
บท 10: CH 10

'Ryusaki, 2nd kira responded.' The computer with the gothic L spoke, everyone in the room looked over. Shocked. 'The envelop and the way the tapes were formed are identical to the previous package. the envelope and the tapes are on their way. I will send the video to you right now.'

Immediately the screen turned to kira.

'Kira san! Thanks for replying! I'll do everything Kira san said' The voice said.

"Yes!" Soichiro leaned forward.

'I want to meet kira san. I think kira-san doesn't have the eyes, but don't worry! I won't kill kira-san no matter what!'

"She said 'doesn't have the eyes' what does that mean?" Aizawa asked

"Maybe it means she can see a person's name? Like she needs a name and face, but her eyes let her see that?" Hikaru theoriesed.

"...Hikaru-kun that is..." L's eyes widened. "Very possible."

'Please think of a way to meet without getting caught by the police. when we meet, we can confirm each other's identity with our Shinigami.'

Hikaru jumped over and caught L before he fell to the ground. He looked at Ryusaku, but he stared at the screen in horror.

"Shinigami... is she saying that gods of death are real?" He looked at the screen in horror. Hikaru looked at the young detective, worried.

"Shinigami? That can it be..." Matsuda took a deep breath.

"Maybe... It's the name they gave their power?" Hikaru rubbed his back. "They are trying to impersonate gods..."

"Ryusaki, you can't help that people talk about nonsense like gods of death." Light said.

The messages kira made his victims in prison write also affirm the existence of gods of death." L countered.

"So perhaps the tape is from the same kira who killed the victims in jail? Since they talk with the same..." Soichiro said.

"That's not it dad." Light cut him off.

"If this was the original Kira then she'd continue to ask for L to show himself. Why in the world would she stop because of a phony message she knew was fake?" Hikaru asked.

"Then maybe the real kira and the second kira have contacted each other and used things like 'gods of death' to confuse us?" Aizawa asked.

"That's probably not so. Like what Hikaru-kun said..." Hikaru Helped L Stand as he spoke to the rest of the task force. "If they had contacted each other, kira wouldn't have stopped the plan to kill me. The 2nd kira is not trying to do what the real kira would do. Instead, it's more like she's doing whatever she thinks needs to be done to reach her goal. She is not acting in pursuit of Kira's goal to 'Change the world by punishing criminals and those who get in my way'. He is doing what he feels need to be done. To meet the real kira."

"So, then the 2nd kira doesn't want to reform the world... she is only interested in meeting kira. So, like what Hikaru said, maybe 'god of death' is a code word for their common ability to kill?" Light thought. "We can confirm each other's identities with our gods of death would mean that they can prove their identities by killing someone on the spot."

"...I agree. At the very least, it is certain that 'god of death' is something the 2 kira's have in common... It will help us a lot is we can find out more about it." L said.

"What do we do now? Reply?" Hikaru asked.

"If we, do it wrong, she will find out we don't know anything and that we're not Kira..." Light looked to L.

"No, we will leave it to the 2 kiras to make the next move." The task force looked at L questionly.

"Leave it to them?" Aizawa asked.

"For the 2nd kira to make a reply now, assuming she hasn't figured out that the response is a fake, she must be fairly content with the situation. Her goal is to catch the attention of Kira has been achieved." L Continued. "Using the words that only they would understand, The imposter plans to give kira the message today on Sakura tv's 6 o'clock news. On the other hand, the real kira must be paying close attention to the exchange between us and the 2nd kira. Kira must want to minimize contact between the 2nd kira and the police. If this keeps up, I don't know what will happen. Maybe the real kira will end up sending his own video tape message."

'Light you're going to have to help me prosses this all later.' - hikaru messaged

'don't worry, I'm recording all of this.'- light

"Right now, the medium we can use is Sakura TV. There are way to many unreliable sources about kira on the internet... thousands of them. Thus, it is also difficult for the kira's to contact each other online." L explained. "Nothing is as dependable as predictable as murder on TV. Also, I think it's fairly obvious that the 2nd kira is not good with technology nor is she smart or disciplined. So, if she doesn't get a reply from kira about his message, what will she do?"

'Ah, mind games.'- Hikaru messaged.

'He seems to like those.' - light

'you're going to be in the brunt of it, you are a suspect kira-kun'- hikaru

'Shut up.'- light

"If the foolish 2nd kira starts to leak out kira's secrets then kira will want to meet the 2nd one as well. That will be interesting." L smiled proudly. "If kira sends a taped massage to prevent that from happening it will be even better. the chances of acquiring physical evidence against kira will greatly increase."

"Please warn each TV station about this and set u surveillance. If there is another kira message, I will decide whether or not it will be aired. Soon we will be able to start tracking where the 2nd kira is." L concluded.

"Ryuzaki, we can narrow the scope by looking at the air-time and completion code of..." Soichiro suggested.

'So, our main suspect is Ohashi Tajima, I put a tracker on him along with misa amame.'- Hikaru messaged.

'Only on Misa?'- light questioned.

'I really think it's her.'- hikaru

'Put tags on the others too, don't leave out any variables.' light

'Should I tell L about the tag?'- hikaru

'No, we'll just go through surveillance later if we find anything suspicious.'- light

'...wanna see my 'my world' civilization later?' Hikaru

'Sure.'- light


"WrighterAI is getting more popular." Light sighed. "Why didn't we think of this years ago?"

"No idea, well at least we don't have to get into competitions anymore." Hikaru stretched. "Hey, should we make another writing AI?"

"Like what?" Light asked.

"Fantasy? Maybe Sci-fi?" Hikaru pondered.

"Go for Sci-fi." Light laid down. "Name this one.... Sci-AI."

"Ha." Hikaru laughed and implemented the plan.

Ring Ding ring

"What is it dad?" Light answered, putting the phone on speaker.

"Why doesn't dad ever call me?" Hikaru mumbled.

'The 2nd kira sent another package to Sakura TV. this time it's a video tape and a diary. Please get here as soon as you can.'

He hung upright after.

"Hey, look at this." Hikaru sent and attachment to Light. Light opened it as he stood up from his desk.

"...Seriously?" Light sighed. "Do you think L will mention it?"

"Maybe." Hikaru chuckled. "He is A fan of WritingAI, I wonder if this little encouragement will get to him..."

"Who knows." Light packed up his laptop and walked out with his younger brother in toe. "Are you brining more of your gear?"

"Nope, this will do just fine." Hikaru moved his backpack. "I'll bring more gear with L trusts us a bit more."

"Hm." Light nodded.


"Is the diary going to be aired?" Light asked, Hikaru peaked over.

"Look, light on the 30th." Hikaru pointed. "They really are making it sound like gods of death exist..."

"...What do you think Raito-kun?" L asked.

"Hm? Well at the moment I have to say She's an idiot." Light shrugged.

"Yea, if she wants the diary on TV, then it must be a message to kira." Matsuda said. "And even though the diary is from last year, the giants are also playing in the dome this year on 5/30. So, it's obvious that she wants to meet kira there."

"If this is shown on TV people will panic. the same may even be postponed." Soichiro said

"Yes, there'll be a major panic. those media folk will probably exaggerate the story saying that everyone at the game will die." Matsuda added.

"The truth is... I think she is a real idiot..." L walked over to eat a piece of chocolate, and handed on to hikaru, who happily ate and savored the expensive chocolate. "So much so that I'm not sure how to deal with this."

'He gave me chocolate! Ah! I'm in love!'- hikaru messaged

'...'- light

"If we show the diary, we'll have to cancel the game on the 30th. If we don't show it, the second kira won't move out of the shadows." L sat down.

"Yea, and we may even anger her is we don't show it." Matsuda said.

"That shouldn't be a problem. The 2nd kira worships kira. She has agreed not to kill innocent people in response to our fake kira tape and I think we can hold her to that. First, we have to air the diary. then we have to cancel the game on the 30th and prepare to set up a perimeter around Tokyo dome on that day." L looked to the task force. "Please ask the policemen who helped during the sakura TV incident. they should be willing to assist us again. after that we'll make another kira tape for an 'understood, see you then' reply."

"Do you think they'll actually go ahead and meet knowing that we'll be watching for them?" Soichiro asked.

"The real kira probably won't, but the 2nd kira seems rather foolish and rash. her actions are unpredictable." L looked closer on the note. "However, she might not be that stupid. Let's look for other possible hidden messages. if the message uses key words that only people who have powers of Shinigami can understand, we won't have any luck finding it. However, we have at least check out all the locations on the respective dates they are mentioned."

'Hey, I have a sudden thought, that Ryusaki might freak if he heard.'- Hikaru messaged

'What?'- light

'What if Kira really does have a god of death, but it was like a contract? it could be the reason why they know about Shinigami or the 'eyes' as mentions... and what if that contract needed a medium?'- Hikaru

'Continue.'- Light

'so, you know, I looked at a few incidents in America and saw a thing called 'death note' it's where someone writes down who they want dead and sometimes how they should die... do you think kira's power could be like that?'- hikaru

'That would mean...'- Light

"22nd, met with friend in Aoyama, exchanged notes. 26th, went shopping with friends in Shibuya, bought some summer cloths. for that, we have some field work in Aoyama and Shibuya and look for possibly suspicious people holding notes and buying cloths." L said.

'Oh? He's already talking about the note part.'- hikaru messaged.

'Your theory may not be so far-fetched...'- light

"Please put up as much of a surveillance perimeter around Aoyama and Shibuya as you can. we need to send some disguised investigators there on these dates" L said.

"But if kira or 2nd kira discover us, they may kill us." Soichiro looked at L. "It's too dangerous."

"As for the dome, we'll announce our actions ahead of time so publicly stopping people for questioning and even collecting fingerprints won't be a problem." L countered. "If the 2nd kira is stupid enough as to go to the dome knowing that it'll be crawling with police, then we'll catch them easily."

"Catch him easily...? lots of people will die in the prosses." Matsuda shock.

'Unless kira needs a medium to kill.'- hikaru

"No... I think what Ryuzaki means is that 2nd kira won't be so stupid to still go to the dome." Soichiro said.

"No, If anyone joins the investigation, he has to be prepared to make the sacrifice." Hikaru countered.

"Correct, but if for Aoyama and Shibuya, kira and the 2nd kira probably won't attack recklessly, so there'll be no danger to our field agents if they just blend in as innocent citizens and look around." L said. "Though in the case of finding anyone suspicious, report back and don't act on your own. Anyways, someone like Asahi-san, whose eyes radiate justice and valor, should defiantly not go."

"Haha." Mastuda laughed at the chief and looked towards L with a confident huff. "so, then, I'll go check Aoyama and Shibuya alone."

"I'll go too." Light walked forward.

"Light?" Hikaru looked straight at him.

"It's fine Hikaru. We go to Aoyama and Shibuya sometimes too. I'll blend right in." He persuaded. "Plus, the 2nd kira will be too busy looking for kira to notice me."

"Then I should also go right?" Hikaru asked.

"I already promised Light-kun i wouldn't let you in the front lines." L stopped him. "I refuse to break it."

"Then... what about B 4.0?" Hikaru asked, light stopped and thought for a while.

"That's right, you finished that that yesterday, right?" Light looked to L. "Hikaru open up information on it and show it to Ryuzaki."

"Oh?" L watched as the younger twin grabbed his laptop and opened a file. On it was various specks of the B 4.0 servalence drone.

It looked exactly like a finch, with the only difference being a small silver bracelet on its leg. The 3d model showed how the bird moved from flying, perching, and even doing basic actions like chirping, grooming, and bathing.

"You made this?" L asked. "And is it reliable?"

"Hm!" Hikaru nodded. "I've already tested it with the quality test yesterday. It can last 24/7 thanks to it's interlaced solar panels, and food energy converter. Only, it's memory only last 10 hours of constant surveillance. You can retrieve the surveillance footage well it's still out and make it delete it to continue so it isn't a problem to keep it out."

"Food energy converter?" L asked.

"It has a small system that uses proteins and carbohydrates to create power." Hikaru explained. "I have thought of trying it on a larger scale, but it's way to inefficient on the large scale."

"Hm..." L nodded. "This can work. The drone will be able to catch what we cannot, and look completely discreet well doing so. How many of these do you have?"

"...Only one." Hikaru looked away

"One is also okay." L gave him another chocolate. "I suggest making more for the foreseeable future, I can also provide the materials to do so."

"Really?" Hikaru jumped and happily stood up. "I'll get on that sir!"

'He likes my invention! he likes it!'- hikaru messaged

'of course. if he didn't then he'd simply be blind.'- light

"Alright then we'll air this tomorrow." L said. "Asahi-san, can you make an appointment with the executives before the news broadcast tomorrow?"

"I'll try." He nodded.

"Also, this next bit is important, everyone." L took his teacup. "While this is a perfect chance for us to capture either kiras, this is also a chance for kira to contact the 2nd kira. I want to increase the security."

"What do you mean?" Aizawa asked.

"Obviously we should never give away information about each other but... we should abode going out in public as policemen and should destroy all photos that depict us as such. other than those on our belongings. For example, I never left any pictures of me. not even my collage ID has my picture." L said.

'Shit, I have a whole album in my posetion...'- hikaru messaged

'Just don't show them... also wtf'- light

"Even the security cameras in this hotel were set up to avoid filming our faces when we enter and leave. Everyone should still have their police photos in the personal files and maybe pictures given to friends and family. Please destroy all of them." Ryusaki said.

"...Ryuzaki, you still suspect my son!?" Soichiro yelled with frustration in his voice.

"It's an extremely low percentage, but not 0%. So, it's still possible. I have to take precautions in case second kira can really kill by seeing a person's face only." L reasoned.

"Light, we've been on like a million competition." Hikaru looked at his brother.

"Blur our faces," Light suggested.

"That will take hours!" Hikaru whined, light gave him a look. "Wait now? Agh, fine."

"Hm?" L watched the screen go from the drone to a separate page.

"Can I have one more chocolate please?" Hikaru asked, pursing his lips at the detective. L nodded and passed a single chocolate, to which the boy happily ate. Soon Hikaru went into his L seating position and fully concentrated on the screen.

The pale detective's eyes widened when he saw the sheer speed the younger Yagami was typing at.

"Like Ryuzaki said, not your actions are steps ahead of us. very impressive. if kira makes contact with the second kira, all he needs to do to kill everyone on the team is to give 2nd kira a photo of everyone here. even ryuzaki, who is still anonymous will be in danger." Light agreed, also watching Hikaru blur their photos and videos with rapid speed. "No matter how many times I see it, it's shocking."

'Be thankful, I'm helping you show off in front of panda face here.' light messaged

'Love you big bro <3!'- hikaru

'*big heart emoji*'- hikaru

"Yes, to both your analysis and to your siblings' abilities. I believe that 'kira needs a name and face of his victims to kill' but the situation is different. If the 2nd kira can see someone's name like what hikaru theoriesed it would fit into the description. However, if the original kira also has the ability then we can't leave ourselves vulnerable. And we have to catch 2nd kira as soon as possible."

The task force soon agreed.

"Hikaru-kun, will you be able to do the same for the rest of the task force?" L asked.

"I can, it will just take me a long time." Hikaru said as he continued to blur their faces. "Well, the task force, me, and light have been on newspapers, I can't get rid of those."

"Hm." L looked over.

"Well, I don't think 2nd kira pays attention to newspapers. They seem more of a magazine person or a propaganda follower, the type that pays attention more on the internet or 'hip' news channels or whatever." Hikaru said. "It's not impossible for her to read them though."

"Ah." Ryuzaki nodded. "What about first kira?"

"He probably reads it every day to fuel his god complex." Hikaru said.

"..." Ryuzaki let out a bearably audible snort.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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