56.78% The Tale of Some Random Shinobi / Chapter 113: Chapter 111: The mystery thickens

บท 113: Chapter 111: The mystery thickens

A day after Homura's sparring session against Yagyu Jubei, instead of heading home, Homura, remained hidden within his secret bunker.

Not that there was much he could do.

After exhausting himself physically and mentally it took almost 12 hours for him to awaken; by then the previous day was over and his body felt heavy due to exhausting a large amount of chakra.

Besides, there were only a few hours until he had to go to the academy.

The weekend was now over and the start of a whole new week began.

-Nonetheless, it was simply too early head home or leave for the academy since it wouldn't be open for several more hours.

In other words, he had time to kill. 

Going back to sleep wouldn't be possible any longer in his current state.

He wanted to train his body for a bit since he always felt slightly sore whenever he skipped his daily training regiment, but today was a special day at the academy.

He could not risk any sort of injury or being late.

Thus, even a light training was not recommended, especially since his chakra reserves were nowhere near full.

He had imagined they would be higher than his current level, unfortunately it wasn't the case.

Though, that was overall not important for the day ahead.

Academy students rarely need to use chakra unless they are practicing ninjutsu, or have to use chakra for something specific.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Homura took a cold shower.

He created built-in shower through several mechanism.

Over the past year Homura's engineering skills could be said to have become much, much better.

Whenever he wasn't training inside his mind he used it to run several diagnostic and simulations on appliances and anything related to making every day appliances as much as he could.

Though he was not able to built anything related that had power supplies or anything in that field.

If it came down to build a house or basic everyday appliances, he was close to the level and even surpassed most professional builders and craftsmen. 

Though Homura stealing their knowledge as much as he could and filling the gaps with his own understanding made him truly a force to be reckoned in that field.

But the full extent of his engineering knowledge and capabilities is a story for another day.

So, after taking a cold shower and eating some fruits he had brought in prior, Homura went on to do some light reading.

He had so many scrolls that he hasn't read yet or finished reading.

He read a few but after the third scroll he read, containing fireball jutsu, or derivative; he never really bothered too much with reading the rest.

He mainly checked a scroll or notebook he found whenever he had free time.

Since that was almost never happened, a lot of the loot remained untouched.

Besides, fire release was hard to perform.

There were only a few scrolls that he found useful, and they weren't even scrolls about fire ninjutsu.


Those scrolls were considered important because they contained information that Homura simply lacked or that he wanted to know.

Such as scrolls containing a lot of knowledge about martial arts, genjutsu, some even went a step beyond what he had expected and contained records of certain individuals lives.

At the end of the day, nothing too abnormal was in most of the scrolls or books he obtained, containing memories or other things similar to that.

A lot of information contained in those types of texts were about shortcuts to training or to reach specific locations, accounting books or similar premises, or even just descriptions of landmarks they had previously visited and tourist spots.

To Homura who studied at the academy and was not completely gullible, it was clear that those tourist attractions or random names of locations or people were just key points for them to use as in cover-up stories or places of interest for them.

Ninjas tended to impersonate a lot of people and in some drastic cases even go as far as to create fake identities; it was rarely a necessity to go that far for most situations; especially for your average shinobi but sometimes it was nonetheless necessary.

Shinobis have to trick or lie about a lot of things to a lot of people.

Sometimes, it became harder to keep track of all the lies or fake backstories that they would create.

Especially if it took months or years, between lies or they remained undercover for a very long time. 


There's only so much one can do by copying one's appearance or their mannerisms.

If one had no access to genjutsu or interrogation techniques; there was very little one can do to blend among locals in any area or get key information from them.

Powerful genjutsu users are rare, even more so those who can use it on multiple target at a time.


Not that most genjutsus can't be casted on multiple targets at a time, however genjutsu are in general harder to cast and the proficiency of the user is a key factor.

Coupled with the fact that one could potentially easily break free from one, or that could be broken free by an ally disrupting their chakra flow.

Then the genjutsu user, would have wasted their chakra reserves overall for nothing.

Such was the reason most prefer to use it only in desperate occasions or if it is what they excel at and are confident in their skills.

In fact, most ninjas that are capable of putting a significant number of people under a powerful genjutsu for long periods of time, would never attempt such a thing in the first place. Unless it was absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, it would be stupid decision or an insane thing to do overall.

If one was capable of using genjutsu that freely, on large scale, it would normally stand to reason there would be easier ways to achieve their goals than using such a large scale type of genjutsu.

Unless, the user has enough chakra that would permit them to continue casting genjutsu on so many people at the same time or they had no other way to realistically fight.

Since as powerful as a genjutsu user might be, to make their opponent fall unconscious or be unable to fight; a powerful genjutsu must be used, or their foe must be quite weakened, or it has to be one of a kind.

Genjutsu at the end of the day are simple illusions, for shinobi who tend prefer fighting quick/short battles; genjutsu is not normally not used. 

Sometimes, the simplest things or solutions are the most important ones in order to blend in or achieve one's goal.

Furthermore, writing down names of areas, individuals, or events it is quite useful to write reports in the future, which Homura was already very familiar with the concept since it is one of the things they were taught this year.

So he connected 2 and 2 together and believed that most of those text were records of places they had been sent on mission.

However, whether that were true or false.

Only the owners of those said texts could affirm Homura's suspicions, sadly, the older the text was the less sense it made to him.

- Argh, it is useless! I don't even know where the land of mountains is located! I can't figure out any of those locations, it doesn't show up on any of the maps I know of.- exclaimed Homura

No matter how much he tried to adjust the map of all the locations he knew about inside his mind, the land of mountains, could potentially fit in 18 different locations by the basic description inside the notebook that he was now reading.

Homura probably had a more advance knowledge than most living in this world, when it came to maps. Homura being a person who knew a lot of the Naruto franchise and had played many games. 

He was quite aware of the lands outside Konohagakure than most, the only thing he lacked was detailed knowledge; but he still knew of the general location where most places where.

However, when it came to the details; he always came up short.

The show didn't provide much context over every single area, much less every other town.

Nor did he have perfect knowledge when it came in regard of the entire franchise.

Still, if Homura wasn't aware of something, it could only mean that the land he was looking for was either not important to most, had been renamed/shrunk, or likely to have been destroyed or experienced some kind major event.

Which wasn't a big stretch.

Maps in this world had to be redrawn or accommodated to fit the new status quo after a major event.

However, war...war was normally the reason as to why things disappeared, appeared, or had to renamed/redrawn on most maps.

- Tch!…The owner  of this notebook, probably was well aware of where the land of mountain was within his time or it was a rather common location at the time,  so he didn't bother to write that part down or between which countries it is located...or it is located on the outskirts of the land of  fire.

Homura closed the notebook in his hands.

-…( this notebook seems to be at least over 10 to 20 years old. It is probably not relevant any longer.)

Homura put the notebook in front of him away; next to a pile of other things he had already read and moved to the next thing on left side of the table that was closest to him.

Which happened to be a inconspicuous yellow and red scroll. 

- T-This scroll is the one from that night…

Homura recalled the scroll in his left hand, it was the scroll of the house he entered before Granny Akane's house.

Of course, it brought up bad memories.

However, that was not the reason as to why Homura was pensive; when he realized that which kind of scroll he had grabbed.

The owner of the house was also very strange.

He had one scroll that described in detail lightning release training and even a scroll that contained 2 wind release techniques, and several other interesting things. Though most of the other scrolls he had, had something to do with fire jutsus.

The same type that Homura had in abundance, except for the personal notes that he wrote that the old man wrote himself; there was hardly any different. Though his seemed quite old.

Either because he used it a lot or it was just written a long time ago.

C, had said that they should be about 15 to 20 years by appearance alone and the state of the materials; though that could be somehow faked.

At least when it came to its appearance.

But Homura refused to eat different samples of pieces of paper as C recommended in order to him create new sample data from the ordeal.

Though now the thought became more prevalent as he held this specific scroll in his hand.

Because this scroll was slightly more special to Homura; especially when context is added as to why that is.

- …Almost seems like fate….- said Homura as he looked at the locked door to his left.

That was the locked door that he rarely opened since it contained a lot of sensitive things he didn't want to touch unless he didn't have to.

When it came to that old man, Homura, remembered what sin he had committed committed that night.

That night, he stole more far from the elderly individual, than his sets of scrolls or weapons.

After…he discovered in what state Takao was left in... he wanted revenge, he wanted power.

Thus, he went back to the man's location and stole the injured eye, before the body could be taken away.

He had shied away the first time he had been given the opportunity, but as his mind became plagued with a desire for revenge; he wasn't bothered by ethics any longer.

However, once he calmed down; he was able to realize how moronic and dangerous his actions were. 

More than that, it was not something he was proud of. But his head was so full of rage at that moment he could barely control his actions.

He was driven by strong emotions; that he could not be calmed.

If he wasn't so weak and aware of that fact; he might have gone back to kill anyone who tried to appropriate the eyes of his relatives.

Now, It is all a story better left in the past.

The same for the eye itself; it was mostly useless.

It mostly just serves as a reminder to Homura.

A macabre keepsake, to remind himself as to what he is fighting for, and because conserving a rotting eyeball is not easy.

Without proper refrigeration due to the lack of a power source inside the bunker, it takes more work than he wanted to admit, but he certainly could not leave it at home or anywhere else.

It now only keeps itself from deteriorating due to different blends of things Homura has to do and solutions based on his own blood.

Why was Homura able to accomplish such a feat? Or even tell his work was

2 things really the cause  of Homura's success in that specific task.

Homura learned tha

Homura's cells and overall genetic makeup can adapt to any transfusion without rejection.

So by giving it his own blood a similar effect takes place but in reverse.

However, it doesn't show any signs of healing itself.

But at this point, Homura already has a pair of sharingans, and he didn't want to mess that up or the eyes without being able to learn something from it.

Mostly to test some theories he had in mind.

Homura stopped thinking about that night and focused on the scroll in front of him.

- But this is that scroll…

Homura did not think about the events of that night because he was fully sentimental.

The now-deceased unknown figure was certainly important. but more than that this scroll was special. A bit of chakra was oozing out of it.

That was all he could tell as he had used his sharingan to check if there were any traps waiting for him if he were to open it.

That was certainly a possibility.

This could only mean mainly two things, either there was a formula in the likes of the ones used for sealing objects or to accomplish similar effects…or there was powerful genjutsu.

A bomb was also a possibility.

Though that was less likely, if it was…it could spell danger for the owner as well.

And would let a lit bomb within their own house.

However it had been months already so most options, besides genjutsu seemed less and less likely.

- Sharingan!

Homura activated his sharingans.

His irises became red with a single tomoe in each.

Only to confirm his suspicions.

He couldn't really see chakra like the byakugan could, but he could see enough to tell a lot at a single glance, then most shinobis.

- Tch!…(I think it is getting weaker…another year and it will be gone…perhaps sooner than that)

Homura felt a bit panicked by his discovery, especially the losing part.

So, bracing himself to undo the knot holding the scroll from undoing itself.

But he hesitated as he was about to undo the knot, C did say the scroll had been opened before.

However, Homura could not help himself from pondering if C was wrong.

It certainly had never been truly wrong about a lot of things, most of the time when it doesn't know something, it says that it does not have enough data.

Still, if he left the scroll the way it is, it could potentially lead him to lose some important cues.

So in a burst of courage, Homura undid the knot that tied the scroll together and opened it.

To his surprise, there wasn't any powerful genjutsu or anyone that suddenly appeared in his location.

It seemed to be a normal sealing scroll.

- Wait a minute…

However, something strange occurred.

As Homura looked at the sealing circle something odd was in place. the substance on the name of the object sealed was the same as the one used to write the formula.

It had even the same writing.

Which was rather odd.

Sealing jutsushikis often use the blood of the user or other means to write it down.

And the name of the object or whatever is sealed on it that appears after it is completed. The name of the thing that is sealed up inside just shows up as soon as the thing in question is sealed away; definitely not written by human hands which was the case in this case.

The author of this seal seemed to have done it on purpose.

Only a sharingan user or someone that could perceive chakra could tell that the name of the object sealed inside was written by human hands at first glance and tell that the chakra emanating from the formula did not come immediately from the circle but the on some of the markings around it.

So Homura tried to decode what was written on it and several patterns.

It took him almost an hour to put it all together.

What he came up with was a bunch of nonspecific things, that without context one would not understand.

The first was similar to a poem.

It mentioned animals which was certainly a code for hand seals that had to be performed, somewhere or in front of something.

The other part where a bunch of numbers, some letters, and some words that were purposefully assembled in a disorderly manner.

Which meant it was a code within a code.

But Homura using C's help was able to come up with several potential answers.

And what he came up with was a name of several landmarks, a description, and several codes that seemed to indicate specific locations.

-…Who was that man?…I need to che-!?

Before he could finish that train of thought the alarm, inside his head, rang.

He had set it up in order to avoid being late for the academy.

-Tch! Doesn't matter…(I wouldn't be able to go there now…almost all of those locations are nowhere within our village even at first glance.)

Homura was about to put the scroll away in a specific drawer, before leaving the bunker.

But him not wanting anyone to see the contents inside the scroll, he proceeded to throw it away in a trash bin and set it ablaze as he left the bunker.

Wondering if he had stumbled over some kind of secret.

However, from speculation, a lot he could guess is that somehow, it was linked with the coup d'etat the Uchiha were planning.

Nonetheless, since most of the locations and things had to do with things outside the village, it could be something else altogether.

Deepening the mystery further.

Whatever the truth might have been.

It was too late, to bother thinking too much about it at this point in time; he would certainly not get the answers he desired.

Chapter end

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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