47.36% The Fox Doppelganger TVD / Chapter 18: Invisible Hand.

บท 18: Invisible Hand.

The frozen people finally regain their Barings and attempted to make a move against Katherine but they find their entire bodies frozen in place by an invisible force. Katherine has managed to grow three tails in a manner that's befitting heavenly geniuses.

She is very powerful right now, if someone just considers her mind arts. She can hypnotize any living being with the use of her voice unlike before where she could only do it by getting inside their head first before directly manipulating them. Now she has access to one of her most favorite toys, the siren enchanting voice. Also referred to as the siren song.

Katherine doesn't need to get inside someone's head to get them to follow her order anymore. All she needs to do is to be heard. If someone managed to shut their ears from her voice, then she will need to get inside their heads to complete a simple task. This manner of mind control dangerous. For instance, if the opponent is someone with stronger psychic power, they can trap you inside their heads leaving your body vulnerable to attacks.

Most importantly, using the siren song, one can leave a voice attack on artifacts making them very dangerous to access. The important factor is that it doesn't consume a large amount of mental power like the scream of a benchee. Moving heavy objects and moving people with her mind or changing the shapes of items will require her to grow more fox tails to be able to pull off.

When Katherine can explode people's body parts, shattered glass or fold items changing their natural shapes with the power of her mind alone, she'll be no different than a battle witch. But for now, she will be happy just to receive the siren enchanting voice.

Looking at these people, she opened her mouth to speak. "Don't move or make noise, only answer what is asked." They nodded and then she continued.

"Has the meeting began?"

"Yes." Linda answered.

"Please show me the way Linda, the rest of you continue with your jobs and forget about my little resurrection." Katherine smiled.

Linda took her out and Katherine accepted this, even though she had studied the map inside Linda's head, she had decided to employ Linda's assistance anyways. They walked in silence until they reached a conference room full of well dressed individuals.

The men are wearing suits and even most of the women too. Those wearing something else, it is also very neat and professional. They are all seated, only one person is standing showing them a video of Katherine coming inside the building.

Everything she did was recorded and is now being shown on the screen. Katherine got inside and dismissed Linda. "I see I am famous. You, servant! Go ahead and destroy all the copies of that video." She commanded and Robert got up and left without resistance.

Katherine looked at the group of men and women who are now all on their feet. But they did not attack, she wonders if it is because the only man who is still seated hasn't given them an order.

She smiles. "Please take your seats." She used her siren voice and all the people who could hear her sat down. A few people in the room showed mild surprise at this after the rest has been seated

"Now, be darlings and drink this for me." Katherine took out a small box full of pills. The color is black, one look and it is easy to see that it is. Poison. Of course Katherine would also have powerful poison in order to test the cure she had made.

Katherine had long notice the handsome man on the head seat who has been curiously watching her and studying the response from the rest of his comrades as she commands them and they do what she says without question.

Katherine paid attention to the people who are taking one pill each and then passing the container to the next person. When it is done, her attention went to the man on the head seat. "What is your name?" She walked towards him. He lifted his head an looked at her. His eye showing no emotions.

He stood up and took her hand before lowering his head and kissing it gently. "Call me Tristan. The honor is all mine." He said. Katherine tilted her head but seeing the manners the man has shown her, she curtsy in greeting.

"I'm Katherine." She said in response.

"What have you given them?" He asked lightly without urgency in his voice.

"Poison. A very potent one." Katherine said blinking at him.

"Is it because they did the same to your Vampires?" He takes his seat and continues talking. He seems very comfortable and relaxed, not at all like a person who just woke up from death is feeding the entire upper level management of his organization poison.

"Yes." She said.

"I see, what next?" He had been distracting her with small talk while a legion of black magic powered witches surrounded the office. Katherine had known this but she wants to know all the card left in his hands.

Soon the conference room s packed with powerful witches who are chanting. Katherine doesn't move from her position and manipulate their shadows. Each of them started being choked to death by their own hand shadows.

Tristan looks at the scene curious. They can't perform magic without chanting. They turn blue and died one by one. Katherine turned to Tristan and smiled.

"Anymore people for me to kill? Or that was it?" He is not reacting but Katherine can see sweat on his forehead. He might not be showing it but he is afraid.

"Not many men can resist a siren voice. I see that you are special. Powerful, old and set in your ways... Like how you have trained your brain to be stronger so you won't be compelled again." Katherine looked at Tristan whose eyes flickered for a moment.

He just realized if she knows that, then she has knowledge on him, or she can get inside his head. "Don't worry I'm not going to make you do anything. You are the reason I waited inside a box for so long."

"There was a woman in charge of the group, I want her as well." Katherine answered.

"She is not in the country." He says making her eyes turn cold.

"Alright then I guess I am done here." She looks at him and he looks at her.

"I'm gonna have to borrow your heart." Before he can say anything, she pulled out his heart. While she stood there with a bleeding heart on her hand, the people around the table kept falling on the ground in pain. It is obvious how potent the poison is.

She is about to drop the heart of the dead Vampire on the floor when she disappeared from her spot. Reappearing in front of a breaking down Elena Gilbert. The two of them are stunned. Katherine looked at the crying Elena and rolled her eyes.

"Who the hell summoned me when I'm about to finish my business....."

"Katherine." Stefan saw her and rushed to Elena checking if her heart is missing. Seeing Elena is fine, he turns to face Katherine with a weird expression.

"Katherine, what are you doing with a bleeding heart? Kill someone recently?" Damon asks in a forced joking tone.

Katherine looked around seeing she is inside the Gilbert house, she frowned. "Which amongst your has one of my magical trinkets? Most importantly why does anyone from your group has something only meant for my people?" Katherine asked with a cold tone.

Caroline winced at the coldness from her tone and stepped forward. She spoke softly "Bobby gave a ring for my piercing jewelry and said it was special. I gave it to Elena to try and reduce the effect of being a Vampire on her. I am sorry."

Katherine looked like she wants to kill someone. "You're sorry? That's it? Do you have any idea what it means to have one of these magical artifacts Caroline? For starters it means when she is overwhelmed by tragedy or having an emotional overload I get summoned to help her. That is just the start actually, lots of other fun things will happen." Katherine looked at a spaced out Elena.

"What happened for her to be broken like this? To the point that her ring so it fit to summon me?" Katherine looked at Elena. She has been gone for a few weeks now but what could be so devastating that it broke her?

"We found the cure for immortality and a few of Klaus's hybrids killed Jeremy to get it. Now it is with Klaus, probably." Stefan answered.

"A cure? Did it grow from a tree?" Katherine asked amused. "Forget that, are you saying she is like this because Jeremy is dead?" Katherine asked.

"Okay then I will bring him back. But I want something first." Katherine said looking at the people in the room. Hope. Everyone in the room had suddenly grasped hope hearing Katherine is able to bring Jeremy back.

"What do you want?" Damon asked.

"I want my power back. The power that I gave to Jeremy I want it back." Katherine said an the room became quiet.

"Why?" Caroline asked.

"I enhanced Jeremy because I wanted to be friends with Elena and Jenna. I wanted to show Elena my sincerity so that we could move past the nasty old business between us. But that night, the three of you standing there on one side glaring at me. She will never accept me, friends? I'm lucky if she doesn't incite you all to kill me. So, the deal is off." Katherine said putting the heart inside a container an then placing it inside the warehouse.

"Katherine, I get they hurt you but don't you think it's a little too much to take what you already gave him? He has made so much progress since he has the power to protect himself. Can't you reconsider?" Caroline asked kindly.

"I could have been a bitch and taken it back the moment I came back but I didn't, I waited until he died. Besides, I am being very nice here, I am offering to bring him back to life. Do you expect me to just help her without anything in return?" Katherine washed her hands in the sink.

"You are here to help her. I'm guessing that magical trinket won't let you go without helping her." Damon said suddenly.

"Smart. When I made them, I was making it for the people I cared about. I never imagine having to force myself to help someone because of it." Katherine said poking the spaced out Elena.

"Then just help her. Come on Katherine, she has lost everyone in her family. You know what's that's like don't you?" Stefan said making eye contact with Katherine hoping to see sympathy.

"She hasn't lost everyone Stefan, she still has you. She has Bonnie the town witch an most importantly she has her life and freedom. Which is more than what I had. Besides, the problem is that she wasn't dealing with the fact that she is a Vampire now. Instead she projected all her feelings into love. Loving the only sibling she has left and treating him as he en anchor." Katherine said.

"Why do you know that?" Caroline asked creeped out.

"I have advanced search on the subject. She is young and mostly alone without any family authoritative source in her life. She practically has no real control of her life since you two handle her like a fragile kitten so she did the first thing that felt good to help her move on and accept her new reality but the truth is, she needs to accept who she is and find a new anchor. One that is not so disappointing." Katherine started slapping Jeremy's face.

"What are you doing? Stop that!" Elena who had been quiet the entire time got in Katherine's face like an angry cat.

"He is weak! I gave him power but what did he do with it? Smoked we and tried to see how much alcohol can get him wasted. Pathetic." Katherine slapped him again. This time harder making Elena angrier.

"He wasn't weak, he protected me! He fought but he was only human." Elena said defending Jeremy.

"Elena, he whined an moved out when you needed him the most. Klaus got in here and drained you of your blood, daily. Then you died, turned, and then he still went and got himself killed by a bunch of Klaus wanna be....only human? How dare you say that in front of me? I put power inside of him. All he had to do was use Alaric Saltzman and train hard. Push hi new found strength until he knew his limit."

"But he didn't. He got involved in stupid things and activated that stupid hunter's mark inside of him and now, that stupid ring doesn't work. He is useless. Pathetic and most importantly a waste of my gift."

"That is not true, there is just too much going on in this town because of the hunter, the cure, Klaus be the magic Bonnie had to perform to complete the hunter's mark so that Jeremy doesn't kill innocent people. So, don't you dare judge him. He was great an now he is dead because I couldn't live with my new reality. I....I am the reason that he died." Elena looked Katherine in the eyes and hardened hers.

"It wasn't his fault, it was mine. If you want to punish someone punish me." Elena said making Katherine laugh.

"I really hate being back inside this house. The memories are a bit too much." Katherine ignored Elena. She had wanted to bring her shattering mind back to reality when she slapped Jeremy.

"Finally you are here." Katherine looked at the ghost walking inside the house.

"Is that my body?" Jeremy asked Katherine.

"Look, I can bring you back but you won't exactly be human anymore."

"What do you mean? I am a hunter already. Isn't that why the ring didn't work?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes, but if you come back by my power you will be linked to me. If something happens to me, you die. Do you understand this?" Katherine asked Jeremy.

She doesn't want to help but the ring won't let her go away from Elena if Elena is not recovered.

"You can bring him back? Why would you want too?" Elena asked.

"Because if I don't you will remain in this state and I won't be able to get away from the lot of you. I would rather go swimming with the deep sea creatures than be stuck here with the three of you." Katherine spat

"Ouch!" Damon made a face.

"I want to take back my power from you."

"What? Why? Look, I get that we haven't treated you well in the past but that is a little extreme, don't you think? I need it to protect...." He didn't get to finish.

"I only gave it because I was being nice to Elena and Jenna. One is dead while the other will never accept my apology so I am taking it back." Katherine said to a heartbroken Jeremy.

"Look Katherine I am sorry for what happened back then. But that is not how apology works, it's like fishing. You throw the bate hoping to catch something but it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes you wait in vain for hours and in the end catch nothing."

"You know you are just being petty. You don't need this power back, you are lashing out because they hurt you. Well, Katherine what you are doing is hurting me. An I didn't do anything to you. That is not what a person who is trying to change for the better does. Being a good person means that sometimes you won't be appreciated or even acknowledged but you keep trying anyways, because it is not recognition you are trying to get but to be at peace with yourself." Jeremy said making Katherine bite her lip.

"You are not wrong. It is being back here that is making me vengeful. Fine, you can keep it but stop being so useless and train hard or I will come for it and at that time no amount of pep talk will save you." Katherine raised her hand and Jeremy gasped from the couch making Elena throw herself on him hugging him tightly making him cough.

Katherine headed for the door but Jeremy called her. "Katherine, thanks. I mean it. Thank you very much."

"Yeah, Katherine, thank you. This means the world to me I don't know how I would have survived if....thank you." Elena Hughes Katherine stunning her in place.

The others stopped breathing. Thinking about how violent Katherine is. What if she kills Elena? But Katherine awkwardly held her patting her back lightly.

"Okay, you are full of snot and tears stop smearing me." Katherine said and Elena laughed and released her. Seeing the awkward situation Katherine disappeared.

"That went well. I can't believe she actually helped." Caroline t go of a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Damon too if out a bloodied cloth from the sink. "I wonder who did she kill."

"Most importantly what did you say to her that made her face change so much?" Caroline asked Jeremy.

"I better get some sleep, hey did someone hit my face?" He asked rubbing his cheeks making Caroline laugh.

The previously emotional Elena started to realize how awful she was to Katherine and felt bad. However, it is hard to dampen her good mood. The Salvatore brothers became relieved to see her mood improve.

The entire team felt indebted to Katherine.

Katherine went back to the mansion and found everyone fine. After the holidays they had gone to school and remined low key just as Katherine had Instructed them.

They still maintained a training schedule but instead of Katherine, it has been Elijah training them with the occasional spars with Rebekah and Kol. 

After the defeat of Ester Klaus continued to obsess over creating hybrids, Elijah practically moved in with the young pups to ensure their safety and also get closer to them now that he means to marry their leader.

The pack did not alienate him and welcome him into the fold as a favor to their clan leader. Finn took Kol traveling until Katherine came back and Finn decides what to do with his immortality.

She went into her bedroom to change and found Elijah sleeping. She sneaked into the bathroom and came back after drying herself. She then got into the bed and fell asleep inside Elijah's arms. 

Elijah had a sweet dream, he saw Katherine Smiling at him while kissing him. She closed her eyes and held him tightly, she had a peaceful expression on her face as if she is home. He held her too, feeling her warm body touching his skin. His nose had a lingering scent of flowers. She must have just taken a shower, her shower gel smells like flowers with morning due. He inhaled deeply. 

The scent got stronger. Elijah opened his eyes seeing a fuzzy image of Katherine in his arms. He inwardly mocked himself for hallucinating her, the woman who has been gone for over a month without calling him to at least say that she is okay.

He is here looking to remind himself that she cares for these kids too, if she hasn't called them, then maybe something is wrong. 

The weight on his arm did not go away with him sobering up from sleep.

This can only mean one thing. Katherine is back! He is happy even as his anger surface. He doesn't wake her though, he lets her rest while he closed his eyes enjoying her presence.

He can not believe she came back. He couldn't contain his excitement and started raining kisses on her exposed skin. 

Katherine's eyes fluttered open when something hot and wet sucked on her nether region.

She gasped as Elijah sucked and licked making her body shudder in pleasure, Katherine surrendered to the intense desire she is feeling. The two of them rolled on the bed all day until Katherine fell asleep again, satiated.

Elijah looked at her as she sleeps peacefully after their long session of love making. He loves her, he is sure of it. He decided to take a shower.

While Katherine is sleeping, Elijah in the bathroom, Klaus came inside the room while no one paid attention to him, he entered the room under the guise of talking to his brother and with fast reflex threw the cure inside Katherine's mouth and made sure she swallows it.

Elijah walked out of the bathroom and fought with him. Katherine had passed out while the cure worked inside of her. 

The nine tails took Klaus and chained him in the dungeons where only the darkest parts of the mansion are. They all waited for Katharine to wake up. Mikel who had come back at some point looked at Elijah with murder in his eyes. 

"You suspect me?" Elijah asked thinking if Katherine will feel the same. 

"Should I? The only time she would let her guard down is when you are around, that is how your brother had been able to get close enough to her. Because of YOU! Are the reason she is poisoned." Mikel's anger is apparent. 

"Enough! I passed out I'm not dead." Katherine said in a tired voice. 

"Clan leader!" The nine tails surrounded her checking if she is alright. 

"It's a cure to immortality not poison. I'm fine, come down and stop poking me. It tickles." Katherine chuckled. Annabelle who had been trying to use her healing power of Katherine took back her hand. 

"How can you be so relaxed Clan leader? This means you are vulnerable and most importantly mortal now." Tony asked standing up and his now large frame casted a large shadow. 

"Vampires are dead, I know I make it look good but we are essentially living dead and as a Devine beast, my fox hates the aura of death that lingers in her every cell, animals are more sensitive to these things than humans. Don't despair, I do not need immortality to be strong. Most importantly my fox is happy with this change." Katherine explained slowly to her pack. 

"Clan leader, are you telling the truth or you are just trying to make us feel better?" Mikel clenched his fists in anger. 

"Mikel it's okay, Elijah is not working with Nicklaus, this is probably what Klaus wants, to fracture our bond and pick up the pieces." She motioned for everyone to sit.

"The fox wants to be a beast, being a vampire is actually more of a hindrance for my growth. Like the rest of you I can now Improve my strength and potential. Don't worry yourselves about this alright? Go back to your jobs." Seeing their reluctance to leave her with Elijah, she sighs and spoke with a serious tone. 

"Perhaps it's time I told you the truth about your strength." She sat on the bed next to Elijah. She held his hand comforting him. 

"Do you all remember the bleeding hearts I used in the ceremony to enhance your potential?" They all nodded. 

"Those belonged to Elijah." They all kept quiet in surprise especially Elijah. 

"I yanked his heart nine times so you will all be brilliant. The power that gave you speed and all the perks of a Vampire came from this man. Then I also used a large portion of my own power to enhance it an purify your wolves and give you control over your ability to shift." 

"Why are you telling us now? Clan leader?" Mikel asked. 

"Because it could have been anyone of the Mikaelsons but I chose him. He is amongst the first Vampires, is related to a known case of a wolf hi could shift at will. So I chose him to give you that ability. He is no n outsider, he is one of us. Do not fault him for his brother's behavior." She looked at them and smiled. 

"I am going to marry him and when that happens we will be a family. Think of Klaus as a mad dog that will occasionally bite unprovoked but do not suspect one of us for a mad dog's actions. Are we clear?" She looked at them and they agreed. 

"You are dismissed. Tell the cooks to make me food, I'm hungry. Human food, please." She told them to go out, leaving her and Elijah who had blood on his hand. During the fight, he had been so enraged he took out Klaus's heart.

"Are you really okay?" Elijah asked with remorse in his eyes. Katherine has been rendered mortal because he was too careless. Had he not been here, she would have had her guard up. 

"I am a little bit weak, But it is probably because of the ancient medicine. I need to research my state and I am going to need privacy and I don't know how long it will take." Katherine sat on the bed. 

"You were not being truthful when you spoke with them just now?" Elijah suddenly realized this. He approached Katherine who moved away from him on instinct.

Elijah stood in place with visible hurt in his eyes. It appears she suspect him. He closed his eyes trying to fight the stinging tears. What was he even thinking? That he will be happy and his bastard brother wouldn't ruin everything like he had done so many time? Naïve!

He is still spiraling when he hears Katherine moving on the bed.

"Why are you standing there like a statue? Go and clean your hands quickly, don't even think about coming to bed with that much blood in your hands." Katherine said and Elijah bolted to the bathroom coming back with a towel drying off his hands. 

"You were not suspecting me just now? I thought...." Elijah looked at his now dry hands. 

"You thought I suspect you like the kids? Elijah, your brother is your family I understand this I know that you love him and you will sacrifice anything in the name of family. Including me." She breathe but Elijah held her.

"No! I wont sacrifice you and I will not sacrifice us in my brother's madness Katherina you have to trust me. I love you." He said his voice thick with emotion. 

Katherine just looked at him but it is obvious she is skeptical about his conviction. Elijah sighed seeing this. "I have chased after my brother's redemption relentlessly over the centuries, if the definition of madness is doing the something over and over, then I must be the maddest of men."

"I feel guilty, that I did nothing while he went through all the terrible things he went through as a child and when our parents put a curse on him I helped to bind him down. I should have struck them both dead. But I didn't, instead I helped them hurt him. My own brother!" 

"I love him, I have given him everything and he keeps taking and his hands are long, they reach even further and take all that I mean to have for myself. He takes and destroy all that would make me happy over and over again. I will have non of it now." Elijah took her hand and kissed it lightly.

"I will relinquish my obsession with my brother's redemption and find my own happiness." Katherine took back her hand. 

"I don't want to be that woman that drove a wedge between you and your siblings Elijah. I don't want to be accused of stealing you from him or fracturing your bond. That is why he was even able to enter here, because I had told them to let him in if his siblings are in the house." Katherine said.

"How about a middle ground? I will swear to you that I will never get involved in his or your schemes against each other?" Elijah said but Katherine laughed.

"You are already involved. He was able to get near me because I was sleeping soundly because ...."

"Because I was here. I see what you mean but at the very last you can trust me. Which also applies to him. Katherine I don't want to have to let you go because it is too late, I have already fallen for you." Elijah hugged her. 

"You can not say you feel nothing Katherina. Let me in, and I will make you a happy woman, I promise. I have already ingratiated myself with the kids, we have a clear schedule for training. June like the piano. Who would have thought?" Katherine laughed in surprise. 

"Uhumm. Paige is a natural gymnastic. Tony is having too much fun with his job. He has been giving the Elena gang a hard time every chance he gets."

They talked for a long time, Elijah slowly kneading the dough that is Katherine's heart. When talking started to wear her out he took her to the shower and continued to pamper her with his love. Katherine's new found mortality makes her fall tired easier than before leaving Elijah helpless. 

Seeing her fall asleep he walked out of the bedroom and headed for Mikel. "Can I help you with something?" Mikel looked at Elijah with a neutral expression. Elijah knowing he is being suspected just ignored the hostility and asked what he wanted.

"Where are you keeping Nicklaus? I'd like to see him." 

"I apologize but no can do. Only the clan leader and her nine tails can access that area, it is incredibly dangerous for anyone else to enter. There are all sorts of lethal traps in there. She specifically said even we should be careful to go in there." Mikel said with a flat tone.

"I see, I'd like to go anyways." Elijah insisted. 

Mikel looked at him and spoke "It is better you wait for the clan leader or June to take you. That kind of dark place, with those types of formations...If we wander into that space, we would be lost forever." 

"What formation?" Elijah asked with mild surprise.

"Clan leader has many formations in there, for starters as soon as we enter we will be surrounded by thick darkness that will hinder our senses and make it easy for the many traps to hurt us. I only know of a few like the time formation that will make someone who spent an hour in there feel like they have been in there for an entire day." Mikel said drinking the tea he had been brewing when Elijah had found him.

"Clever." Elijah said in marvel. 

"I doubt she had thought someone would be put there, she had said It was to test her proficiency in rune language." 

Elijah smiled thinking of her mischievous smirk. He returned to hold his woman until she woke up. 

"Nine times. That is a lot of hearts." He said lightly. 

"I did you a favor that night but you attacked me while I had my back to you. Did you expect tea and cookies in return?" Katherine sneered. 

"No, I expected you to kill me. But you didn't. Why?" 

"Your death had not been my goal Elijah, besides if I kill you I won't get to see your pretty face." The words sound like she is making a joke but the tone has no amusement. 

"The truth please, why didn't you kill me that time? Katherine?" He asked lightly she is still surprised he called her Katherine. 

"I thought about doing a lot of things to teach you a lesson that morning. An I mean a lot of things including turning you into my slave. The gall, to attack me when I have done nothing but help you. I was angry but somehow, killing you never crossed my mind." 

"Then why didn't you do all that? Instead you washed in an put me to bed. Why?"

"I honestly just felt like it. So I did as I please." 

"Are you really this nice? Or are you hiding your true self from me, the mam you want to marry?"

"I am not nice, Elijah what would have you think so? I am not kind, is that why you agreed to my proposal? Because you think me a good person? I am sorry but I am a killer, a praditor. That is what I have been for the last centuries. More specifically these last couple of weeks. " She said as Elijah looked at her.

"What do you mean? Where were you?" Elijah asked. 

"I went to my Vampires HQ and found all of them poisoned with a sinister poison that eats away at your innards. Since they are Vampires they keep re growing the organs while the poison eats away at them. The sight filled me with rage."

"I cured them and then went to confront the intruders. I fought but I must have underestimated them they stabbed me everywhere with dark objects the likes of which made yours feel like Christmas tree decorations." 

"Anyways there was too much black magic inside of me my body became cold to the touch and all my vitals became mute. They transported my corpse to their HQ for experiment. My fox had healed me by then so I woke up." 

Elijah stood up and looked at her with intense emotions. "So, you died?" 

"Essentially yes, but..." Elijah held her tightly, too tight in fact since she is mortal now. She coughed. Elijah lessened his hold on her. She is about to scold him when she realized he is shaking. She holds him back and keep silent. 

"I.... I don't know what I would do if you ...if I lost you Katharina." Elijah said with a trembling voice surprising Katherine. 

"I love you. I have wanted to say it for a long time now but something always seem to get in the way. I love you and I want us to be a family. Katharina if you will have me." Katherine is surprised at this sudden confession. 

"Are you not worried about the cure in my body? What if I grow old and die one day? Wouldn't that break your heart?" Katherine asked thinking about the fact she is no longer Vampire now. 

"Then I'll accompany you. But first. Let's have our wedding Katharina. What do you say?" 

"I am not going to grow old and die just yet. You on the other hand still need to think about your brother. He did this because he probably wants to turn me into his hybrid. Think about it, if he gets me, he'll get my entire army." Katherine said making Elijah stunned. 

"Really? But if you are his hybrid then..."

"We would practically be over. Isn't this what he does? Take away his siblings partners? Anyways, Klaus is going to be punished for what he has done. I won't hold back just because I am in love with his brother." Words said up to here, the two of them froze. 

"Did... Did you just say you love me? Katharina do you love me?" Elijah held her hand and watched he face. 

"Why would I love a man who would never choose me? You would look me in the eyes and tell me you love me but let him kill me just the same. So this burning flame in my heart that wants me to take you and let you in anyway.... I won't let it out. I will keep it smattered and contained for as long as I can." 

"You are wrong Katharina, I would never let him hurt you if I can help it. I ... I know you won't believe me but, I have given him enough of me and sacrificed much of my happiness just for the possibility of his redemption. I have lost and lost that which I held dear so many times that I had started to not desire anything for myself anymore. But you woke that part of me and I want more. I want us, I want to have a life wherever you are Katharina." 

"I want to be your lover, your husband and if I could, a father of your children. I am not lying when I say that I love you Katharina. Let me show you, give me this chance to show you that I will choose you. I have had my brother's redemption as a purpose for my existence that I had even forgotten to be happy. I want our happiness to be my new purpose. Please, Let me." 

"Alright. I will trust you Elijah just this once." Katherine said. They spent more time in bed, not realizing it has been an entire day Katherine felt hungry and went downstairs to eat. 

The food tastes better in fact she feels good no that she is no longer a Vampire. It is not a feeling one can describe with words. 


With Jeremy's death out of the way Elena became in hot water again because she had previously chosen to date Damon n even slept with him which broke Stefan's heart.

On their journey to look for the cure Elena got hurt and Stefan saved her but he was then heavily injured in return. 

Now Elena feels guilty but she still wants to be with Damon which kit makes Stefan even more heartbroken.

Caroline is trying to be there for Stefan but Stefan decided to leave town. He can not be around Elena and Damon together like that. However, Bonnie told them that Silas is haunting her and that he is coming for her. 

Elena went back to school and continued living her life now with Damon as a boyfriend instead of Stefan who left to stay with Caroline. 

"Do you know what Katherine said that day when she was done torturing Damon and Elena kept glaring at her? She said, I don't know why you're angry with me Elena, this will teach Damon a lesson so that when you finally leave Stefan for him, he won't be such a bad person anymore. " Caroline said giving Stefan a drink. 

"Well, Katherine is a bitch." Stefan said with a miserable face.

"A right one. Look what happened?" 

"Argh! Don't remind me. Be more unpredictable Stefan like your brother. Mehta Meh meh...." Stefan made a bad impression of Katherine making Caroline laugh at him.

"I heard my name." Katherine got inside the bar ordering a drink from a bar tender and walking towards Stefan and Caroline. 

"Who died?" She said and the two looked at her. She shrugged. "I meant who died again?" 

"No one died Katherine, how are you?" Caroline said smiling awkwardly. 

"You are deflecting. If no one died then why is Stefan moping....more than usual I mean?" 

"Just, give it a rest Katherine, he's suffering more than enough without your sharp words." Caroline got angry. 

"Caroline, you have your mother hen protecting her chicks expression on. Now I'm curious. You know I can get inside his head right?" Katherine blinked. Caroline looked angry like a kitten showing its fangs. 

"Alright. Don't say it." Katherine's drink came and the vampires became enraptured by the smell. 

"They didn't want to give us some. They said it's limited stock." Caroline whined. 

"My fault, I was away and didn't make much stock." Katherine smelled the alcohol and drank a sip savoring it. 

"Where were you by the way? Elena said you were being attacked by an evil organization? Did you win?" Caroline happy to change the subject asked Katherine. 

"I can't believe you. Do you know how much I had to do on my own while you were gone? You owe me a drink and actually a lot of drinks." Rebekah came in diving for Katherine hugging the life out of her. 

"Hey Bekah, I'm sorry your majesty I'll do better. Forgive this lowly one just this once?" Katherine said humbly. Rebekah looked at her a they broke in laughter together. 

"I had to join my oldest an youngest brothers touring around. Those two are the worst I tell you." Rebekah complained. 

"I can hear the fondness in your tone Bekah. You love it. What? Did they make faces at every boy who danced with you?" Katherine guessed right.

"I could sneak out its like they have eyes at the back of their heads. So annoying." Rebekah rolled her eyes. Katherine smiled.


"Kol probably was the first one smacking every one like one would a fly. Poor girl, all that shaving and no attention to show for it." Katherine laughed at her, Rebekah ran after her trying to beat her up. 

Caroline looked at them seeing how they easily click and have become friends.

She looked at Stefan "We should join them an team up. I bet we can eat them." Stefan looked at Caroline with a blank face. 

"You can't be sad forever Stefan. Try and live a little." Caroline said just as Vicky came it headed straight for Katherine. 

"Katherine, Original vampire chick." Vick said in greeting. 

"Hey Vicky. Where is your brother?" Rebekah said looking around. 

"You want something from me Vicky. Otherwise you'd keep a hundred miles distance from me." Katherine said with narrowed eyes. 

"I am going on an errand for Mikel, I need my brother to be able to protect himself while I'm gone. You gave Jeremy strength right?" Vicky said looking at Katherine with pleading eyes. 

"No, do I look like the town witch to you?" Katherine frowned. 

"I thought you might say that. In which case I will tell the Elena group what we did last time." Vicky said with desperation. 

"Are you blackmailing me?" Katherine asked with amusement. 

"It sounds like it. Did you just got blackmailed by a vampire turned ghost turned ..... sorry what are you again?" Rebekah asked with laughter. 

"Well, I say go ahead and tell them Vicky. It's good to let secrets out of your chest once in a while." Katherine played pool.

"What secrets? What did you do?" Rebekah asks her friend.

"I helped Vicky to poison Elena with a truth serum that time. You remember, I told you I helped." 

"I knew it!" Caroline said folding her arms.

"Come on Caroline, you have to admit it was funny watching miss perfect reveal how she really feels inside." Katherine laughed making Stefan smile. 

"That was very hard for her. What you did was not very nice Katherine." Caroline pushed. 

"You know Caroline, I can also give you a taste if you don't stop annoying me." Katherine looked at Rebekah. 

"What did you think will happen if she was to take the medicine?" Katherine smirked seeing Caroline's horrified face. 

"I'm joking, I a not so bored. Besides, I did her a favor. What if she surprised everyone by leaving Stefan for Damon out of the blue? At least this way, no one will be overly shocked when if it happens." Katherine continues playing with Rebekah and they seem to be tied. 

"Anyways, enough about that. Stefan, and Caroline don't you guys want a change of scenery? I need someone to run an errand for me. What do you say?" Katherine looked at the two of them with sparkling eyes.

Stefan gave her a bored look. "Hey, don't give me that looks I really need something delivered to my people as soon as possible but I can't spare any of my pack right now." 

"Why?" Caroline asked. 

"It is imperative they receive it as soon as possible. I have this bad feeling like, the sky is falling and I need to be able to track their whereabouts soon." 

"The sky is falling?" Caroline rolls her eyes. 

"It's your turn Rebekah. Hey why don't you tell us about the happenings in this ever busy town when we were away? What happened?" Katherine asked Stefan and Caroline. 

"Umm, Klaus massacred his hybrids, I also committed a massacre of witches and the council members also died completing some weird triangle for magic juice to increase Bonnie's power." Caroline said to Katherine looked at her blinking. 

"Klaus killed his hybrids? All of them?" Katherine asked, even Rebekah is interested in this topic. 

"His hybrids found a way to break the sire bond and when he found out most of them have been un sired he took a sword and Slaughtered them." Stefan said making Rebekah's eyes go wide. 

"I told him, people will never stop fighting for their freedom. He didn't listen." Katherine sighed. Rebekah got uncomfortable because she is the reason he wouldn't be able to make more hybrids because she spilled the blood of the doppelganger when she was angry. 

"So, Bonnie is all powerful now?" Katherine said with a glint in her eyes. Caroline saw it and narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah, she was supposed to meet us here but I guess she is running late." Stefan answers honestly not seeing his friend's constant winking at him. 

"Someone seems to be preparing her for something big. I hope she is ready." Katherine said making Caroline and Stefan look at each other. 

This period of time to Katherine seem to be filled with conspiracy and invisible hands manipulating events from the dark. She still doesn't know where does her getting the cure fit. Which is why she is keeping this fact to herself for now.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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