I don't know much about Noragami, so this request will likely be fairly short, or at least average length. I basically want it to go something like this: Ichigo, stressed out and needing a change of venue, is recommended to go to wherever the story of Noragami takes place. Shinigami are just another type of gods, not the only gods, and no one bothered to inform Ichigo's of that as the other shinigami deemed it unnecessary. After seeing various strange happenings and growing suspicious, he meets the various gods, who can sense that there is something different about Ichigo than a regular human, but can't tell what it is. Eventually they realize that he's a shinigami when they see him fighting, and later they learn about his hollow powers and quincy heritage. Eventually, when he figures out that there exists other gods, Ichigo makes absolute sure that nothing can harm him, and he does this via training his quincy powers. I'm mainly doing this request because I saw a Bleach and Noragami crossover that did everything that I wanted it to, except for one thing. That one thing was that they removed Ichigo's hollow and quincy powers, saying that Yhwach took them away. I didn't like that, so I decided I'd do a request for this type of crossover that has the story elements I desire.