying too much on you. You're really lucky." That last word stopped me for a second, but as I heard he took a deep breath I connected my phone to the small speaker I have and put the loudest music I had.

"I... report any activity you do to the phone, on the designated app." I barely heard him and using the phone I only texted him a "k" as I just scowled. The fact that he wanted to control me, again, I feel so pissed off. But I can't do anything. Turning to the street that has the Christmas lights out just places me in an even bitter mood. As I remember when Mom told us no more holidays, man do I hate this season. The snow falls heavy as I just feel the slight cold that just brings memories I'd rather not remember.

Maybe I won't do anything on the rest of the month; I'll wait for when the weather is not so shitty. I grumble under my breath as I can smell what seems like chicken boiling. Looking over to the kitchen I notice there are quite a lot of pots cooking something as well as the oven having a timer. My stomach grumbles as I turn off the music, dragging my feet and noticing my bags in the entrance that should have my clothes. Looking through them to see if everything is in place, I can't help but notice one thing. A new Xbox controller that feels heavier with spider decals and seems to be made of special materials, as the buttons are a little harder to push. Underneath it a game and what looks like an Xbox card.

'Xbox live 1 year pass.' Followed by Halo 1, 2 and 3 as well as a Call of Duty Black Ops.' A letter at the bottom. "Didn't know what to get you, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year." I feel as smile appear on my face as this is the first present for Christmas since I was 6. For the first time in ten years I'm crying out of happiness. But I got angry at him... I could text him right now... but I think he hates me right now. I'll thank him later... I'll wait a few days... or maybe when I'm on patrol... or not... maybe on New Years.

"On other news, something came up. Actually it's one thing no one was expecting. A Twitter and Instagram account that surprised a lot of people. This account is from none other than New York's resident superhero Silk! If you look the username of OfficialSilk." The image of my Twitter popped up on screen.

"These accounts have a few pictures that conform the authenticity. Such as this photos." They proceeded to show the pictures I took as I'm standing at the edge of a building. The other is a selfie I took while I was falling, and last but not least a video of me swinging through a few streets ending in a flip.

"But that's not the thing were surprised about. We all know that she wears a hoodie and a mask but it seems like this time. She's "debuting" something different." The picture shown is the one I posted a few hours ago. Which is of me sitting in the edge of a skyscraper with my back facing the camera as the city is free of snow and the back of my suit which has a black and silver spider at the center between my shoulder blades.

"That is a costume... Looks like spandex if I'm not wrong." The anchorwoman said as she looked at the picture.

"Well one thing I wasn't expecting is that she looked like that." The man said as he looked at the picture.

"What do you mean? Huh." Oh the woman seems pissed.

"W-well I wasn't expecting for her to look like a supermodel. In my defense she was wearing a hoodie and baggy pants and THAT is completely skintight."

"While this is something unexpected, you should see how the NYPD reacted to her being active in social media accusing the Twitter company to helping a criminal. So far no answer or statement regarding the popularity of this account has been made. At least the freezing winter is now over, which also seems to confirm that the lack of Silk activity made it clear that she wasn't able to operate during winter maybe the cold or something personal, we don't know." That is true I hate the Holidays which made me lock myself home and work and a stupid amount of hours placed into Xbox games.

"That is all for today, this is WHiH4 for all your worldwide news." Turning the TV to mute, everyone looks at each other as the video is paused.

"Why did you show us this?" Erica asked as we turned towards Michael.

"This right here is trending on YouTube."

"And that means?"

"That Silk is influential, and she has great body proportions. And from what I've been getting a lot of people are actually researching into finding her identity." I can feel the light gazes that came my way from my friends that seems like Michael is unaware.

"Anyway I just wanted to show you guys that, enough of that. Let's get down to business!" He sang the tune of Mulan. "Which means that the biggest events are happening right now and we're invited! That's right we finally received the contract that you are actually needed for Fashion Week."


"Holy shit that's awesome!"

"Indeed and since Mommy Virginia Potts. Don't quote me on that nickname or I'll be fired. Got US our contracts for you girls to work there."

"Why do I sense like a "but" is coming?"

"Because, well... the thing is that since we're last minute..." He trailed off.

"We're the benchwarmers?" Alana said aloud. "You said you would get at least one of us into that."

"I wouldn't put it in those words... but yes you're benchwarmers. I tried, but since we're new talent, management of the event argued that we couldn't participate; BUT if a model is not able to go onstage due to something happening, you girls would go in their stead. That event will be highly sought after and if any of you get on that stage then it would be under your own talent. We're scheduled to be in the hotel by five of the previous day in order for everyone to receive an orientation and a rehearsal of the event, since its in a hotel everyone will receive a room that you will share. Now, that was a big announcement and that's happening next week; the other one.. is kind of a not so good. Since Mister Stark as in the Tony Stark is moving on from the last mess made in the Stark Expo from two years ago. And we will be working as something as simple as handing out PAMFLETS."

"Wait what?"

"Thank god we're not dancing in those skimpy Iron Man costume."

"Yes! I wanted to go this year! Now I get paid to go." I exclaimed contrary to Mindy and Alana who are complaining.

"So we're going to just stand there and give out papers..." Erica said in a deadpan tone.

"And don't worry about skimpy outfits, you're models not escorts. I'll give you guys the shirts and you will need a pair of black jeans and you'll work in shifts of 2 at a time. It will be a bit of a grueling day but don't worry, its just three days." 'That's awesome I wanted to visit the Expo.' I'm actually excited about this happening, I can actually visit and it's free.

As the meeting was over, Erica offered to go to her house and have a small get together since tomorrow is a holiday which means no school. "Cindy, you're such a bitch for not telling us about the new costume."

"I didn't mean to, I mean that thing has been with me since December... And winter and snow is the worst so I wasn't going out on patrol or anything of the sort."

"So you didn't go out because you don't like the cold?"

"Absolutely hate the cold and snow."

"Makes, sense but don't think I didn't notice you having a new bag and phone. Something you want to say?"

"Well... I was kinda, sorta busy for a few weeks and then things happened and well I'm here." The silence ruled over the car for a few seconds.

"She didn't tell us anything."



"You do know I'm still here right?"



"Fuck you!" I replied as I crossed my arms they laughed, I'm trying to put on an angry face as I feel a finger poke my cheek.

"You're pouting!" Alana turns to look at me from the shotgun seat as Mindy pokes my cheek continuously from my side, I feel my face heat up. As the urge to laugh at the situation just gets me to almost crack up.

"Oh, is she breaking?" Erica's voice comes from the driver seat.

"Almost." Alana says as Mindy keeps her poking, Alana smirks as she meets my eyes and in the most serious tone she says.

"Pudding." I don't know why, or how but that word just broke me as I began to giggle like I heard the best joke, followed by me chuckling as Mindy followed after as the rest kept trying to contain their laughter. That is until Erica repeated.

"Pudding." That I began to laugh like I never laughed in my life, the rest laughed as well. I tried inhale but snorted, instead that only lead to the rest laughing harder as I felt my entire face heat up but kept laughing and snorting. As I kept trying to calm down. 'NO FUCKING WAY THAT'S MY LAUGH!'

"No way! That's your laugh?" They proceeded to laugh harder that only made me laugh as well. We calmed down after around five minutes my stomach hurt as well as well as several threats of someone pissng themselves from laughing.

"Pudding!" Mindy yelled out in her usual cheery tone that only cracked us up once again. My laugh sounded like I was wheezing and snorting. Eventually after several failures to stop laughing we calmed down.

"I never laughed this hard in my life." Swatting a tear from my eye as I felt relaxed and happy as we reached the parking lot under the building of Erica's home.

"I almost pissed myself." She said as we walked into the elevator, I had my new bag on my back.

"So, that new backpack looks pretty new."

"It is! Try to lift it." Placing the bag in front of the elevator door Erica took the challenge.

"OOPH!" She groaned as she pulled, the others tried as well. But were barely able to lift it.

"What the hell is this made of?"

"Kevlar and a polymer that is just as durable. But it has my suit here." I said as they looked at each other in excitement.

"I want to see how you look in it!" Mindy said as she almost jumping with joy.

"How did you get it?"

"I'll explain in a bit." I said as I just lifted the bag with my pinky just to show off.

"How much does that weight?"

"About... a hundred pounds."

"That's such bullshit."

"I know, I love it." We stepped inside Erica's home soon after.





"SHE SAYS THANKS! Seriously my mom is just sometimes seconds away from adopting you."

"Oh-" I thought of saying something but couldn't as my stomach turns to knots. "Um, give me a sec." I'm already familiar with this place since Erica's mom did call me a few times to drop by and she helped me learn to cook after a lot of failings. "Hi." I lean over the door with only my face.

"Hey there honeybun." Erica's mom says as she's in the middle of dumping a set of finely diced red bell peppers into a pot.

"Good afternoon Miss-"

"None of that! I told you several times, its aunt." She paused for a second after looking straight at me as if deep in thought.

"You need any help?" That seems to put her out of her deep thought as I'm walking into the kitchen to notice she's making chicken parmesan.

"No need to worry, you go with Erica and the others I'll call you for dinner." She nudges me lightly and with care towards the second floor.

"Fine, but I can help."

"I know honeybun. But you're a kid and you're hungry so go upstairs and wait for dinner."

"But I can set the table."

"No, go upstairs, have fun." She reprimanded me as I reluctantly walked upstairs.

"Fine." As I reached her room everyone is making noise. "I'm back."

"Finally. Come on! Show us!" I smile as I'm grabbing the bag and run into the bathroom without an issue opening the bag and the special biometric lock I pull out the suit as well as place my now discarded clothes into the bag. Grabbing the mask and secure it in place I walk out to my awaiting friends.

"Woah! You look-"

"AMAZING!" Mandy interrupts Alana, all three walk up to me Mandy is pulling at the sleeve, while the other two look around me. All three take a few steps back.

"Come on girl, give us a spin." Alana says as I do that, taking a small spin like it was a photoshoot.

"Oh, your butt looks amazing." Mindy says as her eyes look around the skin tight suit.

"You're officially a superhero."

"Was there a difference?"

"Yes, heroes do you know like fighting crime, but superheroes have their suits and all that stuff. NOW you look like one and you look super cool and awesome and OMG people will take you seriously."

"Wait did people not take me seriously?"

"More like they thought you were just a crazy person that runs around with super powers and police can't track down."

"Well, I'm just that great." I reply as I try to strike a pose by holding my knuckles at my hips and puffing out my chest in a distinct power pose.



"That pose doesn't suit you."

"Okay how about this?" I crouched down standing on the tip of my feet as I spread my legs to keep balance followed by placing my right arm in front of fingers on the front leaning slightly forward as I raised my left arm and my other hand open. (Pose 1 Check here)

"Oh, that looks actually pretty cool."

"Hmm, I don't know. Do you have another?" I hum as I take a step to the right and extending my foot as only the tip touches the ground while my knee points upwards as if ready to run, while my left leg in kneeling on the ground. Raising my right arm as I extend and slightly bend my elbow and placing my left hand on the ground only to extend my fingers as they make me gain balance. (Pose 2 Check here)

"Oh that looks pretty cool."

"Girls! Dinner!" I heard the footsteps just outside the door and in a flurry of speed I'm inside the bathroom in seconds as I'm changing.

"Oh, we'll be right there. Mom."

"Were you doing something?"



"Mom, out! This is my room!" Erica said as I think she got her mom out the door. Well looks like I have a few poses I could do, like a signature pose. "That was close."

"Way too close for comfort." I wouldn't be able to handle her screaming or telling me to not to do it. I wouldn't be able to show my face to her again.

"Come on lets go get some food."

"Wait do you use a bra underneath it?"

"Yeah, why? Should I go commando?"

"It's just the outline of the bra kinda ruins the theme."

"I haven't tried it without underwear." That night I tried in different ways and I do look great with no bra, but I can see my nipples and thank god that with a sports bra nothing can be seen not even the outline of it.


"Welcome to the expo." I said as I handed a map and a pamphlet that has the info for the Stark Project which is the Stark Tower, as well as some other projects from some from the MIT fund that Stark Industries finances. I think I can see a robot that can analyze facial expressions; I can see the Space X booth on the map, the new phones by the big companies.

"Thanks, if you're free..."

"Sorry, I'm working at the moment." I replied as this is the fifth time I'm getting asked out, for some reason. I think it's the super tight shirt and jeans. I want to actually look into several of the test runs that are being held. Noticing I'm out of things to give away, I groan as I go back to the booth to get more.

"It's exhausting right?" Erica says as she's also staying close to the table with boxes hidden under the mantle.

"I'm at five, thanks for the save on the first one."

"Damn, I'm losing my touch. I'm at three."

"Get rekt." I reply as I extend my tongue out my lips and blow a raspberry at her.

"You'll see." She narrows her eyes as she does the same. After an entire shift that was way too annoying for my taste, I swear I'd rather be at Subway making sandwiches.

"You two look exhausted."

"It's horrible, I had to wake up early and I don't know why but so many douchebags come this way."

"I don't know some of them don't look too bad." Alana said as she looked around.

"It's bad, more so when some smell like they didn't shower, I swear I'm at an anime convention." I reply as I take a seat and fan myself. "I'd rather be making sandwiches." My reply came in a groan as I lied my head on Mindy's shoulder.

"Gross, you're wet." She tried to get me off.

"That sounds like a complaint." I reply as I grab her head and shove it to my breasts that has a thin layer of sweat that this tight shirt that absorbed it.

"Cindy! I swear to god! Let me go!" I let her go after a few seconds. She proceeded to rub her face against her own shirt. "You're such a bitch, my makeup!"

"Sorry." My reply comes out as fake as I'm sure it sounded, she only grumbled in annoyance. We chatted for a while, as the influx of people diminished and our handing out slowed down to only a few.

"Hi, picture!" The voice of the official crew that we were told would be in the event called us out. In a second we posed for the photo holding each a triptic and map. Ten photos in different poses were done and that ended my shift as three rolled around.

"I'm free! Lets goo!" I reply as I grab my backpack.

"Don't you want to-"

"No, I wanted to come here again to actually see the projects?" I reply as I run to the bathroom to change clothes, thanks to having the badge I can get to the staff bathroom. Rushing into it as I get into a stall and remove my shirt and get on my usual Halo 3 shirt that I love to death. Shoving the shirt into the backpack and as I'm about to leave I can sense someone about to exit the stall I'm about to run across. 'Oh shit.' Stopping by sticking to the floor, sidestepping the door I try to move only for the woman to move forward. Making me almost collide against her but not enough to send that person into the ground.

"Oh shit. Sorry." I say as it looks like I'm about to fall over her.

"Oh, no it was my bad." The red head of the woman comes to my eyes as I look at her green eyes. 'OH MY FUCKING GOD.' I can only think as I take a few steps back as I recognize her.

"M-miss Po-po-tts." My gaze falls to the ground. "It was an accident. I-I'm so-orr-y." A headache forms in my head.

"Its okay kid, nothing happened, it was my fault after all. I didn't hear your footsteps. You're quite sneaky." An awkward laugh comes out of my throat as she walks towards the sinks.

"Right, I'll leave you. Sorry again." As I'm about to leave she calls me out.

"Stop." 'OH FUCK PLEASE DON'T FIRE ME! FOR ALMOST RUNNING OVER YOU.' I stop in my tracks as I feel my neck and shoulders tense up.


"You're young to be here, more so as a staff."

"Oh, no, I'm not... I'm a- I'm a mo- model." My gaze doesn't leave the floor.

"Oh, right, I remember. Good luck on fashion week, I'll try to get you into the Dior, or the Channel, maybe get you girls into Victoria Secret." I felt my face grow extremely hot as she talked about possible work.

"Th-tha-thanks." I reply as I walk out almost running, dodging people as I walked backwards.

"You look like you saw a ghost." Erica says as I notice I'm back where I began. "Also, you should dress better. You understand fashion for god's sake."

"Don't make fun of my style!"

"You don't have style!" I flip them off as I walk towards the nearest exhibit. Which in turn is the Boston Dynamics showing the basics of the dog who is meant to be like adaptive to its environment. Eventually it all culminated in returning back to Stark panel as the presentation began. I'm surprised Iron Man didn't show up. This time, but nonetheless they presented the new and improved Stark Tower, that is currently under construction, where the METLIFE building used to be. But now it's supposed to run in clean energy that is meant to be able to run with power from a clean source. And if the numbers displayed are correct then its... The image at the end of the presentation brings a headache.

My mind flashes with several images, of a beam firing into the sky as metallic beings rush into earth. My head burst in pain as I clutch my head as the pain becomes unbearable. In need to find something to make the headache increase, more images fly through my head as Iron Man flies through New York holding a nuke on his back. Arriving into the staff bathroom, more images fly around my head. "What part of the movie did you like?" A conversation sounds like something I said. "I liked when everyone fought the aliens!" The voice sounds masculine as my head pounds harder.

"Agh!" A groan escapes my lips as I hiss in pain the images suddenly stop as if cracked like glass making me groan. The memories of me going into the box fill my head. My head pounds as I distinctly remember myself driving through a road as the image shows a teenager scowling in anger as tears run down his face.

"Hey, you alright?" I'm holding my head as the headache slowly subsides, splashing water on my face. I groan as my stomach tries to empty itself but nothing came out. 'Thank god. I hate puking.' I'm dry heaving as the I'm breathing hard on the sink as spit falls onto the sink. I moan in relief as the pain is slowly going away.

"Feeling better? Need me to call a medic?" Turning to the same person I almost collided with a few hours back.

"Yeah, yea- I'm goof." I say as my blunder escapes my mouth. "Sorry I dont know how to skip. SPEAK. Shit, sorry." I say as I try to run out but I feel my shirt get grabbed. I stop in my tracks not wanting to rip my favorite shirt.

"You sure about feeling alright?"

"Yes, I was just about to go home." I reply as she lets go. But the image of her in a sports bra as her skin glows eerily red. Making my head pound again. I hiss in pain as I exit the bathroom, after a few minutes of walking I'm feeling better. 'Ah! Finally.' I arrived home and decided to play a few rounds of CoD and go to sleep as I had to get to work the next day.


Shooting a web from my natural webbing from the wind currents, the web sticking to the edge of a building letting me swing around it and sends me upwards, I whooped in joy as I was launched again into the air once again. My suit now makes it easy to move as nothing flaps around. Firing another line to a close building letting go and use a moving truck as a platform to jump higher I reach a building on the side of the avenue and keep running on the side of the building as people seem to notice me. After a few more minutes I take a break, as I'm about to continue and see if anything goes down I'm looking down.

The sounds of a car pulling up brings me out of musings as three guys in suits and cheap looking Iron-Man masks get off and enter the front door of the bank. "ALRIGHT!" It was followed by a bang from a shotgun. I moved before I realized, running to the edge of the building and jumping to the other side of the street landing on the roof of the bank hoping I can see some way into the bank.

Making sure I to secure my mask tightly and begin crawling and look inside from the window that is in the roof making sure my shadow doesn't give me away; I can see three assailants as well as a security guard that is in the ground as well as around 15 civilians and 5 cashiers as well as including the manager. 21 total Civilians 3 armed and a getaway meaning 3 were the threat. I don't know how many other guards are around. Police takes around ten to fifteen minutes to get here. I need to make sure no one gets hurt and stop these people from hurting or killing anyone.

From the corner I can see a guard that is about to pull out his gun as he takes deep breaths, thinking fast I can feel the sun on my back looking into the building I can see the guard breathing hard as the sun is in his chest. I place my hand for my shadow to stay on his chest and as he moves forward the sun shines on his face but he expected it but my shadow made him look upwards and towards me I motion him to return by moving my hands to return to his place hidden from sight.

I motioned for him to stay in his place; he nodded and pointed to the other window that was behind him on the upper floor. I nodded and went towards it, as I'm walking inside I can barely hear what's going on. "Put all the money in the bag and don't try to do shit." The man said as I walked inside the window that the guard is already waiting for me. Pressing the button on my neck as I followed Clint's advice for a voice modifier.

"How many guards are here?"

"Today, only me and another one." I can hear someone coming.

"I'm sorry about this." I grab him and drag him out of the bank and he gasped as we're now on the roof. "Sorry about that." I say as he just heaves.

"This is not good for my heart."

"You should get that checked out. Work sure is killer..." That didn't seem to be a good joke.

"Are you making a joke?"

"I don't know did it work?"


"Well, anyway, were on a time crunch. The police should be alerted. You triggered the alarm, right?"


"What about radios? Can you call the police?"

"No, I tried but somehow there is interference. Can't you like, call the police?"

"... Well, I'm dumb." I say as I pull out my phone and call 911. I send the phone towards him.

"Call for the police, and tell them everything. I'm going in to make sure no one gets hurt. Or worse." He nodded as he began to speak into the encrypted smartphone.

Making sure I made no sound I crawled inside once again, making sure no one could notice me as I stuck to the roof. I could see the guy who came our way checking inside every room, he walked into another hallway that seems to connect to various conference rooms. The foot scrapping against the carpet gave me his location. Making my way towards the place he went into making sure that no one else is coming my way. I can finally see what he's walking into the corridor with his rifle on hand.

Taking 2 steps and following the training I received, he was opening a door but it seems he turned to look at me which only seems to surprise him as he was about to shoot turn his rifle at me, my web shot came faster at his mask moving it and blinding him effectively. His head recoiled back from the impact, followed my landing. I did the move he taught me on disarming, grabbing the nozzle with my right hand moving it upwards, followed by taking a step with my left then a chop to the butt of the gun with my left hand and finally delivered a punch at his face. Followed by me yanking the gun from his hands as he fell down unconscious. He raised his head only for me to glare at him as I crushed the nuzzle of the gun, followed by bending it inwards making sure it's not functional anymore. 'One down. I have to be quick.' His head reclined back into the carpet. I webbed his feet together and hands into the carpet.

Making my way to the main hall where the other two were I could see one making sure the bags were getting filled while the other is aiming an AR-15 at civilians. "HURRY UP!" The one at the cashier cocked his shotgun making the cashier jump in fright and worked faster while she cried out. 'Shit, how...' Looking at the skylight I get an idea. With a powerful jump that no longer took a piece of floor with me I'm at a nearby pillar.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the guard that was upstairs and is now on the other side with his gun out. 'OH FUCK.' The guard motioned to me as I watched him, he pointed at himself and made a circular motion. 'So he's going to distract them.' I nodded and made my way to the roof by crawling up the pillar.

"Freeze!" The guard said as he pointed his gun towards the one pointing at the cashier who is the only one in sight. He has two people pointing guns at him. "Really? You point your gun towards us? Two on one." The guard is almost shaking but i can see his resolve, I'm now standing on the roof, he smirks as his eyes turn to me making one.

Relaxing my hold on the roof I fall on top of the guy who is most likely to shoot who is the one with the shotgun, as I'm falling I have a clear shoot at the other guy. My foot smacks him in the shoulder knocking him to the floor. He screamed as the shotgun scattered into the ground. The webline I shot at the second one holding hostages yanking it the rifle come my way as it leaves his hands, moving my hands like a whip as I grab the webline in my hands. The rifle acts like projectile as it hits him in the face seconds afterwards. The smack sends him into the ground. As several react with an "OOPH." I placed both hands over my mouth

"Oh, sorry about that, didn't mean to hit you that hard." I said as I sent the shotgun towards my hands. Taking both towards the guard. "Here, I think these go to the police." I say as the civilians seem to start to understand that things went sideways for the would be robbers.

"Here's your phone." I grabbed it and placed it in my pocket.

"You ruined us girl!" The guy who I'm sure has his right shoulder broken as his right hand is just limp. People duck to cover as he pulls out a gun, my silk sense goes off I dodge with my body to the side and start to dodge his shots by walking at him as I lightly get out of the way, I can actually see the bullets come my way, his aim is bad and no one is behind me so I can just move out of the way. He takes a step back as his hands shake. The last bullet comes towards my face but I just move my head to the side, not even my hair get damaged.

"What are you?!" He says as his gun is now empty and no bullet landed on me.

"I'm Silk a superhero." I say as I grab his gun from his hand by yanking it, raising it to his face and crush it like an empty can of coke. He passed out after that, probably the pain from having his shoulder broken. I web him up to the ground as well as the other.

"Thanks for the save and here's your phone." The guard said handing me the phone, I heard a few claps and woops from the crowd. I nodded to the security guard who's now rounding everything up; his partner seems to be okay. I notice he doesn't have a gun.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your gun." I say as I remember the other one and ran towards the door making sure to not break it; I burst out of the bank and look for the getaway car who seems to notice that he's in trouble.

The driver turns to me and presses the pedal; I jump onto the street and throw two weblines at the car not having a chance to shoot at the tires. "NO YOU DON'T!" I yell as the car begins speeding up but I stick to the street. I get a crazy idea, and pull back angling my body to use my feet first. I jump making the car buck and advance. "WHOA!" I get launched into the air as the line sends me into the car, smashing through the back window feet first I end up in an uncomfortable position which is my feet pointing upwards, my head where the feet of the passenger should go, and hands pointing to the window.

The driver pushes the break. "Ouch! Dude!" I say as the car stopping makes my head smack against the glove box. He turns to me and screams. I shoot a web at his mouth and arms making him stuck into the car seat.

"So stand down?" He kept struggling, but a smack to the face and he's out cold. I righted myself and got out of the car through the door. I heard a few claps as well as sirens coming here, I wait until the police car arrives and jump upwards landing in the rood where people are watching and do the pose I practiced. People seemed to be excited. Later that day a news report covered my story of stopping the robbery, as well as a video of me fighting against the robbers and dodging shots point blank, my little introduction and lastly me stopping the runaway car and ending with my pose as I jumped and web swung into the busy city as police cars arrived. And a thanks from the guard and a statement from the bank saying thanks, as well as some hostages that were interviewed people of the crowd were happy that I was there. Man that praise feels amazing. Is that what drugs feel like?

Finally it came, fashion week where its a weekend at a hotel. I had to fight tooth and nail to get this weekend from my second job. Now we arrived one day early and the rehearsal is going on at the moment and since everyone is here and there is no need for replacements we're just messing around. I mean we did go to the conference and know what to do if something goes wrong but... we're really bored.

"Come on! We never did do the initiation... It will only be five minutes."

"No." My reply comes quick.

"Come on it's just a closet, and it will be only for a few minutes." Mindy says as she looks at me.

"Five it's too much." Comes my answer.

"Fine then four." Erica tries to argue.


"Come on! Three minutes and we won't bother you for THE other thing about the bank." I'm reluctant but fine, I can last that long. Shit maybe Alana does have the talent to become a lawyer.

"Fine, but if I can't do it you will let me out or I'm busting the door down." All three nod in agreement.

"Sure sure, your time starts." Walking backwards, a brief memory flashes before my eyes as the door slams close. That old door appears as it gets closed; taking a step back to avoid the nails I feel my back hit something sharp that scrapped my skin. A small bit of light comes from under the pantry door. The nails are too close to me. My foot stumbles as I'm there, the darkness surrounds me and my breath comes labored.

"You better not be crying Cindy! It's just two minutes and fifty seconds." I don't recognize the voice, my body is now tiny compared to this place, the cold is settling in as a shiver runs down my back. My stomach feels unsettled as I sit down to make myself as small as possible in order for nothing to cut me or cause me pain.

'I am okay, it happened a lot. You're fine this is another place. I shouldn't have invented that thing.' As my back ached a bit my posture got uncomfortable I leaned back bracing for pain. Slowly that thing poking me on the back appeared as my stomach lurched as it always does when I'm here. The smell of dampness comes to my nose as wet wood fills my nose.

Bringing memories of that box, as the room changed completely the wall took a brown color and the nails on the walls grew bigger as did the nails, the white is now brown and then black. "Mom? Mommy?" A chill ran through my body as I felt the darkness advancing towards me, like ink with claws trying to get me. Fear overwhelmed me as the darkness got closer. "Please, let me out! I swear I'll behave. Mommy!"

"Two minutes and twenty seconds. Don't be a bitch." Matron's voice sounded behind the door. A smack on the door sent me back as I braced for the box to shift back and fall, waiting for the shift of gravity to come I felt fear creep up on me the nails are about to stab me. My bladder emptied itself as I kept bracing for the pain, I begin to cry. But the shift in gravity never came, making me feel dizzy as the smell and the odd feeling on my stomach crawled up my throat. Which ended with me puking over myself as I felt everything around me shut down. The familiar feeling of numbness, I didn't focus on anything and nothing made me feel. Shutting down effectively.

POV. Change Erica

"Okay, times up bitch. See it wasn't soo- Cin?" I was expecting her to be slightly frightened. But the smell hit me like a truck as I noticed her sitting as tears and puke are ran down her face.

"HELP! ANYONE!" Mandy was the first to scream for help repeatedly.

"Erica, move, help me! Alana said as she moved to see my friend, the epitome of strength just shaking on the ground as puke and piss covered her clothes.

"Right, sorry. Cindy?" She slowly sat up with help from both of us. Using a tissue from my purse as I cleaned her mouth. But she's not answering.

"Can you talk?" She didn't answer, her eyes are so... Dead. A hand grabs my shoulder pulling me away. "Hey! Get off!" I shrug them off for them to not touch me.

"Erica get off the way, let them through." Mandy said as she attempted to calm me down.

"Erica!" Alana yells as she and Mandy drag me away from Cindy as paramedics look at Cindy.

"She's not responding to the light. Let's lift her up. One, two." Both men lift her up and place her on a seat close by.

"Mandy, what the fuck happened?" Turning towards the voice as Michael looks angry as he looks at us.

"Well, it was just a small prank, you know initiation. We just said four minutes in that closet room and it would be over but she agreed and we placed her for four minutes and we heard her asking to be let out but we just told her that she could do it. And, and, and..." I felt my eyes beginning to tear up.

"My fucking god... I can't believe you did something this stupid. Just why?" He's angry and this is just causing up a scene.

"I'm sorry." I begin to cry.

"Thank God the event starts tomorrow." He sighed as he walked towards that paramedics and parting the crowd as he walked. I followed as I kept cleaning my tears with my sleeves.

"How is she?" He asks as I can see the blank expression Cindy has, contrary to her smile or those sad eyes that she always carries.

"She's not responding, but something isn't really right. She can follow commands but won't answer verbally. Stand up." Like a robot she stood up. Not even bothering to answer, she looks so dead.

"Shit, does she need to go to the hospital?"

"No, her health is perfect a little underweight but that's normal in your business. Maybe someone that knows what goes on inside peoples heads is needed. Look this isn't normal." He turned to her. "Extend both arms to the front, then seat down." She obeyed, extending both arms forward her body moves but she looks distant. "Touch your nose with you right index finger." She did.

"Hey! Don't do that!" Mandy said as she walked towards her. "Cindy, baby you can stop." She stopped immediately. "Why don't we... shit I don't know what to do" She said as she pulled Cindy towards her.

"You can go, but keep what I said in mind.

"Mandy, Alana take her upstairs to clean her up I can smell her all the way here."

"Sure, come on honey." Alana said as she took her left hand and Mandy took her right.

"Erica, stay." I feel like I'm about to get fired. 'Shit.'

"Erica answer me honestly, what happened here. Has it happened before?" That brings a memory from last year as she told us a little about herself.

"Yes... But that time, it was because she was stressed out. From what I can tell is that she was lonely Mandy said some shit about her being, not all right in the head at the time."

"Then has she spoken about her past?" His gaze is serious contrary to the normal Michael.

"Her past... Now that I think about it, no. She hasn't."

"Do you know about the scars on her back and stomach?" The what?

"She has what?"

"Yeah, why did you think she didn't get any of the swimsuit shoots. Except the competition ones."

"I didn't know... But those scars, since when did you know about them? Cause I certainly didn't."

"Early on, I was told by the editors. But I can't file any police reports... I think she was abused where she used to live but that's just a theory." I feel so sad for her.

"Makes sense, my mom is usually worried about her and she's skittish when older people are present. But she's never said anything."

"Fuck, right now go with them to the room and help them. I hope she's better by tomorrow. I'll fix things here with the mess you guys made. Go and make sure she gets some rest."

"Alright, can you tell me what happened with all this mess?"

"Sure." He said as he fixed his suit that I recognize as tailor made.


"Huh?" I don't know where I am. The warm water running down my back as a hand is washing my back and another my hair. "Where?" My voice barely comes out of my throat.

"Cin?" Alana's voice comes to my ears, as the feeling of warm water comes from my legs and waist. Noticing the white tub I'm currently sitting in, out of reflex I hug my legs close to my chest. The thumping of my heart makes me even more nervous, I don't remember getting into the tub and less so being naked.

"How... Did I get here?" I mumbled to myself.

"Do you remember anything?" Mandy asked aloud.

"No... The room and thn... Nothn."

"You gave us quite the scare." Alana said as she lightly rubbed my back.

"M sryy." My mouth leaned over knees as it covered my mouth.

"It's alright honey." Alana's nickname for me comes with care. The feeling of fear comes again as my forehead is leaned over my knees.

"I was so scared... The darkness just-" she rubbed my back with soap as warm water ran down my back and head.

"Shh, shh, shh. It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything. Just rest up." She said as I nodded and hugged myself tighter. After that was done they handed me my bag that had my clothes, as I put on my pajamas I couldn't help but this time look at my back something I never did. There are a lot scars, gashes made by razors, places where nails made white dots, jagged lines made by screws, I can't count them as they're a lot. And at the top the hole where a bullet went through my shoulder, I feel gross, dirty and ugly my self-consciousness makes me feel like I shouldn't be looking at the mirror.

"Cindy, you okay?" Erica asked as she knocked lightly on the door pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah... Yes I'm" 'not' "fine. I feel" 'like shit' "great." Coming out of the bathroom, everyone looks at me as I just go lie down. As I lied down I felt the urge to cry as I always did after those nights in that same box. Without noticing I'm sobbing as I feel cold even when I'm wrapped in blankets.

"Do we do some-"

"Shh, just let her." Those comments only make me flinch as the humiliation, the fact that they're seeing me like this again will make themselves question and come to the realization that they're better off without me. Right now they're pretending to care, pretending to be my friends. I cry harder as ever so slowly the darkness covers me.

Slowly opening my eyes I notice how quiet everything is, only the faint noise of cars outside driving by and the water drops falling into the sink itself.

Removing myself from the blankets I notice and thank the gods that the bathroom door is opened and it has the light on. I sigh in relief as a breath leaves my mouth I make my way to the bathroom to pee followed by returning to the bed and notice that Mandy is on the other side. I lean down as the blankets are too hot for me right now followed by uncovering myself. Lying down and breathing deeply, I cover my eyes with my forearm as I feel absolutely drained. Turning to the clock and looking at the hour it's 3:00 am.

"Hey." Turning to face Mandy I notice that she's very close, she begins to move her nails through my hair. Which is oddly relaxing.

"Hi." My smile is lightly on my lips as my eyes are no longer puffy.

"If you want to talk about what happened..."

"I don't know how. You're my friend and I think I trust you but I'm not sure, trusting is hard." I admit after all I don't trust them at all.

"You're my friend and I want to understand you better. What happened back there, you scared everyone. You scared me."

"I..." I can't really argue or give an excuse. "I'm sorry." I reply in a low tone.

"So please, let me understand... What happened back there?" Sighing loudly as my heartbeat drummed against my chest, I slowly sat myself and reclined against the backrest of the bed she does the same.

"It's hard, but... I didn't grow up with a family as all of you may think... I was abandoned in a fire station by my mother, my real mother. I can't remember her face but I remember a few words. "I won't take care of her." But I can't trust my memories; maybe she said "I can't take care of her." But either way ended up with me growing up in an orphanage. I never got adopted and they just let me live there. I grew up as the weird smart kid, skipped a few grades loved books. I got bullied to hell and back, before I had powers. Some bitch made me do her homework every day, she would punch me and then got my head dunked into a toilet that was at least three times a week, the smell of shit and piss on my hair was horrible. But I endured. Some jealous kid almost killed me when I was four, broke 4 ribs as she kicked me." I felt her arms wrap around me making me flinch lightly.

"Back home, I don't know or want to know how it financially went under. Some kids were rowdy, some asked for presents on their birthdays or Christmas, but the insistence created something horrible. Mom- matron built a punishment if someone misbehaved or got rowdy enough they would be punished. I was the first example as I was the one to always behave and follow orders." I hugged my legs tighter.

"What kind of punishment?"

"It's a." I sniffed as tears began clouding my vision. "Why am I crying?" This doesn't make sense. I can hardly speak, it's like it doesn't want to come out.

"Shh, shh, shh." Her arms wrap tighter. "Take your time." We stood there for fifteen minutes, until I could speak again.

"She built the box... It was or is? It's a piece of the pantry that used to be for holding cookies and other sugary treats... When that thing was open it meant happiness for everyone who behaved or did well in their grades. But one day it disappeared when we returned home with our report cards it was gone, she used me as I had the best grades and was the oldest, some looked up to me but not after that. Five minutes and I was left bleeding and throwing up as I peed myself from the fear." Taking a shaky breath. "The box had... nails and screws in its walls, it was in the basement. She would strip me and lock me up inside it. She used chains and those heavy locks to close it." Her hug got tighter again, as I heard a small cry from my right.

"Oh baby, you're okay now." She's crying, I can't help but cry as well. "I'm here, we're here." That seemed to be the signal as Erica and Alana rose from their beds with runny eyes and noses. "You're alright now."

"No, I'm not. I feel so tired lately, I just want to sleep, but I can't I have too many nightmares." I paused. "I was in that box fifty three times. You may ask, why didn't you break out? You have powers." They stayed quiet.

"I couldn't let her know about them, but... When I was in that darkness, I felt like I lost all my strength, that I became even more worthless." She's sobbing as well as the others who are now sitting in the bed with us and I can't look at them in the eye as this hurts way too much.

"I feel like I'm broken... I think I remember growing up in a normal home with a mother and a brother. But those times, I think those didn't happen... Like my mind telling me that didn't happen. That I should be happy but nothing comes to my head."

"You're not broken, you had a shit life but everything eventually gets better." Mandy words feel so comforting as my face is so close to hers.

"I think I love you." I want to lean in and taster her lips but something ain't right.

"Oh, uhm thank you. I love you too like a friend." Her tone is awkward as she leans back.

"No, I really like you, you're-"

"Cindy, baby, you're not in love with me. You're in love with the feeling I'm bringing you, the positive reinforcement. That is just an attachment you have on me... And if I said yes I would be taking advantage of you." Mandy said as she looked at me in the eye.

"Maybe you can take advantage of me, I wouldn't-"

"Cindy, I can't do that... But know that I do care for you. That you're special, and one day you'll find someone who will care and love you. But we're friends and I love you. We all love you, you're not alone. You can rely on us for anything and we will help you. Thank you for telling us and trusting us." She said as I received warm hugs from everyone around me. Maybe I can trust them, they're good people.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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