After one month, Billy received news about the actions of the summoner. Apparently, he truly was fighting the followers of goddess Galatea. At that point in time, even the rumors of the battle had already reached the capital of the Hiloh state. Rosalie also sent a letter saying that the people of Tersaris state were thankful for his assistance… Still, how come the pills reached them so fast? The journey was supposed to take two months… Those who were transporting them probably changed horses many times… Or Jean had a network-specific for moments like that. Still, Billy wasn't worried about that. He was more interested in the things happening right in front of him.
"Look, isn't this amazing?" Billy said while both of his kids were finally giving their first steps without help.
"I reacted the same way when Lara took her first steps… But it seems that this is pretty normal for a kid of their age," Alexander said when he paid a visit on a day off.