47.45% The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima. / Chapter 149: Chapter 149 - Genin Test - Final

บท 149: Chapter 149 - Genin Test - Final

Seto looked around and tried to find Daichi but he failed. A few seconds later he felt someone tap his legs. He hastily turned around and his eyes widened when he saw that it was Daichi.

"What?! How did you-"

"Like I said before. You were always in my range. Now come on. We need to find Mari."


"It's important. I'll explain after we get to her."

Seto looked at Daichi for a few seconds and then slowly nodded. Daichi led the way and both of them soon reached their third teammate.

"What are you two doing here?" Mari looked at the two in suspicion.

"Don't look at me. He's the one who insisted." Seto pointing towards Daichi. "Alright Daichi. Why did you drag me here? I don't have time to waste. I need to figure out a way to get the bells." Seto said to the boy.

Daichi sighed and then spoke. "There's no way either of you are ever gonna lay your hands on those bells."

Seto and Mari narrowed their eyes. "What are you saying? We're not good enough?"

"Yes." Daichi replied somewhat harshly. "You saw what he can do! You just saw what an Elite ninja is capable of. Do you really think you can fight him on your own and get the bells?"

At that question both of them lowered their heads. After watching the battle earlier they knew it was an impossible task if they went at it alone.

"So what are you suggesting?" Mari asked Daichi.

"We work together to get the bells. If we go at it alone we won't stand a chance. Time will run out quickly and we will fail. But if the three of us work together then there is a chance we can get the bells."

"But teamwork won't be helpful for us. There are only two bells. So one of us will definitely fail." Seto said in a low tone.

Daichi sighed and answered the boy. "Listen. We need to get the bells first before anything else. Without them all three of us will definitely fail. But if we work together and get the bells, then two of us have a chance at passing."

'Damn it. I can't tell them that the bells are designed to turn teammates against each other. If I do, Kakashi might sense that I already knew the specifics of the test and might disqualify all of us anyways.'

"So on the off chance we somehow do get the bells… Who passes and who fails?" Mari asked the two.

"Look, we'll decide that once we have the bells. Without them this argument is pointless. Agreed?" Daichi said to the two of them.

Mari and Seto reluctantly nodded their heads. "Do you have a plan?" The boy asked Daichi.

"I do. Earlier when I came here I took a look around the training ground. I made a map and marked the best spots to stay hidden and set up ambushes. Who amongst you is good at traps?"

"I am. I can rig up some good traps if the location is right." Mari raised her hand and told her teammates.

Daichi took out the map and gave it to Mari. "I've marked some spots that I think would be ideal. We need to draw him towards the river. Use shuriken jutsu and cut off his escape routes if necessary. Seto and I will engage in close quarter combat. Once he's on the river I'll take it from there… Agreed?"

Mari and Seto looked at each other and then nodded their heads.

"Alright. I'm going to engage him again. Seto. When you see an opening, take it and then lend me a hand." Daichi gave the instructions and left the two.

He appeared in the clearing and saw Kakashi standing there reading a book.

Seeing Daichi, Kakashi put the book back in his pouch and got serious. "So what's the plan Daichi? Are you gonna try your luck a second time?"

"Something like that." Daichi weaved seals and placed his hands on the ground.

'Earth style - Great Mud River'

The ground turned to fast flowing mid river almost instantly and Kakashi seemingly lost his footing. Daichi quickly took out several shurikens and aimed them directly at the unbalanced Kakashi.

The star weapons flew and perfectly struck Kakashi before his body was covered in smoke and a wooden log was in his place.

Two hands appeared out of the ground underneath Daichi and latched onto his leg tightly. The next second Daichi was pulled underground with only his head above the surface. Kakashi was standing in front of him with a nonchalant expression.

"Your execution of the jutsu and your chakra reserves are impressive for someone your age. But there is still much for you to learn." Kakashi said, looking down at Daichi's head.

Daichi smirked, hearing that. "I know." The next second his entire body turned into lightning and struck the silver haired Jonin. A second later the man vanished into a puff of smoke.

Several meters away Daichi was looking at the scene from behind a tree. 'A shadow clone?! He's careful.'

Daichi used the Mana scout skill and found Kakashi to be nowhere near him.

'That's strange. If he isn't here then where…' Daichi's eyes widened in realization. He quickly took off and rushed to his teammates' location.

'Shit! I should have known he'd go after the others. I'm not the only one on this team afterall.'

He sensed Kakashi's presence near Mari and quickly rushed to her location. When he reached the location he saw the girl on the ground unconscious with a few tears rolling down her face. He sensed the fluctuations in her chakra and immediately understood the situation.

'He trapped her in a Genjutsu. Probably the Hell Viewing technique or something similar.'

Daichi placed his hand on the girl's shoulder and focused chakra into her. Making the Ram seal he dispelled the genjutsu.


"Gha! What… Where?… Father…" The girl was disoriented for several seconds and then looked at Daichi and then to her surroundings.

At that moment she realized what had happened. "Genjutsu."

"Yes. Whatever you saw, it wasn't real. I need you back in the fight… Can you set up the traps?" Daichi asked the girl.

She looked at Daichi with a complicated expression for a few seconds and then nodded her head. At that moment Daichi's senses picked up the sounds of battle coming from the other side of the forest.

"Looks like sensei found Seto. I'm going to help him… Remember the plan."

With those words Daichi left and came near the battlefield. He hid behind a large tree and observed the situation.

Kakashi was fighting Seto with only one arm. He looked absolutely bored and didn't even move from his spot as he blocked and parried the slow kicks from the academy student. He slapped a punch aimed at his face and jumped over the student.

"Come on. Take this seriously." Seto gritted his teeth and shouted at the Jonin.

"See the thing is… I don't need to if you're my opponent… Now if it was Daichi I'd be more cautious. But since it's just you, I won't bother."

"You think I'm that weak?"

"Yes. Compared to his skills and talent you're just ordinary. If you ask me, he's the one who should have one of the bells."

Seto grew angry hearing that and ran at his foe.

Daichi, who was watching the battle from his spot, understood what was happening. His eyes narrowed as he realized Kakashi's strategy.

'He's deliberately antagonizing him. Trying to make Seto think that I'm the enemy. He's making it more difficult for us to work together as a unit… That son of bitch. I knew it. He could sense us the whole time. He knew I was with the other two and he probably figured out that I know this is about teamwork. That's why he targeted those two while he kept me busy. He's creating friction among the team to make this more challenging. I need to attack and take control before things get out of hand.'

Daichi had kept his presence to the bare minimum the moment he left Mari's side. He wanted to take Kakashi by surprise. He waited for his chance to take an opening. A minute later he got his chance.

Daichi saw Kakashi holding both of Seto's arms and holding him in place. Daichi made a few clones and then rushed at Kakashi from his blind spot.

The Jonin sensing movement from behind, threw Seto towards Daichi. Daichi stopped and caught his flying teammate

"Get off me. I don't need your help."

"We need to work together. That's the only way we can get the bells." Daichi said to the boy.

Seto looked angry but after a few seconds nodded. Both of them rushed at Kakashi and started attacking him. Daichi used Analyze skill on both Kakashi and Seto and used the information to his advantage.

Kakashi evaded a kick from Daichi and parried a punch from Seto. He noted their teamwork and was surprised. 'Hmm… It seems Daichi is adjusting his speed and fighting style to match Seto's. He's not working with but around his teammate. For a new, fresh out of the academy kid, that's actually not bad.'

Daichi and Seto very slowly pushed Kakashi near the lake flowing through the middle of the training ground.

Daichi looked at the position of the sun. 'Its nearing noon. We don't have much time left.'

When Kakashi tried to jump back or gain distance, several kunai and shuriken came from the trees surrounding their battle field.

Kakashi looked around and sensed movement in the forest. 'So they're working together huh. I didn't expect that given their behavior. It seems Daichi is the one who came up with that plan.'

Daichi used genjutsu and kept Kakashi distracted while Seto fought him in hand to hand combat. And with the hidden projectile ambushes Kakashi had to evade, the three graduates slowly forced their teacher near the river.

Kakashi evaded another set of projectile shurikens when Daichi launched a few of his own. They struck the shuriken Mari threw earlier and changed their trajectory to Kakashi's new location.

The Jonin's eyes widened as he saw the scene. 'He's still as sharp as ever. It reminds me more and more of Itachi's shuriken skills.' Kakashi took out a kunai and deflected the weapons when he saw Daichi coming at him fast and head on.

Kakashi crossed his arms and blocked a powerful punch that shook his body and sent him sliding backwards. 'So he was still holding back. That punch had enough strength to knock out an ordinary Jonin.'

At that moment a Daichi clone appeared near him while weaving through hand seals and taking in a great amount of air.

'Wind style - Great breakthrough.'

A powerful blast of wind knocked Kakashi off his feet and forced him to land in the center of the lake. The second his feet touched the center of the Lake water erupted all around him and swallowed him completely.

From inside the water sphere Kakashi saw water rise up from the surface of the lake and take the form of Daichi. 'A water clone.' He was surprised that Daichi was able to trap him with the water prison jutsu. 'I didn't even sense his presence under or near the lake. His stealth abilities are incredible. Not to mention the chakra reserves he has. To pull off so many jutsu without suffering from chakra exhaustion… Amazing.'

The real Daichi landed on the water surface and placed his hand on the surface of the sphere. Chakra stings came to life from his hand and quickly attached to the two bells tied on Kakashi's waistband. With a careful yank Daichi had the two bells in his hand.

"Look at that sensei. I got the bells."

"Yes you did. I never thought the day would come when a Genin would get the bells from me." Kakashi said, looking at him through the water sphere. "Now that you have it, what are you gonna do?"

Daichi smirked at that question. He was about to answer Kakashi when he sensed several shuriken coming at him from behind. A kunai appeared in his hand and he easily deflected the weapons away from him.

Daichi looked at the people who attacked him.

"Damn we missed." Seto and Mari both had a kunai and looked ready to battle. Both of them looked deadly serious as they looked at Daichi as their new enemy.

Some time ago.

"Alright. I'm going to engage him again. Seto. When you see an opening, take it and then lend me a hand." Seto and Mari watched as Daichi left them to battle their sensei.

"Hey. Do you wanna pass this exam?" Seto asked Mari.

"What kinda question is that? Of course I do."

"Look. There are only two bells. So only two people can pass this test. And no matter what, I'm gonna be one of those people."

Mari clenched her fist as she looked at her teammate. What he said next surprised her.

"And I'd like for you to be my other teammate."

"Wait. You want the two of us to pass."


"But then what about Daichi?"

"You heard what sensei said. He's a genius. And you and I both know what they're like. Arrogant and self-serving. They only care about themselves."

At that statement the image of Neji came to her mind. And she could see that Daichi had some similarities with their Rookie of the year.

"You don't think he would give up one of the bells do you?" Mari asked Seto.

"No. He's a lot stronger than us. So there is a chance that he'll take both bells and keep them… There is only one way we can pass and that's if we take the bells from him. He'll be tired after battling sensei for so long. And there is no rule that says we can't take the bells from our teammates."

Mari thought about it for a few moments and came to a decision. "Alright."

Seto then left to join the battle against Kakashi and Mari left to prepare her traps. At that moment she heard a sound from behind and when she turned around there was nothing. She turned back and suddenly found herself standing on the courtyard of her house.

She saw the stern disappointing visage of her father. "You are a disgrace Mari. You couldn't even pass the Genin test."

"What… No father! Please… " Mari cried and tried to reach out but it was as if her father was moving away and she couldn't catch up.

"You are a disgrace to the family." That voice was all she heard as she kneeled on the ground and cried.

Suddenly everything vanished and she regained her senses as if she was woken up from a bad dream. She saw Daichi looking at her with a slightly concerned face. She looked around and realized what had happened.


"Yes. Whatever you saw, it wasn't real. I need you back in the fight… Can you set up the traps?"

At Daichi's question she looked at him. 'I have to win this test… No matter what I have to do.'

She nodded her head and watched him leave.

Seto was battling Kakashi as hard as he could. He wanted to show that Daichi wasn't the only talented graduate on the team. But no matter how much he tried, no matter how hard or fast he attacked his sensei, the man only had a bored visage. He lazily slapped away and dodged all of his attacks.

"Come on. Take this seriously." Seto yelled in frustration at the Jonin. He saw Kakashi smirk under the mask.

"See the thing is… I don't need to if you're my opponent… Now if it was Daichi I'd be more cautious. But since it's just you, I won't bother."

Seto was furious when he heard that. "You think I'm that weak?"

"Yes. Compared to his skills and talent you're just ordinary. If you ask me, he's the one who should have one of the bells." The way Kakashi said that only made Seto angrier. He rushed at Kakashi and attacked with renewed vigor but it was for naught.

He threw Seto away from him and the next second Daichi caught him and landed safely on the ground.

"Get off me. I don't need your help." Seto angrily pried himself away from his teammate.

"We need to work together. That's the only way we can get the bells." Daichi said, looking at him.

Seto kept quiet and looked at Daichi for a few seconds. 'No matter what, I'm going to become a Genin. One way or the other.'

He nodded and both of them started attacking Kakashi together.

The battle continued and somewhere along the way Daichi took the lead. He used a wind style attack and forced Kakashi to land on the water where he and his clone trapped him.

At that moment Mari came out of hiding and went near Seto. She asked in a low tone. "Are you sure about this?"

Seto nodded. "This is the only way."

Both of them took some shuriken and got ready. They saw Daichi take the bells from their sensei and they made their decision. Both of them launched their shurikens when Daichi was distracted talking to their Jonin instructor.

Or so it seemed. They saw a kunai suddenly appearing in Daichi's hand and watched in amazement as he perfectly deflected all the weapons away from him.

"Damn we missed." Seto couldn't help but curse at their failed sneak attack.

Flashback End.

Looking at the two, anger bubbled inside Daichi. 'You fucks! You useless fucks. We had it! We won. And you blew it.'

"You two better have a good reason for what you just did." The anger was palpable in Daichi's voice.

"Sorry Daichi. But we've come to an agreement. We can't let this opportunity pass. I want the bell and so does Mari" Seto replied, gripping his kunai.

Daichi clenched his fists. His expression turned into one of righteous anger. But he tried to reign in that anger. He needed to salvage the situation.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? We have the bells. Do you really wanna fight me for it?" He asked the two.

Both Seto and Mari gripped their kunai and got into a Taijutsu stance.

Kakashi watched everything with a sad expression on his face. 'Another team that was doomed for failure.'

Seeing his teammates' response, that instead of negotiating with him they were willing to attack him, Daichi could no longer hold back his anger. Killing Intent burst forth from him freezing his teammates on the spot. Their grim determined faces turned to one of fear and horror.

Kakashi was surprised at the potency of Daichi's killing intent. He tensed and got ready for action.

In a chilling tone Daichi spoke as he looked at his two petrified teammates. "Do you know what I hate? Bullies and people who try to stab their friends in the back. You useless fucks just ruined our chances at passing this test."

Daichi concentrated his chakra and turned it to wind nature. The next second he sent a powerful burst of wind at the two and combined with his killing intent, it knocked them unconscious.

At that moment Kakashi burst forth from the water prison. Seeing that Kakashi had escaped, Daichi turned his attention back to the Jonin. "You got out of the jutsu so quickly?"

"You've certainly trained in the change in chakra nature of water. But I can tell that you aren't very familiar with the water prison jutsu. If that had been used by a true expert then I wouldn't have even been able to move."

Daichi nodded his head as he agreed with that assessment. He only learned the jutsu just in case he ever needed and it hadn't leveled up all that much.

The silver haired man looked at the two graduates on the ground and to Daichi. He was disappointed at how things went down. He looked at the angry Daichi and spoke in a low tone. "I was right. Looks like you and your team was going to fail the test after all."

Daichi looked at the man in confusion for a few seconds before the answers clicked in his head. His eyes widened as he understood what had really happened.

"You… You deliberately didn't escape the water prison jutsu earlier. You wanted me to take the bells."

Kakashi simply nodded. "Yes. It was to see how they would react to you having them."

"It's why you antagonized those two and played on their fears, isn't it…?"

Kakashi nodded at that statement. "I wanted to see if they were willing to trust you and I also wanted to see what choice you'd make as well. I had some hope when I saw you three working together."

Kakashi sighed and spoke. "But it seems they really weren't going to trust you with their lives… Daichi Hekima. You and your team failed the genin exam!"

"You…" Daichi gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes shut. For the first time since he came to this world, he has experienced true failure.

MonkWithAPen MonkWithAPen

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