21.12% Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei) / Chapter 43: Child – The Wheel of Fate is Turning

บท 43: Child – The Wheel of Fate is Turning

I didn't know who she was. I didn't know why she was here.

But I knew one thing.

It was because of her. It had to be because of her. My dad wouldn't act like that unless he got tempted by her.

-So kill her then.


I just had to kill her.

If I killed her, then everything would be fine.

If I killed her, then my dad wouldn't have to leave-

No. Why stop at her?

She might be the reason why my dad was leaving right now. But the purpose was that trip.

Then... Kill them too. The stupid nobles who thought they could do everything because they had power. The stupid corrupt knights who ran rampant taking advantage of their authority in the name of 'justice.' The king who allowed all of this.

...Yeah. Let's do that.

But first.

The red in my vision vanished. At the same time, my heart calmed down.

No. Not calm. It ran cold.

Like the regrets lingering in the depths of my soul. A chilling, biting sensation in my heart.

I held up my left hand and tilted my head, thinking.


Time slowed to a halt. At the same time, I heard a soft tick in my head. Like a mechanical pocket watch being wound back.

And like that, I had time.

...She was fast. Faster than Dad. Faster than any person should be able to move. That sword slash was as fast as light. If I hadn't reflexively acted, I would have been cut.

...No. She was holding back. By all rights, I should have been cut by that attack.


I couldn't move that fast. Even though I had been speeding up my body's adaptation to the intense training to try and catch up with my dad, it was far from enough. It was just too large a gap to close, even when pushing my body to its limits. Too large because my body was still just that of a child's and far before its major growth period. Maybe that would be different later, but for now, it wasn't enough.

I could kill her. I had more than enough ways to kill her. But I would be cut down before I could use any one of those. Her glowing eye seemed to be able to detect the flow of mana. I wasn't sure if it was the same as how my eyes worked, but it was similar enough to where I couldn't pull off any big spells. There just wasn't enough time for it.


So then I had to slow her down. Change the battlefield to one I could move in. If no cards I had were strong enough, I just had to chain them to make it work.

A '2' and a '3' in poker couldn't beat a pair of aces on their own. But if you lined things up...

Not a big blow. But a series of cuts to whittle her down. Then...


Time resumed.

The woman turned to the side, idly resting her hand on her sword's hilt.

I stepped forward.

-Magic circles weren't enough. Incantations were too slow. I had been neglecting <Magic Arrays>, so that wasn't an option either.

Using a sword... also wasn't enough. She was better than me. Probably better than Dad too, at least in sheer speed and strength.

...I hated resorting to it. The point of magic was to create a system of spells that could be replicated. To allow for magicians to advance upon a path by following the steps of their predecessors.

But this wasn't the time for considering other people.

Direct mana manipulation. Converting the imagination directly into a magical formula through the integration of the complex field. A Laplace transformation that allowed supplemental imaginary elements to add in and account for what the rational components left out.

A gust of wind blew my dad away from the combat field. The moment that happened, water flooded the surroundings around me and that woman. An artificial lake formed in an instant and wrapped the two of us in dark water, eliminating light and free movement.

But it wasn't enough.

That woman was slowed down and I could see shock on her face for a split second because of the light radiating from her silver mana. The fact that I could see that shock even for that split second was good though. It meant I had time to act.

But her leg was moving to kick off against the ground. And seeing how much silver mana laced her muscles, I had no doubt that would just take the battle back to ground zero.

So the next step.

A current. Not just one. Any deviations from her attack vector would be able to be corrected by a single kick. So it had to be continuous. A field of shifting torrents, perpendicular to every movement of her limbs to prevent her from making effective forward motion.

The woman slipped. No, she didn't slip. She was knocked off course. And she couldn't find any purchase to regain her balance for an attack.

I could see it. Unlike my dad, she specialized in Sword God. Strong, fast attacks. Not a fluid and shifting motion.

Meaning she couldn't react to this-

No. She could. She was reacting to an unknown attack that was meant to bind her.

I could see her mana swirling, getting ready to explode around her.

It was the correct answer. The solution here was simple if you were that strong.

Just smash all the water around you.

And in another second, she would do just that.

But that was too late.

She couldn't reach me, but I could reach her.

And one second was enough.

I reached out my left hand. With the movement, space rippled, distorting as my mana instantly appeared around the woman in a crimson bubble, just like how Sylphy did. And with that, I imagined it.

Hyper pressurized water. If that wasn't enough, fully charged lightning. If that wasn't enough, an instantaneous vacuum. If not that, a fog of poison. If not that, ripping out the raw iron in her blood with earth mana. If not that...

Well, I'd find a way. Because...

-Kill her.

Right. I had to kill her.

That was the only way to make sure my family stuck together. To make sure I didn't lose anyone else.

To make sure that Norn didn't cry after I carried back my Dad's corpse.

To make sure that Aisha got a chance to reconcile with Dad instead of treating his death with indifference.

To make sure that my mom could live her life and not be trapped in an endless dream.

To make sure that Master Roxy didn't die during childbirth because of an unknown viral infection-


A headache. A massive headache. Something wasn't right. Something wasn't right with me.

Static. For a split second, a glimpse of Dad, slumped against a wall and missing his lower half.

No. He was actually there in front of me, staring at me with shock and concern in his eyes.

I clutched my head, grabbing at my skull and trying to claw out that foreign presence before it latched onto me any more.

A crack. *Something* broke. At the same time, I heard a familiar damnable voice echo in my head.

'Tch. It was worth a shot. But they're too different, huh?'

Before I could think about it, my dad let out a deep sigh and said, "Sorry, Rudy."


A blur. My dad slashing his sheath at the front of my head- No. Not just the front. Also from behind and above. Space breaking for a split second just to accommodate his movement.

And then I blacked out.


"Are you fine with this, Paul?" Ghyslaine glanced to the man at her side and said, "Won't your kid hate you after he figures out why you went through all that trouble?"

Paul glanced back at his house and then shook his head. "It's better like this." He rested his hand on his sword hilt and said, "Parents should solve their own problems and keep their kids out of it. Besides... With Rudy's temper, I'm pretty sure he would end up committing regicide within the week. ...Probably by blowing up the entire Asura Kingdom."

"Heh." Ghyslaine nodded and said, "That kid really did inherit your stubborn temper... Though it seems like he cares about his dad a lot more than you did."

"...Yeah. Karma's a bitch like that."

It was the opposite. As if fate wanted to be funny, instead of going all out to try and get away from his dad, Rudy was doing everything he could to try and keep him there. And while Rudy was still manageable at first, when he was getting desperate at the end there...

"...Hey, Paul." Ghyslaine looked over and said, "Rudy... He's really your kid?"

Paul glared at Ghyslaine and said, "Are you accusing Zenith of cheating on me?"

"No. But..." Ghyslaine frowned and said, "I've heard some stories before. Things that drunkard adventurers ramble in taverns. ...Stories about how malevolent spirits and ghosts sometimes possess infants and take over to get a second chance in life."

Paul scoffed. "And you believe that?"

"No. But one of those drunkards was Geese."

Paul stopped.

Ghyslaine turned to look at him.

"...That guy mentioned that story?"

Ghyslaine nodded. "That guy showed up in Roa a few months back and we shared a couple drinks. Exchanged some fun stories... and that one came up. Also..." She glanced back at the house and said, "...I don't doubt that he's your kid, Paul. But something is wrong with him. You can't see it, but his magical power is completely tangled up. It's like there's three different things mixed up inside of him."

"...It's fine." Paul kept walking.

Malevolent spirit? Ghost?

...Paul might have believed it if someone told him about it when Rudy was still a baby. Back then, it was definitely eerie and unnatural how fast he picked things up.

But there was no way he could believe it now.

And even if it was true...

That desperation in Rudy's eyes telling him to not leave. The anger at Ghyslaine when he thought she was trying to break up their family. The broiling killing intent and chilling gaze... which stopped the moment Paul stood in front of Rudy.

"Rudy is Rudy. Whether he's a normal baby, a possessed spirit, or whatever crazy thing. That doesn't change the fact that I'm his dad. And since this is a mess I caused by stupid mistakes I made in the past, it's up to me to fix them."

Ghyslaine stared at Paul.

Paul blinked and tilted his head. "What?"

"...Master said that it takes more than just instinct to reach the level of a Sword King, but it looks like that doesn't really have to be smarts, huh?"

Paul laughed. "That's rich coming from a muscle-head like you."

"It's because I'm a muscle-head that I can say it. I'm a bit jealous. Though." She laughed and said, "You were always someone who got stronger when you were showing off for someone else."

"Heh." Paul looked forward and said, "That's right. I've gotta set a good example for Rudy now. I'd never forgive myself if he turned into a bastard like me, you know? He's the only decent male Greyrat born in like... ever."

"Here's to hoping it stays that way and he doesn't start chasing tail like you did when you were younger."

Paul let out a nervous laugh.

Yeah... if that happened, Paul was a dead man. He was 100% sure both Zenith and Lilia would kill him for that considering how mad they were already at Rudy so naturally flirting with Sylphy.

But that was a later problem. For now...

Paul turned serious and said, "Are you sure Uncle agreed, Ghyslaine?"

"Mm." Ghyslaine shrugged and said, "Even if he doesn't want to listen, he can't help it if a genius triple Sword Saint that can tie with a Sword King like you has popped up in his family, can he?"

Paul laughed, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Right. So... Let's hope the reappearance of Notos's wayward son in the royal court is well received. If not... Well." He cracked his neck and said, "Considering how might makes right over in the Asura Kingdom, if I pile up enough corpses, I should be able to win a noble title and stop that stupid younger brother of mine, right?"

"...I thought the point of not bringing your kid was to avoid killing nobles."

"It was to avoid killing ALL the nobles. And you're lucky that you spooked Rudy and I caught him off-guard. I'm pretty sure I saw him messing around with poisons when he was younger. If he had time to seriously think how to kill you, it might not end well. Especially considering how meticulous he normally is."

"...Are you *sure* that he's-"

"My kid? Yes. Now let's hurry up. It's cold."

"You're the idiot who wanted to leave in the middle of night when it's snowing."

"Which is why we should hurry up. Now, I'll go first." Saying that, Paul shifted forward and then drew his sword, dashing across the plains.

Ghyslaine sighed and then kicked off the ground to run after Paul. "Idiot. You're lucky that I'm fast enough to catch up. Not everyone's a monstrous genius like you and your son..."


"...Hitogami is getting reckless in this timeline. But that's inevitable considering his future is severed on every path."

A man with silver hair and a billowing white coat floated in the sky above the Fedoa region. The same one who rescued Sylphy. He watched Paul and Ghyslaine leave before shifting his gaze over to the Greyrat home.

Resting his hand on the crimson sword sheathed at his left side, he muttered, "You have a rough path ahead of you, Rudeus Greyrat. But be patient and work hard. As long as you do, things will work out. Even if Hitogami moves his apostles and tries to disrupt the future-"

A flash of golden light from the distance.

The man glanced back before muttering, "It's too soon for this." He drew his blade and then swung it in the air.

Space cracked. And when it did, hundreds of crimson lines spread out, tracing out a tree. The same that Sylphy saw before Rudy saved her.

It was different now. Three major branches were missing, making the tree slightly lopsided as if pruned. But countless others remained.

The tree shattered, dissolving into shards showing brief scenes.

One, showing an older Rudy standing watch at a campfire as a young girl with crimson-hair slept behind him. His green eyes sharp, he glanced around the surroundings, clutching a silver staff with a crimson diamond set at the end while a sword was sheathed at his left.

Another, showing Rudy as a teenager leading an army of armored soldiers and magicians against the Great Church of Milis, his green eyes frosty.

Another still, showing Rudy as a young man with crimson eyes, laughing amidst a world of ash and rubble. Blood dripped off his gray coat and terrifying creatures of twisted flesh and bone marched behind him.

The shards vanished. And when they did, the man was gone.

But in his place, another appeared.

Golden hair, something that looked like a white student's uniform with a buttoned shirt and long pants. A yellow fox mask covered his face while his right hand held onto a dagger.

He paused, floating in the air where the first man just stood. "...Nothing?"

Arumanfi of the Bright cautiously looked around the surroundings and said, "...Lord Perugius is never wrong. To have sensed the Demon God's presence in this area twice, it cannot be a mistake or coincidence. But..." He looked around. "...There truly is nothing here. No traces of teleportation magic or abnormal mana."


Arumanfi shook his head and then turned back, vanishing in a flash of golden light.


The Crimson Dragon mountain range. One of the world's most dangerous locations where the sky was continuously filled with swarms of Crimson Dragons. Each, a monster requiring scores of adventurers to collaborate in order to beat even just one at full strength.

But a single man walked across the mountain range. Silver hair, a stern face and a white coat... but one with a dark fur hood wrapping around his neck and attaching to a billowing white cape.

He was unarmed. Considering the danger of the surroundings, it appeared to be a suicidal act.

But not one of the dragons floating above him dared to attack.

Because they knew. While monsters, they were intelligent creatures. And they could tell. The one walking below was an existence that defied the world's common sense. One that no one should fight.

The 100th generation <Dragon God> Orsted paused and then looked off into the distance. "Hm?"

It was a brief moment. For a few seconds, a familiar presence appeared in the sky over the Fedoa region.

But it was impossible.

"...Laplace? This early?" Orsted frowned and muttered, "Did I change something without my knowledge...?"

An arrogant young crimson dragon without any sense took his distraction as an opening and dove down from the sky to attack.

Orsted didn't even look at it, simply swinging his hand out, instantly turning the dragon into red pulp.

"...Well, I'll know if I go there."

Tucking his hand back beneath his cloak, Orsted continued on his path, heading towards the Fedoa region.

And time marched on.

HappyVainGlory HappyVainGlory

Bonus chapter

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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