10.71% A Hero by the Name of Silk / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

บท 3: Chapter 3

AN: Sorry for the delay, some scenes didn't make sense and a rewrite of a few scenes. I want to deliver a good story, not something souless and empty or just a plain and empty characters with systems that make them OP in 3 chapters. Nah I'm here to make you all care for Cindy.

As previously stated every interaction is bound to make sense, just keep that in mind.

Thanks to Cuddlypanda for the review it feels great to see someone interested in my writing.

CanRead your comments do bring me some ideas to what can be done, and I appreciate your feedback a lot! Thanks!

MrGoose: Thanks and here you go!

Danstin_2010: Hope you enjoy this chapter.

DaoistxXH47Y: Here you go my dude, and you will have to wait for what happens with the pairing.

Pill_God Here is the next one!

Expired_twinki: Thanks I will and hope you like this character as much as I do.

1lazy_loner: Thanks and I'll try to keep make sure the quality is great.

Sorria: Keep in mind that everything happens for a reason!

wild turtle: cool name btw one of the great ADCs of League! And thanks for noticing the deetails.

"Miss, would you like to take a seat." It took me forever to understand what he said but I only nodded.

"Y-y-yes." I sat down on something I don't care what but I sat down, my face is sweating like crazy and my heart doesn't stop beating fast. Not a second later someone came in with a lab coat and gloves. "Miss, did you get bitten by the spider?" I want to say no but my head is not letting me think.

"Y-ye.yes." I mumble to myself.

"Hmm, are you allergic to something? Have you ever been bitten by spiders?"

"Yes, and no I am not allergic to... that."

"Good, then you'll be fine. That spider had no venom in its body, a red ant has more venom in it, and this is probably your mind telling you it was poisonous." I feel relieved. "Have you been eating correctly, I can see you're pale and malnourished. I'd recommend you eat something with sugar and rest. I think as an apology I would like to send you home in a cab. Do you know where you live?" I only got the last part.

"Yes, give me a second." I told him the address and ordered a cab from the museum to the orphanage and I got there with a bar of snickers in my hand. I opened the front door, the kids didn't move. The matron seemed to be waiting for me.

"Cindy, do you..."

"I'm tired; I'm going to go sleep." I said in a mumble as I stumbled my way to my closet. I just opened the door and crashed into the sleeping bag I call a bed. I dreamt about a man sitting in a spacesuit chatting with people with big heads dressed in white and blue robes.

I woke up with grogginess as if I nothing made sense vague memories of yesterday assaulted my mind, only for it to be cured in seconds as my eyes cleared. My senses feel so sharp; I tried to fix my glasses which moved in the night. But I didn't need to use them, everything is so clear... 'What the fuck?' I can see the smallest details in the wall; I can see the wood and paint beneath my feet, the fabric which is in the blanket I use. Hell even the bed bugs in my sleeping bag moving.

I turn to my left to the my mirror and see that my clothes are smaller since I can see my midriff my sleeves are so short that they don't go to my bicep but to my shoulder I turn around to see that I can see my lower back and my shirt almost bursted from how tight it is. I huffed in annoyance and feel my chest being heavier. 'Oh no.' I can feel that my... breasts got bigger. "Why did you two grow? I'm thirteen you're not supposed to grow." I immediately turned to see my back and notice my butt is no longer a wooden board. "And you? Why did you get bigger?" I exclaim in silence as I turn my body from side to side to see if they jiggle. 'They did! They shouldn't jiggle.' It's solid but they do jiggle a bit, less so that I would expect. I turn to my mirror and notice that my face is sharper, cleaner, no grease from being a gross teenager. All my imperfections, even the scars from popped pimples are not there, even the ones I had yesterday are not there.

"What the fuck?" I almost fell face first into my mirror but I got my balance instantly as if I am in full control of my body. I try to move my arms but this shirt is so small. I take it off after some struggle. And turn to my mirror to see me in a training bra that is now too small for my chest. "Damn." I can see my stomach is now kinda toned, the malnutrition looked bad before but now, it's like it isn't there, I can even see a six pack, I touch it and feel the hardened muscle. My arms are now defined with muscle; I turn to look at my legs, as they feel so light.

'I could run forever with these legs.' I take a small jump and end up higher than I've ever jumped and lost my footing as I didn't know how to land from this height and just barely placed my hands and landed almost cleanly. I say almost because this training bra is clearly... busting with joy. 'Fuck this piece of shit. Why do I get these inconveniences?' I grumble as I place both girls into their respective place.

I look to my phone and turn it on, and look to see that its 6:15 a.m. Makes sense after all I've been waking up at 6.00 AM ever since I was six. Huh, I shrug it off and grabbing my towel hanging of the doorknob and getting a quick shower, not five minutes later I was dressed and out the door. With my backpack on me and an apple in my hand, as well as a bit of change for something to eat.

Walking to school feels different, walking feels different. My strides are longer and since I'm going by myself as I woke up earlier. I had to use the clothes that are baggy as I don't have clothes that fit me. But my hair is not a strand out of place which I've never had that happen. My hair contrary to what I think I remember was never too long. Now I have hair that reaches down to my mid back and bangs that cover my forehead. Usually my style looks like a bird's nest but today it's even stronger and as if it had beauty products too fancy to even mention. I feel like I'm completely different body... again. Cars passing by are like plane engines being revved up right beside me. The flapping wings of pigeons sound like a clap right beside my ears, the mice running in the sewers sound like someone scratching on wood right beside my ear.

I walked faster not really surprised that I got there in half the time. I arrived and passing through the metal detector and rushed to my class taking my usual seat at the middle and took out the book I had taken from the library which is about advanced thermodynamics. It may be boring but this life I have not taken any interest in it... But why? How can it help me? What will help me since I have knowledge? Other students began pouring in as I kept to myself like usual. I struggled with my book not leaving my hand. Its fucking stuck, now I can't let go of the book. I even tore a page. 'OH GOD!'

Classes went the same, eventually the book fell from my hands, but as I kept thinking about what is going on I walk mindlessly to my locker through the halls. But as I walked through the halls that I usually avoid something yells in my head that I'm in danger. I feel it come at me; my head yells me to move. I obey it without thinking about moving and taking a step sideways I dodge a hand almost grabbing my head. I turn to see my tormentors.

"Nice moves Chink. But it was luck you piece of shit." Shawna pretty much just barked in my face making me cower from the noise. A crowd is forming around us as always. 'Why doesn't anybody step in?'

"I-i-it's... s-s-sorry." I say as I shy away but end up against the wall I know I'm about to get pummeled... again.

"So, Chink. It seems you decided to take the time to... pretty yourself up." She looked over to me up and down. It feels gross.

"Well since you took the time why don't we help you... Pretty up even more. A little bit of purple shading in the eyes." With that she grabbed my hair and pulled upwards making me groan in pain. Followed by a punch to my face making me stumble but her hand didn't leave my hair, which to my surprise is not being pulled out, she usually just tears it off and after a few kicks and punches she lets me go. I can hear the crowd whispering. "Poor kid." "What a bully." "Could we help?" "No! Are you crazy? Better her than us?" "Yeah, that's what she gets for being smart." I can hear them. 'So help myself out then. FINE, if nobody will save me maybe I will.... Maybe, oh god, what do I do?'

"You think you're pretty? You fucking chink, with that hair and makeup?" She let my hair go and grabbed my shirt and tried slamming me into the lockers behind us, but my feet didn't budge. 'What? How? I should already be slammed against the lockers.' She seems to be struggling I gathered every bit of inner strength and gently pushed her off halfheartedly but it ended with her skittering through the ground glaring daggers at me as I held onto a shirt with open palms. I heard laughter around us as I looked to see I am holding the same shirt she was wearing. Now she's on her white undershirt that has a bunny, which looks worn out as it has a stain of what seems like chocolate. My head yells at me to move and I took a step diagonally to the left and forward, the speed I did it feels unnatural, yet natural in the same way. Both cronies fail to get me and collide with each other ending up in a tangle of limbs.

I can see that I can take them as they get up from the ground, maybe this is it; I feel like I'm power high, I just dodged people I could never dodge as well as I'm strong. 'I can definitely take them on.'

"You ripped my shirt, you're dead!" I look at my hands to see that I'm still holding onto it, I began to wave my hands until I'm no longer holding the shirt in place which made it fall to the ground in 2 places. "You're dead, you fucking orphan!" She said as she got up and her two cronies walked towards me. 'I can definitely take them. But why are they getting away as they step closer?' I notice that I'm backing up. "Oh. That's why..."

"Fuck her up!" Shawna yells at me, I took my chance and ran for my life, yeah I'm not fighting, I can't fight. Now I ended up out running pretty fast with this new speed, but I can't show my face at all because the next smack down will leave me in a lot of pain.

And so I ended up hiding the rest of the day under the bleachers of the gym. It's better than having lunch in the bathroom... or not really, I always eat there. The hunger eats at me, but I can't really do shit. Looking to my left as a piece of an old metal pipe, is bent

Which brings me to where I am currently, I hid the entire day, which ended up with me going home with not knowing what would be for homework. But that's not the worst. "Get back here!" I am running but as I'm about to turn the corner I feel the same voice yelling in my head to duck, and ducked as I turned the corner and dodge by ducking my head right under a pipe coming towards my face. 'HOLY SHIT!'

"How the fuck did you dodge?" The crony yelled as she threw her pipe at me, following my body but I know of a place where I can get away. My black eye gave enough of a story to someone who cares, even if it doesn't hurt as much as other times. I keep running but I hear a warning. "DON'T!" I feel like my head about to burst as it yelled at me to dodge but I ignored it as I ran. I am almost on the other side of the alley, my head yells at me to dodge to get out of the way yet my conscious mind tells me to keep running to ignore that 'pull-like' feeling to listen and dodge, but as I reached the corner a 'BANG' sounded on my ears as my body immediately threw itself to the left finally listening to the pull; but my leg exploded in pain.

"Shawna, what the fuck?" I can hear the yell all the way to me.

"She's an orphan, no one will miss her." They're far away but I am able to hear them near me making me struggle in panic as pain rushes through me in seconds I let out a scream of pain. "HELP! HELP! PLEASE!" Tears run down my face as my leg starts to burn, I turn my head to see that they're coming my way.

"Hey, I never agreed to help you kill someone!" My head is screaming as something hot is stuck in my thigh. 'I'm going to die. I can't die… but it may be the right time, NO mister bunny is still in my room waiting for me.' I get up and begin hopping and limping, as the footsteps grow louder. 'Just one more block!' I keep limping as fast as I can, yelling for help yet no one seems to come my way as I'm out of the alley and see the police car coming my way. I wave my arms around as I hear another yell in my head and throw myself to the ground as three more gunshot sounds off and my shoulder is now in worse pain. The pain explodes as I scream in pain. "PLEASE, HELP ME!" I'm crying as I lie back on the ground as tears and snot run down my face. 'What a shit life, this is it. Maybe it is my time to go… I'm sorry Mister Bunny… guess you were wrong on being happy about me.'

The police siren sounds around me and I try get up and keep going but my leg hurts too much to move as my left shoulder is now warm as my back is wet, in an attempt to get away I begin to crawl towards the siren. A shadow covers my view of the sun as an NYPD badge shines with the sun in my eyes. "Central requesting first response, multiple GSWs on a female around sixteen, Asian. Shooter is a dark skinned girl, with black hair, wearing a leather jacket and jeans. Suspect is armed, I repeat suspect is armed. I request an ambulance to my location I'll begin to apply first aid." The policewoman kneels down as I feel my leg on fire.

"Copy that officer, sending one to your location. ETA 14 minutes."

"Copy that Central. Hey, kid. Look at me. Does it hurt?" She's looking at my leg and shoulder, my leg which has a bleeding hole. I nod in tears. "I-i-it burns." I grimace as I keep crying as pain spreads around my body.

"She got away." Another voice brings me out of my thoughts as I look up to see a dark skinned man with frightened eyes. "Do you know her?" I only nod slowly.

"Ye-yes." I hiss in pain as I feel something being wrapped around my leg.

"Easy, you won't bleed out like this, now let me help you with your shoulder." I feel my tears pouring even if I want them to stop they don't stop.

"Are you being bullied?" The police woman says as she takes my chin with both hands and turns my head to see that my eye is bruised. I nod. "Did she do this to you?" I nod again, as I begin to shake in fright; I just realized that I almost died.

"You're being brave." I shake my head in disagreement as tears ran down my eyes. "You are." She reassured me.

"B-b-b-bu-but I ra-ra-ran." The pain is making it harder to talk as I'm blinded by the tears running down my cheeks.

"That was the smart thing to do. You're brave for knowing when to fight and when to run." I cried harder as the woman held me. After a few minutes an ambulance arrived. I was taken to the nearest hospital, and got questioned. I told them about what happened, how I ran away from her after I pushed her off me after she punched me. How I hid as she looked for me all because a ruined shirt and that I was running through the streets towards a police car that is usually parked near the library. I told them that it's common for every week to do her homework and how my face was flushed down a used toilet at least twice every week even times that left me almost dead on the floor as my chest burned from trying to get them to inhale some air.

"That is flat out torture." The doctor said aloud as she was patching me up. "You miss, you got really lucky, both bullets went through and didn't hit anything vital." She began to suture my wounds. She turned to the matron that arrived a while ago. "You could press charges. She shot her." The police standing at the door seemed to intervene.

"Of course we will sue her and the school as well!" The matron is outraged how I got shot, I'm panicking. Since the principal got here after the police called her, she looks so ashamed; the matron is outraged as she speaks to the police officer and the principal.

"Well thank you for giving us the address, we now know that she is in custody due to attempted murder. Their parents are outraged as well as the father is now in questioning after the discovery of him holding several pounds of cocaine." 'Huh, I was right.'

"I don't care, I will sue them! That girl shot one of the kids I take care of. And you!" The matron pointed at the principal. "How can you let a kid get bullied to this degree? Bullet wounds? That girl walks home with a black eye at least twice every month." It feels, kinda nice that she's defending me.

"I am sorry, there isn't really a way to promote or defend her; you don't have to press charges." The principal is trying to clear up the situation but the matron is relentless.

"The hell I don't?! I will sue your school and her parents and the news stations will hear about this, if you think you'll get away from this, then you're just a dumbass." The matron looked my way as I'm in a hospital garb with a cast on my upper right thigh and a sling on my arm.

'So much for a first day of getting powers.' That was pretty much what happened. Lucky for us unlucky for Shawna's family, the government sued her for shooting me, since the government is funding the orphanage and the news station had a field day on the misery of our daily lives it all ended when I had to go and testify against Shawna and the school. Who mind you didn't stop glaring in my direction; but in the end it was clear who was at fault and the orphanage got compensation, which means we would have more money, and that meant more food on the table. I was SO tempted to tell them about the box, the dinnerless nights, the punches… but I love the matron, after all she's my mom; not like I can't say that out loud or else that's a right hook to the cheek. Its messed up but nothing in my mind tells me it's wrong to love her. More so because I know for a fact that that kind woman is down there somewhere; hell she even began to behave nice to me during those days before the trial. She even let me have seconds and to experiment a bit with my reactor on the table of the living room.

After 2 months of walking in crutches and with a cast, as well as my sling I was happy for the first time in years, there is nothing like waking up with a smile on my face. I don't know how it happened but after a few weeks I knew my leg and shoulder were alright . It didn't hurt, but I kept them both months because it would raise suspicion if I were to heal in so little time, but eventually I was good to go and thanks to me the orphanage got a few good things, like a small remodel and I got a new "room" which is only a little bit bigger closet, I get the room because I'm the only one fourteen years old. During the time no one was around, because kids had to go to school events or sport games I was able to learn to control my powers. I no longer stuck to stuff or hear everything around me to the max volume, the downside is that my body began to develop in a strange way, as in, I look like an actress. Not to be narcissistic, but I am beautiful. No joke, if I used other type of clothes, then my life would be another story yet… I'm not comfortable to think I'm pretty, not after all the failed interviews and constant belittling of Shawna and her friends made it clear that I'm not fit for those thoughts about myself.

I mean, not a hair out of place, not a pound out of place, hell not even if I tried to get fat nothing would happen with how my body is at this moment.

That realization of my enhanced body comes because I'm always hungry, every single hour I'm hungry. I had to ask for seconds and sometimes even third portions that are equal to three other kids. Yet not a single pound is out place because greasy food is cheaper and the only thing is that my body keeps 'filling up' certain parts that are the most uncomfortable for me to realize. But thanks to the baggy "new clothes" that we got I use and them to make sure people ignore me as much as possible I can confidently say I pull off the style of "head down and don't look at me."

Not even a week after the cast was removed the great Iron Man reveal happened; this conference where he admitted his identity and the videos of him fighting what the media called "The Iron Monger" as no information revealed who it was under the gigantic armor. Everyone watched it; it was pretty cool and the talk of almost three months' worth, a real life super hero.

Every kid in the orphanage and school talked about him. The kids played as they emulated shooting each other with repulsor blasts, which gave me the idea of the super battery I have in my trunk upstairs. A week later they commemorated the death of Obadiah Stane. 'Things might be looking up for me.' The following months I struggled in keeping my strength and powers in check I accidentally broke the trunk that has my stuff in it. I don't know why I got them but I was slowly getting better at them and holding back on certain aspects of my life.

Bad side I was eating more than I should but my body demanded that, as ever so slowly the orphanage returned to its previous state.

Officially I'm one of the big girls in the orphanage which made me take care of the kids when the matron or the staff are too busy to take care of them. I just read and let the kids do things in silence. I was happy with how my life was going, no more bullies and I had money for baggy clothes and a few hours of gaming on that same store. Only thing missing is that I had to test out my abilities to its fullest; I mean I know I'm strong, I'm fast and I can feel danger before it comes my way. I have not tried to use my webs, if I have them.

With that thought and rushing into my room locking the door behind me, I walk to the wall and put my fingers on the wall followed by the other hand and focus on sticking as I learned in the past 2 months. Taking off my shoes and lift my right leg and place my foot on the wall, sticking and I got stuck. Placing the other leg until I'm defying gravity by sticking to the wall; slowly I crawl upwards until I'm just between the ceiling and wall.

Moving my hand and sticking my fingertips as well as my other hand doing the same and I let go of my legs which end up with me hanging from the ceiling with just my fingertips. 'This is awesome.' It's the only thought in my mind I move my feet to the ceiling without any muscle pain and now standing on the ceiling. I take a step forward with care in my step and I'm stuck I let go of both feet by relaxing my soles and in a feat of gymnastics by doing a back flip I land standing on the ground in perfect balance.

'Now flexibility.' I sit down and spread out both legs and without an issue I'm doing a perfect split. 'HOLY SHIT! IT DOESN'T HURT!' I am amazed at how my body changed. Trying something stupid slowly doing a handstand going full on handstand into a single hand handstand, feeling the rush I tried to only fingers and I made it to be in only the tips of my fingers, slowly but surely it became easier as hoodie covered my face not letting me see but the feeling is amazing.

'Now let's see for webs.' With reluctance I aimed my right hand at the corner doing the hand sign Spiderman always uses. 'Huh.' I thought it would've worked, trying several different forms but nothing came and extending my entire hand I felt something move inside my hand and it came out right out of my fingers; five lines became one as if attracted to each other as they converged on my middle finger a web line that is as thick as a rope. 'Neat.' I touched it and its soft and kinda sticky but it's as smooth as silk.

I know that things would get hectic around here and even though I got spider powers, it's not like I have to save people of New York I don't have that morality code, I didn't lose a family member, not like I have any and don't have the motivation to go out there to go make this city a better place. Fuck them, what good can I do? First day of powers and I got shot. Better them than me.

But I do have to hide everything about me, I want a normal life, I am not some ultimate savior who inspires hope. I learned that in this life, if you want someone to help you, don't count on them and save yourself. Better them than me. I will not have to go around saving people, what have they done for me?

I don't want SHIELD or anyone else knowing that I had these powers. I learned to not trust anyone, countless interviews of endless promises taught me that, hell not even those foster homes that take in orphans are compassionate of me. I feel anger rise in me after all, I have seen kids been taken by these people… and me, I have a future for granted and yet those kids are never to be seen again, I learned that if you trust someone they will no doubt want something from you or flat out not care.

Not even the mom will know, she would rat me out in seconds and I would end up in a strapped into a metal table only to be taken in by a HYDRA facility… or maybe not, she does love me after all. I am happy as I am... well not really happy anymore, but pleased that I can say that this place is my home. Also the fact that I didn't have to act on crimes, no higher than thou attitude of a good Samaritan, New York doesn't need a spider woman. They did great by doing things themselves before I got here; they'll be alright, and if they die, so be it.

Right now and always, I'll be on the down low, I have to look after myself.

Trying hard and making sure to not stand out, even if its hard work every morning as I make sure my hair is always a mess, which is hard because it has this super ability to look good no matter what; clothes have to always be black or of a dark color that hide my form, lower my head and don't talk back to anyone. A wallflower in the most literal sense of the word.

The school year went by quietly and by the time prom came I had to look pretty for the pictures, which meant I had to pretty up. All I can say is that it was a pain in the ass. Because for some reason everyone seemed surprised I could look pretty, not like I can tell if am or not yet it earned me compliments, compliments I don't know how to accept. I only felt my face heat up as the guys and some girls complimented me. We had to attend to the tittle ceremony, the matron took a picture of me holding my title and she left with the title telling me to have fun on the party. Something I wasn't planning on attending, at all.

The rest of the day I spent it reading in the library about the partial consumption of energy in an anti-electron grid. The librarian even congratulated and told me I looked beautiful after spending a long time reading. Which reminded me I had to get out of this dress and remove the makeup when I got home. 'Shit forgot my change of clothes.' I couldn't remove my makeup or dress but had enough money to get to the same store and play some games, some guys stared at me and tried to make a conversation but I don't know how to hold a conversation with anyone.

I'm glad I was out of high school. No more name calling, no more face full of toilet. Hello community college with student loans for more food. The money we received helped in maintaining the run down orphanage but it didn't help that much. As the money was once again cut short and we returned to the beginning of misery, I have to give priority to other kids to eat, so what's a little of crushing debt? I relied heavily on my student loans and my 100% scholarship.

Three months later I find myself fiddling with my latest invention in my first semester of community college. Web shooters, I don't know why I made them. I'm not even sure if I would be using them. I was able to figure out the formula of the webs, it only took me two and a half months until I was able to recreate it by using the supplies in the college lab. At least the teachers care... a little, but they recognize me for my achievements. Well mostly I have full scholarship after the science project presentation. I literally begged for a full scholarship at NYU but I got ignored five times by the judges, I literally presented an ARC reactor the literal invention that powers up the Iron Man armor but I changed it to ZCS Battery. The other guy made a tesla bulb... yep, a white guy from Arizona, guess the privileged still are on top.

Back to my inventions, thanks for getting along with the professor. I was able to get him to give me a few materials and in secret, made glue that could work. I did have to pull a lot of favors in exchange for menial labor mainly checking exams, homework and reports submitted by student for me to access the lab. Now I am able to use the chemistry lab without an issue only problem is that I have to pay for the chemicals I use and submit results.

The professor in charge of the chemistry lab only nodded but I didn't care as I worked and showed him my work, that I made sure was wrong as to not divulge the formula for webs. He did made a certain critique but I didn't listen I made sure to hide the formula and took it home in small canisters, where I installed them into my web shooters.

After a few tests at a small abandoned building near home, I know I can fix it up to make them shoot different forms of web. But I decided against it and made a change by installing the arc reactor, after making the bracelet be able to expand and after a few tries made them able to shoot repulsor blasts. That took me a long time to figure out how to turn the excess electrons and turn them into muons.

I made another webshooter and another reactor in secret inside campus, since the first one got me a punch to the face, a night in the pantry and a lot of chores. But it was worth it. This time it only earned me a punch to the face by the matron for doing experiments which hurt a lot, and a night in the locked pantry but on the bright side I had technology people like that mediocre engineer Justin Hammer will literally kill for. Now that I think about it, I grumbled as my head smacked against the door of the pantry making sure to not touch the nails or screws. 'Where are social services while I'm locked inside a pantry? Oh right... bribed. I laughed as the cold doesn't seem to bother me that much right now, my back will heal and I am slowly getting closer to… what am I collecting this for?

A month later the teachers got us hyped for what is coming, and that is the re-opening of the Stark Expo I went to one when I was four which was the last year a Stark Expo happened. Now it will be a full year of opportunities, I could present my project and maybe get a foot in the door to become an engineer, I do have that card signed by Stane but I have my doubts about it working. Even though I noticed that being a girl is no joke as it makes everyone doubt you and belittle you no matter where you work.

I think every class in engineering have to make a research paper on the showcases by either Stark Industries or any other industries present on their inventions, we had to take photos on what was being presented and it had to be 800 words long and related to the branch of studies of your class.

I swear that the universe was telling me something because the year I got my powers things began to happen. It was too perfect, just like today. Even the day I got the dirty faded blueprints, everything lined up perfectly on my favor. I was against doing the research paper. My thoughts were people die, what can you do about it? But it was mandatory that I assist on Sunday as it was my turn and the entrances were covered by the College.

I decided to wear a red scarf, a grey hoodie with black pants and red shoes as I reclined myself on the couch. But the matron found out I wasn't going to do the homework and quite literally threw me outside and stood on the bus stop towards the third day of the expo. Even though the most recent fight with Iron Man got to national news. But no news came out of the expo getting sieged by murder bots... yet, which means it's today. 'Might as well get to it after all I can't avoid it, less so with the threat of the box.'

Sighing and slumping into my seat knowing that today would be the day the expo gets attacked. But today I was forced to come today against my will.

The sun set an hour ago; I was able to enter the conference by using my student ID and got a seat in the edge of the row and in the middle of the room. I sighed as music blared in my ears remembering the scene. Downside of my powers, they made my mind sharper, as if a part of my brain suddenly was given more space to store information.

Justin Hammer walked to the stage dancing with outdated cringey dance moves, and a smile on his face is now instilled in my brain. He stopped in front of everyone and began ranting about his prowess as a (mediocre) engineer with money. He then presented The War Machine as well as many robots that I know are dangerous.

Seconds later Iron Man landed in his armored glory with his landing and every one lost their collective mind. My hands twitched as I braced myself and prepared myself knowing what was about to happen. Deciding to move towards the exit before anyone else can and get out of here, I already have my photos in my phone and safely stashed in my facebook chat with myself.

But as soon as I stood up; everything went to hell. The robots began to shoot at Iron Man who himself shot back using repulsors to shoot back and fly away. Some followed after him, while others turned to the civilians. I remember pushing someone down as a shot went by my head. Looking around people are running in panic, everyone is out and running towards the exits as more robots begin to land around them.

I sighed as I too began to run. I saw how a little girl was crying her lungs out as a robot stopped beside her and took aim but what I think is her father who seems to be injured hugging her tight and closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable 'YOU WILL NOT MAKE ME DO THIS!' "Fuck!" I yelled and jumped at the robot cracking the stairs I was previously standing on and kicked the robots head clean off and the robot crumpled to its feet. 'It feels nice to let myself go sometimes.' Standing up and adjusting the scarf to cover the lower half of my face leaving only my eyes to be seen. Both look at me with perplexed eyes not understanding what just happened. Which annoyed me.

"Go! Get out of here!" I yelled out as my arm pointed to the exit where police seem to start to gather, shoving my hands in my pockets and feeling for what I was carrying and taking them out placing them on my wrist as it is clunky, I opened and closed my hand thrice for the webshooters and reactors to tighten around my wrists, they enveloped my wrist and hand my arc reactor began to glow from my hands. Turning left to see another robot which landed and was aiming it's mini gun at the armed civilians. 'I'm already here' Taking a deep breath I moved as fast as I could moving around civilians that kept running "No you don't!" I fired a webline at it as I jumped using my full strength which got me a lot of air and exclaimed as the line caught his mini-gun and aimed it toward the sky and away from civilians and ripping the arm off, pulling it in an downward arc it crashed on it as the arm got imbedded into it and promptly shot down. 'I really am strong. Huh.'

Landing gracefully, I heard as another landed behind me and aimed at me, I can feel my senses telling me to move, I ducked and vaulted low as I shot another webline at his head and thinking quickly I shot a natural webline from my hand and as it caught the head I pulled before it could even fire again. The strength of the pull ripped its head off. Two more landed near where I am and took aim at a crowd which cowered and tried to scatter.

Noticing I'm panting hard, made me realize I couldn't destroy them all which reminded me. I have the arc reactors in my palms, and placing my fingers in a claw I aimed at their heads and shot two condensed muons beams, or commonly known as repulsor blasts at their heads making their heads disappear and the bodies stood still, I jumped and using my natural webs using five fingers and landed on top of them, with enough force for my feet to pass through their bodies shutting them down effectively.

"Whoa! Are you a superhero?" A little girl asked me with a twinkle of admiration in her gaze but looking around she's the only one left in the crowd that scattered after my landing. 'She would be dead if I wasn't here.' My frown encompasses my face.

I don't really know what pushes me to act like this, this confidence I never have showed. I pulled my smile to make her not be afraid forcing it to reach my eyes. "Yes I'm new around, do you know where your parents are?"

She shook her head I picked her up and analyzed the situation I saw a guard shooting at the robots but the bullets just pinged of it as it walked towards him. It raised its hand that has what looks like an anti-air cannon.

My eyes widened as I shot a webline at it and as it latches on I pulled making it shoot a wall instead of the guard. Moving as fast as I can and making sure the girl is safe from moving too fast, leaving the girl near the police officer, the sound of tearing the web makes it to my ears as quickly in a spin kick that for the first time doing it worked making it's head lose and shot both respulsor blasts into it as both went through it. 'Oh right, this don't have a filter… shit.'

The guard looked shocked and surprised. "Woah lady that was awesome!" The girl exclaimed as she ran to my legs and hugged me tightly. I just patted her head who seemed reluctant to let me go.

"You can let go now." I shook my leg gently.

"But I'm scared." She pulled away from my grasp her eyes are watery.

"It will be okay." Iron Man passed flying shooting at the robots following him. "You see, Iron Man is working with me to save everyone from the evil robots." I say in an attempt to calm her. But she's not convinced. Sighing I made my tone sound confident or as confident as I can. "We will save the day! We heroes always win in the end, no matter what; you hear? The police officer is a friend of mine and he will keep you safe." He nodded as she let me go and went to the police officer.

"Thank you." The man said with such honesty that made me feel like it was worth saving lives, as he holds the girl safely in his arms.

"Yes lady thank you! You're my favorite superhero!" The girl made my heart swoon as her smile is so honest.

"It's nothing, Iron Man is out there, he's going to save the day." I said as another robot landed it looked like an anti-air ready to shoot at Iron Man who is dealing with other 7 following him, the BOOM made my ears feel stunned as the shot hit him making him loose control of his flight for a second before stabilizing again. Jumping back into the fray and using my webs to pull me to where I need to go take better aim and shot a repulsor blast at it's head. My blast hitting home blowing its head up, and the robot went down like a heap of metal.

Iron Man turned his gaze to me as he had his arm extended towards me, I nodded at him he nodded back and kept flying. "OUCH!" I looked at my hands to feel my hands burning from something hot looking down I see both reactors smoking as the burned rubber smell fills my nose. "SHIT." Taking them off and stashing them in my hood pockets as I use zippers to close my pockets and keep them safe from falling out of my hoodie.

He landed near me as a kid no more than 3 years old with an Iron Man mask and shot at the robot destroying it "Nice shot kid." Iron Man said just as another landed behind him I rushed and with a kick pushing all my strength it bisected it in two. "Huh." He said as the same swarm of robots and War Machine was shooting at, he took to the skies not before looking back at me.

Returning to the ones on the ground and deciding to make sure civilians are safe, not even five minutes a white light began to blink rapidly and began to flicker turning red. I knew what those lights meant.

"IT'S A BOMB! GET AWAY FROM THE ROBOTS!" I forced my lungs to make additional sound by yelling as fast as I could. I launched a webline at the young and pulled him away and catching him in my arms. He looks surprised with his round glasses and a shocked look on his face as his mask in on top of his head.

"You're safe now." He only nodded slowly. 'He's in shock... shit.' "What's your name?"I said aloud as he stopped gripping me hard. "P-peter Parker." I stopped, frozen in place, the guard came my way as I let him go and sent him in the direction of the guard pushing him gently towards him as the web is on his back. "Go to the guard he will help you find your parents!" I yelled as I kept people away from the robots, I turned to see Peter grabbing the web in his back and looking closely to it as the guard lifted both kids and run towards safety.

All robots blew up and I made sure to keep people safe, saving as many as I could. In minutes the police and the military arrived. I on the other hand decided to run away, returning to staying safe in the shadows. Sticking to the shadows and getting on a bus away from the wreckage and taking a bus to the orphanage I walked with haste as to arrive fast.

I deactivated my webshooters, I extended my hand to grab the doorknob. Pausing and not realizing I still have them active, shoving them in my pocket. I look at my clothes and notice I'm okay and my scarf loose around my neck.

I walked into the orphanage like nothing happened. "Cindy! I'm glad to see you're okay! I was so worried for you, with all the mess with Iron Man; I knew superheroes were a bad thing. Did you get hurt? Can we sue Tony Stark?" She said as she literally shoved me inside and began to look at me manhandling me.

"I was lucky that I actually got out before any of that happened."

"Dammit, why couldn't you get hurt? Maybe we could've had more money, why are you so fucking useless." I flinched as my head looked towards the floor and my shoulder tensed up. "YOU threw away MY- OUR chance to have money, why can't you think of other besides yourself. FUCK!" I feel it coming and yet I'm frozen as the punch lands on my face, I can fight I know I can, but tears run down my face as she begins to pull my hair and shoving me harshly as I begin to shake. She strips me of my clothes and pushes me down the stairs. 'She does love me, I know she does. This is how she shows me she cares I'm safe… One day she will return I know, its just she's mad we don't have money… maybe if I make money she could return.' She opens the lock from the chains as my shaking grows worse, the cold touches my skin; she grabs my neck as a punch to my stomach makes me bend, and with a shove I'm once again in the box as I count five nails and 2 screws are stuck in my back. I felt guilty, she was right… maybe getting hurt was the right thing, that way she could've returned to me, that mom that loves me… no, she loves me. It's my mom after all.

I was on the news; some interviews mentioned a woman saving lives from the robots. I was kinda happy that I helped people out there, maybe that's why heroes save people. Harlem shook, A few days later The Hulk broke Harlem, we felt the quakes all the way through the orphanage as the walls shook and dust fell from the ceiling good thing I live in an orphanage on the other side of Harlem, thank god for the orphanage being on East Harlem it's a bad neighborhood and in simple words. It's dangerous. But the bad thing is that after that happened, the orphanage got crowded. New kids came and went yet I stayed.

It dawned on me soon after that; I'm living in New York. The main place where every single thing happens regarding superheroes.

I spent my fifteenth and sixteenth birthdays in silence, I went to the store to play games as well as practiced a bit in my reflexes and powers when I was alone. Now I'm in my fourth semester, but community college didn't give me a dorm. Saying there is a long waiting line for anyone to get in.

Also things kinda went downhill in that semester because I'm currently sitting in the office where the adults talk with the matron.

"Cindy, I have to talk to you about something really important." I tensed and followed her into the office and took a seat.

"You can no longer just be Cindy, and I have to say that you won't get adopted anytime soon. You're too old for that." Her words broke my heart, knowing the warmth of a family is something I would never feel.

"Then why am I here?" I can't help but fidget with my hands.

"Cindy you're sixteen, which means you won't be able to stay here your costs are too high. You will be sixteen in a week..." 'She's throwing me out but I'm supposed to leave once I'm eighteen.'

"You're kicking me out?" I didn't receive an answer. "Where am I going to live? I'm supposed to leave when I'm eighteen." The fear in my voice is clear.

"We can no longer have you living here. I have a friend that can help you; this favor is expensive because that man owes me a lot. So he will be giving you a small room in an apartment complex near Hell's Kitchen and as a favor he will give you the first month free stay and a discount for two years. While yes, I can't legally kick you out, you... are too expensive. Your expenses are just too much." She took a deep breath. "Look we're struggling. Even if you get a job, you can't live in a closet. I have spoken with a few adoption houses, but none of them want you. You'll have to find a job; you're smart, I'm sure you can find something somewhere." I nodded but I felt tears well up in my eyes I can feel hope shatter before me, my heart feels so constricted by this. The woman sighed in annoyance. "The reason why you're here in my office is because you need a name, a last name to be precise so I can make the paperwork you need to get out of here." Her voice is flat.

"So this is it, huh?" I said as a tear ran down my cheek, I want to keep it together but it's really hard.

"Tell me your last name, nothing ridiculous." She said with a stern tone, I remembered the name of the second bitten another Cindy a person who may or may not live in this universe.

"Moon... I want my last name to be Moon."

"Alright then; Cindy Moon. I want you out by next week. Happy Birthday." With that concluded I stood up and left the room and mumble an inaudible 'thanks'. I got to my room and cried something that is quite common for me after all.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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