88.56% Some Random Smut Collection(R18+) / Chapter 239: Itsuwa and Kanzaki(Index)

บท 239: Itsuwa and Kanzaki(Index)

Description: Itsuwa convinces Kanzaki to help her try and become Touma's girlfriend, but Kanzaki winds up becoming far more involved than she'd initially planned.

Tags: Threesome, aged-up characters, light femslash

"I'm sorry; what did you just ask me to do?" Kaori Kanzaki mumbled, frowning as she stared at Itsuwa. When her junior in the Amakusa Church had come to her asking for her guidance on something, Kanzaki had expected her to ask for some kind of tip on how to improve her fighting ability or something like that. She definitely hadn't expected this.

"I want you to help me make Kamijou my boyfriend!" Itsuwa said. Kanzaki couldn't pretend that she'd misheard her now, because even though her cheeks glowed bright red and showed her embarrassment over the situation, she'd spoken perfectly clearly and left no room for doubt. She also couldn't dismiss it as Itsuwa making an attempt at humor. For one thing, she'd never heard the other Amakusa woman try to crack a joke or pull a prank in the past, and she seemed far too honest and shy for that.

The other thing was that she appeared far too earnest and sincere about her request. Her honest face gave her away, and if it hadn't, the way that she pumped her fists as if psyching herself up would have done it. She meant it. Itsuwa had really come to her in order to make such a ridiculous request of her.

"And why would you think I would be able to help you with that?" Kanzaki asked her. She was in no position to give anyone any sort of romantic advice. Her work as a Saint and a member of Necessarius left her no time to have any semblance of a love life of her own. She knew that Itsuwa looked up to her and respected her as a superior even if she had technically rejected the Amakusa Christians, but surely there were much better options that she could turn to for something like this!

"Because you're so amazing!" Itsuwa said. "You're better than me at everything, and I could learn so much from you. Plus you know Kamijou better than I do. I'm sure if you wanted Kamijou for your boyfriend, you'd be able to get him easily."

"I don't think it'd be anywhere near as simple as you seem to believe it would be," Kanzaki said, fighting not to follow Itsuwa's example and blush in embarrassment herself as she thought about her own interactions with the spiky-haired boy. Half the time he saw her he still called her the Fallen Angel Ero Maid, and it never failed to make her angry (a little bit angry at him, and a lot more angry at Tsuchimikado for arranging that entire debacle in the first place.) "You know I'm always willing to help the Amakusa Christians however I can, but I think you've come to the wrong person for help with this."

"But there's no one else I can turn to for help!" Itsuwa interjected. "The other Amakusa Christians have tried to give me advice or help me get closer to him, but none of the things they've suggested have helped me get the kind of relationship that I want with him. The wet towel trick hasn't worked. Holding hands with him was really nice, and there was that time that he hugged me while we rode on the motorcycle together..."

Itsuwa trailed off, smiling and blushing at the same time as the recollection apparently triggered a happy memory for her. Kanzaki stared at her, feeling awkward and out of sorts. Romance was beyond her area of expertise. Fighting enemies dangerous enough to pose a threat to the entire world was something she felt far more comfortable with than even thinking about how to approach a man, and any encounter she'd had with Touma since that mortifying incident with the maid outfit had only reinforced how little understanding she had beyond the battlefield. Really, didn't Itsuwa see that there were so many better options for her to ask for advice than her? Heck, if Itsuwa had gotten Touma to embrace her while they rode on a motorcycle together, maybe she was the one who should be giving Kaori the advice! That was more activity from a boy than she'd ever gotten, that was for sure.

"The point is," Itsuwa said, shaking her head and coming back to herself, "nothing I've done has worked. I want to get closer to him, but no one else from the church has been able to help me, and anything I've tried hasn't gotten through to him. I don't know who else I could even ask for advice, and I don't know anyone who knows him better than you do! Please, Kanzaki, I beg you to help me get Kamijou to see me as someone he'd like to make his girlfriend!"

Itsuwa finished her impassioned plea and bowed her head low, and Kanzaki shook her head and closed her eyes. She'd always had a soft spot for the Amakusa Christians even after leaving them to join Necessarius, and she tried to help them whenever possible. Itsuwa was one of the kindest and most modest of them all, which only made her someone that Kaori would be even more interested in helping. How could she ignore such an earnest request from such an honest and kind girl, and one who looked up to her so much at that?

"Okay," she said. She was already regretting the words even as they came out of her mouth, but she knew that there was no turning back for her now. "I'll help you." Itsuwa's face lit up into a bright, happy smile, and it made Kaori feel distinctly uncomfortable with the pressure it put on her to try and make this succeed.

"Oh, thank you, Kanzaki!" Itsuwa said. To the surprise of the (slightly) older girl, Itsuwa flung herself at her body and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. She jumped back just as quickly, blushing slightly at having gotten carried away like that, but she still smiled happily. "It means so much to me that you'll help me with this! I just know that I'll finally be able to get through to him if I have you helping me!"

Now Kanzaki felt even more uncomfortable. The likelihood of success was not nearly as high as Itsuwa seemed to think it was. She felt it was important that she try and temper the other girl's expectations right away. "I'll try to help you at least. But don't be surprised if it doesn't work out the way you want it to. I'm no expert in love. Not in the slightest. That area of my life is pretty boring. Or maybe it would be better to say that it's nonexistent."

It was an embarrassing thing to admit out loud, but it was at least marginally easier to discuss it considering the direction this conversation had taken. Plus it was necessary to let Itsuwa know what she was getting into here; she needed to understand how little firsthand experience or knowledge Kaori actually had when it came to romance. Itsuwa was quiet for a few moments, seemingly absorbing this new piece of information and thinking about how it might affect her. Kaori thought that her admission might have actually given Itsuwa second thoughts on looking to her for help, which honestly seemed like a good outcome. They'd probably both be better off if Itsuwa looked elsewhere.

"Then maybe, after you help me try and become Kamijou's girlfriend, we can work on finding love for you too," Itsuwa said.

"Ugh, let's not even think about that right now," Kaori said, groaning and doing her best to ignore the uncomfortable churning of her stomach. She wasn't sure which part of Itsuwa's offer was the source of that feeling, and she didn't want to know. She was just going to do her best to get through this nonsense, and once it was over she would return her attention to the part of her life that made sense. Battling evil magicians for the sake of maintaining the peace and balance of their world was much simpler than all of this romance stuff.


"This is amazing!" Kamijou said, thankfully waiting until he'd swallowed the large mouthful of food before he spoke.

"I'm so glad you like it!" Itsuwa said proudly. She looked over at Kaori and gave her a nod of thanks, but the Saint didn't really notice it. She was too busy watching Kamijou devour the plate of food that had been placed in front of him.

Kaori couldn't entirely blame him for shoveling his food down his throat as quickly as he did. Index might live with him now, but before he'd entered the picture Kaori had enjoyed her own period by the nun's side. You wouldn't think it to look at her, but tiny Index's stomach seemed to know no limits. Whatever Kamijou's eating habits had been like before he had the gluttonous nun living with him, he'd surely had no choice but to learn to eat quickly once he took her in. It was either that or starve.

Kaori had a feeling that Index would have been an obstacle in more ways than one if she'd actually been around when Itsuwa came over to cook dinner for Kamijou. Obviously Index would not have been able to help herself from claiming the majority of the food for herself, and even Kaori in her nonexistent romantic life knew enough to recognize that having the nun there eating all of the food would have ruined the mood they were trying to set. And if Index eating the food hadn't done the trick, her inevitably getting angry at him and chomping on his head would have done it for sure.

Removing Index from the equation for the night had been one thing Kaori had recommended Itsuwa do if she wanted to have any chance of this working, and the junior Amakusa Christian girl had listened to her advice. Kaori had assisted her in making that happen by arranging for her old friend to 'win' a free meal at an all you can eat buffet connected to one of the fancier hotels in Academy City. That had not been cheap to arrange, but she had a feeling the hotel was still going to be left feeling like they'd taken a hit once they learned how much the tiny nun could actually eat.

The second major suggestion that Kaori had offered had been that Itsuwa should prepare him a home-cooked meal. It was kind of an old-fashioned thing, but she'd seen the way Kamijou ate and watched him obsess over finding cheap deals at convenience stores enough to know how much having a good meal prepared for him would appeal to a boy like Touma. This knowledge would have been worthless if Kaori had tried to make use of it herself, as she was a terrible cook who struggled with even the most basic of meals.

Itsuwa was a different story though, and the success of her attempt at impressing Touma with a home-cooked meal was evident in how he attacked his plate and scraped it clean, wanting to get every last bite and every drop of sauce into his mouth. When he was done he put his chopsticks down, leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"Wow, I can't remember the last time I ate that well!" Touma said, shaking his head. "And I'm not even just talking about actually being able to eat everything that was on my plate before Index started stealing things off of it." Kaori had to chuckle when he said that, though she kept it quiet enough that she didn't disturb them or interrupt his train of thought. "I don't know what I did to deserve having you come over here and cook something so tasty, but thank you, Itsuwa! It was so good I could cry!"

"It's the least I could do," Itsuwa said, smiling at him despite her blush. "You've done so much for everyone else. You need to have someone willing to take care of you too."

"You're welcome to take care of me like that anytime," Touma said. Kaori hid her smile behind her hand. The plan had worked. They said that the way to a young man's heart was through his stomach, and apparently there was truth to that idea.

"Then maybe I could come back again in a few days and make you another meal," Itsuwa offered shyly, to which Touma nodded and voiced his enthusiastic consent.

Simple though it had been, Itsuwa had started the process of cooking her way into Touma's heart.


"Eat up, Touma!" Itsuwa said, smiling as she watched the boy she liked attacking another meal she had prepared for him.

Kaori was impressed at how much better the young woman was getting at speaking to him without blushing and getting embarrassed. This was now the fourth time that she had come over and cooked for him, and she was getting more and more comfortable with it with every successive visit. Kaori had encouraged her to not admit her feelings to him until she felt comfortable and confident in doing so. It sounded like good advice when Kaori said it, even if she had never been in a position to put it into practice herself.

It did seem to be working though, because Itsuwa was getting more comfortable and relaxed around Touma, and she'd dropped some little hints of her attraction to and feelings for him. He was too dense to pick up on them, but Kaori had a feeling that the normally shy woman would manage to be open and honest in asking for what she wanted soon enough. It might even happen tonight.

Kaori's sense of Kamijou was that he would need any girl who was interested in him to state her desires plainly and clearly, and nothing that had happened over the past couple of weeks had done anything to change her assumptions there. Itsuwa was going to need to come right out and confess to him, and Kanzaki believed that the Amakusa girl was on the verge of being able to do it. She was even pretty confident that he would say yes once asked. His love of her cooking was obvious, and the two of them had been talking more easily to each other the more often that Itsuwa came to visit him.

Plus Kanzaki had noticed him looking at Itsuwa's body more than a few times when he thought she wasn't looking. And she was well aware that there weren't any other girls in his life. Well, that wasn't really true. There were plenty of girls in his life, but he was as oblivious as ever when it came to noticing their interest in him. If Itsuwa could summon the courage to tell him how she felt and ask for what she wanted, there was no reason that Kanzaki could see for him to say no. The only thing she didn't really understand was why Itsuwa continued to insist that she accompany her every time she came over to cook for him, but she kept asking and Kaori didn't have the heart to say no.

"Thanks again for the meal!" Touma said once he was finished. He actually clapped his hands together in front of him and inclined his head as if bowing to her as a deity of some sort. "You're the best, Itsuwa!" A compliment like this would have caused Itsuwa to blush and stammer before, and that would have been the end of any attempt at conversation or charm. But now Itsuwa was able to handle the compliment from the boy she liked far more gracefully than she had before. There was still a slight flush to her cheeks, but she didn't look away or back down.

"You're very welcome," she said. "I'm always glad to see how much you enjoy the food that I make for you. It makes me feel like all the time my mother put into teaching me how to cook was worth it."

"It was," Touma said, nodding earnestly. "You're an amazing cook, Itsuwa. Whatever boy is lucky enough to have you as a girlfriend some day is going to be spoiled rotten." He sighed and shook his head. "Meanwhile I'll be searching out sales and trying to get food in my belly before my roommate stuffs it all down her throat."

Kanzaki glanced over at Itsuwa, curious to see how she would react to that. This was an excellent opportunity for her to swoop in and make her feelings perfectly clear, if she could take that step and seize that opportunity. Index wasn't here since Kanzaki had again made other arrangements for her, this time setting her up to have dinner and a sleepover with one of the friends she'd made during her misadventures with Touma. That meant that there was nothing to prevent Itsuwa from going after what she wanted and making that final push to ask Touma to be her boyfriend; nothing except, possibly, for her own shyness.

"Maybe you won't have to do that after all," Itsuwa said, clearing her throat to work past a momentary cracking. The nerves were threatening to make her stumble, but she was pushing through them. Good for you, Kanzaki said inside of her own head. You're almost there. Take your chance, before one of the other girls who likes him figures out how to tell him so.

"What do you mean?" Touma asked, cocking his head at her. "Poor Kamijou doesn't have much money, and living in the student dorms here isn't cheap. Plus I have a glutton for a roommate, so it's really more like I have to feed an entire family on my small budget. Picking things up on sale is the only choice I have."

Kanzaki frowned as she watched Itsuwa's shoulders sag. The clueless boy was misunderstanding again, and unless Itsuwa could hold onto her courage and clearly tell him what she meant rather than dropping hints and innuendo, this chance was going to slip her by. How would the girl react? Kaori had been reluctant to get involved in this to begin with, but she would confess to watching intently now. She'd spent so much time watching them and talking Itsuwa through it all that it was hard not to get invested.

"W-what I meant," Itsuwa began, her voice shaky. Then she cleared her throat again and shook her head, and when she spoke again her voice had regained its strength. "What I meant was that I don't want to cook for any other boy but you." Kaori could see Touma preparing to respond, and if he'd been allowed to speak she suspected he would have continued to misinterpret the meaning behind what she was saying. But Itsuwa did not give him that chance. She kept right on speaking, determined to get it all out.

"You said that whatever boy became my boyfriend would be lucky," she said. She was blushing, but Kaori was impressed to see her maintain direct eye contact while she confessed her true feelings to the boy she'd had a crush on for quite some time. "I hope you meant that, because I want you to be my boyfriend. I like you, Touma."

There. Not even this spiky-haired idiot could possibly misinterpret that. What he could do was stare at Itsuwa silently for several seconds while his mouth opened and closed like he was a fish. It appeared as if his brain had shorted out on him, and it was again going to be up to Itsuwa to keep this on track and get him focused again.

"How does that sound to you?" she asked, reaching out and taking him by the hand. "Would you want me to be your girlfriend, Touma?" Kanzaki nodded, impressed by all of the progress that Itsuwa had made. It made Kaori wonder why she'd ever needed her help in the first place. She'd certainly never managed to do anything this bold herself!

Touma suddenly started looking around the dorm room quickly as if scanning for an enemy who might be moments away from attacking him without warning. If he had been anyone else Kanzaki might have thought he was being paranoid for no reason, but knowing what she knew of his life it was an understandable thing for him to be worried about even if there were in fact no enemies lurking over his shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Itsuwa asked with concern.

"Oh!" Touma shook his head as if bringing himself back to reality. "Uh, I was just checking to make sure that no one was around to bite my head. That's usually what would happen in this situation. Either that or I'd wake up and still be alone in the tub. It definitely wouldn't end with a beautiful girl telling me that she likes me and wants to be my girlfriend."

Itsuwa looked like she was on the verge of squealing with joy, but she contained herself so she could get the clear answer to her question. "And since none of those things happen, how are you going to answer?" she asked him softly, still holding his hand and looking into his eyes. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Not even I'm dumb enough to say no to this," he said. "I don't know how this happened, and I'm still kind of expecting everything to go horribly wrong any second now. But if you're serious about this, of course my answer is yes."

"Yes!" Itsuwa gasped. "Oh, I'm just so happy!" She flung herself into Touma's arms, and he slowly wrapped said arms around her body and embraced her. He held her loosely, as if he was still afraid that this was somehow all going to go wrong and blow up in his face. Kanzaki smiled and stood up.

"I think this is a good time for me to go and leave you two to get closer," she said, turning away quickly. She did her best to ignore the pang in her chest, and she told herself that it was because she didn't have a man of her own in her life and not because she wished it was this man in particular with his arms around her.

"Oh, wait!" Itsuwa said quickly, pulling back out of Touma's arms and jumping up to her feet. "Hold on, don't leave! Wait, Kanzaki!"

"Why are you worried about me?" Kanzaki asked, turning back around to face her. "Didn't you just get what you wanted?"

"I did," Itsuwa agreed with a happy nod. But then she bit her lip. "But you didn't. Not yet." She turned back to Touma. "Touma, how would you feel about taking Kanzaki as your girlfriend too?"


Kaori Kanzaki still struggled to believe that she was actually here.

She'd tried to insist that Itsuwa was mistaken in her belief that she wasn't the only one with feelings for Touma, but the would-be shy woman had cut right through any and all objections or deflections and forced Kaori to admit that yes, she did indeed want to be with him. That was something she hadn't even been able to admit to herself before Itsuwa had dragged it out of her, much to her embarrassment. How silly it seemed now that Itsuwa had come to her seeking romantic advice!

There could have been a bitter irony in finally being forced to confront her attraction to Touma only after Itsuwa had succeeded in her plan and earned his affection through the power of food, but the junior Amakusa girl hadn't attempted to keep him all to herself. Instead she'd played matchmaker between Kanzaki and Touma, pushing for him to date both girls at the same time. Touma had been even more convinced that some sort of world calamity was headed his way, or that at the very least Index would take a chomp out of his head, but that hadn't stopped him from agreeing to the idea.

Kanzaki had never expected to be involved in anything like this, but the thought of being with him was too tempting not to agree to at least give it a try. That was how, when their meetings with Touma continued, Itsuwa wasn't the only girl getting closer to him and exploring her feelings for him. Improbable though it was, they were both his girlfriends, and it had been working out better than Kanzaki could have imagined such a unique arrangement could.

It wasn't easy, and not just because Index remained a presence in his life. All three of them had their own responsibilities, both within Academy City and outside of it, and they couldn't meet up nearly as often as any of them would like to. But they'd made the most out of whatever time they could find to be together, and despite the obstacles that might have gotten between them, their relationship progressed over time.

Now that progress had brought them here, to a love hotel, with both girls prepared to take a major step with their boyfriend. They'd gotten closer to him, and both were at the point where they were ready to make their relationship a physical one. Doing it in a love hotel seemed like the best choice, as it would give them not only privacy but room for all three of them to be comfortable while they took this major step forward in their relationship.

That both she and Itsuwa would choose to do this together and take this step at the same time was only right and natural. After all, none of this would have happened for either of them without the other's help. Kanzaki might not have had any real romantic experience to speak of, but she'd still been able to help Itsuwa figure out that the best way for her to get closer to the boy she liked wasn't giving him a wet towel or continuing her awkward attempts at flirting. Her suggestion to cook for him, gradually get closer to him and more comfortable around him and then finally clearly tell him how she felt had worked out much better for her than any of the things that the other well-meaning Amakusa Christians had tried to get her to do.

And of course Kaori would never have gotten here without Itsuwa turning right around, helping her realize that the funning feeling in her stomach hadn't just been because she was lonely but because she had feelings for Touma specifically, and then bringing her in on her brand-new relationship as well. The girls had helped each other out every step of the way, and that they would be together when they finally slept with him was the only thing that made sense to any of them.

"Ready?" Itsuwa asked, looking over at Kanzaki expectantly while one of her hands held the waistband of Touma's underwear, prepared to tug it down. There was a little blush on her face, and her voice was a bit higher than usual. That was only natural given the importance of what they were about to do, and Kaori honestly had some of that same nervousness flooding through her own system. But somehow, knowing that Itsuwa was there with her and they'd be doing this together made her more confident.

"I'm ready," she said, nodding. She slid her own hand into his underwear as well, grabbing onto the other side opposite Itsuwa so they could pull at the same time.

"I'm ready too," Touma said. "Really ready. Really, really, really ready." Itsuwa giggled, and Kaori smiled as well. He'd succeeded in breaking the nervous tension. Kaori didn't feel nervous at all as she began to pull her boyfriend's underwear off. She felt excited, and out of the corner of her eye she could see an eager look on Itsuwa's face that mirrored that excitement. Both of them had been looking forward to this for a long time. Make that all of three of them, she corrected herself, thinking about how much Touma had been anticipating this too. He was in a love hotel with his two girlfriends for the first time. What guy wouldn't be impatient for them to get started?

The underwear came down, and their boyfriend's dick was exposed to them for the first time. They'd already done quite a bit of kissing on the bed before they began to undress, and that plus the anticipation of what was about to happen had already gotten him hard. Itsuwa's eyes went wide when she saw it, but Kaori didn't notice the other woman's actions at all. All of her attention was on Touma's dick itself. Sure, she'd felt it get hard against her once or twice when she was sitting on him while kissing, but she'd never seen it bared like this.

"Big," Itsuwa said quietly. Kaori didn't say anything, but she did nod her head slightly. That was the same thing she'd been thinking. She obviously didn't have much of anything to compare it to, but she was pretty sure Touma's erect penis was at least average if not above average in length, and it had to be thicker than most. It was almost thick enough to make her get cold feet, but then she saw Itsuwa shift on the bed to get a closer look at it, and it helped settle her down. They could do this together.

"Should we suck him for a bit before we really get started?" Itsuwa asked, looking at Kanzaki.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," Kaori said, nodding.

"It sounds like a great idea to me," Touma offered, making Itsuwa giggle.

"I guess that settles it then," Kanzaki said. "Let's please him together."

They started by licking and kissing at the tip of his cock together, but it didn't take either of them long to realize that this was going to work better if they split up their responsibilities and each focused on pleasing a specific part of it. Itsuwa took care of his cockhead, lavishing it with licks, kisses and suckles, and Kaori worked her way down his shaft.

She'd never been in this position before, but she didn't let that hold her back. She did what felt natural to her, pressing her lips along her boyfriend's shaft with kiss after kiss, and sticking her tongue out to lick at it as well. It was more experimental for her as she did what came to her and figured out what worked well for Touma, and his moans made it clear that he was not suffering due to her lack of experience.

But she couldn't take all of the credit for that, of course. Itsuwa was working to please him too, and Kaori could hear her sucks and slurps as she worked over the tip of Touma's dick. Itsuwa had no more experience than Kaori did, which was to say she had none at all and this was the first time she'd ever had the head of a man's cock between her lips. But the two of them working together made an effective team. Between Itsuwa's soft lips wrapped around the head and Kaori's kissing and licking from about halfway down to the base, they were able to overcome any shortcomings that their lack of experience might have caused otherwise. Neither of Touma's girlfriends was an expert at giving blowjobs by any means, but by working together they were able to have him moaning and writhing on the bed within a couple of minutes.

Itsuwa pulled her mouth off of him, and Kaori followed her example. With this being their first time, it only made sense that they stop using their mouths on him before it became too much for him. Both of his girlfriends wanted to give him their first times before the night was through, and it didn't make sense to blow through an orgasm before he'd been inside of either of them.

Kaori nodded to Itsuwa, indicating that she should go first, and the other woman gave her a grateful smile before straddling Touma's lap and rubbing against his cock. Kanzaki smiled at seeing the anticipation on her face, not to mention Touma's. Then Itsuwa lowered her hips, and Touma was inside of her.

She let out a little gasp as she was penetrated for the first time, and Touma groaned at the feeling of being inside of one of his girlfriends. Kaori sat just off of the side, watching with open curiosity as Itsuwa slowly wiggled around and took him a bit deeper inside of her. While Kanzaki obviously knew the basics of how it all worked, this was the first time she'd seen it happening right in front of her like this. She watched her boyfriend's eyes close with his pleasure as his lover began to rock her hips, and Kaori felt no jealousy over seeing such a thing. There wasn't room for jealousy in a relationship like theirs, and they'd spent enough time together that by now watching an act like this felt perfectly natural. It would be her turn soon enough, but for now she was interested to just sit and watch what happened between them both.

Itsuwa seemed to be having the time of her life rocking back and forth on Touma's cock. She had her hands on his chest, her eyes were closed and there was a big smile on her face as she got more comfortable with what was happening. At first she'd been moving slowly, but as time wore on and she got used to the feeling of that thick cock inside of her she rocked on him with more confidence. Watching her move and seeing how quickly it had become pleasurable for her made Kaori feel more confident that she would be able to handle having him inside of her after all.

"Kanzaki," Touma said suddenly. Kaori's head jerked towards him, snapped out of the trance that she'd gotten into while watching Itsuwa rock and tracking the movement of her large breasts jiggling. "Do you want to sit on my face? It doesn't seem right that you just have to sit and watch, and besides, I'd really like to try and make you feel good too. I don't know how well I'll be able to do it, but—"

"Yes," Kanzaki said, cutting him off and quickly scooting into position and straddling his head. She hadn't known that the offer was coming, but she absolutely was going to take him up on it. She eagerly sat on her boyfriend's face, choosing to do so with her back to him so she could watch Itsuwa having her fun on his cock. That fun clearly was growing by the second, because Itsuwa's earlier gasps of pleasure had been replace by much louder moans, and she was grinding on his cock with more confidence than she'd displayed at the beginning. She noticed Kaori watching her when she opened her eyes, and Itsuwa smiled at her.

Itsuwa wasn't the only one receiving ample pleasure, because Touma had no reason not to be confident in his ability to please her with his mouth. It didn't feel like he was doing anything particularly intricate or special; he was just slowly running his tongue up and down the outer lips of her pussy. But it felt amazing to her nevertheless.

It was possible this showed that you didn't need to get fancy with your technique to please your lover, but Kaori had a feeling that the bigger reason she enjoyed his attention so much was that it was coming from him. The feeling of him licking her was great, but so was the emotion behind it. This was the boy she'd fallen in love with without noticing, or at least without being willing to admit it to herself, and he had invited her to sit on his face and was going his best to please her with his mouth. That made all the difference in the world.

Her pleasure had been so great that she stopped paying attention to Itsuwa's, but that changed when she heard a loud groan from that direction. She looked back at her to see that Itsuwa's head was thrown back and she was staring at the ceiling and moaning while Kaori could only assume that she was experiencing an incredibly intense climax. Kaori bit her lip, finding the sight quite arousing in its own right.

Itsuwa eventually stopped moaning as she started to come down from her peak, and she made eye contact with Kaori. Without a word, she pulled off of Touma's cock and nodded her head. "Your turn," she said.

Kanzaki had been close to an orgasm of her own thanks to Touma's mouth, but she willingly left that pleasure behind in order to have him inside of her at last. Itsuwa had gotten off of him and left his cock there for Kaori to climb right on, but she decided that she was going to give him her first time in a different way.

She pulled away from Touma's head and got down on her hands and knees on the bed, pointing her butt towards him while she crawled closer to Itsuwa. The Amakusa Christian girl looked at her curiously, and then gasped in surprise when Kanzaki put her hands on her inner thighs and parted her legs so she could plant her face in between them.

"While Touma takes care of me, let me take care of you," she said. She wanted to thank Itsuwa for sharing Touma with her and bringing her into the relationship when she didn't have to, but she also simply wanted to make her feel good. They'd never really discussed the possibility of the two of them doing anything like this together. The focus had always been on both of them with Touma as opposed to being with each other, and Kaori didn't know how Itsuwa would feel about the possibility. She'd never really even given it much thought herself before now, but in the moment it just felt right.

Itsuwa seemed to agree, because she spread her legs wider and allowed Kanzaki to get to work. She followed what Touma had done to make her feel good previously, slowly running her tongue along Itsuwa's outer lips, and it seemed to make her feel pretty good considering how Itsuwa sighed and reached down to stroke her long black hair. For something she'd never really thought about doing until now, going down on Itsuwa felt quite natural for her.

Another thing that felt natural was Touma's cock sliding into her. This was something she'd thought about quite a bit, and whatever momentary worries she'd had about taking that thick dick inside of her were proven wrong now that it was happening. He was thick, yes, and it did feel odd at first to have him enter her, but beyond the strange feeling of being stretched, what stood out was how right this was.

His hands went to her hips as he slowly pushed into her, giving her plenty of time to get used to having his cock inside of her. Kanzaki appreciated the consideration, but what she really wanted was more. He gave it to her, gradually rocking harder and pushing his cock deeper into her as they settled into it. She didn't know if he could read her body language and tell that she was ready for more or if he was simply following his own desires to thrust quicker, but either way the deeper thrusts felt wonderful to her.

It was so good that she had to remind herself to keep licking Itsuwa, but Kaori wasn't about to let her down after making this offer. Having Touma's cock sliding back and forth inside of her pussy was something she'd waited months for, and it was living up to every dream she'd ever had about giving herself to him. But she kept the pleasure coming for Itsuwa even so, wanting to share the love that she was receiving. The three of them had walked into this situation together, and it only seemed right that all three of them enjoy it together too.

Touma did honestly make it hard for her to keep her head straight, because the more comfortable he got the more confidently he thrust into her, and she loved every second of it. He was learning how to fuck her then and there, and she already couldn't wait to see how much better he would get after he'd done this more regularly. They were all new to this, but if this was how it was going to feel tonight, she could only imagine how good they were eventually going to get at it.

They were already really good at it. Touma held her by the hips and fucked her, and her pleasure rose with each thrust of his hips. It was everything she'd hoped it would be, and in its way it was even more than she'd hoped it would be since she was sharing it with Itsuwa too. She moaned into the other woman's pussy as their boyfriend brought her ever closer to the edge. Kanzaki felt the pleasure and the need for release build inside of her, and as long as she'd waited for this, now she was impatient for that big finish to arrive.

Arrive it did, and in unforgettable fashion. Her body shook as the pleasure took her, and it became easy for her to understand why Itsuwa had reacted the way that she had if this was at all similar to how she'd felt. The orgasm that washed over her as Touma fucked her made all that had come before it feel utterly insignificant.

She wasn't the only one who reached their end either. Itsuwa groaned and pulled on her hair as Kanzaki got her off with her mouth, and far from being upset by the hair-pulling, Kaori was happy she'd been able to bring such pleasure to the other woman.

And as for Touma? He groaned, pulled out and came all over her. Kanzaki felt rope after rope of cum landing across her back and down to her ass cheeks, and she felt sexy and dirty in the best way possible. She had Touma's cum on her back and Itsuwa had gotten her face a bit wet with her orgasm as well, and Kanzaki welcomed it all. With these two in her life, getting dirty had never been so fun.

How lucky she was that Itsuwa had come to her for advice, and that she hadn't had the heart to say no!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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