72% A Snake's Obsession / Chapter 54: Chapter 54

บท 54: Chapter 54

Ay was pacing across the room and that was never a good sign. His heavy footsteps adding a slight tremor to the ground. Now free of enemy eyes, the large Kage was venting his anger with abandon.

"The little shit!" he yelled as he clenched his fists. "He killed Dodai, killed our ambush unit. Son of a whore. And now they plot. I guarantee they are planning to take us out."

"Ay-sama, we don't know Dodai is dead. We don't know anything. Maybe he used the hiraishin to get here and left before the attack on Konoha ever started."

"You don't even believe that!" Ay bellowed to his second-in-command. Darui merely adjusted in his seat. Ay wasn't wrong, he didn't believe that but it was also true they had no confirmation about anything. He was simply advising restraint.

"Raikage-sama, we're currently at a disadvantage and we have to assume the Konoha contingent plans to act. Maybe we should slip out tonight and not give them the chance," Shi suggested.


"Yes, run. Because this isn't about your ego," Darui cut in, losing his patience. "You said you'd lead Kumo to greater heights, that we'd finally be free to be what we were always meant to be. Fine then but you have to be alive. Revenge will have to wait."

"You never understood, Darui. You're so used to the status quo you can't even see the effects. I'm done letting Konoha decide. I'm done tailoring my actions to them. Kumo is the strongest village, I am the strongest Kage and when I say I will avenge my ninja I will do so. Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kakashi, and the brat die. It's just that simple. But you two will leave tonight along with our participants. Don't stop, don't look back."


Gaara quickly read over the note that was delivered to him by the panther cub. His facial expression remained passive betraying none of his thoughts. It wasn't good. He'd hoped this could be the start of something different, a break from the cycle of bloodletting that only justified more of the same. But Ay had attempted to attack Konoha, planned to assassinate Tsunade and company. That couldn't be overlooked, especially not by Konoha. Known as the peaceful village they still had to remind the other villages their cooperative streak had limits.

"Thank you, little one," Gaara said as he scratched the summons under its chin gaining a pur in response. The courier dispelled and Gaara turned to his siblings and explained the contents of the letter. "Whatever is to happen won't happen here, of that I am certain but it appears we must ready for war in earnest."

Temari and Kankuro both frowned. War was such a heavy word and an experience none of the trio had, something that could not be said for the other major villages. Training and education can take one far but they knew there were limitations and this was not something you generally wanted to do while learning on the job.

"Shit," Kankuro exclaimed. "Is there a way out, a way to resolve this?"

Gaara shook his head. Even if Ay were willing to deal, and there would be no reason for Tsunade to believe it nor ignore what he'd been planning. Unless he was willing to submit a significant form of restitution but it was highly unlikely. Gaara would continue on, however. Maybe things wouldn't change tonight but it could be a step toward progress.

"We only have about an hour before dinner is to begin. If you would both oversee the final arrangements, I need to finalize my own. His siblings acquiesced and departed Gaara's office.


The hour quickly passed and the Gokage and their guards, plus Naruto, were seated at the large circular table as several servers in service whites brought out the first course of the kaiseki. As the appetizers were sat and the wait staff exited, all waited as Gaara shared some words.

"I appreciate you all for indulging my request and not immediately returning to your villages. For too long, the five great shinobi villages have been separated and mistrustful, only forging alliances to better fight our wars. I do not believe that can be solved over one meal but I hope it can, and you will allow it to be a start. The grudges of old limit us. With that being said, please enjoy."

Murmurs of appreciation fill the room then the attendees begin their meals in earnest. Mei was surprised by the colorful array of small dishes arranged on her plate, having assumed the desert village wouldn't be so bountiful. More courses were brought out as polite conversation was had. This seemed to offend Ay as he decided during the futamono course to speak for the first time.

"So, you want to cement our stagnation into an alliance, Kazekage?" Everyone took notice of his disrespect.

"If we are stagnating how could continuing to do as we've done solve it?" Gaara asked, choosing to ignore the slight.

"That's simple, we allow the strong to prove out and rule. Because strength is what determines our course. Not politics and backroom trade deals. Power, the ability to make one act against their own interests outside of their own volition. Everything else is just window dressing."

"Sounds like chaos, the weak constantly seeking to unseat the strong. How would that be an improvement, Raikage-sama?" Mei asked.

"If you can't control your people you shouldn't lead your people. If you can't keep your village you shouldn't have it. In the Warring Clans era, we lost the weaker clans."

"And all the potential within them, not to mention all the talent untapped by non-clan ninja. Romanticizing the past doesn't help us progress," Tsunade said.

"Kukuku, besides, by that logic Konoha should be the only remaining hidden village. Would you have preferred us to have slaughtered all of Kumo?" Orochimaru added and took delight in Ay's frown.

"You would have failed if you tried but what came of any of the wars we waged? Nothing. Nothing fundamentally changed because Konoha will only allow their vision of growth while stamping down anything that threatens it. You win wars because you fight to outlast your enemy, not actually defeat them. The Sandaime called off Minato when he had Iwa under his sandals. And what, you expect to do something similar with his bastard?" Ay finished by staring at Naruto; a Naruto more interested in his soup than the ravings of a soon to be dead man.

"Can he even speak without permission? If you think he has what Minato had you're deluded."

"You're very loud."

"So he does speak. Tell me, boy, do you think you are your father's equal?"

"I honestly don't see how that's a concern of someone who decidedly wasn't my father's equal. Nine may not equal ten but it's still greater than seven last I checked."

Darui and Shi tensed when they saw the scowl on Ay's face. The man looked ready to attack. And in truth, he wanted to. Ay wanted to say damn the consequences and murder the arrogant brat. Kill each of them, let them see how powerless they would be against his lightning armor and his speed. But now wasn't the time. He couldn't enjoy it here.

"It's interesting you say that as in a different world I could have been your father. How about that? Matter of fact, I'll sign a peace treaty right now if you call me Otou-sama. C'mon, say it."

Naruto took at as a sign of maturity that he hadn't murder Ay, Darui, and Shi as a matter of reflex. He considered it a mark of personal growth. Oh, he was furious. That this man would call attention to the attempted kidnapping, that would have no doubt led to repeated bouts of sexual violation, to goad him was beyond anger-inducing. But he had his mission and it was not the time to act. However, Ay would have to be punished.

"Somewhat surprising you don't have a child of your own, a man of your age. I guess manners weren't the only thing Dodai failed to teach you. Maybe he can try again once you return to Kumo." Ay didn't know what angered him more, the boy having the balls to taunt him or the bored look the little bastard was giving him as he said it.

Ay felt a hand on his shoulder just as his rage was nearing its zenith. He turned and saw Darui trying to silently communicate an obvious truth, it wasn't the time. But it would be, soon. He'd put the Uzumaki through the wringer and show him what a true Kage fought like. Then he'd end his life and the rest of them. Eventually, all of Konoha. None of them were a match for B and him. Only the surety of his future victory stayed his hand. The boy would have one last night.

"His discourteousness aside, the Raikage has a point. Shinobi alliance work when there is a mutual enemy, not when created to avoid one. The very idea that any of us would permanently join some kind of agreement that reduced our authority for some nebulous benefit in the future is absurd. I don't like war, I've seen more of it than any in this room but words are cheap. Our actions are what carry real value and if it must be war then it must. Getting too comfortable in an alliance is just asking to be taken advantage of eventually."

"If you lack honor you cannot see it in others, Onoki-dono," Tsunade said. "Our actions only carry weight because of the death we cause, no more and no less. If you treat an agreement as just a maneuver then that's all it can be. The question is what do you want specifically? And how can war gain it?"

"I want an end to Konoha's continental hegemonic order," Ay said.

"Good luck with that," Tsunade said with a snort. Soon talks cooled down and return to polite topics but the tension never fully left as all knew one wrong word could spark conflict. Fortunately, the dinner ended without incident and all returned to their rooms.

Well, all but one as Kakashi was currently looking at a closed, locked and sealed door to what was to be his room for the night. It had been unyouthfully commandeered by Naruto and Orochimaru, neither making a secret of what was to transpire. Kakashi rubbed the back of his head and looked toward Tsunade who only rolled her eyes.

"Fine, brat, but don't get any ideas or you'll be introduced to a game I call Kakashi ball. Got it?" she said as she entered her room, Kakashi not far behind.

"Mah, mah, Tsunade-sama; I would never try anything untoward."

"Uh-huh. You'll be taking the couch."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


As Tsunade and Kakashi were settling into their temporary arrangement, Orochi pushed her lover against the door as soon as she was sure their privacy was protected. Eagerly, she pulled him down into a kiss briefly realizing he'd grown a little. Her finger assaulted his clothing, she dispatching it with the same ruthless efficiency she would any other enemy that stood in her way. His armor, shirt, and mesh were quickly removed before he returned the favor or removing her kimono.

A blink of an eye, or at least that's how long it felt before they were in the shower exchange long kisses and exploring each other's bodies. Until Naruto settled on her most sensitive area, going over it in slow, circular motions with his middle finger. Gradually the speed and pressure would increase until she was experienced her first climax of the night.

Time went hazy again as she came down from her orgasm as they were now in bed. Naruto was content to pay further attention to the same area, this time utilizing his tongue as Orochi ran her fingers through his crimson locks. And again she was brought to climax, the events of the night decidedly not in her original plan as she was to be in control. But it was a wonderful derailment and she'd have allowed it to continue if not for the cocky grin adorning her lover's face. That simply wouldn't do.

With ease, she reversed their positions and straddled the object of her obsession. She smiled when she heard a familiar moan. 'Not so smug now, Naruto-kun' she thought as she watched his eyes shut tightly in response to her machinations. It was her turn to don a smirk as she rode Naruto, putting the durability of the bed to the test. Orochi kept her pace, even as Naruto sat up and pulled her toward his body, his breathing labored. They soon found their mutual release and shared a final kiss before parting.

Lying on his chest, Orochi heard Naruto chuckle at seemingly nothing. She looked up, her yellow orbs expressing the unasked question. Naruto, looking down at her understood.

"I love you, ya know," he said and laughed again when she went wide-eyed. "I'm not saying it so you will or for any reason other than it's the truth and I want you to know, 'ttebayo," he assured her.

Even with his reassurance, Orochi was thrown for a loop. She never thought of her relationships in terms of love. Sure, she'd do anything for Tsunade and Koharu as they would do the same for her and helped her when she was younger manage her impulses. Was that love? They'd never said it, had they assumed she knew or that she wouldn't care? But even in comparison, she knew Naruto was different. The potential life growing in her womb was a testament to that. Was that love?

She'd known for some time he'd be hers, that he was already interested only eased things along. He was to be hers and in exchange, she'd see to his happiness and the safety of what he valued. It was a perk of not fighting his fate. Yes, he made her happy. He challenged her to grow, to consider things in ways she'd never have before. Even Jiraiya's crappy belief in peace sounds more reasonable coming from Naruto. Yes, his smile often makes her feel funny and when hugs her from behind and lightly kisses her neck her pulse would quicken. Those were just biological responses.

Sure, she could enjoy his company even if they were just quietly reading, her feet propped up on his lap. And yes, she'd willingly subject her body to the trauma that is pregnancy to give him a child. But that was only because she was hi… Orochi's thought process halted. Did she really see herself that way? She'd need to talk to Tsunade, she was sappy and would know. Besides, it was time to share the good news.

"Naruto-kun, can you enter Sage Mode?" she requested. He nodded, having given her time to sort out her thoughts and not taking her silence personally at all. As if he were born to it, Naruto allowed the surrounding natural energy to enter his chakra system, instantly balancing it with his own source of power. For one who has never experienced Sage Mode, it was almost indescribable, the sensation of being connected to and aware of life. Its beauty, its flaws and all the complexities therein. And it happened so fast, the serene mindset allowed a Sage to not be overwhelmed by the onslaught of new information.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto narrowed his focus to his immediate surroundings, to Orochi and himself… and a partial presence. Not fully life, slighter. Like Kurenai-sensei when he remotely checks on her but even fainter… Naruto was now the one to go wide-eyed as his toad-like eyes stared into Orochi's slitted pupils. She nodded at his unasked question and found herself in a tight embrace, though not enough to cause any pain, with her Maelstrom thanking her.

"How far are you along? Is this why Oba-chan didn't want you to come with me to face Ay? When can we know the sex?"

"Kukuku, calm down, Naruto-kun," she said, not having seen him this excited since before his training trip. "Eight weeks; yes; another eight to twelve weeks."

"This is so awesome. I can't wait to tell Shika, Shino, and Kurenai-sensei; although, can we wait until after she has her baby? I don't want to steal her thunder, 'ttebayo."

"Of course, Naruto-kun. She's due soon so it's no problem to wait."

"Ya know, you're really throwing my grand seduction plan out of whack, Orochi-chan."

"I thought it was a plan to woo me," she said with a teasing grin. Naruto shared it before it dropped.

"Shit," he said. "Ay isn't in the village. Damn it, I have to run them down," he said as he got out of bed. He channeled chakra to his right hand and placed it over his left pec. A seal activated and he was fully dressed and armed. Naruto quickly activated another seal on his left wrist as he approached Orochi, kissing her deeply and placing an object in her hand. "Think about it and give me your answer later," he said as he dashed out the window, his Sage Mode buttressing his already impressive speed. Orochi opened her hand and found a black ring box.

Once he was out of the village, Naruto performed an impressively long shunshin. And another and another. Until he was standing in front of the two large chakra signatures he'd sensed. He knew the two, they were well known as Kumo's guardians; Kirabi and Yugito Nii. Naruto was surprised. Not to see them, that was whatever, no it was something else entirely.

"I'm not surprised your Raikage is a coward but I am a little shocked he'd let the other Kage know it," Naruto said. Kirabi snickered while Yugito sneered. He didn't much care how they felt about it. Naruto made a wood clone to deal with them.

"Wait-o, Mr. 9-0. Didn't come for a test of might, let's avoid a pointless fight; fool ya fool."

"You really do rap when you talk? Honestly thought Jiraiya was being a little racist on that one. And sure, you two stand down and we don't have to fight."

"Do you really think we'll let you run down Ay-sama so you can try to kill him?" Yugito yelled at the Uzumaki. She promptly found herself unable to breathe, move, or even think as Naruto applied a great deal of pressure on her.

"I think that anything you do is a meaningless gesture and I don't have time to teach babies how to breathe in my presence. You're outclassed, girl. Don't make a jerk of yourself."

"A deal I'm proposing based on the brotherhood of the chosen. Ay is a hothead but I can't let him wind up dead. Take us in his place and that'll change his pace."

"That's a stop-gap measure. He'll simply bide his time until he can attack us to free the both of you or he'll kidnap someone of high value to Konoha to force a trade. He won't be reasoned with so he doesn't get reasoned with. He gets me and that has one outcome."

"If Ay betrays I off myself without delay. Word is bond."

Naruto looked at his fellow container while thinking. Kurama would have alerted him if he were lying so he wasn't. True, he could run down Ay, the wood clone could stall these two. However, this might be the only way to avoid war. It was a low percentage play but maybe it was the kind of foolish bet this world needed. He needed to know why Kirabi was going this far.

"Why put yourself in a jackpot for Ay? He caused this and he should suffer the consequence."

"Family, 9-0."

'Shit,' Naruto thought. "If you'd pulled that shit an hour ago we'd be brawling right now," Naruto said before his clone and he blurred in front of Yugito and B respectively. Each placed an assorted sealing array on them, one was a hiraishin shiki and the other a bomb. He explained the latter to them and made sure they understood what would happen if they stepped out of line. Kirabi understood his compliance was the only thing keeping his brother alive as Gyuki relayed something about 9-0 felt very familiar and very dangerous to him.

"Let's go back to Suna, I hope Oba-chan doesn't kick my ass," Naruto said and the trio of containers made their way back to the nearest shinobi village.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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