75.94% The Reluctant Hero / Chapter 60: Vytal Assessment (3)

บท 60: Vytal Assessment (3)

"You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships every day. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity." – Epicurus

Willow's office wasn't the same one Jacques had used back when he was still leading the SDC. It had been a decision that had been taken by both Nicholas and the woman to just further add a layer of seriousness when it came to the need to change things from good, a full twist from the path that the previous leadership of the company had taken when it came to handling things and providing new policies.

The room chosen for this role was slightly smaller than the previous office, but lacking a good part of books that Jacques himself had acquired to fill the multiple libraries that had been placed there to fill that room with… culture? A proof of the man's intellectual nature? I wasn't really sure about what was the real purpose of the books, but I doubted he had the chance of reading all of them due to how many there were and how most of them were about economics. With what happened during my first visit at Atlas, I just couldn't imagine Jacques having a solid understanding of how screwed he had been back then thus effectively denying any good possibility of him having any decent grasp of economy at all. Willow had personally selected the books that were going to stay, deciding to outright burn those that she found unimportant or even far too off her tastes in literature. Minor nut-shots at a man that wasn't there, of the kind that no one but a few could flinch at when it came to vengeful divorced wives rightfully taking this many steps to assure their own 'freedom' from the past's order of things.

I didn't blame her, nor I would have expected any less considering how much Willow despised her former husband. Jacques had been an imposition she never stomached, one that grew more upsetting with his own lording over her and the rest of the family, but also for his smugness in exerting his position as the man of the house to put on his own rules in front of those of the family, those rules that had shaped and formed the aristocratic but still strongly capitalistic take of the Schnee family. It was as we took a seat by our respective chairs that I noticed something in particular of the office that one couldn't perceive until they stood in front of a seated Willow. Right behind her, stuck by the wall to cover her left and her right, two large portraits were set to represent the core aspects of the Schnee family. On her left, a portrait of a younger Nicholas Schnee. The creator of the SDC and the one that elevated the family to the status it was now. On the right, a portrait of her current family. It had been taken a few months after Jacques' arrest and, compared to the old one, had a strong sense of happiness and genuine relief plastered over the entire scene. The smiling just felt natural and way more fitting with the idea of family behind the picture.

[The essence of family as the driving force behind the company. Truly a pleasant theme to add to a new leaf.]

It also creates the idea of a 'caring' environment, or at least one that is invested into giving safety to the workers. Something that Jacques' SDC would have never thought of letting happen.

"So, can we start discussing… what you wished to tell me, John?"

I nodded, almost allowing the embarrassment of getting caught staring around and delaying our talk influence my expression… but I managed just fine to maintain a calm but still tense look.

"As you know, a little while ago we had this… conversation about trying to understand if our kids would have started to find love and… dating," I started to explain, painting a little situation for Willow to start grasping at as she quickly remembered that very conversation. At the time it had been just mere thinking, but it wasn't something driven just by the amusing chances of teasing the children but for the fact that they were getting to the age where the first loves were meant to actually become a possibility.

"I'm familiar with it, yes. I suppose something has happened for you to bring this up to me. Which one, Winter or Weiss?" The woman asked, clearly fascinated by this entire matter but unsure which of his daughters would need to be teased a lot over her current relationship.

"Weiss," I decided to carefully reply, knowing that delaying this too much would have been perceived as a reason to worry and misunderstand things. I wasn't exactly sure how to word out the entire thing, but I knew what to say to at least put her in the mood or the mindset to access this information as properly and calmly as possible. Willow had to be level headed to address this matter and that seemed to be the case when she nodded, her interest intensifying at the mention of her youngest daughter.

"And you know who is the one she fancies. Is the love returned?"

"Yes, on both occasions," I answered while nodding. "Let's just say I know who it is and I trust them to not hurt her in any way."

I could tell I did something wrong with my wording when the woman regaled me with her eyes narrowing at me with suspicion, my assurances managing to convince her just barely from the looks of it.

"Them? John, are you suggesting she is dating a girl?" The woman asked, more fascinated and worried than outright unnerved by the situation. Still, I couldn't help but grow concerned about the chances of this devolving in an unpleasant conversation he didn't exactly feel ready about.

You sure don't know how to make it properly subtle.

It's not that easy.

[I would argue that it is, but… then again- Ozma would take his time when it came to handle this kind of news.]


"Yes, and I don't mean to say that I'm taking this long to go through this revelation because I doubt your take on this matter. I'm… well-aware that you had your own moments when it comes to infatuation," I remarked, drawing a brief blush out of Willow as we were both aware of her little crush on Raven back in school. "Of course, I have to ask if Nicholas would mind or not in such a situation."

"He… would be surprised," She admitted with a tense tone. "But I think he would be able to push any bad thought if it came to Weiss and… if he can accept whoever she is in love with. It's love, not just a crush, right?"

I nodded. "I can say it's love. Especially since the emotion is matched on the other side."

"And you seem rather protective of this individual," Willow pointed out, lips twitching as I tensed a little more at her comment. "I don't think there are many options. Either Blake or… Nora?"

It took me a moment to grasp how quickly this came down, but I was even more surprised when she spared me a little smile when she brought up my daughter's name.

"It's Nora."

Her smile widened. "Then I can see father accepting that relationship, at least because he knows Nora isn't someone that would steer his 'little Weissy' away from the right path. Nora is… another granddaughter in his opinion."

"And I guess he would appreciate having a better way to apply that claim," I pointed out mirthfully. "Still, this isn't exactly what I worry about. I believe you can understand this relationship is going to become the main opening for any reporter to try and make it a scandal."

"Yes," She dragged the answer a bit, irritation flaring at the mention of paparazzi and gossip. "I suppose the topic of this discussion is-"

"How do we protect them?"

Surprisingly enough, the woman looked a little stunned. "I thought you would have preferred to cover it up."

"I thought of offering this too but… I realized that it wouldn't do well for two principal reasons," I argued before dropping a tiny sigh. "First, I know from Nora's perception of this situation that she wouldn't appreciate having to hide this bond she has with Weiss. I expect Weiss to share this kind of mindset considering how strong-willed both are."

"And that wouldn't be easy to discourage, not when they might feel it as an attack to their relationship even though it's more a worry than else," Willow added dryly, taking a brief moment to think about this. "But what is the second reason?"

"It's more personal than else. I know from experience that hiding something this big away adds an extra scandalous layer when it is discovered."


"When," I interrupted before she could even start that, knowing well enough that the only opposition to that was the hope of any cover-up to last forever. Which wasn't going to be the case, especially when, as they reached adulthood, they would have to tell the world or live a life full of secrecy from all corners. "I don't want them to be forced to a gilded prison."

"And they will not," Willow agreed with a serious tone. "Do you have anything in mind?"

"Something, but I believe it would be best to wait for them to make that kind of announcement before going for it."

"Isn't… that risky?" The woman pointed out. "I concede that doing anything now would just create issues but-"

"I'm well aware of the chances of the timing being our enemy, but I have an actual plan behind it," I promised her with a small smile. "And I know this is asking much, but I believe it will work as a PR shield from any malicious journalist trying to get a scoop out of this."

"Fine, but… I would also like to address another matter that I believe ties to this very one," Willow added with a serious tone, drawing a confused look out of me as this wasn't exactly anything I was prepared about. Something tied to Nora and Weiss? In what regard?

Just as I wondered this, the woman stood up from her chair and started to walk up towards me.

"When you first mentioned you were going to visit, I was called by Sienna that very day. Regarding something that she had been thinking for a while now ever since a few conversations we had when your family last visited," The Schnee matriarch finally stopped in front of me, looking down with a smile that promised a lot and… I was a little worried.

[And I think it's time for us to vacate this conversation. See you later, John.]

Ozma didn't even say anything on that, but I could tell the situation was just what my brain had conceptualized. And I could tell Sienna had plotted for this to happen.

"About what?"

"About the possibilities to actually bring our families even closer. Of course… within closed doors."

I felt the tension heighten when Willow carefully settled herself to sit on my lap, her face mere moments away from mine and further adding tension to the scene.

"You… why? Why do you think it's a fine idea to risk yourself in that regard?" I argued nervously. "Sure, I may or may not have given off a genuine sense of honesty and many other attractive elements, but why do you think it's all worth the trouble?"

"Because I've been declining offers of marriage for a couple of years now, and I know you noticed why I did so, especially when I wasn't that subtle."


"She was rather accepting of my situation. She mentioned the arrangement you two have with Raven."

Of course I would end up in an avalanche because of that. Who's next? Mami Salami?

I almost shuddered at that thought, but I dodged that with how much attention I was still staring at Willow.

"So you think this will work?"

"Will it not?"

My lips twitched, the ball back to me and I wasn't sure of the 'throw' to make.

"It… depends. On the fact that it wouldn't be a proper relationship considering-"

"I will not ask for children. Not when I have already three to take care of," Willow interjected. "But what I seek right now, isn't to settle a family with you. It is to explore the chance of being in a relationship I want to be part of."

I couldn't blame her for her thinking as I realized the context was more than appropriate for this take. Of all the times Willow had the chance to settle down with someone she cared about, she ended up with Jacques that provided her with an upsetting take on being in a marital union with someone she didn't love. She might care dearly for her children, but there was no shame in her simple opinion of hating her ex husband. And even now, I couldn't exactly say no to that since I kind of liked her too. Not to the point where I would take any initiative as I was terribly loyal to Sienna and I wouldn't do anything if she wasn't part of it too. That was a bit of our nuptial vows, and even now I remembered it dearly.

"And… your father-"

"Would probably think that something is going on, but if I mention to him that I don't plan to ruin any relationship or to cause any major scandal, he will be more subdued to this," She interrupted again. "I wouldn't be lying if I told you that father would have ignored any offer from the richer families had he got the chance to meet you and set you up with me."

That sounded exaggerated, and my thought flashed in my face which caused the woman to snort.

"And I mean it. Father was impressed by your take in economics. While not the brightest ideas, some of the suggestions did increase the production without sacrificing anything about the workers' rights," She indirectly praised, her face growing closer to mine as she delivered this. "But I have yet to hear your answer. I'm not going to push you if you don't want this as Sienna was adamant your opinion mattered a lot in this situation."

And I couldn't exactly go with either 'yes or not'. Not with how packed the entire matter was. I could only grimace at the pressure before eventually having to give a definite answer. One that definitely felt imperfect due to the timing, but also particularly difficult to word out.

"I… believe this question should be delayed. At least until we're through with the situation with Nora and Weiss," I remarked quietly, drawing a surprised look from Willow. "This- This is not a refusal but… I believe taking this chance now would just make things more complicated and… I want first to make sure Nora is able to handle the pressure that could come with that relationship."

"And then?"

"And then I will give you an answer. It's not something that can be decided on the spot due to how important it is. To all of us," I recalled with a calm voice. "Once things will be settled, I will be the one to approach you, and I can assure you that I will not delay this matter beyond our stay."

Her lips twitched, a hint of protest forming in her mind but failing to be voiced as Willow ultimately decided to concede to this fair circumstance. It might sound cruel, but the priority here, as parents, was to the kids. But as she seemed ready to move out of her current position, she was taken by surprise as my left hand guided her face to approach mine more. Blue eyes went wide open in pure shock and bliss as she felt her lips captured by mine. It wasn't anything too intense or too deep, with my pace setting for a chase kiss. I pulled away shortly after, giving her an understanding look.

"I know it's tough. I've noticed and I know that you have been struggling a lot in these years. I don't want you to feel this was all for naught. It wasn't."

She blinked, the only hint of life from her body being that very action as she held her breath. The Schnee Matriarch was completely stunned by what just happened and, for a very brief moment, I thought I had broken her mind. My worry was shredded with the same intensity as I was soon regarded through the ensuing kissing. It was more intense than the peck I provided, but it remained chaste despite the impressive strength behind it.

Eventually the woman let go, with a mirthful smirk on her face. "I guess you know how to make this kind of waiting… easy to ignore for the time being."

A giggle, but soon we stopped dealing with the incredibly tense moments as she still needed to go through a quick shower and… I had to greet the other guests. Because as soon as I left the office and went back to where the others had been moved to, I was greeted by a quick hug by someone that I had met a few days ago.

Ruby giggled as I twirled around with her held in my arms, wearing a little red sleeveless hoodie with a 'cookie lover' sign on its front. "Uncle John!"

To think my lovely cookie-munching gremlin could get even cuter.

"Are you sure… your dad is fine with all of this?" Weiss asked with an uncertain tone, her mind filled with many terrible scenarios regarding this discovery.

Sure, the fact Nora had come out and told her that 'Uncle' was fine with this just felt so surprising and yet so easy to expect considering the kind of relationship the father-daughter duo had even now. It was strong, fierce and… kind of a reason to be somewhat jealous. Not that John didn't treat her as a daughter despite the 'different' setting they both lived by, but it sure made it feel upset that she could get that treatment all the time. Call her spoiled, or just craving for basic parental affection even from a father-like figure, the young snowflake wasn't exactly known for greed. But that didn't mean she just couldn't get a little tense when John was brought up in a conversation or even when he was around.

When she got together with Nora, she had long expected this worry to cease… but it only worsened to a point where she had been so ready to address John as 'dad' when he came in. It would have been way more embarrassing than she first thought if that had happened, especially due to the fact he was now well aware of her affection for the orangette. The pure embarrassment was easy to contain, not so when Nora decided to inquire what got her this much… 'awkward'. The conversation that ensued was… pretty much what made their relationship work.

"He is super-supportive about it. Heck, I think he was expecting you to call him dad now," The short-haired girl replied mirthfully, gaining a strained sigh from her close friend. "But seriously, what's up?"

"I don't… I don't feel like rushing it up with him. What if he is just… acting so he can protect you and-"

"You think my dad is lying?"

That was the question that stumped away any chance of Weiss bringing up any doubt. Not because she didn't have any, but because she was walking on a fine line from the way Nora's voice changed to an upset tone. It would be a massive understatement to say that Nora cared for her dad. John was the one that gave her the life she had now, with the many friends and family members that supported her.

To be fair, Weiss herself had to admit that it came out very poorly that she thought so little of John's own interactions with his daughter and others. Especially when he was the one that got her mother back on track as a proper director at the SDC while getting her the time to check on her family as much as she could. And also the one that got them to avoid a terrible childhood with… Jacques.

It's been just three years since she just stopped calling that man her father. As much as she tried to defend him, there was no reason for her to ignore the clear dislike he harbored for his former wife, especially with how he was caught in that indecent situation. A perfidious man that she had pledged so many times to support despite most of her family telling her that the task wasn't right. That the side she was making a last stand on wasn't worth it, and quite the opposite on that.

The girl didn't listen… until her mother told her the truth as to why they didn't want Jacques back. Not after what happened to them all. Winter was the one that knew a lot about the matter herself, but Weiss had stubbornly ignored it as just a personal preference of her older sister to see John more as a dad compared to Jacques. But then her mother came out clean about it and… and it stung a lot. It wasn't even that she didn't want to hear it, but the harsh truth with pictures and proof of her biological father's depraved behavior both through his work-related actions and at home just shredded what she thought was an unbreakable defense.

And she cried. A lot. And she couldn't help but be surprised when Winter came to her to cuddle up with her. She didn't say the 'I told you' that her mind treacherously expected, instead humming quietly and… keeping her company when she was crying about it. It was the prime point where the strained relationship with the older girl soared back to the state of awe and admiration that existed before Jacques' arrest. She never really apologized to John, not meaningfully at least. And that remained part of the reason why she felt so uneasy around him.

He was clueless to that, and she worried about this becoming a problem somehow. But, instead of allowing her silence to tell an answer different than the one she had in mind, she replied to Nora's question with a serious but still meek response.

"N-No, but… I can't just ignore the fact that it sounds so easy," Weiss answered truthfully. "I know he wouldn't lie- especially about something like this but..."

"You're worried he will think differently of you," Nora struck with her words, gaining a baffled look from the young Schnee girl as she didn't expect her to be this… attentive. Like John tended to be with others. The degree of affection the orangette had for her father also created for a template her personality formed through. While she was still Nora, she was also a Bukharin. In her mind, at least that's what it came to the similarities between the two, the idea of the standard 'Bukharin' meant a gentlemanish person, or an individual capable of formality but still able to revert to a state of modest informality. The mastery of knowing when to be serious, when to be cheeky, and when to be respectful of people's own plights.

Oddly enough, it was the very reason she found Nora this attractive compared to others. Weiss never thought of getting together with a girl but… Nora wasn't the classic girl. She wasn't a complete tomboy, saying that would be a massive lie, but she was definitely not a fan of girly disposition before masculine and tougher outfits.

"Yes," The white-haired girl admitted flatly. "You can see through me that easily, can't you?"

"Only as much as you can with me, Weissy," Nora replied lovingly, gaining a swift blush with the pet name she eagerly used. Usually that wasn't one word that would get her face burning red with a blush, but the fact there was so much tenderness behind it just left her stunned and melted at the same time.

"So, what are you two chatting about?"

A groan almost made it through her lips as Weiss turned to glance at a smiling Yang as she stood by their left side. Despite the little love she had in a friend like Yang, Weiss knew that the fellow girl wasn't out to annoy her. Just tease her… which was annoying, but not willingly. And amusing and clever at times. Blake was there too, but differently from the amused blonde, she was taking a quieter and calmer approach. She still smiled and greeted the two with a nod, but her attention was taken by the book she brought for the moment.

"Math," Weiss swiftly commented, easily getting a disgusted look out of Yang as that was the weakness the lilac-eyed girl had suffered the most.

"Ugh, that's cruel from you, Ice Princess, but I know you were gossiping about something else," The long-haired girl rebuffed, her smile remaining despite the sudden counter. "Nora doesn't like Math-"

"I do like Math, I just like it less when it gets extremely complicated," The short-haired girl flatly argued with an annoyed tone.

Yang huffed and brought her arms crossed in front of her. "Well, I still know it's something spicy. Care to tell us?"

"Her," Blake interjected distractedly. "I'm not part of this. Please ignore me."

At least Blake knows how to keep to herself…

"Bah, the kitty says one thing, but she is just as curious as I am. Plus, I can tell it's serious and I want in."

"Nope," Nora replied with an emphasis by the 'p'. "And seriously, what's with this? You got bored teasing Whitley for his crush on Ruby?"

The blonde chuckled. "That? Never. I will fight to keep that right to the very end."

And Weiss could agree on that point. There was no way she would ever let go Whitley regarding his blatant crush on little Ruby. They both were of the same age, they grew fairly close to one another, and it was clear that fate had them set into a possible relationship once they are much older than now. Both Yang and Weiss saw the potential in teasing Whitley as the boy was constantly frustrated by how Ruby wasn't exactly sharp when it came to 'subtle approaches' as he dubbed those.

"So, you don't want to tell us? Why not? Is it really that spicy?"

"Yes," Weiss ultimately admitted much to Nora's surprised look. "And it's private, so please… stop asking about it."

Yang looked ready to say more about it, but she was stopped when Blake reached out and grasped at her arm. The blonde paused, glancing at the Cat Faunus and the bookworm sighed. "They don't want to talk about it. Change topic."

"Ugh, fine. How about we talk of… Vytal? I heard the tournament this year will be incredibly tough on Beacon since the current bunch isn't much strong."

"I will cheer for the strong ones," Nora replied cheekily. "I mean, do I have to pick a school since, well-"

"Not really," Blake argued. "It's quite the perk we are from Menagerie since we don't have a genuine reason to pick a school in particular."

But Weiss would have definitely liked it if Nora had picked Atlas. A little pleasant touch, but then it would have raised more questions for them both to face if she pressed on the matter. It wasn't something important, but it definitely would have made her feel a tiny bit… happier?

Sure, she wasn't exactly planning to become a full-fledged huntress, but that didn't mean Weiss was planning to cheer and hope for the victory of another school beyond Atlas Academy. Ironwood was an exceptional principal and she knew Professor Garden had gotten a good part of their students ready to handle the competition offered by Haven Academy. There was no way she would accept anything but first place at this point, a mindset that was shared by both Winter, Whitley and their mother.

"I'm more interested by the chances of sparring those that lose the matches. Well, those that are up to that kind of thing that is," Nora added with a giddy prospect, and Weiss nodded at that idea since it would be a pleasant way to see how huntsmen tended to work and how strong students were compared to those stuck at pre-combat school.

"Wait, it's actually a thing?" Yang asked with a shocked tone, a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face. "You think I can check that too?"

"I think it's tied to the teachers that are assigned to that kind of situation, but should be open to those that want to try," The orangette confirmed with a nod. "Still, I'm more about trying to spar with that girl he brought up when we last talked about it. He said he met her back when she was around my age when he first visited Atlas and he mentioned that I could ask her some advice in combat since… I really want to beat Cinder."

Weiss could only sigh at the determined approach to such a stupid wish. There was nothing wrong about being stronger than an older sibling, but Nora seemed to take to another level. Something of a competition that Cinder had done nothing but accept and just moderate in most times. It wasn't even like these two were at odds with each other, only that Nora liked to butt head to someone she trusted if it meant getting stronger out of it. The main goal was being able to, in her own words, 'protect those she cared about when dad was not going to'. It sounded so sudden and out of nowhere compared to others… Nora-stuff. Very mature, but incredibly grim as she really looked upset at even considering that eventuality.

And yet it remained. What would happen once John Bukharin was lost to the world? Would Nora stand up and be his successor? Cinder? Maybe Ren? Even Winter could stake a claim technically speaking, but she really didn't seem that invested in being the heiress of anything but the SDC and the Schnee Family as a whole.

There were so many variables to take into account, and Weiss would lose her mind trying to connect it all. Instead she just accepted the fact that a career in economics would do her better than anything else as it would give her the rightful opportunity to work at the family's business without getting drowned by accusations of 'nepotism'.

Who knows, maybe she could actually reach John's own level of understanding of these topics by the time she reached proper adulthood and try to find her road from that way onward. But for now, Weiss' main goal was trying to make her relationship with Nora official and go through the hardships of Atlas Academy. She was learning at a steady pace, but she was far from being as flawless as Winter at her current pace.

By the time the conversation had reached a slow closure, it was time for them all to eat as both Winter and Willow were done with getting ready to greet the other guests. Yet the time was ticking and Weiss knew that she would have to do something herself if she wanted to make it clear this relationship was both hers and Nora. And maybe… John could help her with that.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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