26.98% One Piece: Revolutionary / Chapter 16: vs Lucci

บท 16: vs Lucci

August looked at the open field, spanning miles in all directions. He arrived at Gintoki island a couple of hours later, and this was the first place he went too. He didn't know for certain who his stalker was, but he had a good idea.

He didn't want to interact with anyone on this island until he knew for sure the threat was eliminated, because he knew just interacting with them might pose a threat to their lives.

'Looks like the perfect place to fight.' He thought to himself, before opening his mouth to speak.

"You can come on down! I know you're there!" August shouted, his eyes gazing into the sky. His shout seemed to have elicited no response, but a moment later he observed the tall but skinny figure of a man freefall to the ground.


Just as he hit the ground, he kicked the air with both his feet, the impact creating a small cloud and stopping his fall. The figure had his hands in his pocket, and wore a black top hat with a black and white suit. He had a weirdly shaped beard, and looked to be an adult but the thing that stood out most about him was his calm demeanor, evident by the blank expression on his face and his relaxed stance with his hands in his pocket.

"I'm surprised you noticed me" The tall man said, but his voice betrayed his words as it was completely devoid of emotion aside from a small hint of boredom.

"You certainly don't sound surprised" August replied, glaring at the man. Due to his memories from his previous life, he was certain he knew this was Rob Lucci of the CP9. In the main series he was a primary antagonist in the Enies Lobby arc, and was one of Luffy's hardest adversaries.

In his opinion luffy only beat him because Lucci underestimated him and luffy had plot armour, so he knew how strong Lucci was along with all of his abilities and would not underestimate him. For the first time in his life he wasn't confident he could win this fight even with all of his training and hardships.

'It's now or never.' Thought August as he begun preparing to fight.

"I'm going to need you to hand that over." Lucci said, ignoring August's comment. He pointed towards the bag which contained the newly obtained devil fruit August was in possession of.

"Oh this?" August said, looking at the bag. He looked back to Lucci, his eyes not blinking once as he threw the fruit behind him, all the way into the distance.

Lucci raised his eyebrows, showing interest in his actions.

"Winner takes all. Do you agr–" Was all August managed to say before the agent vanished, leaving behind a trail of dust. He reappeared not even a second later, his arm tucked in with his finger tensed by his side.

"<Shigan!>" Lucci exclaimed, thrusting his finger forward in an attempt to end the fight before it began. He was caught off guard and actually showed an expression of surprise when it was stopped by a fist.

August grabbed Lucci's finger with his hand, adding his shatter energy in hopes to obliterate his finger. Simultaneously he raised his other fist back and punched Lucci's stomach.

"<Tekkai!>" Lucci shouted before the punch made contact. The punch dug deep in his stomach and made him fly away, his body soaring through the air until he managed to stop himself with Geppo.

He made contact with the ground, his breathing slightly rough due to the punch. He looked at his finger which was a faint colour of purple…whatever power he used, Lucci knew it was dangerous if it damaged his finger to this extent, making it practically useless for Shigan. He bit the inside of his cheek in rage, causing blood to form inside his mouth.

August, taking the advantage rushed towards his opponent. He disappeared in a blitz of speed, similar to his opponent and appeared behind him. He sent a roundhouse kick towards his opponent which was blocked by an arm.

Another kick was dodged with a head pivot, before Lucci tilted his head forward and spat a glob full of blood in his opponents eyes.

"What the fuc-"

August's body was instantly riddled with holes which left parts of his body hollow. 5 holes, he counted as he was sent flying back from the impact.

"<Shatterbird!>" August said, and the air responded to his command and cracked and shattered, the pieces of glass reforming into a small bird and stopping his momentum.

"Your strong, and you devil fruit looks dangerous, so I will end this as soon as possible" Lucci said, before his body began changing form. His skin mutated to orange with hints of black dots, while his face got larger and he grew a tail and ears.

His muscles grew more defined as his hair grew, covering up the width of his now much bigger back. His eyes gleamed red as his carnivorous instinct took form and festered in his body.

August and Lucci disappeared from their positions, becoming a blur to the normal eyes as their positions constantly changed.

They played a constant game of cat and mouse, changing between offense and defence when the chance arrived. They were equal in speed, but physical strength was another thing.


Their fists clashed against each other, and Lucci grinned triumphantly as August flinched in pain and pulled his fist back which occasionally twitched.

Utilising his speed in his hybrid form, his towering form sent waves of finger pistols at his opponent. Dodging every attack, August ducked under the finger pistol, feeling it graze his skin as he concentrated a huge amount of his powers to his fist and delivered another punch to the assassin.

The hybrid form managed to withstand a punch with slight difficulty as he was sent skidding back from the force of the punch.

Lucci kicked the air once and swung his leg as he created a heavily condensed blade of air which took the shape of a bird.

"<Victory Bird!>

Coating his hands in energy, August met the attack head on, the clash causing sparks to fly. August coated his hands in another layer of energy, causing the bird to slowly crack and break apart until it finally shattered under the power of August's punch.

"I see." Lucci said, wiping a small bit of blood off his mouth, "You ate a fruit that allows you to break things, right? It's why you can do that thing to the air, and why your basic punches hurt so much." Lucci deducted.

August stayed silent, quietly catching his breath as he knew answering would be pointless, but he was surprised Lucci had already deduced his abilities, his intellect was nothing to scoff at.

"Silent? Or are you thinking carefully about your last words? No matter, your throat will be slashed out either way." Lucci taunted before pouncing at his opponent with unexpected vigour.

"<Glass Barrier!>" August finally spoke, his words causing a chain reaction as the air slowly cracked, but unlike before it didn't shatter and instead stayed in place.

Lucci remained unfettered, rushing towards the barrier of glass without hesitation and smashing through it with little difficulty, but he screamed in pain when the broken glass rapidly moved and dug into his skin at August's command.

"ARGHHH" Lucci screamed in pain as August decreed his glass to dig further into his skin. His quick thinking he had developed made him use life return and tekkai to force the glass out of his skin, letting the bloody pieces of glass drop to the floor and break. He looked towards August, but he was gone from his spot.


August appeared in front of him, jumping up slightly as he sent an uppercut towards the distracted Leopard's chin, momentarily dazing him while August capitalized on the chance and created a condensed glass sword, immediately thrusting it towards Lucci's jugular. He was taking no chances, he needed to end the fight fast and kill Lucci!


His sword distorted the empty space as the leopard's body went limp and dodged the attack. Lucci retreated, once again using life return to try and heal his body quicker while changing his body structure.

"<Life Return: Agile Form>" Lucci muttered, and his body slowly decreased in size all the while still containing the intimidating form. His eyes flared up in a colour of blood as he stared at August with rage.

"Scatter." August said, his sword breaking apart and turning into glass particles in the shape of roses. He pushed his hand forward, the glass following his decree and racing towards Lucci at a blinding speed. To any other person this attack would be the end of them, but Lucci wasn't any normal person.

The prodigy responded as his slightly smaller body disappeared in the air and the glass followed. As Lucci dodged every attack, he found that the glass seemingly multiplied every second.

He turned around, eyeing the tsunami of glass with cold eyes. He saw that small cracks occupied wherever the glass went, and the more glass he had the faster he produced more glass.

"Shigan: Madara!" As soon as the words left his mouth, a barrage of clawed fingers completely destroyed the glass, leaving it useless.

Lucci disappeared again, catching August off guard, leaving him no time to defend against the ball of fire that erupted from Lucci's clawed finger.

Lucci's speedy and agile form danced around August, sending long range air bullets which pierced into his skin. Everytime August tried to get close, Lucci's form would disappear or his tail would stop him.

Blood dripped down August's shoulder, his breathing slightly ragged due to the blood loss. He charged again, but the tail quickly flickered and slapped his stomach.

August grinned, expecting him as he quickly grabbed the tail, catching Lucci off guard as he repeatedly slammed him into the ground.

August, who was delirious from the blood loss and running solely on adrenaline barely realised when Lucci's tail shrank and his form changed into that of an actual leopard.


"AHHHHHH!" August couldn't react in time as the Leopards jaw pierced his skin all the way down to the bone.

He screamed in pain, channeling it into rage as he gripped the animal's head in an attempt to crush it like a watermelon.

His form changed again, growing bigger as the change in size forced August away.

Lucci touched the blood on his forehead and licked it, "Just give me the Devil fruit!" He growled.

August just laughed, "Sorry, you're under orders, and so am I. Plus we're enemies right? We were bound to fight each other at one point or another."

"Enemies? So you know who I work for?" Lucci questioned.

"The world government right? Well… it's public knowledge so I might as well tell you, I work for the revolutionary army."

"So that does make us enemies." Lucci agreed.

"It does." Was all August replied.

August's hand touched the floor, and Lucci watched as a wave of destruction in the form of rocks and dirt quickly made its way towards him.

"<Geppo!>" Lucci kicked the air, dodging the wave of crushed earth that nearly trampled him.

August smirked, already predicting Lucci's movement, creating a glass chain in advance and throwing it towards him.


The glass chain connected with Lucci's foot, wrapping around it in a tight grip. August yanked the chain, sending Lucci flailing in the air towards him.

He dashed up, Using Soru and Geppo to pick up speed until he appeared in front of Lucci, delivering a powerful punch to his stomach, making him cough up even more blood.

The force of the blow instantly shattered the chain, sending Lucci diving into the rocky ground.


Lucci crashed into the ground, completely demolishing all the rocks in the way.

Lucci ripped himself from the ground, glaring at August with an expression of absolute rage.

"You fucker!" Lucci deeply growled, his hybrid form making him sound more akin to an animal. August stared calmly at him, contemplating his next move, he needed to end this soon, he already lost a lot of blood, and would collapse from it soon. He had never been pushed to his limits like this before.

"<Shatterbird!>" August's palm pushed out, and a large bird made of heavily condensed glass moved towards Lucci.

"Screech!" The bird let out a shrill noise, rapidly approaching Lucci who remained standing still despite his predicament.


Lucci disappeared from his spot, appearing above the bird and raining down a barrage of storm legs. Once the bird was completely gone, Lucci stayed in the air, kicking it as he looked down on August with a smirk.

They both disappeared in a blink, only appearing again next to each, fists clashed.

"DORAAAAAA" August shouted, sending a barrage of punches into the animal's guard, who's muscles were tense and hard.

He dashed forward, sending a punch to his head only to be stopped by the orange palm. August backed off, taking a seconds breather before appearing above Lucci, raining energy enhanced kicks down on Lucci who still had his guard up.

"You seem to be much weaker, losing too much blood?" Lucci asked. Not bothering for an answer, Lucci grabbed his enemy's leg, crushing his muscles beneath it, sending another barrage of finger pistols to August who just barely managed to block with his arms and hands.

Lucci kept on raining down attacks while attached to August, he only stopped when 2 sharp pieces of glass neared his eye socket, making him close them giving him the chance to be kicked.

"Huff..Huff...Huff." August breathed heavily, looking at his arms covered in blood and minor bullet holes.

He held his hands out behind him, the air shattering as massive amounts of glass was produced, separating out before conjoining into 6 largely condensed balls.

"Truth Seeker Mode." August called out, slightly recoiling at the first hand cringe he felt at that name.

"Pfft" Even Lucci managed to laugh despite the situation. "Those Orbs certainly look dangerous, but they're useless if they don't hit me!" He pointed out, kicking the air dozens of times a second.

Waving his hands, August sent out his truth seeking orbs, staying still in place to not open any wounds.

His body felt like shit, like if he moved even an inch he would drop to the floor, he was practically a sitting duck, if Lucci managed to get through his guard, it would be over.

Lucci flew in the air, narrowly dodging the glass bomb with a shallow cut. Using life return, he pumped more adrenaline into his body, dulling the throbbing pain he felt in his head and abdomen.



His tail barely managed to swat away the glass orb before it exploded, but he didn't manage to escape unscathed.

More cuts appeared on his body, some dug deeper into his previous wounds, making him spasm in agony.

He just barely managed to regain control of his spasming body to dodge another glass orb. He couldn't get close, with his injuries taking one more of them would mean losing, so he needed to wait for an opening, which came shortly after…

"BLEUGH" August stopped his relentless onslaught, pausing as he coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

"Now!" The assassin took advantage of this, darting past the now stationary orbs and appearing in front of August, both of his arms stretched out. August reacted a second late, trying to dodge but being caught with Lucci's tail.

August knew what attack was coming, but other than covering his stomach with his hands he was powerless to do anything.

He stared at the merciless weapon with an expression of fear, knowing he was about to possibly die. He tensed his muscles around his arm and abdomen, and hoped for the best.

"Glass barr-"


A large shockwave released from Lucci's hand, going through the weak barrier and then August's arms and exiting out of his stomach. More blood shot from his mouth, and in that moment he was actually thankful he didn't spit any organs out.

His eyes momentarily flickered and were about to roll to the back of his head, but he stayed conscious through sheer willpower and looked at Lucci with a chilling grin.

"You're still conscious, HOW!?" Lucci demanded in between ragged breaths.

"Hehe *cough* Hehe. I've got you right where I want you."

The remaining orbs of glass all converged behind Lucci and smashed into his back, each of the orbs smashing into one of the circles of scars on his back.

The attack made Lucci whiteout instantly as his whole body stopped responding. His raised arms slumped alongside his body and the tail which had August in a tight grip slowly loosened.

August looked at Lucci who was unconscious in his hybrid form, and soon followed suit as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and fell to the floor, not even managing to fit in a witty remark.

xLucqs xLucqs

How was my first fight scene? Too long? Too short? Any problems?

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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