61.76% Rising Through the Fallout / Chapter 19: Ch. 19 Wrapping Up Loose Ends

บท 19: Ch. 19 Wrapping Up Loose Ends


I've seen the feedback of people not wanting there to be other reincarnators.

I initially didn't give a shit because it's my story.

But as I thought about it, I also don't want other reincarnators in my story for various reasons in a writers perspective.

I like people reading my stories, and most were respectful in saying it was a bad idea. But there were others that were flat out rude. And nobody gave reasons either. Besides the fact that other stories with multiple reincarnators just flop.

Thanks, very helpful on that one, very constructive criticism.

And those same people I'm pretty sure want me to do something unique. And I also want to.

So how can I do something unique, like having other reincarnators, but have everyone rain on my parade as soon as I begin implementing it?

If I could think of a way for reincarnators to not fuck up my writing I would implement them, but I can't.

I'm just going to have to go back to writing for myself.

Thank you to those who continued to enjoy the story either way.

Now that the rude people are hopefully gone, please enjoy the rest of my story. I hope I won't have to do this again.


Colton just stood there thinking. He didn't move a muscle as he considered what this could mean.

He knew Alexander was clearly older than him. And he had a Pipboy. He couldn't be sure if he also had a system. All he knew was that his own system was unique. Mainly because he was directly told so.

But even if others had a watered down version, it could mean a big disaster. And if they could tell who else had a system but he couldn't? Well it's easy to say that Colton would be fucked.

"Shiiiiit" Colton can feel the cold sweat drip down his back.

Alex seemed like he could just be messing with him. And maybe he knew Cass previously or something. This could be a very, very serious problem.

Colton's breath is shaky and uneven.

"What do you need Colton?"

This brings Colton out of his thoughts and he looks over to see Ranger Jackson standing with his arms crossed. He was standing in the doorframe.

Colton stabilizes his breathing. "Oh, I'm just here to report back to you about what ive been up to today and grab the things I left behind"

"If that's all then come in" Jackson moves into the room and goes back to his desk where papers were strewn about, including some fancier looking ones that Jackson neatly stacks and puts away.

Colton enters the room and lets Jackson know what happened at Nipton and the Nest.

"It seems like Cass and you had a…. unique welcome to the Mojave" Jackson rubs his face with his hands. "I wish it hadn't gone like that. Why does the damn Legion have to be like this?"

Colton doesn't know what to say but grabs the things still in the crate. He also sees that some new things appeared.

"Add that to losing a few supplies, everything's a shit show. Keep up the good work though Colton. What you did will save many lives whether you intended to or not. Thank you" Jackson put his hands down.

Colton knew that Jackson had paid him a bit extra for his troubles. And he couldn't outright pay him so this is his round about way of doing it.

In the crate there was ammo, some caps, rations and water that weren't previously in there before.

Colton takes everything and stashes it in a bag or two.

"I'll be sure to keep helping out where I can Ranger Jackson" Colton says as he leaves.

Once he leaves the room he gets serious again. He hastily makes his way back to the Barracks and sees Cass selling their things. He goes up to Lacey and sits at the bar.

"What's up Colton? Finally done with business?" Lacey asks.

Colton looks at her seriously.

"Ok, still business mode" She puts down a glass she was filling up. "Anything you need help with?"

Colton looks around and doesn't see the trio. "I met two couriers and a bodyguard. Anybody come through here that you hadn't seen before tonight?"

Lacey leans her elbows on the counter. This unintentionally gives Colton a great view… or maybe it was intentional. "Yeah, just one guy though. He was wearing some decent armor, blond hair. Charming smile…. He looked around the place and left with a confused expression. He asked some random soldier a few questions before he left. But that's it. Reminded me a bit of you honestly. Charming smile, handsome, weird, and other things. Kinda funny. Why do you ask?"

Colton sighs. "That was probably Alexander. He's one of the Couriers I met" Colton says exhaustedly. Colton doesn't understand what Alexander was up to.

Colton looks at Lacey and forces his eyes to not wander. He tries his best but takes a few glances down. "I think I need a drink"

Lacey puts a bottle infront of him. "I think you need more than a drink. Cass told me what happened. Well, most of what happened. Then you came in and told her to sell the things you guys were carrying. You didn't even say hello to me, just ignored me and my greeting. How cold" She stands up and looks at Cass where she set up some tables with merchants trying to barter with her.

Colton takes the bottle and drinks at least half of the alcohol in it. "My bad, was a bit busy. And tired. Very tired now that I'm actually sitting down" Colton rests his elbow on the counter and let's his chin rest on his palm as he takes a sip from the bottle.

"Well you look great for someone who was just nearly blown up a few hours ago. Glad you and Cass didn't get taken by the Legion" Lacey says as she picks up the glass she was holding previously. "At least you two work well together"

Colton looks to Cass and then back to Lacey. "Yeah, she can handle herself and knows how to listen to orders when it's important. She also covers some things i'm not so great at myself. Mainly being the roads of the Mojave and bartering"

Lacey has a smirk on her face. "Oh? That's quite some praise. Perhaps this partnership will actually grow?"

Colton rolls his eyes. "I may be seeking romance eventually. But for now I'm just here to explore and have fun" He sees Lacey's eyes narrow and her smile widen. "Not that type of fun you dirty minded woman"

"Sure Colton. Not like you'd try and get 'Lucky' when you get the chance"

Colton sighs. "If I meet someone I like sure. But I'd like to at least think I have some work standards. And besides, Cass doesn't need a relationship like that. She needs a friend and someone to keep her straight. Otherwise she'd actually drink herself to death"

Lacey shrugs her shoulders. "Fair enough. So what about Chloe?"

Colton looks behind him towards the bunks and doesn't see Chloe. He was sure that she would be near him if Lacey was asking this. "What about Chloe? She's nice, and she's got a plan for her future. It just doesn't line up with mine. It's a coincidence that we met and that were heading in the same direction. Although…. No, never mind"

Lacey raises an eyebrow. "Maybe you aren't as dense as we expected"

Colton empties the bottle and sets it on the counter. "Thanks. I'm not completely oblivious to the people around me. I'm pretty sure that I won't get into a relationship even if I find the one for me. It just doesn't seem like the right time for me. I don't know…."

Lacey hands Colton another bottle of alcohol. This ones a bit stronger than the last. "Moving on. What do you plan on doing next?"

Colton sloshes the alcohol around in the bottle. "Next? Go to Primm. See if there's any work there, and then go to Goodsprings. After that? Find somebody called Usanagi"

"Doctor Usanagi?" Lacey asks.

Colton raises an eyebrow. "Didnt know he was so popular"

Lacey shakes her head. "Not he, she. Doctor Usanagi runs a Medical Clinic outside Freeside. She sells implants that can give you a boost. As expensive as they are they're life savers. She also gives some free check ups for the residents of Freeside that normally wouldn't be able to pay. Why would you be looking for her if you don't even know her gender?"

"Huh, interesting. My parents knew her father I guess. I don't know the specifics, but this certainly makes it easier tracking them both down. I might head Northeast from Goodsprings then" Colton considers it.

Lacey winces a bit. "About that, I'd check in with your caravan specialist about that one. You'd be better off doubling back and going past Nipton to Nelson and then going North from there"

Colton wonders. "Why? Wouldn't it be faster just going north from Goodsprings?"

Lacey looks at his eyes. "One word. Deathclaws"

Colton can't believe his luck. He knows there are mountains almost everywhere so it wouldn't make going East very easy. "Fuck it. I'll take my time. I'll just double back and go around. I'm not about to mess with Deathclaws before I'm ready"

Lacey and Colton chat a bit. He drinks a bit more before he gets tired and retires for the night. He sees Cass still trying to get the stingy merchants, soldiers, and caravaners to let go of their caps.

Colton goes to the corner bunk and gets set for the night. His body felt heavy and worn out.

He slept great that night. Barely woke up unless somebody was being too loud or moving near him. But he just went back to sleep almost immediately.

When he woke up he felt amazing. As amazing as he could feel with his sore body. Everything ached, especially his legs. Running that hard and then walking back to the Outpost did a number on him.

He stretches and takes some food from his pack for breakfast. He cleans Purifier and his pistols. While his pistols were mostly fine, Purifier had gotten a bit dirty. He'd rather not have it jam or just stop working.

He had heard Cass trying to get some people to not be so stingy in the bar area. And Colton has no idea what happened to Hank and Dan. Chloe and Lauren were apparently preparing to leave the next day since Colton wasn't in a condition to safely travel.

Colton could completely dismantle his guns. But he probably wouldn't be able to completely put them back together just yet. He needed a higher Repair skill for that.

He tried out drawing his pistols and he wanted to shout for joy. It was so fast he felt like he was in a movie. But then he realized he was technically in a game that was actually real life.

He just spent his afternoon getting used to his new draw speed. And what was great is that both arms were equally as fast. He presumed that his left hand would have been slower since he used to be right handed. But now he was very effective.

Colton thought about fighting his dad now that he had [Stone Wall]. Jack always got him to the ground to defeat him, but now he couldn't be knocked down unless he wanted to or the ground beneath his feet gave way.

He ended up getting some extra sleep since he wasnt sure when he would find such a secure place to sleep.


Colton woke up the following day actually feeling good. No more soreness or anything.

He decided to just stay in bed until he needed to leave. He didn't really want to do anything because once he left the Outpost he would be super duper extra busy.

He looked up into the air and delved deep into his own thoughts. He didn't know what he wanted to do. It's not like he even really had a goal. But maybe that's for the best. Sure he wanted to return to his parents in the future, but that was a long ways away.

Colton wanted to get stronger. But nothing really spoke to him. He would go and find Mr. Usanagi. The first step would be finding his daughter outside of Freeside. He had questions and he hoped the man would have answers…. And hopefully, an arm for his dad.

Colton thought about ways he could clean the Mojave a bit. With the system, he could become unstoppable. But that's way too far away. He wanted to save people if he could sooner. Sure not everyone deserved to be saved. But if someone like Chloe, Cass, Lacey, or his mom got captured by the Legion or some random raider….. He hoped someone would save them if he can't. So why doesn't he save those he can. Maybe that good Karma comes back around.

Colton plays with his Pipboy. He still doesn't see a notification that is out of the norm. He decides to just ignore it. It really doesn't matter. Not like he can change the outcome anyway. If there are others….. he can't really help that. Either way, he needs to get stronger.

He decides to help Primm if there's any trouble. Hopefully it's easier than Giant Ants. Or maybe he can find a way to explode and Ants nest better…. Could he drown it? Not in the middle of a fucking desert. Maybe he should just Napalm it or something? So many way to kill ants….. or Legion.

Damn those bastards. Mr. Fucking Fox.

Vulpes Inculta.

Colton scowls just thinking the name. "Thinks he's the hottest shit East and West of the river doesn't he? Damn it! He isn't even fucking Caesar!!…..phrasing….. you know what? Maybe the fox is? I'm sure he's the bottom. Prefers using his head instead of his body to fight I'm sure. I thought the upper Legion were supposed to muscle headed brutes. But he wasn't anything special physically. Although, it is Fallout so I can't judge strength based on muscle mass alone. I mean, look at me? I'm-"

"Fucking crazy? Are you ready or do you want me to tell Chloe and Lauren to wait until your done monologuing to the upper bunk?"

Colton gets a good view of Cass from his height. "Am I wrong?"

Cass has her shotgun across her shoulders with her arms over the ends. "About which part? I kinda listened to see where it would go and man you change the topic faster than I…. y'know what? I bet you're a bottom too. Now you ready or not?" Cass shifts her weight into her right heel.

Colton wonders if his Pipboy can take pictures. Maybe he should get an actual working camera for moments like this.

Cass looked like she was posing for a profile shot. Or maybe a baseball card? Whatever it was, he'd buy it.

"You would fuckin love it if I was wouldn't you?" Colton grabs his things and gets up, he puts his hat on dramatically. "But unfortunately for you, I don't do the catching"

Colton walks up to Cass. "Let's roll"

Colton walks past Cass and towards the exit to the barracks.

Cass turns on her heel after hearing him and he walks past. "Really? That was 'almost', cool" Cass shakes her head and smiles before following him. "He totally needs a shrink"

Cass wonders if he is a bottom or not. She can usually guess by a glance at a person. But she can't exactly pinpoint where he stands, or kneels. Maybe both?

"Get your head outta the clouds Cass, you might miss something important" Colton says without turning around.

"Hah, very funny" Cass mocks as they walk past the kitchen.

Colton waves to Lacey. "See ya around"

"Is that all I get as a goodbye?" Lacey puts her hands on her hips and sticks her left hip to the side.

Colton stops before he passes the bar. "Oh my dear Lacey! How will I ever survive without you! It tears my heart apart just thinking about leaving you and traveling with three beauties of equal beauty to you! Do you think you can save me a spot at your bar and heart for me until I return?!"

Colton dramatically leans on the counter and then falls to his knees while he looks up to Lacey.

She smirks. "If you ask like that?" She leans over the counter and looks at him. "How can I not?" She flicks the brim of his hat up. "Make sure to come back and visit in one piece, will ya?"

"Course I will. Might even get a badass scar though. I'll be sure to show you when I get back" Colton stands up.

"Maybe more than the scar?" Lacey has a small smile.

"Oh? Tempting" Colton thinks for a second. "Guess we will have to wait and see won't we?"

Lacey doesn't move from her leaning position. "Guess we will"

"God! I'm going to vomit. Let's go already, before you end up make us wait another minute since that's all you'll last" Cass lightly kicks his shin. It felt like she kicked a damn boulder. She's thankful she didn't kick any harder.

"Hey!" Colton angrily looks at Cass.

He holds up two fingers. "Two minutes! At most, one and a half at least! I have more endurance than you'd think. And I can go multiple rounds"

Cass laughs. "Hah, sure. Maybe with your right hand"

Colton holds both his hands up. "Hah hah. Jokes on you! I'm ambidextrous!"

"It's a shame you can only wank with one hand at a time then. Your hands probably too big to hold it anyway" Cass walks to the doors. "See you Lacey" She sends a wave behind her as she leaves.

"Oy! At least let me refute before you walk away!" Colton sighs and then turns back to Lacey. "Whelp, guess it's time to go" Colton walks to the doors. "Oh!"

He turns back around. "I don't like goodbyes, they're so sad. So this is just an 'until we meet again'. Don't get too lonely until I return alright?"

"Alright. Now get going Mr. 'Until We Meet Again'. See you later" Lacey stands up and waves him out.

Colton walks out the doors with a smile on his face and a hope for the upcoming adventure. Nothing can pick the spirits up besides a bit of flirting and a view of a nice rack. Man is his blood pumping.

It's a shame Lacey is such a whore. Colton means that in a nice way. Maybe he can hire her as a bartender in the future? She is nice and did seem genuine. But she didn't seem to want anything besides something casual. Maybe like a casual fuck without fucking other people? Like dating but not actually dating. It's exhausting for Colton to think about advanced relationships. But he loves drama, if it involves other people and not himself. Although he doesn't mind being the center of attention when it comes to beautiful ladies.

He is only a few paces behind Cass who puts her shotgun across her back after they leave the fence.

"Where are Chloe and Lauren? They didn't leave without us did they?" Colton sarcastically asks.

"Chloe has been way more patient with you buddy. I think she can wait an extra 3 minutes while I went and dragged you out of bed" Cass says as they walk towards the giant statues.

"Huh? Oh, right. I guess?" Colton wonders what exactly that's supposed to mean. He told them to get him when they were ready.

Cass shakes her head. 'This is gonna be interesting at the very least'. She's kinda surprised Colton missed her point of Chloe waiting for him to understand his feeling. In the end, she doesn't really care.

"Colton! .50 percent blood alcohol level! Glad you can make it!" Chloe shouts when she sees the pair.

"Hey! I didn't drink that much recently!" Cass complains.

"No, no, she does have a point" Colton rubs his chin.

Cass glares at him. "Does Sir 'Premature Explosion' have something to comment?"

Colton raises a brow. "Not particularly…"

"Ladies, ladies. Please, we're all beautiful here. Let's get moving already, got a lot of ground to cover between here and Primm" Chloe barely says without laughing.

"Ohhhhh godddddd. Why me?" Lauren leans against the back of her seat on the caravan. As fun as this is, she just wants to get this over with. But at least they'll get it done safely. She wonders how her fiancé is doing. Hopefully better than what she nearly went through some days ago.

"Let's get cracka lackin" Colton says as Cass jumps up next to Chloe and takes a seat.

Chloe narrows her eyes at Cass who just smiles and shrugs. "I hurt my ankle"

Colton begins walking beside the Brahmin. He waved to Sargent Kilborn as they leave the Outpost and begin walking down the hill.

He turns his radio on and gets into the groove as they begin their journey.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

3566 words

You can definitely tell where I was motivated and wasn’t motivated at writing. I unfortunately wasn’t able to upload this soone, but better late than never right?

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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