77.04% World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star / Chapter 47: Chapter 47

บท 47: Chapter 47

(Warning: At the end of the chapter in "Author's Notes" there is a hypothetical scenario that I would like you to read. Maybe it will be a little more "enlightening").

(This chapter was edited with the help of "DaPhuman". "DragonkingKyo". "JULIEN_CO1513". "Rex500r". Thank you for your time and effort in helping me to improve this novel. Although it is not the first time, I will always be grateful to you. ^^) (Say hello to the Editors XD)

(There are probably mistakes with the "Him", "Her", "She" and "He". If you can point them out I'll correct them tomorrow or well, for me it's already 1: 46 am. XD. I will give you the corresponding credit for helping me and I thank you in advance for all your help and understanding. Really, thank you ^^. Enjoy the chapter. )

(POV A Forged by the Titans. Time: (The MC's first appearance before them). Place: "City / Temple" under attack).

My name is Forgretz. I was born thanks to the Great "Makers" of all things. The "Makers" are the ones who have brought me and my brothers and sisters to life to fulfill their great purpose. We must purge this world of all darkness.

9 of my brothers were blessed by the Makers themselves to lead us in the face of darkness. With the great power and under the blessing of our creators, we will succeed in purging this world, I know.


Soon we entered into combat against the dark forces and thanks to the help of the "Guardians", those 9 blessed brothers, and with the help of all my brothers and sisters, we managed to win. Little by little we continued to fight for victory. Although it was not without casualties, many died, and even in our pain, we kept going.

-Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.

I always told myself.


After many fights, we began to improve in our teamwork, decreasing the deaths of our brothers and sisters. And with each victory, our morale increased. We were unstoppable in the face of the dark beings that infested the world and constantly tried to drive us into madness.


Some time later, we met powerful beings. The most powerful we had ever seen. They were elemental beings, beings that inhabited this world and were corrupted by darkness.


Their attacks resounded with great force, although thanks to the efforts of our leaders, they were soon pushed away, allowing us to quickly finish off the dark and seemingly endless enemies.

-There are so many and they are so annoying.

My power over the earth was strong and my strength very great. Dealing with some enemies was easy, but their numbers were the most troublesome to deal with.


Soon large explosions began to sound in the distance and gradually some of the former inhabitants of this world, known as "Elementals" began to appear in the battle.

The elementals were beings with great powers over the elements that formed them. So many of us faced a hard battle against them.

My control over the earth was, at times, insufficient for me to use it in battle, yet I waved my hammer and bravely faced my enemies. My strength was superior to theirs and my attacks could do great damage to them.


Unfortunately, it wasn't long before I was seriously injured.

-Hold on as long as I have been able to "Makers". I hope I have made you proud. Brothers and sisters, from the other side I will be supporting you in your struggle.

As our leaders were far away, the healing surges of our Leader Freya did not reach us. Many of my brothers and sisters were able to heal, though many more were wounded. They were usually busy, a little further back from the front, to provide aid in a safe manner.

-There's no point in trying. I can't move anymore, I don't want to be a burden.

I thought without fear of what was to come. And, in fact, I was only still alive only because one of my sisters had carried me and helped me back, even at the cost of being hit and taking damage.

I wanted to tell her it wasn't necessary, but I couldn't, my strength was slowly leaving me.

-Although I can understand it, because I've been doing it for a while myself.

My whole body was riddled with scars, but they were all in defense of my own.

-I have no regrets.

"Don't worry brother, you'll soon be fine and we can continue fighting together."

My sister said. I didn't know her name, because there were so many of us, but I would definitely recognize her when I saw her again.

-I hope I can stay alive, fighting bravely so that I can see the bright future of this world. One that will soon be shaped by our "Makers".

As I felt the moment was coming, I could see in the sky, far behind my sister's head, a great light that illuminated all the darkness that was there. All the darkness that enveloped the world and did not allow even the slightest ray of sunlight.

-How beautiful... so that's the light at the end of life.

I closed my eyes and thought with relief. But soon I began to feel strength. I felt the pain in my body being pushed away from me. All this made me open my eyes and see my sister's eyes, looking at me with a big smile.

"Hehe, you want to leave us already, Brother, I'm afraid it's not the time yet. Come on, get up, you're a bit of a pain."

I didn't understand what had happened, but I got up from the uncomfortable position I was carrying myself in and began to look around.

I watched as the beings of darkness burned and released shadows from their bodies that were soon reduced to ashes and as many of my wounded and fallen brothers rose again to continue battling.

A big smile appeared on my face as I saw my enemies disappear. I turned briefly to look at my sister, who was also watching all this new scenario.

"Thank you sister, if it wasn't for you, I would have fallen without being able to see this. My name is 'Forgretz', what's yours?"

With a smile she answered me.

"It's something you would have done too, so don't worry bro. My name is Irina."

"Shall we fight together sister?"

Ask a question.


And joining the front again, we continued the fight. Although we later learned that the light that had prevented my death was that of a strange new ally, an inhabitant of this world. Someone I certainly have to thank.


(POV Protagonist. Time: Marching to "Y'Shaarj". Place: Well, somewhere a few days away from the great "City/Temple" of Y'Shaarj...)

We were on our way to face "Y'Shaarj". I was next to Helya, behind the "Guardians".

"Then you have already confronted this "Old God", as you call him, little dragon."

"Hehe, yes, that's right. Not to brag, though, but despite his enormous power I managed to survive."

I said smiling and puffing out my chest proudly.

"Pfft... hahaha, is it a source of pride that you could only survive, I think you're too proud, little dragon."

"*Sigh*. You are too young to understand, little one. Those who have defied it and survived are barely nine, and I count myself among them."

With great curiosity, Helya looked me in the eye and asked.

"Who are the others8 ?"

"The other "Old Gods" and the Elemental Lords, my old comrades. Though I'd rather not talk about that."

I said without showing any particular sentiment.

"I understand..."

"But little one, you must be mentally prepared for what we will face. "Y'Shaarj is undoubtedly enormously powerful. His use of dark magic is the greatest of all the remaining 5 "Dark Gods", but in addition to him, we must beware of his protectors and generals. Whose use of dark power is also incredibly great. "

Helya nodded and then asked me.

"And how could I prepare, if it's as powerful as you say, then there should be insufficient preparation... making our chances of victory, nil?"

-Well, because they don't really have it....

I decided to keep quiet and make a face of deep thought. After thinking for a while, I said.

"Tell me one thing Helya, do you have any goals?"

"Yes, my goal is to purge the darkness and bring order to this world."

I nodded at what she said.

"But tell me, what will you do after you do it? Once you complete your goal there should be something else you want to do."

"I haven't thought about that, why would that be important?"

I looked at her and smiled a little.

"When you complete your goal and you have nothing to focus on, you probably start to doubt what to do next. What do I do now, you probably ask yourself. That's normal when you have time and nothing to do. But that's where darkness finds power. Doubt is the darkest moment of a being."

I said as I raised my hand and made a sphere of earth.

"A being who doubts, is like this sphere of earth. Do not think that darkness alone is bad, it is not so, Helya. Night must exist so that there can be a new day. Rest is necessary for living beings, so that we can all rise for another day. And it is by resting that we find the "Dreams" ... So, this sphere has a lot of potential. Its doubt makes it special. It has countless possibilities."

Then I began to transform the sphere into different shapes.

"When you doubt, you find the countless possibilities, the infinite paths you can follow. But because you doubt, you don't know which one to go down. do you understand me Helya?"

"You want me to understand that a sphere hesitates and that there are new targets after I complete these, don't you?"

-... *sigh*. She's right.

"Right. So, doubting is part of living. Just as darkness is part of existence. But as there is doubt, there is the "goal", the "goal", the "dreams" ... They are your light. Once you have a dream, you must fight for it, Helya. Because when you find your light, you must follow it with effort. The light is quick, but it drives away the darkness. It drives away your doubt. do you understand where I'm going with this?"

"You mean that doubting is not bad, but not good either and that I should keep in mind what my goal will be in the future and once I know it, I should pursue it... right?"

"Yes, that's right. Because when you have a dream, when you have a clear objective, one that you feel deep inside you."

I said as I pointed to her chest.

"No matter how much you want to doubt."

Then point to your head.

"There won't be a time when you won't see your true goal. Never give up on your dreams, Helya. Fight for them head on and fear not, fear feeds on doubt, doubt is darkness and darkness seeks to devour your light."

Helya started to think and when she was about to tell me something I said, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Y'Shaarj is the darkness that seeks your doubt. Do not allow yourself to doubt before him. Hold on to your light with all its being, and no matter how much your light seems to fade, go on, go forward and fight...for there must always be light, where there is darkness."

Helya fell silent and I could feel a little of her understanding and fear, so I smiled as much as I could. Suddenly and using my power, I conveyed confidence and happiness to her.

"Don't worry, little one. I will be with you and help you fight this great darkness. Like you, it is my duty and my goal to cleanse this world. And although I would like to say that I will protect you, I don't think someone as powerful as you really needs my protection, but you do need my help. *Laughter*. You're still too small to be able to face this world on your own."

And as I laughed, Helya just looked at me and smiled.

"So I am powerful but still small."

"Right, to me, you're all children."

-How glad I am to be able to say this... although it's also sad that I must be some kind of pedophile if I wanted to look for a mate among them. Although her body is that of an adult...does it count or not count then...I'm confused here.

And without realizing it while I was thinking seriously about that matter, many, including the "Guardians", were looking at me.

-It wouldn't make sense to follow the laws of my previous world in a time like this... Even more so considering they were born with knowledge and have already killed more beings on their own, than any war in my previous world. Nor is killing an excuse for them to be "mature" but they certainly aren't saints... they're just young... Anyway, I guess I'll just let things happen.

After turning my gaze to Helya, I saw her fist raised in my direction. So smiling I asked her with my eyes.

"Just bump your fist, little dragon, or don't you trust me?"

So I gently bumped her fist and said.

"So, you trust me to protect you?"

I asked, mocking slightly.

"You sure are very proud, little dragon. I trust your help in this battle, I want to fight by your side."

With the biggest, happiest, most sincere smile I've made in a long time, I told her.

"It will be a great pleasure to fight together, Helya. As will fighting alongside all your brothers and sisters - our battle will be Legendary!"

I said suddenly, changing my voice and imitating that of the Latin Spanish dubber of Shen long (kung Fu Panda) while raising my fist in the air.

Although they all looked at me funny, they nodded in my direction with smiles and then raised their fist as I did. So unable to help myself with all the excitement I felt, I raised my voice as loud as I could and roared.


Although I could sense everyone's confusion, they still joined in my roar.



- Why can't I say Azeroth normally when I'm excited, I don't understand. I think my vocal cords are not doing the job right... I must change this or it will no longer be Azeroth, but Azzerrootthh (Az-ze-rut-th).

But since everyone was in high spirits, I simply used a bit of my feeling skills to make them feel this moment of "brotherly" bonding for longer. So now they all had smiles on their faces.

-Fortunately, my "empathic power" is growing as well as my mental powers. Though I hadn't really found much use for it. It's not like "Ragnaros" or the rest of the Elemental Lords wouldn't notice something weird if I tried to manipulate them that way. Although I don't know, really, I'd rather not try. As they say, "forewarned is forearmed". As for the "Guardians" ... don't use it on them. Just use it on the weaker "Forged" so group emotion does the rest of the miracle.

Seeing all the forged smiling and chatting with each other brings a smile to my face.

-Definitely the "group feeling" can work wonders... although if misused it can bring about the downfall of this army....

"I didn't know you liked to yell so much. *laugh*. By the way, what does 'Azzerrootthh' mean?"


"I meant to say "Azeroth," but when I get excited, it comes out like this. Azeroth is the name of this world."

"Ooh, and who named it, you?"

"Mmm... let's say yes."

Nodding, Helya thought a bit and then said.

"So, what does it mean?"

"I'm not too sure, if I'm honest."

"How can you call a world by a name and it have no meaning...you're smarter than that, little dragon."


"That's not what I said. It just has meaning to me."

"Well, what would that be?"

"Hope and home."

Then Helya was momentarily silent.

"That's kind of corny don't you think?"

"Look at it this way. What would you rather shout out every time you face a scary moment, something that means big and imposing, or something that reminds you of what you cherish most in life, what's truly important?"

"Why would hope and home be the most important thing in life, wouldn't it be rather, life itself that is important?"


I laughed as I looked into her eyes.

-For some reason I feel old....

"Tell me, little dragon."

"You know Helya. I, like Dragon, am a Greedy being. I want to have everything I desire and dream of. I am a vengeful being. I will not allow anyone to underestimate or trample me, and I will return my grudge with great fury, all at the right time. I am a being with great hunger, never seems to be enough. I am lazy, I wish to be able to live quietly without being disturbed. I am envious, for..."

In the latter I just looked at all the Forged. Among them I could see some whose bonds were deeper than simple brotherhood.

"Well... What?"

I stared at her.

"Nothing... I continue. I am a being full of lust for life and what it has to offer. But even being all sins, do you think I am evil Helya?"

Helya and I stared at each other.

"I don't think so, little dragon... at least, not entirely if that's the case."

I nodded.

"Exactly. Where there is darkness, there is light. So, for all that I covet, I give my best effort to get it for myself. For all those who have trampled on me, I patiently give them a chance to make amends. The hungrier I get, the more I moderate what I consume. For all the time I wish to do nothing tomorrow, I diligently make my best effort today. For all my envy... I give my all to make this world a better place. For all my lust, I seek only in life, that being. "

"What are you getting at with this, why must you say it all like this, do you enjoy making me feel ignorant, or is this revenge on me for calling you 'Little Dragon'?"

I just laughed at her words.

-It feels so good to finally believe that I'm the one who knows everything.


-... Of course I know everything.

"I'm missing one, listen. As I am a Dragon, I am a Superb being, I know everything about everything..."

"Pfft, hahaha. I don't think so, little Dragon."

Just look her in the eyes and wait.

"Sorry, I was just amused by your comment."

I smiled and said.

"But for all I know, I am also humble. Because I know, I know nothing."

"That doesn't make sense..."

Helya thought about it and then said.

"So what are you getting at?"

"If I'm not all bad, then I'm not all good either, am I?"

"Correct, logically it should be."

"So what's the key to it?"

Thinking for a moment, she said.

"The balance?"

"Right. I am what I desire and I am what I do to achieve it. I am the intention and the action. I am a Dragon, I lean whichever way I decide, though it may seem haughty and proud, but that is who I am. I will face whatever it takes, whether by desire, or by choice."

Helya nodded and thought further. After a while I wonder.

"But I still don't understand what this has to do with the meaning of the name of this world."

"It's simple. You told me the meaning sounded corny. But the reality is that we all have something we desire. Hope is a guide, home is a desire. With hope I will never be lost, with something to defend I will never doubt. I am a Dragon, I am light and darkness. I desire everything with greed and will only repay this world with my whole being. All for my happiness. In the end, that is life, balance."

"So, you're telling me that it's okay to fall into desires as long as we don't doubt and give our all, isn't that giving justification to evil?"

"For me, everyone can be bad. Where there is light, there is dark. It's a cycle, a balance. It's not equality, Helya. Don't get confused. Today darkness reigns, tomorrow... us. Who is bad and who is good?.... We all stand for something and want something in return. And whoever dares to try to destroy this world will suffer the weight of my whole being."

Release a little of all that I am capable of. Of all the weight that my being represents in reality. And although the earth did not collapse, nor the sky changed, the atmosphere became tense. I could sense a bit of fear in some of the "Forged" and the alertness of the "Guardians". As for Helya, she had shrunk a little under my gaze. I had looked her straight in the eyes as I said each word and briefly showed her a bit of who I really am.

As soon as he withdrew what he called "spiritual pressure," everyone was calm again.

"I do it for me, because I enjoy life and all it has to offer me, and you Helya, why do you do it?"

I could see a hint of fear in her eyes. So I decided to be clear.

"I am a Dragon, Helya. And more than anything else, I am your friend and ally. So you can rejoice now little one, for I am with you. *laugh*"

Then I felt the relief of coming out of what she saw. And a bit of joy on her part. Although her face was quite the opposite.

"I honestly think what you are saying is inconsistent with what you are trying to tell me. But I think I understand."

"Pffft... hahaha."

"What are you laughing at, I don't get the joke."


I laughed and laughed for a while, until I had to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"That's what it's all about. Believing you understand."

"Will you stop talking like that and be clear for once!"

"Hahaha, no. Where's the fun in that?"

So I decided to "run a little" while annoying Helya. Who also joined my game and chased me foolishly.

-Well, not that it really matters how a Dragon behaves. I don't want to stop being myself just because I'm like a million years old. Where's the fun in living if I can't be myself....

Author's Note:

What did you think of this chapter, I hope you liked it. Now, here's what I would consider a hypothetical "what if, such and such" scenario.

Let's say that the MC would never have betrayed the "Elemental Lords".

How could the elemental lords and the MC lose to "Y'Shaarj", when in that chapter it was clear that the MC could defeat "Y'Shaarj" in a battle of wills. (I remind you that "Y'Shaarj" was weakened by all the time battling against the other 2 "Ancient Gods" and the MC was able to hit him with good blows and hurt him thanks to his preparation...)

Well, then let's say that the MC never betrayed them and therefore (following the logic) the MC and the elemental lords triumph. What does all this entail? It's simple. They beat the rest of the "Dark Gods" and the world is once again in "peace" ... but for how long?

You should know that the "Elemental Lords" made their "alliance" with the goal of defeating the "Old Gods". If they defeat them all, there is no longer a need for an "alliance" and it would not be long before they fight each other again. And this is not because I wish it so, but because of how they and their personalities really are. I must remind you that, in the world of Azeroth, there is very little of the 5th element. The 5th element is the "spirit", and if there is too little, elementals tend to act aggressively. If there is too much, then they become more passive.

When the "guardians" create the elemental plane, it is said that it does not take long for the elementals to fight among themselves... although the condition of the 5th spirit on that plane is not specified, it is evident that it cannot be much. Either that, or the personality of the elemental lords simply lies in fighting because that is what they have known all their lives and existence....

Well, let's say the MC manages to somehow (plot armor) force the alliance in a peaceful way (it's not like he doesn't have the strength to do it the dark way, i.e. enslaving them) ....

When the titans arrive, what do you think they will do...?

Did you know that the titans come to Azeroth because she is a titan at birth, and if that wasn't enough, she is the most powerful one... Therefore, they give her a LOT of importance. In addition to other reasons that I will not touch... yet.

The titans what they will do when they arrive, is that they will easily defeat the elemental lords, seal them in another elemental plane and possibly never listen to the MC because why would they do that...? Even less considering that he enslaved the elemental lords with dark magic... (if he does it the hard way) or they just ignore him or seal him as another "dark god" because he can be a dangerous being... maybe, they even experiment with him and only there, they might listen to him... possibly, right?.....

There, that was the whole story. It's over because the MC is sealed, or in case of a miracle, he is free but can only have at most the strength of an "Old God". Of course, the strongest "Old God" of all... if the titans don't find a way to seal him from dark powers.

In the end, what is left?... to kill "Wild Gods" with the intention of obtaining their powers and somehow not to antagonize "Elune" or Azeroth itself?

Let's say he succeeds. So how strong is it?

If he antagonizes Azeroth he will have a hard time (I won't explain how, because it's Spoiler). If he doesn't, then he'll be powerful, but it's not like the Loa can really fight an "Elder God" ... Not alone, at least.

In the end, he would have to devour the "Guardians" just to be able to obtain the power of the "Titans", or, the "Aspect Dragons". Not that it would be easy to face them. At least not with the strength of a "Wild God" ... just dreaming. Hahaha.

Let's say yes, I devour "Aspect Dragons", what happens now...?

Everyone will now know that he is "bad" and may seek to hunt him down for assassination. And if I continue to theorize a "what if, such a thing". Everything would be different and maybe I could never be happy...just maybe. Maybe I might find another way. As I always say, as long as there is life there is hope, as long as there is, there are infinite possibilities.

So, now you know "what would happen if the MC did NOT betray the elemental lords".

Sincerely I am a little disappointed with the people who comment "It makes no sense to betray the "Elemental Lords" just for a "revenge" ... have you never held a grudge for something, even if it is the most insignificant thing ...?

I must remind you that there have been wars over silly things and fights between friends over silly things... be human and don't classify the MC as a "Saint"... Or don't idealize things because you think it's silly for you. Do you really understand the MC? , when the guy has to deal with the aggressiveness of his elemental body. Which as I've said much before, it affects him.....

I'm not upset about the comments per se, I'm upset that some don't take the time to try to understand the "why" of things. I constantly repeat that not everything I write should be "profound" but it should at least have some purpose. In short, it must have logic.

I am taking my time writing explanations for you with the sole purpose of making it easier for you to understand this story. To understand what is going on... the least I hope is that if you are really going to criticize me, at least read the explanations before thinking that I did it just because... And partly yes, I did it because I want to, but not without sense. This story has a lot of things that I want it to have, but I try to make it all go together with logic...

Anyway, I did this in order to illustrate what would have happened to me if I had not betrayed the elemental lords.

By the way, if he had only killed "Y'Shaarj" and then abandoned the elemental lords then it would still be "treason" ... there would have been no point in his doing so....

In the end, the way he was able to finally let go of his pent-up feelings of revenge were helpful in continuing the normal plot and preventing the future from irrevocably changing, or so he thinks.

I will explain that what the MC thinks and does are two different things... It is like a person who says today that he will not drink water and the next thing you know he is drinking a bottle of water... Although not as extreme. The thing is that not everything goes according to plan. So don't think that everything will be 100% the original plot. It's already practically impossible. I could list all the changes (which are not so many because things are just starting, but there are some).

The last thing I will say. Don't think you understand the world of WOW... this thing is bigger than it seems and everything we can think as true, most probably is not... the worst thing is that they tell it to your face and we still don't understand... *sigh* I can only say that you have to study this universe in depth to be able to "understand" what is really happening.

I will not make this any longer. I invite you to comment, give me your opinions, advice, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and be yourselves with me, but with the respect we all deserve.

Destroy or build, that is the question.

I wish you a great day or a good night. ^^

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