80.52% M no Monogatari / Chapter 331: Chapter 290: Granny

บท 331: Chapter 290: Granny


Summer vacation just started a week ago, and many people, especially students would take advantage of it for a moment of enjoyment, others prefer to use it to complete the pending tasks left for them, others prefer to just do nothing and rest sleeping all day, others on the other hand wish to use this time to play pending games they had and even stay awake until tomorrow, that time of the year when after a hard time of studying and exams, you can give yourself your own reward. Having already planned what you will do during this time is complicated, because if you don't pass a course, you will have to make up for it and of course, nobody wants that, so it is a difficult task to have defined what you are going to do, or that would be for most of them. Rino was preparing breakfast comfortably without any problem, she was wearing an apron to feel more at ease. With his calm smile, everything seemed to indicate that he was fine, that he had everything under control, but when he put the food in the dining room, he noticed that on the table there were lots of books, notebooks with notes and many school supplies.

『I see that they didn't pick it up as I asked them to, but it doesn't matter, I'll leave it as good as new right now』.

All the first week of vacation to help his little sisters, Iroha and Kaede in completing all their tasks that they had pending that were left to them, although it has not been on the initiative of his sisters, if not rather of him, Rino is one of those people who prefers not to have something pending, because at the last minute you always get complicated that duty, so he would take advantage of this week to do all his homework and be free the rest of the vacation. When he was studying in his room, his sisters came in abruptly with joy and enthusiasm, encouraging him that since it is vacation, they should go for a walk or to places like the zoo or aquariums. Seeing their expressions of joy at being able to be accompanied by their brother was huge, and Rino if he is someone who loves his family very much, making them sad is never an option, so it's like Cliston will say? no? Well no, Rino if he is someone who sees for everyone and has the solution for everything.

『I'm sorry, but I can't right now, I have to finish the homework I was left with』.

With a smile he would refuse his sisters, this boy if he knows how to refuse before what matters most to him, his sisters especially Kaede, he would complain about this, since how can he do the homework first if they just started the vacations, that who does them in the first place, the best thing is always to do what you like the most if you have the opportunity. Between pulls Kaede would try to pull Rino out of her seat.

『Come on Nii-nii, stop those boring chores and hang out with us, we've worked hard to pass the exams, your duty is to reward us』.

Kaede was trying her best to pull Rino, which made him stand up and walk towards the door, Rino quickly wanted to look back, but he quickly felt a light weight on his back and his eyes went blind for a few moments, it was Iroha who rushed to his brother's back.

『Aniki, I'll lead you to hang out and have fun, can you just this once leave your homework to hang out with us, we are on vacation after all, or would you rather be responsible than being nice to us?』

It was an attack that was hard to give him a counter, Kaede was the one who pulled him to make him move his body and Iroha was the one who guided him where he had to go, Rino was still with her calm smile but she was a little afraid of where they would take her, this one would try to make her sisters see reason.

『It's not that I don't want to hang out with you guys, I just prefer to have nothing to owe so I can be free』.

『But you can do it the other way around Nii-nii, have fun first. let's play together and then you can be left alone to do your homework, ah! I know, what if we go to the zoo? it's been a while since we've been there, I really want to see the giraffes especially, come on Nii-nii, no need to waste time』.

『Zoo? I wanted us to go to the countryside outside the city, but if Aniki wants to go to the zoo then I don't object, ah! Then we have to prepare obentos to eat, Aniki can you make some quick ones please?』

『Hu hu! Don't worry about it Iroha, I already foresaw this in advance and our obentos for the ride are already in the dining room! So don't hesitate Nii-nii, let's go let's go』

『Eh? you prepared them? I didn't know you know how to cook, but for some reason, I feel it will taste bad sis』.

『Well take that doubt away, you'll know when you taste it』.

Her sisters really were so excited that they already had everything planned in advance, Rino to this is wrong to turn off their party, although they are right, she could take advantage of this day to go out with her sisters somewhere to have fun, but she already started her chores that she already had them planned to do for this week, Rino would gently remove Iroha's hands from her eyes to be able to give her opinion.

『I see they already had it all planned out, but too bad, they're going to have to do it all a second time next week I guess *smiles*』

This puzzled her little sisters who quickly became alert to this, as they did not perceive any sense of evil in Rino, quickly Kaede would try to pull Rino harder to be able to leave the room, but with a simple calm call from Rino towards her person, Kaede did not avoid turning her gaze with joy, pom, she received a light and gentle finger tap on her forehead, while for Iroha who was on her back, simply with her arms lowered her to the ground as he returned to his seat to continue with the task. They don't know what just happened, well they do, but everything turned out so quiet that it was hard to believe, after a few seconds of silence, both sisters finally noticed each other upset.

『Hey Nii-nii! You're seriously going to prefer doing chores and homework instead of spending time with us!!!! You're going to refuse the food I prepare!!!』

『Aniki, why did you put me down, I wanted to keep playing with you, next time I won't do it again if you reject me』.

Both Kaede and Iroha were complaining about their brother Rino, they wanted to hang out with him but he again rejected them, at this time only Rino's pen and pencil could be heard as he wrote in his notebooks and notes, to calmly stretch his arms relaxedly taking the opportunity to look at his sisters with a smile.

『Why do you think I don't want to be with you? on the contrary, I prefer to try my best to spend my time with the people I care about the most, so don't worry anymore, Kaede, Iroha, before you came I wasn't so motivated to do the homework, but after listening to you and knowing everything you have planned, I'm even more motivated to finish everything quickly, that's why I told you to wait a week, starting Monday of next week, the rest of the vacation we'll use it to have fun as a family *smiles*』

There she is again, she always has the right words to be able to calm down any problem you have, always thinking of the best option, always taking the best option for everyone to be well, that security and tranquility that she transmits to you, no wonder people especially women who listen to her, feel so calm when they are with Rino. This would work to calm a stranger down, but his sisters quickly complained and anyway if they wanted to go out or at least have fun with their brother.

『All right, then I propose you something, if you finish today at least, 10% or 15% no, better 20% of your homework, which I'm sure you will have left them as well as me, in the evening we will have a small fireworks party in the courtyard, what do they say, is good offer』.

『Fireworks? Do you have fireworks Nii-nii!!!? I want to!!!! But what do you mean doing chores? I was thinking of leaving it for the end of holidays....what a bore to do them...』

『Yeah, boring, better go for a walk now and in the evening let's have the fireworks, that's a better plan』.

『But then it's going to be very complicated if you leave it to the last minute, you don't have to do it alone if it's complicated, I'll help you to make it fast, besides today I told you only 20%, tomorrow I can do another percentage and the next one you'll advance a little bit more, and when you least expect it, in less than a week you will have finished it and you will have the rest of the days free, if you fulfill the goal I give you, every day starting today, I will give you different rewards, today it will be fireworks, tomorrow it can be a cake, ah! and another one can be a special gift, you want to know what it will be? and by the time you have completed everything, we will go out to the zoo, to the countryside, other places and things you want to do, what do you think?』

Rino just took an innocent but at the same time cunning move to make his sisters also be responsible and fulfill their duties, accompanied with his personality and the way he said it, what he suggested was not bad, not bad at all, even they would gain if they accept, literally this week would be of just rewards for a little effort, both Iroha and Kaede thought it very well, where both coordinated turned to look at their brother Rino and with a smile on each one accepted the offer.

『 『All right, we accept your proposal *smile*』』』.

Just by looking at this, I can confirm that with his teachings and way of treating those whom Rino cherishes, he will always try to lead them towards the best way to reach the goal of happiness for each one. This is how he convinced his sisters to be able to perform all this week the tasks that were left to them, where he also made his own clear helping his sisters, and for the effort they gave and fulfilled, they were rewarded as Rino said, it may be something laborious? maybe, but for Rino if he does it for someone, he does not consider it at all a waste of time and strength, especially if he appreciates it very much, he will always make the best decisions.

Rino remembered that week of study he had with his sisters as he looked around the dining room, a mess because of the school supplies his sisters had left behind, they could have done it in the living room, but they were more distracted there. After a few minutes she finally had the dining room clean and her sisters were coming downstairs with joy, still wearing their pajamas, because today was the day when they would go out together. They were so energetic and ate so fast, that even Kaede choked and needed to drink water to relieve her, but she quickly remembered something important.

『Ah!!! With so much fun this week, I forgot that I didn't make the obentos for today! No way! I wanted Nii-nii to taste my food』╥﹏╥

『Yes, and it wasn't bad Kaede, with a little improvement it will come out better』.

『Eh? did you eat his food Aniki? At what time?』

『Well the week before you said you prepared obentos didn't you? you kept it in the refrigerator I guess after meeting what we agreed on, so as the days went by that's what I was eating』

『Ah! That's right, I kept it there, and since we don't open the fridge at all, we only do it if we know there's ice cream, well...I'm glad you liked it Nii-nii』.

The compliment that Rino gave Kaede made her nervous that if she ate quickly before, now she ate slowly, the whole family or rather, only the children, were finally getting ready to go for a walk, with joy and as if Rino was the mother, she carried with her a backpack where she had everything she needed for this day. Already at the door the joy and energy of the little sisters could be noticed, Rino closed the door, but quickly Kaede pulled his clothes so that they could leave quickly to take the train, just as Iroha again threw herself on her brother's back while covering his eyes, this kind of day and communication with her sisters, was what made Rino happy, but it also made him happy, those days when he spent time with his 2 friends who used to live next to their houses, now in the home where Yashiro lived, only his sister Maya and his father are living, while in the old Menhera house, this is uninhabited or so they want to imply.

『Enough Iroha, you're going to make me fall, you too Kaede, today they're very naughty hahaha *smiles*』

It was noticeable from afar the familiar atmosphere, but in those who were walking quietly, some 2 subjects passed by Rino's side, one had the hairstyle that is rarely seen here, like it is very fluffy, and the other seemed to be going normal. Rino turned to look at them out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't suspect anything from those 2, so again because of his sisters' insistence, he had to better ignore these 2 people.

『Eh? In this house says Minamoto, that's what you heard from Kenji right?』

Kosei, the foreign officer was asking his partner Jeff, as he passed by the home, he was curious to see that on the wall of this house, it was in the name of the Minamoto family, in that quickly Jeff was excited to see the house, this very curious looked everywhere, even climbing up he felt like doing it.

『Do you think it's the Minamoto clan as Kenji said in his story? but all this time they were hiding in plain sight, I guess they live a normal life now that we are in peace, I'm glad that they are in bad steps, and you Jeff, stop walking from one place to another or people will think we are thieves and suspects!!!!』

Kosei gave him a tremendous tug on his clothes so that he would no longer continue hanging around and prowling like a suspect and looked at Rino's house, but quickly Jeff was talking about whether inside they will have samurai and ninja weapons like in the anime, that he really wants to see, Kosei seems not to be able to stand Jeff's behavior, so he better tell him to hurry since it seems that here are the 2 important clans of the country. But returning to previous days when Kenji found the location of the possible suspect of the attack of the Midori no Happa, the only possible one was the grandmother Nanase, but there was no information of her, it was very scarce, he even wondered how she could have gone unnoticed, they could only find her thanks to search in the relatives of Konomi, especially her father, Nanase Hikari, who of this if there is more varied information than they could find, they have so much of his studies, his trade that he had and there were even identification photos of this man, but there was nothing more, since a certain age there was no more information about him, surely also the Nanase clan covered him so that he was not so much seen, also thanks to this they found the home where he lived in those years, here it seemed that he lived with his family, but especially, they found the name of his mother, it is the only location they have, if it is of his family then there is a possibility that here is the Nanase grandmother. Kenji had deciphered all this by himself, he had come up with the only clue and suspect, the thing was who would make the visit to this dangerous family, Kenji did not want to do it, it was too dangerous, although he has to do it for his job, but after what he experienced in the Big Tree Madness, the last thing he wants is a day when he will not know if he will not be able to return home.

『Oh! I rarely see you tense Kenji-senpai, it's okay, I'll go to give the visit, so I can boast that I could do something that you could not, besides now that person is an old lady, and I know that all old ladies are good and lovely, for sure when we retire she will give us candy and show us her skills, apoco que si』.

Jeff had proposed to make the visit himself, where this listening to Kenji, again only with his face did not seem the best option, if this guy goes and asks him the questions, he might talk too much and say something silly that would make him annoy her and then it would be worth everything. Normally only one policeman goes because right now they are scarce, most of them are being invoked to stop the protests and protect the establishments. But this being a special case, they would need 2 to go so that someone would have control of the situation, in that Maeda Kosei would suggest herself as Jeff told her all of the above and her response was.

『Eh? really? they already know of a possible suspect? unbelievable, in my country it would have taken years to find the culprit, good! I will go too, although they said they are Yakuzas right? Those are not like narcos? i have some experience with them, so it must be the same, no?』

Kosei would also sign up to make the visit, with Kenji he was already safer, since Kosei is also someone serious like him and even better in many aspects, since Kosei is capable of rushing against a danger that he knows may or may not return, Kenji, having his companions in front of him, gave them his respect by bowing slightly, which for Jeff, this made him very excited and even now he had another excuse to tell that his senpai gave him his respects, while Kosei was calmly scratching his hair.

Returning to the present, both Jeff and Kosei in civilians both, were at the address of the house where the Nanase family used to live, when Kosei looked at the wall where it should say the owner, it was not there, as if the surname or the name of the home had been destroyed. This made Kosei a little nervous but at the same time he was calm, before entering and ringing the doorbell, he first made up his mind and asked Jeff to ring the doorbell, he calmly did it, while Kosei stressed again that he should not say anything foolish, that he should leave all the questions to him. This home had a small loudspeaker and from it came out the voice of an old woman asking who they were, they quickly confirmed that they were officials and that they have some questions to ask, they had no choice but to tell the truth, that would make them too suspicious, besides if it is a proud and honest clan, lying to them must cost them dearly.

『Officers? I don't know what you came here for, but you can come in if I can help you』.

『Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you very much.』

『Hohoho no problem, you'd better come in quickly 』.

The communication ended here, Kosei with a sweat on his face had to enter the home, this one looked nervous still, but unlike Jeff, this one was excited for some reason, now more than nervous, he is afraid not of the old lady, but what Jeff might say, as they entered the courtyard he stressed him not to say anything, but nothing at all, where Jeff calmly replied that he won't say anything unless it is necessary.

『What do you mean necessary? but don't do anything crazy, did you hear? well, we are already at the door, could you please let us in』.

It took a while for his call, but after a moment the door was opened by a person, the one who opened it for them was an old woman who was carrying a machine on her arm that measured her heart pulse, it was like those transfusion ones with little wheels, also this machine and the steel served as a support for her to be able to walk.

『You are already here, please come in 』.

She showed herself as the old woman, at that Kosei remembered the description that Kenji told him, that the suspect is an old woman, with the black kimono with details of red flowers, since that was the same dress code of the Nanase clan, and that precisely, fit the person in front of him, Kosei for seconds stood still as he looked at her, but quickly Jeff addressed her.

『You shouldn't do that grandmother! You should be at rest if you are unwell! Please let me help you, I'll take you to your room or where you feel better』

『What a polite young man, would you please help me go to the living room?』

Jeff would quickly disturb the tranquility of the home in an innocent manner in order to help the old lady, where it seems that it turned out well, this by his fast acting manner would guide the old lady slowly, while also looking sideways at that pulse measuring machine he carries with him. Jeff called out to his companion to quickly enter the house, where the latter seemed to finally come to his senses.

In the end they managed to accommodate her in the main room of the home, the old woman was feeling better and was even smoking her pipe normally, Jeff on the other hand looked curiously at the home, yes, it lacked some decorations, it felt empty for some reason on the sides, but in the center of the room was where there seemed to be more life, since behind the old woman there was a well-made home shrine, you could see the dedication to that small monument. Kosei again was psyching himself not to get nervous, he had to think of something to no longer have doubts, while Jeff thinks that all grandmothers are good and that's why he is calm, then he also has to familiarize him with something, !!! he already knows with what.

『(Now that I think about it, Yakuzas are like narcos, but more formal and cool, just by being in front of this person, I can tell that he is someone important, well, I feel better already) We show you our IDs so that you don't distrust that we are fakes, we only come to get your statements for everything that is gendered with the bombing of The Big Tree Madness, it would help us a lot if you support us』.

Both plainclothes officers took out their documents where the old woman did not even open her eyes as she was smoking, I guess it is not necessary to verify that with her own eyes, but quickly the old woman would give an attack that neither of the 2 would expect.

『My statements? But, I wasn't involved in the Midori no Happa』-『Do you suspect me?』

Quickly Kosei at the words of the old woman, he felt a huge weight on his being, he thought to be calm and serene that he commented the above calmly, as he has been these past few days going from house to house for the same purpose, he had to modify in this time a few words for this situation, he thought that Jeff would be the one to do the foolishness, but he thinks that he did it without realizing it, Jeff was calmly browsing the place, but calmly the old woman would speak.

『You must be looking for people's different opinions, if so then I will gladly help you, after all, you are fighting to improve our country, I am not opposed to whatever method it takes to do so, I am a very open person to many subjects *smiles*』.

The old woman is like she gave them a second chance, and even this very thing Kosei felt, yes, it's when your employer decides to turn a blind eye to your idiots, Kosei again thanked for the cooperation, where he couldn't help but be nervous in front of this person, through his mind he only thought that he must be smarter than ever if he wants to get out of this.

『(So this is what it feels like to be in front of a Yakuza, no...of a current clan, Nanase Kaori, I must be careful...)』

I would start the questions they would ask Nanase Kaori, or simply Kaori, as she said, she was very open to the questions they would ask her, but it was a difficult thing to ask them, they would have to rummage through their questions to get the old woman to say key words that she was the one to blame for all of this. When the 3 officers agreed on this, Jeff wondered why they didn't just tell him if she had anything to do with the bombing, where his 2 partners looked at him with the typical gesture of not knowing anything. But the first questions Kosei asked were useless, the questions she asked were useless for anything they need, if they want her to say something important, they are going to have to take a chance.

『Moving on to another question, what do you think of the situation that is lived,lived in the country before and after the Big Tree Madness?』

『Ho ho, now you are going a little more serious young man, I always had a simple mentality, but it was hard for me to understand when I was young, the way our country lived before, I would say it was fine, speaking of my youth, we were approaching an era of total peace, you could tell just by taking a look at the city and homes, there were of course bullies and gang members, but how to say it, they had their charisma even in that, we were facing a balance where peace won over evil, now there is only a total peace that I don't like very much, it's tainted, how to say it easily, the time before was better than now, or it's just because I'm fond of it because I was young and all that *smile*』

Kaori spoke with sentimentality and even with longed memories that passed in her mind, even her way of speaking was noticeably different, Kosei paid close attention to every word she said, while commenting to Jeff that if he is pointing out the most important thing, here Kaori would interrupt for Jeff to add that the music band of those old years, were better than the ones now, where with a nice smile and without hesitation, Jeff would listen to her.

『(Is it really necessary to write that down?...but I better listen to him and he will end up liking you, I appreciate the kindness Jeff showed at the door, well, I know what question will be next)』

『By the way granny, why is he walking around with that device with him, if it's bad I still think he should be in his little bed and have his family members take care of him』

『(Hey!!! I told you that I'll ask the questions!!!! And why are you asking that, you can tell it's very personal!!!! Ah!!! I take it back, I don't owe you anything Jeff you idiot!)』

Jeff being so relaxed and having found a synchronicity with Kaori, that question came naturally to him thanks to his nature of being curious, unlike Kosei who looked like he wanted to punch his partner, but to the surprise of both of them, Kaori was going to give her answer to the question.

『Ah this, stands out a lot doesn't it? it was obvious that it would catch your curiosity, I guess you know how it works, to make it simple kids, as long as the little number is little green and has a high number but not too high, that means I'm fine, just like the line you can observe, as long as it's with a coordinated frequency, But if you're wondering why I'm doing this, *smiles* I'm not going to tell you, that's too private, but I guess I'm afraid that I'm afraid that suddenly I'll get sick and I'll be gone from this world without fulfilling my main objective』.

Between laughter and a little game, Kaori was discreetly opening up with the 2 officers, where Kosei was seeking to understand all this, where he imagined for sure that his goal will be to be able to revive the clan or return to its heyday that was before, but what puzzled him the most is that he referred to both of them as children, it feels weird that when you are an adult, in the eyes of the elders you must still be someone innocent.

『But, if you want to improve your health, then you should quit smoking, that will only make things worse and you will end up going to Diosito before you know it, I don't know what goal you have in your life, but it must be very important to you, so I give you my support so you can accomplish it granny!』

『(Hey hey hey hey, what are you doing you idiot, you are inciting her and supporting her to go back to her reins and ways, if that happens I will certainly blame you you piece of asshole!!!)』

This image was becoming familiar even to Kaori, seeing how Jeff was happy while Kosei although he was holding back, he felt like giving his partner a hard punch, realizing this, made the old woman laugh who was disregarding him with her words to Jeff.

『Thanks for your concern kid, but anyway I'm in my final stretch, I'll die if I smoke or not, it doesn't matter do you think? although I wouldn't have had this habit if it wasn't for my father, he said that smoking relaxes you from the worries, even though I've been doing it for many years, I still can't calm my problems *smiles*』

Kaori gave an explanation for her smoking habit, Jeff was still noticeably more eager to chat, but here Kosei had to step in to take the helm of the situation, they would go back to the questions leaving the daily chats, now the next question he would ask her would be.

『Do you think this will bring problems in the future...you know, when the bomb explodes it always leaves traces of destruction it did, now we live in a time of peace, but with all this do you think it will crumble or suffer a change in the country? It is one of the last ones I have, it would be very useful if you could tell us your honest opinion, ah! I forgot to add, do you think there is a possibility of returning to what we were before?』

『Come on kid, calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you if you think so, see? you even almost forgot to tell me something』.

『I'm sorry....』

『Let's see, you're asking me what consequences all this will bring, I had a good time so I'll be honest *smiles*. I was also surprised when they gave the news of the attack, I thought "what a madman would do this barbarity" but at the same time I gave him the reason or understood why he did it, he is one of the few people who realized that in our country of peace, was being born and we ourselves engendered a malice that repressed people, to fit in with modern society , it was necessary to hide it, we humans always had a part of evil in our heart, It is represented with hatred in everyone, that is bad, as the bible says, "if someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer him the other one too" it is a simple message and teaching, there is no reason to hate those who hurt us, that is wrong, it is better to live in peace with everyone, after all, we have no enemies, we are born without enemies, there are teachings like that that were used to create our peace. But to all that I say, you are wrong, if you get hit, you have every right to hit back, you do not have to leave your emotions especially your repressed hatred, it does not disappear, it is just hidden and accumulates until one day it can not stand anymore and ends up exploding, getting along with everyone is impossible, there will always be someone who does not like you and because you are too good you will forgive him? Even when he did something bad to you? if you have a head and you think about yourself, the answer is obvious, you have to show him that you are also in the same conditions as he is, don't lower yourself or be superior, same measure, yes? *smiles* We arrived to the time where someone was born and could see through our reality, he wants to take advantage or what will be his motives, hate? contempt? revolution? change or regression? or just for fun, we do not know, if something is not done soon and things continue as they are, it would not be strange that another attack similar or worse than the Great Tree Madness happens again, and as I see things, we better get ready, if someone who thinks otherwise does not come and brings stability back to people, to our world, we will return again to that ancient time where there was evil but not so much, where we could go out without fear of anything happening to us and enjoy the day. These next years will be important, both for me and for other people, we will decide the change we want to make and we will see if we have achieved it, I for my part, I hope to do it or someone will come to make me change my mind, I do not know, but it would be more entertaining *smiles* You children, if you have goals to accomplish do it before everything is destroyed, you will not want to leave this world without doing it first, I give you all my support so you do not owe them anything』.

The way Nanase Kaori spoke, you could notice all the wisdom and years of experience that she lived with everything she said, she didn't feel threatening at all and if there was it wasn't to do something bad, Kosei who was afraid all the time, now hearing her how she opened up with them, made him change his mind, after all she was a good old lady as Jeff always said, but he also emphasized again that the Yakuzas are better, you can tell that they finished elementary school. Although Kosei couldn't finish it either xd.

『(Santa Maria, the Yakuzas are really amazing)』

The rest of the remaining questions continued with better movement and even comfort, no longer feeling that pressure of danger, it was much easier for Kosei to speak naturally, as if he was talking to his grandmother, may she rest in peace. But finally after a long time, the questions had come to an end.

『I had a good time talking to you, at this point I guess it is no longer necessary to hide anything, rather it would be an offense to lie to you after the way you treated us』.

『You guys are rather brave, it's been a long time since I talked to someone, I had a lot of fun, I wish I could receive more visits like this wouldn't be bad』.

『Then why don't you visit or have your family visit you? You must have at least one son or daughter and at least a few grandchildren, right? it makes me sad because I can tell that the home where you live lacks life and someone to take notice of you, grandma』.

Jeff was the last one to speak, where he let out those words in an innocent way as always, already at this point Kosei did not object to this, but in that that the gesture of the old woman Kaori changed suddenly, she was silent for a few seconds with her eyes down, and then raised it with a smile.

『I hope some God listens to you child, I guess my loneliness is noticeable, but it's my decision I made and I must bear it, my son now.....my granddaughters are all ho ho ho *smiles*』

『So he does have a family, what a relief, that makes me more at ease granny *smiles*』

『Before we retire Nanase Kaori, I want to make it clear to you that we won't do anything against you, so don't you do anything to force us to act either, I don't mean it as a threat, just that...you know *smiles* but what I want to ask you is, do you know just in case who is the cause of all this?』

『I'm very happy about that, I don't know how they hit me (but I'm sure Konomi is to blame, little girl, this time you really messed up) but if you are going to let me live my last years in peace I would appreciate it, and your question child, unfortunately I don't know who is the cause of all this, but if he was able to do something like that, the only thing I can say is to be careful and try to take a step ahead of him, that person is a total danger』.

With yet another sincere answer from Grandma Kaori, the two officers were leaving with all the notes and key words that they were able to obtain thanks to this visiting section, emphasizing that if Nanase Kaori herself says that they should be careful, then she makes it more than clear that the person behind all this is a danger as she said. But as they were leaving the room, Grandma Kaori commented something.

『What if I can't do it? It's my right, I have the power when to act and when not to act, the Nanase family can't be threatened with anything』

With a look that would give you goosebumps, Kosei who was the only one who looked and listened to this for staying last, felt his whole body stir up, the fear he lost a short while ago returned and once again he politely said goodbye to the old woman. When they were finally outside the house, Kosei stretched his body while commenting that he is looking forward to going home when they give the report of the visit.

『That last one left me confused, what if she is the cause of all this and deceived us? if they are so skilled and good at getting away with it, it wouldn't be wrong to think that everything she told us is a lie』.

『But what are you saying Kosei, don't be delusional, why are you doubting grandma, didn't you hear what she said when we started asking questions?』

Jeff calmly talked with his partner, where he defended Kaori that she is innocent and that she always told the truth, it made him remember that phrase with which Jeff stopped suspecting the old lady and could behave as he normally does with her. "But, I wasn't involved in the Midori no Happa bombing" It made him remember that he said that before everything. Kosei does remember it perfectly, and doing a recount of everything that happened, he ended up with the same conclusion that he must be right, both satisfied officers were going to the agency to comment to Kenji that their possible suspect were not as possible suspect as he thought.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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