
Fishing day!

"Aahh!... *Sigh* Another nightmare..." I get up from the bed drenched in sweat.

"Sir, would you like a pain reliever to go back to sleep?" Sebastian asks but he already has the painkiller ready.

This started a few days ago, it was the first time he saw his creator having nightmares now it's something constant.

"No need Sebas, just... get some clothes ready for when I shower and some coffee for when I go to the lab. Prepare training room 5, don't turn on the lights in the lab, just the one on top of the table." I didn't want to wake everyone up, so I got up and walked toward the living room.

"Sir, are you sure you don't want to talk about your nightmares?" Sebastian asks worriedly.

"I'm sure Sebastian!!... Sorry for yelling, Sebas." I walked into the room again.

'Why is my heart so tight? I'm sure that what I did was the best decision possible... Things went according to plan, but still...'I arrived in the room, hung up the reinforced sandbag, and started to punch it.


'They found out about the mysteries of Gravity Falls, they learned to trust each other and Jeff showed the dangers of this city and that it cannot be taken lightly.' I remember the events of Weirdmageddon.

'But my heart...' I put my hand close to my heart which seemed to be under enormous pressure.

'Did I make a mistake? Do I still think of them as just characters?...' I started thinking back to all those years in this town with my grandparents, Uncle McGucket, Mr. Stan, Soos, Dipper, Mabel...


"I need a shower…" I walk towards the bathroom.


'What's the use of crying over spilled milk? It's what I do from now on that will make the difference.' I finish washing my head.

'You can only see clearly with your heart... What is essential is invisible to the eyes. If you think of vision as the "reason"... *Sigh* I'm an idiot..'

"They are people, alive and with feelings. I can't do something like that again." I get out of the shower and dry my hair.

"Sebas prepare the lab for me to finish some research." I already started walking towards the lab.

"Yes, sir." Sebas realized that his creator had returned to the way he was before, It seemed that the guilt would completely consume him but now... It seems that nothing happened.

I arrived at the laboratory and Sebas already handed me the coffee.

"Hm? Sebas I'm pretty sure I asked you for coffee." I smile and take another sip of hot chocolate.

"Yes, but I decided to make you a drink you like, Sir." Sebas has switched the drink to something that suits his creator's taste now that he's back.

"Thank you Sebas...for everything these past few days, and I'm sorry again for yelling like that." He worried a lot about me these last few days but I didn't appreciate it.

"Anytime, Sir." Sebastian is happy that his master is back to normal.

"You know I hate wasting time so let's get started, Bring prototype number 5." I approached the table.

A metal arm with a magnet at the end opened one of the thousands of cabinets on the wall and brought out a metal dish with a camera.

"How's the progress going." I take another sip of hot chocolate.

"Sir, no progress." Sebastian had connected the camera for testing when Arthur had asked him about the progress.

"Then there's no way... Maybe if I go to Crawlspace I'll get what I need..." I rhythmically tapped my fingers on the table.

"You can keep the Sebas prototype." I waved my hand and took another sip.

"Should I go there tonight?..." I finished my hot chocolate and placed it on the plate the robot was holding, which removed itself as soon as it was placed.

"Sir, it's already 6:00 a.m." Sebastian warned him.

"Thanks for letting Sebas know, I'll be on my way to the Mystery Shack, make sure you don't blow the place up *Laughs*... Please take care of things here for me again, while I'm gone." I got up, grabbed my sunglasses, and walked towards the exit.

"Sir, it's just my duty" Your sire was asking a favor instead of commanding, he was programmed to obey and yet, he asked for a favor. He's even making jokes as usual.

"Be careful not to eat a house along the way, sir." Sebastian toyed with his maker as well.

"Ha, ha, very funny Sebas. I'm dying of laughter! I'm even short of breath." I stuck out my tongue and put my hand on my neck.

"Hahaha, see you later Sebas." I walked towards the Mystery Shack while enjoying the beautiful view and the chilly morning wind.

"See you later..." Sebas closed the secret passage.




"*Yawn* Good morning Mabel." Dipper just woke up

"Good morning Dipper." Mabel was already awake, but she was daydreaming about what she just dreamed about.

"Dipper! Mabel! Come get some breakfast!" I yelled from downstairs when they were both awake.

"Looks like breakfast is ready. Shall we go, Mabel?... Mabel?" Dipper turned to the side and saw that she was already gone.

"*Sigh*" Dipper walked to the kitchen door and saw that Mabel was standing in the doorway.

"Mabel what are you-" Dipper looked into the kitchen and saw that the simple breakfast he had envisioned had suddenly turned into a feast.

Stan was already sitting in his seat drinking Ovaltine and reading the local newspaper.

"What are you doing standing there? Come on, sit down." I wiped my hands and pulled out the chair so they could sit down.

"Here for you some pancakes, Dipper." I brought you a plate of pancakes, syrup, honey, or chocolate in case you want to add it to the pancake.

"Wow, it's delicious." Dipper put some syrup on it and ate it.

"And for you Mabel, Waffles." I place in front of you waffles with whipped cream, some strawberries and blackberries, and a little more sugar in the batter to suit your taste.

"Thank you so much, Arthur!" Mabel smiled big.

It was the brightest smile Arthur had ever seen, to the point of mesmerizing him for a few seconds.

'That smile...' I opened a smile unconsciously, it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders, even if just a little.

I put in a jug of orange juice.

"You don't need to eat fast, the food won't run away from the table, Enjoy it well." I cleaned some glasses and set them on the table.

"Why did you change the table? And is it a special day?" Dipper poured some of the juice into his glass and drank.

Stan took a long drink of his Ovaltine before answering Dipper.

"Arthur figured it'd be smart to swap out the table for one that can handle more grub... and folks. And you bet, today's one of them special occasions, you know?" Stan closed the newspaper and looked at the 3 children in front of him.

"Is someone coming? Or is it someone's birthday?" Dipper got this idea by looking at the breakfast table.

"Mazel tov!" Mabel in response to Dipper's comment.

"Toda Raba." Arthur joined in the fun by responding to Mabel.

"What?" The 3 turned to me wondering what I was saying.

"It's "Thank you" in Hebrew." Arthur laughed at their reactions.

"Baah! It's a family fun day, geniuses!" Dipper was hit by the newspaper because of his suggestion and Arthur because Stan knows he said that on purpose, just for fun.

"We're cuttin' off work and havin' one of those, ya know, bonding-type deals." Stan ate some bacon as soon as he finished speaking.

"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?" Dipper ate some pancakes and looked at Stan.


The twins were painting fake notes with Stan analyzing every note they made.

"You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman!" Stan picked up a note the twins were on.

*police siren*

"Uh oh."

In the end, the police arrived and took them to jail but Arthur had taken precautions and told Soos that if something like that happened and he was away, call him immediately.

The result of this prevention was that they did not spend a single minute in jail.

*End Flashback*

"I still don't understand Mr. Stan, why did you tell them to do that if-" I was silenced with a piece of cake by Stan.

'But he has a lot of money thanks to me... Was it his way of spending time with his great-nephews?' I finished eating the cake that Stan shoved in my face.

"It doesn't interest you, all right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now, who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?" Stan changed the subject very quickly, in a way that was not at all suspicious.

"Yay!"x2 The twins nodded excitedly.

"Wait, what?" Dipper didn't realize until later what he agreed to.

"I can go too?" Arthur raised his hand, interrupting the moment a little.

"Is Arthur coming? Let Arthur go, Grunkle Stan! Go, go, go, go!" Stan was unable to respond due to Mabel's interruption.

"Sure, why not?" Stan left the kitchen to load the fishing tackle into the car.

"What are you going to do with the rest of the food?" Dipper turned around.

"Oh, that? Soos will eat the rest if there's any crumbs left for Gompers." I cleared the dishes and covered what was left to give to Soos later.

'Dipper didn't read the newspaper with the news of the 1000$, I think today will be very peaceful compared to the original.' As soon as Dipper left I put the rest of the juice in the fridge and went to help Stan load the car.

Outside with everyone ready and inside the car except Arthur.

"Here we go! Arthur if you don't get in the car I will leave you behind." Stan started the car and looked outside.

"You can go, I'll go the other way and meet you there."

"OK goodbye!" Stan floored the gas pedal toward the lake.

"I have a little surprise for you Stan." I smiled at the thought of the present I would give Stanley.

"Now let's go get the present before Stan gets there." I looked in the other direction and, using Soru, disappeared right after.




Pov Stan

"Where did Arthur go? What did he go to do?" Mabel was swinging her legs excitedly for a surprise.

"How would I know? He just said he'd go the other way and meet us there." Stan continued driving and responded to Mabel.

"Grunkle Stan, how did you hire Arthur?" Dipper asked this time, he was curious because with all the skills he demonstrated he would get a much better job than at Mystery Shack.

"Uh-heee... Hey! Look at that woodpecker!" Stan broke into a cold sweat and pointed in a direction.

"We're blindfolded, Grunkle Stan, don't dodge the question." Dipper crossed his arms.

"Yeah! I'm curious too!" Mabel raised her fist in the air.

"No!" Stan refused to speak.

Mabel whispered in Dipper's ear and he agreed with the idea, maybe it would work.

"We want to know! We want to know!" They were both repeating it over and over, wearing Stan's patience to the test.

"ALL RIGHT! All right! You fellas are just itchin' for that story, ain't ya?! *Sigh* I went ahead and hired him after losing a darn bet, there you go, satisfied now?" Stan was mildly irritated by bringing up the subject, and by being shouted in his ear.

"What kind of bet?" Dipper.

"Listen here, he came around wanting a job about 6 years back. Now, naturally, I was against it from the get-go. Didn't fancy the idea of hirin' a young whippersnapper for all that work, but he wouldn't let up. Ended up makin' a bet with me, and as for the details? Well, I can't quite recall 'em anymore." Stan a few bits here and there, and used his old man letter of "I don't remember".

'I'm not going to say that if I won a bet I could have an employee without paying a penny for a month.' He thought and just kept driving.

But if someone were to ask Stan if he regrets his decision, he would strongly affirm with a "NEVER", as the money he earned thanks to him is something he would never turn down.

"What was he like?! Was he cute?" Mabel seemed to want to know more and more about Arthur's childhood.

"I'll tell ya, if you dunces pester me with another question about that punk, I'll kick you out on the street!"

Thanks to the threat, the rest of the way was silent and soon they reached their destination.

"Okay, okay, open'em up." Stan positioned himself in front of the entrance with the fishing rods and changed into more appropriate clothing for the occasion.

The twins removed the blindfold and his eyes adjusted to the light again.

"Ta-da! It's fishin' season!" Stan spread his arms wide, revealing his surprise to his great-nephews.

"Fishing? By the way, Arthur hasn't arrived yet?" Mabel looked around for Arthur.

"What are you playing at, old man?" Dipper still harbors a certain distrust of Stan... perhaps a complete distrust.

"You're gonna love it! The whole town's out here! That's some quality family bonding!" Stan looked at the lake much happier than the twins expected, especially Dipper.

"Grunkle Stan, why do you want to bond with us all of a sudden?" Dipper was still suspicious.

"Come on, this is gonna be great! I've never had fishing friends besides Arthur before. Besides, the guys at the inn don't go with me. They "don't like or trust me"." Stan rolled his eyes at the last part.

"I think he wants to fish with us." Mabel, who also had a certain distrust in the sudden situation, was the first to trust his words.

"Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up... Pow! Pines family fishin' hats. That's hand-stitching, ya know." Stan placed the hats on their heads.

'It took me a long time to do it myself but it was worth it.' Stan kept smiling at his new fishing buddies.

"It's just gonna be you, me, Arthur, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!" Ten hours on a boat seemed like nothing to Stan and that time is nothing when you're surrounded by people who like and like you.

"Ten hours?!"Dipper already thought the opposite, ten hours on a boat he would die of boredom.

Mabel didn't seem to care much after all Arthur would be there too, She was even looking around to see when he would arrive.

"I brought the joke book." Stan waved a joke book that was supposed to be full of bad jokes.

"No! No!!" Dipper looked like he'd seen his worst nightmare.

"I seen it! I seen it again!" An old man with a long beard and a bandage on it and a bandaged right hand ran towards the nearby fishing hut where a good part of the people were gathered.

And that got the attention of the twins and the people around them.

"The Gravity Falls gobblewonker! Come quick before he scramdoodles away!" Old Man McGucket grabbed Hank's collar and then started to jig.

"Aw. He's doing a happy jig." McGucket got Mabel's attention with his "dance".

"No!!! It's a jig of grave danger!!" McGucket grabbed Mabel's shoulder and yelled, which made Mabel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey! Hey! Now, what do I tell you about scaring my customers? This is your last warning, Dad." Tate McGucket sprayed his dad with water.

"But I got proof this time, by gummity!" Old Mcgucket shielded himself from the water with his left arm.

They went to the end of the pier to see Old Mcgucket's proof.

"Behold!" Old Mcgucket pointed to the water.

"*Whisper*But there's nothing?" Dipper looked at the lake and he could see his reflection in it.

"It's Gobbledywonker what done it! It had a long neck like a giraffe, a big tooth like a beaver, and wrinkly skin like... like this gentleman right here." Old Man McGucket points out to Stan that was completely ignoring the situation.

"It swallowed my boat whole! It shim-shammed over to Scuttlebutt Island! Ya gotta believe me!!!" Old Man McGucket looked desperate for them to believe him.

"Attention, all units. We got ourselves a crazy old man." Sheriff Blubs raised his hat slightly, and soon everyone was laughing.

Except for Stan who wasn't understanding the situation and the twins because they felt sorry for Old McGucket.

"Hey!!! Don't laugh at my uncle!!" Arthur arrived walking through the crowd and interrupting everyone's laughter.

Everyone stopped laughing at Old Man McGucket instantly, and some hung their heads in embarrassment.

"A-Arthur! S-Sorry for calling your uncle "crazy" but he came and said that a "Monster" ate his boat. But there's nothing here and no remains of his boat, so I can only assume that he be lying." Sheriff Blubs stuttered a little and explained the situation to Arthur, he had helped several people and they only had respect for him.

"Even if there is no proof, you also have no proof that what my uncle is saying is a lie! So don't call him crazy or laugh at him, understood?!!" Arthur spoke in a questioning and authoritative tone as he looked around at everyone.

"YES!!" Everyone spoke in unison like soldiers and apologized one by one as they dissipated.

Arthur quickly pulled his uncle away from the crowd as Tate sighed in relief that Arthur was there, he had taken care of his father all these years, even in this situation, even though he didn't like him very much due to his actions, he is still his father ... He went back to work, no longer needing to worry about your father.

When he reached a place far enough away from prying ears he looked at McGucket.

"Uncle McGucket, did you really see a monster in the lake? Didn't you build a robot in the shape of this "Gobblewonker"?" I asked if he was talking about the organic Gobblewonker that was in the lake or what he built to get attention.

'What I doubt, in the series he built the robot because he wanted to get attention, but I visited him whenever I could, the probability of him building the "gobblewonker-tron" is low.' I thought as I waited for Old Man McGucket's answer.

"Yeah! He ate my boat! But they didn't believe me... Aw, donkey spittle!" Old Man McGucket was crestfallen.

"Hey, Uncle McGucket. I believe you, I'll make you a brand new boat later, all right?" I opened my arms to hug him.

"Oh, thanks, Arthur. Thanks for believing in me!" Old McGucket was very happy and hugged Arthur.

'I ended up creating a great bond with him... I like him, not as a character anymore but as my uncle.' I smiled slightly as I hugged Old Man McGucket.

"Now, you can go polish your banjo, Uncle. I'll go fishing with the Pines family and stop by the dump with a present later." I patted him on the back.

"And go take a shower you stink uncle!" I held my nose but my smile showed I was kidding.

"Thanks, Arthur, I'll do that for sure." Old McGucket smiled and left, whether he was talking about polishing his banjo or taking a shower nobody knows but Arthur.

About that...

"Wow!" Mabel was in awe of Arthur's imposing presence in the situation.

"Wait McGucket is Arthur's Uncle?" Dipper turned and asked Stan.

"Yep, and no, they ain't blood kin, he just took him on as his uncle. Now, let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!" Stan got into the boat and started to untie it.

"Mabel, how about we instead of fishing, hunt that monster that old man said instead of fishing for 10 long hours?" Dipper wanted to convince his Grunkle Stan, with Mabel's help, instead of doing something as boring as fishing for 10 hours, they could hunt this "Gobblewonker", something much more fun.

But before Mabel could answer, Arthur arrived.

"Oh, Mr. Stan, the gift I brought is especially for you. How about stepping off the boat to receive your long-awaited gift?" I arrived quickly when I saw that Stan was untying his boat.

"What? Instead of me getting off the boat, why don't you just hand me over?" Stan had just untied the boat from the dock.

"Let's go quickly!" I was holding a weight made of iridium in my hand, one of the densest materials at ≈22.4 g/cm³.

Stan tied the boat again and got out of it.

"So what? Where's the present?" Stan rubbed his hands together anxiously, slightly stressed about having to tie up the boat again, but still excited.

Arthur kept smiling.

"Arthur, what is that cube you're holding?" Mabel asked curious about the cube he was holding, was it the present?

"W-What? Cube?" Stan was confused.

Arthur kept smiling and threw the approximately 100 kg (220 pounds) weight at Stan's boat, which instantly made a hole.

"WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BOAT?! YOU BRAT!!!" Stan grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up to his eyes.

"Grunkle Stan calm down, he mustn't have done that on purpose!" Mabel tugged on Stan's vest.

"He didn't do it on purpose?! This brat-" Stan was interrupted by Arthur.

"NOW, SOOS!!" Arthur shouted to Soos, that was the sign they had agreed upon in advance.

*truck horn*

A blue, medium-sized fishing boat appeared with Soos piloting it, parked the boat at the pier where Stan's boat was.

"Hello, Mr. Pines! Hello Dudes!" Soos lowered the anchor and got out of the boat soon after.

"Here is Arthur." Soos handed Arthur the keys to the boat.

"Thanks, Soos."

"Soos!" Mabel ran to greet Soos.

"What's up, Mabel?" He greeted Mabel with an "explosive punch" so to speak.

"Kapoosh! Pow! Explode!" Soos and Mabel talking sound effects that refer to the explosion.

"This is my gift to you, Mr. Stan. Now could you let go of my collar? I'm suffocating!" I put my hands on my neck and my tongue sticking out, obviously feigning shortness of breath.

"Is this?... My new boat?" Stan released Arthur and pointed to the brand-new blue boat that Soos had brought.

"Yep! Mr. Stan, I knew you always wanted a new boat, so I made a point of getting one for you." I nodded and handed him the keys.

Stan looked at the boat with an expression of surprise and gratitude.

"Brat you didn't have to do that... but was it necessary to destroy my boat?" Stan turned and questioned Arthur.

"That wasn't your boat, I wanted to surprise you... And I also wanted to irritate you a little... It was a replica, the real one is right there." I pointed to the boat I was hiding among the leaves.

"Also the name of your new boat is "Stan O' War II", I named it after your boat but if you want me to change the name of the painting just say so."

"You knucklehead! You want to kill me with hate?!" Stan punched him in the head.

"Ouch! How painful." I feigned pain and rubbed my head.

"Grunkle Stan totally didn't have to go punching Arthur in the head. Arthur, are you okay?" Mabel asked worriedly.

"What a gift!" Dipper was admiring the new boat.

"No, no, I'm fine Mabel, Mr. Stan was just kidding." I was going to stop pretending so Mabel wouldn't worry about me.

"But I think I would be completely healed if my sweet girlfriend could kiss where I was seriously injured." I was being dramatic and Mabel could tell.

"Hahaha, don't play with that Arthur." Mabel punched him on the shoulder but kissed him on the forehead.

Mabel and Arthur blushed slightly, but the mood was quickly broken by Stan.

"YAY! I got a new boat, you idiots!" Stan screamed and ran for the boat.

'I thought about giving other types of boat but it seems like this was the best option." I looked towards Stan who had already climbed in and was running around the boat.

There were waterproof sofas and a barbecue, and I took the opportunity to put a harpoon gun on the front of the boat, which can change from a harpoon to a net.

The boat has 4 propellers that push or pull the boat, it is powered by electricity, it has radar, radio, and a counterweight system so the boat does not capsize when it is at high speed, in short, "normal boat things".

"Let's get on the boat. You're invited too Soos, I don't take no for an answer." I took Mabel's hand and led her into the boat.

Everyone got on the boat and Stan was already starting the boat.

"Better hold on tight... Guys hold on to something!" I held on to the railings with one arm and the other hugged Mabel.

Soos ran and grabbed the pillar while Dipper grabbed the railings as well.

"*Whisper* You better hold me tight, be careful not to let go." I whispered in Mabel's ear, who barely recovered from the previous "red" but still followed through on what I said.

"Ugh, seriously, could you-" Dipper put a hand to his head and was going to warn the lovebirds but he was cut off by the boat's sudden shift... at high speed.

"WOOOO-HOOO!!!" Stan was shouting from the cockpit, speeding up the boat quickly.

Everyone was bracing and holding on as tight as they could, except Dipper, who couldn't hold on tight enough and slammed back into the stern of the ship.

'Must have hurt, I warned him to hold onto something. But on the bright side, he didn't break any bones, and now he can enjoy a high-speed ride without having to worry about holding onto something.'

Soos, who was holding onto the pillar, had his legs in the air.

'Dude, I just ate. There's no way to slow down, Mr. Pines!?' That was what he wanted to say but the moment he opened his mouth the wind entered Soos's mouth and he couldn't say anything he wanted to say.

The only two unfazed by the speed were Arthur and Mabel, Arthur positioned himself behind Mabel, working as a wall for her to lean on and not fly backward.

Mabel hugged him tightly and hid her face in Arthur's chest to protect herself against the wind.

'She's so cute <3' I hugged her with my free arm pinning her against my body for her safety, and not because he felt like hugging her because of her cuteness ever... a little bit of both.

"Mabel, look." Mabel looked at me.

I looked back and Mabel followed my gaze.

"Wow!" Mabel's eyes seemed to be shining as she watched the rainbow forming.

'Thanks to the speed of the boat, continually throwing water upwards, it is possible to see this scene of a rainbow forming...I'm glad Mabel enjoyed the view, thanks Stanley.' 

*Boat at high speed*

"Look at the fish I caught, Pop-pop!" Shmipper had caught a Silver Salmon.

"I also caught something!" Smabble showed the Rainbow Trout to his grandfather.

"My grandchildren's first fish, ho ho ho. This needs a photo." Their Grandfather prepared the camera to take a photo of them holding their respective fish.

"Say cheese." When he was about to take the picture, our dear Grunkle Stan quickly passes with the boat throwing a wave of water at them, disturbing the photo and knocking the fish back into the lake.

Soon Stan stopped the boat in style.

"*Whistle* What a beautiful boat Arthur, you did a great job on the present, I loved it. Hm?" Stan got out of the driver's cabin and noticed that everyone was down or feeling sick, except for the 2 lovebirds hugging each other.

"What happened to you guys? It looks like you got caught in a twister. Hahaha!" Stan tapped his knee.

"Uhm, I think I'm feeling unwell." Dipper put his hand on his head, feeling slightly dizzy after hitting his head on the rear end of the boat.

Arthur released Mabel, who quickly went to Grunkle Stan.

"That was amazing, Grunkle Stan! Can we do it again?!" Mabel enjoyed the experience, it felt like she had ridden a roller coaster.

"Sure, sweetie. Later, and as soon as these softies get up." He pointed to Dipper who was lying on the ground and Soos... was throwing up in the lake because he had just eaten.

"So are we going fishing Mr Stan?" I finished changing and grabbed the fishing rods and bait we were going to use.

"Of course, I just need to get my rod that I left in the cockpit." Stan went to get his fishing pole.

"Uh, what's that on your head, Arthur?" Dipper rubbed his head and as he approached Arthur, he noticed the fishing hat he was wearing.

"Did you notice? Well, I don't need to talk about who did it then." I laughed but was happy when Stan gave me this hat.

'If Stanley sold this hat in my world with everyone's name on it, He could easily raise a few thousand dollars...' Arthur's hat was a little worn, the last letter looked like it was going to come off at any moment, the letter A was crooked and there was no H after the T.

"Aren't you going to put on the fishing hat?" I asked pretending to be confused, they hadn't liked the series very much.

Mabel had the hat on instantly before all this conversation started.

Dipper sighed in defeat and put his hat on.

"Great, all done.-" Stan stopped for a while when he went out and saw his fishing buddies wearing the hats he made by hand, he got a little emotional but he would never admit it.

"All right, are you guys ready to spend the day learning how to tie knots, skewer worms, and catch your first fish with your great uncle Stan!?" Stan grabbed his vest.

"Yeah!" Mabel was excited, of course, she had her motives involved.

"Yes..." Dipper nodded, defeated as he had to spend the next 10 hours on a boat and a book of bad jokes.

"Of course Mr. Pines." Soos

"Aye, aye captain!" I nodded, joking a bit but excited for what today had in store for him, in this case, a full Pines family fishing trip.

'The only person who's not here is Stanford...'

"Soos, I wasn't talking to you. Anyway let's get the fishing poles ready, come on let's start tying a knot."

"Look, when you're threading the line, but you want to use a barrel knot. That's... how it... is done!" Stan demonstrated how to tie the knot with a little difficulty but it worked.

Everyone managed to make the knot correctly, Soos had some problems but Arthur explained in detail how to do it.

Arthur made a different type of knot called a Palomar knot.

"Now you have to choose a hook to put on the pole and the type of knot you are going to use." Stan has placed a toolbox where he keeps his hooks and fishing lures.

The box was not similar to the one in the drawing, it was bigger, and when opened it didn't have those "creepy fishin' lures", there were different types of fishing lures and hooks.

Stan was proud of his collection, even though it was a gift from Arthur as well.

Mabel took the brightest bait she had, and Dipper took the first one he saw not caring too much.

"Can I get one too Mr. Pines?" Soos asked wanting to get one.

"Soos, you already have a fishing rod." Stan pointed to the side and Soos went to get the fishing rod with his head down, defeated.

"Well, the key to successfully catching a fish is patience." Stan threw his bait into the lake and held the rod.

'It's ironic that Stan said that when he broke 3 fishing rods due to lack of patience.' I laughed a little at his manner.

"Grunkle Stan, do we have to be here for 10 hours? Why can't we go to Scuttlebutt Island? We could try hunting a monster and become famous!" Dipper was disappointed, and bored, that this was happening.

"Look, kid-"

"Leave him to me, Stan, you can keep fishing and tell Mabel some jokes while she waits for a fish to catch the bait." I dragged Dipper to the bottom of the ship.

"Great idea, Mabel, How do fish get from place to place while playing golf?" Stan turned to Mabel.

  'What are they going to talk about?'Mabel looked at Arthur who walked away.

"I don't know. How?"Then she turned to Stan.

"By golf carp! Hahahaha" Stan laughed when he made the joke and even though the joke was bad, Mabel laughed too.

"*Laughs*, I have a worse one..."

'They are having fun.' I looked over to where the two were laughing while making jokes to each other.

"H-hey, why did you pull me like that? What did I do?" Dipper adjusts his vest.

"*Sigh* You don't know do you?" I pinched between my eyebrows.

Dipper was confused and thought about what he could have done.

"Was it because of what I said?" Dipper takes his hand off his chin after thinking.

"Bingo! Bingo! And your prize is..." I approached Dipper

"A punch!" I punched Dipper lightly in the head but it still hurt a little.

"Ouch! But I didn't say anything wrong." Dipper rubbed his head.

"*Sigh* Instead of trying to explain it to you look at Mr. Stan and Mabel." I pointed to the two.

Dipper didn't understand but looked anyway.

"Oops, Grunkle Stan I think I caught a fish! And a strong one!" Mabel tried to pull the fish quickly but it looked like she would be thrown into the lake by the force of the fish.

"Calm down, the trick is to pull as much as you can." Stan helped hold the fishing rod and pull.

"That, now, we loosen up the grip on the rod so that fish can keep fighting and you're going to turn that crank so you don't slack off too much and bring it in close." Stan explained what Mabel had to do and helped with the strength issue.

"Like this, just a little bit more!" Stan encouraged Mabel.

"Now on 3! 3!" Stan pulls the fishing rod along with Mabel.


"Wow! Look at the fish I caught Grunkle Stan!" Mabel pointed to the fish struggling on the floor of the boat, Even though it was ugly, it was the first fish Mabel caught.

"Congratulations, soldier! You caught your first fish in this huge lake! You're officially a junior fisherwoman." Stan strikes a saluting pose for his newest fishing buddy Mabel.

"Thank you, sir! I will never forget what you did for me." Mabel also salutes Stan.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!" They both can't stand it and burst into laughter.

"Did you get it or not? Look, I don't think you understand what Mr. Stan is doing to get some family time, so give him a second chance okay?" I slapped Dipper twice on the shoulder who had his thoughts interrupted.

"Arthur! Dipper! Look at the size of the fish I caught!" Mabel waved toward them, pointing to the fish.

"*Whisper* Try looking from Stan side. *Whisper*. I'm coming!" I walked towards the fish they had caught.

'Looking from Stan's side?...' Dipper looked at the folks, all smiling and congratulating Mabel's first fish.

"A second chance you said... It's worth a try... Hey! Grunkle Stan! Help me catch a fish too!" Dipper smiled and ran towards the people.

"Look at the size of the fish I caught Dipper!" The fish was allocated to an aquarium tank on the ship.

"Congratulations Mabel, but I'm going to catch a bigger one!" Dipper started setting up a competition.

"Oh really? Well, I'll get a bigger one than the one you get!" Mabel entered the competition.

"Kids, settle down, 'cause... I'm the one reel in' the biggest catch!" Stan ran to get his fishing rod.

"Hey!" Mabel went back to the side of the boat to fish too.

"It's not fair, you're being a cheater!" Dipper ran to get his fishing rod.

"Don't forget me, dudes!" Soos adjusted his cap and picked up his fishing pole.

'But there is no prize for winning the competition.' I laughed at the possible outcome of this situation.

"I won't be left out either." I ran to the side of the boat but without the fishing rod.


"Wait, did Arthur jump into the water? Wasn't he without his life vest?" Dipper looked at Stan.

"Relax this brat can swim." Stan wasn't worried at all


"You better stop worrying about me and more about yourselves. If not, you'll lose the competition!" I lifted a green sturgeon by its fin that was 4.92 feet, 29.53 inches longer than Mabel's fish.

Mabel was slightly mesmerized.

"Who would care about a brat like-" Stan was interrupted by a fish that hooked his fishing lure.

Stan pulled the pole but it was just a boot.

"More luck next Stan!" I got into the boat and put the fish in the aquarium.

"*Murms* You'll see brat, I'll catch a fish as big as this boat." Stan threw the pole back into the lake.

"If the line doesn't break." I dried my hair with a towel.

'How about preparing a fish for them to eat while they wait?' I started setting up the grill and preparing the fish.

*whistle* *sizzle*

"Soos! Could you bring me the plates please?" I take a sip of Pitt Cola.

"Sure dude!" Soos let go of the rod and went to get some plates.

"On point." I take another sip and spit out the seed.

"The pit in the soda, it never gets old."

"Here are the dishes, dude." Soos brought 4 plates.

"Thanks, Soos, and here's yours." I put a piece of fish on Soos' plate and handed it over.

"And here's your Soos cutlery... Fishermen! Do you want to eat now?!" I put out the fire and closed it with everyone's pieces inside to keep warm.

Mabel was the first to drop her fishing pole and go.

"You forgot to attach your rod, What if some fish pulls it into the lake?" I pinned her to the railing.

Mabel laughed goofily and picked up her plate.

"Dipper wants me to take your plate?" Mabel grabbed Dipper's plate before he even answered.

"If you can-"

"Here it is." Mabel already brought Dipper's plate before he even answered whether he wanted it or not.

"Oh, Thanks, Mabel." Dipper took the plate and ate some of the fish.

"Hmm, this is very good." Dipper praised Arthur's cooking.

"Thanks." This time I took my fishing rod and sat down next to them.

"Aren't you going to swim to catch more fish?" Mabel was starting to daydream.

"Nope, I'll join you here. Besides, I doubt you'll be able to catch a bigger one! Shishishi." I threw my fishing lure into the water.

"Let's see who will win then!" Dipper was having fun and excited about the result.

It's a shame the fish didn't take the bait in the same spirit, so there was just silence.

"Want to hear some more fishing jokes?" Stan suggested, taking the joke book out of his vest.

"Yes!!!" Everyone agreed.

"Well then, I'll start with this one..." Stan said a joke that drew some laughs from his nephews.

Mabel made up some, Soos also tried to make some jokes, and Dipper?

"Why is it so easy to weigh fish?" Dipper tried to join in and make a joke too.

"I don't know, why?" Soos thought but didn't find an answer.

"Because they have their own scales!" Dipper looked at the crowd.

'In the end, no one laughed at my joke, I should have kept quiet-' Dipper had his head down when his thoughts were interrupted by some laughter.

"Hahaha! That's the worst fish joke I've ever heard. Hahaha!" Grunkle Stan hit his thigh.

"Hahahah! That joke is your face Dipper." Mabel clutched her stomach with laughter.

Dipper saw Soos laughing too and turned to Arthur, who was nodding in approval.

'Maybe I'm starting to understand what Arthur meant...' Dipper opened a smile and looked at the environment around him.

"Quick everyone get together to take some souvenir pictures!" I took a camera and positioned it, setting a 10-second counter to take the picture.

"Come on guys say "Bad fishing jokes!"" I joined them.

"Bad fishing jokes!" Everyone said.


Soos was on the right of the photo waving at the camera, a little to Soos' left, Dipper was laughing, Stan was in the middle of the twins with his hand on their heads, Mabel to Stan's left was smiling, waving with one hand and the other hugging Arthur's neck, and Arthur in the middle of them with his unique smile.

"Yeah, it was a good picture." I smile when looking at the photo, everyone is smiling happily in the photo.

"Let me see!" Mabel went to Arthur's side to look at the picture.

Stan and Dipper went to take a look at the photo too.

"Oh, dude, me too!" Soos came up behind them and tried to see the camera feed.

"Wow!" Mabel was mesmerized by Arthur's smile in the image.

"What do you think Mr. Stan?" I handed the camera to Stan so he could get a closer look.

"Hm, it looks good... It's a good photo brat." Stan fiddled with Arthur's hat.

"We're still going to take lots of pictures, we've got a long day ahead of us. Like a fishing competition to win!" I smiled and ran to my fishing rod and when I got there a fish took the bait.

"I'm the one who will win!" Stan also went for his fishing rod.

"Hey!" The twins ran to their respective poles.

"Me too dudes!" Soos ran for his fishing rod as well.

The day was full of fish, bad jokes, fun, and photos, It was a memorable day for everyone, especially for Arthur, who only saw this 'magic' on screen.

We took several photos, and the one who won the biggest fish competition was Arthur's fish, no one managed to catch a bigger fish after that fish at the beginning. But on the other hand, the aquarium was full, Stan sold half, he wouldn't miss the chance to make some easy money.

Stan parked the boat and whistled at the money he made today and pocketed it.

"Well Mabel, apart from Arthur, definitely my fish is bigger than yours." Dipper bragged as he got off the boat.

"Dream on, Dipper! Mine is MUCH bigger!" Mabel got out of the boat and stretched out her hands to represent the size of the fish.

"Dipper and Mabel, don't fight, even if I was out of the equation Stan would have caught the biggest fish." I placed my hands on her shoulders with a smile for today.

"Of course mine's bigger, kid! You've got a whole lotta fishin' lessons ahead before you even come close to my level. Arthur puts things in the trunk." Stan pointed at Dipper and went to change to leave.

"Okay, Mr. Stan!... What's up, Dipper? Was today too boring for an adventurer like you?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You were right, Arthur! Today was a total blast! I guess I'm starting to get what you were saying." Dipper was glad he fished with his Grunkle Stan.

"Is good to hear that." I gave a relieved smile that he can understand Stan's side a little.

"Hey Arthur, do you need a hand tidying up?" Mabel arrived with some fishing rods.

"Of course! An extra pair of hands always comes in handy." I joined Mabel and started putting things into the car.

"*Sigh* These two lovebirds.' Dipper shook his head and walked to the car.

"Hm?" Dipper stopped when he heard a sound somewhere.

He looked at the people but they weren't the ones who had made that sound.

'Am I hearing things?' Dipper started walking again but heard it again.

'What is that sound?' Dipper looked towards the direction of the waterfall that was far away, the sound was almost imperceptible.

"Dipper, has something happened? We have to get in the car, otherwise Stan will leave you behind." I arrived at Dipper who was stopped.

"Can't you hear that sound Arthur?" Dipper rubbed his ears.

"Sound?" 'Ah, so he could hear, it's the time when Geodites usually 'play' their 'screeching sound', this used to be the time I visited them.' I thought about how to respond to Dipper.

"Wanna get a move on, huh? Time ain't waitin' around for us, you know!" Stan honked the car.

"We better hurry if we don't want to be left behind!" I smiled and ran to the car.

"You are right." Dipper laughed a little and ran into the car.

"Everybody is here?" Stan started the car ready to go.

"Yes!" Dipper, Mabel, and Arthur replied.

"All right, then. Let's hit the road and get back to the shack." Stan started to drive.


Whew, I had to cut it out here, There's still a lot of stuff to write before finishing the day, but since the second episode is on the lake, and they left the lake, then that's it. I've been writing for several days, you have no idea. I still have to correct what I wrote before sending it to you, but what did you think of the chapter? Without a monster, I don't believe it either but what if I told you that the monster would appear? He was supposed to take one of the Pines family baits but he just didn't bite, thanks to Arthur's presence, well That had happened before and it can be said that the monster learned his lesson.

I have several things reserved for the end of the day, but I couldn't leave you with another month to wait so have fun, I will probably write more things down here so I will write down when I finish writing, and when I finish the correction I will type it from the side, that will be the day that the chapter reaches you.

22:41 05/09/2023 Writing finished.

20:18 19/09/2023 Correction completed.

7650 words ??????? I'm over it.

7829 words now. After correction.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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