95.5% I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU) / Chapter 83: Interlude: Destruction Personified

บท 83: Interlude: Destruction Personified


Interlude: Destruction Personified Part 1


"...who wants to be next?... Cause I can do this all day." Spider-Man asked, the patterns on his face shifting to resemble a familiar chilling smile as his distorted voice resounded within the enclosed briefing room. "No one?"

"..." The silence was loud, deafening even, as Spider-Man hummed to himself.

"Good." He said out loud, pleased. "You learn fast."


"Alright then, my work here is done." Spider-Man said wiping his hands and feet on Nick's coat as he straightened himself turning towards Thor and Loki who stiffened under his gaze. "Finish up whatever you two wanna do here. I'll be back in two days. We'll go see your sky daddy then. Until then, Loki's magic will remain bound, and remember this idiot... You try to run and you succeed, no one else in this world will be able to help you."

"...Only I can lift those seals."

"You..." Loki almost snarled but stopped closing her eyes as she sighed in defeat. There was no winning this and bad-mouthing Spider-Man was only asking for death or worse... Humiliation.

That bastard monster had no care what the world thought of him and with the power, he wielded she could see why. He did as he pleased and no one could stop him. If she wanted to survive she had to play along for now.

She could wait and weave her plans at a pace a little slower than what she was used to, but she was not incapable of patience.

Patience now, for she will have her vengeance later.

Alas. If only it was that easy.

Spider-Man smiled to himself, he didn't need to read her thoughts to know what she was thinking.

Scheming was ingrained in her nature, it was carved into her very being. That would not change.


But that was nothing a good ol' spanking couldn't fix.

Sometimes, tough love is all one needs.

(AN: Spank dat ass!)

"Don't be naughty." Spider-Man chastised Loki as if he was talking to a child. It pissed her off but she could do nothing but grit her teeth. Chuckling to himself the Spider turned to address the room. "Alright then, Avengers... That's what you are calling yourself right?"

"Well, we haven't voted on it yet and no better alternative has been presented except for 'Stark and his handymens'-." Tony contemplated before nodding with a savvy smile as Natasha scoffed while Braton just chuckled. "Plus one woman in a black skinsuit so... Yep. We are the Avengers. But we have a lot to polish, especially that old fart in that spangly outfit before we become a... Decent team."

"You have a lot to do then. Alright then, Avengers..." Spider-Man chuckled. "It's time for me to get to my important shit but before I leave... A word with you Captain."

Steve who was picking himself up from the ground froze when Spider-Man teleported in front of him. Steve straightened his back, clutching his aching ribs but he still stared into Spider-Man's visor as the monster stared back at him.

Steve felt fear grab his feet and sweat roll down his neck as Spider-Man maintained his silence before he suddenly leaned back, laughing as he placed his hand on Steve's shoulder.

"See, this is what I like about you, Rogers. You have a strong will." Spider-Man began as Steve narrowed his eyes as he tried to brush off Spider-Man's hand but the latter wouldn't budge as he maintained his grip on Steve's shoulder.

"But sadly it's misplaced when pitted against mine."

"...Talk straight." Steve almost hissed out as Spider-Man looked around the room, at all the prying eyes.

"Alright then." Spider-Man said as lightning crackled around his body. "Let's talk straight."


Steve blinked trying to shield his eyes from the lightning and when he opened his eyes. The surrounding around him had changed drastically. They were no longer in the Helicarrier but instead, they were back at the Stark Tower.

On top of it.

In just a blink of an eye.

It was a reminder for Steve, a slap in the face, just how outclassed he was. His thoughts weren't allowed to linger around as Spider spoke up.

"Frank respects you a lot you know?" Spider-Man said abruptly, being the first to break the silence, taking a seat over the parapet. He stared down, looking over the city lights before he gestured for Steve to take a seat beside him.

"Frank Castle? The Punisher?" Steve asked in disbelief as he reluctantly took a seat beside the man, still unnerved by his mere presence. "...Why?"

"His grandfather served in 101st Airborne Division roughly around the same time you were with the Howling Commandos. The man raised his grandson telling your tales of valor after Frank's father and mother died. You were his hero." Spider-Man said looking at the sky before scoffing. "But now, he's on the fence."

"And... Why is that?" Steve asked slowly dreading the answer as Spider-Man turned his head to look at him.

"Because you lost your spine old man."

Spider-Man said harshly as Steve winced. "You were a born leader. Weak vessel, but damn did you have a strong spirit and it paid off didn't it?"


"Then you were born anew, as the symbol of fucking justice and you delivered it, as best as you could. Whatever it took. Going against the order? Done. Compromising your morals for a better future? Not a problem. Sacrificing your life for the one you loved? You did it... No matter the personal cost." Spider-Man said turning his gaze back to the sky. "Now... look at your sorry state. Following orders without questions?"

"I do not-"

"You only put Nick through the wringer once you learned they were walking the same trail Hydra did. And if Tony and Banner wouldn't have pointed that out for you, you would have been Fury's lap dog, following him without a question. Just as he wants you to do."

"That's not-"

"You were born to a leader Steve." Spider-Man interrupted with a cold voice as he glared at the man out of time.

"Not a fucking sheep like the others."

"I am not a sheep!-" Steve retorted but he quickly shut his mouth as the air around Spider-Man began to turn colder. Managing to breathe out, his hands almost trembled remembering all the spiders crawling on his skin as he saw his breath in front of him.

He wasn't going insane. It was indeed getting colder.

Just like the monster's empathy.

"Yes. You are." Spider-Man said firmly as he got up, getting off the parapet and walking towards the middle of the terrace as Steve followed slowly and carefully trying not to slip over the frost that was on the parapet now. "If you were not, you would have used your own head and there wouldn't have been as much friction between us two as there is now."


"You would have been on the opposite side sure, but I would have ignored you like the wind and eliminated you if you had gone out of hand. But there would have been no humiliation, no spite if I didn't give a shit."


"Don't get me wrong, I still don't give a shit about you Rogers. You lost my respect the moment you turned out to be like the rest. I'm only telling you this because Frank still looks up to you and he asked me not to kill you..."


"...And you know the man if you have read SHIELD's files on him." Spider-Man continued as Steve nodded slowly. "Frank Castle never spares anyone if they cross his path. With mine and his goals aligning and with you crossing our path, you should understand how important you are to him since he asked for you to be pardoned."

"And I should be thankful?" Steve asked indignantly as Spider-Man smiled.


Said the Spider-Man frostily as Steve tensed, his heart dropping as he felt the cold muzzle of a gun caress the back of his neck.

"Otherwise you would have been dead the moment I dragged you here."

Spider-Man stared at him before he turned and walked toward the edge of the terrace.

Steve gulped and slowly turned around to see who was holding the gun only to be shocked as he saw another Spider-Man holding him a gunpoint.

"Take my advice. Start thinking for yourself. Or else..." Said the Spider-Man holding the gun in an eerie manner as He pulled the trigger causing Steve to flinch and close his eyes but the gunshot never came, only an amused chuckle.


Hesitantly opening his eyes, he saw confetti fly out of the muzzle of the gun before Spider-Man tossed it away with a chuckle and turned around. Steve used the opportunity and quickly looked back to assess his surroundings only to find out the Spider-Man behind him had disappeared.

"Alright... I'll think. I'll think for myself. But... Just so I don't get this wrong. You mean to tell me Fury lied about you?" Steve asked as Spider-Man stared at him like he was an idiot. "All those files on Ross, Rice, all the government officials, terrorism. You didn't do it?"

Spider-Man stared at Steve as if he was a dumbass before scoffing with a shrug.

"Of course I did it. That isn't a lie. And I fucking loved killing those fuckrags."

Spider-Man said almost offended. "In fact, I love every second of it."


"No, what I am trying to say is that I have a good fucking reason to do what I do. And it's not the bullshit Fury is feeding you."

"And that is?"

"Elimination? Sweeping the streets? Washing the scum off the planet's crust? Murdering the murderers and the creeps? I don't know man, pick a lane." Spider-Man shrugged. "Look I'll make this clear. I kill scums, scums stay off the streets, and the streets stay safe. If the streets stay safe, the neighborhood stays safe, and then my family which lives in the neighborhood, they stay safe."

"You do... This for your family?"

"Of course, it's not rocket science, old man. I'm not a noble Jocko like you. My actions are deeply rooted in self-serving mandates and motivated by personal agendas to benefit me and my kin." Spider-Man continued as Steve stared at him trying to process everything that he was being told.

"I see..."

"Look, I'm a selfish asshole and I own it." Spider-Man explained. "I have said it many times and I'll say it again. I don't need to pretend to be some messiah cause I am not. Nor do I have to wrap my actions in a blanket of misplaced righteousness cause I don't care what the world thinks about me anymore. I do not give a fuck. Not anymore."

"I see... I get what you mean but why did you have to kill fury's men?" Steve asked as Spider-Man shrugged. "What have they ever done to you?"

"I don't know. But Fury has done something. Or well, he's always planning to do something. Trying to monitor me. Wants to dig out information on my family to control me, smearing my name with infamy to overshadow the exposé I conduct and then he sends his men to strong-arm me to become his attack dogs when nothing works." Spider-Man listed off as Steve's eyes widened in surprise. "It's nothing personal. Just self-defense."


"A bit aggressive and a lot bloodier self-self-defense."


"Alright. Sometimes I like putting people in their fucking places but hey! This job is all gloom and no glamour! Why can't I have a bit of fun?!"

"Cause it's sadistic what you do? It looks evil to others?" Steve listed off as Spider-Man shrugged again.


"Like I said. I don't give a shit."

"You are already public enemy in eyes of everyone and even after all of this I don't know if I should trust you, so why don't you try to become a better man? Don't you think people will acknowledge you-"

"Nah they won't." Spider-Man laughed it off. "Sheep will be sheep."

"They marched against me for months when what and how I did what I do for a living got out. They just kept eating shit on the surface and cannot be bothered to dig a bit deeper to find what is buried below all that murk."


"Information at the tip of the finger and yet people choose to be ignorant. Captian... There is no antidote for idiocracy. You should learn that."

"You... I see." Steve opened his mouth to say something but just decided to keep it shut.

"Also, I don't want these sheep to follow me. I don't want their acknowledgment, I don't want nothing from them and I certainly don't want anything from you." Spider-Man said as he leaned down to look Steve in the eyes. "But if you want to keep your head, you better put it to good use. Think, Steve, think."

"Hah... Alright." Steve sighed his head hanging low before he looked up with a certain look in his eyes as Spider-Man smiled. "I will do that. I will dig deeper and I'll see what you have to say for myself and I'll judge it with my head alone but that doesn't mean I'll certainly come to like you. Depending on what turns out to be your reason for such a massacre, I might still come after you and I'll do it even if it means certain death."

"After all, I have nothing left to lose."

The last line struck a chord with Spider-Man but he hid it well. Spider-Man realized that while this man, as strong as he portrayed himself to be for others, was still the same Brooklyn kid that missed the world he was tossed out off. Without his best friend, his love, and the rest of his squad mates.

He had nothing to live for.


As sad as it was. Spider-Man didn't bring enough empathy to spare as his suit had no pockets.

So that was dully noted into the back of his mind. His love and empathy were reserved for his friends and family only. And as far as he was concerned, Captain America was still on his 'Kill that bitch' list.

"Good God! Finally some common sense!" Spider-Man laughed casually, canceling the aura as Steve relaxed allowing Spider-Man to straighten himself after the hearty chuckle. "Took you long enough buddy~ I was sharpening my talons to claw your throat out but looks like that was unnecessary after all."

"Stop joking and don't act so familiar." Steve huffed annoyed while Spider-Man smiled wordlessly.

The last part wasn't a joke. He was about to kill him off before he became a bigger nuisance. But looks like he won't have to explain to Frank why his hero was disemboweled and hanged in the middle of the town square for meat drying.

"So... Where do I start?" Steve asked as Spider-Man hummed in question. "The research, my homework... where do I start? I don't think SHIELD is going to give me the answers I need."

"Ahh, that is the spirit." Spider-Man said as he walked towards Steve and put his hands over his shoulder as he handed Steve a phone that he pulled out of his pocket dimension. "This is untraceable so SHIELD won't be able to track it. No internet footprints, and no phone records. Be careful, don't let strangers see, and especially don't let them take this from you or it will go boom."

"Really?" Steve asked and Spider-Man nodded seriously.

"I don't want my technology getting out." Spider-Man said as Steve nodded. "I have a website, which you may have heard about but never bothered to look into. Look it up. Almost all files of my victims and their crimes are on the site. Even Rice's and the mayor's who I killed during a press conference. Understood?"

Spider-Man asked as Steve nodded slowly after a brief moment as he pocketed the phone.

"Good! Let's go now."

"What? N-No! Wait-"


And just like that, they were back in the Helicarrier.

Steve reeled in, gasping for air as the process of teleporting was a bit rough this time but Spider-Man was unphased. He simply waved at the alerted soldiers as Maria along with others slowly approached Spider-Man.

Maria had a frown plastered on her face as she stepped ahead, her gun pointed in his direction. Spider-Man mask shifted to resemble an amused smile as he looked at the gun in her hand.


Maria flushed in embarrassment as she slowly put the gun down before coughing to herself and assuming an authoritative expression.

"*Ahem!* Spider-Man! Hand over Captain Rogers or else we would be-"

"Hey, easy over there Missy." The man said with a chuckle as he raised his hand in surrender mockingly. "I was just dropping this guy off."

And with that Spider-Man turned around casually ready to leave as Steve picked himself up before gesturing for the others to stop approaching the spider.

"Alright then, Tony, Banner, Widow, I'll see ya around-"

"Before you go."

Steve interrupted as Spider-Man stopped mid-step as he looked over his shoulder while channeling lightning through his arm ready to act if needed.


"How do I know you are not lying to me?" Steve asked as Spider-Man turned back to smile at the naive little Brooklyn boy.

"It is as you say, Mr. Rogers. I'm already the public enemy in front of these bitches." Spider-Man laughed. "And nothing I do is going to change that."

"What reason do I have to try? What reason do I have to lie?"

Steve stared at Spider-Man's back as his silhouette flickered before the man disappeared in a flash of black-red lightning.

"See ya around."

And with that, the man was finally gone Steve breathed a sigh of relief. No more excitement for the day.


Steve could hardly wait to get back to his room and sleep. He wanted to be well-rested for tomorrow.

"What was all of this about Captain?" Maria asked, casting a suspicious look on Rogers who nearly flattered under her gaze before he stifled a tired yawn trying to play it off.

"Nothing he hasn't said before." Steve said walking past her. "A whole lot of nonsense."

"I... I see." Maria said still suspicious but she decided not to push it since just like everyone, she too was tired.

After all, she wasn't an enhanced like Spider-Man.

"Alright then Captain, you sleep well."

"You too, Hill." Steve said as he clutched the phone in his pocket over the fabric of his suit.


He had to sleep well today. After all, he had a lot of research to do tomorrow.



"Wha-Oh it's you, Peter!" Helen almost jumped out of her skin in shock when Spider-Man suddenly teleported into the observation room she was working in. "Don't do that again!"

"No promises." He said as Rorschach retreated back into his skin living Peter in his casual clothes. Peter flashed Helen a charming smile as he walked past her, placing a small kiss on her cheek as he did so.

"Please?" Helen asked as Peter chuckled.

"Still no." Peter retorted as Helen giggled following Peter. "Anyways, what are you still doing here? Shouldn't you have gone home?"

"I almost did. I offered to pay for my juniors and treat them then but most of them had already made their plans so I got singled out yet again." Helen complained almost pouting as Peter raised an eyebrow. "Plus, Susan told me you had to go to deal with something urgent, so I stayed back in case you needed something."

"There was no saying I would be here-"

"And yet here you are." Helen smiled. "I had to make sure there was someone to attend to you."

"Helen, we have a lot of someones-"

"Someone competent." Helen interrupted with a mischievous smile as Peter just shook his head.

"You are getting cheeky." Peter said, complaining half-heartedly while Helen just giggled as Peter walked into the morgue.

"I learned from the best." She retorted before smiling at him yet again. "And you say as if it's a bad thing~"

"Lady, I've got my hands full already. Any more and I'd be shorthanded to handle all of you ladies' shenanigans."

"Hehe~ I'm sure you can handle that." Helen smiled standing on her toes to place a kiss on Peter's lips but Peter lifted his chin playfully with a disgusted look causing her to kiss his chin instead. Though the lady was a bit disappointed she managed to giggle nonetheless.

"Easy there lady, I'm a committed man." Peter retorted as Helen scoffed.

"And yet you flirt with me every day, teasing me, and then look at you treating that Hill woman like she was your date. Committed my ass." Helen replied as Peter smiled.

"Correction, your sweet ass." Peter said as he suddenly leaned forward and wrapped his hands around Helen's waist. She yelped when Peter grabbed her butt cheeks and gave them a rough squeeze. "Also, it sounds like you are accusing me as if I'm some manwhore."

"Oh, you are not? I didn't realize Mr. Gigolo."

"Ouch." Peter winced but then again. It was true.

His feral instinct and his impulses were getting a bit hard to contain and Peter had a possible theory for it. As Peter kept growing in power with each day he became less and less human and more like an entirely different creature, an animal even, and even when he tried to control his thoughts, some of his more peculiar impulses were just out of his control.

He was becoming more and more sadistic, cocky, and lustful. While the last two were not a big of a problem as the first could bite him in the ass someday.

In his previous lives, from the memory he has, he was a swift assassin that dealt with his targets as quickly as possible. While Peter still did have those skills, his first instinct is to play with his prey just like a spider does with a fly before it devours the pest.

'I need to get that in control.'

The last one wasn't a problem. Peter's stamina was too much at this point. Even having sex with all of his ladies wasn't enough to calm him down sometimes and thus he would have to forcefully push back his carnal instincts.

While Peter didn't mind doing that, his partner were beginning to feel guilty at not being able to satisfy him or as they would say 'unable to calm the raging dragon' and so they unanimously permitted Peter to sleep around even if they didn't want to but they would still decided who gets to become a part of the harem. Peter of course hadn't slept with anybody else but that didn't mean he couldn't flirt around.

He could control his impulses. For now, two ladies could satisfy him on days when he wasn't that horny. And those two ladies were of course Jennifer and strangely May.

'May is wild...' Peter thought to himself as he subconsciously shuddered in pleasure just thinking about her 'skills'.

The joyful atmosphere between Peter and Helen quickly stagnated as a grumpy mortician walked over from his desk and towards the two as he handed them a tablet.

"I reckon flirting shamelessly is a skill not everyone has, but please have care for your surroundings as some of us are still plagued by the disease called single-ness." Said a rather young man with thick glasses as he leveled a disgusted look at the two. "Plus you are in a morgue for God's sake!"

"Alright, well take it somewhere else later Jerry." Helen rolled her eyes as the young man scoffed.

"I'm sure you will. Also, I'm Gerry. That's Gerry with a G. Not Jerry with a J." Jerry grumbled prompting a chuckle of amusement from Peter. "Couples should just explode and die."

"Alright, Gerry with a G. Well be careful next time." Helen smiled coldly as the man flinched a bit. "Also, you keep that tone to yourself and I'll have your Salary cut in half."

"Tch! What a woman thing to do." Gerry grumbled as Peter walked over to a body capsule that was pulled out from the Cyro chamber by a pair of robotic arms.

"Enough jokes. Go debrief him." Helen said, taking a step back as she gestured for Gerry to go ahead.

"Ah, yes. This is what you requested today morning Sir. The man was half dead when you brought him here, your poison in his bloodstream had almost paralyzed his entire right side. And after that, it didn't take long for him to die, and then the dead body has been put in the chamber ever since." Gerry yapped as Peter hummed. "Although I reckon that we did not have to put him in the chamber since even months after his demise, the man's body hasn't rotten at all, well except for the poisoned body parts. Most of them had been liquified from the inside."

"I see... Tell me, Gerry. What do you think the reason is?" Peter asked as Gerry pondered for a moment before answering.

"I think it is the weird red energy that was circulating around his body when he first broke out of his cell room." Gerry replied. "While the man has died, the energy hasn't dissipated yet and I think that is what's preserving the Juggernaut's body."

"Oh, you think so?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow as Gerry nodded after thinking for a bit. "Then you would be right."

The Juggernaut's chamber opened to reveal his semi-frozen dead body of Cain Marko and true to Gerry's word, a faint outline of red energy could be made out covering the man.

Peter raised his hands and slowly but surely he began to draw the crimson energy still lingering from Juggernaut's body. The crimson energy began to swirl and glow larger until it shifted and transformed into a red gem.

"Peter... That can't be. Is that the mystical gem of Cyttorak?!" Helen asked in astonishment as Peter simply smiled.

"Yes, it is." Peter said as he gripped the gem feeling the energy coursing against his skin. "Have you confirmed the details?"

"I have not. There are no records of Cain Marko that would indicate him to be Charles Xavier's brother in any form. Neither through birth nor adoption. Two years before his streak of crimes, Cain was just a normal guy interested in bodybuilding, working at a local supermarket and living with his mum." Helen replied shaking her head as Peter hummed to himself.

"Any ideas where he might have found this Gem then? According to the legends, this gem was supposed to be in some secret temple in your country." Peter raised a question but Helen didn't have any solid answers.

"None. This man beside a brief trip to London had never been outside of the States." She answered. "I think he might have just stumbled upon it or stolen from somebody thinking it might be of monetary value."

"Hmm, good theory. But I guess, I'll find an answer soon enough." Peter said walking out of the morgue as Helen followed behind him. "Goodnight Gerry."

"Wait! Peter! Where are you going?" Helen asked just in time as Peter opened a portal once he entered a mostly empty room.

"To prepare." Peter said raising his hand, gesturing towards the gem as Helen blinked in understanding before pulling up her tablet.

"But you are scheduled for other plans-"

"Then please push them back by three days. Meeting with Stark, Silver Sable et cetera, et cetera. This takes priority." Peter said seriously as Helen nodded after a brief moment of consideration. "I'm gonna meet the King of Norse gods. Since I've got time, I should put it to good use, prepare for worst-case scenario just in case."

"But aren't you powerful enough already?" Helen asked confused as Peter chuckled.

"There is nothing like powerful enough in this world, Helen." Peter began as he hummed to himself. "Sure I wouldn't die since, but I would like it more if I wasn't humiliated by being tossed around like a human ragdoll."

"After all, I'm not wanna lose in a show of power."

"I... I don't understand but I trust you that you won't do anything rash." Helen said as she cast a meaningful gaze his way, to which Peter responded with an innocent smile.

"Whatever you mean Helen. Anyways gotta go, Susan and Gwen already know what this is about so they will take care of the rest. I'll see you then." Peter smiled as he entered the portal. He waved at her as it closed leaving Peter in complete darkness, with the crimson gem being the only thing illuminating the black void.

Holding onto the gem, Peter channeled his magic into it, closing his eyes as he prepared to connect to the entity to whom this gem belonged.

Before making deal with the one-eyed old coot, Peter had to make a different one with a certain crimson diety of unbridled rage and destruction.

Oh so interesting.

Both were some of his favorite things and boy did he love the color red.

Peter Parker was set on his path to become the Personification of Destruction.

(A/N: Time to cultivate in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber boys!)


Interlude: Destruction Personified Part 2


With the crimson gem floating near his face, even with his eyes closed, Peter could almost see the bright crimson color through his closed eyelids.

Time has already lost its essence within the black void as Peter concentrated on building a stable connection with the deity that was sealed within the Crimson Cosmos.

The freezing coldness of the void disappeared in an instant as Peter felt himself connect with the Crimson Cosmos, instead, it was replaced by blistering warmth that normally would have melted any normal person.

Opening his eyes Peter found himself in a different environment.

Set in the Outer Planes, also known as the Consecution of Colours, the Crimson Cosmos, was a harsh yet beautiful realm of scarlet deserts and bleeding ruby volcanoes that spat rust-colored ash into a sky seemingly always frozen in a breathtaking sunset.

Overall, as far as his eyes could see, it was a mountainous dimension, where the skies and the ground below had a reddish color, where sulfurous geysers eruptions were frequent.

But that was nothing compared to the main attraction of the landscape thought. In the middle of an opening was a huge open shrine and on a large throne with intricate carvings made out of red slabs was a giant, hulking being wearing a full set of red armor and a helmet that resembled an upside-down bowl.

The man was tall over 15 meters in height and the other red energy coursing around him made him look even more menacing. He was, in every sense of the word, a Juggernaut.

He was THE Juggernaut.

'His style is god awful...' Peter mused to himself as he smiled at the being.

"Hello, Cyttorak."

The being hummed to himself, his voice reverberating in the open space as he leaned back into his throne.

This confused Peter, as he had expected some sort of displeasure, even retaliation as not only had Peter murdered his avatar/exemplar but he was also intruding on his home.

But the being in front of him was far from the rageful monster he had expected to find, in fact, the man if one could call him that, seemed to be rational and even a bit pensive.

"To think you could breach the barriers that I, Cyttorak have failed to break and come here and stand in front of me..." The being spoke, his voice was loud even though he made no effort to strain his cords and his words carried unbridled power. The glowing red eyes that could be seen from the opening of his helmet dimmed down and Peter could see a pair of black eyes staring at and through Peter. "Hmph... But I guess I would expect nothing from you, Outsider."

Peter's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Cyttorak's words. It seemed as if Cyttorak was aware of his origins.

'Then perhaps, he might have the answers master Yap doesn't...'

(A/N: Master Yao is the name of the Ancient One.)

Peter's thoughts were pushed back, as Cyttorak spoke again.

"What brings you to my humble domain, oh great destroyer?" Cyttorak said in a respectful tone as he stood up from his throne to greet Peter. Another shocker, Peter did not see coming. Cyttorak got onto one knew as he bowed down to Peter. "This one's dimension is barren of anything but sand, ash, and fire. But if something has gained your attention then this one would gladly offer it to you as a gift, oh great destroyer."

"W-Wait a goddamn minute!" For the first time in a long while, Peter's voice flattered as he approached Cyttorak who got down to his other knee and prostrated instead. There was something comical about a giant demon of destruction bowing down to a 'mere mortal'. "Would you explain what is going-"

"Does nothing in my domain interest you oh great destroyer? I expect as much... Then have you perhaps come to destroy my domain as well as you have done to countless before?" Cyttorak asked as Peter froze in his place. "Hmm? What is the matter of great destroyer-"

"For fucks sake, can you please stop calling me that?!" Peter facepalmed in exasperation as he recovered from his shock. Peeking through his finger, he stared at the prostrating Cyttorak and rolled his eyes. "Hah... Just... Just get up and sit over there. You are making me uncomfortable."

"My sincere apologies oh great-*ahem* You go by a different name every time. What name do you go by this time, may I ask?"

"Peter Parker." Peter had no idea what this guy was on about, but he decided to play along as he could potentially gain the answer to his fracture/missing memories.

"Huh? Peter Parker, that would be your other name. What I meant is what is the name you go by these days?"


"Perhaps I should have made myself clearer. My true name is Cyttorak but over the years I have gone by many names, alias as you would say." Cyttorak explained as Peter blinked in understanding.

"Oh, I get it now... I go by Spider-Man."



"To name yourself after a mere insect, please think about your image oh great destroyer-"

"Hey! Didn't I say not to call me that?! Also, they are arachnids, not insects. Also, what's wrong with that name-"

"It's unacceptable! You are destruction personified! How can your name be anything less glorious?! You who have laid waste upon countless realms, you who we essence bearers of destruction look up to, how can you be compared to an insect?!" Cyttorak's voice boomed as Peter flinched when the man in front of him flared his power unconsciously. But with each word that fell out of Cyttorak's loud mouth, more questions formed in Peter's head than answers. "Any name is better than that! Just look how beautiful your real name is!"

Peter stared at Cyttorak who was blabbering fanatically and could only sigh internally unable to believe this mess.

"Alright, alright. No need to get worked up over a name. I have another one. It's Spider-Monarch." Peter said as Cyttorak hummed straightening himself with a nod.

"Also, just what is my real name?"

"Hmm, Monarch. That's truly a sustainable name as you are in a way the monarch of us essense bearers of destruction." Cyttorak hummed to himself as he rubbed his chin that was being the helmet. "Also your glorious name is-Wait... Could it be... An impostor?!"

Peter stiffened as Cyttorak suddenly flared his power bombarding Peter with a storm of red destructive energy. Peter jumped back in shock and quickly raised a shield but it shattered not lasting a moment as the red burning energy crashed against his skin, almost melting it away before it was suddenly dispelled and absorbed into his skin.

"What... Happened?!" Peter exclaimed to himself as he stared at his hands which glowed with faint red energy before it has gone.

"You are indeed not an impostor. My apologies to doubt you but in my defense your question... It raised more than a few doubts." Cyttorak hummed as he analyzed the situation. "Was this a test oh great destroyer... Or perhaps, you have no recollection of your past?"


"Hmmm. It appears it's the latter." Cyttorak grumbled to himself as he gestured for Peter to step closer. His demeanor had changed a bit as he now eyed Peter with a small sense of contempt and doubt. "But for something like this to happen to you. I wonder what it is... Can you please tell me what you recall of your last life? I think I might be able to help you if it is answers you are looking for."

"I... hah... Alright." Peter sighed to himself as after contemplating for a while he decided to just tell the man what he knew after it seemed that Cyttorak had more answers to his condition than he did.

Cyttorak listen closely as Peter listed his previous life. The birth of Nathan Daniels, his life working for the Throne and then his faked death, and then his sudden awakening in this world.

"I had murdered people in thousands in my previous life but surely that's not enough to make me a destroyer right?" Peter asked raising and eyebrows as Cyttorak hummed narrowing his eyes.

"Thousands? The number of people you have killed, slaughtered, and destroyed are in billions. One could count every star in this universe and beyond but one cannot count the lives you have taken oh great destroyer as such is your nature. As such you were created." Cyttorak said as Peter narrowed his eyes while clenching his fists. "It seems like you only remember a minute fraction of your past. That explains your weakened state. I felt your presence after a great period of absence, though it was very faint."

"I had grown overjoyed as you grew in strength and it seems my prayers were finally answered to when you appeared to me, it's is my greatest honor but... I didn't expect this meeting to play out like this. Something happened that led to your sudden awakening in this world. What I can't make heads of is just who would be powerful enough to do this to you-"

"Lies. You are lying to me aren't you?" Peter asked as Cyttorak looked at me. "Just because I can't remember a bit of my past doesn't mean you get to manipulate me-"

"I would never dare to my Monarch." Cyttorak said as he bowed down in an instant. "While you are weakened but your essence is one I am familiar with as I bear a fragment of it."

"Then tell me about my past. You seem aware of it." Peter ordered as Cyttorak tensed but relaxed himself.

"I can not." Cyttorak replied as Peter narrowed his eyes.

"And why is that?" Peter asked coldly.

"I do not have enough answers as to what led to your current predicament. In your past, you were a being beyond the comprehension of even the oldest elder gods. A being that if they entered our dimension, your presence alone would shatter the very fabric of it. And you have lost your memories, how we don't know. If someone did it to you then I fear for just how powerful that being may be." Cyttorak answered as Peter recalled the time Master Yao was explaining the state of his soul and at that moment his head ached so bad that it felt as if it was about to burst. "Reminding you about your past may trigger a chain of events that may lead to a clash between you and that being and I fear for your life."

"You think I am not powerful enough to handle the consequences of unlocking my own memory?" Peter almost snarled but Cyttorak didn't flatter.

"As you are now. No, you are not powerful enough. And I believe you understand your state powerlessness the best." Cyttorak replied honestly as Peter started at him before cursing and stepping back to rub his temples.

To say that his situation was complicated would be an understatement now. He went from believing that he was the best assassin in the world in his past life to knowing that he was some sort of extra-dimensional being that destroyed dimensions for dinner at a time.

The power gap between the two states was ginormous, to say the least, and Peter didn't know what to believe. It could very well be that Cyttorak was just lying and playing sick game with him but Peter knew that this wasn't Cyttorak's MO. Cyttorak was a destroyer, a berserker. Not a schemer and he was honorable of his contracts to a fault.

He wasn't like Khonshu or Chthon or Cthulhu or Mephisto.

This could simply be a misunderstanding and he mind have just inherited the power of some ROB and Peter personally was counting on that as anything else seemed like a major pain in the ass.

But Peter knew deep down... Things were not simple and they were only get more complicated as time went on.

"You are right." Peter sighed as he turned towards Cyttorak. "I am not powerful enough. So I won't pry until I am. But do you swear that you will tell me everything once I am powerful enough?"

"I swear upon your essence. I do and I will impart you with what little knowledge I have." Cyttorak replied earnestly.

"Alright... What do you suggest I do now?" Peter asked as Cyttorak straightened himself.

"What you came here for... To become stronger." Cyttorak replied as Peter smirked regaining a bit of his confidence.

"You figured it out huh?" Peter hummed as Cyttorak nodded.

"I figured as much, previously you never made contact with me or any other essence bearers as you were simply too far away from us and then for you to come here to me. It can only be for my power. Even though I never imagined in my wildest dreams my measly power would be of any assistance to you someday, this is a matter of utmost honor for me to provide all of my strength to you." Cyttorak replied as Peter smiled. "But before that... I have something to say. May I?"

"You want me to do something for you?" Peter asked as Cyttorak nodded. "What is it?"

"Before that, can I ask you what do you need my power for?"

"Well, I'll keep it brief. Something happened and I'm about to greet Odin and make a deal with him and for me to be successful in that, I have to be on an almost equal footing as him. Any less and I would lose a lot of face. I wouldn't die but man, pride is a sin, aye?" Peter chuckled as Cyttorak nodded. He understood it very well, he had his own pride after all. "Beyond that, I mean to create a place. A haven for me, my family, and my friends."

"A place that would be regarded as the most beautiful, most safe, and most prosperous place in the entire universe. I am going to build a kingdom where my subjects will lead happy and fulfilling life. And to protect that place, I need power. All the power I can get."

Peter explained with a smile as Cyttorak just started in silent awe.

"I... To think that the great destroyer would one day go against his nature and want to create something. A realm even... Unbelievable and yet so noble. I... I would be glad to help you." Cyttorak replied with conviction. "I will gladly offer you my power but in return can you not leave me here and take me with you?"

"Break you out of your seal and let you out? For what? Just so that you can destroy everything without care?" Peter asked with a scoff as Cyttorak shook his head. "I may not be able to match you in raw strength but I know enough magic to slap a seal on you and drain you of every last drop of your power. Tell me why shouldn't I just do that? Seems less risky that way."

"What's stopping me from plundering you of your power and then leaving you here for all eternity?" Peter asked coldly as Cyttorak stayed quite. "Who's to say that all of this isn't just a facade to coax me to let you out so you can just go back to your old ways?"

"Nothing and no one. This is not an offer, but a humble respect. I do not want this power if you desire the last of it. I only wish to be free of my binds and desire a tiny bit of land in your Paradise, my Monarch. That is my wish. My wish is to fulfill my sore dream." Cyttorak replied as Peter raised an eyebrow in wonder.

"Hmm? That's surprising. You have a wish and it does not include the destruction of something?" Peter asked as Cyttorak shook his head. "Then tell me what your dream is. What is it, that you desire, Cyttorak, Master of the Raging Storms?"

"I... I wish to be a..." Cyttorak replied in a low tone which became even low as he finished his sentence. If Peter didn't have heightened senses he would have missed it and even though he didn't he has a hard time believing just what he heard.

"Could... Could you repeat that?" Peter asked dumbfounded as Cyttorak tensed but hesitantly nodded nonetheless.

"I wish to be a..."


"A farmer."

Cyttorak finished his sentence as silence engulfed the Crimson Cosmos. A few volcanos silently erupted in the background as Peter just started at Cyttorak with a straight face before leaning back and taking a harsh breath in.

"Ah... Ah... Aha... Ahaha..." Peter tried to contain himself but in the end, he failed miserably.


Peter wheezed to himself falling onto his knees in laughter, almost rolling on the red sand while Cyttorak almost recoiled in shame.

"M-My Liege! P-Please do not make fun of this one!"

"AHAHAHAHA... HA... Ha... Ohhh my stomach... It hurts ahaha... I'm s-sorry my bad." Peter managed to wheeze out as he clutched his sides. "Sorry I lost my composure."

"It is no issue. I can understand why it may come to you as a surprise that I want to lead a non-ambitious lifestyle." Cyttorak replied as Peter stifled a chuckle.

"Yeah, no shit! The Crimson MadMan, The True Rage-Father, Cyttorak The Gallant of Red Sands wants to be a fucking farmer! Pff-AHAHAHAHA!"

And with that Peter lost his shit again as he punched the ground wheezing in laughter.

"M-My l-liege?!"

After a moment of continuous belly laughter, Peter managed to reign in his amusement as he looked at Cyttorak with a new light in his eye. There was no suspicion in them anymore. If anything he was looking at Cyttorak as if he was an adorable little creature.

"Ahaha... Please tell me just what caused... This? Aha... Haha." Peter managed to sew a sentence together as Cyttorak just flushed in embarrassment before he coughed into his hand and assumed a serious look.

"My Monarch... Please look around you. This baren sands... These red lands never change. For as long as I can remember have been here. This redness is all that I knew and for me that was my normality until I eventually ventured out and into the world, you know as earth." Cyttorak explained, and in his voice was a certain melancholy, a tone for longing. "Earth, it was not just red. Even though it was in its infancy, it was so vibrant, so colorful, and so beautiful... To these eyes that knew nothing but red, it was a certain Paradise to them. Admiring the earth, I became spiteful as to why I was cursed to rule over just a monochrome domain."


"I wanted this home of mine, to be just as vibrant as the earth, just as if not more beautiful than the earth. And so I tried, as hard as I could with all that I could to make this land to resemble even in the tiniest sense but no matter my efforts. They were all for naught, as no matter what I did, no matter what spell or sorcery I used, nothing ever grew in these lands. No rose could bloom in these red sands that have not known the taste of sweet water not touch of a rainfall." Cyttorak sighed as he continued. "And so I created a new domain from myself, the Crimson Dawn, and while it was a bit better than these lands it was far from what I had envisioned. Years passed as I grew impatient and thus in my foolishness I tried to seize what I lusted after, after something I thought was mine. I attacked the Earth to conquer it but in my arrogance, I underestimated the humans and paid the piece of such foolishness in full."

"And ever since you have been trapped here huh?" Peter asked with a sympathetic look on his face as he looked at the land around him. "How many years has it been."

"More than I'd like to count. I would save up my energy for years then I would peek at humans and watch with burning envy as they gave birth to civilization and under the care of their hands they grey these precious crops. These babies, these little ones kept their world alive and I have yearned for this experience." Cyttorak replied as he looked at Peter in the eye. "These lands, they never change and yet I have always wanted a change of pace. This is my desire, I want to be able to grow, even if I have to live as a mortal that I've always looked down on it is a price I am willing to pay."

"I just want to be a farmer."

"Alright then. We have a deal." Peter replied as he heard the earnest tone of Cyttorak. Cyttorak blinked in surprise as he looked at Peter.

"Just like that?" He asked unsure as Peter shrugged. "I don't have to beg?"

"I was sold on that beautiful speech the moment I heard it. I, for sure, know that you aren't scheming, since being a farmer is the last thing your muscle brain would come up with as an excuse or a lie." Peter said as Cyttorak smiled before frowning a bit.

"I should be thankful I know, but why do I feel like I've just been insulted..."

"Pay it no mind, let's just get this done." Peter said with a smile as Cyttorak nodded and stepped down from his throne and knelt in front of Peter. He extended his arm and Peter placed his own on it. "I want you to infuse me with your power, I won't take away all of it just now. A good proportion of it is fine for now. The rest can be done at a later date when I finish building my kingdom and break you out of these seals. Deal?"

"I have no qualms with it." Cyttorak smiled widely for the first time in a million years as Peter replied with one of his own. "May the measly power of this humble one becomes a ladder for you to climb back to your glory."

"With my blessings, I pray that you become once again..."

"The personification of destruction itself."


Alternative Titles:

- Think! Steve, Think!

- Spectacular 'Ass-Man' Parker.

- After being sealed for eons as the god of destruction, I decided to become a farmer and lead a slow life.


Hohoho My dear readers, Author-Claus is back with this huge chapter!

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all cute fuckers. Hope you have been good Bois and pray that you are in good health.

I've been... Okay. Just busy with my job and stockpiling chapters since I'll be busy for the next two months. I'm happy to say I've more than 14 chapters stocked which is not a lot for your average WebNovel writer but it is me since I've been writing all my off days and between my break times since I want you all to be as less disappointed with me as you can be haha.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter, I was going to upload two parts today but decided to just compile the two into one to give you one big fat dic-*ahem!* Chapter!

So it's still a double chapter in a sense. I'm a bit down that we didn't cross 100+ chapters by the end of this year but sigh... I'm sorry. Just a lot has been going on with me. The fact that I'm still alive and writing is such a privilege for me.

Anyways, do not let a faceless stranger like me on the internet piss on your holiday spirit! Have fun and have fun within safety measures. Don't get shitfaced if you go out and have a good time with your family and friends.

Happy New Year Once Again!

May fortune smile upon you!

That's all I have for you today and so I'll see your legends in the next one.

Here is to hoping for a better year. Cheers!

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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