57.69% Dhampir in DxD / Chapter 28: Asia's Arrival and Slaves Capture

บท 28: Asia's Arrival and Slaves Capture

A/N: Warning this chapter will contain depictions of torture. You have been warned, so ready at your own expense.


-Torture Scene-

Sitting in front of Dohnaseek I watched him stir from his forced nap.

"Hm, what?" He murmured as he opened his eyes.

Then as soon as he saw he got a look of anger on his face. "You!" He shouted.

"Me." I said, giving him a smile.

"I will kill you!" He roared.

"Yeah, no." I told him. "You won't be able to do much of anything."

"Such fucking insolence!" He roared. He then tried to move his arms, only to hear a clanging down as he did. That finally woke him up to the fact that he has been restrained.

Dohnaseek looked down and saw chains around his arms and legs, secured to the table between us. He's chained prison style. I find it perfect for this situation.

The fallen tried to break free of his chains, but after five minutes stopped when he realized it was useless.

"I'm afraid struggling is useless." I told him, causing him to glare at me. "Glare at me as much as you want, but it doesn't change the fact you aren't going anywhere. Those chains are made of Mithril and reinforced with sealing spells for good measure. So at the moment you have no power at all. You're basically just an ordinary human male." I explained to him.

Oh yes, Mithril is real.

It's a magical metal that can be mined in certain parts of the supernatural world. It is an excellent magical conductor and can be shaped into almost anything. It is lighter than steel, and harder than diamonds. We of the Progenitor factions own and operate several Mithril mines across the globe in supernatural hotspots.

Dohnaseek continued glaring at me, and its not looking like he's going to stop.

I sighed at this.

"Ok, so let's get started then." I said. I then stood up from my chair, went over to the wall, and turned on the rest of the lights. Since the only light on was the one currently over the table.

As soon as the rest of the lights came on Dohnaseek looked around the room. That's when he saw all the tools and weapons placed on the wall and laid out on the cart right next to the table.

Hammers, nails, whips, stakes, a flogger, needles, saws, etc.

The man paled when he realized where he was. Our torture/interrogation room.

And he now knows exactly what's about to happen to him.

I am not squeamish. I will torture the fuck out of somebody if they have information that I want and right now this guy does. And he's going to tell me.

One way, or another.

I walked back over to the table and looked Dohnaseek in the eyes, putting a smile on my face. Even though my eyes are cold at the moment. "As you can see you have been captured. And from the look on your face you know what's about to happen. But it doesn't have to happen. You have options. Two to be exact. Option on." I raised a finger. "You tell me what I want to know and I kill you instantly, no muss, no fuss. Option two." I raised my second finger. "You don't tell me what I want to know and I will break you and take the information, then I will kill you. But if you go with option two, you won't be able to get what dignity you have left. So, what's it going to be?"

"You cant' do this!" He shouted.

"I can." I said.

"No!" He roared. "The Grigori will never let you get away with this."

"Hehe," I chuckled, showing him a sinister smile. "That's funny coming from you. A person who lured a nun here to steal her sacred gear. Not to mention killed a target without checking with anyone first if the order was legit. Oh, and let's not forget that murder happy exorcist you have going around killing residence of this town. I'm sure the Grigori would love to know all about that. But wait they do, since I told them. I am a contractor that works personally for Azazel after all."

"No! No' that's not true!" He shouted. "And how do you know of our plans, it's not possible! Also Kokabiel-" Dohnaseek clamped his mouth shut as soon as the racist elf wannabe cadre's name left his mouth.

I mean I knew it was him, but this just gave me the confirmation I needed.

All of which is going in my report to Azazel.

Right after I see if the plot changed in any way by wringing every bit of information I can about of this guy.

Time to begin.

"Kokabiel huh, tell me more?" He questioned.

"Never!" He shouted.

"Ah." I sighed. "Looks like it's going to be option 2." I said. "Well I did give you a choice." I walked over to Dohnaseek and grabbed his left arm. I then used my ice power and gave him superficial frostbite, which made him wince in pain.

But he ain't seen nothin yet.

Still holding Dohnaseek's left arm I moved to grab a hammer from the cart next to me. I then held down his hand and used the hammer to tear off the fingernail of his thumb.

"Agh!!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

I didn't even acknowledge it. I just proceeded to tear off the fingernails of his index and middle finger of his left hand as well.

As soon as I did tears and snot started rolling down his face.

I looked at him with cold eyes. "This is only the beginning. Next I'll go to your other hand, and then your toes. Also I have the power to heal you, so if you think you're getting out of this by dying from injures then you are sorely mistaken. Now then I'll ask again, what do you know? I want everything."

"Fine!" He shouted. "Just please stop!" He begged.

"Start talking." I commanded him.

"What do you want to know first?"

"How many fallen angels are involved in your plan?"

"It's just me, and the three others. Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt. No others." He said. "Also we have an army of stray exorcists."

"Who gave you the order to kill Hyoudou?"

"It was Kokabiel-sama!" He shouted.

"Finally question. Whose idea was it to bring the nun to Kuoh Town?"

"Raynare." He said. "Kokabiel-sama gave her the sacred gear extracting mission and she is going to use it on the nun to take her sacred gear. That's all there is, I swear."

"I believe you." I said.

I also figured out Kokabiel's game.

First he has Raynare and her team kill humans in devil's territory, then he has Raynare use the sacred gear extraction machine on a former nun from the church. Then he probably tries to fame Sona and Rias for Asia's murder while also using Raynare to attack them, thus triggering another Great War.

That bastard really has a giant hard-on for war.

Well he can fight on for all eternity when I send him to the supernatural after-life. He's going to get quite the surprise when he shows up in town.

"Anything else?" I questioned.

"No, that's all I know!" Dohnaseek shouted.

"I believe you." I told him. I then formed an ice blade along my left hand and severed his head from his body. Afterwards I used a fire spell to burn his corpse to ashes.

I then left the torture room.

-Torture Scene Concluded-


A few days have passed since I tortured and murdered Dohnaseek.

The remaining fallen and stray exorcist under their command have been looking for him, but to no avail. They aren't going to find a single trace, but it is fun watching them run around like idiots.

As for the devils Issei finally learned about his new status.

While in class I can sense that his draconic energy has gotten stronger, meaning he has manifested his sacred gear, but hasn't fully awakened its true form yet.

He'll get there.

Other than that things have been quiet.

Moving along the streets in civilian clothes I hummed a tune to myself.

"Crazy, Noisy Bizzare Town!" I sang.

Man I miss JoJo.

Here they have nothing but a blasphemous rip-off named BoBo's Crazy Misadventure's.

It's nothing like JoJo at all.

But it's not the worst thing around.

Anyway, today I am on my own exploring the town. I love hanging out with others, but everyone needs their me time.

Turning a corner I headed inside and arcade. I then decided to spend a few hours on the fighting games, putting down any poser who challenged me to a match in Street Fighter.

I finished them without hesitation.

Before I realized it three hours passed.

Seeing that and hearing my stomach grumble I got up to go and get some lunch.

But right as I did who should I see but Issei, palling around with a pure-looking nun.

'Looks like Asia has arrived.' I thought.

Which means everything is in place.

Passing Issei and his future bride I went to get something to eat.

Then I went straight home and into my room. Taking out my phone I placed a call to Azazel.

"Oh, Kufa, what do you need. Advice on how to manage your harem?" Azazel joked.

"I will never need that kind of advice from you." I retorted. "But listen, I've got some serous information to share with you about your little group here in Kuoh Town." I said in a serious tone of voice.

"What have you got?" Azazel asked me, equally serious.

So I told him what I had learned about Kokabiel, about their plans for Asia, and how they attacked me.

I added in that last part for the next part of the plan to happen.

"So, what are you going to do about Kokabiel?" I asked him.

"I want to handle him. Unfortunately he's been away from headquarters for the last few weeks." Azazel informed me. "He's probably gone to ground. Most likely knew he might get caught and fled before we had definite proof."

"Yeah, that sounds like him." I said.

Kokabiel may be a race-hating supremacist warmongerer but he isn't a fool. There is a reason he's survived as long as he did.

"Yeah. Well we can't do anything until he shows himself, but I will put some people on it." Azazel said.

"No problem. Also don't worry about the fallen in this town, I will handle that." I said.

"Oh, really?" He mused.

"Yeah. They attacked me and mine. They also killed the target of their mission. Disavowing them is your best option, considering they were working for Kokabiel. They didn't even try to check in with someone else and now this Raynare's plan. Yeah, it's better to drop them now." I said.

"Boy being a leader sure is tough." Azazel mused in a tire voice. "But anyway, go ahead and handle it. I trust your judgement."

"Thanks for that." I said. I then hung up the call.

Once I did I used a magic circle to call for everyone into the living room.

"Azazel gave the go ahead. We strike tonight." I told them.

They all simply nodded.

Time to get me some bitches!


Leaning against a tree I stared at the entrance of the abandoned church in front of me.

Night has come, which means its time to get things started.

Pushing myself off the tree I felt the barrier go up around the area to keep out any unwanted visitors, namely the devil heiresses and their peerages.

Once I knew it was up I started walking towards the entrance of the church, hands in the pocket of my specially made battle uniform.

Clothes make the man after all.

I can't very well go into battle wearing my school uniform or my civilian clothes. I also didn't feel like wearing the tactical gear from my faction anymore.

So last here I had my battle uniform commissioned, and let me tell you it fits like a glove.

(Image Here)

It's also magically made to grow as I do, that means barring severe destruction I will never have to replace it.

Once again, magic is for life.

Adding a little skip to my step I got closer and closer to the church. But once I got close enough the stray exorcist came out.

Though I paid them no attention and just kept walking.

Some of them looked at me like I was insane. While a few of them tried to attack me.

They were turned into red mist a few seconds after they did. Courtesy of Dominque.

She appeared with a sword in her grasp that can unleash vines to trap, ensnare, and squeeze her opponent's to death, while also inflicting poisoning onto them, since the barbs of the vines are poisonous.

When the exorcist saw her, they were shocked.

But not as shocked as they were a few seconds later when a wave of swords appeared and skewered several of them all at once.

This time courtesy of Jeanne.

"Eh, the holy maiden!?" A stray exorcist shouted.

"Don't you dare call me that you filth!" Jeanne shouted. She then used the wind sword in her hand to send out a slash and turn that exorcist into little chunks.

Meanwhile I past the rest and strolled straight into the church.

That's when the fuckboi Freed appeared in front of me.

But since I didn't want to deal with the vulgar sack of shit I just froze his ass in a five meter thick block of ice the second he landed in front of me.

I could kill him, but then who would bring the Excalibur fragment's to Kuoh? He's my bitch boy.

That's why I told the others not to kill him.

However that doesn't mean they can't rough him up a bit for all the people's he's killed in town.

It's only fair.

I saw no other enemies as I walked deeper and deeper into the church. I then headed down a flight of stairs and found myself in an altar room.

As soon as I entered the doors slammed shut behind me. I then saw black feathers float onto the ground as Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt appeared before me, light spears in hand, smug expressions on their faces.

"Foolish!" Raynare smugly said. "I don't know who you are, but coming in here to face us alone is going to be the death of you. Too bad, you're my type too."

"Oh, that's great. You're my type as well." I said with a smile. "But we'll need to fix that horrible personality of yours. Eh it's fine, we'll have plenty of time to do so."

"Huh?" Raynare asked. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Ignore his words, let's just kill him!" Mittelt said with a craze look in her eyes.

"Calm your non-existent chest loli sadist, we'll get to the good stuff in a moment, but right now let's take it slow and introduce ourselves." I said.

"Fuck you!" Mittelt snarled, looking at me with murder in her eyes.

I ignored her and focused my gaze on Kalwarner, who is looking weary. At least one of them has some brains.

"Who are you?" Kalwarner asked me.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," I mused, waving my finger back and forth. "Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first?"

"I am Kalawarner." She said.

"Kala, don't tell this pig anything!" Raynare snarled.

"Yeah, he's a dead man anyway. Don't go giving trash your name." Mittelt agreed.

But Kalwarner ignored them and continued focusing her gaze on me. "I gave you my name, now please tell me yours?" She asked.

"Well since you asked so politely." I said.

"Fuck this!" Raynare cried. She turned to me throwing at light spear at my chest.

I sighed. I then used my ice powers to freeze the spear solid, and grab it as soon as it reached me, snapping it in two like a twig.

All three fallen females looked at me with wide eyes.

While I simply gave them a soft smile.

I then started releasing my power, and ice and mist started appearing all over the place in the altar room, leaving no part untouched.

"Let's try that again." I said. "After all I was just so rudely interrupted. Now then, you can call me Kufa Vampir." I began. "I just seventeen years old. I am a dhampir, and my mother is Krul Vampir, leader of the Progenitor faction of vampires. You may not know this, but during my early teens years I traveled across the globe, gathering a team of friend and allies before returning home. I have a powerful sub-species sacred gear that allows me to control time, and I have achieved balance break and honed it to such a fine degree that small fry like you are no trouble at all to deal with. I have a harem which currently consists of four member, and am looking to add two more. One of them the daughter of your leader Baraquiel. Currently I attend Kuoh Academy and am a second-year student, but really that is just a cover so I can operate in this town without bringing too much suspicion to myself. The truth of the matter is I am a private contractor of sorts that works directly for Azazel, your leader. And he knows that I am here, because he has disavowed you for your reckless actions. Why am I telling you all this? Simple, it's because none of you will ever be able to utter a word of it to another soul. At the moment my friends are cleaning up your pathetic forces, and while they are doing that I will deal with you three. I know I am just a teenager, but I am strong just like your groups Hakuryuukou. In fact my power is already at the level of a Satan-class devil, the likes of Grafiya Lucifuge and Diheauser Belial. So when I engage in combat I crush my enemies without fail. Now then, let's begin. One last thing. Raynare, Kalwarner, after tonight you two will be my slaves in body and mind. Don't worry, it won't be all bad. You will get three square meals a day and have the pleasure of my eight inch cock when I deem it. Rejoice, for your lives are about to have meaning."

Holding my right hand out out in front of me, a spell circle formed. As seconds passed the room got colder and colder, as a sword made its way out of the spell circle into my grasp.

When it was fully out I grasped the hilt.

The sword itself is 100 cm long, it has light blue wrapping around the hilt and has a five-sided star shaped guard.

The name of this weapon is Hyorinmaru.

(Image Here)

But before anyone asks, Soul Society does not exist in this reality. The Japanese after life is firmly under the control of the Great King Emma.

This blade just happens to have the same name.

It is not a legendary sword, but it is a cursed blade that produces massive amounts of ice and snow. It can make ice so cold even emotions will freeze. That is why it is the perfect partner for me.

I received here in Japan three years ago when I met that yokai and his family.

Actually I should give them a call after my business is concluded. It will be nice to see them all again.

Removing the sheathe from my blade I put it along my right shoulder, and looked at the three fallen with a soft smile. I then took a step towards them.

"No!" Mittelt shouted. "No, stay away!" She shouted. She then took to the air and tried to flee.

What a horribly stupid girl.

I activated [The World] and froze her in place. I then jumped over her and stabbed Hyorinmaru through her gut, and unfroze her. As soon as I did her body was coated in ice from the inside out and she fell the the ground, shattering into a million pieces.

Landing I walked over to Raynare and Kalawarner and placed my hands on their backs. I then froze them both in pillars of ice three meters thick, before deactivating [The World].

Once that was done I went to stand in front of them with a smirk on my face.

I didn't really need Hyorinmaru to take them down, I just wanted to look cool doing it is all.

"Well that was fun lady's, but now fun time is over. Well for you that is, for me it's just beginning." I told them. I then licked my lips.

I saw the terrors in their eyes.

It started getting me hard.

But I controlled myself.

I opened up a teleportation circle under the both of them and sent them to their new home for the foreseeable future.

I then stretched my arms into the air and got rid of all the ice in the room.

Right after I left to see what the others were up to.

I hope they've finished up.

I want to go and play with my sexy new toys.

What a night this has been.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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