50% The Fox Doppelganger TVD / Chapter 19: Mortality

บท 19: Mortality

While the four of them are playing and having a good time. Jeremy came in walking with Bonnie and Jake. Katherine looked at them in amusement. "Jake I didn't know you were so open, good for you. You are still too young to be bound by morality of the weak. But I was hoping it would be you whose being shared amongst multiple women." Katherine said in a low voice.

Caroline choked on her drink. Stefan helped her out hitting her back trying to soothe her breathing. Rebekah looked at Bonnie with interest. "You feel it too?" Katherine looked at Rebekah who just shrugged.

"She just feels dangerous to me. I have met dark magic practitioners and she would give them a run for their money. Something else though, she feels like a looming tiger." Rebekah shuddered.

"Well, good for you Bon bon. Now you can put on your witchy hat and fly on your broom with pride. Ooh I know, you need to practice right? Why don't you come to our spar and break a few bones see if it will make you start your day with a bang?! What do you think?" Katherine offered kindly.

"Clan leader, are we being punished? It wasn't me I swear!" Jake said with haste.

Bonnie looking at Katherine who smiled back at her. "That is torture. I don't want to hurt innocent people."

"Well that much power inside such a weak body will break it. Making it easy for someone to control you. Hey Rebekah watch me kick Stefan out of the table." Katherine shot and won the game making Stefan frown.

"What would you know about being a witch? Don't lecture me on things you know nothing about!" Bonnie said and the pool table shook.

"I may not know anything about witchcraft but I am intimately familiar with power. There is one body, two entities. Who gets to be the master will be decided upon by the level of mastery they each have. Power is not docile it is volatile and will take over your body if you fail to master it."

"I'm strong enough to take you!" Bonnie said with confidence.

"Yes you can.... I'm Bonnie, I'm powerful, ow.. look, I burnt a house down because I couldn't aim my fire." Katherine made funny noises that irritated Bonnie to no end.

The entire bar started shaking. Bonnie wanted to leave seeing as she can't control it. Katherine's eyes turned pink and the shaking stopped. Bonnie widened her eyes. A large light fell directly towards a young couple seated on a couch holding each other. Katherine felt danger and saw it.

The light slowed down and gently sat on the ground in front of the couple who became confused. The people started feeling apprehensive so Katherine told the bartender to sell one glass of golden dew to each person.

Everyone got excited. "That was my fault, thank you." Bonnie sat down with her head lowered. Jeremy trying to comfort her but Jake smacked his hand away.

"No, that was my fault Bon bon. I was having way too much fun teasing you. But I don't understand why you would take on so much power Bonnie, you don't exactly strike me as power hungry." Katherine tilted her head.

"I trusted the wrong man." Bonnie confessed tearing up.

"MMM preach." Rebekah said patting Bonnie's shoulder. Stefan looked at her in surprise.

"What? I can be nice." Rebekah grumbled making everyone chuckle.

"You seem scared. That's why I provoked you. What can be so terrible you fear it even with so much dark power in your veins?" Katherine asked her without the amusement that usually accompanies her tone.

Bonnie's shoulder's sagged and she looked to be about to cry. "He can get inside a person's head. Make you see whatever he wants you to see. I have never met such a monster." Bonnie said trembling.

"Bonnie, why didn't you tell us this before, you have been going through so much all on your own. I'm sorry Bonnie." Caroline hugged her best friend. She looked at Katharine who is playing with Rebekah as if she didn't hear anything just now.

"We have been so selfish demanding things from you all the time Bonnie, you are always there for your friends, it's okay to let us be there for you." Stefan said kindly.

"Stefan, the smooth talker.... I like it. With that face, you would be a lady's man if you didn't hang yourself on one tree. You.." Katherine pointed at Jake.

"You are a very handsome member of my clan. You should have a harem and give me plenty of grand babies....you hear?" Katherine said and Rebekah laughed at Jake who showed a horrified look. Jake closed Bonnie's ears so she wouldn't hear his clan leader's crazy plan.

"Katherine, you can help her right?" Caroline looked at Katherine who scoffed.

"She just offended me. Never met a monster like that? What nonsense is she sprouting? What am I then? A harmless kitten?" Katherine said with puffed up cheeks.

"That's right! You tortured Damon with just your words once." Caroline remembered.

"Yeah, but he is 2000 years old psychic who is probably stronger than you." Bonnie said.

"Did you say psychic? And 2000 years old?" Katherine looked at Bonnie with intrigue.

"Are you scared now?" Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Rebekah, we have met someone who is 2000 years old and also very powerful haven't we?" Katherine said stroking her chin.

"Now that you mentioned it. We have met and she is a Bennett isn't she?" Rebekah asked Katherine.

"Do you know what she wanted me to make for her? A potion to enhance her mental strength so we can defend her mind from a psychic." Katherine said and it sounded like a bomb in Bonnie's ears.

"A Bennett?" Bonnie asked.

"Her name is ..." Rebekah is still thinking about it when someone else says the name.

"Qetsiya." Bonnie finished for him.

"Interesting...you Bennett's are just full of surprises. No wonder he pumped you full of magic he needs a Bennett to perform some sort of spell. So, you are scared of someone who needs you?" Katherine tilted her head. Bonnie bit her lower lip.

"Can you help her?" Stefan asked.

"You are asking the wrong question." Katherine played pool frowning at her increasing losses.

"Right. What do you want in return for helping her?" Caroline asked looking at Katherine. She smiled at her little flegling. Katherine then took out a few beautiful pieces of jewelry and put them on the table.

"I have this. Don't worry it is not the one like that on Elena you won't bother me every time you are in crisis. It is independent of the network. It was meant for any wolf who joins the pack temporarily. I have a toe ring, necklace, ooh a bangle a bracelet or the old normal finger ring?" Katherine put jewelries on the table.

Each one more beautiful than the last. "Are they all equally powerful?" Bonnie like any woman likes pretty things.

"No. Why would I do that? Making these is incredibly repetitive so I would add something else on the next item just to keep things interesting."

"Then how about you tell me what they each have?" Bonnie asked.

"Do I look like a salesman to you? Just choose on and I'll tell you what it does when there's no taking it back." She gave a creepy laugh.

"How does she knows if it is a good fit for her if you won't tell her? You are like this Katherine, you have way too much fun messing with people that you lose sight of what's important." Jeremy cut in exposing Katherine.

"None of them were made for witches. So none of these fine pieces are suitable for her. She only wants to protect her mind right? It does that, any of them will do that job. Even the one on Elena makes her impervious to mind manipulation." Katherine rolls her eyes.

"But Elena almost died because she killed a hunter. How does your artifact work if it won't protect her from something like that?" Caroline asked and Stefan nodded.

"That is a curse. If I could do that I'll just remove the werewolf curse altogether. Besides, killing is wrong. Why would I give my Vampires free rain on killing people? She is lucky she had her humanity on otherwise she would have really suffered after killing that person." Katherine said shrugging her shoulders.

"What do you mean?" Stefan asked with suspicion.

"Nothing! I mean nothing at all. Now, Bonnie please choose."

Everyone saw she is dodging but decided to see what happens next. Bonnie chose a simple looking gold ring with red rubies. It is beautiful and simple. Katherine seemed unperturbed by Bonnie's choice. She gave Bonnie a bored look. Bleed on it and put it on. Bonnie did as told. The blood is no where on the ring.

"You won't have to turn on a full moon, but that pain will be distributed evenly over the following four days on your body. You mind will be protected from prying eyes or magic. If someone is trying to ready your mind it will vibrate lightly like this." Katherine tried to use her mind arts on her and she couldn't.

Bonnie looked at the ring that shook lightly but only she can feel it. Bonnie smiled feeling secured finally.

"It is for temporary members so I didn't put too much staff. But this one can be used as a light magic rune. Light magic can be used to light the way, fight off darkness or my favourite...to heal. But this particular function will drain it of power so you should take it to the clan leader to recharge it for you."

"Umm, you are a witch so just do that yourself, don't bother me. When I put the light rune in it I imagined someone walking in a dark tunnel and then the ring moved to his forehead and like the miners helmet, lights the way. Go ahead do it. I want to see if it will really be as bright as I thought."

Katherine said in slight excitement. "Okay." Bonnie tried to move the ring and it happened effortlessly the light looked to be coming from her forehead directly. The light is glaringly bright. Katherine laughed happily and clapped her hands.

"Don't worry about coveting eyes, only when you are conscious can you remove the ring. It belongs to you now, and Bonnie, the ring is a spiritual item, it's alive and if you try and give it away it will be angry. I don't think you want something that can get inside your body be angry at you Bon bon?" Katherine gave a creepy smile.

"You are just scaring her right?" Jeremy asked.

"Think about it yourself. Even when unconscious, no one can forcefully remove it from her fingers. It doesn't need her instructions to protect her from mind reading. It will also take on the nature of the wearer over time. So Bonnie if you are evil, it will turn into a dark artifact."

"Cool. Let's do that and see what comes out?" Rebekah said.

"It actually comes in pairs. The other one is the shadow power. Instead of healing, it allows the wearer a small control over darkness. You can conjure up weapons, ropes or a cool shadow cloak." Katherine demonstrated the conjuring up of weapons, she made a large knife and stabbed it into the floor.

The people took steps back hearing the sharp knife piercing the floor as if it is butter. She made a skipping rope and then made a tacky long robe with large sleeves and a massive collor like the ones Vampires wear on TV.

The people started watching the show, calling it a magic show. Katherine removed the cloak and the darkness dissipated around her.

"How can you make items like these? That is only done by powerful witches since it takes a lot of magic." Bonnie marveling at the ring on her finger.

"You thinking is limited Bonnie, magic is not only found inside your body. It is around us. We don't feel it like you do but if you have the right words, you can ask for it to come and do that which you desire."

"The right words?" Bonnie mumbled.

"Anyways, it is time for my payment miss Bennett." Katherine brought her back from her musings.

"What do you want? Don't worry I won't refuse to pay. You have done me a favor." Bonnie said with a smile.

"I want your blood. I also want you to recharge a crystal for me. Just incase I find myself needing Bennett blood and Bennett magic. it is obvious to me that your family is one of the few very influential covens in this world. Who knows what trouble I might find myself in someday? Or you die and the value of your blood skyrocket." Katherine gave a fake smile while Bonnie tried to control herself.

"I will come with you then." Bonnie said with one of her own fake smiles.

"Why do you do that?" Stefan narrowed his eyes.

"What are you talking about Stefan?" Katherine asked giving him a side long glance.

"I have noticed that you are particularly harsh when people are just starting to get close to you. Why do you do that?" Stefan said taking a sip.

"I am only like that around your group." Katherine sneers.

"Right, but why?" Stefan pressed.

Katherine shrugged and continued playing. Stefan realizing he wont be getting any answers stopped pestering her. 

"Katherine, Stefan and I have told you what happened here, why don't you tell us what happened where you went?" Caroline seeing Bonnie's problem is solved, she decided to bother Katherine.

"Nothing you wouldn't expect, violence, gore, death." Katherine said with a smile. 

"So, whatever it was it's over?" Stefan asked.

"No, Stefan I couldn't finish my business with the evil vampire organization because your useless group let Elena's brother die. In her overwhelmed emotional traumatic state she summoned me because my children's gave away my things in my absence." Katherine shouted.

"Sorry. That was totally my fault." Caroline said lowering her voice. 

"Now I may have the remaining people from that place coming for me and mine because I was denied an opportunity to wipe them out." 

"What do you mean wipe them out Katherine? Were you just going to kill everyone in that organization?" Bonnie asked.

"Yes! That is what you do to your enemies Bonnie, You eliminate them so that you don't get blindsided in the future. Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe. In case you haven't noticed I have children to protect Bonnie!" Katherine said with a firm voice.

"But you just said killing is bad." Bonnie said.

"For you, because you are all children that should be protected not the other way around. The adults commit murder, dismember limbs and all that other stuff to keep frail little things like you safe. So, killing is bad for you Bonnie, me on the other hand can bath in the blood of my enemies if I want to because I am the adult, the protector I am the shield that guards the safety, the innocence and that light in the eyes of my children." 

"Thank you." Jake said.

"You are welcome." Katherine smiled. 

"That is a lot of excuses." Bonnie doesn't buy it.

"Do you think your parents would want you going through all the crap that you have to put up with in this town? If they new half the things you get up to, they would ship you off to a remote boarding school and keep you there until you are 30." 

"The point is that Bobby gave Caroline something she shouldn't have and now, not only am I connected to Elena, I am connected to her emo brother." Katherine pointed at Jeremy who had gone to play on another table. 

"Now, tell me if my present help Elena in any way in the fight against the hunter?" Katherine asked Stefan.

"She was poisoned in this party we went to, the symptoms pointed to werewolf venom but just as quickly as they came they disappeared. That was awesome by the way. Wanna share that nice medicine with some of your old pals?" Stefan gave her a charming smile.

"No. But Caroline, If you ever get with any of my pack mate and the relationship looks good, I can probably make something to wake up those dead eggs so I can get grand children." Katherine gave Caroline a smile.

There is silence in the table before Rebekah pulled her with her ear. "Ouch!" Katherine cried out.

"Obviously not before you Bekah." Rebekah let go of her smiling lightly. 

"Honestly I don't understand your obsession with those messy things. They cry, make a mess and sleep, when they get older they don't want to spend time with you after all the work you put into them." Katherine said.

"You can make vampires have children?" Bonnie held her breath, Katherine looked at the people looking at her as if they are going to eat her. 

"Not yet. I am missing one potent yang herb, or its substitute. But I bet Qetsiya will know some, It's just that she always try to kill me when she sees me." Katherine laughed.

"You don't get along?" Bonnie asked.

"We get along just fine, It's my face she despise. Something about my ancestor stealing her fiancé." Katherine said. 

The group stayed for a few more hours, Caroline showed everyone her lovely voice. When it got too late, Caroline left with Stefan, Rebekah left with Katherine and Jake took Bonnie home after she came over and gave Katherine her blood along with some of her magic.

"How was it?" Elijah welcome her home in his briefs making Katherine salivate. She spaced out watching his bare chest.

"Katharina. Go take a shower and come back to staring at my naked form." Elijah came closer and removed her hair from her shoulder.

He planted small kisses on her shoulders and neck. He put his arms around her, caging her in, he pulled her closer and their bodies collided. In the midst of passion Elijah smelled her human blood and wanted to drink it.

Feeling the change in him, Katherine left his embrace. "I know, we haven't been using a condom since that first night and you see nothing happened. That is because I didn't bleed on you. I know that y blood will be more tantalizing now more than ever but unless you bond with me and the fox blood loses its effects on you, you can't feed on me."

"Not to mention the cure in my blood will strip you of your power. I still need to get it out of my body in a safe environment. I don't imagine having it leave my body will have any good ending."

"I am sorry. That hasn't happened for a long time. I almost couldn't control myself." Elijah realizes he lost control just now.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Elijah, I think there's something we need to talk about." She seated on the small couch and Elijah sat in front of her.

"Previously my blood cells were dead. So even though my blood would still be delicious since it is where some of my power lies it wouldn't be so tempting. But now, it's at its best and you don't stand a chance against it if you plan on getting anywhere close to me."

"It is not just you, all vampires will go crazy for my blood now that it is human blood. I imagine it smells like spring or something mystical." Katherine looked down with dejection.

"It is mild at the moment because my blood still has the cure in it. I honestly don't know how we will be together after I remove it." Katherine sounded sad.

"I don't understand." Elijah said with a clenched jaw. "Why do you need to remove it at all?" 

"It is medicine found in an ancient tomb Elijah. Think about it, Someone put a powerful creature in there, along with the cure to immortality. What happens when they find out that cure is cursing through my now human body? I don't want to be caught in the middle of whatever battle of the god's they will engage in after knowing he escaped his tomb." 

"Is it safe? Removing it from your body wont have any lingering effects?" Elijah asks.

"I am going to go to seclusion soon and during this time, news of me having taken the cure can not be spread. I will be forging my now human body and strengthening it. But It has to be after the damn cure is safely out of my body."

"What about the smell of your blood? Wouldn't you be in danger from practically everyone that we know?" 

"We will cross that bridge." Katherine went to shower. They ended up agreeing to leave for the resort where Katherine has a a facility made for her body refinement. Elijah has been very careful not to ask about Klaus now that he knows what being a human means for her.

In the morning, Katherine put on the ring that is spelled to mask her human scent, she had this item on when she went to the bar the night before. "You can come with us you know." Elijah said to Rebekah who wants to go to travel again. 

Katherine woke up and told the children she needs to go and increase her strength now that she is mortal. She also told them to be careful of strangers and that Mikel will have a way to contact her or Rose if there is an emergency. 

"I will come back as soon as I am better and strong enough to be your clan leader. The business with the vampires organization had not been confirmed completed. So keep an eye out, they have a large group of witches who are proficient in black magic you are not their match. If you come across them, come home and hide. Help will arrive. Are we clear?" 

"Yes clan leader!" They all agreed.

Rebekah had only come back to check on Katherine and now that she has seen that Katherine is fine, it is time she went back to her brothers. At the very least Elijah seems happy.

"I have to go, you two behave." She hugged them both and left. 

Elijah looked at Katherine smiling. "We should go too." Katherine agreed. 


Bonnie got the idea to bring Qetsiya to life so she can confront Silis. 

At the moment, no one knows what Nicklaus did with the cure, especially now that no one knows where he is. It is as if he disappeared over night.

Katherine knows this will not be a permanent plan but she will be separated from the cure by the time everyone figures out she had the cure.

Elijah looked at Katharine who put on Sun glasses and got into the car. He got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"Are you nervous?" He asked her lightly.

"Are you?" Katherine shot back.

"I am. We haven't been able to spend time together like this before." Elijah said honestly stunning Katherine.

"Mama said when your relationship gets hard, make love until you tire yourselves out." Katherine said.

"She sounds wise." Elijah laughed.

Elijah looked at the rolled up paper in Katherine's hands. "Can you draw?" 

"I can paint. Want to see?" Katherine asked not opening her scroll.

"Yes please." 

"A kiss first." Katherine wriggles her eyes.

Elijah captures her lips in the midst of her playfulness leaving her gasping as her recently human heart flutters.

"You don't play fair Elijah." She blinks a little dazed from the kiss that took her breath away. Elijah chuckled. 

"I don't what you are talking about." He took the scroll and unwrapped it revealing a beautiful woman with short hair and large brown eyes. Elijah showed surprise at the picture. 

"Aya." He said almost in an imperceptible voice.

"You know her?" Katherine asked.

"I knew her once, I am not sure if she is still the same woman from back then." Elijah said with obvious remorse. 

"Fes up." Katherine demanded and Elijah saw her cold demeanor and sighed. He explained their story briefly and in a couple minutes Katherine got the gist of it. 

"You made this person and then abandoned her and your entire group to chase after your brother's tail. I'm sorry, I'm judging." Katherine said as Elijah got uncomfortable. 

"My family needed me." Elijah tightly held the steering wheel until his strength almost crushed it.

"A family of indestructible original vampires over a group of young vampires who depended on you for guidance and protection. I'm sure it was a close vote." Katherine rolled her eyes.

"I am aware of what I have done I don't need a reminder, Katherina." 

"My dear sweet Elijah, you do need a reminder because that brilliant woman you remembered is not in charge she worked for someone else. Someone ruthless. She went into a facility full of relaxed lowkey vampires and poisoned them after killing the one in charge. Just to pry open their secrets and force me to hand them over. She is evil. You created an evil spawn and then left it unchecked." Katherine said.

"The reason they have all those over powered dark objects is probably because they are aware of original vampires existence." Katherine sighed realizing what she is up against.

"My brother and I were running at that time so it is logical for them to know there must be someone stronger than us out there." Elijah added.

"When I went into their little meeting she wasn't in there and that Tristan said..."

"Tristan? Did he say his name is Tristan?" Elijah clenched his jaw.

"Friend of yours? My apologies, I killed that one." Elijah stopped the car in the middle of the road. The screeching sound of tires sounded as he brakes harshly. 

"Did you kill Tristan?" Elijah looked at her with incredulity.

"Pulled his heart right out of his chest." Katherine said unbothered.

"You might have a problem very soon, he has a sister. and she is unhinged." 

"You knew him too? How well do you know his sister?" She wriggled her eye brews playfully.

"She and my brother Nicklaus were in love." Elijah said making Katherine 'bleh' in disgust. 

"The point is she will come for you now that you killed her brother. You need to be ready." Elijah said with a bit of urgency in his tone.

"That is why we are making this trip, now that I am immortal I am going to employ gruesome methods to increase my strength, again. Only this time I may actually die." Katherine said light heartedly. 

"What do you mean you might die? If this method is so gruesome then don't do it. I will protect you Katharina." Elijah said making Katherine smile. 

"I have an army of vampires and werewolves not to mention my nine tails, I am not trying to just be powerful for the sake of it, I need to be a leader they deserve. How can I lead them to battle if I am not at my best?" Katherine said with conviction.

"But if this will also take your life, is it worth it?" Elijah said in question.

"I have lived as a weak, pathetic rat for five centuries Elijah, that was not living, it was just existing for the sake of breathing. I couldn't, have the things that I desired, I couldn't love whom I wanted, I couldn't live in the light. I want to live in the open and the only way to do that is if I stop being the prey." 

"I have to be the thing that they fear so that they can leave me alone. If I hide and depend on you or anybody I'll be that scared person who jumps at every sound. The most important thing is that you have your own family to worry about. What happens if you have to choose?" Elijah looked speechless.

"Your brute of a brother will surely find another way to incapacitate me. If I don't take care of this problem, it will pile up." Katherine lied down on Elijah's strong thighs. Elijah looked at her with fondness even though there is deep worry in his heart. 

"I am sleepy now, being mortal is so great, I can just nap anytime I want." She yawned cutely and closed her eyes. 


The Elena gang gets terrorized by Silas so they can help him find the missing cure. The Mikaelson siblings are all away and Elijah left with Katherine. Silas went crazy with anger appearing in each of them as other people to scare them into getting him the cure. 

Bonnie got enough space from him to make contact with the other side and bring back Qetsiya to confront Silas as she did in the past. However, there was no response from Qetsiya. 

Silas avoided a confrontation with Bonnie since he still needs her to destroy the other side and now that he can not get inside her head he has been trying to convince those around her to convince her that destroying the other side is the best solution. 

However, with the whereabouts of the cure unknown, he had to put more efforts into finding Klaus.

Klaus had massacred his hybrids, he has no known friends, if he wanted to disappear he could disappear without a trace and this information had Silas spiraling out of control with anger. 

Elena, Bonnie and the local wolves have protection against his psychic abilities which limited his options when it comes to people to make use of.

He started torturing Caroline's mom and told Caroline he will be back unless they help him find the cure. Desperate, Caroline tried to get a hold of Bobby to try and ask Elijah where Klaus is currently located but Bobby shot her down ruthlessly even when she cried about her mother's safety. 

"I want to help you Caroline, but clan leader and her fiancé are underground for something even we were not told about. I can't get hold of them. The other Mikaelson are not our close allies we don't have their contact information." Bobby said not sounding sympathetic. 

Caroline had made her look like a fool last time she had come to help her out and picked someone else's side over hers even after she broke the rules and took an artifact to gift to her as goodwill, Caroline took it and gave it to that doppelganger that clan leader had warned them about. 

Bobby had realized that she will not measure up in Caroline's heart. Bobby has been making new friends as of late even though Jake is still hanging out the all powerful Bonnie. She will be stupid to be used twice. She ruthlessly hang up the phone. 

Stefan wanting to help his friend went towards the estate where Katherine resides and without any suspense got repelled at the gate.

They went to the house the used to live in and found some of his stuff and Bonnie tried to use magic to find out where he is only to be blasted and knocked unconscious violently when she tried. Damon brought her back and after she woke up, they agreed to lower the veil as a distraction to contact Qetsiya and let them fight it out. 

Silas wore his mask when he confronted those he can not manipulate using his psychic power. The girls and Stefan went to graduate from high school were the wolves also graduated along side the gang but it became obvious they are no longer friends. 

Ghosts from the past came back to life as a direct consequence of lowering the vail. Bonnie decided to keep the veil up so she can have her grams attend her graduation ceremony. Feeling like she could be selfish for once in her life she goes through with it.

Caroline tried calling Klaus but his phone goes straight to voicemail but Mikel hears the gang is in need of a werewolf venom cure. He doesn't interfere and just decides to see what happens. However, Damon gets desperate and Caroline goes straight to Mikel who is amused by her decision to approach the man in a black suit with a cold expression.

"Look, I know your family is upset with me giving Elena that ring.... "

"That name is the answer to your problem. Ironic isn't it? Usually she is the source of all evil. At least for your little group." Mikel smiled a charming smile that left Caroline smitten but she soon remembered what Mikel had said.

She turned around and went to find Elena. "What are you talking about?" Elena sounded confused.

"Elena think about it, you ate a super pill that is supposed to make you impervious to 99 poisons. You are immune, your blood must be the answer. Try giving him a sip." Caroline said with shining eyes.

Elena went and gave Damon a lot of her blood. Damon was cured. "Really? Turn you into some cure fountain? Classic Katherine." Damon is not sure whether to be grateful or angry.

"Fountain? Ouch!" Elena got angry.

"Think about it Elena, what happens when other interested parties find out about this? Would they say pretty please or keep you somewhere they can bleed you dry every time they need a cure for something?" Damon said.

"And I have had it in my system for months now, why haven't I been captured and imprisoned by these an interested parties? Damon Katherine probably just wanted to motivate me to turn so she can watch the drama between the three of us. Don't read too much into it." Elena Rolle her eyes.

Elena went back to graduation.

The gang is attacked during their graduation. The graduation became a blood bath. The witches that Caroline had massacred to save Bonnie and unknowingly completed the expression magic triangle that Silas had been trying to complete, made an entrance. 

Bonnie took her father to the safe underground basement where the ghost of her grandmother has gone after she saw the graduation ceremony. Bonnie goes back and find The scene a mess. She is overwhelmed by the emotions when she sees what happens next.

Caroline is an obvious target for the witches attack. While everyone, wolves, vampires included are incapacitated from the sound spell that the witches have casted, Caroline is staked in the heart, dying. When everyone came to they found her dead body on the ground. 

Enraged by the witches action, the nine tails attacked and the place became chaotic. May as the teacher is enraged at the sight of one of her best students on the ground dead. Her eyes turned red, and she set the witch who had staked Caroline on fire right there in the midst of chaos. 

Nate felt his wolf enraged and even forgot to use his mystical nine tail power. He rip the nearest witch to shreds using his claws. He toyed with three witches dismembering, ripping their skin with his claws until they bled to death. Humans ran away from the scene. 

The gang joined the battle afterwards and the witches stood no chance. May incinerated the next witch, and the next it became apparent the nine tails are a very violent group of wolves. Bobby raised her hands in the air and the entire place became engulfed in ice. She is closing them in so the witches don't run away.

The humans had ran away and the battle had just began. Bobby's icy blue eyes had no warmth in them, she didn't just rip out their hearts but limbs too. Paige has always been very violent to begin with and now she could let loose. 

She raised her hand and took down a running witch by severing his legs. another one was just cut in half from his head to the middle. The scene became gruesome but emotions are high and the fight went on.

In the end, only Caroline had died while the entirety of witches who had come got massacred. Bobby seemed to not be done and howled in anguish when no one is left for her to slaughter. The rest on the wolves joined her in grief, they surrounded Caroline's body and continued howling.

The rest of the group kept a distance seeing them like this. Bobby shifted and ran towards the woods and the others followed her. Mikel, who had come to watch the graduation, slowly came out from his observation spot and took his packs clothing on the ground and their attire.

Stefan went to Mikel and stopped him. "You were the one who brought back Vicky right? You can bring her back, can you do it?" Mikel turned to face Stefan with his werewolf eyes. Making Stefan take his hand off Mikel's arm. "Please, she just graduated and has all these plans."

"She also massacred 12 mortals with her bare hand to save one mortal. Don't make her to be a victim. What about their plans? They are also someone's child, neighbors and friends. Why does her death mean more than that of 12 people?" Mikel cut through Stefan's bullshit.

Stefan got angry. He lunged for Mikel who lifted him off the ground with a single hand. Mikel's black hair started floating mystically changing his entire aura to that of death and darkness. The sky became dark and the air became thin that a person close to him couldn't breath.

Standing in his proximity makes people feel like death is grasping their throats and suffocating them, bringing them to his world. Bonnie tried to hit him with spells but nothing worked, Caroline who has woken up since the veil is down tried to rip out Mikel's heart but it felt as if she was trying to poke through an iron plate. She ended up hurting herself.

Mikel just stood there with one hand up lifting Stefan in the air and the world slowly being swallowed up by darkness around him. Stefan showed black lines going through from Mikel's hand to him slowly draining him of life.

Elena seeing one of her boyfriends dying right in front of her started using her female lead halo and tried to plead with the Villain. "Please, he was just in grief and made a mistake. Forgive him this once. Please, Katherine cared for him once. She might be angry with you if she find out you killed him." Elena became confident the longer she spoke.

"He wasn't doing it because he was grieving, he wanted to force me to use my power on his friend. All these years of living, you have not learnt anything. That's not how Life works Mr Salvatore. You ask for something, you give something in return. In dealing with your group of friends, clan leader's instructions were clear. 'Don't get used by them. They are very good at using outsiders for all their worth' she said."

"Look around you. Everyone around you people dies, but you all remain and I'm sure your recently dead friend will soon come back somehow. The rest, not so much. Do you want to know what it means to be in death's door mr Salvatore? Can you feel it? The death aura in your body? Slowly eating the living part of you and soon you will be nothing. Literally." The gloomy voice made people shudder in fear.

"Please stop, he was just upset." Elena tried one more time.

"Had I been a normal werewolf my heart would have been removed from my chest by the recently dead friend of yours. The funny part is that my death would have been the least of your problems. My pack would come for you and when that doesn't get you to pee your pants, my clan leader would have come for you." Mikel laughed a sinister laugh.

"He put his hands on me so he will suffer. Not for too long of course, I am still curious about how you are all going to deal with the psychic." Mikel took back some of the death aura inside Stefan and smashed him on the floor harshly before disappearing.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C19
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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