"I'm a scientist, too! I can also prove that everything in those articles is true! We can't give the space cannon to them!"
"Well… I don't know anything about it, but I think we should listen to the scientists. Let's not give it to them!"
"I don't think we should give it to them either. It's the space cannon! Use your head! It has destroyed that super meteorite! I'm not a scientist, but I know the technology in such a weapon has to be formidable! We can't hand it out and turn it into a weapon against us!"
"What if Atlantis finds a way to turn it into a weapon to attack the land? We'll be finished! We can't let them have it!"
"Screw you! Why can't we give it away? More people are going to die! Don't you know that?"
"We're talking about 600 million lives! No one can make that kind of a decision! We have to give them the space cannon!"