91.45% The Tale of Some Random Shinobi / Chapter 182: Chapter 180: Diverging Paths

บท 182: Chapter 180: Diverging Paths

As Homura sprinted through the bustling streets surrounding the academy, his heart pounding, he spotted two figures in the distance. A frail-looking, old man with bandaged hair, leaning on a cane, and a silver-haired boy wearing dark clothes. Homura's instincts screamed that he had found his targets.

Homura (calling out): "Wait! Hold on!"

The two figures turned at the urgency in Homura's voice. As Homura closed the distance, his eyes locked onto the bandaged face of the elder, revealing only his right eye. Fear gripped Homura momentarily, but he swiftly composed himself.

Danzo (to himself): This child is...

Homura (bowing): "Elder Danzo, I need to talk to Uryuu alone."

Danzo, recognizing Homura, remained silent. Uryuu, the silver-haired boy, apologized to Danzo and urged him to leave. However, Homura couldn't let it go. He needed answers.

Homura: "Wait! Uryuu, why are you doing this? Why not be part of a team?"

Uryuu, unfazed, replied, "It's none of your concern."

Homura (raising his voice): "Don't you realize what you're getting into? It won't be just you who will be affected by this!"

Uryuu: ...

Uryuu simply remained unresponsive. 

 Homura: "Urgh! If you're not part of a team, you might be walking alone, unable to meet our friends for a long time! Is that what you truly want, huh?!"

Homura couldn't stomach what he was saying, it was as if the words that were coming out of his mouth weren't his but at the same time reflected what was hidden deep within himself.

Uryuu: "hmph! And since when do you care about others? looking at you act like that is truly pathetic. You can't simply stomach that I was chosen by Danzo-sama, not you! Not Sasuke, but me! You never could handle other people being above you, that's why you're here right now..."

Homura: "S-sh*t up! I don't care about that! I simply don't thin-"

Danzo, sensing Homura's persistence, wondered if the boy suspected something. But Uryuu remained resolute, stating that he didn't care about being part of a team. He prepared to leave once more, but Danzo unexpectedly intervened.

Danzo: "How about a spar? In the past, comrades settled matters with a good fight when words weren't enough."

Uryuu: "A spar, Danzo-sama?"

Danzo: "Yes, it would be a good opportunity for the both of you to not leave anything unsaid or to chance."

Danzo said in a jovial but casual manner that only someone who has lived for several decades was able to convey with seemingly no ulterior motive.

Which not only confused Homura but Uryuu as well. 

Homura, confused but determined, accepted the challenge.

Homura: "Fine, if I win, you come back with me to the academy!"

Uryuu, unyielding, countered, "And if I win, you stay out of my business for good."

The tension between them escalated as the prospect of a spar hung in the air. Danzo, with a steely gaze, observed the unfolding confrontation, wondering if this clash would reveal the truth behind their conflicting paths.

*15 minutes later*

The training ground was enshrouded in an atmosphere of palpable tension, the metallic clangor of blades clashing between Homura and Uryuu resonating in the air. A seemingly innocuous sparring session, orchestrated by the enigmatic Danzo, carried with it consequences far beyond the bounds of a mere training exercise—the victor, a captive to the vanquished.

Homura and Uryuu engaged in a dance of steel, their blades a blur as they weaved through the air. The tension between them crackled like electricity, the two boys sporting similar thin blades, only differentiated by their length.

Homura usually sported twin short blades, but the current fight did not allow him to use both hands as Uryuu's blade was almost twice the blade sported by Homura, which required the use of both hands to counterbalance Uryuu's attacks.

Which were not only fast but incredibly precise, every swing of his sword was followed by a practiced series of movements that was obvious the boy had to train for years to reach that level.

Though fast, and sharp was nonetheless nothing Homura hadn't seen prior before, not only was familiar with Uryuu's movements but he also had experience facing several fictional opponents. Not only that, Uryuu may be fast but Homura was still faster.

They were very similar in the areas of proficiency they excelled in which was the reason as to why Homura was always able to come out on top. 

Homura: (with a wry smile) So, this guy... If he is fighting this hard... can only mean that he obviously doesn't think Danzo is someone to care for a little friendly spar, huh? He is smarter than I gave him credit for. 

Although Homura had no doubt that Uryuu wanted to get rid of him, the fact that he caught Uryuu sometimes giving side glances towards Danzo, he could only imagine that he was nervous that he would not be seen as favorably by the man who was supposed to mentor him if he were to lose. 

The issue Uryuu always seemed to have with Homura, was that he always felt trapped behind him. Someone who seemed to always achieve anything he wanted effortlessly, leaving him behind. What was first admiration soon turned into contempt and soon something close to disdain. 

Which was aggravated by Homura who never seemed to even acknowledge him, even now during their fight, Homura, seemed more preoccupied with something else entirely, even though he was the one who agreed to the fight first. 

He hated the arrogance that Homura unknowingly displayed at almost all times, thus he broke free from the deadlock situation they were at by slashing Homura with his blade at full force, only for the latter to avoid by bending down, which he was soon met with a kick that was blocked by Homura's blade and hand to minimize the impact of the blow, which had been strong enough to nonetheless sent him flying backward. 

The strength of a genin, was nothing to scoff at if they were able to enhance their natural strength with the help of their chakra. 

Seeing this fight from the very beginning, although it was nothing exceptional allowed Danzo, who was carefully watching both boys to get an idea, especially the boy who intrigued him so much. 

He was never able to understand as to why Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed interested in the boy, he could only speculate that his former teammate had discovered something that he had gone to great lengths to hide it, since the information in question did not seem to exist. 

Though a fox is able to sense a trap, an old fox can sense even understand the logic and mechanisms behind said trap. 

Danzo: (from the sidelines, cryptically) The outcome of this duel will reveal much about both of you.

Homura, with a flicker of his wrist, sent his kunai slicing through the air in a calculated arc aimed at Uryuu's torso. Uryuu, quick as lightning, sidestepped the attack, his short blade deflecting the kunai with a metallic clang.

Seizing the opening, Uryuu lunged forward, a rapid succession of strikes slashing towards Homura's midsection. Homura, ever the tactician, deftly maneuvered backward, his footwork precise and evasive, narrowly avoiding the onslaught.

Homura: (to himself) What game is Danzo playing? He must not have agreed with this to simply test Uryuu but he has something planned. As long as I can tire this guy first, I will be able to see through whatever he has planed. 

Homura transitioned seamlessly into a defensive stance, his short blade now a shield against Uryuu's relentless assault. The sound of clashing metal echoed through the training ground as Uryuu's blade relentlessly sought an opening.

Uryuu: (gritting his teeth) Fight seriously!

Uryuu's movements were a spectacle of fluidity—each strike flowed seamlessly into the next, creating an unbroken chain of attacks. He spun on the balls of his feet, his body a coiled spring ready to unleash its kinetic energy.

Homura: (thoughtfully) The kid's got some skills, hard to believe he is self trained... Impressive.

Homura, though on the defensive, showcased remarkable precision. His short sword became an extension of his arm, subtly guiding Uryuu's strikes away from their mark. It was a dance of inches, where a slight miscalculation could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Meanwhile, Uryuu's frustration grew with each thwarted strike. This spar was more than a chance to prove himself—it was an opportunity to gain recognition from Danzo, an elusive figure second only to the Hokage.

Uryuu: (frustrated) I can't let Homura stand in my way. This is my shot!

Uryuu, recognizing the need for strategy, incorporated subtle feints into his attacks. His blade feigned one direction before veering off in another, attempting to catch Homura off guard. However, Homura's trained eyes read the feints with uncanny accuracy.

Ebb and Flow:

The fight took on an ebb and flow, a rhythm dictated by the clashing of metal and the synchronized footwork of the combatants. They circled each other, a whirlwind of movement and precision, neither willing to yield.

Homura grappled with a perplexing dilemma. The attacks unleashed by Uryuu were getting hard to predict.

His Sharingan, a potent tool that could tip the scales decisively, remained concealed. Revealing it with Danzo watching could have dire consequences.

Homura: (whispering to himself) If only I could use the sharingan, I'd be able to predict with more fluidity. I can't risk it with Danzo around.

The sharingan acted as some sort of neural boost to Homura, adrenaline would course through him and seemingly allow him to move more efficiently. Thus, even with supercomputing activated, he had a better grasp of his own movements as well as his opponents, though the precision as he could detect all patterns around him decreased.

Nonetheless, it was a better alternative in a fight. 

The spar between Homura and Uryuu intensified as they moved with swift and calculated motions. Homura, anticipating Uryuu's slash, leaped backward to avoid the attack. However, this time, Homura countered with a barrage of shuriken, creating a flurry of sharp metal in the air.

HOMURA (anticipating) Watch this!

Uryuu's surprise was palpable as the shuriken, initially aimed at him, began bouncing off one another.

URYUU (surprised) What the...?

Adjusting swiftly, Uryuu adeptly avoided two shuriken aimed at his back, bending backward with an almost acrobatic move. In a single, fluid motion, he countered, hitting one shuriken away and sending another hurtling toward an incoming projectile.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Homura began weaving hand seals, intending to unleash a wind jutsu. But Homura, quick on his feet, threw several smoke bombs instead, shrouding the area in a thick, disorienting haze. As the smoke cleared, Uryuu was startled to see Homura charging toward him.

HOMURA (charging) It's over!

URYUU (determined) Nice try.

Unleashing a swift strike, Uryuu cut through Homura, only to realize it was a mere clone with no substance.

URYUU (surprised) Clone technique!

He thought to himself as soon as the blade reached his foe.

Another Homura materialized to his right, but Uryuu's blade passed through it without effect. The realization dawned on Uryuu that he was dealing with Clones.

With a growing sense of foreboding, Uryuu sensed another presence behind him. Reacting with lightning speed, he twisted his body, delivering a powerful kick to the figure emerging from the smoke.


This time, he felt a tangible sensation, confirming a hit. Leaping toward the falling body, a burst of smoke from the body revealed a log, attached to it, seemed to be something that could be another smoke bomb.

But instead of smoke a flash of light soon assaulted Uryuu's field of view, he did everything to block it, but he had been one step too late. 

Uryuu managed to land barely uninjured on the ground due to having an idea of the distance away from it before he was somewhat blinded by the light.

URYUU (frustrated) Enough of these tricks!

Homura, undeterred, appears behind Uryuu.

HOMURA: It's over!

Uryuu looked turned back as soon as he heard Homura's voice but his vision was blurry and he had no real idea as to what was in front of him as his vision was incredibly unreliable.

Uryuu (in his head): 3? No, 2!

Uryuu could not tell if he was seeing 3 or double, as those silhouettes were incredibly vague as he could not completely tell if it was Homura once again using the clone technique or if he was truly seeing double, not that it deterred Homura from brandishing his sword towards Uryuu.

In the midst of the complex exchange, Danzo, observing with a discerning eye, anticipated Homura's next move. He suddenly tilted slightly his head, making what seemed to be a nod.

Homura: Kuh! ( What?!)

 As Homura appeared behind Uryuu, ready to strike, he felt suddenly slightly heavy as he missed his target. It was as if for a moment he felt his body become rigid. Though it was for such a brief instant that he felt as if he had hallucinated; sadly that also meant he missed his target, the blade which Uryuu was holding with his left hand.

Though that attack was all Uryuu needed to confirm the position of his foe, which he immediately delivered a powerful kick to Homura's chin, sending him flying across the field.


The weight on Homura's blade and body, gave out as he let go of his blade and his body hit the ground with incredible force. It was a hit that would knock out most adults, Homura, managed to simply retain consciousness due to being trained for several years and having experienced similar blows before. 

Not that he was unscathed; as he could barely think straight, let alone rationalize what had happened. 

In a sudden burst of speed, Uryuu closed the distance, his blade seemingly about to reach Homura's throat.

Suddenly, Danzo, watching keenly, steps in.

DANZO (decisive) Enough.

Uryuu and now Homura that had started to make sense of the situation looked at Danzo with a surprised look.

Danzo although disappointed at Uryuu, said nothing to reprimand the latter. 

DANZO (in thought): He had held his blade prior to me stepping in...how disappointing.

Homura who finally became sound of mind, started to look the faces of both Danzo and Uryuu; as if trying to rationalize his current situation.

HOMURA (monologuing):.. What just happened?

Uryuu, having defeated Homura in their spar, expressed his regret of pointing his blade towards his new master, by bowing to Danzo before firmly planting his sword into the ground. Danzo, with his usual stern expression, dismissed the apology as irrelevant. His gaze then shifted to Homura, the defeated party in this unusual confrontation. 

Danzo: It seems this is your loss. 

Homura hearing these words cemented what he had feared all along, that he had failed.

Homura (himself): "if only I didn't hold back, then I-I.."

The defeated Homura remained silent, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within him. He couldn't fathom how he lost. Did he hesitate, hold back, or were there mental blocks hindering his performance? The answers eluded him, leaving him in a state of confusion.

His Swift Release abilities were evolving harder to fully hide them, especially if he used chakra to enhance himself, not only that, but as a freshly graduated genin, Homura was a bit too strong; not strong enough to be a level that most would believe it was strange but he didn't want to stand out too much. He wanted to hide his abilities at least until the chunin exams; if the competition knew of his abilities then, it would become troublesome; he and his teammates may even be the target of assassination attempts. 

To prevent any inadvertent use of his full abilities, he had consciously restrained himself during the spar.

Homura (internally): This defeat... it doesn't make sense.

He glanced at the spot where the spar had taken place, as if hoping to find the answers in the disturbed earth. But answers eluded him, slipping through the crevices of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Danzo, with his characteristic stoicism, addressed Uryuu. "You are the victor. Your wishes prevail."

Uryuu, standing with his sword embedded in the ground, appeared unfazed.

Uryuu: "Understood, Danzo-sama. There's nothing more for me here."

He said without a hint of hesitation, without even turning back to look towards Homura.

Danzo:...very well.

Danzo nodded, acknowledging Uryuu's decision. Together, they started to depart, leaving Homura behind. Homura, conflicted and wanting to say something, found himself rooted to the spot as the duo departed. 

Homura: "Wait," Homura finally found his voice. "Uryuu, wait!"


However, Uryuu did not abide by Homura's pleas, but instead pressed on without turning back. 

As Uryuu and Danzo continued their departure, Homura stood there, conflicted emotions swirling within him.

Homura: T-this is not how things were supposed to happen...

He couldn't shake off the feeling that he had just witnessed something significant, something that would alter the course of their lives and perhaps history for the first time. Homura had convinced himself that his actions were always minimal, and that no true impact was done so far on how events would play out in the future.

However, he was wrong, no matter the change, destiny could be altered even if some events seemed predestined to happen. To Homura, it seemed that destiny could only be delayed and not fully avoided. 

It was not long before Homura started walking once again, passing by the vibrant streets of Konohagakure in a dazed state; before he knew he was already entering through the doors of the academy seemingly unaware of it. 

He could not believe that his actions had pushed a friend, someone who had grown up in the same orphanage into the hands of a monster that held no regard for anyone or anything besides trying to fulfill its selfish goals. 

The guilt was eating at Homura, he felt sick. This was the man who orchestrated the death of children. Who made lonely orphans grow as siblings, and who then forced those said siblings to kill each other in order to completely break his subordinates into loyal tools; who knew what he would do to someone like Uryuu whom he could not indoctrinate him as a young child. 

Homura, feeling a weight of despair settling upon him, stumbled backward and barely managed to not collapse onto the floor of the academy hallway.

He remembered that all was not lost, perhaps in the future, no, if he asked for help from those who grew up in the same orphanage, though it was a slim chance, perhaps, just perhaps, they could convince him before it was too late. If he told them the truth, perhaps they could join him in protesting with the Hokage. 

As he pushed open the classroom door, two familiar figures awaited him, unfortunately, they were not the 2 figures he had hoped for. What came next was more akin to confusion as he was hit on the head with what seemed to be a chalkboard eraser.

Homura looked beneath him and then once again at the people in the room in disbelief. 

He muttered to himself, "No... no, no, no. This can't be happening."

Naruto, noticing Homura's distress, questioned him with genuine concern. "What the h*ll happened to you? Got into a brawl or something?" Naruto questioned, eyeing the bruises on Homura's face and the disheveled state of his clothes. Sasuke remained silent, his gaze fixed elsewhere.

Homura, surprised by their sudden appearance, couldn't help but ask what the two of them were doing there.

Homura: "I-it can't be, oh! I see, maybe...maybe it's that...what are you two idiots doing here?"

Asked Homura as he remembered that in the original story, Kakashi was someone that was always late to a meeting. 

"Who are you calling an idiot?" Naruto retorted, his annoyance evident. Homura, undeterred, inquired about their missing jonin sensei and wondered why they weren't with their teammates.

Homura: Whatever, did you see my teammates? Jonin sensei? Where am I supposed to meet them? asked Homura while eyeing the room intensively looking for any clue or note, he didn't want to go look for Iruka after storming out of the classroom. 

Naruto snapped back, "He's not here yet, idiot. And why do you care? We're here."

Homura: What?! No, I am not asking you that! Do you know where my teammates are!?

 Naruto: Jeez, do you have a concussion too? *sigh*

Homura persisted, asking about their teammates' whereabouts. Naruto, displaying his typical impatience, replied that they were right there and scolded Homura for not waiting in class. This caught Homura off guard, and suddenly, a realization struck him like a lightning bolt.

"Wait... where's Sakura?" Homura asked, a hint of desperation in his voice.

Naruto, now thoroughly irritated, replied, "She's not on our team! You should've waited instead of asking stupid questions."

Homura: "A...team? We're a team? "

Naruto, now irritated, retorted, "What's your problem, Homura? You're acting like a crazy person."

Naruto: "*sigh*...I can't believe I am stuck with these 2 weirdos...why was I not put on Sakura chan's team?"

Sasuke, normally reserved, interrupted the escalating tension. "Both of you, shut up."

A sudden realization struck Homura like a bolt of lightning. The figures of Zabuza, Gaara, and Orochimaru materialized in his mind, haunting reminders of his earlier, careless assumptions.

Homura remembered his ranking, he was ranked second...was that the reason everything went to sh*t? 

"No... no, no, no," Homura muttered, sinking to the floor in despair. The gravity of his mistake, the misjudgment of his teammates, the impending missions with these two, all crashed down on him.

All of his previous plans and ideas came down crashing.

The weight of his error bore down, and for a moment, the academy classroom felt like a cage closing in.

The anticipated day had turned out to be a complete nightmare. 

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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